ACCA DipIFR Practice & Revision Kit June 2017
ACCA DipIFR Practice & Revision Kit June 2017
ACCA DipIFR Practice & Revision Kit June 2017
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with top-quality learning material as they study for demanding professional
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to student success is shown by our record of quality, innovation and market
leadership in paper-based and e-learning materials. BPP Learning Media’s study
The ACCA’s Diploma in International Financial This Practice & Revision Kit helps you focus your
Reporting is designed for accountants qualified in revision and practice for the exam in a way that
accordance with national accounting standards makes best use of your time. Targeted at the exams
to develop a working knowledge of International from December 2016 to June 2017, it contains:
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
• Advice on revision and exam technique
• Banks of questions with answers on each area of
the syllabus
• Three mock exams with full answers and guidance
July 2016
BPP Learning Media is an ACCA Approved Content Provider for the Dip IFR
qualification. This means we work closely with ACCA to ensure our products fully
prepare you for your Dip IFR exams.
In this Practice & Revision Kit, which has been reviewed by the Dip IFR examination
We discuss the best strategies for revising and taking your Dip IFR exams
We show you how to be well prepared for your exam
We give you lots of great guidance on tackling questions
We provide you with three mock exams including the December 2015 exam
Our Passcards also support this paper.
The IFRS Foundation logo, the IASB logo, the IFRS for SMEs logo, the
BPP Learning Media is grateful to the IASB for permission to reproduce “Hexagon Device”, “IFRS Foundation”, “eIFRS”, “IAS”, “IASB”, “IFRS
extracts from the International Financial Reporting Standards including all for SMEs”, “IASs”, “IFRS”, “IFRSs”, “International Accounting
International Accounting Standards, SIC and IFRIC Interpretations (the Standards” and “International Financial Reporting Standards”, “IFRIC”
Standards). The Standards together with their accompanying documents are “SIC” and “IFRS Taxonomy” are Trade Marks of the IFRS Foundation.
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Contents Page
Question search tools
Question and Answer checklist/index................................................................................................................................ v
Effective revision ............................................................................................................................................................ viii
The exam
The exam paper................................................................................................................................................................ xi
Exam technique.............................................................................................................................................................. xiv
Additional guidance
Useful websites .............................................................................................................................................................. xvi
Question practice
Answers ..........................................................................................................................................................................83
Exam practice
Mock Exam 1 (December 2014 exam)
Questions ............................................................................................................................................................223
Plan of attack .......................................................................................................................................................231
Mock Exam 2 (June 2015 exam)
Questions ............................................................................................................................................................247
Plan of attack .......................................................................................................................................................257
Mock Exam 3 (December 2015 exam)
Questions ............................................................................................................................................................271
Plan of attack .......................................................................................................................................................279
Review form
Using your BPP Learning Media products
This Practice & Revision Kit gives you the question practice and guidance you need in the exam. Our other products can
also help you pass:
The Study Text outlines the content of the paper, the necessary skills the examination team expect you to
demonstrate and any assumed prior knowledge and is completely focused on helping you pass the exam.
Passcards provide you with clear topic summaries and exam tips.
Questions set under the older-style Dip IFR papers are included because their style and content are similar to that of
the current exam, although they may differ in length. These questions are marked with an asterisk (*) below.
3 Norman 15 29 4 85
4 Mocca 20 39 4 86
5 Minco 15 29 5 88
Share-based payment
29 Lambda Alpha Co (6/05)* 8 16 26 127
30 Listed EU (6/06)* 7 14 26 127
31 Kappa (6/07) 25 49 27 128
32 Lambda (12/09) 20 39 28 129
Financial instruments
33 Ambush 20 39 29 130
34 Avco 20 39 30 132
35 Aron 20 39 30 134
36 Seltec and Kappa 20 39 31 138
Exam Practice
Mock Exam 1 (December 2014 exam) 100 195 223 233
Mock Exam 2 (June 2015 exam) 100 195 247 258
Mock Exam 3 (December 2015 exam) 100 195 271 280
Effective revision
What you must remember
Effective use of time as you approach the exam is very important. You must remember:
Believe in yourself
Use time sensibly
Believe in yourself
Are you cultivating the right attitude of mind? There is absolutely no reason why you should not pass this exam if
you adopt the correct approach.
Be confident – you've passed exams before, you can pass them again
Be calm – plenty of adrenaline but no panicking
Be focused – commit yourself to passing the exam
What to revise
Key topics
You need to spend most time on, and practise full questions on, key topics.
Key topics
Recur regularly
Underpin whole paper
Discussed currently in press
Covered in recent articles by examination team
Shown as high priority in study material
Difficult areas
You may also still find certain areas of the syllabus difficult.
Difficult areas
Areas you find dull or pointless
Subjects you highlighted as difficult when taking notes
Topics that gave you problems when you answered questions or reviewed the material
DON'T become depressed about these areas; instead do something about them.
Build up your knowledge by quick tests such as the quick quizzes in your BPP Learning Media Study Text.
Work carefully through numerical examples and questions in the BPP Study Text for exams in December
2016 and June 2017, and refer back to the Study Text if you struggle with computations in the Practice &
Revision Kit.
Note down weaknesses that your answers to questions contained; you are less likely to make the same
mistakes if you highlight where you went wrong.
Breadth of revision
Make sure your revision has sufficient breadth. Given that all questions are compulsory, you need to be prepared
for anything. There are also regular questions on what you may consider to be peripheral areas, eg IAS 41, IFRS 6,
so you must know the entire syllabus.
In this paper do not spend all your revision practising the numerical techniques. Past papers include computational
and discursive elements.
How to revise
There are four main ways that you can revise a topic area.
Write it!
Read it!
Teach it!
Do it!
Write it!
The Study Text is too bulky for revision. You need a slimmed down set of notes that summarise the key points.
Writing important points down will help you recall them, particularly if your notes are presented in a way that makes
it easy for you to remember them.
Read it!
You should read your notes actively, testing yourself by doing quick quizzes or Practice & Revision Kit questions
while you are reading.
Teach it!
Exams require you to show your understanding. Teaching what you are revising to another person helps you
practise explaining topics. Teaching someone who will challenge your understanding, someone for example who
will be taking the same exam as you, can help both of you.
Do it!
Remember that you are revising in order to be able to answer questions in the exam. Answering questions will help
you practise technique and discipline, which the examination team emphasise over and over again can be crucial
in passing or failing exams.
1 Start with any preparation questions included for the syllabus area. These provide you with a firm
foundation from which to attempt exam-standard questions.
2 The more exam-standard questions you do, the more likely you are to pass the exam.
3 You should produce full answers under timed conditions, and don't cheat by looking at the answer! If you
are struggling, look back at your notes or the BPP Study Text; also read the guidance attached to certain
questions and the questions with analysis. Produce answer plans if you are running short of time.
4 Always read the guidance in the answers. It's there to help you, and will show you which points in the
answer are the most important. In particular, see how you could have gained easy marks on the question.
Also study carefully the guidance accompanying the answers to the questions with analysis, and the
commentary provided with the student answers.
5 Don't get despondent if you didn't do very well. Be sure to try another question that covers the same
Additional information
ACCA has an annual cut off rule when deciding what comprises an examinable document which could be used as
part of an exam paper. Knowledge of new examinable regulations issued by 1 September will be required in
examination sessions being held in the following calendar year. Documents may be examinable even if the effective
date is in the future.
The Study Guide provides more detailed guidance on the depth and level at which the examinable documents will be
examined. Examinable documents are listed on the ACCA website at:
December 2015
1 Preparation of consolidated statement of financial position. Adjustments for impairment of goodwill; intra-
group trading; decommissioning provision; financial instruments. Discussion on application of IFRS 10.
2 Explain and show the treatment of: investment property with change of use; foreign currency translation;
and share-based payments.
3 Explanation and application of IFRS 15.
4 Explanation of two issues: exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources and non-current assets held
for sale.
June 2015
1 Preparation of consolidated statement of financial position. Adjustments for intra-group trading;
restructuring provision; convertible loan.
2 Explain and illustrate the treatment of derivative (share options); leaseback agreement; and events after the
reporting date.
3 Explanation of principles and application of IFRS 2 on share-based payments.
4 Explanation of two issues: accounting for agriculture and reporting for small and medium-sized entities.
December 2014
1 Preparation of consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and summarised
consolidated statement of changes in equity, including the acquisition of a subsidiary. Adjustments for
impairment of goodwill; intra-group trading; post-employment benefits; redundancy and reorganisation
costs; an issue of convertible bonds; and a forward currency contract.
2 Explain and show the treatment of: the sale of a machine including post-sale maintenance; the construction
of a factory on a leased piece of land; and a provision.
3 Definition of control and explanation of calculation and treatment of goodwill; computation of goodwill.
4 Explanation of three issues: operating segments; equity-settled share-based payments; and non-current
assets held for sale.
June 2014
1 Discussion of the status of an investment acquired during the year (associate or subsidiary). Preparation of
consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income including acquisition of a
subsidiary. Adjustments for impairment of goodwill; intra-group trading; defined benefit pension plan;
revaluation of property; hedge of a future property purchase.
2 Explain and illustrate the treatment of share appreciation rights; sale and repurchase agreement; and an
operating lease.
3 Explanation of principles and requirements of IAS 12 Income taxes; application to five specific scenarios – a
tax loss, a disallowable provision, capitalised development costs, impairment of goodwill and a zero-coupon
4 Explanation of three issues: a related party relationship and required disclosures; whether advertising costs
can be recognised as an intangible asset; and the treatment of foreign exchange gains and losses.
December 2013
1 Preparation of consolidated statement of financial position including acquisition of a subsidiary. Adjustments
for fair value adjustments; joint operation; revalued land; development costs; intercompany trading; forward
currency contract; long-term borrowings.
2 Explanations on financial instruments (financial asset); held for sale business unit; sale and leaseback.
3 Discussion of tax base and the IAS 12 recognition and disclosure requirements; application to three specific
scenarios – revaluation of an investment, unrealised profit on an intra-group sale, and revenue received in
advance taxed on a receipts basis.
4 Computation of the carrying value of a complex non-current asset; analysis of an equity settled share based
June 2013
1 Preparation of consolidated statement of financial position for a group that includes a subsidiary and an
associate. Adjustments for fair value on acquisition of subsidiary, share-based payment, provisions and
2 Explain and show the financial reporting treatment of issue of foreign currency debt; construction of an
asset, and; leases.
3 Knowledge of IAS 18 Revenue recognition; explain and show the reporting of four transactions.
4 Explanation of fair value and IFRS 13 Fair value measurement; explanation of segment reporting –
identification of segments.
December 2012
1 Preparation of consolidated statement of comprehensive income including acquisition of a subsidiary.
Adjustments for acquisition costs; goodwill impairment; non-controlling interest; joint arrangement and
foreign currency financial instrument.
2 Explanations on financial asset; depreciation on complex assets and financial reporting treatment of
accounting errors; contingent liabilities and contingent assets.
3 IAS 18 Revenue.
4 Financial reporting treatment of an asset held for sale, operating leases and a self constructed asset.
June 2012
1 Preparation of consolidated statement of financial position for a group that includes a subsidiary and an
associate. Adjustments for deferred consideration on acquisition of subsidiary, financial liability repayable in
foreign currency, defined benefit retirement scheme.
2 Explain and illustrate the financial reporting treatment of the construction of a complex asset; a share based
payment; a legal claim and counter-claim; and damage to inventory after the reporting date.
3 Explanation and practical scenario on the principles of IFRS 5 Non current assets held for sale and
discontinued operations.
4 Financial reporting treatment of leases and the purchase of an asset under a contract in a foreign currency
and hedging with financial derivative
Exam technique
Passing professional examinations is half about having the knowledge, and half about doing yourself full justice in
the examination. You must have the right approach at the following times.
Useful websites
The websites below provide additional sources of information of relevance to your studies
ACCA's website. The students' section of the website is invaluable for detailed information about the
qualification, past issues of Student Accountant (including technical articles) and interviews with
examination teams. It includes a student section. The Dip IFR section is here:
Alternatively, go to the ACCA homepage (above), then click on Students, then on Diploma in International
Financial Reporting.
Our website provides information about BPP products and services, with a link to the ACCA website.
News about the activities of the International Accounting Standards Board
This website provides information about current international business. You can search for information and
articles on specific industry groups as well as individual companies.
Here you can search for business information on a week-by-week basis, search articles by business subject
and use the resources of the Economist Intelligence Unit to research sectors, companies or countries.
This site carries business news and articles on markets from Investment Week and International Investment.
Good website for financial officers.
2 Users 25 mins
The IASB's Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting continues to make the same two mistakes that
accountants have made for years.
First, it recognises a wide range of 'users'. They all have differing needs and the end result is bigger and bigger but
less comprehensible sets of accounts. The only users that financial accountants should be interested in are the
company's shareholders.
Second, it assumes that all shareholders have the same needs when, in reality, they do not. Some want very
detailed information in order to carry out a full financial analysis. Most shareholders, however, want a quick
summary of the key points.
Unless these problems are addressed, the future of financial accounting looks bleak. More and more information
will be produced for users who don't pay for the cost of producing it, whilst the majority of the users who bear
these costs just get disaffected and lose interest due to the sheer volume of the information in the accounts'.
Discuss and reach a conclusion on the statement above. (12 marks)
3 Norman 29 mins
Norman, a public limited company, is an international hotel group. The following situations occurred during the
accounting period.
(a) One of the hotels owned by Norman is a hotel complex which includes a theme park, a casino and a golf
course, as well as a hotel. The theme park, casino, and hotel were sold in the year ended 31 May 20X8 to
Conquest, a public limited company, for $200m but the sale agreement stated that Norman would continue
to operate and manage the three businesses for their remaining useful life of 15 years. The residual interest
in the business reverts back to Norman after the 15 year period. Norman would receive 75% of the net profit
of the businesses as operator fees and Conquest would receive the remaining 25%. Norman has guaranteed
to Conquest that the net minimum profit paid to Conquest would not be less than $15m.
(5 marks)
(b) Norman has recently started issuing vouchers to customers when they stay in its hotels. The vouchers
entitle the customers to a $30 discount on a subsequent room booking within three months of their stay.
Historical experience has shown that only one in five vouchers are redeemed by the customer. At the
company's year end of 31 May 20X8, it is estimated that there are vouchers worth $20m which are eligible
for discount. The income from room sales for the year is $300m and Norman is unsure how to report the
income from room sales in the financial statements. (5 marks)
(c) Norman has obtained a significant amount of grant income for the development of hotels in Europe. The
grants have been received from government bodies and relate to the size of the hotel which has been built by
the grant assistance. The intention of the grant income was to create jobs in areas where there was
significant unemployment. The grants received of $70m will have to be repaid if the cost of building the
hotels is less than $500m. (5 marks)
Discuss how the above income would be treated in the financial statements of Norman for the year ended 31 May
(Total = 15 marks)
4 Mocca 39 mins
(a) On 1 March 20X1, Mocca entered into a contract with Reven for the sale of plant for $500,000. The contract
included a call option that gave Mocca the right to repurchase the plant for $550,000 on or before 27
February 20X2.
Discuss how the above transaction would be treated in the following year's financial statements of Mocca, ie
for the year ended 31 March 20X2. (5 marks)
(b) IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers deals with accounting requirements for contracts in
respect of which performance obligations are satisfied over time.
(i) Describe the issues of revenue and profit recognition relating to contracts where performance
obligations are satisfied over time. (5 marks)
(ii) On 1 October 20X0 Mocca entered into a contract where performance obligations were deemed to be
satisfied over time. The contract was expected to take 27 months and therefore be completed on
31 December 20X2. Details of the contract are:
Total contract revenue 12,500
Estimated total cost of contract (excluding plant) 5,500
Plant for use on the contract was purchased on 1 January 20X1 (three months into the contract as it was not
required at the start) at a cost of $8m. The plant has a four-year life and after two years, when the contract is
complete, it will be transferred to another contract at its carrying amount. Annual depreciation is calculated
using the straight-line method (assuming a nil residual value) and charged to the contract on a monthly
basis at 1/12 of the annual charge.
The correctly reported profit or loss results for the contract for the year ended 31 March 20X1 were:
Revenue recognised 3,500
Contract expenses recognised (2,660)
Profit recognised 840
5 Minco 29 mins
(a) Minco is a major property developer. On 1 June 20X3, Minco entered into a contract with Holistic Healthco
for the sale of a building for $3m. Holistic Healthco intends to use the building as a fitness and leisure
centre. The building is located in a busy city, where there are many gyms and leisure centres. Holistic
Healthco's experience to date has been in stores selling health foods and aromatherapy oils, and it has no
experience of the fitness industry.
Holistic Healthco paid Minco a non-refundable deposit of $150,000 on 1 June 20X3 and entered into a long-
term financing agreement with Minco for the remaining 95% of the promised consideration. The terms of
the financing arrangement are that if Holistic Healthco defaults, Minco can repossess the building, but
cannot seek further compensation from Holistic Healthco, even if the collateral does not cover the full value
of the amount owed. The building cost Minco $1.8m to construct. Holistic Healthco obtained control of the
building on 1 June 20X3.
Minco argues that this contract falls within the scope of IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers,
and that the non-refundable deposit should be recognised as revenue. (8 marks)
(b) Minco often sponsors professional tennis players in an attempt to improve its brand image. At the moment,
it has a three-year agreement with a tennis player who is currently ranked in the world's top ten players. The
agreement is that the player receives a signing bonus of $20,000 and earns an annual amount of $50,000,
paid at the end of each year for three years, provided that the player has competed in all the specified
tournaments for each year. If the player wins a major tournament, she receives a bonus of 20% of the prize
money won at the tournament. In return, the player is required to wear advertising logos on tennis apparel,
play a specified number of tournaments and attend photo/film sessions for advertising purposes. The
different payments are not interrelated. (7 marks)
(Total = 15 marks)
7 Shiplake 39 mins
It is generally recognised in practice that non-current assets should not be carried in a statement of financial
position at values that are greater than they are 'worth'. In the past there has been little guidance in this area with
the result that impairment losses were not recognised on a consistent or timely basis or were not recognised at all.
IAS 36 Impairment of assets was issued in June 1998 on this topic.
(a) (i) Define an impairment loss and explain when companies should carry out a review for impairment of
assets. (3 marks)
(ii) Describe the circumstances which may indicate that a company's assets may have become impaired.
(7 marks)
(b) Shiplake is preparing its financial statements to 31 March 20X2. The following situations have been
identified by an impairment review team:
(i) On 1 April 20X1 Shiplake acquired 100% of the ordinary share capital in two subsidiary companies,
Halyard and Mainstay, in separate acquisitions. Consolidated goodwill was calculated as:
A review of the fair value of each subsidiary's net assets was undertaken in March 20X2.
Unfortunately both companies' net assets had declined in value. The estimated value of Halyard's net
assets as at 1 April 20X1 was now only $7m. This was due to more detailed information becoming
available about the market value of its specialised properties. Mainstay's net assets were estimated to
have a fair value of $500,000 less than their carrying amount. This fall was due to some physical
damage occurring to its plant and machinery. (3 marks)
(ii) Shiplake has an item of earth-moving plant, which is hired out to companies on short-term contracts.
Its carrying amount, based on depreciated historical cost, is $400,000. The estimated selling price of
this asset is only $250,000, with associated selling expenses of $5,000. A recent review of its value in
use based on its forecast future cash flows was estimated at $500,000. Since this review was
undertaken there has been a dramatic increase in interest rates that has significantly increased the
cost of capital used by Shiplake to discount the future cash flows of the plant. (3 marks)
(iii) Shiplake is engaged in a research and development project to produce a new product. In the year to
31 March 20X1 the company spent $120,000 on research that concluded that there were sufficient
grounds to carry the project on to its development stage and a further $75,000 had been spent on
development. At that date management had decided that they were not sufficiently confident in the
ultimate profitability of the project and wrote off all the expenditure to date to the statement of profit
or loss. In the current year further direct development costs have been incurred of $80,000 and the
development work is now almost complete with only an estimated $10,000 of costs to be incurred in
the future. Production is expected to commence within the next few months. Unfortunately the total
trading profit from sales of the new product is not expected to be as good as market research data
originally forecast and is estimated at only $150,000. As the future benefits are greater than the
remaining future costs, the project will be completed but, due to the overall deficit expected, the
directors have again decided to write off all the development expenditure. (4 marks)
Explain, with numerical illustrations where possible, how the information in (i) to (iii) above would affect the
preparation of Shiplake's consolidated financial statements to 31 March 20X2. (10 marks as indicated)
(Total = 20 marks)
(c) M Inc has a single substantial asset, the SyMIX which it uses to manufacture computer chips. The carrying
amount of the SyMIX after four years is $5m (cost $7m, accumulated depreciation on a straight line basis of
$2m). There is no expected residual value. Due to a breakthrough in technology in the manufacture of
computer chips, M Inc now expects the machine to produce 30% less in revenue terms than expected over
the rest of its estimated useful life of ten years. Net future cash flows for the next five years, based on
management's best estimate after taking the 30% cut into account, are ($000):
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Future cash flows 600 660 710 755 790
The expected growth rates for the following years are:
Year 6 7 8 9 10
Future cash flows 2% (1)% (7)% (16)% (30)%
If the machine was sold now it would realise $3.2m, net of selling costs. The discount rate to be applied to
the future cash flows is 10%.
Calculate any impairment loss and state the new carrying amount of the SyMIX. (5 marks)
(Total = 15 marks)
9 Omikron 39 mins
IAS 36 Impairment of assets requires that where there has been an impairment in the value of an asset, the carrying
amount should be written down to the recoverable amount. The phrase 'recoverable amount' is defined as 'the
higher of an asset's fair value less costs of disposal and its value in use'.
(a) (i) Describe the circumstances which indicate that an impairment loss relating to an asset may have
occurred. (6 marks)
(ii) Explain how the IAS 36 deals with the recognition and measurement of the impairment of assets.
(7 marks)
(b) Omikron, a public limited company, has decided to comply with IAS 36 Impairment of assets. The following
information is relevant to the impairment review.
Omikron acquired a taxi business on 1 January 20X8 for $230,000. The values of the assets of the business
at that date based on fair value less costs of disposal were as follows.
Vehicles 120
Intangible assets (taxi licence) 30
Trade receivables 10
Cash 50
Trade payables (20)
On 1 February 20X8, the taxi company had three of its vehicles stolen. The fair value less costs of disposal
of these vehicles was $30,000 and because of non-disclosure of certain risks to the insurance company, the
vehicles were uninsured. As a result of this event, Omikron wishes to recognise an impairment loss of
$45,000 (inclusive of the loss of the stolen vehicles) due to the decline in the value in use of the cash
generating unit, that is the taxi business. On 1 March 20X8 a rival taxi company commenced business in the
same area. It is anticipated that the business revenue of Omikron will be reduced by 25% leading to a
decline in the present value in use of the business which is calculated at $150,000. The fair value less costs
of disposal of the taxi licence has fallen to $25,000 as a result of the rival taxi operator. The fair values less
costs of disposal of the other assets have remained the same as at 1 January 20X8 throughout the period.
(7 marks)
Describe how Omikron should treat the above impairments of assets in its financial statements. Candidates
should show the treatment of the impairment loss at 1 February 20X8 and 1 March 20X8.
(Total = 20 marks)
Show the impact of the above transactions on the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of
Omega for the year ended 31 March 20X7, and on its statement of financial position as at 31 March 20X7. You
should state where in the statement of profit or loss and the statement of financial position relevant balances will be
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the two transactions above.
(Total = 25 marks)
Compute the carrying amount of the factory in the statement of financial position of Omega at 31 March
20X9. You should support your computations with appropriate explanations of the amount you have
included for the cost of the factory and for its subsequent depreciation. (12 marks)
(b) On 31 December 20X8 the directors of Omega decided to dispose of two properties in different locations.
Both properties were actively marketed by the directors from 1 January 20X9 and sales are expected before
the end of July 20X9.
Summary details of the two properties are as follows:
Estimated future Estimated fair value less
Carrying amount at Depreciable amount economic life at 31 costs to sell at 31
Property 31 March 20X8 at 31 March 20X8 March 20X8 December 20X8
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
A 25,000 15,000 30 years 28,000
B 22,000 16,000 40 years 18,000
Property A was available for sale without modifications from 1 January 20X9 onwards. On 31 March 20X9
the directors of Omega were reasonably confident that a sale could be secured for $28m. However, after the
year-end property prices in the area in which property A is located started to decline. This was due to an
unexpected adverse local economic event in April 20X9. Following this event the directors of Omega
estimated that property A would now be sold for $22m less selling costs and they are very confident that
this lower price can be achieved.
Property B needed repair work carried out on it before a sale could be completed. This repair work was
carried out in the two-week period beginning 10 April 20X9. The costs of this repair work are reflected in the
estimated fair value less costs to sell figure for property B of $18m (see above). This estimate remains valid.
The carrying amounts of both properties in the statement of financial position of Omega at 31 March
The amounts charged to the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in respect
of both properties for the year ended 31 March 20X9.
You should support your computations with appropriate explanations of the treatments you have
(8 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
There is no opportunity to extend the lease term beyond 31 March 2031. On 1 April 20X1 the estimated useful
economic life of the buildings was 20 years.
The annual rate of interest implicit in finance leases can be taken to be 9.2%. The present value of 20 payments of
$1 in arrears at a discount rate of 9.2% is $9.
Explain the accounting treatment for the above property lease and produce appropriate extracts from the financial
statements (statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statement of financial position) of
Omega for the year ended 31 March 20X2. (11 marks)
15 AB 39 mins
(a) AB has leased plant for a fixed term of six years and the useful life of the plant is 12 years. The lease is non-
cancellable, and there are no rights to extend the lease term or purchase the machine at the end of the term.
There are no guarantees of its value at that point. The lessor does not have the right of access to the plant
until the end of the contract or unless permission is granted by AB.
Fixed lease payments are due annually over the lease term after delivery of the plant, which is maintained by
AB. AB accounts for the lease as an operating lease but the directors are unsure as to whether the
accounting treatment of an operating lease is conceptually correct.
(i) Explain how finance leases are accounted for in the books of the lessee under IAS 17 Leases.
(4 marks)
(ii) Discuss whether the plant operating lease in the financial statements of AB meets the definition of an
asset and liability as set out in the IASB Conceptual Framework. (6 marks)
(b) (i) During the financial year to 31 May 20X8 AB, a public limited company, disposed of electrical
distribution systems from its electrical power plants to CD a public limited company for a
consideration of $198m. At the same time AB entered into a long-term distribution agreement with
CD whereby the assets were leased back under a ten-year operating lease. The fair value of the assets
sold was $98m and the carrying amount based on depreciated historic cost of the assets was $33m.
The lease rentals were $24m per annum which represented twice the normal payment for leasing this
type of asset. (5 marks)
(ii) Additionally on 1 June 20X7, AB sold plant with a carrying amount of $100m to EF a public limited
company when there was a balance on the revaluation reserve of $30m which related to the plant.
The fair value and selling price of the plant at that date was $152m. The plant was immediately leased
back over a lease term of four years which is the asset's remaining useful life. The residual value at
the end of the lease period is estimated to be a negligible amount. AB can purchase the plant at the
end of the lease for a nominal sum of $1. The lease is non-cancellable and requires equal rental
payments of $43.5m at the commencement of each financial year. AB has to pay all of the costs of
maintaining and insuring the plant.
The implicit interest rate in the lease is 10% per annum. The plant is depreciated on a straight-line
basis. (The present value of an ordinary annuity of $1 per period for three years at 10% interest is
$2.49.) (5 marks)
Show and explain how the above transactions should be dealt with in the financial statements of AB for the
year ending 31 May 20X8 in accordance with IAS 17 Leases and the Conceptual Framework.
(Total = 20 marks)
16 Pilgrim Co 39 mins
You are the financial director of Pilgrim Co, a listed company. Your new group managing director, appointed from
one of Pilgrim Co's foreign subsidiaries, is reviewing the principal accounting policies and is having difficulty
understanding the accounting treatment and disclosure of assets leased by Pilgrim Co as lessee, of which there are
a substantial number (both finance and operating leases).
Prepare a memorandum for your managing director explaining, in simple terms, the basics of accounting for leased
assets in the accounts of listed companies (in full compliance with the relevant accounting standards). Your
memorandum should be set out in sections as follows:
(a) Outline the factors, which can influence the decision as to whether a particular lease is a finance lease or an
operating lease. (4 marks)
(b) Illustrate your answer using the following non-cancellable lease details as an example:
Fair value of the leased asset (as defined in IAS 17): $100,000
Lease payments: five annual payments in advance of $20,000 each
Estimated residual value at the end of the lease: $26,750 of which $15,000 is guaranteed by
Pilgrim Co. The interest rate implicit in the lease is 10%.
Demonstrate whether the lease should be considered as a finance lease or an operating lease under the
provisions of IAS 17, explaining the steps in reaching a conclusion. (4 marks)
(c) Explain briefly any circumstances in which a lessor and a lessee might classify a particular lease differently,
ie the lessee might classify a lease as an operating lease while the lessor classifies the same lease as a
finance lease or vice versa. (3 marks)
(d) Explain briefly any circumstances in which the requirements of IAS 17 with regard to accounting for
operating leases by lessees might result in charges to the statement of profit or loss different from the
amounts payable for the period under the terms of a lease. (3 marks)
(e) Draft a concise accounting policy in respect of 'Leasing' (as a lessee only) suitable for inclusion in the
published accounts of Pilgrim Co and comment on the key aspects of your policy to aid your managing
director's understanding. (3 marks)
(f) List the other disclosures Pilgrim Co is required to give in its published accounts in respect of its financial
transactions as a lessee. (3 marks)
Note. Ignore income taxes.
(Total = 20 marks)
Assuming the leasing option is taken up in both cases, compute all relevant amounts (excluding cash) that
would appear in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and the statement of
financial position for the first year of the lease. Assume in both cases that the leases commenced on the first
day of the accounting period and that all payments in arrears have been made by the reporting date. Where
relevant, you should refer to appropriate International Financial Reporting Standards. Assume, where
necessary, an annual finance cost of 10%. (13 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
18 Dexterity 39 mins
(a) During the last decade it has not been unusual for the premium paid to acquire control of a business to be
greater than the fair value of its tangible net assets. This increase in the relative proportions of intangible
assets has made the accounting practices for them all the more important. During the same period many
companies have spent a great deal of money internally developing new intangible assets such as software
and brands. IAS 38 Intangible assets prescribes the accounting treatment for intangible assets.
In accordance with IAS 38, discuss whether intangible assets should be recognised, and, if so, how they
should be initially recorded and subsequently amortised in the following circumstances:
(i) When they are purchased separately from other assets
(ii) When they are obtained as part of acquiring the whole of a business
(iii) When they are developed internally. (10 marks)
Note. Your answer should consider goodwill separately from other intangibles.
(b) Dexterity is a public listed company. It has been considering the accounting treatment of its intangible assets
and has asked for your opinion on how the matters below should be treated in its financial statements for
the year to 31 March 20X1.
(i) On 1 October 20X0 Dexterity acquired Temerity, a small company that specialises in pharmaceutical
drug research and development. The purchase consideration was by way of a share exchange and
valued at $35m. The fair value of Temerity's net assets was $15m (excluding any items referred to
below). Temerity owns a patent for an established successful drug that has a remaining life of eight
years. A firm of specialist advisors, Leadbrand, has estimated the current value of this patent to be
$10m, however the company is awaiting the outcome of clinical trials where the drug has been tested
to treat a different illness. If the trials are successful, the value of the drug is then estimated to be
$15m. Also included in the company's statement of financial position is $2m for medical research
that has been conducted on behalf of a client. (4 marks)
(ii) Dexterity has developed and patented a new drug which has been approved for clinical use. The costs
of developing the drug were $12m. Based on early assessments of its sales success, Leadbrand have
estimated its market value at $20m. (3 marks)
(iii) In December 20X0, Dexterity paid $5m for a television advertising campaign for its products that will
run for 6 months from 1 January 20X1 to 30 June 20X1. The directors believe that increased sales as
a result of the publicity will continue for two years from the start of the advertisements.
(3 marks)
Explain how the directors of Dexterity should treat the above items in the financial statements for the year to
31 March 20X1. (10 marks as indicated)
Note. The values given by Leadbrand can be taken as being reliable measurements. You are not required to
consider depreciation aspects. (Total = 20 marks)
19 Darby 39 mins
(a) An assistant of yours has been criticised over a piece of assessed work that he produced for his study
course for giving the definition of a non-current asset as 'a physical asset of substantial cost, owned by the
company, which will last longer than one year'.
Provide an explanation to your assistant of the weaknesses in his definition of non-current assets when
compared to the International Accounting Standards Board's (IASB) view of assets. (4 marks)
(b) The same assistant has encountered the following matters during the preparation of the draft financial statements
of Darby for the year ending 30 September 20X9. He has given an explanation of his treatment of them.
(i) Darby spent $200,000 sending its staff on training courses during the year. This has already led to an
improvement in the company's efficiency and resulted in cost savings. The organiser of the course
has stated that the benefits from the training should last for a minimum of four years. The assistant
has therefore treated the cost of the training as an intangible asset and charged six months'
amortisation based on the average date during the year on which the training courses were
completed. (3 marks)
(ii) During the year the company started research work with a view to the eventual development of a new
processor chip. By 30 September 20X9 it had spent $1.6m on this project. Darby has a past history
of being particularly successful in bringing similar projects to a profitable conclusion. As a
consequence the assistant has treated the expenditure to date on this project as an asset in the
statement of financial position.
Darby was also commissioned by a customer to research and, if feasible, produce a computer
system to install in motor vehicles that can automatically stop the vehicle if it is about to be involved
in a collision. At 30 September 20X9, Darby had spent $2.4m on this project, but at this date it was
uncertain as to whether the project would be successful. As a consequence the assistant has treated
the $2.4m as an expense in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.
(4 marks)
(iii) Darby signed a contract (for an initial three years) in August 20X9 with a company called Media
Today to install a satellite dish and cabling system to a newly built group of residential apartments.
Media Today will provide telephone and television services to the residents of the apartments via the
satellite system and pay Darby $50,000 per annum commencing in December 20X9. Work on the
installation commenced on 1 September 20X9 and the expenditure to 30 September 20X9 was
$58,000. The installation is expected to be completed by 31 October 20X9. Previous experience with
similar contracts indicates that Darby will make a total profit of $40,000 over the three years on this
initial contract. The assistant correctly recorded the costs to 30 September 20X9 of $58,000 as a
non-current asset, but then wrote this amount down to $40,000 (the expected total profit) because he
believed the asset to be impaired.
The contract is not a finance lease. Ignore discounting. (4 marks)
(iv) Darby's manufacturing facilities have recently received a favourable inspection by government
computer scientists. As a result of this the company has been granted an exclusive five-year licence
to manufacture and distribute a new kind of computer chip. Although the licence had no direct cost to
Darby, its directors feel its granting is a reflection of the company's standing and have asked a firm
of independent specialist advisors to value the licence. Accordingly they have placed a value of $10m
on it, which the assistant has capitalised in the statement of financial position. (3 marks)
(v) In the current accounting period, Darby has spent $3m sending its staff on specialist training
courses. Whilst these courses have been expensive, they have led to a marked improvement in
production quality and staff now need less supervision. This in turn has led to an increase in revenue
and cost reductions. The directors of Darby believe these benefits will continue for at least three
years and wish to treat the training costs as an asset. The assistant agrees with them and has
recognised an asset in the financial statements. (2 marks)
For each of the above items (i) to (v) comment on the assistant's treatment of them in the financial
statements for the year ended 30 September 20X9 and advise him how they should be treated under
International Financial Reporting Standards.
Note. the mark allocation is shown against each of the five items above.
(Total = 20 marks)
31 March 20X9. You should provide relevant explanations to support your figures. You are not required to
compute the goodwill arising on acquisition of Omicron. (11 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
(b) Discuss whether the following provisions have been accounted for correctly under IAS 37 Provisions,
contingent liabilities and contingent assets.
WorldWide Nuclear Fuels, a public limited company, disclosed the following information in its financial
statements for the year ending 30 November 20X9.
Provisions and long-term commitments
Provision for decommissioning the group's radioactive facilities is made over their useful life and covers
complete demolition of the facility within 50 years of it being taken out of service together with any
associated waste disposal. The provision is based on future prices and is discounted using a current market
rate of interest.
Provision for decommissioning costs
Balance at 1 December 20X8 675
Adjustment arising from change in price levels charged to reserves 33
Charged in the year to profit or loss 125
Adjustment due to change in knowledge (charged to reserves) 27
Balance at 30 November 20X9 860
There are still decommissioning costs of $1,231m (undiscounted) to be provided for in respect of the
group's radioactive facilities as the company's policy is to build up the required provision over the life of the
facility. (7 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
value of an annuity of $1 receivable annually at the end of years 1 to 10 inclusive using a discount rate of
10% is $6.14.
(v) Plant having a net carrying amount of $11m at 30 September 20X8 will be sold for $2m.
(vi) The operating losses of the business segment for October, November and December 20X8 are estimated at
Your assistant is unsure of the extent to which the above transactions create liabilities that should be recognised as
a closure provision in the financial statements. He is also unsure as to whether or not the results of the business
segment that is being closed need to be shown separately.
Explain how the decision to close the business segment should be reported in the financial statements of Epsilon
for the year ended 30 September 20X8. (11 marks)
Transaction (b)
On 1 June 20X8 Epsilon opened a new factory in an area designated by the government as an economic
development area. On that day the government provided Epsilon with a grant of $30m to assist it in the
development of the factory. This grant was in three parts:
(i) $6m of the grant was a payment by the government as an inducement to Epsilon to begin developing the
factory. No conditions were attached to this part of the grant.
(ii) $15m of the grant related to the construction of the factory at a cost of $60m. The land was leased so the
whole of the $60m is depreciable over the estimated 40 year useful life of the factory.
(iii) The remaining $9m was received subject to keeping at least 200 employees working at the factory for a
period of at least five years. If the number drops below 200 at any time in any financial year in this five year
period then 20% of the grant is repayable in that year. From 1 June 20X8 220 workers were employed at the
factory and estimates are that this number is unlikely to fall below 200 over the relevant five year period.
Explain how the grant of $30m should be reported in the financial statements of Epsilon for the year ended
30 September 20X8. Where International Financial Reporting Standards allow alternative treatments of any part of
the grant you should explain both treatments. (9 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
(iii) The division is under contract to supply a customer for the next three years at a pre-determined
price. It will be necessary to pay compensation of $600,000 to this customer. The compensation
actually paid, on 30 November 20X9, was $550,000.
(iv) The division will make operating losses of $300,000 per month in the last three months of 20X9 and
$200,000 per month in the first three months of 20Y0. This estimate proved accurate for October and
November 20X9.
(v) The division operates out of leasehold premises. The lease is a non-cancellable operating lease with
an unexpired term of five years from 30 September 20X9. The annual lease rentals (payable on
30 September in arrears) are $1.5m. The landlord is not prepared to discuss an early termination
payment. Following the closure of the division it is estimated that Omega would be able to sub-let the
property from 1 April 20Y0. Omega could expect to receive a rental of $300,000 for the six-month
period from 1 April 20Y0 to 30 September 20Y0 and then annual rentals of $500,000 for each period
ending 30 September 20Y1 to 30 September 20Y4 inclusive. All rentals will be received in arrears.
Any discounting calculations should be performed using a discount rate of 5% per annum. You are
given the following data for discounting at 5% per annum:
Present value of $1 received at the end of year 1 = $0.95
Present value of $1 received at the end of years 1–2 inclusive = $1.86
Present value of $1 received at the end of years 1–3 inclusive = $2.72
Present value of $1 received at the end of years 1–4 inclusive = $3.54
Present value of $1 received at the end of years 1–5 inclusive = $4.32
Compute the amounts that will be included in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive
income for the year ended 30 September 20X9 in respect of the decision to close the division. Your figures
should be supported by appropriate explanations. Where financial information provided above does not
result in a charge to profit or loss, you should explain why this is so. (13 marks)
(b) Dobuicha is a newly-acquired, wholly-owned subsidiary of Omega which operates in Russia. Its principal
activity is the exploration of the natural environment behind the Urals in Siberia, in search of mineral fuels to
mine. Dobuicha has historically prepared financial statements in accordance with local Russian Accounting
Standards, but as a result of its acquisition by Omega will need to prepare IFRS financial statements for the
first time.
Dobuicha has incurred the following expenditures in relation to work undertaken prospecting for coal during
the year ended 20X9.
On 1 October 20X8 Dobuicha signed a three-year lease of an area of land covering 50km2, with a view to
exploring it in order to evaluate the mineral resources it contained. Under the terms of the lease Dobuicha
paid a bonus of $25,000 to the lessor on 1 January 20X9, followed by bi-annual lease payments of $10,000
each for every year of the lease. If the exploration resulted in the extraction of mineral resources, then a
royalty payment will be due from Dobuicha to the lessor of 5% of the resulting revenues. Dobuicha acquired
the legal right to prospect for mineral resources on this land on 1 January 20X9, at a cost of $50,000.
Dobuicha incurred surveying costs evenly through the year to 30 September 20X9 of $150,000. Drilling
costs of $25,000 were incurred between 1 June 20X8 and 31 December 20X9, and $145,000 between 1
January 20X9 and 30 September 20X9. Other costs incurred during this latter period totalled $25,000.
Dobuicha's policy is to capitalise as much expenditure as possible in accordance with financial reporting
standards. It does not intend to charge any depreciation in respect of any asset recognised.
Compute the amounts that will be included in the statement of financial position and the statement of profit
or loss and other comprehensive income of Dobuicha in respect of the issue above. Your figures should be
supported by appropriate explanations. (7 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
25 Radost Co 33 mins
Radost Co is a company employing 2,500 staff, at an annual average salary of $25,000. The company's policy is to
provide for 25 days of annual leave for each member of staff. The company also has a defined benefit pension
scheme for its staff. Staff are eligible for an annual pension between the date of their retirement and the date of their
death equal to:
Final salary per year
Annual pension = Years service.
You are given the following data relating to the year ended 31 December 20X3:
Average unused leave per employee: four days (up to five days' annual leave can be carried forward each
Bonus payable to staff is 5% of profit after deducting the bonus expense. Profit before bonus is $4.25m.
Yield on high quality corporate bonds: 10% pa.
Contributions paid by Radost Co to pension plan: $12m
Pensions paid to former employees: $8m
Current service cost was $3.75m
After consultation with employees, an amendment was agreed to the terms of the plan, reducing the benefits
payable. The amendment takes effect from 31 December 20X3 and the actuary has calculated that the
resulting reduction in the pension obligation is $6m.
NPV of the pension obligation at:
– 1 January X3 – $45 m
– 31 December X3 – $44m (as given by the actuary, after adjusting for the plan amendment)
Fair value of the plan assets, as valued by the actuary:
– 1 January X3 – $52m
– 31 December X3 – $64.17m
(a) Calculate total short-term employees' benefits cost for the year-ended 31 December X3 (5 marks)
(b) Produce the notes to the statement of financial position and statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income in accordance with IAS 19 (as revised in 2011). (12 marks)
Note. Throughout, work to the nearest $1,000. Assume a 365 day year. Assume that all days in the year are paid.
(Total = 17 marks)
Kappa provides post-employment benefits to its employees through a defined benefit plan. The following data
relates to the plan:
Year ended 31 March
20X9 20X8
$'000 $'000
Present value of obligation at year end 36,000 33,000
Fair value of plan assets at year end 31,000 30,000
Current service cost 6,000 5,700
Benefits paid by plan 8,000 7,500
Contributions paid into plan 5,800 5,600
Yield on high quality corporate bonds at the start of the year 10% 9%
(c) Prepare extracts from Kappa's statement of financial position at 31 March 20X9 and from its statement of
profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 20X9 relating to the defined
benefits plan. (11 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
I remember that on 1 April 20X5 the company issued options that allowed employees to purchase shares for $10
per share on 31 December 20X5 provided they satisfied certain performance conditions in the nine-month period
between 1 April 20X5 and 31 December 20X5. The market value of the shares on 1 April 20X5 was only $10,
although by 31 December 20X5 the market value had risen to $12 and 200,000 options were exercised, generating
$2m. I do not understand why the 20X6 financial statements, prepared in accordance with IFRSs, include a charge
in the statement of profit or loss within income of $360,000 relating to these share options. This represents a
charge of $1.80 per share but since our company hasn't paid anything why should there be a charge in the
statement or profit or loss at all?
Draft a reply that responds to the question raised by your trainee. Where relevant, you should refer to appropriate
International Financial Reporting Standards. (7 marks)
Show the impact of the granting of the options on the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive
income of Kappa for the year ended 31 March 20X7 and on the statement of financial position of Kappa as at
31 March 20X7. Ignore deferred taxation. (7 marks)
(c) Having read your reply and seen the impact of the granting of the options on the financial statements for the
year ended 31 March 20X7, the directors want to know the likely impact of the transactions in (b) on the
financial statements of future years under the following assumptions:
The directors' estimates about the number of relevant employees who leave in the year ended 31 March
20X8 proving to be accurate.
The employees exercising their options in 90% of cases in the year ended 31 March 20X9 and the
unexercised options lapsing on 31 March 20X9.
Show the impact of the above assumptions regarding the options on the statement of profit or loss and
other comprehensive income of Kappa for the years ended 31 March 20X8 and 20X9 and on the statement
of financial position of Kappa as at 31 March 20X8 and 20X9. Ignore deferred taxation. (8 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
33 Ambush 39 mins
(a) IFRS 9 Financial instruments was published in final form in July 2014. The final version of the standard
incorporated the new requirements on impairment of financial assets.
Outline the requirements of IFRS 9 as regards the impairment of financial assets. (12 marks)
(b) On 1 December 20X4, Ambush sold goods on credit to Tray for $600,000. Tray has a credit limit with
Ambush of 60 days. Ambush applies IFRS 9 Financial instruments, and uses a pre-determined matrix for the
calculation of allowances for receivables as follows.
Days overdue Expected loss
Nil 1%
1 to 30 5%
31 to 60 15%
61 to 90 20%
90 + 25%
Tray had not paid by 31 January 20X5, and so failed to comply with its credit term, and Ambush learned that
Tray was having serious cash flow difficulties due to a loss of a key customer. The finance controller of Tray
has informed Ambush that they will receive payment.
Ignore sales tax.
Show the accounting entries on 1 December 20X4 and 31 January 20X5 to record the above, in accordance
with the expected credit loss model in IFRS 9. (8 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
34 Avco 39 mins
(a) The difference between debt and equity in an entity's statement of financial position is not easily
distinguishable for preparers of financial statements. Some financial instruments may have both features,
which can lead to inconsistency of reporting. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has
agreed that greater clarity may be required in its definitions of assets and liabilities for debt instruments. It is
thought that defining the nature of liabilities would help the IASB's thinking on the difference between
financial instruments classified as equity and liabilities.
Discuss the key classification differences between debt and equity under International Financial Reporting
Note. Examples should be given to illustrate your answer. (10 marks)
(b) The directors of Avco, a public limited company, are reviewing the financial statements of two entities which
are acquisition targets, Cavor and Lidan. They have asked for clarification on the treatment of the following
financial instruments within the financial statements of the entities.
Cavor has two classes of shares: A and B shares. A shares are Cavor's ordinary shares and are correctly
classed as equity. B shares are not mandatorily redeemable shares but contain a call option allowing Cavor
to repurchase them. Dividends are payable on the B shares if, and only if, dividends have been paid on the A
ordinary shares. The terms of the B shares are such that dividends are payable at a rate equal to that of the A
ordinary shares. Additionally, Cavor has also issued share options which give the counterparty rights to buy
a fixed number of its B shares for a fixed amount of $10m. The contract can be settled only by the issuance
of shares for cash by Cavor.
Lidan has in issue two classes of shares: A shares and B shares. A shares are correctly classified as equity.
Two million B shares of nominal value of $1 each are in issue. The B shares are redeemable in two years'
time. Lidan has a choice as to the method of redemption of the B shares. It may either redeem the B shares
for cash at their nominal value or it may issue one million A shares in settlement. A shares are currently
valued at $10 per share. The lowest price for Lidan's A shares since its formation has been $5 per share.
Discuss whether the above arrangements regarding the B shares of each of Cavor and Lidan should be
treated as liabilities or equity in the financial statements of the respective issuing companies. (10 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
35 Aron 39 mins
The directors of Aron, a public limited company, are worried about the challenging market conditions which the
company is facing. The markets are volatile and illiquid. The central government is injecting liquidity into the
economy. The directors are concerned about the significant shift towards the use of fair values in financial
statements. IFRS 9 Financial instruments in conjunction with IFRS 13 Fair value measurement defines fair value and
requires the initial measurement of financial instruments to be at fair value. The directors are uncertain of the
relevance of fair value measurements in these current market conditions.
(a) Briefly discuss how the fair value of financial instruments is measured, commenting on the relevance of fair
value measurements for financial instruments where markets are volatile and illiquid. (4 marks)
(b) Further they would like advice on accounting for the following transactions within the financial statements
for the year ended 31 May 20X8.
(i) Aron issued one million convertible bonds on 1 June 20X5. The bonds had a term of three years and
were issued with a total fair value of $100m which is also the par value. Interest is paid annually in
arrears at a rate of 6% per annum and bonds, without the conversion option, attracted an interest
rate of 9% per annum on 1 June 20X5. The company incurred issue costs of $1m. If the investor did
not convert to shares they would have been redeemed at par. At maturity all of the bonds were
converted into 25 million ordinary shares of $1 of Aron. No bonds could be converted before that
date. The directors are uncertain how the bonds should have been accounted for up to the date of the
conversion on 31 May 20X8 and have been told that the impact of the issue costs is to increase the
effective interest rate to 9.38%. (6 marks)
(ii) Aron held a 3% holding of the shares in Smart, a public limited company. The investment was
classified as an investment in equity instruments and at 31 May 20X8 had a carrying amount of $5m
(brought forward from the previous period). As permitted by IFRS 9 Financial instruments, Aron had
made an irrevocable election to recognise all changes in fair value in other comprehensive income
(items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss). The cumulative gain to 31 May 20X7 recognised
in other comprehensive income relating to the investment was $400,000. On 31 May 20X8, the whole
of the share capital of Smart was acquired by Given, a public limited company, and as a result, Aron
received shares in Given with a fair value of $5.5m in exchange for its holding in Smart. The company
wishes to know how the exchange of shares in Smart for the shares in Given should be accounted for
in its financial records. (5 marks)
(iii) Aron granted interest free loans to its employees on 1 June 20X7 of $10m. The loans will be paid
back on 31 May 20X9 as a single payment by the employees. The market rate of interest for a two
year loan on both of the above dates is 6% per annum. The company is unsure how to account for
the loan but wishes to hold the loans at amortised cost under IFRS 9 Financial instruments.
(5 marks)
Discuss, with relevant computations, how the above financial instruments should be accounted for in the financial
statements for the year ended 31 May 20X8.
Note 1. The mark allocation is shown against each of the transactions above.
Note 2. The following discount and annuity factors may be of use.
Discount Annuity
factors factors
6% 9% 9.38% 6% 9% 9.38%
1 year 0.9434 0.9174 0.9142 0.9434 0.9174 0.9174
2 years 0.8900 0.8417 0.8358 1.8334 1.7591 1.7500
3 years 0.8396 0.7722 0.7642 2.6730 2.5313 2.5142
(Total = 20 marks)
Seltec is unsure as to the nature of derivatives and hedge accounting techniques and has asked your advice
on how the above financial instrument should be dealt with in the financial statements. (14 marks)
(b) Kappa is a listed entity whose year end date is 30 September 20X7. On 1 October 20X6 Kappa issued a $6m
convertible loan note. The quoted rate of interest on the loan note was 2% per annum, payable on 30
September in arrears. The loan note was repayable at an amount of $7m on 30 September 20X9. As an
alternative to repayment the lender may choose to receive 1 million shares in Kappa (having a nominal value
of $1 each).
The required rate of return for providers of this type of loan finance at 1 October 20X6 was 10% per annum.
Prepare extracts that show how the loan would be presented in the financial statements of Kappa for the
year ended 30 September 20X7. (6 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
Explain and show how the tax consequences (current and deferred) of the three transactions would be
reported in the statement of financial position of Kappa at 30 September 20X3 and its statement of profit or
loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 30 September 20X3.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the three transactions above.
You should assume that:
The rate of income tax in the jurisdiction in which Kappa operates is 25%.
Both Kappa and Omega are profitable companies which consistently generate annual taxable profits
of at least $1,000,000.
In answering this part, you do not need to consider the possible offset of deferred tax assets against
deferred tax liabilities.
(Total = 20 marks)
(iv) On 1 April 20X3, the total goodwill arising on consolidation in Epsilon's consolidated statement of
financial position was $4m. On 31 March 20X14, the directors reviewed the goodwill for impairment
and concluded that the goodwill was impaired by $600,000. There was no tax deduction available for
any group company as a consequence of this impairment charge as at 31 March 2X14.
(2 marks)
(v) On 1 April 20X3, Epsilon borrowed $10m. The cost to Epsilon of arranging the borrowing was
$200,000 and this cost qualified for a tax deduction on 1 April 20X3. The loan was for a three-year
period. No interest was payable on the loan but the amount repayable on 31 March 20X6 will be
$13,043,800. This equates to an effective annual interest rate of 10%. Under the tax jurisdiction in
which Epsilon operates, a further tax deduction of $3,043,800 will be claimable when the loan is
repaid on 31 March 20X6. (3 marks)
Explain and show how each of these events would affect the deferred tax assets/liabilities in the consolidated
statement of financial position of the Epsilon group at 31 March 20X4. Where relevant, you should assume
the rate of corporate income tax is 25%.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the five transactions above.
(Total = 20 marks)
39 Agriculture 39 mins
(a) Agriculture is one of the world's largest industries; in some countries it is the mainstay of the gross
domestic product. Yet until February 2001 when the IASB published IAS 41 Agriculture, no major developed
accounting standard setting body had issued a comprehensive pronouncements on this topic. IAS 41
introduces what some would say are radical changes in the way agricultural enterprises should account for
biological assets.
Define biological assets and explain how IAS 41 requires them to be treated in the financial statements.
(5 marks)
(b) Rotunda's main activity is agriculture. Its assets consist of farmland on which sheep (for wool) and lambs
(for food) are kept and bred. Rotunda is also involved in forestry. Details relating to its assets and their fair
values less point of sales costs at 1 June 20X2 and 31 May 20X3 are as follows:
Fair value 1 June 20X2 31 May 20X3
$ $
New born lamb 25 28
Sheep (wool) aged under 5 100 105
Sheep (wool) aged over 5 80 82
Sheep for lambing aged under 6 120 110
Fair value 1 June 20X2 31 May 20X3
40,000 hectares of land cost of $500,000 in 1970) 725,000 750,000
Forest of 200,000 maple trees (planted in May 1998) 450,000 480,000
Rotunda has a policy of valuing its land on current values.
Rotunda also has a stock of cut maple trees at 31 May 20X3. These were felled in May 20X2 and recorded at
their fair value of $250,000 at that time. At 31 May 20X3 they have a fair value of $270,000.
Government grant
In March 20X3 Rotunda passed a government inspection and became eligible to receive a government
subsidy of $120,000 aimed at companies using organic methods of farming. The grant is expected to be
paid in September 20X3.
Prepare statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statement of financial position
extracts for the year to 31 May 20X3 in respect of the above items. (15 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
The market values of the leasehold interests in the property at the start of the lease were equally split between land
and buildings and the present value of the minimum lease payments was $5m – equal to the property's fair value.
The annual rentals were $500,000, payable in arrears, the first payment being made on 31 March 20X1. The annual
rate of interest implicit in the lease was 8%. The property was to be vacated at the end of the lease and there was no
option available to Epsilon to purchase it at a favourable price.
Your assistant considered that the lease was an operating lease, since the property was to be vacated at its
termination. Therefore he charged $500,000 as a rental expense in the statement of profit or loss. (8 marks)
Explain and quantify the appropriate accounting treatment of the three transactions in the financial statements for
the year ended 31 March 20X1. For each transaction your explanation should include an evaluation of the treatment
that is proposed by your assistant.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the four transactions above. (Total = 20 marks)
You are the accountant of Omega, an entity that has business interests all around the world. The financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 20X1 are currently in the process of preparation. The directors have sought
your advice on the financial reporting implications of the following issues:
Issue 1
On 28 February 20X1 the directors decided to close down a business segment. The decision was taken out of a
desire to refocus the strategic direction of the group and the segment being closed did not fit in to the new strategy.
The closure commenced on 5 April 20X1 and was due to be completed on 31 July 20X1. On 6 March 20X1 letters
were sent to employees offering voluntary redundancy or redeployment in other sectors of the business. On 13
March 20X1 negotiations commenced with relevant parties with a view to terminating existing contracts of the
business segment and arranging sales of its assets. Latest estimates of the financial implications of the closure are
as follows:
(a) Redundancy costs will total $20m, excluding the payment referred to in (b) below.
(b) The pension plan (a defined benefit plan) will make a lump sum payment totalling $10m to the employees
who accept voluntary redundancy in termination of their rights under the plan. Omega will pay this amount
into the plan on 31 July 20X1. The actuaries have advised that the accumulated pension rights that this
payment will extinguish have a present value of $7.5m and this sum is unlikely to alter significantly before
31 July 20X1.
(c) The cost of redeploying and retraining staff who do not accept redundancy will total $5.5m.
(d) The costs of terminating existing contracts, including professional fees, will total $5m.
(e) Plant having a carrying amount of $11m at 31 March 20X1 will be sold for $2m.
(f) A freehold property having a carrying amount of $10m at 31 March 20X1 will be sold for $15m. The
potential purchaser is not interested in acquiring the plant.
(g) The operating losses of the business segment for April, May and June 20X1 will total $9m.
(14 marks)
Issue 2
On 1 October 20X0 Omega granted 250,000 options that allowed employees to purchase shares for $10 per share.
The options are to vest on 30 June 20X1 provided the employees satisfy certain performance conditions in the nine-
month period between 1 October 20X0 and 30 June 20X1. The market value of the shares on 1 October 20X0 was
only $10, although by 30 June 20X1 the market value was expected to rise to $12. The fair value of each share
option was estimated to be $1.80 per share at 1 October 20X0. This estimate had increased to $1.90 per share by
31 March 20X1. On 1 October 20X0 it was anticipated that all the options would vest. However employee
performance in the period since 1 October 20X0 has been such that it is now likely that only 200,000 of the options
will vest. (6 marks)
Advise the directors on the financial reporting implications of the two issues in the consolidated financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 20X1. For each issue you should indicate the amounts that would be
included in the financial statements and the nature of any disclosures that might be appropriate in the notes. You
should justify your conclusion with reference to appropriate International Financial Reporting Standards and include
any other explanations you consider relevant.
The allocation of marks to each individual issue is given above after the description of the issue.
(Total = 20 marks)
(b) Produce extracts, with supporting explanations, from the statements of profit or loss and comprehensive
income for the years ended 31 March 20X7 and 20X8 and from the statement of changes in equity for the year
ended 31 March 20X8 that show how transaction two will be reflected in the financial statements of Omega.
Note. Ignore deferred tax. (5 marks)
Transaction Three
On 1 June 20X7 Omega signed a contract to construct a machine for one of its customers and to subsequently
provide servicing facilities relating to the machine. Omega commenced construction on 1 July 20X7 and the
construction took two months to complete. Omega incurred the following costs of construction:
Materials $1m
Other direct costs $2m
Allocated fixed production overheads $1m. This allocation was made using Omega's normal overhead
allocation model.
On 1 October 20X7 the machine was delivered to the customer. The customer paid the full contract price of $7.5m
on 30 November 20X7. The servicing and warranty facilities are for a three-year period from 1 October 20X7. This is
not considered to be an onerous contract at 31 March 20X8. In the six-month period from 1 October 20X7 to 31
March 20X8 Omega incurred costs of $200,000 relating to the servicing and this rate of expenditure is estimated to
continue over the remainder of the three-year period. Omega would normally expect to earn a profit margin of 20%
on the provision of servicing facilities of this nature.
The normal stand-alone selling price of the machine is $7m. Both the machine and the servicing facilities are
capable of being sold independently of each other.
(c) Produce extracts, with supporting explanations, from the statement of financial position at 31 March 20X8
and from the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 20X8
that show how transaction three will be reflected in the financial statements of Omega.
Note. Ignore deferred tax. (7 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
Following this rectification work the land could potentially be sold to a third party for no less than its original
cost of $10m.
An annual discount rate appropriate for this project is 12%. The present value of $1 payable in ten years'
time with an annual discount rate of 12% is 32.2 cents. The present value of $1 payable in 9½ years' time
with an annual discount rate of 12% is 34.1 cents. (9 marks)
(b) On 1 April 20X1, Delta granted 20,000 share options to each of 100 senior executives. The options vest on
31 March 20X4, provided the executives remain with Delta throughout the period ending on 31 March 20X4
and providing the share price of Delta is at least $1.60 on that date. Relevant data relating to the share
options is as follows:
Date Market value of:
Granted option Delta share
1 April 20X1 $0.84 $1.20
31 March 20X2 $0.90 $1.28
On 1 April 20X1, estimates suggested that 95 of the executives would remain with Delta throughout the
period. This estimate changed to 92 executives on 31 March 20X2. (5 marks)
(c) At 31 March 20X2, Delta was engaged in a legal dispute with a customer who alleged that Delta had supplied
faulty products that caused the customer actual financial loss. The directors of Delta consider that the
customer has a 75% chance of succeeding in this action and that the likely outcome should the customer
succeed is that the customer would be awarded damages of $1m. The directors of Delta further believe that
the fault in the products was caused by the supply of defective components by one of Delta's suppliers.
Delta has initiated legal action against the supplier and considers there is a 70% chance Delta will receive
damages of $800,000 from the supplier. Ignore discounting in this part of the question. (3 marks)
(d) On 10 April 20X2, a water leak at one of Delta's warehouses damaged a consignment of inventory. This
inventory had been manufactured prior to 31 March 20X2 at a total cost of $800,000. The net realisable
value of the inventory prior to the damage was estimated at $960,000. Because of the damage Delta was
required to spend a further $150,000 on repairing and re-packaging the inventory. The inventory was sold
on 15 May 20X2 for proceeds of $900,000. Any adjustment in respect of this event would be regarded by
Delta as material. (3 marks)
Explain and show how the four events would be reported in the financial statements of Delta for the year ended 31
March 20X2.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the four events above.
(Total = 20 marks)
Just before the year end, I heard from the supplier that the poor economic climate has caused them
significant problems and in order to help them we agreed to reduce the amount repayable by them on
30 September 20X3 to $2.2m. This still means we will report a profit next year though, doesn't it?
(7 marks)
(b) On 1 October 20X0, we bought a large machine for $20m. This machine has an estimated useful life of eight
years, but will need a substantial overhaul on 30 September 20X4 in order to enable it to be used for the
final four years of its estimated life. This overhaul is likely to cost $4m, based on prices prevailing at
1 October 20X0. If the overhaul occurs, the machine is expected to have a reasonable resale value at the end
of its useful life. On 1 October 20X0, the estimated residual value of the machine was $1m. On 30
September 20X1, this estimate was revised to $1.1m and on 30 September 20X2, the estimate was revised
to $1.2m. For some reason we didn't charge depreciation on this asset in the year to 30 September 20X1. I
think this was a mistake, so I suppose I should correct this by charging two years depreciation in the current
year? (8 marks)
(c) During the year ended 30 September 20X2, we provided consultancy services to a customer regarding the
installation of a new production system. The system has caused the customer considerable problems, so the
customer has taken legal action against us for the loss of profits that has arisen as a result of the problems
with the system. Our legal department considers that there is a 25% chance the claim can be successfully
defended, but a 75% chance that we will be required to pay damages of $1.6m. We shouldn't suffer any
overall loss because our legal people also tell me they are reasonably confident we are covered by insurance
against these types of loss. We'll make a claim as soon as the outcome of the case is confirmed.
I assume nothing needs to be provided for here because we are covered but do I need any note disclosures?
(5 marks)
Draft a reply to the questions raised by your assistant. Your reply should include any additional explanations you
consider relevant. In all cases, you should compute the impact on the reported earnings for the year ended
30 September 20X2.
(Total = 20 marks)
Show how the proposed sale of the division will be reported in the financial statements of Omega for the
year ended 30 September 20X2, giving relevant explanations where appropriate. You should indicate the
extent to which relevant transactions and balances need to be separately disclosed and when the separate
disclosures can be made in the notes, rather than in the primary financial statements themselves.
(12 marks)
(b) On 1 January 20X2, Omega entered into an operating lease for a piece of land on which it intended to
construct a factory. The lease was for a 30-year period and was correctly assessed by Omega to be an
operating lease. The lease rentals were $500,000 per half-year, payable in arrears. There was a surplus of
supply of land for leasing on 1 January 20X2 and so the lessor made a payment of $1.2m to Omega on 1
January 20X2 as an incentive to enter into the lease agreement.
On 1 January 20X2, Omega began to construct a factory and borrowed $10m to finance the construction.
The effective rate of interest on the borrowing was 8% per annum, before tax. Omega actually spent $10.6m
on the construction materials but of this amount, $800,000 was on materials that were damaged before they
were used and had to be destroyed.
The factory took six months to construct and the construction team were paid at a total amount of $750,000
per month throughout the construction period. The factory was ready for use on 1 July 20X2 but production
did not begin until 1 September 20X2.
Show the effect of the lease of the land, and the subsequent construction of the factory, on the financial
statements of Omega for the year ended 30 September 20X2 (statement of financial position and statement
of profit or loss and other comprehensive income), giving relevant explanations where appropriate.
(8 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
(c) On 1 April 20X2, the directors of Delta formed a new company, Epsilon. The directors of Delta own all the
voting shares in Epsilon. In exercising their votes, the directors of Delta have agreed to act in Delta's best
interests. Epsilon leased an asset from a financial institution and correctly classified this lease as a finance
lease. Epsilon immediately leased the asset to Delta on a one year lease. The rentals payable by Delta to
Epsilon were set at the same amount as the rentals payable by Epsilon to the financial institution. The terms
of the lease from Epsilon to Delta gave Delta the option to extend the lease under exactly the same terms.
This extension option will continue to be available on an annual basis until the lease between Epsilon and the
financial institution expires. The asset is a vital one in Delta's production process. Epsilon does not
undertake any other transactions. (6 marks)
Explain and show (where possible by quantifying amounts) how the three events would be reported in the financial
statements of Delta for the year ended 31 March 20X3.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the three events above.
(Total = 20 marks)
(b) On 1 June 20X3, Delta decided to dispose of the trade and assets of a business it had acquired several years
previously. This disposal does not involve Delta withdrawing from a particular market sector. The carrying
amounts on 1 June 20X3 of the assets to be disposed of were as follows:
Goodwill 10
Property, plant and equipment 20
Patents and trademarks 8
Inventories 15
Trade receivables 10
Delta offered the business for sale at a price of $46.5m, which was considered to be reasonably achievable.
Delta estimated that the direct costs of selling the business would be $500,000. These estimates have not
changed since 1 June 20X3 and Delta estimates that the business will be sold by 31 March 20X4 at the
None of the assets of the business had suffered obvious impairment at 1 June 20X3. At that date the
inventories and trade receivables of the business were already stated at no more than their recoverable
amounts. (7 marks)
(c) On 1 April 20X3 Delta sold a property for $20m. The carrying amount of the property was $23m and its
market value on 1 April 20X3 was $25m. On 1 April 20X3, Delta entered into an agreement to lease the
property on a five-year lease. On that date the useful economic life of the property was estimated at 25
years. Annual lease rentals of $1.8m were payable on 1 April in advance. These rentals reflected the fact that
the property had been sold at a price which was lower than its fair value. (6 marks)
Explain and show (where possible by quantifying amounts) how the three events would be reported in the financial
statements of Delta for the year ended 30 September 20X3. You do not need to quantify amounts which are only
shown in the notes to the financial statements.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the three events above.
You should assume that all transactions described here are material.
(Total = 20 marks)
Omega correctly reflected this arrangement in its financial statements for the year ended 30 September
Prepare relevant extracts from the statement of financial position of Omega at 30 September 20X3 and its
statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 30 September 20X3. You
should give appropriate explanations to support your extracts. (6 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
$'000 $'000
amount recognised amount qualifying as an
asset for amortisation
in the year to 30 September 20X1 420 300
in the year to 30 September 20X2 250 360
in the year to 30 September 20X3 560 400
1,230 1,060
No development costs were incurred by Myriad prior to 20X1.
Changes in accounting policies should be accounted for under IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting
estimates and errors.
(a) Explain the circumstances when a company should change its accounting policies. (4 marks)
(b) Prepare extracts of Myriad's financial statements for the year to 30 September 20X3 including the
comparatives figure to reflect the change in accounting policy. (6 marks)
Note. Ignore taxation. (Total = 10 marks)
(i) Compute the carrying amount of the goodwill and property, plant and equipment of the business
component on 1 October 20X1 immediately after classification as held for sale.
(ii) Compute the carrying amount of the goodwill and property, plant and equipment of the business
component on 31 March 20X2.
(iii) Show the minimum amounts that must be presented on the face of the statement of profit or loss
and other comprehensive income of Epsilon for the year ended 31 March 20X2 concerning the
business component.
Note. In this part, your answer should be supported by appropriate explanations. Marks will be awarded for
these explanations. (10 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
54 Belloso Co 39 mins
You are the Financial Director of Belloso Co and are finalising the accounts for the year ended 31 December 20X1.
The draft profit for the year is $20,000.
(a) Explain how you will deal with the following issues, giving journal entries where appropriate and giving clear
explanations of how you arrive at your decisions. Make reference to relevant International Financial
Reporting Standards where appropriate. Where there is a choice of treatment according to a standard, use
the benchmark.
Note. Extracts from financial statements are not required.
(i) On 19 December 20X1 a customer called Intuoso Co complained that goods delivered and paid for in
advance were the wrong colour. You did not have the correct colour in inventory and therefore
agreed to refund the money when the goods were returned. The goods were returned on 3 January
20X2. The goods had cost $2,000 and had been sold at a mark up of 20%. (4 marks)
(ii) A customer called Fortissimo Co claims that it has lost business due to the poor quality of goods
supplied by Belloso Co. Your lawyer advises you that it is likely that Fortissimo Co will win the legal
case and that Belloso Co will have to pay $10,000 if this happens. (4 marks)
(iii) A customer called Changeoso Co owed Belloso Co $12,000 in respect of sales made several years
ago. During 20X0 Changeoso Co went into liquidation and the $12,000 was written off in that year as
an irrecoverable debt.
However, the liquidators advise you it is probable, though not reasonably certain, that Belloso Co will
receive $4,000 when the legalities are finalised during 20X2. (3 marks)
(iv) In the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 20X0 closing inventory was valued at
$32,600. However, in January 20X1 inventory that had cost $17,000 was found in a location that had
not been covered by the inventory count. Profit in the year to 31 December 20X0 had been calculated
as $28,000. (4 marks)
(b) In addition, you have the following information:
Retained earnings at 1 January 20X0 $52,000
Profit for the year ended 31 December 20X0 $28,000
Prepare the statement of changes in equity (retained earnings only) for Belloso Co for the year ended 31
December 20X1, including comparatives, after adjusting for the above issues. (5 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
57 X plc 39 mins
(a) Calculate the diluted EPS according to IAS 33 Earnings per share from the following information.
X, a public limited company – accounting data year ended 31 May 20X7
Net profit after tax and non-controlling interest $18,160,000
Ordinary shares of $1 (fully paid) $40,000,000
Average fair value for year of ordinary shares $1.50
(i) Share options have been granted to directors giving them the right to subscribe for ordinary shares
between 20X8 and 20Y0 at $1.20 per share. 2,000,000 options were outstanding at 31 May 20X7.
(ii) The company has $20m of 6% convertible bonds in issue. The terms of conversion of the bonds per
$200 nominal value of bond at the date of issue (1 May 20X6) were:
Number of
Conversion date shares
31 May 20X7 24
31 May 20X8 23
31 May 20Y0 22
None of the bonds have as yet been converted. The bonds have been issued at a discount of 1% and
the company has written off the discount against the statement of profit or loss.
(iii) There are 1,600,000 convertible preferred shares in issue. The cumulative dividend is 10 cents per
share and each preferred share can convert into two ordinary shares. The preferred shares can be
converted in 20X9.
(iv) Assume a tax rate of 33%. (8 marks)
(b) Discuss the nature of the diluted EPS calculation in (a) where the order of the dilutive effects is ignored.
(6 marks)
(c) Discuss the view that the basic EPS should be based upon not only existing issued shares but also on other
shares which are in substance 'share equivalents' and have a dilutive effect on the basic EPS. (6 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
58 RP Group 39 mins
Related party relationships and transactions are a normal feature of business. Entities often carry on their business
activities through subsidiaries and associates and it is inevitable that transactions will occur between group
companies. Until relatively recently the disclosure of related party relationships and transactions has been regarded
as an area which has a relatively low priority. However financial scandals have emphasised the importance of an
accounting standard in this area.
(a) (i) Explain why the disclosure of related party relationships and transactions is an important issue.
(6 marks)
(ii) Discuss the view that small companies should be exempt from the disclosure of related party
relationships and transactions on the grounds of their size. (4 marks)
(b) Discuss whether the following events would require disclosure in the financial statements of the RP Group, a
public limited company, under IAS 24 Related party disclosures.
The RP Group, merchant bankers, has a number of subsidiaries, associates and joint arrangements in its
group structure. During the financial year to 31 October 20X9 the following events occurred.
(i) The company agreed to finance a management buyout of a group company, AB, a limited company.
In addition to providing loan finance, the company has retained a 25% equity holding in the company
and has a main board director on the board of AB. RP received management fees, interest payments
and dividends from AB. (6 marks)
(ii) On 1 July 20X9, RP sold a wholly owned subsidiary, X, a limited company, to Z, a public limited
company. During the year RP supplied X with second hand office equipment and X leased its factory
from RP. The transactions were all contracted for at market rates. (4 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
60 Whitebirk 39 mins
(a) The principal aim when developing accounting standards for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is to
provide a framework that generates relevant, reliable, and useful information which should provide a high
quality and understandable set of accounting standards suitable for SMEs. There is no universally agreed
definition of an SME and it is difficult for a single definition to capture all the dimensions of a small or
medium-sized business. The main argument for separate SME accounting standards is the undue cost
burden of reporting, which is proportionately heavier for smaller firms.
(i) Comment on the different approaches which could have been taken by the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB) in developing the IFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs),
explaining the approach finally taken by the IASB. (6 marks)
(ii) Discuss the main differences and modifications to IFRS which the IASB made to reduce the burden of
reporting for SME's, giving specific examples where possible and include in your discussion how the
Board has dealt with the problem of defining an SME. (8 marks)
(b) Whitebirk has met the definition of a SME in its jurisdiction and wishes to comply with the IFRS for Small
and Medium-sized Entities. The entity wishes to seek advice on how it will deal with the following accounting
issues in its financial statements for the year ended 30 November 2010. The entity currently prepares its
financial statements under full IFRS.
(i) Whitebirk purchased 90% of Close, a SME, on 1 December 20X1. The purchase consideration was
$5.7m and the value of Close's identifiable assets was $6m. The value of the non-controlling interest
at 1 December 2009 was measured at $0.7m. Whitebirk has used the full goodwill method to account
for business combinations and the life of goodwill cannot be estimated with any accuracy. Whitebirk
wishes to know how to account for goodwill under the IFRS for SMEs.
(ii) Whitebirk has incurred $1m of research expenditure to develop a new product in the year to 30
November 20X2. Additionally, it incurred $500,000 of development expenditure to bring another
product to a stage where it is ready to be marketed and sold.
Discuss how the above transactions should be dealt with in the financial statements of Whitebirk, with
reference to the IFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities. (6 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings (Note 7) 30,000 25,000 30,000
Provisions (Note 8) 12,000 Nil Nil
Deferred tax 20,000 8,000 10,000
Total non-current liabilities 62,000 33,000 40,000
Current liabilities:
Trade and other payables 30,000 22,000 20,000
Short-term borrowings 6,000 6,000 5,000
Total current liabilities 36,000 28,000 25,000
Total equity and liabilities 381,000 185,000 180,000
The directors of Alpha carried out a fair value exercise to measure the identifiable assets and liabilities of Beta at
1 April 20X0. The following matters emerged:
Plant and equipment having a carrying amount of $100m had an estimated market value of $110m. The
estimated future economic life of the plant at 1 April 20X0 was five years and this estimate remains valid.
Beta has disposed of 20% of this plant and equipment since 1 April 20X0.
Inventory having a carrying amount of $35m had an estimated market value of $38m. This inventory had
been sold since 1 April 20X0.
The fair value adjustments have not been reflected in the individual financial statements of Beta. In the consolidated
financial statements the fair value adjustments will be regarded as temporary differences for the purposes of
computing deferred tax. The rate of tax to apply to temporary differences where required is 20%.
Note 2 – Other components of equity
The other components of Beta's equity arise due to its policy of measuring property using the revaluation model.
Beta revalued its property as at 1 April 20X0 so the carrying amount at that date in Beta's financial statements
represented its fair value. Beta does not make any transfer of the revaluation surplus to retained earnings as the
property is used. Beta did not revalue the property again until 31 March 20X2. The depreciation charge on the
property in the financial statements of Beta for the year ended 31 March 20X2 was based on the carrying amount of
the property as at 1 April 20X0. The revaluation of the property at 31 March 20X2 created a gross surplus of $25m
on which Beta recognised a deferred tax liability (at 20%) of $5m. Therefore Beta credited $20m to other
components of equity on 31 March 20X2. Alpha measures its property, plant and equipment using the cost model.
The policy of Alpha is to be applied in preparing the consolidated financial statements.
Note 3 – Impairment reviews – Beta
On 1 April 20X0, the directors of Alpha identified that Beta comprised four cash-generating units, unit 1, unit 2, unit
3 and unit 4. The directors of Alpha allocated the goodwill arising on the acquisition across the units in the ratio
2:1:1:1 respectively.
During the year ended 31 March 20X2, three of the four cash-generating units performed very satisfactorily and no
impairment of the goodwill allocated to these units had occurred. However, the performance of the unit 4 was
below expectations. At 31 March 20X2, the assets (excluding goodwill) of unit 4 had a carrying amount in the
consolidated financial statements of $70m. The recoverable amount of the assets of unit 4 at 31 March 20X2 was
estimated at $75m.
Note 4 – Alpha's investment in Gamma
On the date of incorporation of Gamma, Alpha subscribed for 40% of the equity shares of Gamma, making a
payment of $32m in cash. This investment made Gamma a joint venture. The draft financial statements of Alpha
recognise this investment at cost.
You can ignore any deferred tax implications of the investment by Alpha in Gamma.
Note 5 – Inter-company sale of inventories
The inventories of Beta and Gamma at 31 March 20X2 included components purchased from Alpha during the year
at a cost of $15m to Beta and $12.5m to Gamma. Alpha applied a mark-up of 25% of its production cost in arriving
at the sale price of these components. You can ignore the deferred tax implications of any adjustments you make
due to the information in this note.
Note 6 – Trade receivables and payables
The trade receivables of Alpha included $8m receivable from Beta and $6m receivable from Gamma in respect of
the purchase of components (see Note 5). The trade payables of Beta and Gamma included equivalent amounts
payable to Alpha.
The fair value adjustments have not been reflected in the individual financial statements of Beta. In the
consolidated financial statements, the fair value adjustments will be regarded as temporary differences for
the purposes of computing deferred tax. The rate of deferred tax to apply to temporary differences is 20%.
No impairment of the goodwill on acquisition of Beta has occurred since 1 April 20X2.
Note 2 – Alpha's investment in Gamma
On 1 April 20X2, Alpha acquired 40 million shares in Gamma for a cash payment of $1.85 per share and debited
$74m to investments in its own statement of financial position. This enabled Alpha to exercise significant influence
over Gamma but not to control Gamma. In its own financial statements, Alpha treated the investment in Gamma as
a financial asset and made an election to measure it at fair value through other comprehensive income.
On 1 April 20X2, the individual financial statements of Gamma showed the following reserves balances:
Retained earnings $66m
Other components of equity $1.2m
On 1 April 20X2, there were no material differences between the carrying amounts of the net assets of Gamma in
the individual financial statements and the fair values of those net assets.
On 31 March 20X3, the fair value of Alpha's investment in Gamma was estimated at $78.5m and this is the balance
recorded in Alpha's individual financial statements. On 31 March 20X3, Alpha credited $4.5m to other components
of equity. No deferred tax was recognised when making this entry.
In the consolidated financial statements you can ignore deferred tax when measuring the investment in Gamma.
Note 3 – Investments by Beta and Gamma
These investments are financial assets that are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income and
have been correctly treated by Beta and Gamma. The other components of equity of Beta and Gamma relate entirely
to these investments.
Note 4 – Inter-company sale of inventories
The inventories of Beta and Gamma at 31 March 20X3 included components produced by Alpha. The selling price of
the components included in the inventories of Beta was $14m. The selling price of the components included in the
inventories of Gamma was $12m. Alpha applied a mark-up of one-third of its production cost in arriving at the sales
price of these components. You can ignore deferred tax when making any adjustments due to the information in
this note.
Note 5 – Trade receivables and payables
The trade receivables of Alpha included $9m receivable from Beta and $7.5m receivable from Gamma in respect of
the purchase of components (see Note 4). The trade payables of Beta and Gamma included equivalent amounts
payable to Alpha.
Note 6 – Share based payment
On 1 April 20X1, Alpha granted share options to senior executives that are due to vest on 31 March 20X4. The
maximum number of options that can vest is 10 million. However, there are vesting conditions that are service
conditions. Each option allows the holder to purchase a share in Alpha for $2.50. Further details are as follows:
Date Share price Fair value of Number of
an option options expected
to vest on
31 March 20X4
1 April 20X1 $2.50 36 cents 9 million
31 March 20X2 $2.80 55 cents 9.2 million
31 March 20X3 $3.00 90 cents 9.3 million
On 31 March 20X2, the directors of Alpha correctly credited other components of equity and debited profit or loss
with $1,104,000 in respect of these share options. No entries have been made in the financial statements since then
in respect of the options.
Ignore any deferred tax implications of the granting of these share options.
Note 7 – Provision
On 1 October 20X1, Alpha entered into a ten-year lease of office premises at an annual rental of $20m. This lease
was correctly classified as an operating lease and the rentals appropriately charged to profit or loss.
On 1 October 20X1, Alpha began carrying out alterations to the premises. These alterations were completed on 31
March 20X2 at a total cost of $18m. Alpha included $18m in its property, plant and equipment at 31 March 20X2
and charged depreciation in the current year based on a 9½ year useful economic life.
The terms of the lease require Alpha to vacate the premises on 30 September 20Y1 and leave them in the same
condition as they were on 1 October 20X1. The directors estimate that this will require restoration expenditure of
$14,250,000 on 30 September 20Y1. Accordingly, the directors recognised a provision of $1,500,000
($14,250,000/9.5) at 31 March 20X3. The directors debited $1,500,000 to profit or loss when recognising this
A relevant discount rate to use in any discounting calculations is 8% per annum. The present value of $1 payable in
9½ years at this discount rate is 48 cents.
Note 8 – Long-term borrowings
The long-term borrowings of Alpha include $20m that was received from a consortium of banks on 1 April 20X2.
The loan does not carry any interest but $30.6m is repayable on 31 March 20X7. Alpha incurred incremental costs
of $1m in arranging the loan which were charged to profit or loss in the year ended
31 March 20X3. The effective annual rate of interest applicable to this loan is 10%.
Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of Alpha at 31 March 20X3.
Note. You should show all workings to the nearest $'000.
(40 marks)
treated the investment in Gamma as a financial asset and made an election to measure it at fair value through other
comprehensive income. On 30 September 20X3, the fair value of Alpha's investment in Gamma was $82m. Alpha
did not recognise any deferred tax in respect of this restatement to fair value. Therefore on 30 September 20X3
Alpha credited $2m to other components of equity.
On 1 October 20X2, the individual financial statements of Gamma showed the following reserves balances:
Retained earnings $66m
Other components of equity $Nil
On 1 October 20X2, there were no material differences between the carrying amounts of the net assets of Gamma in
the individual financial statements and the fair values of those net assets.
You do not need to consider the deferred tax implications of Alpha's investment in Gamma when preparing the
consolidated statement of financial position of the Alpha group.
Note 3 – Property, plant and equipment of Beta
Beta measures its land under the revaluation model. The other components of equity of Beta consist entirely of
revaluation surpluses arising on the revaluation of its land. On 1 July 20X2, the carrying amount of Beta's land in
Beta's own financial statements was the same as its fair value. On 30 September 20X3, Beta revalued its land by
$7.5m. As a result of this revaluation, Beta recognised an additional deferred tax liability of $1.5m and credited $6m
to other components of equity. The policy of Alpha and Gamma is to use the cost model to measure all property,
plant and equipment. This is the policy to be adopted in the consolidated financial statements.
Note 4 – Intangible assets of Alpha and Beta
The intangible assets of Alpha comprise expenditure incurred during the year on a project to reduce wastage
incurred during the group's production processes. The project began on 1 November 20X2 and is expected to be
complete by 31 May 20X4. Expenditure to date has been $5m each month. On 1 June 20X3, the directors were able
to assess the technical feasibility and commercial viability of the project with reasonable certainty. At this date they
also received assurance that the economic benefits the project was likely to bring to the group were likely to exceed
the total project costs.
The intangible assets in the individual financial statements of Beta represent goodwill which arose on acquisition of
an unincorporated business in 2008. No impairment of this goodwill has been necessary since the date of
acquisition of Beta by Alpha.
Note 5 – Inter-company sale of inventories
The inventories of Beta and Gamma at 30 September 20X3 included components produced by Alpha. The selling
price of the components included in the inventories of Beta was $14m. The selling price of the components
included in the inventories of Gamma was $12m. Alpha applied a mark-up of one-third of its production cost in
arriving at the sales price of these components. You can ignore deferred tax when making any adjustments due to
the information in this note.
Note 6 – Trade receivables and payables
The trade receivables of Alpha included $8m receivable from Beta and $7m receivable from Gamma in respect of
the purchase of components (see Note 5). The trade payables of Beta and Gamma included equivalent amounts
payable to Alpha.
Note 7 – Forward currency contract
During July and August 20X3 Alpha conducted a large marketing effort in Country X. The currency in Country X is
the Euro. Alpha made no sales to customers in Country X in the year ended 30 September 20X3 but is very
confident of making substantial sales to such customers in the year ended 30 September 20X4. On 5 September
20X3, Alpha entered into a contract to sell €20m for $28m on 31 October 20X3. Currency fluctuations in September
20X3 were such that on 30 September 20X3 the fair value of this currency contract was $1.1m (a financial asset).
The draft financial statements of Alpha do not include any amounts in respect of this currency contract since it has
a zero cost. Alpha wishes to use hedge accounting whenever permitted by International Financial Reporting
Standards. Alpha expects sales to customers in Country X to be at least €22m in October 20X3.
Note 8 – Long-term borrowings
The long-term borrowings of Alpha include a loan at a carrying amount of $60m which was taken out on
1 October 20X2. The loan does not carry any interest but $75.6m is repayable on 30 September 20X5. This
represents an effective annual rate of return for the investors of 8%. As an alternative to repayment, the investors
can exchange their loan asset for equity shares in Alpha on 30 September 20X5. The annual rate of return required
by such investors on a non-convertible loan would have been 10%. Alpha has not charged any finance cost in
respect of this loan for the year ended 30 September 20X3.
The present value of $1 payable/receivable in three years' time is as follows:
79.4 cents when the discount rate is 8% per annum
75.1 cents when the discount rate is 10% per annum
Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of Alpha at 30 September 20X3.
Note. You should show all workings to the nearest $'000.
(40 marks)
Alpha issued 20 million shares to the former shareholders of Beta in exchange for the shares purchased. The
market value of Alpha's shares on 1 October 20X5 was $2.
At the date of acquisition Beta owned a property with a carrying amount of $28m and a market value of $35m. Beta
had purchased the property for $30m on 1 October 20X0 and estimated that the depreciable amount of the property
(the buildings element) was $16m at 1 October 20X0. The estimated useful economic life of the building at 1
October 20X0 was 40 years.
The directors of Alpha estimated that the buildings element of the property comprised 50% of its market value at
1 October 20X5. They considered that the original estimate of the total useful economic life of the buildings element
(40 years from 1 October 20X0) was still valid.
At 1 October 20X5 the plant of Beta had a carrying amount of $12m and a market value of $15m. The plant is
depreciated on a straight-line basis and the remaining useful economic life of the plant at 1 October 20X5 was
estimated at five years.
All depreciation is charged on a monthly basis and presented in cost of sales. No adjustments were made to the
individual financial statements of Beta to reflect the information given in this note.
Note 2 – Purchase of shares in Gamma
On 1 July 20X7 Alpha purchased 40% of the equity shares of Gamma. This purchase allowed Alpha to exercise a
significant influence over Gamma, but Alpha was not able to control its operating and financial policies. No material
differences between the market value and the carrying amount of the net assets of Gamma was apparent at the date
of the share purchase.
Note 3 – Impairment reviews
An impairment review at 31 March 20X8 indicated that 25% of the goodwill on acquisition of Beta needed to be
written off. Apart from this, no other impairments of goodwill on acquisition of Beta have been required.
No impairment of the investment in Gamma has yet been necessary.
All impairments are charged to cost of sales.
Note 4 – Inter-company sales
Alpha supplies products used by Beta and Gamma. Sales of the products to Beta and Gamma during the year ended
31 March 20X8 were as follows (all sales were made at a mark up of 25% on cost):
Sales to Beta $12.5m
Sales to Gamma (all in the post-acquisition period) $4m
At 31 March 20X8 and 31 March 20X7 the inventories of Beta and Gamma included the following amounts in
respect of goods purchased from Alpha.
Amount in inventory at
31 March 20X8 31 March 20X7
$'000 $'000
Beta 3,000 1,600
Gamma 2,000 Nil
Note 5 – Revenue
On 1 April 20X7 Alpha sold goods for a price of $12.1m. The terms of the sale allowed the customer extended credit
and the price was payable by the customer in cash on 31 March 20X9. Alpha included $12.1m in revenue for the
current year and $12.1m in closing trade receivables. A discount rate that is appropriate for the risks in this
transaction is 10%.
Note 6 – Cost of sales (I)
During the year ended 31 March 20X8 Alpha sold goods to the value of $20m under warranty. The terms of the
warranty were that if the goods were defective within 12 months of the date of sale, Alpha would repair or replace
them. The warranty was not offered by Alpha in respect of goods sold in previous periods.
The directors of Alpha estimate that, for each product sold, there is an 80% chance no defects will occur in that
product. Therefore they have not made a provision for the cost of any future warranty claims on the grounds that,
for each item sold, the most likely outcome is that no additional costs will be incurred.
Any warranty costs that were incurred were included in the production costs for the year. Where warranty costs
were incurred, on average they amounted to 50% of the revenue received from the initial sale of the product.
Warranty costs of $800,000 were incurred before the year end and included within production costs in the trial
Note 7 – Cost of sales (II)
During the year ended 31 March 20X8 Alpha supplied goods to a number of different customers that they later
discovered to be faulty. These goods had not been supplied in earlier periods and Alpha ceased selling them prior to
31 March 20X8. The customers have jointly taken legal action against Alpha, claiming total damages of $12m.
Alpha's legal advisers have provided the following estimates of the likely outcome:
There is a 10% chance that all cases can be successfully defended.
There is a 25% chance that the total damages will be $4m.
There is a 45% chance that the total damages will be $8m.
There is a 20% chance that the total damages will be $12m.
In the draft financial statements the directors have made a provision of $7m (10% × nil) + ( 25% × $4 m) + (45% ×
$8m) + (20% × $12m). They have debited this amount to production costs and included an equivalent amount in
trade payables.
(a) Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss for Alpha for the year ended 31 March 20X8.
(33 marks)
(b) Prepare the summarised consolidated statement of changes in equity for Alpha for the year ended 31 March
20X8. (7 marks)
Note. Ignore deferred tax.
(Total = 40 marks)
Note 1 – Beta
On 1 April 20X5 Alpha incorporated Beta and subscribed for 100% of its equity shares at par. Alpha also made a
loan of $40m to Beta at a fixed annual interest rate of 5%. The loan is due for repayment on 30 September 20Y5. On
31 December 20Y0 Alpha sold its holding in Beta for $65m. At 1 April 20X0 Beta's net assets amounted to $45m.
Note 2 – Purchase of shares in Gamma
On 1 July 20Y0 Alpha purchased 80% of the equity shares of Gamma. The purchase consideration was as follows:
Alpha issued 30 million shares to the shareholders of Gamma. The market price of an Alpha share on 1 July
20Y0 was $2.00.
Alpha agreed to make an additional payment of $25m to the shareholders of Gamma on 30 June 20Y2. This
payment was contingent on the post-acquisition profits of Gamma reaching a specified level in the two-year
period ending on 30 June 20Y2. The directors of Alpha assessed that the fair value of this contingent
consideration was $15m on 1 July 20Y0. They reassessed the fair value of the contingent consideration at
$9m on 31 March 20Y1. The decline in the fair value of the contingent consideration was caused by the
losses of Gamma in the post-acquisition period.
Alpha incurred incremental legal and professional fees of $1m in connection with the acquisition of Gamma
and debited these costs to the cost of investment in Gamma. $400,000 of this amount related to the costs of
issuing the Alpha shares.
Note 3 – Fair value exercise
A set of individual financial statements prepared for Gamma at 1 July 20Y0 showed that its net assets at that date
were $80m. The directors of Alpha carried out a fair value exercise on the net assets of Gamma on that date. The
fair values of the net assets of Gamma were the same as their carrying amounts with the exception of:
Plant and equipment that had a carrying amount of $60m and a fair value of $66m. The estimated remaining
useful economic life of this plant and equipment was three years at 1 July 20Y0. Depreciation of plant and
equipment is charged to cost of sales.
A loan of $32m that carried a fixed annual rate of interest of 10% and was repayable on 30 June 20Y5.
Because annual market rates of interest were 8% at 1 July 20Y0 the fair value of this loan at that date was
Note 4 – Basis of measurement of non-controlling interests
It is the policy of Alpha to measure non-controlling interests based on their fair value at the date of acquisition. The
estimated fair value of the non-controlling interest in Gamma at 1 July 20Y0 was $15m.
Note 5 – Impairment review
On 31 March 20Y1 the directors of Alpha reviewed the goodwill on acquisition of Gamma for impairment. They
measured the recoverable amount of Gamma (as a single cash-generating unit) at $86m at that date. All
impairments are charged to cost of sales.
Note 6 – Intra-group sales
Alpha supplies products used by Gamma. Sales of the products to Gamma during the year ended 31 March 20Y1
were as follows (all sales were made at a profit margin of 20%):
Sales to Gamma (all since 1 July 20Y0) $10m
At 31 March 20Y1 and 31 March 20Y0 the inventory of Gamma included the following amounts in respect of goods
purchased from Alpha.
Amount in inventory at
31 March 20Y1 31 March 20Y0
$'000 $'000
Gamma 2,500 Nil
On 1 April 20X7 the directors of Alpha recorded a loan liability of $300m and in the year ended 31 March 20X8 a
finance cost of $15m (300m × 5 cents) in respect of these notes.
Note 7 – Environmental damage
During the year ended 31 March 20X8 Alpha began production at three newly acquired factories. The normal
production process at each factory results in environmental damage. Alpha has a policy of only rectifying such
damage when legally required to do so. Details of the damage caused at the three sites up to and including 31
March 20X8 are as follows:
Factory Damage caused by 31 March 20X8 Clean-up legislation in place at 31 March 20X8?
A 3,000 Yes
B 1,000 No
C 2,000 No but legislation passed since year end with retrospective effect
No provision for environmental damage has been made in the financial statements. Any appropriate provision
should be reported as part of cost of sales.
(a) Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for Alpha for the year
ended 31 March 20X8; (33 marks)
(b) Prepare the summarised consolidated statement of changes in equity for Alpha for the year ended 31 March
20X8. Your summarised statement should include a column for the non-controlling interest. (7 marks)
Alpha agreed to make an additional payment of $30m to the shareholders of Beta on 30 September 20X3.
This payment was contingent on the post-acquisition profits of Beta reaching a specified level in the two-
year period ending on 30 September 20X3. The directors of Alpha assessed that the fair value of this
contingent consideration was $20m on 1 October 20X1 and debited $20m to the cost of investment in Beta.
They reassessed the fair value of the contingent consideration at $22m on 30 September 20X2. The increase
in the fair value of the contingent consideration was caused by the better than expected performance of Beta
in the post-acquisition period. The directors of Alpha made no change to the carrying amount of the cost of
investment in Beta as a result of this reassessment.
Alpha incurred incremental legal and professional fees of $1.5m in connection with the acquisition of Beta
and debited these costs to the cost of investment in Beta. $500,000 of this amount related to the costs of
issuing the Alpha shares.
Note 2 – Fair value exercise
The directors of Alpha carried out a fair value exercise on the net assets of Beta on 1 October 20X1. On 1 October
20X1, the equity of Beta as shown in its own financial statements was $88m. The fair values of the net assets of
Beta were the same as their carrying amounts with the exception of:
Plant and equipment that had a carrying amount of $80m and a fair value of $84m. The estimated remaining
useful economic life of this plant and equipment was two years at 1 October 20X1. Depreciation of plant and
equipment is charged to cost of sales.
An intangible asset that had a fair value of $6m but was not recognised by Beta because it was internally
developed. The useful life of this asset was estimated at 18 months from 1 October 20X1. Amortisation of
intangible assets is charged to cost of sales.
Inventory that had a carrying amount of $3m and a fair value of $3.2m. All this inventory was sold in the
year ended 30 September 20X2.
The fair value adjustments are temporary differences that attract deferred tax at a rate of 25%.
Note 3 – Basis of measurement of non-controlling interests
It is the policy of Alpha to measure non-controlling interests based on their fair value at the date of acquisition. The
estimated fair value of the non-controlling interest in Beta at 1 October 20X1 was $20m.
Note 4 – Other information regarding Beta
On 1 October 20X1, Alpha made a loan of $40m to Beta at a fixed annual interest rate of 5%. Both Alpha and
Beta have correctly accounted for the interest on this loan in their individual statements of profit or loss and
other comprehensive income.
On 31 March 20X2, Beta paid a dividend of $10m to its equity shareholders.
Note 5 – Impairment review
On 30 September 20X2, the directors of Alpha reviewed the goodwill on acquisition of Beta for impairment. They
measured the recoverable amount of Beta (as a single cash-generating unit) at $118m at that date. Impairment of
goodwill is charged to cost of sales.
Note 6 – Purchase of shares in Gamma
On 1 January 20X2, Alpha and another investor both purchased 50% of the equity capital of Gamma for a
cash payment of $50m. These investments enabled the two investors to jointly control Gamma.
On 31 March 20X2, Gamma paid a dividend of $10m to its equity shareholders.
The recoverable amount of the investment in Gamma by Alpha was estimated at $50m on 30 September
Ignore the deferred tax implications of the investment in Gamma.
None of the assets or liabilities of Beta which Alpha identified on 1 April 20W5 remained in the statement of
financial position of Beta at 31 March 20X3 or 20X4. Any impairment of goodwill should be charged to cost of
Alpha measures all non-controlling interests based on their fair values at the date of acquisition of the relevant
Note 2 – Acquisition of Gamma
On 1 July 20X3, Alpha acquired 40% of the equity capital of Gamma. The purchase consideration comprised the
An issue of equity shares
A cash payment of $65.34m due on 30 June 20X5. On 1 July 20X3, Alpha's borrowing rate was 10% per
annum. No entry has yet been made in Alpha's financial statements regarding this future cash payment.
The other 60% of Gamma's shares are held by a wide variety of investors, none of whom owns more than 0.5%
individually. None of the other shareholders has any arrangements to consult any of the others or make collective
decisions. Since 1 July 20X3, Alpha has actively participated in establishing the operating and financial policies of
When reviewing the net assets of Gamma as at 1 July 20X3, the directors of Alpha ascertained the following:
The properties of Gamma had been revalued at 31 March 20X3 and there was no significant difference
between their carrying amounts at 1 July 20X3 and their fair values at 31 March 20X3.
The plant and equipment of Gamma had a carrying amount at 1 July 20X3 of $70m and a fair value at that
date of $78m. The estimated future useful life of the property, plant and equipment at 1 July 20X3 was four
years, with zero residual value.
On 1 July 20X3, Gamma was in the process of completing the development of a new method of production
which will significantly reduce wastage. As at 1 July 20X3, Gamma had recognised an intangible asset of
$10m in its financial statements in respect of this development. The directors of Alpha believed that, as at
1 July 20X3, the process had a fair value of $22m and that the process will produce economic benefits
evenly for ten years from 1 January 20X4.
On 1 July 20X3, Gamma had a contingent liability which it did not recognise in its own financial statements.
This contingent liability still existed, and was still unrecognised by Gamma, at 31 March 20X4. As at 1 July
20X3, the directors of Alpha believed that the contingent liability had a fair value of $16m. On 31 March
2014, they reassessed its fair value at $12m. The reassessment was due to a change in circumstances after
1 July 20X3.
The directors of Alpha believe that the facts described in this note mean that Gamma has been a subsidiary of Alpha
since 1 July 20X3 and wish to consolidate it. Based on the assumption that Gamma is consolidated, no impairment
of the goodwill on consolidation is required at 31 March 20X4. The profit of Gamma for the year ended 31 March
20X4 accrued evenly over the year. However, as noted above, all of the other comprehensive income of Gamma
arose after 1 July 20X3. Any consolidation adjustments which are necessary as a result of the information given in
this note should be regarded as temporary differences for the purpose of computing deferred taxation. The rate of
corporate income tax in the jurisdiction in which all three entities are located is 25%.
Note 3 – Presentation of depreciation and amortisation
All depreciation and amortisation charges should be presented as part of cost of sales.
Note 4 – Trading between Alpha and Beta
1. Alpha supplies a component to Beta which is used by Beta in its production process. Alpha marks up its cost
of production by one-third in arriving at the selling price. In the year ended 31 March 20X4, the revenues of
Alpha included $30m in respect of the sale of these components. On 31 March 20X4, the inventories of Beta
included $6m. On 31 March 20X3, the inventories of Beta included $4.4m in respect of identical unsold
components purchased from Alpha at the same mark up on cost.
2. During the year ended 31 March 20X3, Alpha manufactured a machine which was to be used by Beta from
1 April 2013. The costs of manufacture totalled $12m. On 1 April 20X3, Alpha transferred the machine to
Beta for an invoiced price of $16m, including relevant amounts in revenue and cost of sales. Beta included
the machine in its property, plant and equipment and depreciated the machine over its estimated useful life
of four years, with no residual value.
Any consolidation adjustments which are necessary as a result of the information given in this note should be
regarded as temporary differences for the purpose of computing deferred taxation.
Note 5 – Defined benefit retirement benefits plan
Certain senior executives of Alpha belong to a defined benefit retirement benefits plan. In the financial statements of
Alpha, the contributions paid into this plan have been shown as an expense in the statement of profit or loss and
other comprehensive income. Relevant information regarding this plan is as follows:
The pension liability was $60m at 31 March 20X3. This liability increased to $68m by 31 March 20X4.
The pension asset was $40m at 31 March 20X3. This asset increased to $46m by 31 March 20X4.
The current service cost was $4.5m.
Alpha's borrowing rate at 31 March 20X4 was 9% per annum. On that date market yields on government
bonds were 8% per annum.
The salary costs of the senior executives who belong to this plan are presented in administrative expenses. You
should ignore any adjustment to deferred tax as a result of the information included in this note.
Note 6 – Payment of dividends
On 31 December 20X3, Beta paid a dividend of $30m and Gamma paid a dividend of $20m. Alpha recognised its
share of both dividends in its investment income.
Note 7 – Property revaluations
It is the policy of the Alpha group to measure freehold properties using the fair value model and all freehold
properties were revalued on 31 March 20X4. Beta leases all of its properties and all of Beta's property leases are
operating leases. The gains shown in the financial statements of Alpha and Gamma do not take account of the
deferred tax implications of the revaluations.
Note 8 – Hedge of future property purchase
On 1 February 20X4, Alpha entered into a firm commitment to purchase a property on 31 May 20X4 for €40m. In
order to eliminate the impact of currency fluctuations, on 1 February 20X4 Alpha entered into a contract to purchase
€40m for $48m on 31 May 20X4. This contract had no cost and Alpha did not record it in the financial statements
for the year ended 31 March 20X4. On 31 March 20X4, the contract had a fair value of $3.6m (financial asset).
Alpha uses hedge accounting whenever permitted by International Financial Reporting Standards. Where a choice of
hedge accounting method exists, Alpha uses cash-flow hedge accounting.
You should ignore any adjustment to deferred tax as a result of the information included in this note.
(a) Discuss the appropriateness of the directors' view that Gamma became a subsidiary of Alpha on 1 July
20X3. (5 marks)
(b) Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of Alpha for the year
ended 31 March 20X4. For this part you should assume that Gamma is a subsidiary of Alpha from 1 July
20X3. (35 marks)
(Total = 40 marks)
1 Omega 15 (12/11)
Top tips. This was a detailed question on this area of the syllabus, and goes to show that you must be familiar with
the whole syllabus if you are going to pass Dip IFR. Part (a) was not easy, but you should have been able to get at
least 1–2 marks as long as you explained your points well. Part (b) was actually straightforward if you knew at least
the names of the bodies, as their functions are quite self-explanatory after that – the IFRS Advisory Council, for
example, provides advice about IFRS. Part (c) was practical and applied, but provided you had done a question in
this area you should have been aware, for example, of the requirement to prepare an opening statement of financial
position for the comparative financial statements.
Easy marks. Part (b) contained easy marks for just naming the four bodies.
Examination team's comments.
Part (a)
Areas showing good knowledge:
This was answered reasonably well with many candidates mentioning financing, comparisons and easy
consolidation process.
Areas where mistakes were common:
Some candidates seemed to be expressing the same matter in three slightly different ways rather than
raising three distinct benefits.
Some talked about benefits to investors comparing although the question asked about how the company
could benefit.
Part (b)
Areas showing good knowledge:
Most knew the names of the different bodies but failed to talk sensibly about what they did. Many students
simply talked through the process without referring to the bodies at all.
Areas where mistakes were common:
Some candidates described the components of financial statements rather than the individual components of
the standard setting process.
Part (c)
Areas showing good knowledge:
Most mentioned the comparatives that were needed but then failed to be specific with dates.
Areas where mistakes were common:
Some candidates merely stated that comparatives were needed. Many talked about the process to restate,
which was not what the question asked.
Many candidates seemed unaware of special disclosures and exemptions.
(a) Reporting in IFRS could make it easier to raise capital on global markets. Many markets require financial
statements to be submitted under local accounting standards or IFRS. Reporting in IFRS would eliminate
costs of restatement into local standards.
Moving to IFRS across the group would make the consolidation process easier, as there would be no need
to restate financial statements from the local accounting standards of the subsidiaries to the local standards
used by Omega, as is currently the case.
IFRS are being used increasingly worldwide, so that knowledge of IFRS would allow us to evaluate potential
targets more easily if they use IFRS.
2 Users
The IASB's Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting tries to provide a structure for corporate reporting by
identifying users and their needs. As the statement suggests the IASB identifies a number of different users from
shareholders, including creditors, government and employees. The IASB also identifies that these users do have
differing needs but, contrary to the suggestion in the question, they do realise that it is impossible to satisfy the
specific needs of all potential users and so they attempt to identify common factors which unite all of the parties.
The information which they identify as being common to all user groups is that pertaining to the position,
performance and adaptability of an entity.
Whether this approach to standard setting will lead to bigger and more complex sets of accounts is certainly an
issue which needs to be addressed. When developing standards the IASB considers what makes financial
information relevant. It has been decided that the ability to predict future performance is an essential need of most
user groups and therefore the additional cost of preparation can be justified. As long as this test is applied it should
ensure no irrelevant information is included.
The third point addressed in the question is whether the IASB has been too wide in defining user groups. As
mentioned above, because different users have common needs, this issue is rather redundant. However one could
also argue that to suggest that the only important group is the current shareholders is naive when considering
public companies. The financial statements can be used to attract new investors which benefits the existing
The last point deals with the level at which information should be pitched in order to be of maximum benefit to the
user. Obviously users are at widely differing levels of financial competence and awareness and, as a result, the
financial statements can never be ideal for everyone. What the Conceptual Framework argues is that the information
presented and the treatments adopted must satisfy the expectations of an educated reader and adequately reflect
the underlying complexity of the transactions and position it is reporting on. The argument is that the less
financially-aware user can obtain the key information via a financial adviser. Some countries have provisions
requiring the publication of summary financial statements for those shareholders not wishing to receive full
accounts. This provision also leads to cost savings as far as the shareholders are concerned.
In conclusion although the question addresses issues of importance in determining the form and content of
financial statements, they are all issues that have been considered by the IASB in the Conceptual Framework. The
conclusion of the IASB is that by grouping users and their needs and pitching the level of information at a
reasonably high level then, although not satisfying everyone, the maximum number of users benefits from financial
3 Norman
(a) Sale of hotel complex
The issue here is one of revenue recognition, and the accounting treatment is governed by IFRS 15
Revenue with contracts from customers. Stage (v) of the standards revenue recognition process requires
that revenue is recognised when (or as) a performance obligation is satisfied. The entity satisfies a
performance obligation by transferring control of a promised good or service to the customer. A
performance obligation can be satisfied at a point in time, such as when goods are delivered to the
customer, or over time. In the case of the hotel transfer, the issue is that of a performance obligation
satisfied at a point in time. One of the IFRS 15 indicators of control is that significant risks and rewards of
ownership have been transferred to the customer.
It can be argued in some cases where property is sold that the seller, by continuing to be involved, has not
satisfied the performance obligation by transferring control, partly because the seller has not transferred
the risks and rewards of ownership. In such cases, the sale is not genuine, but is often in substance a
financing arrangement. IFRS 15 requires that the substance of a transaction is determined by looking at the
transaction as a whole. If two or more transactions are linked, they should be treated as one transaction to
better reflect the commercial substance.
Norman continues to operate and manage the hotel complex, receiving the bulk (75%) of the profits, and the
residual interest reverts back to Norman; effectively, Norman retains control by retaining the risks and
rewards of ownership. Conquest does not bear any risk: its minimum annual income is guaranteed at $15m.
The sale should not be recognised. In substance it is a financing transaction. The proceeds should be
treated as a loan, and the payment of profits as interest.
(b) Discount vouchers
The treatment of the vouchers is governed by IFRS 15 Revenue with contracts from customers. The
principles of the standard require that:
(i) The voucher should be accounted for as a separate component of the sale.
(ii) The promise to provide the discount is a performance obligation.
(iii) The entity must estimate the stand-alone selling price of the discount voucher in accordance with
paragraph B42 of IFRS 15. That estimate must reflect the discount that the customer would obtain
when exercising the option, adjusted for both of the following:
(1) Any discount that the customer could receive without exercising the option
(2) The likelihood that the option will be exercised.
The vouchers are issued as part of the sale of the room and redeemable against future bookings. The
substance of the transaction is that the customer is purchasing both a room and a voucher.
Vouchers worth $20m are eligible for discount as at 31 May 20X8. However, based on past experience, it is
likely that only one in five vouchers will be redeemed, that is, vouchers worth $4m. Room sales are $300m,
so effectively, the company has made sales worth $(300m + 4m) = $304m in exchange for $300m. The
stand-alone price would give a total of $300m for the rooms and $4m for the vouchers.
To allocate the transaction price (step (iv) of IFRS 15's five-step process for revenue recognition), the
proceeds need to be split proportionally pro-rata the stand-alone prices, that is the discount of $4m needs
to be allocated between the room sales and the vouchers, as follows:
Room sales: × $300m = $296.1m
Vouchers (balance) = $3.9m
The $3.9m attributable to the vouchers is only recognised when the performance obligations are fulfilled,
that is when the vouchers are redeemed.
(c) Government grant
The applicable standard relating to this transaction is IAS 20 Accounting for government grants and
disclosure of government assistance. The principle behind the standard is that of accruals or matching: the
grant received must be matched with the related costs.
Government grants are assistance by government in the form of transfers of resources to an entity in return
for past or future compliance with certain conditions relating to the operating activities of the entity. There
are two main types of grants:
(i) Grants related to assets: grants whose primary condition is that an entity qualifying for them should
purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets. Subsidiary conditions may also be
attached restricting the type or location of the assets or the periods during which they are to be
acquired or held. In this case the condition relates to the cost of building the hotels, which must be
$500m or more.
(ii) Grants related to income: These are government grants other than grants related to assets.
It is not always easy to match costs and revenues if the terms of the grant are not explicit about the expense
to which the grant is meant to contribute. In the case of Norman, the intention of the grant is to create
employment in the area, and the building of hotels is for that purpose. However, on balance, the grant can be
seen as capital based, because the amount is not tied into payroll expenditure or numbers of jobs created,
and the repayment clause is related to the cost of the asset (building of hotels). Accordingly, IAS 20 allows
two possible approaches:
(i) Match the grant against the depreciation of the hotels using a deferred income approach.
(ii) Deduct the grant from the carrying amount of the asset.
4 Mocca
Marking scheme
(a) Reven does not obtain control of the plant, because the repurchase option means that it is 1
limited in its ability to use and obtain benefit from the plant.
As control has not been transferred, Mocca must account for the transaction as a financing 1+1
arrangement, because the exercise price is above the original selling price. Mocca must
continue to recognise the plant and recognise the cash received as a financial liability. The
difference of $50,000 is recognised as interest expense.
If, on 31 March 20X2, the option lapses unexercised, Reven will then obtain control of the 1+1
plant. In this case, Mocca must will derecognise the plant and recognise revenue of
$550,000 (the $500,000 already received plus the $50,000 charged to interest).
(b) (i) Revenue recognition is an important issue in financial reporting and it is generally 1+1
accepted that revenue is earned when goods have been accepted by the customer
or services have been delivered. At that stage the performance obligation has been
satisfied and revenue is said to have been realised. However, if this were applied to
contracts where performance obligations are satisfied over time, the effect would not
necessarily be to give a faithful representation.
As a contract where performance obligations are satisfied over time can span several 1+1
accounting periods, if no revenue were recognised until the end of the contract, this
would certainly be prudent but would not be in accordance with the accruals
concept. The financial statements would show all of the profit in the final period,
when in fact some of it had been earned in prior periods. This is remedied by
recognising attributable profit as the performance obligations are satisfied, as long
as ultimate profitability is expected. Any foreseeable loss is recognised immediately.
The time value of money could also be an issue in a contract where performance 1
obligations are satisfied over time, for example if there is a long delay between when
an entity satisfies a performance obligation and when the customer is due to pay the 5
promised consideration.
(ii) Profit or loss amounts
Revenue (8,125 – 3,500) 4,625 3
Cost of sales ((9,500 (W1) × 65%) – 2,660) (3,515)
Profit (1,950 (W2) – 840) 1,110 1½
Statement of financial position amounts
Non-current assets
Plant (8,000 – 2,500 (W1)) 5,500 1½
Current assets
Trade receivables (8,125 – 7,725) 400 1
Contract asset (see below) 1,125 1
Contract asset
Costs to date (4,800 + 2,500) 7,300 1
Profit to date (W2) 1,950 ½
Less amounts invoiced (8,125) ½
Contract asset 1,125 10
1 Total contract profit
$'000 $'000
Total contract revenue 12,500
Costs to date 4,800
Further costs to complete (5,500 – 4,800) 700
Plant depreciation to date (8,000 × 15/48) 2,500
Remaining depreciation (8,000 × 9/48) 1,500
Total expected costs (9,500)
Total expected profit on contract 3,000
2 Profit to date
% work completed = 8,125/12,500 = 65%
Profit to date = 3,000 × 65% = 1,950
5 Minco
Text reference. Revenue recognition is covered in Chapter 3 of your BPP Study Text for exams in December 2016
and June 2017. Intangible assets are covered in Chapter 7 and financial instruments are covered in Chapter 10.
Top tips. Part (b) is about more than one issue – look out for this in exam questions.
Easy marks. Although IFRS 15 is new, there are some easy marks to be had in Part (a) for showing knowledge of
the criteria for identifying the contract with a customer.
Examination team's comment. Most candidates had knowledge of revenue recognition and many applied their
knowledge satisfactorily. However in Part (b), many candidates struggled to recognise the issues where a tennis
player receives a signing bonus of $20,000, earns an annual amount of $50,000 and receives a bonus of 20% of the
prize money won at a tournament. Many candidates did not recognise the intangible asset or the financial liability.
Additionally, there was little discussion of the principles behind the accounting application.
Marking scheme
It is therefore not probable that Minco will collect the consideration to which it is 1
entitled in exchange for the transfer of the building and so the IFRS 15 (Paragraph 9)
criteria have not been met. Minco must then consider whether either of the criteria in
IFRS 15 Paragraph 15 have been met, that is:
(a) Has Minco has received substantially all of the consideration? ½
(b) Has Minco terminated the contract? ½
The answer to both of these is no, therefore, in accordance with Paragraph 16 of the ½+½
standard, Minco must account for the non-refundable $150,000 payment as a deposit
liability. Minco must continue to account for the initial deposit, as well as any future
payments of principal and interest, as a deposit liability, until such time that the company
concludes that the criteria in Paragraph 9 are met, specifically that it will recover the
consideration owing, or until it has received substantially all of it, or terminated the
contract. Minco must continue to assess the situation to see if these changes have
occurred. 8
Performance bonus
Minco must also pay a performance bonus to the player whenever she wins a ½+½+½
tournament. These payments are related to specific events, and therefore they are
treated as executory contracts. (An executory contract is a contract in which something
remains to be done by one or both parties.) They are accrued and expensed when the 7
player has won a tournament. 15
The question asks for the consolidated financial statements of Myriad. Property A is let to a subsidiary of
Myriad, so in the consolidated financial treatments it would be treated as an owner-occupied property using
the cost model. Its fair value ($200,000) would be shown in the entity financial statements, where it would
be treated as an investment property.
7 Shiplake
(a) (i) An impairment loss arises where the carrying amount of an asset, or group of assets, is higher than
their recoverable amounts. In effect IAS 36 requires that assets should not appear on a statement of
financial position at a value which is higher than they are 'worth'. The recoverable amount of an asset
is defined as the higher of its fair value less costs of disposal (ie the amount at which it can be sold
for net of direct selling expenses) or its value in use (ie its estimated future net cash flows discounted
to a present value). IAS 36 Impairment of assets recognises that many assets do not produce
independent cash flows and therefore the value in use may have to be calculated for a group of
assets – a cash-generating unit.
The standard recognises that it would be too onerous for companies to have to test for impairment
every year and therefore only requires impairment reviews when there is some indication that an
impairment has occurred. The exception to this general principle is where an intangible asset has an
indefinite useful life, in which case an impairment review is required at least annually.
(ii) Impairments generally arise where there has been an event or change in circumstances. It may be
that something has happened to the assets themselves (eg physical damage) or there has been a
change in the economic environment relating to the assets (eg new regulations may have come into
The standard gives several examples of indicators of impairment, which may be available from
internal or external sources:
(1) Poor operating results. This could be a current operating loss or a low profit. One year's
losses in itself does not necessarily mean there has been an impairment, but if this is coupled
with previous losses or expected future losses then this is an indication of impairment;
(2) A significant decline in an asset's market value (in excess of normal depreciation though use
or the passage of time) or evidence of obsolescence (through market changes or technology)
or physical damage;
(3) Evidence of a reduction in the useful economic life or estimated residual value of assets;
(4) Adverse changes in the market or economy such as the entrance of a major competitor, new
statutory or regulatory rules or any indicator of value that has been used to value an asset (eg
on acquisition a brand may have been valued on a 'multiple of sale revenues'. If subsequent
sales were below expectations this may indicate an impairment);
(5) A commitment to a significant reorganisation or restructuring of the business;
(6) Loss of key employees or major customers;
(7) Increases in long-term interest rates (this could materially impact on value in use calculations
thus affecting the recoverable amounts of assets);
(8) Where the carrying amount of an entity's net assets is more than its market capitalisation.
(b) (i) On the acquisition of a subsidiary, the purchase consideration must be allocated to the fair value of
its net assets with the residue being classed as goodwill (or negative goodwill if the assets have a
greater fair value than the purchase consideration). IFRS 3 Business combinations recognises that it
is not always possible to accurately determine the value of some assets at the date of acquisition.
Therefore adjustments to the provisional valuations may be made within 12 months of the acquisition
date. As the revision to the value of Halyard's assets was due to more detailed information becoming
available, the fall in its asset values should be treated as an adjustment to provisional valuations
made at the time of acquisition. In effect, the net assets and goodwill should be restated to $7m and
$5m respectively; the fall of $1m is not an impairment loss and should not be charged to the
statement of profit or loss.
The fall in value of Mainstay's assets is the result of events that occurred after the acquisition (ie
physical damage to the plant) and this does constitute an impairment loss. The plant and machinery
should be written down to its recoverable amount and the loss charged to the statement of profit or
loss. On the assumption that the recoverable value of the company as a whole has not fallen,
goodwill will not be affected.
(ii) On the basis of the original estimates, Shiplake's earth-moving plant was not impaired, the value in
use of $500,000 being greater than its carrying amount. However due to the 'dramatic' increase in
interest rates causing Shiplake's cost of capital to increase, the value in use of the plant will have to
be recalculated. As the discount rate has risen this will cause the value in use to fall. There is
insufficient information to be able to quantify this fall. If the new discounted value is above the
carrying amount $400,000 there is still no impairment. If it is between $245,000 and $400,000, this
will be the recoverable amount of the plant and it should be written down to this value. As the plant
can be sold for $250,000 less selling costs of $5,000, $245,000 is the lowest amount that the plant
should be written down to even if its revised value in use is below this figure.
(iii) The treatment of the research and development costs in the year to 31 March 20X1 was correct due
to the element of uncertainty at the date. The development costs of $75,000 written off in that same
period should not be capitalised at a later date even if the uncertainties leading to its original write off
are favourably resolved. The treatment of the development costs in the year to 31 March 20X2 is
incorrect. The directors' decision to continue the development is logical as (at the time of the
decision) the future costs are estimated at only $10,000 and the future revenues are expected to be
$150,000. It is also true that the project is now expected to lead to an overall deficit of $135,000 (120
+ 75 + 80 + 10 – 150 (in $000)). However, at 31 March 20X2 the unexpensed development costs of
$80,000 are expected to be recovered. Provided the other criteria in IAS 38 Intangible Assets are met
these costs of $80,000 should be recognised as an asset in the statement of financial position and
'matched' to the future earnings of the new product. Thus the directors' logic of writing off the
$80,000 development cost at 31 March 20X2 because of an expected overall loss is flawed. The
directors do not have the choice to write off the development expenditure.
(c) It is now necessary to find the value in use in order to determine what the impairment loss is.
Year Long-term Future cash PV factor at Discounted
growth rate flows 10% future cash flows
$'000 $'000
1 600 0.90909 545
2 660 0.82645 545
3 710 0.75131 533
4 755 0.68301 516
5 790 0.62092 491
6 +2% 806 0.56447 455
7 –1% 798 0.51316 409
8 –7% 742 0.46651 346
9 –16% 623 0.42410 264
10 –30% 436 0.38554 168
Total 4,272
The impairment loss is calculated by comparing the carrying amount ($5m) with the higher of value in use
($4.272m) and fair value less costs of disposal ($3.2m). The impairment loss is therefore $5m – $4.272m =
$728,000. The new carrying amount of the SyMIX is $4,272m.
9 Omikron
(a) (i) Indicators will include the following.
External factors
A significant decrease in the market value of an asset in excess of normal passage of time.
Significant adverse changes in the markets or business in which the asset is used.
Adverse changes to the technological, economic or legal environmental of the business.
Increase in market interest rates likely to affect the discount ratio used in calculating value in use.
Where interest rates increase, adversely affecting recoverable amounts.
The carrying amount of an entity's asset exceeding its market capitalisation.
Internal factors
Adverse changes to the method of use of the asset.
Indications suggest the economic performance of the asset will be worse than expected.
Physical damage or obsolescence has occurred.
For new assets, cost increases adversely affect profitability.
Where actual cash flows are less than estimated cash flows if an asset is valued in terms of
'value in use'.
Where the management intend to reorganise the entity.
(ii) Recognition and measurement of impairment
IAS 36 states that if an asset's carrying amount is higher than its recoverable amount, an
impairment loss has occurred. The impairment loss should be written off against profits.
The recoverable amount is defined as the higher of the asset's fair value less costs of disposal and
its value in use. If the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, then the resulting
impairment loss should be charged as an expense in the statement of profit or loss. When an
impairment loss occurs for a revalued asset, the impairment loss should be charged to the
revaluation surplus, any excess is then charged to the statement of profit or loss.
Where it is not possible to measure impairment for individual assets, the loss should be measured
for a cash generating unit. Impairment losses for cash generating units should be allocated
initially to goodwill, then to all other assets on a pro rata basis. Impairment losses should only be
reversed if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the asset's recoverable
amount since the last impairment loss was recognised.
After impairment losses have been recognised, the depreciation (amortisation) charges should be
(b) Recommended treatment
At 1 February 20X8
1.1.X8 Impairment loss 1.2.X8
$'000 $'000 $'000
Goodwill (230 – 190) 40 (15) 25
Intangible assets 30 30
Vehicles 120 (30) 90
Sundry net assets 40 40
230 (45) 185
An impairment loss is recognised for the stolen vehicles. The balance of $15,000 is allocated to goodwill in
the cash generating unit.
At 1 March 20X8
1.2.X8 Impairment loss 1.3.X8
$'000 $'000 $'000
Goodwill 25 (25) –
Intangible assets 30 (5) 25
Vehicles 90 90
Sundry net assets 40 40
185 (30) 155
A further impairment loss of $30,000 is recognised. The recoverable amount falls to the higher of net selling
price (190 – 5 – 30) or value in use (150). There is no indication that other tangible assets are impaired. The
loss is applied initially to the intangible assets and then to goodwill.
10 Omega 1 (12/06)
(a) Properties 1 and 2 are items covered by IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment. This states that all items of
property, plant and equipment with finite useful lives should be depreciated over those useful lives. Land
normally has an infinite useful life and is therefore not depreciated, but the buildings element of the
properties should be depreciated, regardless of whether the properties are measured at cost or at market
value. Therefore the cost or valuation of the properties should be split between the land and buildings
elements and depreciation charged on the buildings element.
Property 3 appears to meet the definition of an investment property and therefore IAS 40 Investment
property should be applied. Investment properties may be accounted for under the 'cost model' in which
case the property is measured at cost and depreciated over its useful life in the same way as if it were an
owner-occupied property covered by IAS 16. Alternatively, the 'fair value model', which is preferred by IAS
40 when fair values can be reliably measured, may be used. The property is measured at its fair value
(market value) and is not depreciated. Instead, changes in fair value are recognised in profit or loss in the
period in which they occur. Therefore non-depreciation would be appropriate in this case, provided that the
fair value model was adopted.
(b) All three properties can be measured at cost or at fair value. IAS 16 states that where an item is revalued, the
entire class of assets to which that item belongs must be revalued. Properties would qualify as a separate
class and it would be acceptable to measure Property 1 (which has risen in value) at fair value provided that
Property 2 (which has fallen in value) was also measured at fair value.
Property 1
If the cost model is adopted, there will be no effect on the statement of profit or loss.
If the fair value model is adopted, a revaluation surplus of $1m will be recognised directly in equity (a
revaluation reserve), for each of the years ended 30 September 20X5 and 30 September 20X6.
Property 2
Again, if the cost model is adopted, there will be no effect on the statement of profit or loss. However, the
fact that the fair value of the property has fallen below cost means that it may have become impaired. An
impairment review should be performed as required by IAS 36 Impairment of assets.
If the fair value model is adopted, the entity will recognise a revaluation surplus of $1m in other
comprehensive income for the year ended 30 September 20X5. For the year ended 30 September 20X6 it
must recognise a revaluation deficit of $2m. There already exists a revaluation surplus of $1m in respect of
the property, so $1m of the deficit is recognised in equity and set against the surplus. The remaining loss of
$1m is recognised immediately in profit or loss for the year.
Property 3
Investment properties may be measured at cost. If this treatment is adopted, there will be no effect on the
statement of profit or loss.
If the property is measured at fair value, revaluation gains of $1.5m (for the year ended 30 September 20X5)
and $1m (for the year ended 30 September 20X6) will be recognised directly in the statement of profit or
(c) The cost of the site is recognised in property, plant and equipment and depreciated over its useful life of 10
years as required by IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment.
The entity has a legal obligation to incur restoration costs of $15m at the end of ten years. The obligation
exists from the date at which the site was purchased, ie 1 October 20X5. Therefore it should recognise a
provision at that date, as required by IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets. The
time effect of money is material and IAS 37 requires that the provision is discounted to its present value of
$6.945m ($15m 0.463).
IAS 16 requires that the cost of an asset should include an initial estimate of the cost of restoring the site,
where the entity has an obligation to do so. Therefore an amount of $6.945m is recognised in property, plant
and equipment and is also depreciated over ten years.
The provision is increased over time as the discount unwinds. The amount of the discount is recognised in
profit or loss as a finance cost.
The statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 20X6 includes the following amounts:
Depreciation of $5,694,500 (($50m + $6.945m) ÷ 10). This is included in operating costs.
Unwinding of the discount of $556,000 ($6.945m 8%). This is included in finance costs.
The statement of financial position at 30 September 20X6 includes the following amounts:
Property, plant and equipment of $51.2505m ($56.945m 9/10). This is included in non-current
Provision of $7.501m ($6.945m + $556,000). This is included in non-current liabilities.
11 Omega 2 (6/07)
Transaction 1
Operating cost: Depreciation (Note 2) 1,694
Finance cost: Unwinding of discount (1,360 5% 10/12) (Note 3) 57
Non-current assets:
Property, plant and equipment
Cost (Note 1) 13,260
Less accumulated depreciation (Note 2) (1,694)
Provision for dismantling and restoration costs (Note 3) (1,360 + 57) 1,417
Note 1
Cost of the production plant:
Basic materials 10,000
Employment costs (1,200 8/12) 800
Other overheads 600
Payments to external advisors 500
Dismantling and restoration costs (2,000 0.68) 1,360
This amount has been calculated in accordance with the requirements of IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment.
Sales taxes have been excluded. Only employment costs incurred in getting the plant ready for use have been
included. The abnormal cost of $300,000 relating to an electrical fault has also been excluded. The cost of
dismantling and restoring the site has been included as the entity clearly has an obligation to incur this expenditure
(IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets) and this amount is discounted to its present value.
Note 2
Depreciation charge for the year:
Element requiring overhaul (3,000 ¼ 10/12) 625
Other (10,260 1/8 10/12) 1,069
The plant is split into two components and these are depreciated separately, as required by IAS 16.
Note 3
A provision is recognised for the cost of dismantling and restoring the site, as required by IAS 37. This is
discounted to its present value at 1 April 20X6. The unwinding of the discount is treated as a finance cost.
Transaction 2
The property is classified as 'held-for-sale'. The directors clearly intend to sell the property, active steps are being
taken to locate a buyer and the property is being marketed at a reasonable price. Therefore the classification meets
the conditions set out in IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations.
As a result the property is removed from non-current assets and presented separately in the statement of financial
position. Assets held for sale are normally presented immediately below current assets.
IFRS 5 requires that assets held for sale are measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to
sell. Omega has adopted the revaluation model to measure the property and therefore its carrying amount is its fair
value at 31 December 20X6 (the date at which it is classified as held for sale). Before the revaluation, the carrying
amount of the property is $14.76m (see working). As a result of the revaluation, the carrying amount of the
property increases to $16m and therefore the revaluation reserve increases by $1.24m. Fair value less costs to sell
is $15.5m and therefore the property is measured at this amount. An impairment loss of $500,000 is recognised
immediately in profit or loss. No further depreciation is charged on the property.
At 31 March 20X7 the latest estimate of fair value less costs to sell is $15.55m (the actual net sale proceeds
received: $16.1m less $550,000). This is higher than its carrying amount of $15.5m, so no further adjustment is
The sale is recognised on 30 April 20X7. As this is after the end of the reporting period, but before the financial
statements are authorised for issue, the sale is a non-adjusting event after the reporting period and should be
disclosed in accordance with IAS 10 Events after the reporting period.
Carrying amount of property at 31 December 20X7 (before revaluation)
Valuation 15,000
Depreciation to date (8,000 1/25 9/12) (240)
12 Omega 10 (6/10)
Top Tips. This question divides itself neatly into two parts, and there were plenty of marks available in both halves.
The first part was relatively straightforward, but you would have needed to take care with the numbers in order to
score well. Regarding part (b), if you had kept to your timings throughout the first three questions then there were
easy pickings essentially for applying the basic provisions of IFRS 5. This is a fundamental standard that you should
be very familiar with.
Examination team's comments. Answers to part (a) were generally very satisfactory. Most candidates seemed
aware of the basic principles of which costs could be capitalised and which could not. There was generally a
satisfactory awareness of the requirement to capitalise relevant borrowing costs, although few candidates were
wholly accurate in their calculations. Similarly, the principle of component depreciation seemed well known but very
candidates produced correct calculations. A common calculation error was to add the expected replacement cost of
the roof onto the other costs when computing the overall carrying amount.
Answers to part (b) were somewhat disappointing. Many candidates failed to recognise that the decline in value of
property A was caused by an event after the end of the reporting period and so would be classified as non-
adjusting. Many candidates did not appreciate that property B could not be classified as held for sale until the
necessary repair work was carried out. A number of candidates seemed to confuse 'held for sale' with 'available for
sale'. However if the principles of IFRS 5 were applied correctly no candidate was penalised for referring to the
properties as 'available for sale'.
Marking scheme
(a) Marks as indicated on answers 12
(b) Conclusions about classification as held for sale 1 each
Depreciation of property A 1
Measurement and disclosure of property A is statement of financial position 2
Depreciation of property B 1
Identify and discuss impairment issue with property B 1
Disclosure of property B in statement of financial position 1
Total for event 2 8
Total 20
Computation of cost (all numbers in $'000s) Marks
Details Amount Explanation
Purchase of land 20,000 Direct cost of construction 1
Purchase of materials 7,500 Not including cost of materials lost in fire 1½
Costs of construction
workers 2,250 Construction period five months, less idle two weeks 1½
Other construction Construction period as above. Ignore overheads incurred
overheads 900 after construction complete 1½
Consultants fees 500 Direct cost of construction 1
Income from operations incidental to the construction
taken to the statement of profit or loss and other
Income from car park Nil comprehensive income 1½
Costs of opening
factory Nil Not a direct cost of construction 1
Tutorial Note. The need to replace the roof in 20 years' time is recognised through component depreciation
rather than by recognising a provision
(b) Statement of financial position at 31 March 20X9.
Non-current assets 18,000
Current assets (or non-current assets held for sale) 24,625.
Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 20X9
Depreciation 775 (375 + 400)
Impairment 3,600 (21,600 – 18,000)
From 1 January 20X9 property A would be regarded as held for sale under the principles of IFRS 5 Non-
current assets held for sale and discontinued operations. The property is available for immediate sale in its
present condition and is being actively marketed at a reasonable price. On the other hand property B would
not, since it cannot be sold until necessary repairs are carried out.
Property A would be depreciated up to the date of classification as held for sale but not thereafter. Therefore,
depreciation of 375 (15,000 × 1/30 × 9/12) would be necessary in the year to 31 March 20X9. The property
would be removed from non-current assets and shown in current assets or in a separate section of the
assets side of the statement of financial position. It would be measured at the lower of its carrying amount
of the date of classification of 24,625 (25,000 – 375) and its fair value less costs to sell of 28,000 – 24,625
in this case. The decline in property prices affecting this property relates to an economic event occurring
after the end of the reporting period. Therefore, it would be regarded as a non-adjusting event after the
reporting period. The event would be disclosed as a note to the financial statements but the decline in value
would not be recognised.
Property B would be depreciated for the whole period and would remain in non-current assets. The
depreciation required for the year ended 31 March 20X9 would be 400 (16,000 × 1/40). The fact that its fair
value less costs to sell is estimated at $18m whilst the carrying amount prior to any write down is 21,600
(22,000 – 400) is prima-facie evidence of impairment. Given that the property is to be sold – even though it
cannot be classified as held for sale at 31 March 20X9 – this is the best indicator of the recoverable amount
of the property.
13 Omega 16 (6/12)
Examination team's comments. The majority of candidates correctly concluded that the land lease was an
operating lease and the buildings lease was a finance lease. However a number of candidates made calculation
errors in allocating the lease payments between the two lease elements and very few candidates realised that the
lease premium resulted in a pre-payment with regard to the land lease.
Marking scheme
Explanation and supporting calculations
The initial carrying amount of the leased asset in PPE is $4.5m ($1.8m + $300,000 × 9). 1
Therefore the annual depreciation charge is $225,000 ($4.5m × 1/20) and the closing PPE ($4.5m –
$225,000). 1
The finance cost in respect of the finance lease and the closing non-current liability is shown in the
working below. 2
The closing current liability is $56,300 ($2,648,400 – $2,592,100). 1
14 Kappa 2 (6/11)
Top tips. This transaction was fairly simple, and is very typical of Dip IFR. You should have been happy with this
Easy marks. This contained easy marks for showing operating lease rentals in the SPLOCI, and the operating lease
liability in the SOFP.
31 March 2011 31 March 2010
$ $
Non-current assets:
Property, plant and equipment 3,507,692 3,702,564
Non-current liabilities:
Operating lease rentals 1,700,000 1,400,000
Provision 873,440 824,000
Current liabilities:
Operating lease rentals 100,000 –
Lease – year 1
The lease is an operating lease per IAS 17 Leases, and is recognised on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
The total value of the lease is (36 $250,000) – $1,000,000 = $8m, which gives an annual expense of $8m ÷ 20
years = $400,000. In addition, cash of $1m has been received, leaving the year-end liability for 20X0 as $1.4m. All
of this liability is classified as non-current, as there are no cashflows in the 2nd year of the lease.
Lease – year 2
The liability at 31 March 2011 is increased by the expense of $400,000 to $1.8m. For each of the following years,
Kappa will pay $500,000, while the annual expense will increase by $400,000. Therefore the liability will fall by
$100,000 each year; this amount is classified as a current liability in 2011.
Leasehold improvements
The cost of $3m is capitalised and depreciated over the term of the lease.
IAS 37 requires that a provision be created for the cost of restoring the office block in 2029, measured at the
present value of the obligation. This is $2.5m 0.32 = $800,000. This is a non-current liability, and is capitalised
within non-current assets.
15 AB
(a) (i) IAS 17 Leases requires a finance lease to be accounted for in the books of the lessee as follows. A
finance lease:
(1) Substantially transfers all of the risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset to a
(2) Should be capitalised in the accounts at the fair value of the leased asset or, if lower, the PV
of minimum lease payments over the lease term using the interest rate implicit in the lease
(otherwise the lessee's marginal borrowing rate may be used). Any residual payments
guaranteed by the lessee should also be included.
(3) The capitalised asset is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term or useful life if the
lessee does not become the legal owner at the end of the lease term. If the lessee does
become the legal owner then the asset is depreciated over the useful life.
(4) Interest and principal components of each payment must be identified and allocated to
accounting periods, thus reducing the lease liability.
(5) Finance charges are calculated as the difference between the total of the minimum lease payments
and value of the liability to the lessor. Finance charges are allocated to accounting periods to
produce a constant periodic rate of charge on the liability in the statement of profit or loss.
(ii) AB's lease and Conceptual Framework definitions
The IASB Conceptual Framework defines an asset as 'a resource controlled by the entity as a result
of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity'. AB's
leased plant would appear to meet this definition:
(1) AB has the right to use the leased plant as an economic resource, that is to generate cash
inflows or reduce cash outflows.
(2) AB can be said to control the resource because the lessor does not have the right of access to
the plant until the end of the contract without AB's permission.
(3) The control results from past events, that is the signing of the lease contract.
(4) Future economic benefits are expected to flow to AB during the lease term.
In conclusion, the leased plant meets the Conceptual Framework's definition of an asset.
The Conceptual Framework defines a liability as 'a present obligation of the entity arising from past
events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources
embodying economic benefits'. Applying this to AB's lease of plant:
(1) There is a present obligation to pay rentals.
(2) The lessor has no contractual right (unless AB breaches the contract) to take possession of
the plant before the end of the contract, and similarly. AB has no contractual right to terminate
the contract and avoid paying rentals.
(3) The obligation to pay rentals arises from a past event, namely the signing of the lease.
(4) The obligation is expected to result in an outflow of economic benefits in the form of cash
In conclusion, the leased plant meets the Conceptual Framework's definition of a liability.
Tutorial Note. You would not have had to write as much as this in order to get the 6 marks available here.
(b) Recommended accounting treatments
(i) Electrical distribution system
Where a lessee enters a sale and leaseback transaction resulting in an operating lease, then the
original asset should be treated as sold. If the transaction is at fair value then immediate recognition
of the profit/loss should occur.
If the transaction is above fair value, then the profit based on fair value of $65m should be
recognised. The balance in excess of fair value of $100m (198 – 98) should be deferred and
amortised over the period for which the asset is expected to be used (ten years) ie $10m pa.
If the sales value is not at fair value, the operating lease rentals of $24m are likely to have been
adjusted for the excess price paid. For AB the sales value is more than twice the fair value and the use
of the Conceptual Framework and standards dictate the substance of a transaction is essentially one
of sale and a loan back equal to the deferred income element. The company may have shown the
excess over fair value as a loan and part of the costs of the operating lease will essentially be
repayment of capital and interest ($12m pa).
16 Pilgrim Co
To: Managing director
From: Financial director
Date: 17 May 20X9
Subject: Accounting for leases
(a) Factors determining type of lease – finance or operating
In deciding whether a particular lease should be classified as a finance or operating lease the substance of
the transaction should be considered, rather than its strict legal form. Under both types of lease legal title of
the asset will remain with the lessor but who benefits from use of the asset and who takes on the risks of
ownership differs.
Finance lease
In deciding whether the lease is a finance lease the following should be considered:
Who takes on the risks and rewards of ownership?
Under a finance lease, the risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the lessee. He has
the benefit from using the asset as if he had bought it outright, but he is responsible for any repairs,
maintenance, insurance costs etc.
A presumption often used in practice is that the risks and rewards of ownership have been
transferred if, at the start of the lease, the present value of the minimum lease payments (MLP) totals
90% or more of the fair value of the leased asset.
Does the lessee use the asset for most, if not all, of its useful life?
Although legal title may never pass to the lessee, effectively pays for use of the asset for substantially
all of its useful life.
Does it cost the lessee in excess of the full cost of the asset?
Under a finance lease, the lessee pays the lessor for the full cost of the asset together with a
financing charge by remitting regular cash instalments to the lessor. He is effectively buying the asset
over a period of time and paying interest.
Does the lessor cover all of his costs by entering into the one transaction?
Under a finance lease this would be the case, whereas with an operating lease several agreements,
perhaps with different lessees, would be needed.
Operating lease
In deciding whether a lease is an operating lease the following should be considered:
Is the lessee simply renting the asset?
Operating leases take on the appearance of a rental agreement. The lessee pays a rental in order to be
able to use the asset over a specified period, which is usually substantially less than the assets'
useful life.
Will the asset be leased again by the lessor?
At the end of the rental period the asset is returned to the lessor who is then likely to re-lease the
asset in the future (eg car rentals).
Who takes on the risks and rewards of ownership?
With an operating lease, it is the lessor who takes on the risks and rewards of ownership. If anything
goes wrong with the asset it will be maintained by the lessor; when it is sold the lessor is entitled to
the proceeds.
(b) IAS 17 says that a lease should be classed as a finance lease if substantially all of the risks and rewards of
ownership have been transferred to the lessee.
One factor identified by IAS 17 is whether the present value of minimum lease payments is substantially
equivalent to the fair value of the leased asset (using 90% or more of the fair value may be considerate as a
practical guide).
The lease payments that need to be discounted are
the five annual instalments of $20,000 each
the residual value of $15,000 guaranteed by Pilgrim Co as this is a cost to him
The IAS requires the payments to be discounted using the rate implicit in the lease which is 10%.
Time Cash flow Discount factors Present value
0 20,000 1 20,000
1 20,000 1/1.1 18,182
2 20,000 1/(1.1)2 16,529
3 20,000 1/(1.1)3 15,026
4 20,000 1/(1.1)4 13,660
5 15,000 1/(1.1)5 9,314
The present value of the MLP ($92,711) does not exceed the $100,000 fair value of the asset, but is
more than 90% of it. Consequently, there is substantial evidence that the lease should be classified
as a finance lease under the provisions of IAS 17 since substantially all the risks and rewards of
ownership appear to have been transferred.
The asset would be capitalised at $92,711 (the lower of fair value and present value of minimum
lease payments).
(c) In deciding whether a lease is to be classed as a finance lease, one of the factors is to compare the present
value of the MLP with the fair value of the leased asset. Common practice (although not a specific
requirement of IAS 17) is that if the MLP exceed this 90% of fair value, the lease should be classed as a
finance lease, and otherwise as an operating lease.
Residual values are considered to be lease payments. IAS 17 requires lessees to include residual values
guaranteed by himself or a party connected to him as a lease payment. In addition to those amounts lessors
may receive guaranteed residual amounts from third parties as well. Thus lessors are required to discount
residuals guaranteed by the lessee as well as those guaranteed by a third party.
If the lessor has been guaranteed a residual value payment by an unconnected party, this could result in the
lessors MLP's exceeding the 90% test. This guaranteed residual would not impact on the lessee's MLP
which may result in the lessee MLP being lower. This would result in the lessor accounting for the lease as a
finance lease while the lessee accounted for an operating lease.
If the lessor and lessee had differing views on what they considered to be the fair value of the leased asset,
then it is possible that they would have differing views as to whether the asset is classed as an operating or
financial lease. The fair value of the asset is not specifically agreed by lessor and lessee.
(d) The IAS requires lease rentals to be charged on a straight line (or other systematic) basis over the period of
the lease to the statement of profit or loss.
If payments are not made on the same basis, timing differences could occur, resulting in a higher or lower
lease rental being charged to the statement of profit or loss compared to the amount actually payable in the
same period.
The agreement may require low rentals up front, with them increasing through time (eg property rentals).
Thus in the early years there would be a comparatively high charge to the statement of profit or loss
compared with the amount payable for the period.
Alternatively the agreement may require high rentals up front, with them decreasing through time (eg
photocopier rentals). Thus in the early years there would be a comparatively low charge to the statement of
profit or loss compared with the amount payable for the period.
(e) Accounting policy note
Where assets are financed by leasing agreements that give rights approximating to ownership ('finance
lease'), the assets are treated as if they had been purchased outright. The amount capitalised is the lower of
fair value and present value of the minimum lease payments payable during the lease term. The
corresponding leasing commitments are shown as liabilities to the lessor and reported within current and
non-current liabilities as appropriate.
Depreciation on these assets is charged to the statement of profit or loss on a straight line basis to write off
the asset over their expected useful lives of five years, or if shorter the lease term.
Lease payments are treated as consisting of capital and interest elements, and the interest is charged to the
statement of profit or loss using the actuarial method over the life of the lease.
All other leases are 'operating' leases, and the annual rentals are charged to the statement of profit or loss
on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
Aid to understanding
The managing director would be aware that there were two types of lease that have been accounted for. The
policy note clearly identifies these, finance and operating.
In respect of finance leases he should be aware:
That there were assets under finance lease included in non-current assets which were not owned by
the company
Of the basis on which these assets have been depreciated
Of the fact that the liabilities balances include finance lease liabilities
That an interest charge in respect of these leases has been deducted in arriving at the profit before
tax for the year
In respect of operating leases:
He should be aware that rentals relating to these leased assets were hitting his profit for the year
17 Omega 3 (6/06)
(a) Reply to assistant
Accounting for leases is governed by IAS 17 Leases which classifies leases for accounting purposes into
two types: finance leases and operating leases. Under IAS 17 lease classification is made at the inception of
the lease.
A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of
the asset. Title may or may not be eventually transferred. IAS 17 states that in order to determine whether
the risks and rewards incidental to ownership have been transferred, the substance of the lease has to be
IAS 17 provides the following examples of situations which individually or in combination would normally
lead to a lease being classified as a finance lease.
The lease transfers ownership of the asset to the lessee at the end of the lease term.
The lessee has the option to purchase the asset at a price that is expected to be sufficiently lower
than the fair value at the date the option becomes exercisable for it to be reasonably certain at the
inception of the lease that the option will be exercised.
The lease term is for the major part of the economic life of the asset.
At the inception of the lease, the present value of the minimum lease payments amounts to at least
substantially all of the fair value of the leased asset.
If the lessee can cancel the lease, the lessor's losses associated with the cancellation are borne by
the lessee.
Gains or losses from the fluctuation of the fair value of the residual, accrue to the lessee.
The lessee has the ability to continue the lease for a secondary period at a rent that is substantially
lower than the market rent.
Finance leases, in accordance with their substance, are accounted for as a purchase of the asset by the
lessee using the financing provided by the lessor.
At inception of the lease what is included in tangible non-current assets is the lower of the fair value of the
asset or the present value of the minimum lease payments. If the leases proposed were classified as finance
leases, the proposal would not have the desired effect as both the asset and the related borrowing would be
shown on the statement of financial position.
A lease that is not a finance lease is classified as an operating lease. Such a lease does not transfer the risks
and rewards of ownership to the lessee, so no asset or related borrowing is shown on the statement of
financial position. Rentals will be charged to the statement of profit or loss as an expense over the term of
the lease.
An operating lease may thus achieve the desired effect.
(b) Extracts from financial statements
(1) Fleet of vehicles
This lease would appear to be an operating lease. Responsibility for repair and maintenance remains
with the lessor and the lease is only for half of the anticipated useful economic life of the vehicles. It
is unlikely that the risks and rewards of ownership lie with Omega.
As this is likely to be classified as an operating lease, the rentals will be charged to Omega's
statement of profit or loss as an operating expense over the lease term. The annual rental of
$180,000 would be charged to the statement of profit or loss in the first year of the lease. No asset or
liability would appear on the statement of financial position other than accruals or prepayments for
rental income.
(2) New production plant
The lease would appear to be a finance lease. The lease term of six years is equal to the useful life of
the asset. The present value of the minimum lease payment is:
$760,000 $760,000 $760,000 $760,000
1.10 (1.10)2 (1.10)3 (1.10)4
which approximates to $2.4m, the fair value of the asset. The asset will be depreciated over six years
which is the lease term and the useful economic life of the asset. On a straight-line basis, the annual
depreciation is $400,000. The statement of profit or loss will show depreciation as an operating
The statement of profit or loss will also show a finance cost of $240,000 on the borrowing of $2.4m
at 10%.
In the statement of financial position, property, plant and equipment will be presented at cost of
$2.4m less depreciation of $400,000.
The borrowing will be analysed between current and non-current liabilities. To arrive at the split, the
first two years of the lease should be calculated:
Opening Finance Cash Closing
Year balance cost paid balance
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
1 2,400 240 (760) 1,880
2 1,880 188 (760) 1,308
On the statement of financial position at the end of year 1 the total liability of $1,880,000 will be split
into current liabilities of $572,000 and non-current liabilities of $1,308,000.
18 Dexterity
Text reference. Chapter 7.
Top tips. Part (a) is a test of memory. Follow the structure given to you in the question; discuss three situations
(purchase, business combination, internal generation) for two assets (goodwill and other intangibles). Even if you
only say a little about each situation, this gives you a minimum of six marks out of ten.
Part (b) requires you to apply theory. Explain both the correct treatment and why alternative treatments have been
rejected. For example in (b)(ii) explain why $12m can be capitalised and why $20m can't be.
Easy marks. If you know the standards, then part (a) should be 10 easy marks.
Marking scheme
(b) Dexterity
(i) Temerity
The following assets will be recognised on acquisition:
Fair value of sundry net assets 15 1
Patent at fair value 10 1
Research carried out for customer 2 1
Goodwill (balancing figure) 8 1
Total consideration 35 1
The patent is recognised at its fair value at the date of acquisition, even if it hadn't previously been
recognised by Temerity. It will be amortised over the remaining eight years of its useful life with an
assumed nil residual value.
The higher value of $15m can't be used because it depends on the successful outcome of the clinical
trials. The extra $5m is a contingent asset, and contingent assets are not recognised in a business
combination. (Only assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities are recognised.)
Although research is not capitalised, this research has been carried out for a customer and should be
recognised as work-in-progress in current assets. It will be valued at the lower of cost and net
realisable value unless it meets the definition of a construction contract.
The goodwill is capitalised at cost. It is not amortised but it will be tested for impairment annually.
(ii) New drug
Under IAS 38 the $12m costs of developing this new drug are capitalised and then 1+1
amortised over its commercial life. (The costs of researching a new drug are never
Although IAS 38 permits some intangibles to be held at valuation it specifically 1
forbids revaluing patents, therefore the $20m valuation is irrelevant.
(iii) Advertising costs
IAS 38 Para 69 states that advertising and promotional costs should be recognised 1+1
as an expense when incurred. This is because the expected future economic
benefits are uncertain and they are beyond the control of the entity.
However, because the year-end is half way through the campaign there is a $2.5m 1
prepayment to be recognised as a current asset.
19 Darby
Text references. Chapters 1, 4, 5 and 7
Top tips. It was important for this question to know the IASB definition. This made it possible to do a good answer
to part (a) and know where you were going with part (b). It was important to spend time on all parts of the question
and read the scenarios carefully.
Easy marks. This was all quite easy until you got to (b) (iii), which was a slightly confusing scenario. The clue was
in 'the assistant correctly recorded the costs..', which would have told you that the point at issue was the
impairment write-down.
Marking scheme
(a) The IASB Conceptual Framework defines an asset as 'a resource controlled by the entity as
a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the
entity'. IAS 1 sets out the defining features of a current asset (intended to be realised
during the normal operating cycle or within 12 months of the year end, held for trading or
classified as cash or a cash equivalent). All other assets are classified as non-current.
The assistant's definition diverges from this in a number of ways:
(i) A non-current asset does not have to be physical. The definition can include 1
intangible assets such as investments or capitalised development costs.
(ii) A non-current asset does not have to be of substantial cost. An item of 1
immaterial value is unlikely to be capitalised, but this is not part of the definition.
(iii) A non-current asset does not have to be legally owned. The accounting principle 1
is based on 'substance over form' and relies on the ability of the entity to control
the asset. This means for instance that an asset held under a finance lease is
treated as an asset by the lessee, not the lessor.
(iv) It is generally the case that non-current assets will last longer than one year. IAS 1
16 specifies that property, plant and equipment 'are expected to be used during
more than one period'. However, if a non-current asset failed to last longer than
one year, it would still be classified as a non-current asset during its life.
(b) (i) IAS 38 makes the point that 'an entity usually has insufficient control over the 1+1+1
expected future economic benefits arising from a team of skilled staff.' This is the 3
case in this situation. Darby's trained staff may stay with the company for the
next four years or they may decide to leave and take their skills with them.
Darby has no control over that. For this reason, the expenditure on training
cannot be treated as an asset and must be charged to profit or loss.
(ii) The work on the new processor chip is research with the aim of eventually 1+1+1
moving into development work. IAS 38 requires all research expenditure to be
expensed as incurred. Even at the development stage, it will not be possible to
capitalise the development costs unless they satisfy the IAS 38 criteria. When
the criteria are satisfied and development costs can be capitalised, it will still not
be possible to go back and capitalise the research costs. The company's past
successful history makes no difference to this.
The research work on the braking system is a different case, because here the 1
work has been commissioned by a customer and the customer will be paying,
regardless of the outcome of the research. In this situation, as long as Darby has
no reason to believe that the customer will not meet the costs in full, the costs
should be treated as costs relating to a contract with a customer where
performance obligations are satisfied over time and included on the statement of
financial position as a contract asset rather than being charged to profit or loss.
(iii) If we agree that the assistant was correct to record $58,000 as a non-current 1
asset, the only question is whether it should be regarded as impaired. An
impairment has occurred when the recoverable amount of an asset falls below
its carrying amount.
The projected results for this contract are:
Revenue (50,000 × 3) 150,000
Costs (bal) (110,000)
Profit 40,000 1
If we ignore discounting, the future cash flows are $150,000, less remaining
costs of $52,000 ($110,000 – $58,000), which amounts to $98,000. This is well
in excess of the $58,000 carrying amount, so no impairment has taken place
and the non-current asset should remain at $58,000.
(iv) Government licence
IAS 38 states that assets acquired as a result of a government grant may be 1+1
capitalised at fair value, along with a corresponding credit for the value of the
Therefore Darby may recognise an asset and grant of $10m which are then 1
amortised/released over the five year life of the license. The net effect on profits 3
and on shareholders' funds will be nil.
(v) Training costs
Although well trained staff add value to a business, IAS 38 prohibits the 1
capitalisation of training costs. The assistant should have treated these costs as
an expense.
This is because an entity has 'insufficient control over the expected future 1
economic benefits' arising from staff training; in other words trained staff are 2
free to leave and work for someone else. Training is part of the general cost of 20
developing a business as a whole.
20 Lambda 2 (6/11)
Top tips. This question should be quite straightforward. Part (a) was a test of knowledge. You should be
comfortable with IAS 38, as it is a relatively uncomplicated standard. Look to score at least 5 marks here.
Part (b) was again not difficult. The clues were in the scenarios for parts (i) and (ii). Part (iii) was a little trickier; the
key was to realise that the licence would be amortised before being reviewed for impairment. Although IAS 36 can
be a difficult standard, this was not a difficult aspect of it – all you needed to know was the logical relationship
between carrying amount, and recoverable amount/value in use.
Easy marks. Most of the marks in part (a) should be easy!
Marking scheme
(a) (i) An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without a physical ½+½+½
substance. It must be controlled as a result of a past event, and future
economic benefits must be expected to flow from it.
(ii) Identifiable
The asset must be identifiable in order to distinguish it from goodwill. This 1
may mean it having been purchased, or it being separable such that eg it could
be sold to another entity (eg development costs).
The asset must be controlled by the entity, eg through a legal right of 1
ownership, so that it is the entity that will receive economic benefits from it.
This disqualifies costs such as staff training costs, as there is no legal right of
control over the staff, who may terminate their employment.
Expected future benefits
It must be probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity from 1
the asset.
Cost measured reliably
The cost of the asset will usually by the price paid for it (if purchased), or the ½+½+½+½
costs spent developing it from which future benefits can be expected to flow. If
the asset is acquired as part of a business combination, then the asset is
measured at its fair value, provided that this can be measured reliably.
(iii) Subsequent measurement is according to one of two models.
Under the cost model, the asset is measured at cost less accumulated ½+½
amortisation, if it has a finite useful life. If its useful life is not finite then
impairment reviews are conducted annually.
Under the revaluation model, measurement is at the fair value of the asset. ½+½+½
This model can only be applied if there is an active market, which for most
intangible assets will not be the case. The asset must be revalued with
sufficient regularity that its carrying amount does not differ significantly from
its fair value at the end of the reporting period. Any gains are held as a
revaluation surplus and are disclosed within other comprehensive income.
Revaluation losses are charged first against any pre-existing surpluses, and
then against profit or loss. 9
(b) (i) Costs are capitalised from 30 June 20X8 onwards (when commercial 1+1
feasibility and technical viability were demonstrated). Hence the $3.5m
incurred before this point is expensed.
The $3m incurred from 1 July to 31 December 20X8 is capitalised. 1
Amortisation is charged over the 10-year useful life, giving an annual charge of
Amortisation is charged from when the process begins to be exploited ½
commercially; here this is 1 Jan 20X9. Amortisation charged in the year-ended
20X9 is $300,000 3/12 = $75,000.
The carrying amount is thus: ½
Cost 3,000,000
Amortisation (75,000)
Carrying amount 2,925,000
(ii) The brand name is capitalised at its fair value of $10m. It is amortised over its 1+1
useful life of ten years, resulting in an expense of $1m. The carrying amount
at the year end is thus $9m.
In accordance with IAS 38, no asset may be recognised in respect of the 1+1
employees' expertise, as Lambda/Omicron does not exercise 'control' over
them – they could leave their jobs. The amount will be recognised as part of
any goodwill on acquisition of Omicron.
(iii) The licence is initially recognised at its cost of $200,000. Its useful life is five 1½
years, so amortisation is charged of $200,000 ÷ 5 6 months = $20,000. The
carrying amount is then $180,000.
The asset is then reviewed for impairment. It is impaired if its carrying amount 1½
is higher than its recoverable amount. This is the higher of value in use
($185,000) and fair value less costs to sell ($175,000) – the higher being 11
$185,000. Since the carrying amount is lower than this, it is not impaired. 20
21 Epsilon 1 (6/06)
Costs relating to acquisition
$m $m
Market value of shares issued in Epsilon 1 (W1) 1,500
Contingent consideration at present value (W2) 100
Total cost of acquisition 1,600
Less: fair value of identifiable net assets acquired
Per Kappa's statement of financial position 1,200
Fair value of customer relationships 100
Goodwill on acquisition 300
Explanatory notes
Costs relating to acquisition
Under IFRS 3 Business combinations the cost of acquiring Kappa is the aggregate of the fair value of the equity
shares of Epsilon 1. Costs of acquisition such as legal and professional fees are expensed through profit or loss in
accordance with the revised IFRS 3 Business combinations.
The only exception to this rule is the issue cost of shares which are dealt with in accordance with IAS 32. The issue
cost of shares is not part of the business combination. In accordance with IAS 32 such costs reduce the proceeds
from the equity issue.
Any additional costs of the business combination that are contingent on future events should be included at their
fair value in the cost of the combination at the acquisition date. The present value of future cash flows should be
measured where the effect of discounting is material.
Fair value of identifiable net assets acquired
Under IAS 38 Intangible assets intangible assets can be recognised if they are identifiable, can be measured reliably
and are under the control of the acquiring entity. Customer relationships fulfil these criteria, but employee
relationships do not fulfil the control criteria.
1 Market value of shares issued
3/2 100m $10 = $1,500m
2 Present value of contingent consideration
100m $1.21 = 121m
Discounted $121m 1/1.102 = $100m
IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment has been amended to cater for debits set up when assets are created
as a result of provisions. Such assets are written off over the life of the facility and normal impairment
rules will apply. The decommissioning costs of $1,231m (undiscounted) not yet provided for will be
included as a provision (at the discounted amount) in the statement of financial position and a
corresponding asset created.
The discounting method used is inconsistent. IAS 37 suggests the use of a pre-tax rate reflecting current
market assessments of the time value of money and risks. The discount rate should not reflect risks which
have been included by adjusting future cash flows.
The company also makes reserve adjustments for changes in price levels. This adjustment comprises two
elements chargeable to the statement of profit or loss, not reserves:
(i) Adjustments to the provision caused by changes in discount rates.
(ii) An interest element representing the 'unwinding' of the discount, which should be classified as part
of interest expenses in the statement of profit or loss.
Any subsequent change in the provision should be recognised in profit or loss for the year, but the company
is treating the adjustment of $27m as a movement on reserves.
23 Epsilon 7 (12/08)
Top tips. Section (a) was on IAS 37. As it was quite clear that a provision could be recognised in this case, there
was only 1 mark available for saying this in the marking scheme. The rest of the marks were available for
discussing which costs could be included in the provision. Section (b) on IAS 20 was a reasonable question, and
you could have scored well just by discussing the prescribed treatments of the various parts of the grant.
Examination team's comments. This question required candidates to explain the financial reporting implications of
two issues: a) The closure of a business segment; b) The receipt of three different types of government grant.
The answer to this question was very satisfactory on the whole and I was very pleased to note the improvement in
standard compared with previous sittings. The only aspect on which I wish to specifically comment is that many
candidates seem to confuse the issue of potentially reporting a closure as a discontinued operation and whether or
not a provision should be made for the closure costs.
Marking scheme
(a) In accordance with IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets a 1
restructuring provision can be made here. A detailed formal plan must be in place because
by the end of the reporting period negotiations had already committed to sell the segment's
assets and terminate its contracts. There is a valid expectation on the part of those affected
because letters had been sent out (on 6 September) offering either relocation or voluntary
Per IAS 37 the provision should only include costs that are directly related to the
restructuring and not the entity's continuing operations.
(i) Redundancy costs should be provided for. They are directly related to the 1
restructuring and bear no relation to ongoing activities.
(ii) Although Epsilon is committed to paying $8m into the pension plan, this is not 2
provided for as part of the restructuring because it will be partially offset by the
$7m reduction in future actuarial liabilities. The one-off additional retirement benefit
cost of $1m is, however, brought into the financial statements for the year ending
30 September 20X8, but as an increase in the liability for retirement benefits.
(iii) Redeployment costs are specifically excluded by IAS 37 and should not be provided 1
(iv) The lease is an onerous contract and should be provided for because it became 2
onerous as a direct result of the restructuring and because the property cannot be
sub-let. The amount provided is measured as the cheapest way of exiting the
contract, ie the lower of $5.5m and $1m × 6.14 = $6.14m.
(v) The anticipated loss on the sale of plant is not covered by IAS 37 but by IFRS 5 2
Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations. The plant is
measured at the lower of carrying amount ($11m) and fair value less costs to sell
($2m), and would be shown in a separate line in the statement of financial position
'Non-current assets held for sale'. The impairment loss is recognised in the
statement of profit or loss at 30 September 20X8.
(vi) Operating losses are specifically excluded by IAS 37 and should not be provided 1
The total amount provided for would thus be $30m + $5.5m = $35.5m.
The results of the business segment being closed do not need to be shown separately. It is 1
not yet a discontinued operation as part of IFRS 5 because it has not yet been disposed of or
classified as held for sale. It will, however, be one in the next financial year (ending 30 11
September 20X9).
Additional points if you have time:
The fact that the directors had decided to close it on 31 August does not of itself meet
the conditions for recognising a provision.
The segment would qualify as being 'abandoned' per IFRS 5, and would therefore be a
continuing operation until its closure in the next financial year.
The segment would continue to be subject to the requirements of IFRS 8 Operating
segments until it is discontinued.
(b) The basic principle of IAS 20 Accounting for government grants and disclosure of 1
government assistance is that grants should be recognised as income in whichever periods
the costs they are intended to compensate occur.
(i) There are no conditions attached to the $6m, so there are no costs to match the 1
money to. Hence the $6m should be recognised as income straight away.
(ii) The $15m relates to the costs of the factory and should be matched to them. The 1
costs occur over the 40 year useful life, and IAS 20 allows the grant to be matched
to them in two ways:
The grant could be used to reduce the cost of the asset and subsequent 2
depreciation charges. The cost would have been $60m with $0.5m depreciation (=
$60m/40 years × 4/12 months), but this would be reduced by the grant to $45m
cost less $0.375m depreciation (= $45m/40 years × 4/12 months) to a carrying
amount of $44.625m.
The other treatment would be to show the grant separately as deferred income, 2
matching the income to the depreciation of the factory. The factory would remain at
$60m cost with $0.5m depreciation. Income of $0.125m (= $15m/40 years × 4/12
months) would be recognised in the statement of profit or loss, with the remaining
$14.875m being shown as deferred in the statement of financial position. Of this,
$0.375m would be shown within current liabilities as it would be released during
the next year (= $15m/40 years), and the remaining $14.5m (= $14.875m –
$0.375m) would be in non-current liabilities.
(iii) The question here is how likely it is that the grant will have to be repaid. In this case, 1
it is possible but unlikely, so no liability needs to be recognised for it being repaid.
The grant should therefore be treated as deferred income over the five years, of which
$0.6m (= $9m/5 years × 4/12 months) is recognised as income this year. The doubt
over possible repayment of the grant in future should then be disclosed as a
contingent liability in line with IAS 37, as repayment is possible but not probable.
If it had been probable that the $9m would have to be repaid, then no income 1
would have been recognised in the statement of profit or loss and the full amount
would be shown as a separate liability in the statement of financial position,
reducing the amount of deferred income. If there was not enough deferred income
to make up the amount of the liability (eg if some had already been recognised in 9
the statement of profit or loss), then the deficit should be charged to the statement 20
of profit or loss as an expense.
24 Omega 6 (12/09)
(a) IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets states that a provision can be created for
restructuring where the entity:
Has a detailed formal plan
Has raised a valid expectation in those affected that it will carry out the restructuring
Omega clearly has a detailed formal plan, and has publically announced its decision. A provision should
therefore be created. The following amounts will be included in its statement of profit or loss for 20X9.
(i) Redundancy costs are provided for as they are necessarily entailed by the restructuring and do not
relate to Omega's ongoing activities. IAS 37 requires provisions to be measured at the best estimate
of the expenditure required. This would qualify as an adjusting even in line with IAS 10 Events after
the reporting period. Profit is therefore reduced by $1.9m.
The $800,000 required to retrain employees will not be provided for and will not affect profit, as it
relates to Omega's ongoing activities.
(ii) Although not part of the restructuring, plant equipment with a carrying amount of $8m but a
recoverable amount of $1.5m are clearly impaired. IAS 36 Impairment of assets requires that they be
restated at recoverable amount of $1.5m, resulting in the recognition of an impairment loss of $6.5m
in profit and loss.
(iii) The statement of profit or loss will recognise an expense of $550,000. In line with IAS 10, this would
qualify as an adjusting even after the reporting period, which the financial statements should reflect.
(iv) IAS 37 does not permit a provision to include amounts in respect of future operating losses, as they
relate to the ongoing activities of the entity. There will be no charge to the statement of profit or loss
in respect of these losses for the year ended 30 September 20X9. Provisions should only be made for
events that took place in the past, whereas these expected losses take place in the future.
(v) The non-cancellable operating lease is an onerous contract per IAS 37. A provision should be made
for the lower of the termination payment (which is not available here) and the net cost of fulfilling the
contract. This will result in a charge being made in the statement of profit or loss, calculated as
$ $
Rental $1.5m received at end of years 1–5 1,500,000 4.32 6,480,000
expense inclusive (September 20X9 to
September 20Y4 inclusive)
Rent income $300,000 received at end of year 1 (300,000) 0.95 (285,000)
yr 1 (September 20Y0)
Rent income $500,000 received at end of years 2–5 (500,000) 4.32 – 0.95 = (1,685,000)
yr 2–5 (September 20Y1 to September 20Y4 3.37
Lease (1 January 20X9 to 31 March 20X9) 5,000
Lease (1 April 20X9 to 30 September 20X9) 10,000
Surveying (= 9/12 × $150,000) 112,500
Drilling costs 145,000
Other costs 25,000
Legal costs 50,000
25 Radost Co
Salaries expense (2,500 $ 25,000) 62,500
Bonus payable (W1) 202
Annual leave (W2) 685
Short-term employee benefits 63,387
1 Bonus
Profit before bonus 4,250
Less bonus (y)
Profit qualifying for bonus 4,250 – y
(b) Note to the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
Defined benefit expense recognised in profit or loss
Current service cost 3.75
Net interest on the net defined benefit asset (4.50 – 5.20) (0.70)
Past service cost – plan amendment (6.00)
Profit or loss expense/(credit) (2.95)
Defined benefit remeasurements recognised in other comprehensive income
Remeasurement loss on defined benefit obligation
Remeasurement gain on plan assets (2.97)
Notes to the statement of financial position
Net defined benefit asset recognised in the statement of financial position
Present value of defined benefit obligation 44.00
Fair value of plan assets (64.17)
Net asset (20.17)
26 Omicron 2 (12/11)
Top tips. IAS 19 has a reputation for being one of the harder parts of the syllabus, but questions one should not be
taxing once you have practised the area sufficiently. Part (a)(i) was straightforward, and you should be looking to
get all three marks here. Part (a)(ii) was also not difficult, and two out of three marks here was eminently attainable.
These are not areas on which you should be struggling. Part (a)(iii) is something that you should really know, and
at the very least you could have gained one mark for stating the method that you use here.
Easy marks. Part (a)(i) was especially easy.
Examination team's comments.
Part (a)
Areas showing good knowledge:
The majority of candidates correctly compared and contrasted the key features of the two types of scheme.
Areas where mistakes were common:
Some candidates seemed unclear on the differing accounting treatments and often seemed to confuse them.
A particularly common error was to state that contributions under a defined benefits scheme were treated as
an expense by the employer.
Part (b)
Areas showing good knowledge:
Most candidates seemed to be aware that the net pension liability appeared in the statement of financial
position and that the amounts included in the statement of profit or loss were the actuarially determined
Areas where mistakes were common:
Showing the closing liability in liabilities and the asset under assets instead of netting them off
Calculating the service charge and the interest earned on the closing balances instead of the opening ones
Not explaining clearly where in the statement of financial position and statement of profit or loss the various
amounts should be included. For example, not specifying that the net liability was a non-current one and
whether or not the expenses were operating or financial expenses.
(a) (i) A defined contribution plan is one where the value of the retirement benefits paid out (ie pensions)
depends on the value of the plan, which is itself dependent on the value of contributions made. The
party who makes contributions and receives benefits bears the risk here, since if the value of the plan
falls then so do the benefits paid out.
In a defined benefit plan, by contrast, the value of retirement benefits paid out is defined in advance,
and is not affected by the value of the plan. The risk here is with the plan operator because if the plan
does not have sufficient funds to pay out the defined benefits then these must be made up.
(ii) Payments into defined contribution plans are expenses in the year of employment, and are accounted
for in the same way as eg salaries.
Defined benefit plans require an entity to set up a separate plan, to which it will usually have a liability
in its financial statements. Employees' contributions are paid into the plan, and therefore reduce this
liability. It is up to the entity to ensure that the plan has sufficient assets to be able to pay its future
(iii) Remeasurements (actuarial gains and losses) must be recognised immediately or within other
comprehensive income. This represents a change from the previous treatment, which allowed a
choice of methods for recognition of remeasurements.
Statement of financial position – non-current liabilities $'000
Benefit obligation 41,500
Plan asset (32,500)
Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
Operating expenses
Current service cost (4,000)
Finance costs
Interest cost (6% × $35m) (2,100)
Expected return on assets (5% × $30m) 1,500
Other comprehensive income
Actuarial losses (2,600)
27 Sigma Co (6/05)
(a) With defined benefit plans, the size of the post-employment benefits is determined in advance, ie the
benefits are defined. This means that all the risks, both relating to actuarial and investment expectations are
with the employer. Consequently if the actuarial estimates (eg employees have longer expected lives) or the
investment expectations (the performance of the plans assets) change, the employer's obligation may
Accounting for defined benefit plans by the employer is therefore more complex as the employer is
effectively underwriting all the risks.
The accounting requirements for the statement of financial position and the statement of profit or loss are
given below:
The statement of financial position
In the statement of financial position, the amount recognised as a defined benefit liability (which may be a
negative amount, ie an asset) should be the total of the following:
(i) The present value of the defined obligation at the end of the reporting period, plus
(ii) The fair value of the assets of the plan as at the end of the reporting period (if there are any) out of
which the future obligations to current and past employees will be directly settled
If this total is a negative amount, there is an asset in the statement of financial position and this should be
shown in the statement of financial position as the lower of (i) and (ii) below.
(i) The figure as calculated above
(ii) The total of the present values of:
Any refunds expected from the plan
Any reductions in future contributions to the plan because of the surplus
The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
The expense that should be recognised in profit or loss for post-employment benefits in a defined benefit
plan is the total of the following:
(i) The current service cost
(ii) Net interest on the net defined benefit asset or liability
(iii) Past service cost
(iv) The effect of any curtailments or settlements
Following the revision of IAS 19 in 2011, remeasurements (actuarial gains and losses) are recognised
immediately in other comprehensive income.
1 Remeasurement gain/loss re: PV of liability
B/d 70,000 84,000 96,000
Interest cost (W3) 7,000 7,560 7,680
Current service cost 6,000 6,400 6,500
Benefits paid (3,500) (3,600) (3,600)
Gain on remeasurement to OCI (balancing figure) 4,500 1,640 1,420
C/d – per actuary 84,000 96,000 108,000
28 Kappa 4 (6/09)
Top tips. Employee benefits (IAS 19) is a difficult area of the syllabus, but this was a standard question and was very
similar to questions the examination team have set on this area in the past. As long as you had revised the area
properly, you should have been able to score well as there are a surprising amount of marks available for doing
relatively little.
Part (a) was very simple and you should have been looking for close to full marks in this part. Part (b) offered a lot
of marks for what is essentially only the low-level skill of recalling information. The preparation requirement in (c)
was relatively straightforward. With questions in this area you need to take care that you are using the right figures
from the question, eg the correct discount rate.
Examination team's comments. This question required candidates to explain key requirements of IAS 19 Employee
benefits and apply them to a given scenario. The majority of candidates attempting this question showed a pleasing
knowledge of the subject matter and scored high marks. A minority of candidates who attempted the question
seemed to have little or no knowledge of the subject matter and scored very few marks – indicating that perhaps
this question proved popular with very weak candidates.
(a) Post-employment benefits are employee benefits (other than termination benefits) that are payable after the
completion of employment.
Contributions to a defined contribution plan should be recognised as an expense in the period in which
they are payable (except where the correct treatment of the relevant labour costs is to capitalise them). They
are recognised in profit or loss for the year. The expense is measured as the amount paid into the plan
during the period. As with any other expense, an accrual should be made for any contributions unpaid at the
period end. Any excess contributions should be recognised as prepaid expenses.
In the event that contributions are to be paid after 12 months after the end of the period in which the
employee performed the related service, the payments should be discounted in calculating the liability at the
end of the reporting period.
(b) An employer's statement of financial position should show the liability or the asset relating to the defined
benefit plan. Since the plan will make the future payments (to the employees) from its own funds, the
employer recognises a liability (or an asset) to the extent to which it will have to pay more into the plan for
the plan to be able to make those payments. This is calculated as the difference between the fair value of the
plan's assets and the present value of the liability to the employees.
This liability (or asset) would then be adjusted for any remeasurements by the actuary, as well as for any
future payments to be made that relate to past service costs that have not been recognised yet, ie
employment in prior periods.
If there is an asset in relation to the plan, this should then be measured as the lower of the figure just
calculated, and the total of the present values of any unrecognised actuarial losses and past service costs,
any refunds expected from the plan and any reduction to future contributions to the plan that are possible
because of the surplus.
The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income would recognise, in profit or loss for the
year, expenses for:
The current service cost
Net interest on the net defined benefit asset or obligation
Past service costs
The effect of any curtailments or settlements
Gains or losses on remeasurement of the net asset or liability would be recognised within other
comprehensive income.
Current service cost (6,000)
Interest cost (Note) (300)
Amount recognised in profit/(loss) (6,300)
Other comprehensive income:
Remeasurement gains/losses (= 200 – 1,700) (1,500)
Amount recognised in comprehensive income (total) (7,800)
30 Listed EU (6/06)
Granting share options to employees is a form of remuneration and is an example of a share-based payment as
defined in IFRS 2 Share-based payment.
Under the requirements of IFRS 2 there should be a charge to the statement of profit or loss to reflect the
remuneration irrespective of the fact that this is in the form of share options rather than cash. IFRS 2 requires that
the charge to the statement of profit or loss should be equivalent to the fair value of the instruments on the day of
issue. The fair value is the market value of the options or, if none exists, an estimate of due market value calculated
using an option valuation model. The charge of $360,000 to the statement of profit or loss represents $1.80 per
share option. This means that the market value of the options on the date of issue of 1 April 20X5 was $1.80, that is
the value of an option giving the holder the right to buy a share for $10 on 31 December 20X5 was $1.80 per
The market value of the options depends on expected changes in the value of the underlying shares and the time to
expiration of the option.
31 Kappa (6/07)
(a) Impact of issuing share options
Salaries are paid in cash and would have an immediate effect on liquidity and cash flow. They would also
have an immediate effect on profitability. IAS 19 Employee benefits states that short term employee benefits,
such as salaries, should be recognised as an expense when the employees have performed the services for
which they are to be paid. It is impossible to defer the expense.
The issue of share options to employees is an equity settled share-based payment transaction and is
covered by IFRS 2 Share-based payment. The issue of share options will not have an immediate effect on
liquidity as no cash will be transferred when the options are issued. Unfortunately, however, share based
payment transactions do affect profitability and therefore earnings per share.
IFRS 2 requires an entity to recognise the cost of a share based payment transaction in the same way as if
the employees received salaries paid in cash. This means that the cost of issuing share options is
recognised as an expense in the statement of profit or loss. The cost is also recognised in a separate reserve
within equity, since no cash is transferred. When the share options vest and are exercised the additional
shares issued will increase the denominator of the earnings per share calculation and reduce earnings per
share further.
When share options are issued to employees as a reward for their services, IFRS 2 requires the expense to
be measured using the fair value of the equity instruments to be issued. This normally involves the use of an
option pricing model. Fair value is estimated at the date that the options are granted (the grant date) and is
not revised subsequently. Where the issue of options depends on a market condition (such as an increase in
the share price) the probability that this condition will be achieved is taken into account when the fair value
of the option is estimated.
It is proposed to issue options which will vest at a future date, after the employees have complied with
specific conditions. The total cost of the options is recognised in profit or loss on a straight line basis over
the vesting period. The number of options expected to vest is estimated at the date the options are granted
and then revised as necessary over the vesting period.
When the options are exercised, the balance on the separate reserve within equity is transferred to share
capital. Any balance relating to options that lapse is transferred to retained earnings.
(b) Impact on the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 20X7
The total number of share options that can be awarded is 250,000 (50 5,000). At 31 March 20X7 it was
estimated that only 44 employees (50 – 3 – 3) would actually receive options and therefore 220,000 options
(44 5,000) will be awarded.
The transaction is measured using the fair value of the options at the grant date: $4.50. Therefore the total
cost of awarding the options is $990,000 (220,000 $4.50).
The vesting period is two years. Therefore the cost to be recognised in the financial statements for the year
ended 31 March 20X7 is $495,000 ($990,000 ½).
The statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 20X7 includes an expense of $495,000. This is
an employment cost and is included in cost of sales, distribution costs or administrative expenses as
The statement of financial position at 31 March 20X7 includes a corresponding amount of $495,000 relating
to the options. This is presented as a separate component within equity.
Note. The accounting entry is:
DEBIT Expense $495,000
CREDIT Equity $495,000
(c) Impact on the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 20X8
Employment costs of $495,000 (44 5,000 $4.50 ½) are recognised in profit or loss.
A corresponding amount of $495,000 is recognised as a separate component of equity.
At 31 March 20X8 the total amount recognised in equity is $990,000.
Impact on the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 20X9
The number of options exercised will be 198,000 (220,000 90%). The amount of cash received will be
$2,970,000 (198,000 $15).
There is no impact on the statement of profit or loss for the year.
The effect on the statement of financial position is as follows:
Share capital increases by $198,000 (198,000 $1)
Share premium increases by $3,663,000. This is made up of the premium paid by the employees when the
shares are exercised (198,000 $14) plus the cost of their options to the company (198,000 $4.50).
The balance on the share options component within equity is cleared: $891,000 (990,000 90%) is
transferred to share premium and the remaining amount of $99,000 is transferred to retained earnings when
the options lapse.
Note. The accounting entries are:
$ $
DEBIT Cash 2,970,000
DEBIT Options component in equity 990,000
CREDIT Share capital (198,000 $1) 198,000
CREDIT Share premium (198,000 ($14 + $4.50)) 3,663,000
CREDIT Retained earnings (990,000 10%) 99,000
32 Lambda (12/09)
(a) Equity-settled
In this case, the fair value of the SBP to be recognised is the fair value of the equity instruments at the grant date.
This is not all recognised in the financial statements at once, however, but is built up gradually over the
vesting period. This is the period between the grant date and the vesting date (the vesting date is when the
employee is entitled to receive the equity instruments).
Therefore each year the statement of profit or loss shows the amount of fair value that has been built up
during the year – the difference between the fair value of the SBP recognised in the opening and closing
statements of financial position.
The statement of financial position shows the fair value of the SBP that has been recognised to date, within equity.
One complication is that the vesting may be subject to certain conditions, so it is not certain what the fair
value of the SBP will be. In this case, an estimate should be made based on the information available.
The liability should be measured at its fair value at the end of the reporting period. The liability should be
recognised as the employees render their service.
33 Ambush
Text reference. Financial instruments are covered in Chapter 10 of the BPP Study Text for exams in December
2016 and June 2017.
Top tips. Impairment is now covered by IFRS 9.
Easy marks. These are available for the discursive aspects, which are most of the question.
The amount of the impairment to be recognised on these financial instruments depends on whether or not
they have significantly deteriorated since their initial recognition.
Stage 1 Financial instruments whose credit quality has not significantly deteriorated since their initial
Stage 2 Financial instruments whose credit quality has significantly deteriorated since their initial
Stage 3 Financial instruments for which there is objective evidence of an impairment as at the
reporting date
For stage 1 financial instruments, the impairment represents the present value of expected credit losses that
will result if a default occurs in the 12 months after the reporting date (12 months expected credit losses).
For financial instruments classified as stage 2 or 3, an impairment is recognised at the present value of
expected credit shortfalls over their remaining life (lifetime expected credit loss). Entities are required to
reduce the gross carrying amount of a financial asset in the period in which they no longer have a
reasonable expectation of recovery.
Expected credit losses would be recognised in profit or loss and held in a separate allowance account
(although this would not be required to be shown separately on the face of the statement of financial
Assets at fair value are not subject to impairment testing, because changes in fair value are automatically
recognised immediately in profit or loss (or other comprehensive income for investments in equity
instruments where the election was made to report all gains and losses in other comprehensive income).
(b) Trade receivable
In the case of trade receivables such as this, that is trade receivables that do not have an IFRS 15
financing element, IFRS 9 allows a simplified approach to the expected credit loss method. The loss
allowance is measured at the lifetime expected credit losses, from initial recognition.
On 1 December 20X4
The entries in the books of Ambush will be:
DEBIT Trade receivables $600,000
CREDIT Revenue $600,000
Being initial recognition of sales
An expected credit loss allowance, based on the matrix given, would be calculated as follows:
DEBIT Expected credit losses $6,000
CREDIT Allowance for receivables $6,000
Being expected credit loss: $600,000 1%
On 31 January 20X5
Applying Ambush's matrix, Tray has moved into the 5% bracket, because it has exhausted its 60-day credit
limit. Despite assurances that Ambush will receive payment, the company should still increase its credit loss
allowance to reflect the increased credit risk. Ambush will therefore record the following entries on 31
January 20X5:
DEBIT Expected credit losses $24,000
CREDIT Allowance for receivables $24,000
Being expected credit loss: $600,000 5% – $6,000
34 Avco
(a) Classification differences between debt and equity
It is not always easy to distinguish between debt and equity in an entity's statement of financial position,
partly because many financial instruments have elements of both.
IAS 32 Financial instruments: presentation brings clarity and consistency to this matter, so that the
classification is based on principles rather than driven by perceptions of users.
IAS 32 defines an equity instrument as: 'any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an
entity after deducting all of its liabilities'. It must first be established that an instrument is not a financial
liability, before it can be classified as equity.
A key feature of the IAS 32 definition of a financial liability is that it is a contractual obligation to deliver
cash or another financial asset to another entity. The contractual obligation may arise from a requirement
to make payments of principal, interest or dividends. The contractual obligation may be explicit, but it may
be implied indirectly in the terms of the contract. An example of a debt instrument is a bond which requires
the issuer to make interest payments and redeem the bond for cash.
A financial instrument is an equity instrument only if there is no obligation to deliver cash or other financial
assets to another entity and if the instrument will or may be settled in the issuer's own equity instruments.
An example of an equity instrument is ordinary shares, on which dividends are payable at the discretion
of the issuer. A less obvious example is preference shares required to be converted into a fixed number of
ordinary shares on a fixed date or on the occurrence of an event which is certain to occur.
An instrument may be classified as an equity instrument if it contains a contingent settlement provision
requiring settlement in cash or a variable number of the entity's own shares only on the occurrence of an
event which is very unlikely to occur – such a provision is not considered to be genuine. If the contingent
payment condition is beyond the control of both the entity and the holder of the instrument, then the
instrument is classified as a financial liability.
A contract resulting in the receipt or delivery of an entity's own shares is not automatically an equity
instrument. The classification depends on the so-called 'fixed test' in IAS 32. A contract which will be
settled by the entity receiving or delivering a fixed number of its own equity instruments in exchange for a
fixed amount of cash is an equity instrument. The reasoning behind this is that by fixing upfront the
number of shares to be received or delivered on settlement of the instrument in concern, the holder is
exposed to the upside and downside risk of movements in the entity's share price.
In contrast, if the amount of cash or own equity shares to be delivered or received is variable, then the
contract is a financial liability or asset. The reasoning behind this is that using a variable number of own
equity instruments to settle a contract can be similar to using own shares as 'currency' to settle what in
substance is a financial liability. Such a contract does not evidence a residual interest in the entity's net
assets. Equity classification is therefore inappropriate.
IAS 32 gives two examples of contracts where the number of own equity instruments to be received or
delivered varies so that their fair value equals the amount of the contractual right or obligation.
(1) A contract to deliver a variable number of own equity instruments equal in value to a fixed monetary
amount on the settlement date is classified as a financial liability.
(2) A contract to deliver as many of the entity's own equity instruments as are equal in value to the value
of 100 ounces of a commodity results in liability classification of the instrument.
There are other factors which might result in an instrument being classified as debt.
(1) Dividends are non-discretionary.
(2) Redemption is at the option of the instrument holder.
(3) The instrument has a limited life.
(4) Redemption is triggered by a future uncertain event which is beyond the control of both the issuer
and the holder of the instrument.
Other factors which might result in an instrument being classified as equity include the following.
(1) Dividends are discretionary.
(2) The shares are non-redeemable.
(3) There is no liquidation date.
(b) (i) Cavor
B shares
The classification of Cavor's B shares will be made by applying the principles-based definitions of
equity and liability in IAS 32, and considering the substance, rather than the legal form of the
instrument. 'Substance' here relates only to consideration of the contractual terms of the instrument.
Factors outside the contractual terms are not relevant to the classification. The following factors
demonstrate that Cavor's B shares are equity instruments.
(1) Dividends are discretionary in that they need only be paid if paid on the A shares, on which
there is no obligation to pay dividends. Dividends on the B shares will be paid at the same rate
as on the A shares, which will be variable.
(2) Cavor has no obligation to redeem the B shares.
Share options
The 'fixed test' must be applied. If the amount of cash or own equity shares to be delivered is
variable, then the contract is a debt instrument. Here, however, the contract is to be settled by Cavor
issuing a fixed number of its own equity instruments for a fixed amount of cash. Accordingly there is
no variability, and the share options are classified as an equity instrument.
(ii) Lidan
A financial liability under IAS 32 is a contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial
asset to another entity. The contractual obligation may arise from a requirement to make payments
of principal, interest or dividends. The contractual obligation may be explicit, but it may be implied
indirectly in the terms of the contract.
In the case of Lidan, the contractual obligation is not explicit. At first glance it looks as if Lidan has
a choice as to how much it pays to redeem the B shares. However, the conditions of the financial
instrument are such that the value of the settlement in own shares is considerably greater than the
cash settlement obligation. The effect of this is that Lidan is implicitly obliged to redeem the B
shares at for a cash amount of $1 per share. The own-share settlement alternative is uneconomic in
comparison to the cash settlement alternative, and cannot therefore serve as a means of avoiding
classification as a liability.
IAS 32 states further that where a derivative contract has settlement options, all of the settlement
alternatives must result in it being classified as an equity instrument, otherwise it is a financial
asset or liability.
In conclusion, Lidan's B shares must be classified as a liability.
35 Aron
Text reference. Financial instruments are covered in Chapter 10 of the BPP Study Text for exams in December
2016 and June 2017.
Top tips. Part (a) required a brief discussion of how the fair value of financial instruments is determined with a
comment on the relevance of fair value measurements for financial instruments where markets are volatile and
illiquid. Part (b) required you to discuss the accounting for three different financial instruments. The financial
instruments ranged from a convertible bond to transfer of shares to interest free loans. Bear in mind that you need
to discuss the treatment and not just show the accounting entries. And while you may not have come across the
specific treatment of interest-free loans before, you can apply the principles of IFRS 9 (what is fair value in this
case?) and the Conceptual Framework.
Easy marks. These are available for the discussion in Part (a) and the convertible bond.
Examination team's comment. Part (a) was quite well answered although the answers were quite narrow. In Part
(b) many candidates simply showed the accounting entries without any discussion. If the accounting entries were
incorrect then it was difficult to award significant marks for the attempt. The treatment of the convertible bond was
quite well done except for the treatment of the issue costs and the conversion of the bond. This part of the question
often gained good marks. Again the treatment of the transfer of shares and interest free loans was well done.
(b) Extracts from financial statements for year ended 30 September 20X7
Note. All numbers in $'000s
Extract from the statement of financial position
Non-current liabilities:
Financial liability (W3) 5,993
Option to acquire shares 443
Extract from the statement of profit or loss:
Finance cost 556
1 Split of financial instrument:
Under IAS 32 the initial carrying amount of the financial liability is the present value of the future cash
outflows that would occur if the loan is repaid, discounted at 10%. This is 5,557 (120/(1.10) +
120/(1.102) 3 + 7,120/(1.10)3) and the equity element is 443 (6,000 – 5,557). The financial liability is
not held for trading and so is measured using amortised cost.
2 Finance cost for the year to 30 September 20X7
10% 5,557 = 556
3 Closing loan amount:
5,557 1.1 – 2% 6,000 = 5,993
37 Kappa (12/13)
Top tips. As you know, this question was on deferred tax. Part (a) might have confused you – the requirement to
state how the tax base is computed could be read as asking for a discussion of tax rules which was clearly outside
the scope of a Dip IFR paper. What was actually being asked for is an explanation of some definitions from IAS 12 –
the ACCA's answer follows the text of IAS 12 very closely. This was a difficult requirement, and it was important
that you did not exceed your time limit when trying to answer it.
Part (b) should have been a bit better. It is important that your answers here are as specific as possible, for example
in part (i) there is a half mark for stating that the deferred tax liability would be non-current. It is also important that
you do not overlook the mention in the requirement of current tax, and that your answers make use of the official
terminology of IAS 12 – terms such as 'taxable temporary difference'.
Easy marks. This was a difficult question, but the easy marks are for the calculations, which should have been
within reach. The easiest of these is in calculating the final deferred tax asset or liability, using the tax rate of 25%.
Examination team's comments.
Part a – discussion of tax base and the IAS 12 recognition and disclosure requirements
Far too many candidates simply copied the information from the question and this, of course, gained no marks.
Many gave very lengthy examples of where deferred tax may apply and again this did not answer the question. The
better answers discussed the asset being deductible but did not go on to talk about the economic benefits and that
if benefits are not taxable the tax base is the same as the carrying amount. For the liability the explanations were
very vague. It seemed that many simply regurgitated the notes from the exam text and did not try and answer the
question set.
Part b – application to three specific scenarios – revaluation of an investment, unrealised profit on an intra-group
sale, revenue received in advance taxed on a receipts basis
Generally candidates focussed on the deferred tax issues and did not discuss the current tax ones. This lost about
1/3 of the marks for each section. Other candidates wasted time by lengthy discussions of the non-tax financial
reporting implications of each transaction rather than focussing on the taxation aspects as required by the question.
(a) The tax base of an asset is the amount which will be deductible for tax purposes against any taxable
economic benefits which will flow to the entity when the asset is recovered. If these benefits are not
taxable, the tax base equals the carrying amount.
The tax base of a liability is its carrying amount, less any amount which will be deductible for tax purposes
in respect of that liability in future periods. If the 'liability' is revenue received in advance, the tax base is its
carrying amount, less any revenue which will not be taxable in future periods.
The general requirements of IAS 12 are that deferred tax liabilities should be recognised on all taxable
temporary differences.
IAS 12 states that a deferred tax asset should be recognised for deductible temporary differences if it is
probable that taxable profit will arise in future against which the deductible temporary difference can be
(b) (i) Since the unrealised gain on revaluation of the equity investment is not taxable until sold, there are
no current tax consequences.
Since the unrealised gain on revaluation of the equity investment is not taxable until sold, the tax
base of the investment is $200,000.
The revaluation creates a taxable temporary difference of $40,000 ($240,000 – $200,000).
This creates a deferred tax liability of $10,000 ($40,000 × 25%). The liability would be non-current.
The fact that there is no intention to dispose of the investment does not affect the accounting
Because the unrealised gain is reported in other comprehensive income, the related deferred tax
expense is also reported in other comprehensive income.
(ii) When Kappa sold the products to Omega, Kappa would have generated a taxable profit of $16,000
($80,000 – $64,000). This would have created a current tax liability for Kappa and the group of
$4,000 ($16,000 × 25%). This liability would be shown as a current liability and charged as an
expense in arriving at profit or loss for the period.
In the consolidated financial statements the carrying amount of the unsold inventory would be
$38,400 ($64,000 × 60%), with a tax base of $48,000 ($80,000 × 60%).
In the consolidated financial statements there would be a deductible temporary difference of $9,600
($38,400 – $48,000) and a potential deferred tax asset of $2,400 ($9,600 × 25%). This would be
recognised as a deferred tax asset, because Omega is expected to generate sufficient taxable profits
against which to utilise the deductible temporary difference.
The deferred tax asset would be recognised as a current asset. The resulting credit would reduce
consolidated deferred tax expense in arriving at profit or loss.
(iii) The receipt of revenue in advance on 31 March 20X3 would create a current tax liability of $50,000
($200,000 × 25%) as at 30 September 20X3.
The carrying amount of the revenue received in advance at 30 September 20X3 is $80,000 ($200,000
– $120,000). Its tax base is nil ($80,000 – $80,000).
The deductible temporary difference of $80,000 would create a deferred tax asset of $20,000
($80,000 × 25%). The asset can be recognised because Kappa has sufficient taxable profits against
which to utilise the deductible temporary difference. It would be recognised as a current asset since
the remaining revenue is recognised in the next accounting period.
38 Epsilon (6/14)
Top tips. This was a fairly typical question about deferred tax (IAS 12): a written part asking you to explain the
requirements of the standard and then a longer part asking you to apply the requirements to five different items.
Deferred tax features fairly frequently in exams, not only in questions such as this, but also in group accounts
questions, where consolidation adjustments often have deferred tax consequences.
Easy marks. Provided that you had revised this topic, there were easy marks available in part (a), particularly for
explaining the definitions of tax bases and how temporary differences are identified.
Examination team's comments. Answers to this question were, on the whole, unsatisfactory. This could of course
simply be due to the fact that deferred tax is a complex topic. However, it may also be due to the fact that
candidates had endeavoured to 'question spot' (deferred tax was examined in December 2013). It is evident from
the last two examination sittings that such a strategy is flawed and there is no reason why being examined in one
sitting means that a topic cannot be examined in the next sitting. Quite apart from being an examinable issue in
Section B questions, deferred tax adjustments also often feature in the consolidation that appears in question one.
(a) (i) The tax base of an asset is the tax deduction which will be available in future when the asset
generates taxable economic benefits. If the future economic benefits will not be taxable, the tax
base of an asset is its carrying amount.
The tax base of a liability is its carrying amount, less the tax deduction which will be available when
the liability is settled. For revenue received in advance (or deferred income), the tax base is its
carrying amount, less any amount of the revenue which will not be taxed in future periods.
(ii) A taxable temporary difference arises when the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its tax base or
the carrying amount of a liability is less than its tax base.
A deductible temporary difference arises in the reverse circumstances (when the carrying amount of
an asset is less than its tax base or the carrying amount of a liability is greater than its tax base).
(iii) IAS 12 Income taxes requires that (with specific exceptions) deferred tax liabilities are recognised on
all taxable temporary differences.
IAS 12 allows deferred tax assets to be recognised on deductible temporary differences when future
taxable profits are expected to be available against which to offset the future tax deductions the
deductible temporary differences are expected to generate.
(b) (i) The tax loss creates a potential deferred tax asset for the Kappa group since its carrying amount is
nil and its tax base is $3m.
However, no deferred tax asset can be recognised because there is no prospect of being able to
reduce tax liabilities in the foreseeable future as no taxable profits are anticipated.
(ii) The provision creates a potential deferred tax asset for the Kappa group since its carrying amount is
$2m and its tax base is nil.
This deferred tax asset can be recognised because Kappa is expected to generate taxable profits in
excess of $2m in the year to 31 March 20X5.
The amount of the deferred tax asset will be $500,000 ($2m × 25%).
This asset will be presented as a deduction from the deferred tax liabilities caused by the (larger)
taxable temporary differences.
(iii) The development costs have a carrying amount of $1.52m ($1.6m – ($1.6m × 1/5 × 3/12)).
The tax base of the development costs is nil since the relevant tax deduction has already been
The deferred tax liability will be $380,000 ($1.52m × 25%). All deferred tax liabilities are shown as
(iv) No deferred tax liability arises in respect of goodwill on consolidation when it is created. This is a
specific exception referred to in IAS 12.
As a consequence of this, no adjustment is made for deferred tax purposes when goodwill is
impaired. Therefore there are no deferred tax implications for the consolidated statement of financial
(v) The carrying amount of the loan at 31 March 20X4 is $10.78m ($10m – $200,000 + ($9.8m × 10%)).
The tax base of the loan is $10m ($10.78m – ($980,000 – $200,000)).
This creates a deductible temporary difference of $780,000 and a potential deferred tax asset of
$195,000 ($780,000 × 25%).
Due to the availability of taxable profits next year (see part (ii) above), this asset can be recognised as
a deduction from deferred tax liabilities.
39 Agriculture
(a) IAS 41 Agriculture prescribes the accounting treatment of agricultural activity. This relates to the
transformation of biological assets (living animals and plants) into agricultural produce for sale or additional
biological assets. Examples of biological assets are animals (livestock) such as sheep for wool and food
production, or plants for crop such as cotton, sugar, tea, or timber (from forestry). Biological transformation
occurs through natural growth, procreation (breeding), production (milk) or degeneration (age). These
cause qualitative or quantitative changes in a biological asset. IAS 41 only applies to agricultural produce up
to the point of harvest; thereafter the produce is accounted under IAS 2 Inventory.
IAS 41 requires that biological assets within its scope should be measured at fair value less estimated point-
of-sale costs. Fair value should be determined by reference to the principal market for the asset. Gains or
losses on initial recognition of a biological asset or changes in fair value less point-of-sale costs should be
included in profit or loss for the period. The fair value model does not apply to agricultural land or intangible
assets related to agricultural activity. These should continue to be accounted under IAS 16 Property, plant
and equipment or IAS 40 Investment property. Both of these standards allow the use of the cost based value
or the current (fair value) model.
An amendment to IAS 41 requires that bearer plants (living plants that are used in the production or supply
of agricultural produce, such as grape vines and rubber trees) should also be accounted for under IAS 16.
Fair value increase in wool sheep (9,200 + 2,400 – 4,000) 7,400
Fair value increase in the breeding sheep (35,000 – 15,000) 20,000
Fair value increase in forest (500,000 – 480,000) 20,000
Accrual of Government Grant 12,000
Fair value 1 June 20X2 $ $
Wool sheep under 5 (2,000 100) 200,000
Wool sheep over 5 (1,000 80) 80,000
Lambing sheep under 6 (1,500 120) 180,000
Increase due to price change
Wool sheep under 5 (1,800 (Note (iii) (105 – 100)) 9,000
Wool sheep over 5 (1,200 (82 – 80)) 2,400
Lambing sheep under 6 (1,500 × (120 – 110)) (15,000) (12,600)
Increase due to physical change
Wool sheep under 5 becoming 5 (200 20) (4,000)
New born lambs (1,250 28) 35,000
Fair value 31 May 20X3
Wool sheep under 5 (1,800 105) 189,000
Wool sheep over 5 (1,200 82) 98,400
Lambing sheep under 6 (1,500 110) 165,000
New born lambs (1,250 28) 35,000
(i) IAS 41 says that after harvest inventories should be accounted for using IAS 2 Inventories. Under this
standard the inventory is valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value, thus the increase in the
fair value of the cut trees should not be recognised until they are sold.
(ii) Under the allowed alternative treatment in IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment, increases in the
value of assets should go to revaluation reserve, not the statement of profit or loss.
(iii) As no wool sheep have been bought or sold, 200 sheep under five must have become over five
during the year.
Marking scheme
Transaction (a) Marks
The assistant should initially have included only $25m (rather than $27.5m) PPE. IAS 16 Property, 1
plant and equipment states that only the direct costs incurred can be capitalised into the cost of an
asset. Therefore the $2.5m of general administrative costs cannot be capitalised and should be
charged as an expense through the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.
Regarding the rectification costs, these must be provided for in accordance with IAS 37 Provisions, 1+1
contingent liabilities and contingent assets if there is an obligation to rectify the damage. This
obligation can be either legal or constructive. As there is no legal obligation, the issue is whether there
is a valid expectation that Epsilon will rectify the damage. As they have a pattern of past practise which
suggests these costs will be incurred, the provision is recognised on acquisition of the asset and is
capitalised into the cost of the asset. Epsilon needs to provide for the whole of the rectification cost of
$6m. However IAS 37 also states that where the effect of discounting is material the provision should
be discounted to its present value. In this case the required provision at 1 April 20Y0 (in $'000) will be:
$6,000 0.4632 = $2,779.
As time passes and the discount unwinds the provision increases and this increase is shown as a 1+1
finance cost. The finance cost for the year ended 31 March 20X1 will be $222 ($2,779 0.08) and the
provision at 31 March 20X1 $3,001 ($2,779 + $222).
When the initial provision is made the debit entry is to PPE, as this is part of the cost of gaining access 1
to the economic benefits from the site. Therefore the total 1cost should be $27,779 ($25,000 +
$2,779) and the depreciation for the year ended 31 March 20X1 $2,778 ($27,779 1/10). The carrying 6
amount of PPE at 31 March 20X1 will be $25,001 ($27,779 – $2,778).
Transaction (b)
The assistant is incorrect to include an asset and liability of $24m in respect of the purchase of the 1
machine. A contract to take delivery of a machine three months after the year end is an executory
contract. IAS 37 states that no provision should be made for executory contracts unless the contract is
onerous. IAS 16 states that non-current tangible assets should be recognised at cost. The costs
relating to this item are yet to be incurred and therefore no recognition of an item of PPE is appropriate
at the year end.
Under the provisions of IFRS 9 Financial instruments the contract to purchase Euros on 30 June 20X1 1
should have been recognised from 1 January 20X1, the date Epsilon became party to its contractual
provisions. At the year end 31 March 20X1 the contract is recognised as a financial asset of $1m
because it is a contractual right to exchange financial assets with another entity under potentially
favourable conditions. Furthermore, it is a derivative because its value changes in response to a
specific exchange rate and it requires little or no investment.
IFRS 9 requires that derivatives be measured at fair value through profit or loss. However where the
derivative is a hedging instrument (it can be identified with a quantifiable financial risk – in this case
foreign exchange risk) then IFRS 9 allows entities to use hedge accounting. If the contract is
designated as a hedge of the foreign exchange risk inherent in the purchase of the machine in the
following period then the portion of the gain or loss on the hedging instrument that is effective is not
recognised in the profit or loss of the current period. Instead it is taken to other comprehensive
income and recognised in a separate cash flow hedge reserve. When the machine is purchased, the
cumulative amount in the cash flow hedge reserve is removed from equity and included in the initial
cost of the asset. This means that the cumulative change in fair value is eventually recognised in profit
or loss over the same period as the machine (because it changes the depreciation expense). 6
Transaction (c)
The assistant is incorrect in the treatment of the lease. IAS 17 Leases states that leases of land and 1
buildings are classified in the same way as other assets, but a particular characteristic of land is that it
normally has an indefinite life and if title does not pass to the lessee at the end of the lease term, then it
tends to be classified as an operating lease.
In this case, the land should be classified as an operating lease and half of the total rental of $500,000 1+1
should be charged to the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.
The building is a finance lease as Epsilon has the use of the asset for all of its useful life. The building 1+1
must be capitalised in the statement of financial position and depreciated over the lease term of 50
years. The amount to be capitalised is $2.5m with a corresponding liability recognised in the statement
of financial position.
Depreciation on the buildings amounts to $50,000 ($2.5m/50 years) and the finance cost on the lease 1+1
amounts to $200,000 (2.5m 8%).
The lease liability at the end of the year is as follows:
Opening lease liability 2,500
Finance cost (200)
Repayment (250)
Closing lease liability 2,450
The current portion is $54,000 (250 – (2,450 8%)) and the non-current portion is $2,396,000. 1
Marking scheme
Issue 1 Marks
(e), (f) The non-current assets satisfy the IFRS 5 criteria for assets held for sale. An asset is 1+1+1
classified as held for sale if its value will be recovered principally through sale as +1
opposed to continuing use. The implications of this classification is that the plant and
property will be classified as held for sale on the statement of financial position and
measured at the lower of existing carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell.
This means that Epsilon will write down the plant and equipment from $11m to $2m,
but that the property will continue to be carried at only $10m. The net assets of the
segment will be regarded as a disposal group and will be classified separately on the
statement of financial position.
(g) Under the principles of IFRS 5 it would be correct to show the results separately if the ½
segment can be regarded as a discontinued operation. In order for this to be the case
the segment would have to be:
A component of the entity (where operations and cash flows can be clearly
distinguished, operationally and for financial reporting purposes, from the rest of the
entity) that either has been disposed of or is classified as held for sale and:
Represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of ½
operations; or
Is part of a single co-ordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of ½
business or geographical area of operations; or
Is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale. ½
The segment would thus be regarded as a discontinued operation. Epsilon needs to 1
disclose a single amount on the face of the statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income, comprising the total of:
The post-tax profit or loss of the discontinued operation; and ½
The post-tax gain or loss recognised on the measurement to fair value less ½
costs to sell of the assets of the discontinued operation. 14
IFRS 2 requires disclosure of information that enables users of the financial statements to 1
understand the nature and extent of share-based payment arrangements that existed during the 6
period. Therefore the key terms and vesting conditions would need to be disclosed in the financial 20
42 Omega 14 (6/11)
Top tips. This question divides itself into three parts, and is typical of the current Dip IFR examination team.
The first part tested IFRS 2 Share-based payment, and is actually quite straightforward. It does, however, contain a
difficulty which could have put you off if you did not know the area well. This related to market-related vesting
conditions: IFRS 2 states that the transaction is recognised irrespective of whether or not they are satisfied. If you
knew this, then the rest of the question should have been simple. If you didn't, then you needed to stay positive
about what you do know. There are two possibilities:(i) this share price does matter, in which case the fair value
would be $nil because no options would vest; (ii) the share price doesn't matter, in which case you calculate the fair
value as usual. In this case, the 14 minutes you have for this part of the question is probably best spent assuming
that the share price doesn't matter, as there are likely to be marks available for your calculation based on the
information given in the rest of the scenario.
The second part of the question tested IAS 16 and IAS 8. You should be very comfortable with both of these
standards. The question was perhaps unclear on whether the $3m overhaul costs had already been capitalised, and
you may have assumed that they had not been. Don't worry if you got this wrong, as you will be awarded marks for
everything you get right, so that you should still be able to pass the question.
The third part of the question tests IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers.
Easy marks. There were 1½ easy marks in part (a) for just stating the accounting treatment in the SPLOCI. The
marks for laying out the financial statements extracts were also easy – you just need to know where the figures
should go.
Marking scheme
Year ending
31 March 20X8 31 March 20X7
$'000 $'000
Recognised in retained earnings 912 304
The vesting condition relating to the share price at 31 March 20X9 is ignored as a market 1
condition per IFRS 2 Share-based payment.
The statement of financial position recognises the estimated total liability directly within 1
retained earnings. The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
recognises the increase in the liability over the amount previously recognised, which in
20X7 is $304,000.
Cumulative profits estimate at 31 March 20X8 are $14m, so 15,000 options vest per 1+1+1
director. Hence the total liability/expense is 15,000 × 19 × $4.80 = $1,368,000. The amount 8
recognised in retained earnings is $1,368,000 × 2/3 = $912,000. The expense is $912,000 –
$304,000 = $608,000.
Year ending
31 March 20X8 31 March 20X7
$'000 $'000
Depreciation 15,000 15,000 1
Non-current liabilities – deferred revenue 662 1½
Current liabilities – deferred revenue 441 1½
Revenue from sale of machine 6,176 1
Service revenue 221 1
Total revenue 6,397
Cost of sales of the machine (4,000) 1
Cost of service element (200) 1
2,197 7
IFRS 15 states that where a contract contains more than one distinct performance obligation, a company
allocates the transaction price to all separate performance obligations in proportion to the stand-alone
selling price of the good or service underlying each performance obligation. Total revenue of $7.5m is
divided into sales and service elements. Total costs of servicing are $1.2m (= $200,000 × 2 × 3). Adding a
normal gross margin of 20% to this gives revenue allocated of $1.5m (= $1.2m ÷ 0.8).
Revenue from the sale of the machine of $6.176 m (7/8.5 × 7.5m) is recognised on 1 October 20X7, when
the machine is delivered to the customer.
Service revenue is recognised on a straight line basis over the three year period, resulting in deferred
revenue in the first two years. $221,000 (1.5/8.5 × $7.5m × 6/36) is recognised in the year ended 2011, with
deferred revenue of $1.103m (1.5/8.5 × 7.5 × 30/36). This is split into current liabilities of $0.441m
($1.103m × 12/30) and non-current liabilities of $0.662m ($1.103m 18/30).
43 Delta 2 (6/12)
Top tips. This question presented you with four issues, covering different syllabus topics, and so is a good practice
question. Remember to show your workings clearly and to give explanations.
In part (a) the provision for restoration at the end of its useful life should be capitalised, but note that the provision
damage already caused by the end of the reporting period should be charged to profit or loss. In part (b) the cost is
measured using the fair value of the options at the grant date.
Easy marks. Part (d), as long as you note that the damage was caused after the end of the reporting period and
remember that this is a non-adjusting event, you should be able to answer this question well.
Examination team's comments.
In part (a) the calculations of depreciation and unwinding the discount were poor.
The answers to part (b) were generally good, but the explanations of the computations generally unsatisfactory.
Most candidates showed good knowledge of the existence of a liability and contingent asset in part (c), though
coming up with an appropriate provision was a common failure.
Part (d) was generally well answered but some candidates failed to appreciate that it was an event after the end of
the reporting period and stated that it was an adjusting event.
Marking scheme
(a) Under the principles of IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment costs of $13.5m ($10m + $3.5m)
will be debited to property, plant and equipment in respect of the cost of acquiring the
extraction facility. ½
The costs of erecting the extraction facility (excluding the land) will be depreciated over a
ten-year period, giving a charge in the current period of $175,000 ($3.5m × 1/10 × 6/12). 1
From 1 October 20X1, an obligation exists to rectify the damage caused by the erection of the
extraction facility and this obligation should be provided for. ½
The amount provided is the present value of the expected future payment, which is $966,000
($3m × 0.322). 1
The amount provided is debited to property, plant and equipment and credited to provisions at
1 October 20X1. ½
The debit to property, plant and equipment creates additional depreciation of $48,300 in the
current year ($966,000 × 1/10 × 6/12). 1
The closing balance in property, plant and equipment is $14,242,700 ($13.5m – $175,000 +
$966,000 – $48,300). ½
As the date of settlement of the liability draws closer the discount unwinds. ½
The unwinding of the discount in the current year is $57,960 ($966,000 × 12% × 6/12). 1
The extraction process itself creates an additional liability based on the damage caused by the
end of the reporting period. ½
The additional amount provided is $34,100 ($200,000 × 6/12 × 0.341). 1
This additional provision causes an extra charge to the statement of profit or loss and other ½
comprehensive income.
The carrying amount of the provision at the year end is $1,058,060 ($966,000 + $57,960 +
$34,100). ½
(b) Under the principles of IFRS 2 Share-based payment this arrangement will be regarded as an
equity settled share based payment. ½
The fair value of the equity settled share based payment will be credited to equity and debited
to expenses (or occasionally included in the carrying amount of another asset) over the vesting
period. 1
Where the transaction is with employees, fair value is measured as the market value of the
equity instrument at the grant date. ½
The vesting condition relating to the number of executives who remain with Delta is a non-market
condition so it is taken into account when estimating the number of options that will vest. ½
The vesting condition relating to the share price is a market condition so it is taken into
account when measuring the fair value of an option at grant date. ½
Therefore the total estimated fair value of the share based payment is $1,545,600 (92 × 20,000
× $0.84). 1
1/3 of this amount ($515,200) is recognised in the year ended 31 March 20X2. ½
$515,200 is credited to equity and debited to expenses (or occasionally included in the
carrying amount of another asset). ½
(c) Under the principles of IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets a
provision should be made for the probable damages payable to the customer. ½
The amount provided should be the amount Delta would rationally pay to settle the obligation
at the end of the reporting period. Ignoring discounting, this is $1m. ½
This amount should be credited to liabilities and debited to profit or loss. ½
Under the principles of IAS 37 the potential amount receivable from the supplier is a contingent
asset. ½
Contingent assets should not be recognised but should be disclosed where there is a probable
future receipt of economic benefits – this is the case for the $800,000 potentially receivable
from the supplier. 1
(d) The event causing the damage to the inventory occurred after the end of the reporting period. ½
Under the principles of IAS 10 Events after the reporting period this is a non-adjusting event as
it does not affect conditions at the end of the reporting period. 1½
Non-adjusting events are not recognised in the financial statements, but are disclosed where
their effect is material. 1
44 Delta (12/12)
Top tips. Remember to show your workings clearly and to give explanations.
In part (a) the loan, a financial asset, is measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, in
accordance with IFRS 9. In part (b) the depreciation on the complex asset is calculated on the two identifiable
components, the overhaul and the remainder.
Easy marks. Part (b), as long as you note that there is a contingent liability and a contingent asset, you should be
able to answer this question well.
Examination team's comments.
Part (a)
Areas showing good knowledge:
Most candidates were aware that, whilst the financial asset had a zero coupon rate, the repayment premium
meant that there was a finance cost associated with it due to the redemption premium.
Most candidates were able to compute the finance cost using the effective rate of interest.
Areas where mistakes were common:
Many candidates were not able to correctly deal with the issue costs of the loan asset. Some incorrectly
stated that the costs should be recognised as an immediate expense, whilst others deducted the amount
from the initial carrying value, rather than adding it on.
Few candidates appreciated that the asset had suffered impairment in the current financial period. Where
candidates did realise that this had occurred, some incorrectly stated that the loss would be recognised over
the remaining term by reducing the effective rate of interest.
Part (b)
Areas showing good knowledge:
Most candidates were aware that depreciation of this complex asset needed to be carried out in two parts.
Basic depreciation calculations were generally of a satisfactory standard where candidates appreciated the
'complex asset' issue discussed above.
Areas where mistakes were common:
A number of candidates who realised that the asset was complex added the $4m overhaul cost to the $20m
total cost rather than treating it as a part of the $20m overall cost.
A number of candidates failed to appreciate that failure to depreciate an asset in a previous period is an
accounting error that needs to be adjusted for retrospectively.
Part (c)
Areas showing good knowledge:
Most candidates appreciated that the potential legal claim needed to be provided for as a liability.
Most candidates realised that the potential re-imbursement was a contingent asset.
Areas where mistakes were common:
A significant minority of candidates used expected values to compute the provision rather than the most
likely outcome.
A significant minority of candidates stated that the insurance claim should be recognised as an asset.
A smaller minority of candidates stated that the legal claim should not be provided for, but disclosed.
Marking scheme
(a) The loan to the supplier would be regarded as a financial asset. The relevant accounting standard,
IFRS 9, provides that financial assets are normally measured at fair value. ½
Where the financial asset is held within a business model where the only expected future cash
inflows are the receipts of principal and interest and the investor intends to collect these
contractual cash flows rather than dispose of the asset to a third party, then IFRS 9 allows the
asset to be measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. ½
Assuming this method is adopted, then the costs of issuing the loan are included in its initial
carrying value rather than being taken to profit or loss as an immediate expense. This makes the
initial carrying value $2.1m. 1
Under the effective interest method, part of the finance income is recognised in the current period
rather than all in the following period when repayment is due. ½
The income recognised in the current period is $144,900 ($2.1m 6.9%). 1
In the absence of information regarding the financial difficulties of the supplier, the financial asset
at 30 September 20X2 would have been $2,244,900 ($2.1m + $144,900). ½
The information regarding financial difficulty of the supplier is objective evidence that the financial
asset has suffered impairment at 30 September 20X2. This is then treated as a Stage 3 impairment ½
Impairment is recognised as the present value of expected credit shortfalls over their remaining life
(lifetime expected credit loss). Delta is required to reduce the gross carrying amount of the ½
financial asset in the period in which it no longer has a reasonable expectation of recovery.
The asset is re-measured at the present value of the revised estimated future cash inflows, using
the original effective interest rate. Under the revised estimates the closing carrying amount of the 1
asset would be $2,057,998 ($2.2m/1.069).
The reduction in carrying value of $186,902 ($2,244,900 – $2,057,998) would be charged to profit
or loss in the current period as an impairment of a financial asset. ½
Therefore the net charge to profit or loss in respect of the current period would be $42,002
($186,902 – $144,900). ½
(b) Omitting to charge depreciation where material would be regarded as an error under the principles
outlined in IAS 8 Accounting policies, accounting estimates and errors. ½
Where an error has retrospective effect, it is adjusted as a movement on retained earnings in the
statement of changes in equity rather than through profit or loss. ½
Because this is a complex asset, the depreciation charge is made on two identifiable components
according to their fair values at the date of acquisition. ½
The first 'asset' is the overhaul element which would have a depreciable amount of $4m. ½
The overhaul is not provided for as it is not certain that this will arise and hence the life of the first ½
'asset' is four years
The depreciation charged on this 'asset' would be $1m each year. ½
The second 'asset' is the remainder, to which the estimated residual value is allocated entirely. ½
The residual value is an accounting estimate which should be revised at the end of each
accounting period. ½
Therefore the depreciable amount for the year ended 30 September 20X1 is $14.9m ($20m – $4m
– $1.1m) 1
This means that the depreciation on this 'asset' for the year ended 30 September 20X1 is ½
$1,862,500 ($14.9m 1/8)
The depreciable amount of this 'asset' for the year ended 30 September 20X2 is $12,937,500
($16m – $1,862,500 – $1,200,000). 1
Therefore the depreciation charge on this 'asset' for the year ended 30 September 20X2 is
$1,848,214 ($12,937,500 1/7). 1
The total depreciation charged to profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 20X2 is therefore
$2,848,214 ($1m + $1,848,214). ½
The provision should be measured as the amount the entity would rationally pay to settle the
obligation at the reporting date. ½
Where there is a range of possible outcomes, the individual most likely outcome is often the most
appropriate measure to use. ½
In this case a provision of $1.6m seems appropriate, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss.
The insurance claim against our supplier is a contingent asset. ½
IAS 37 states that contingent assets should not be recognised until their realisation is virtually
certain, but should be disclosed where their realisation is probable. This appears to be the situation
we are in here. ½
Therefore the contingent asset would be disclosed in the 20X2 financial statements. Any credit to
profit or loss arises when the claim is settled. 1
45 Omega (12/12)
Top tips. There were several issues addressed in this question, the financial reporting treatment of an asset held for
sale, the financial reporting treatment of a lease with an incentive payment, valuation and depreciation of an asset.
Easy marks. Part (a) is largely book knowledge that you should have found straightforward to answer, if you have
studied the text.
Examination team's comments.
Part (a)
Areas showing good knowledge:
Most candidates realised that the division should be classified as held for sale and the net assets shown
separately in the statement of financial position.
Areas where mistakes were common:
Few candidates correctly computed the impairment loss on reclassification and allocated it to goodwill.
Very few candidates appreciated that the partial reversal of the impairment loss between the date of
classification as held for sale and the year-end could not be recognised as it related to goodwill.
Many candidates did not make the link to treatment as a discontinued operation in the statement of
comprehensive income.
Part (b)
Areas showing good knowledge:
Most candidates were able to identify the basic costs that should be capitalised as part of the cost of
Areas where mistakes were common:
Some candidates wasted time discussing the lease classification when it was given in the question.
Many candidates computed the capitalised finance costs incorrectly.
Few candidates appreciated that the factory should be depreciated over 29½ years rather than 30 years.
Marking scheme
(a) The decision to offer the division for sale on 1 July 20X2 means that from that date the division is
classified as held for sale. The division is available for immediate sale, is being actively marketed
at a reasonable price, and the sale is expected to be completed within one year. 1
The consequence of this classification is that the assets of the division will be measured at the
lower of their existing carrying amounts and their fair value less costs to sell. In this case, this
means measuring the assets of the division at $3.2m on 1 July 20X2. 1
The reduction in carrying amount of the assets of $400,000 ($2m + $1m + $600,000 – $3.2m)
will be treated as an impairment loss and allocated to goodwill, leaving a carrying amount for
goodwill of $200,000 ($600,000 – $400,000). 2
The increased expectation of the selling price of $100,000 ($3.3m – $3.2m) will be treated as a
reversal of an impairment loss. However, since this reversal relates to goodwill, it cannot be
recognised. 1½
The assets of the division need to be presented separately from other assets in the statement of
financial position. Their major classes should be separately disclosed, either on the face of the
statement of financial position or in the notes. 2
The property, plant and equipment should not be depreciated after 1 July 20X2, so its carrying
amount at 30 September 20X2 will be $2m. The inventories of the division will be shown at their
year-end cost of $900,000. 1½
The division will be regarded as a discontinued operation in the year ended 30 September 20X2.
It represents a separate line of business and is held for sale at the year end. 1½
The statement of comprehensive income should disclose, as a single amount, the post-tax profit
or loss of the division and the impairment loss arising on the re-measurement of the division on
classification as held for sale. Further analysis of this single amount can be presented on the face
of the statement of comprehensive income, but it can be presented in the notes to the financial
statements. 1½
(b) The lease of the land on which the factory is to be built will result in a rental charge in the
statement of comprehensive income over the 30-year lease term. ½
The total rental charge is $28.8m (60 $500,000 – $1.2m). Therefore the charge for the year
ended 30 September 20X2 is $720,000 ($28.8m 1/30 9/12). 1
An accrual of $1,420,000 ($1.2m + $720,000 – $500,000) will be shown in the statement of
financial position at 30 September 20X2. $290,000 ($250,000 ($500,000 3/6) + $40,000
($1.2m/30)) of this amount will be shown under current liabilities, with the balance under non- 1
current liabilities.
The cost of the materials that can be included in the construction cost of the factory is $9.8m
($10.6m – $800,000). The damaged materials must be charged as an expense. 1½
The other overheads associated with the construction of the factory of $4.5m ($750,000 × 6) will
be included as part of the construction cost of the factory. 1
The finance costs associated with the construction must be capitalised up to the date the asset is
ready for use. The appropriate amount is $400,000 ($10m 8% 6/12). 1
The total cost of the factory is $14.7m ($9.8m + $4.5m + $400,000). This will be depreciated
from 1 July 20X2. 1
The remaining lease term from 1 July 20X2 is 29½ years so the depreciation charge for the year
ended 30 September 20X2 is $124,576 ($14.7m 1/29½ 3/12). 1
46 Delta (6/13)
Top tips. The mixed standards question is frequently something of a mixed bag in terms of difficulty. In this case,
parts (a) and (c) were harder than (b). That being said, however, part (a) should have been within your reach as
there are many marks available for what is essentially just selecting the correct exchange rate, and then performing
the calculation accordingly.
Part (b) contained marks for knowledge from IFRS 11, and then a fairly simple application of IAS 23.
Part (c) hinged on the IFRS 3 definition of control, so if you didn't score well here then it's not something you'll be
likely to forget in the future!
Easy marks. There are easy marks for performing calculations in part (b).
Examination team's comments. Part (a) was answered poorly by a majority of candidates. Most were able to
appreciate that the financial liability should be measured at amortised cost. However many appeared unsure about
whether to apply this principle before translating into $ (as they should have) or after. Consequently few candidates
were able to correctly compute the finance cost or closing balance in $ or the exchange difference on translation.
Answers to part (b) were generally of a higher standard than for question 2 (a). Most candidates were able to
appreciate that the costs and assets of the joint arrangement were partly included in the financial statements of
Delta and most made a reasonable attempt to capitalise the finance costs appropriately.
Part (c) was poorly answered. Very few candidates appreciated that Epsilon was a subsidiary of Delta due to the
ability of Delta to control Epsilon. The focus for almost all candidates was whether the lease was operating or
Marking scheme
(a) On initial recognition, the loan in € is €49m (€50m – €1m). ½
The finance cost in € is €4.9m (€49m × 10%). ½
The closing balance of the loan in € is €49.9m (€49m + €4.9m – €4m). ½
IAS 21 The Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates states that foreign currency transactions
are initially recorded at the rate of exchange in force when the transaction was first recognised. ½
Hence the loan would initially be recorded at $68.6m (€49m × 1.40). ½
The finance cost would be recorded at the average rate for the period, because it accrues over a
period of time. ½
The finance cost would be $6.958m (€4.9m × 1.42). ½
The actual payment of interest would be recorded at $5.8m (€4m × 1.45). ½
The loan balance is a monetary item so it is translated at the rate of exchange at the end of the
reporting period. ½
So the closing loan balance is $72.355m (€49.9m × 1.45). ½
The exchange differences that are created by this treatment are recognised in profit or loss. ½
In this case, the exchange difference is (($68.6m + $6.958m – $5.8m) – $72.355m) = $2.597m.
This exchange loss is taken to profit or loss. ½
(b) This is a joint arrangement in the terms of IFRS 11 Joint arrangements, because two or more
parties have joint control of the pipeline under a contractual arrangement. 1
This will be regarded as a joint operation because Delta and the other investor have rights to the
assets and obligations for the liabilities of this joint arrangement. 1
This means that Delta and the other investor will each recognise 50% of the cost of constructing
the asset in property, plant and equipment. ½
The borrowing cost incurred on constructing the pipeline should, under the principles of IAS 23
Borrowing costs, be included as part of the cost of the asset for the period of construction. ½
In this case, the relevant borrowing cost to be included is $500,000 ($10m × 10% × 6/12). 1
The total cost of the asset is $40.5m ($40m + $500,000). $20.25m is included in the property,
plant and equipment of Delta and the same amount in the property, plant and equipment of the
other investor. 1
The depreciation charge for the year ended 31 March 20X3 will therefore be $1,012,500 ($40.5m
× 1/20 × 6/12). $506,250 will be charged in the statement of profit or loss of Delta and the same
amount in the statement of profit or loss of the other investor. 1
The other costs relating to the arrangement in the current year totalling $900,000 (finance cost
for the second half year of $500,000 plus maintenance costs of $400,000) will be charged to the
statements of profit or loss of Delta and the other investor in equal proportions – $450,000 each. 1
(c) Under the principles of IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements Delta has control over
Epsilon. This is because: 1
The purpose of setting up Epsilon is to enable Delta to achieve a specific purpose. ½
Epsilon's dependence on Delta indicates that Delta has effective power over Epsilon. 1
The directors of Delta are acting as de facto agents of Delta in terms of their shareholdings in
Epsilon. ½
Delta is exposed to variable returns (on the leased asset) which Delta has the power to affect
through its use. 1
Therefore Delta will consolidate Epsilon and the leased asset and associated liability will be
included in the consolidated financial statements as a finance lease. 1
The rental payments between Delta and Epsilon will be eliminated as an intra-group transaction. 1
47 Omega (6/13)
Top tips. This question required you to play the role of the knowledgeable old hand to the uninformed managing
director, which may have been a pleasant part to play.
Part (a) may have been harder than part (b), depending on how familiar you were with the standards in question.
This question in testament to the importance of knowing the technical material.
Easy marks. Part(b) contained some easy marks for stating the basic requirements of IFRS 8.
Examination team's comments. This question (more 'essay type' in style) required candidates to describe the main
provisions of two International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS 13 Fair value measurement and IFRS 8
Operating segments.
Answers to the IFRS 13 part were very polarised. Some candidates had clearly read the (relatively new) standard
and scored good marks. Others clearly had not, and so failed to gain many marks. This shows the importance of
keeping up to date in this paper.
Most candidates seemed aware of the main principles of IFRS 8 although not all stated that it only applies to listed
entities. Many were unsure on how to apply the '10% limits'.
Marking scheme
(a) Although it is true that the majority of assets and liabilities that are recognised in financial
statements are measured based on their original cost, there are a number that are
measured at fair value. Three examples of the use of the 'fair value basis' are:
The assets and liabilities of a newly acquired subsidiary are measured in the consolidated
financial statements at their fair values at the date of acquisition. 1
Property, plant and equipment can be measured at fair value on a class by class basis. 1
Tutorial note. Other valid examples – eg investment properties or biological assets –
would also receive credit.
IFRS 13 Fair value measurement defines fair value as the amount that would be received
to sell an asset, or paid to transfer a liability, in an orderly transaction between market ½+½
participants. +½+½
The IFRS 13 definition removes the uncertainty that was previously an issue in that it
confirms that fair value is an exit measure, not an entry measure. ½
The fair value hierarchy refers to three levels of input into the measurement of fair value.
These three levels vary in their reliability, starting with the most reliable and ending with
the least reliable:
Level 1 inputs are market prices where the asset or liability is quoted in an active market.
These inputs are given the highest priority when measuring fair values and are not
normally subject to any adjustment. An example would be the use of quoted prices to
measure the fair value of equity instruments. 1½
Level 2 inputs are inputs into the calculation of fair value that, whilst not market values,
are observable to an external user. An example would be the quoted prices of shares in
similar entities when measuring the fair value of an unquoted share. Level 2 inputs are
sometimes adjusted to reflect differential circumstances. 1½
Level 3 inputs are those that are not observable to an external user. An example would be
the assumptions regarding future profits when measuring the fair value of an unquoted
share. When measuring fair values, use of Level 3 inputs should be kept to a minimum. 1½
(b) A reportable segment is an operating segment that satisfies certain materiality criteria. ½
An operating segment is a component of an entity:
That engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur
expenses. ½+½
Whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Chief Operating Decision
Maker (CODM). ½+½
For which discrete financial information is available. ½
The CODM is a function, not a title. The function is to make decisions about
allocating resources and assessing performance. ½+½+½
Total assets are 10% or more of the total assets of all operating segments. ½
Two or more operating segments that exhibit similar economic characteristics can be
combined into a single operating segment for reporting purposes. ½+½
Even if an operating segment does not meet any of the quantitative thresholds, it can be
considered reportable if management believes that information about that segment would
be useful to users of the financial statements. ½
As a minimum, the total external revenue of reportable segments should be at least
75% of total entity revenue. If this is not achieved by applying the size criteria to
individual segments, additional reportable segments need to be added until this ½+½
threshold is achieved. 10
48 Delta (12/13)
Top tips. This question covered three areas which are fairly central to the syllabus, so if you struggled with any of it
then this will give you an indication of where you need to focus your work before the exam. Part (a) on financial
instruments was actually not that difficult, even though it was on financial instruments which is a topic which
sometimes elicits panic from candidates! It serves as a good illustration of a question where keeping calm pays off,
as there were plenty of marks available for simply stating the required treatment of the financial asset on initial
Part (b) was on a familiar syllabus area. As with part (a), your approach should be to state the required treatment
and then apply it to the question. Be careful, however, not to enter into any long discussions of general accounting
principles – keep your answer focused on the question.
Part (c) was a familiar issue, but you may have been put off by the fact that the asset was sold at a loss, which is
effectively a way of paying rent in advance.
Easy marks. There are easy marks in part (a) for computing the cost of the asset, and for stating that it will be split
into its current and non-current elements.
Examination team's comments. On the whole many candidates failed to score well on this question. Many left out
part (a), which was the least well answered.
Part (a) – the financial asset
Very few discussed the fact that this was valued at amortised cost and even fewer explained why. Some
suggested this was a liability not an asset.
Most identified the initial carrying amount of $36m but applied the effective rate to $40m and did not
apportion for six months. Most applied the rules for amortised cost valuation but deducted the 4%
receivable to arrive at the carrying amount even though this had not been received. This meant that the point
about it being a current asset was missed.
Part (b) – the held for sale business unit
Of all the parts to this question, this was answered the best. Many understood the impairment issue as well as how
to allocate the impairment across the assets in the cash generating unit. The main point missed was the discussion
of the held for sale rules and why they applied here.
Part (c) – the sale and leaseback
The majority who answered this correctly identified that it was an operating lease. Some then spoiled this
conclusion by stating that the asset would not be de-recognised due to the fact that the transaction was not carried
out at fair value. Few candidates addressed the issue of the apparent loss on sale being deferred over the lease term
due to below market value lease rentals. Many candidates failed to spot that the transaction took place half-way
through the accounting period.
Marking scheme
(a) In line with IFRS 9 Financial instruments financial assets are measured at either amortised
cost or fair value, depending on the reason for holding them and the nature of the expected
returns from the asset. 1
Here amortised cost should be used because Delta's objective is to hold the assets to collect
the contractual cash flows, and those cash flows consist solely of the repayment of principal
and interest by Epsilon. 1
The asset will initially be measured at $36m ($40m × 90 cents). 1
The finance income for the six months to 30 September 20X3 will be $1.782m ($36m × 9.9%
× 6/12). 1
The closing asset will be $37.782m ($36m + $1.782m). ½
This asset will be split into its current and non-current portions. ½
The interest payment due on 31 March 20X4 of $1.6m ($40m × 4%) will be a current asset.
The remaining asset of $36.182m ($37.782m – $1.6m) will be non-current. 1
(b) The business is held for sale from 1 June 20X3. The held for sale criteria apply because it is
being actively marketed at a reasonable price, and the sale is expected to be completed within
one year of the date of classification. 1
Given this, IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations the assets to
be classified separately under current assets in the statement of financial position, and
depreciation to be ceased. 1
The assets will be measured at the lower of their current carrying amounts at the date of
classification, and their fair value less costs to sell. In this case, they will be re-measured to
$46m ($46.5m – $0.5m). 1
The impairment loss of $17m ($63m – $46m) will first be allocated to goodwill, taking its
carrying amount to nil. 1
None of the remaining impairment loss will be allocated to inventories or trade receivables,
because their recoverable amounts are at least equal to their existing carrying amounts. 1
The remaining impairment loss of $7m ($17m – $10m) will be allocated to the property, plant
and equipment and the patents on a pro-rata basis. 1
The closing carrying amounts of the property, plant and equipment and the patents will be
$15m and $6m respectively. 1
(c) Since the lease-back is a five-year lease of a property with a useful economic life of 25 years,
the lease will be considered as an operating lease. ½
Therefore the property will be removed from property, plant and equipment. ½
Since the property is being leased at a rental which is lower than market rentals, the apparent
loss on sale of $3m ($23m – $20m) will be recognised over the lease term.
Therefore, in the year ended 30 September 20X3, a loss on sale of $300,000 ($3m × 6/60) will
be recognised in profit or loss. 1
The unrecognised loss on sale of $2.7m ($3m – $300,000) will be shown as a deferred
expense. ½
$600,000 ($3m × 12/60) of the above will be shown as a current asset and the balance of
$2.1m ($2.7m – $600,000) as a non-current asset. 1
A rental expense of $900,000 ($1.8m × 6/12) will be recognised in profit or loss for the year
ended 30 September 20X3. 1
A pre-payment of $900,000 will be shown in current assets at 30 September 20X3. ½
49 Omega (12/13)
Top tips. This question was one of the more doable questions on the paper, and gave you opportunities to score
well. To do this, however, you needed to include adequate explanations of your treatments. Although the numbers
are important for Dip IFR, it will be very difficult to pass the exam if you do not write well. In this case about half of
the marks are for the words.
Part (a) featured a self-constructed asset and was a good test of detail in relation to IAS 16. Even if you did not
know the detail of IAS 16's rules, you could still have scored well by applying its principles. Are the costs direct
costs of construction, or only indirect costs?
Part (b) was on a share-based payment. The requirement to include extracts from the financial statements along
with explanations suggests a columnar format for your answer. This would help ensure that you provide an
explanation for every figure.
Easy marks. Many of the marks in part (a) are easily come by, for example that the purchase of materials for
construction should be capitalised, or that the employment costs of the construction workers should be capitalised.
Examination team's comments. This question was generally answered better than many of the others, although
very few explanations were given despite being specifically asked for – most candidates simply gave a numerical
Part a – computation of the carrying amount of a complex non-current asset
The most common mistakes were:
Incorrectly taking the land legal fees to the statement of profit or loss
Incorrectly deducting the income from the car park from the cost of the asset
Calculating the interest capitalised for seven months not eight and then pro-rating the $100,000 income over
the period that the interest is capitalised instead of deducting the full amount
Some created a provision for the demolition as $9,200,000 instead of $920,000 because they took 46% and
not 4.6%. Others gave detailed calculations and explained how this would be provided for but did not
mention the debit entry to the asset. In addition many wasted time discussing the unwinding of the discount
to profit or loss – which was not required in the computation of the carrying amount of the asset.
Failure to apply component depreciation to the asset – some candidates stated that the cost of replacing the
roof in 20 year's time [sic] would be charged as an expense at that time
Part b – analysis of an equity-settled share-based payment
Many candidates wasted time by discussing the difference between cash- and equity-settled. This was not required.
A number of candidates failed to give any explanation for the figures they had used, despite this being a specific
requirement of the question. Other common errors included:
Crediting the carrying amount in the statement of financial position to liabilities rather than equity
Updating the fair value of the share price when the value of the option at the grant date would not change
Forgetting to pro-rate the charge over the three year vesting period
Marking scheme
(a) Computation of the cost of the factory
Description Included in PPE Explanation
Purchase of land 10,000 Both the purchase of the land and
the associated legal costs are direct
costs of constructing the factory 1
Preparation and levelling 300 A direct cost of constructing the
factory ½
Materials 6,080 A direct cost of constructing the
factory ½
Employment costs of construction 1,400 A direct cost of constructing the
workers factory for a seven-month period ½
Direct overhead costs 700 A direct cost of constructing the
factory for a seven-month period ½
Allocated overhead costs Nil Not a direct cost of construction ½
Income from use as a car park Nil Not essential to the construction so
recognised directly in profit or loss 1
Relocation costs Nil Not a direct cost of construction ½
Opening ceremony Nil Not a direct cost of construction ½
Finance costs 700 Capitalise the interest cost incurred
in an eight-month period (purchase
of land would trigger off
capitalisation) 1½
Investment income on temporary
investment of the loan proceeds (100) Must offset against the amount
capitalised ½
Demolition cost recognised as a 920 Where an obligation must recognise
provision as part of the initial cost 1
Total 20,000
Computation of accumulated
Total depreciable amount 10,000 All of the net finance cost of 600 1½
(700 – 100) has been allocated to
the depreciable amount. Also
acceptable to reduce by allocating a
portion to the non-depreciable land
Depreciation must be in two parts Principle ½
Depreciation of roof component 50 10,000 × 30% × 1/20 × 4/12 1½
Depreciation of remainder 58 10,000 × 70% × 1/40 × 4/12 1
Total depreciation 108 ½
Computation of carrying amount
19,892 20,000 – 108 ½
(b) Amount included in statement of financial position at 30 September 20X3
Amount Explanation
Number of executives 190 Use expected number based on ½+½
latest estimates as a non-market
vesting condition
Options vesting for each executive 2,000 Use expected number based on ½
latest estimates as a non-market
vesting condition
Impact of expected share price None This is a market-based vesting ½
condition and is ignored for this
Fair value of option $0.50 Use fair value on grant date per ½
Proportion vesting 2/3 Two years through a three-year ½
vesting period
Included in equity $126,667 190 × 2,000 × $0.50 × 2/3 1
Amount included in statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended
30 September 20X3
Cumulative amount recognised in ½
equity at 30 September 20X3 (see
above) $126,667
Amount recognised in previous 200 × 1,500 × $0.50 × 1/3 1
year $(50,000)
So included in current year's
profit or loss $76,667 ½
50 Delta (6/14)
Top tips. This question covered three distinct topics. With all three parts, start by explaining the required treatment
and then apply it to the scenario in the question, with calculations where possible.
Part (a) on share-based payment may have looked difficult, but many of the marks were for calculations with which
by now you should be thoroughly familiar.
Part (b) focused on revenue recognition, which is now covered by IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers.
At first sight, this may have seemed like an unfamiliar situation, but you should have seen fairly quickly that this is a
sale and repurchase agreement – a financing transaction, giving rise to a financial liability, rather than to sales
In part (c), you needed to decide whether the lease was an operating or a finance lease and then to explain how the
rental expense should be recognised and calculated.
Easy marks. There were plenty of easy marks available for stating the basic principles of IFRS 2 and IAS 17.
Examination team's comments. On the whole the answers to this three-part analysis question were satisfactory.
Roughly half the candidates answering part (a) did so from the incorrect perspective that the transaction with the
executives was equity settled, rather than cash settled. Part (b) was answered well and most correctly concluded
that the sale of the inventory should not stand given the conditions attaching to it. Part (c) – the machinery lease:
the majority who answered this correctly identified that it was an operating lease. However, of this number, a
minority then incorrectly stated that no rental expense would be charged to profit or loss in the 'rent free' period.
Relatively few candidates were able to correctly conclude that the result of the 'rent free' period was to cause an
accrual for rent payable to arise, part of which was a current liability and part a non-current liability.
Marking scheme
(a) Under the principles of IFRS 2 Share-based payment the granting of share appreciation rights
(SARs) to executives is a cash-settled share-based payment. 1
Cash-settled share-based payments create a liability in the statement of the financial position
as they will ultimately be redeemed in cash. 1
The liability is recognised based on the fair value of the SAR at the reporting date and the
expected number of rights which will vest. ½+½+½
Under the principles of IFRS 2 this liability is built up over the vesting period. 1
Therefore the liability at 31 March 2014 would be $412,960 (2000 ×
(200 – 10 – 5 – 7) × $1.74 × 2/3). 1
Since the rights are not exercisable until after 31 March 2015, the liability would be shown as
a non-current liability. ½
The liability at 31 March 2013 would have been $216,000 (2,000 × (200 – 10 – 10) × $1.80 ×
1/3). 1
The charge to profit or loss would be $196,960 – the difference between the closing liability
($412,960) and the opening liability ($216,000). This charge would be shown as an
operating cost. 1
(b) This transaction is governed by the principles of IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with ½
Given Delta's continued responsibility for the custody of the goods, and the fact that they are
highly likely to be repurchased, it is clear that Delta has entered in to a repurchase agreement 1½
involving a call option over the goods.
IFRS 15 states that where the entity has the right to repurchase the goods, and the repurchase
price is greater than the original selling price the contract should be treated as a financing ½
Therefore, the goods will remain in inventory at cost – being their manufactured cost of
$800,000 plus one year's storage costs (or their net realisable value, if this is lower than cost). 1
The net proceeds of $800,000, being a financial liability, are accounted for under the principles
of IFRS 9 Financial instruments. ½
Under IFRS 9, most financial liabilities are measured at amortised cost using the effective
interest method and this would certainly apply here. 1
The finance cost for the period would be $64,000 ($800,000 × 8%). This would be shown in
the statement of profit or loss. 1
The closing financial liability would be $864,000 ($800,000 + $64,000). This would be shown
as a current liability since the 'repurchase' occurs on 31 March 2015 – 12 months after the
reporting date. 1
(c) Under the principles of IAS 17 Leases the lease of the machine is an operating lease because
the risks and rewards of ownership of the machine remain with Epsilon. The lease is for only
three years of the eight-year life and Epsilon is responsible for breakdowns, etc. 1
Therefore Delta will recognise lease rentals as an expense in the statement of profit or loss.
IAS 17 states that this should normally be done on a straight-line basis. 1
The total lease rentals payable over the whole lease term are $1,050,000 ($210,000 × 5).
Therefore the charge for the current year is $350,000 ($1,050,000 × 1/3). 1
The difference between the charge for the period ($350,000) and the rent actually paid
($210,000) will be shown as a liability in the statement of financial position at 31 March 2014.
This amount will be $140,000. 1
$70,000 (2 × $210,000 – $350,000) of this liability will be current and $70,000 non-current. 1
51 Omega (6/14)
Top tips. This question asks you to explain three accounting issues to a non-accountant. It is mainly discursive, but
there are some marks available for calculations. Part (a) is about related party relationships and disclosures; it
should be fairly clear that this is a related party relationship and should be disclosed, even though all the purchases
are apparently at normal rates. Remember to explain why Sigma is now a related party of Omega and what must be
disclosed. Notice that the question is not asking for a general discussion about related party transactions and why
they must be disclosed.
Part (b) requires you to explain why advertising expenditure cannot be recognised as an intangible asset.
Remember that the accruals concept applies here.
Part (c) concerns exchange differences and provided you had revised this area it should have been straightforward.
Easy marks. There were easy marks available for the simple calculations in parts (b) and (c).
Examination team's comments. On the whole the answers to this three-part analysis question were satisfactory. In
part (a) a number of candidates incorrectly concluded that Sigma was a subsidiary of Omega and should therefore
be consolidated, completely missing the related party issue. On the whole part (b) was well answered, with the vast
majority of candidates appreciating that IAS 38 Intangible assets effectively prohibits the capitalisation of
advertising expenditure as an intangible asset. However, not all candidates appreciated that payments made for
television advertisements not yet shown should be treated as pre-payments. Many good answers were also
provided to part (c). However, not all candidates appreciated that the purchased machine, being a non-monetary
asset that is measured under the cost model, would continue to be reported using the rate of exchange in force at
the date of acquisition.
Marking scheme
(a) From 1 January 2014, Sigma would be regarded as a related party of Omega under IAS 24
Related party disclosures. 1
This is because Sigma is controlled by the close family member of one of Omega's key
management personnel. ½+½+½
This means that, from 1 January 2014, the purchases from Sigma would be regarded as
related party transactions. 1
Transactions with related parties need to be disclosed in the notes to the financial
statements, together with the nature of the relationship. It is irrelevant whether or not these
transactions are at normal market rates. ½+½+½
The disclosures would state that a company controlled by the spouse of a director supplied
goods to the value of $4.5m (3 × $1.5m) in the current accounting period. It would not be 1+1
necessary to name the company. 7
(b) Under IAS 38 Intangible assets intangible assets can only be recognised if they are
identifiable and have a cost which can be reliably measured. ½+½+½
These criteria are very difficult to satisfy for internally developed intangibles. ½
For these reasons, IAS 38 specifically prohibits recognising advertising expenditure as an
intangible asset. 1
The issue of how successful the store is likely to be does not affect this prohibition. ½
Therefore your colleague is correct in principle that such costs should be recognised as
expenses. ½
However, the costs would be recognised on an accruals basis. ½
Therefore, of the advertisements paid for before 31 March 2014, $700,000 would be
recognised as an expense and $100,000 as a pre-payment in the year ended 31 March 2014. 1
The $400,000 cost of advertisements paid for since 31 March 2014 would be charged as
expenses in the year ended 31 March 2015. ½
(c) Under the principles of IAS 21 Foreign currency transactions the asset and liability would
initially be recognised at the rate of exchange in force at the transaction date – 1 January
2014. Therefore the amount initially recognised would be $200,000 (2 million kroner ×
1/10). ½+½+½
The liability is a monetary item so it is retranslated using the rate of exchange in force at 31
March 2014. This makes the closing liability $250,000
(2 million kroner × 1/8). ½+½+½
Depreciation of $12,500 ($200,000 × ¼ × 3/12) would be charged to profit or loss for the
year ended 31 March 2014. ½+½
The closing balance in property, plant and equipment would be $187,500 ($200,000 –
$12,500). This would be shown as a non-current asset in the statement of financial position. ½
52 Myriad – Intangibles
(a) The fundamental accounting concept of consistency dictates that similar items should be treated in a
consistent manner in each accounting period and over time. Where a company changes its accounting
policy it impairs the consistency and comparability of financial statements. Therefore a change should only
occur if a new policy is preferable to the old policy in that it gives a more appropriate presentation of events
or transactions. This normally occurs where there is a change in an accounting statute or an accounting
standard. It sometimes occurs on the acquisition of a subsidiary, where the subsidiary's policy differs to that
of the group. The adoption of an accounting policy for the first time, or when a company applies a policy to
transactions that differ substantially from any of its previous transactions, does not constitute a change of
accounting policy.
30 September 20X3 30 September 20X2
$'000 $'000
Amortisation (1,060 25%)/(1.060 – 400) * 25% 265 165
Amortisation as at 30 September 20X2
– eligible re 20X1 300 25% 2 years 150
– eligible re 20X2 360 25% 1 year 90
Amortisation as at 30 September 20X3
– eligible re 20X1 300 25% 3 years 225
– eligible re 20X2 360 25% 2 years 180
– eligible re 20X3 400 25% 1 year 100
Prior period adjustment
The amount of the prior period adjustment would be the carrying amount of the development expenditure of
$345,000 (420,000 – 75,000) that would have been included in the statement of financial position at
30 September 20X1. The $420,000 is the recognised amount of development costs, and the $75,000 is one
year's amortisation of the qualifying amount ie $300,000 25%.
53 Epsilon 11 (6/12)
Top tips. This question covered IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations. Part (b) is a
practical illustration of the principles laid out in part (a).
Easy marks. Part (a) is largely book knowledge that you should have found straightforward to answer, if you have
Examination team's comments. Most of part (a) was generally well answered, though explanations of the meaning
of discontinued operations were disappointing.
In part (b) computations of the overall impairment loss were generally good and a pleasing number of candidates
were aware that impairment losses on goodwill can never be reversed. However, explanations of how the balance of
the impairment loss of $12m would be treated, and the issues of a discontinued operation were largely not
Marking scheme
(a) (i) An entity classifies an asset or disposal group as held for sale if its carrying amount will be
principally recovered through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. 1
For this to be the case, the asset must be available for immediate sale in its present
condition and the sale must be highly probable. For the sale to be highly probable,
management must be committed to selling the asset or disposal group and be actively
marketing the asset or disposal group at a reasonable price. In addition, the sale should be
expected to qualify for recognition within one year of the date of classification. 1
(ii) An asset or disposal group that is classified as held for sale should be measured at the
lower of the carrying amount and fair value (arms' length sale price) less costs to sell. 1
When an asset or disposal group is classified as held for sale no further depreciation
charges should be made on the asset or the disposal group. ½
An entity should present an asset classified as held for sale and the assets of a disposal
group classified as held for sale separately from other assets in the statement of financial
position. 1
The liabilities of a disposal group classified as held for sale should be presented separately
from other liabilities in the statement of financial position. They should not be offset against
the assets of the disposal group. ½
Costs to sell are the incremental costs of selling the asset or disposal group, excluding
finance costs and income tax expense. 1
(iii) A discontinued operation is a component of an entity that either has been disposed of in
the period or classified as held for sale and: 1
Represents a separate major line of business or area of operations; ½
Is part of a single co-ordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or area
of operations; or ½
Is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale. ½
(iv) The minimum disclosure requirements for discontinued operations on the face of the
statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income is a single amount
representing the total of:
The post-tax profit or loss of discontinued operations.
The post-tax gain or loss recognised on the measurement to fair value less costs to sell or
on the disposal of the assets or disposal groups constituting the discontinued operation. 1½
(b) On 1 October 20X1, it is necessary to compare the carrying amount of the business component 1
($40m) with its fair value less costs to sell ($28m). Since fair value less costs to sell is lower, the
business component is written down to $28m, resulting in a loss of $12m.
This loss of $12m is regarded as an impairment loss that is treated in accordance with IAS 36 ½
Impairment of assets.
The impairment loss is first allocated to the goodwill, leaving a nil balance. 1
The balance of the impairment loss of $2m ($12m – $10m) is allocated to property, plant and
equipment, leaving a balance of $23m ($25m – $2m). 1½
Because the property, plant and equipment is part of a disposal group that is classified as held for
sale, it is not subjected to further depreciation after 1 October 20X1. 1
By 31 March 20X2 the estimated disposal proceeds of the business had increased to $31m. This
means that part of the impairment loss has reversed. ½
The reversal of an impairment loss on goodwill is not permitted. Its carrying amount remains at nil. 1
However, a reversal of $2m can be recognised on the property, plant and equipment at 31 March
20X2, restoring its carrying amount to $25m. 1
The business component is a discontinued operation because it is a component of Delta that has
been classified as held for sale by 31 March 20X2. 1
Therefore Delta will disclose a single amount on the face of the statement of profit or loss and
other comprehensive income. ½
This amount will comprise the profit after tax of $3m and the net amount recognised as an
impairment loss of $10m ($12m – $2m). 1
54 Belloso Co
(a) (i) The substance of the situation is that a sale has not been made. Belloso Co did not supply the goods
requested and has agreed to refund the cash. The sale would therefore be reversed and the inventory
written back in the accounts for 20X1.
Journal to reverse sale $ $
DEBIT Sales (Returns) 2,400
CREDIT Refunds payable 2,400
If Intuoso Co has a debit balance on its receivable account the refund payable should be netted off
against it. However, if there is not a receivable account for Intuoso Co the refund payable will be
shown as a liability on the statement of financial position.
Journal to write back inventory $ $
DEBIT Inventory SOFP 2,000
CREDIT Inventory SP/L (cost of sales) 2,000
(ii) This is a provision according to IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets, since
there is a liability of uncertain timing and amount. The criteria for recognising a provision are:
Present obligation exists as a result of a past event
There will be a probable outflow of resources
A reasonable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation
We have to take the lawyer's expert opinion that there is an obligation. The past event was the supply
of faulty goods. Belloso Co will probably have to pay (outflow of resources) and the amount has been
estimated at $10,000.
The journal adjustment necessary is:
$ $
DEBIT Expenses SP/L 10,000
CREDIT Provisions SOFP 10,000
The provision will be shown separately on the face of the statement of financial position, under
current liabilities if the money is expected to be paid within the next 12 months.
Additional disclosure is necessary. The following disclosures should be made:
Description of the nature of the obligation and expected timing of payment
An indication of the uncertainties about the amount or timing
Due to its materiality this expense should be separately disclosed on the face of the statement of
profit or loss.
(iii) At 31 December 20X1 there is a contingent asset of $4,000, according to IAS 37 Provisions,
contingent liabilities and contingent assets. A contingent asset is a possible asset that arises from
past events and whose existence will be confirmed by the occurrence or non-occurrence of uncertain
future events.
The past event was the supply of goods to Changeoso. The uncertain event in the decision / ability of
the liquidators to pay Belloso Co the $4,000. Being a contingent asset in 20X1 there will be no
adjustment in the statement of profit or loss or statement of financial position but disclosure in the
notes to the accounts is necessary. The nature of the contingent asset and the estimated amount of
$4,000 should be disclosed.
(iv) There has been a material error that must be dealt with in accordance with IAS 8 Accounting policies,
changes in accounting estimates and errors. The treatment according to IAS 8 is to adjust the
opening balance of retained earnings and comparative information should be restated.
Journal 20X1 $ $
DEBIT Cost of sales 17,000
CREDIT Opening reserves 17,000
55 Epsilon 3 (12/05)
(a) Two key financial reporting standards inform the correct treatment of this issue. IFRS 5 Non-current assets
held for sale and discontinued operations states that non-current assets that are held for sale should be
separately classified on the statement of financial position and measured at the lower of existing carrying
amount and fair value less costs to sell. IFRS 5 further states that the results of discontinued operations
should be separately disclosed in the statement of profit or loss. IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and
contingent assets requires that provisions should be made for the unavoidable consequences of events
occurring before the end of the reporting period.
As far as the issue of a provision is concerned the steps taken before the end of the reporting period have
effectively committed the entity to the closure. The basic principle laid down in IAS 37 is that provision
should be made for the direct costs associated with the closure. On this basis the expected redundancy
costs and the contract termination costs (items (a) and (d) – total $20m + $5m = $25m) should be provided
for. A further cost associated with the closure is the cost of terminating the pension rights of the employees
who accept redundancy (item (b) $10m). IAS 19 Employee benefits requires that the costs of settlement or
curtailment of pension rights are a one-off amount that should be recognised in profit or loss of a
contributing entity. Given that a provision is appropriate, then this cost should be recognised.
The cost of redeployment and retraining (item (c)) is an ongoing cost associated with the continuing
business and IAS 37 specifically states that restructuring provisions should not include those items. The
treatment of expected operating losses (item (g)) is also dealt with in IAS 37. IAS 37 states that a provision
is inappropriate unless the losses are anticipated to arise on an onerous contract.
Therefore the total provision for closure should be $35m ($25m + $10m).
As far as the non-current assets of the segment are concerned these satisfy the IFRS 5 criteria for assets
held for sale. An asset is classified as held for sale if its value will be recovered principally through sale as
opposed to continuing use. The implications of this classification is that the plant and property will be
classified as held for sale on the statement of financial position and measured at the lower of existing
carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. This means that the plant and equipment will be written
down by $11m to $1m but that the property will continue to be carried at $10m.
Under the principles of IFRS 5 it would be correct to show the results separately if the segment can be
regarded as a discontinued operation. In order for this to be the case the segment would have to be:
A component of the entity (where operations and cash flows can be clearly distinguished, operationally and
for financial reporting purposes, from the rest of the entity) that either has been disposed of or is classified
as held for sale and:
Represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; or
Is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or geographical
area of operations; or
Is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale.
In this case it appears that the segment would be regarded as a discontinued operation. This means that
Epsilon needs to disclose a single amount on statement of profit or loss comprising the total of:
The post-tax profit or loss of the discontinued operation, and
The post-tax gain or loss recognised on the measurement to fair value less costs to sell of the assets
Of the discontinued operation.
(b) The unrealised profit of $1m would need to be eliminated from the consolidated inventory figure and
charged against the ownership interests in the consolidated statement of financial position. Since the profit
is made by a subsidiary the charge to ownership interests would be allocated between the parent and the
non-controlling interest unless the subsidiary is wholly owned.
The adjustment for unrealised profit creates a temporary difference because the current tax position of the
group is unaffected by the provision or by its reversal when the inventory is sold outside the group. The
temporary difference would be regarded as a deferred tax asset.
The same applies to the tax loss because no tax relief has yet been given but relief will be available in the
future against taxable profits. The total temporary difference is $5m ($1m + $4m) and the potential deferred
tax is $1.5m (30% × $5m).
Since the deferred tax amount is a deferred tax asset then the question of recoverability arises. IAS 12
Income taxes states that deferred tax assets can be carried forward where recovery is assured beyond
reasonable doubt. In this case recoverability depends on the availability of taxable profits in the future to
absorb the temporary differences. It would appear from the information given that these will be available for
the subsidiary. The deferred tax asset will be shown in current assets and should not be offset against
deferred tax credit balances unless they relate to the same tax jurisdiction.
56 Kappa 6 (12/10)
Top Tips. This question should not have caused too many difficulties. IAS 33 does contain a number of fairly
intricate rules, but once you know them, and are happy with performing the computations, you should be able to
score well on any question in this area.
Students sometimes get put off IFRS 2, and think of it as being on par with the most difficult areas of the syllabus,
such as IAS 19 or IFRS 9. Fortunately, it isn't really as tough as those areas. There are a few definite pieces of
information that you need for your calculation, and you can become familiar with these by practising questions.
Once you are happy with this, the principles behind the Standard are relatively simple and should be easy to explain
if you have to.
Easy marks. There were plenty of marks for straightforward book knowledge in part (a).
Examination team's comments. Knowledge of the basic rules regarding the computation of basic and diluted
earnings per share was generally satisfactory. The standard of calculations was rather more mixed, with many
having difficulty computing the weighted average number of shares in issue in a period where a rights issue of
shares has occurred.
Knowledge and application of the share-based payments rules was generally disappointing. This topic seems to
have caused difficulty for candidates whenever it has been examined. Candidates should expect to see this
important standard being examined in future sittings.
(a) (i) IAS 33 applies to any entity disclosing earnings per share (EPS) information. This information must
be disclosed by any entity whose ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares are traded in a public
(ii) Basic EPS
Basic EPS should be computed by dividing the net profit or loss for the period attributable to ordinary
shareholders (ie less any preference dividends), by the weighted average number of ordinary shares
outstanding during the period (weighted by number of days).
Diluted EPS
Diluted EPS should be computed by adjusting the both the 'earnings' and the 'per share' figures in
the calculation for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.
Profit for the year should be adjusted for any dividends (eg preference dividends) deducted when
calculating basic EPS. Any interest (eg on convertible loan stock) deducted from profit should be
added back.
The number of shares used in the calculation is the weighted average if all potentially dilutive
ordinary shares were converted.
(iii) Numerical disclosures
Disclose basic and diluted EPS on the face of the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive
Disclose for each class of ordinary share with a different right to share in profit.
Disclose the amounts used as both numerators and denominators in both basic and diluted EPS.
Disclose a reconciliation of the numerators to net profit, and between the basic and diluted numbers
of shares.
(iv) Discontinuing operations
Disclose EPS both for total profits and for profits from continuing operations, on the face of the
statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. EPS for discontinuing operations must
be disclosed, but this can be in the notes to the financial statements.
57 X plc
(a) Diluted EPS at 31 May 20X7
No of shares Earnings EPS
'000s $'000 Cents
Basic 40,000 18,000 45.00
Options (Note 1) (W) 400
40,400 18,000 44.55
Convertible preferred shares (Note 2) 3,200 160
43,600 18,160 41.65
Convertible loan stock (Note 3) 2,300 804
Discount ($20m 1%) 200
45,900 19,164 41.75
Again, the dilutive effect of each item must be considered, looking at the cumulative effect each time.
1 Options
Diluted EPS is less than 45c, so the effect is dilutive.
2 Convertible preferred shares
Diluted EPS is less than 44.55c, so the effect is dilutive.
58 RP Group
Tutorial note. The Dip IFR examination team have stated that you would be unlikely to be set a complete question
of this length on this issue – it would be more likely to be examined as part of a question.
(a) (i) Importance of related party disclosures
Related party relationships (RP) are part of normal business activity. RP exist for sound commercial
reasons and often have a material impact on the financial position of companies. Inter-company
trading between members of a group is a common example.
However, the existence of RP should be disclosed in order that users appreciate that not all
transactions have been undertaken 'at arms' length'. Users will expect that, in the absence of
disclosure of the details of an RP, all the transactions have been undertaken at arms' length.
Even if there are no transactions between RP the results of a group can still be affected by the
relationship. For example, a newly acquired subsidiary can be compelled to finish a trading
relationship with another company in order to benefit other group companies.
(ii) IAS 24 does not require inter group transactions and balances eliminated on consolidation to be
disclosed. IAS 24 does deal with the situation where an entity becomes, or ceases to be, a subsidiary
during the year.
Best practice indicates that related party transactions should be disclosed for the period when X was
not part of the group. Transactions between RP and X should be disclosed between 1 July 20X9 an
31 October 20X9 but transactions prior to 1 July will have been eliminated on consolidation.
There is no related party relationship between RP and Z since it is a normal business transaction
unless either parties interests have been influenced or controlled in some way by the other party.
59 Listed EU (6/06)
(a) The errors made in the counting of inventories in the previous year fall within the definition of material prior
period errors given in IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors. Prior period
errors are errors, omissions or misstatements relating to incorrect information that could have reasonably
been known in the preparation of the financial statements.
Under IAS 8, material prior period errors should be corrected retrospectively in the first set of financial
statements after discovery of the error. The prior year figures must be restated after correcting the error and
the difference reported within other comprehensive income. The correction of a prior period error is thus
excluded from profit or loss for the period during which the error is discovered.
Corrections of errors are distinguished from changes in accounting estimates.
Accounting estimates are approximations that by their nature may require revision as additional information
becomes known. Revising the useful economic life of plant is such an accounting estimate and not an error.
Under IAS 8 this is dealt with prospectively and will therefore affect the current and future statements of
profit or loss.
(b) Determining operating segments
IFRS 8 Operating segments states that an operating segment is a reported separately if:
(i) It meets the definition of an operating segment, ie:
(1) It engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses,
(2) Its operating results are regularly reviewed by the entity's chief operating decision maker to
make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance,
(3) Discrete financial information is available for the segment,
(ii) It exceeds at least one of the following quantitative thresholds:
(1) Reported revenue is 10% or more the combined revenue of all operating segments (external
and intersegment), or
(2) The absolute amount of its reported profit or loss is 10% or more of the greater of, in
absolute amount, all operating segments not reporting a loss, and all operating segments
reporting a loss, or
(3) Its assets are 10% or more of the total assets of all operating segments.
At least 75% of total external revenue must be reported by operating segments. Where this is not the case,
additional segments must be identified (even if they do not meet the 10% thresholds).
Two or more operating segments below the thresholds may be aggregated to produce a reportable segment
if the segments have similar economic characteristics, and the segments are similar in a majority of the
following aggregation criteria:
(1) The nature of the products and services
(2) The nature of the production process
(3) The type or class of customer for their products or services
(4) The methods used to distribute their products or provide their services
(5) If applicable, the nature of the regulatory environment
Operating segments that do not meet any of the quantitative thresholds may be reported separately if
management believes that information about the segment would be useful to users of the financial
For Norman, the thresholds are as follows:
(i) Combined revenue is $1,010m, so 10% is $101m
(ii) Combined reported profit is $165m, so 10% is $16.5m
(iii) Combined reported loss is $10m, so 10% is $1m
(iv) Total assets are $3,100m, so 10% is $310m
The South East Asia segment meets the criteria, passing all three tests. Its combined revenue is $302m; its
reported profit is $60m, and its assets are $800m.
The European segment also meets the criteria, but only marginally. Its reported revenue, at $203m is
greater than 10% of combined revenue, and only one of the tests must be satisfied. However, its loss of
$10m is less than the greater of 10% of combined profit and 10% of combined loss, so it fails this test. It
also fails the assets test, as its assets, at $300m are less than 10% of combined assets ($310m).
IFRS 8 requires further that at least 75% of total external revenue must be reported by operating segments.
Currently, only 50% is so reported. Additional operating segments (the 'other regions') must be identified
until this 75% threshold is reached.
IFRS 8 may result in a change to the way Norman's operating segments are reported, depending on how
segments were previously identified.
60 Whitebirk
Text reference. Small and medium-sized entities are covered in Chapter 19 of your BPP Study Text for exams in
December 2016 and June 2017.
Top tips. This is a topical issue. Part (a) on the different approaches which could have been used and the main
differences between the IFRS for SMEs and full IFRS, was reasonably straightforward. Part (b) required you to
apply the standard to specific areas: goodwill and research and development expenditure.
Easy marks. This was a rich source of easy marks for the well-prepared candidate. Make sure your arguments are
well-structured in order to earn those two marks for clarity and quality of discussion.
(a) (i) Approaches which the IASB could have taken in developing the IFRS for SMEs
There were three main approaches which the IASB could have taken in developing the IFRS for Small
and Medium-sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs).
(1) National GAAP for SMEs and IFRS for listed companies
It could be argued that small and medium-sized entities have little in common with larger
listed entities and that listed entities have more in common with listed entities in other
developed countries. It would therefore be appropriate for listed companies to use IFRS and
for smaller entities to have their own national 'little GAAP'.
The disadvantage of this approach is the inconsistency within countries between 'big GAAP'
and 'little GAAP'. This would make comparability difficult. Further, if an SME, having applied
national GAAP for SMEs for some time, wished to list its shares on a capital market, the
transition to IFRS would be even more onerous than it is currently.
(2) Exemptions for SMEs within existing standards
Another approach would be exemptions for smaller companies from some of the
requirements of existing standards, and for these exemptions to be contained within IFRS,
probably as an appendix.
This approach has the disadvantage that preparers of small company financial statements
would still need to look through mainstream IFRS to determine what they did not need to do.
Arguably this is far less convenient than having a 'stand-alone' standard designed for SMEs.
(3) A separate set of standards only relevant for SMEs
This is closest to what actually happened, but it is not as convenient as having one standard
as a one-stop shop. It would have resulted in a proliferation of accounting standards, adding
to an already complex picture.
In the event, none of the above approaches was followed. Instead the IFRS for SMEs, published in
July 2009, is a self-contained document. It is the first set of international accounting requirements
developed specifically for small and medium-sized entities. Although it has been prepared on a
similar basis to IFRS, it is a stand-alone product and will be updated on its own timescale.
(ii) Modifications to reduce the burden of reporting for SMEs
The IFRS for SMEs is only 230 pages, and has simplifications that reflect the needs of users of
SMEs' financial statements and cost-benefit considerations. It is designed to facilitate financial
reporting by small and medium-sized entities in a number of ways:
(1) It provides significantly less guidance than full IFRS. A great deal of the guidance in full IFRS
would not be relevant to the needs of smaller entities.
(2) Many of the principles for recognising and measuring assets, liabilities, income and expenses
in full IFRSs are simplified. For example, goodwill and intangibles are always amortised over
their estimated useful life (or ten years if it cannot be estimated). Research and development
costs must be expensed. Government grants are recognised as income in full when
(3) Where full IFRSs allow accounting policy choices, the IFRS for SMEs allows only the easier
option. Examples of alternatives not allowed in the IFRS for SMEs include: revaluation model
for intangible assets and choice between cost and fair value models for investment property.
(4) Topics not relevant to SMEs are omitted: earnings per share, interim financial reporting,
segment reporting, and insurance.
(5) Significantly fewer disclosures are required.
(6) The standard has been written in clear language that can easily be translated.
The above represents a considerable reduction in reporting requirements – perhaps as much as 90%
– compared with listed entities. Entities will naturally wish to use the IFRS for SMEs if they can, but
its use is restricted.
The restrictions are not related to size. There are several disadvantages of basing the definition on
size limits alone. Size limits are arbitrary and different limits are likely to be appropriate in
different countries. Most people believe that SMEs are not simply smaller versions of listed
entities, but differ from them in more fundamental ways.
The most important way in which SMEs differ from other entities is that they are not usually publicly
accountable. Accordingly, there are no quantitative thresholds for qualification as a SME; instead,
the scope of the IFRS is determined by a test of public accountability. The IFRS is suitable for all
entities except those whose securities are publicly traded and financial institutions such as banks and
insurance companies.
Another way in which the use of the IFRS for SMEs is restricted is that users cannot cherry pick from
this IFRS and full IFRS. If an entity adopts the IFRS for SMEs, it must adopt it in its entirety.
(b) (i) Business combination
IFRS 3 Business combinations allows an entity to adopt the full or partial goodwill method in its
consolidated financial statements. The IFRS for SMEs only allows the partial goodwill method. This
avoids the need for SMEs to determine the fair value of the non-controlling interests not purchased
when undertaking a business combination.
In addition, IFRS 3 Business combinations requires goodwill to be tested annually for impairment.
The IFRS for SMEs requires goodwill to be amortised instead. This is a much simpler approach and
the IFRS for SMEs specifies that if an entity is unable to make a reliable estimate of the useful life, it
is presumed to be ten years, simplifying things even further.
This goodwill of $0.3m will be amortised over ten years, that is $30,000 per annum.
(ii) Research and development expenditure
The IFRS for SMEs requires all internally generated research and development expenditure to be
expensed through profit or loss. This is simpler than full IFRS – IAS 38 Intangible assets requires
internally generated assets to be capitalised if certain criteria (proving future economic benefits) are
met, and it is often difficult to determine whether or not they have been met.
Whitebirk's total expenditure on research ($0.5m) and development ($1m) must be written off to
profit or loss for the year, giving a charge of $1.5m.
Marking scheme
Non-current assets
PPE (135,000 + 100,000 + 19,600 + 2,000 (W1) + 4,800 (W8)) 261,400 1½
Goodwill (W2) 15,760 4
Investment in associate (W6) 36,600 1
Investments in equity instrument 17,000 1
Inventories (45,000 + 32,000 – 2,500 (W4)) 74,500 1
Trade receivables (52,000 + 34,000 – 5,000 (inter-company)) 81,000 1½
Cash and cash equivalents (10,000 + 4,000 + 5,000 (cash in transit)) 19,000 1
Total assets 505,260
Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to owners of the parent
Share capital 120,000 ½
Retained earnings (W4) 152,366 11
Equity element of convertible loan notes (W9) 1,850 1
Other components of equity (W5) 1,050 2
Non-controlling interests (W3) 36,355 2
Total equity 311,621
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings (29,170 (W9) + 25,000) 54,170 2½
Provisions (W10) 21,500 3
Deferred tax 35,080 1½
Finance lease liability (W8) 3,710
Total non-current liabilities 114,460
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 52,000 ½
Deferred consideration 13,889 1
Short-term borrowings 12,000 ½
Finance lease liability (W8) 1,290 3½
Total current liabilities 79,179
Total equity and liabilities 505,260 40
Beta Gamma
75% 30%
Subsidiary Associate
6 Investment in Gamma
Cost 39,000
Share of post-acquisition losses (W4) (1,500)
Unrealised profits (W4) (900)
*Balancing figures
Marking scheme
2 Goodwill
Consideration transferred
Share exchange (80m ½ $4) 160,000 ½
Contingent consideration 20,000 ½
Fair value of non-controlling interest at acquisition ½
date (20m $1.80) 36,000
Net assets (W1) (164,000) 3 (W1)
Goodwill 52,000
Impairment (W3) (8,400) 1½ (W3)
Goodwill 43,600
3 Goodwill impairment
Carrying amount of assets in cash generating unit 50,000 ½
Allocated goodwill (20% $52m (W2)) 10,400 ½
Recoverable amount of assets in cash generating unit (52,000) ½
Impairment 8,400 (W2)
FV at acquisition date (W2) 36,000 ½
NCI% post-acquisition uplift net assets (25,880 20%) 5,176 ½
NCI% goodwill impairment (8,400 (W3) 20%) (1,680) ½
5 Retained earnings
Alpha 183,000 ½
Share-based payment charge (W6) (1,410) 3½ (W6)
Finance cost on loan notes (3,522 – 2,500 (W7)) (1,022) 1
Provision for fines (1,500) 1
Increase in FV contingent consideration (22m – 20m) (2,000) 1
Beta (80% 23.88m (W1)) 19,104 ½ + 4 (W1)
Gamma (40% 4m) 1,600 1
PUP sales to Beta (16,000 25%) (4,000) 1
PUP sales to Gamma (10,000 25% 40%) (1,000) 1
Goodwill impairment (W3) 80% (6,720) ½
6 Share-based payment
Total cost (5,000 1,000 93% $1.20) 5,580 2
Recognised to date (2/4) 2,790 ½
Recognise ¼ (1,380) 1
7 Convertible loan
Liability element ($2.5m 3.99 $50m 0.681) 44,025 1
Equity (ß) 5,975 (W8) ½
Op liability 44,025
Finance cost at 8% 3,522 1
Interest paid (2,500) ½
Cl liability 45,047
8 Other equity
Alpha 90,000 ½
Sigma investment revaluation (1,000 80% (def tax)) 800 1
Share-based payment (W6) 1,410 ½
Convertible loan (W7) 5,975 (W7)
Beta (80% 2m (W1)) 1,600 1
9 Investment in Gamma
Cost 52,000 ½
Post-acq'n profits (W5) 1,600 ½
Unrealised profit (W5) (1,000) ½
10 Deferred tax
Alpha + Beta 24,000 ½
Revaluation of investment (1,000 20%) 200 ½
FV adjs (W11) 4,470 ½
11 FV adjustments
1 Apr 20X0 30 Sep 20X1
Land 20,000 19,850
Plant & equipment 4,000 2,500
Inventory 1,000 –
25,000 22,350
Deferred tax at 20% 5,000 4,470
Marking scheme
Assets $'000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment (267,000 + 250,000 + 4,800 (W1) –
20,000 (W1) – 5,000 (W10)) 496,800 ½+½+½
Goodwill (W2) 77,759 7 (W2)
Investment in joint venture (W6) 71,000 1½ (W6)
Current assets
Inventories (85,000 + 50,000 – 3,000 (W5)) 132,000 ½+½
Trade receivables (75,000 + 45,000 – 8,000 (intra-group)) 112,000 ½+½
Cash and cash equivalents (15,000 + 10,000) 25,000 ½
Total assets 914,559
Equity and liabilities $'000
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share capital 195,000 ½
Retained earnings (W5) 303,358 19½ (W5)
Non-controlling interest (W4) 58,812 2 (W4)
Total equity 557,170
Non-current liabilities:
Deferred consideration (W7) 68,181 ½
Pension liability (W8) 66,000 ½
Long-term borrowings (63,049 (W9) + 45,000) 108,049 ½+½
Deferred tax (W11) 32,159 2 (W10)
Total non-current liabilities 274,389
Current liabilities:
Trade and other payables (35,000 + 30,000 – 8,000 (intra-group)) 57,000 ½+½
Short-term borrowings (16,000 + 10,000) 26,000 ½
Total current liabilities 83,000 40
Total equity and liabilities 914,559
Working 5 – Retained earnings $'000
Alpha 281,167 ½
Additional finance cost for deferred consideration (W6) (6,198) 1½ (W7)
Adjustment for pension liability (W7) (31,000) 5½ (W8)
Adjustment for carrying amount of loan (W8) (3,049) 4 (W9)
Beta (75% × $48.44m (W1)) 36,330 ½ + 4 (W1)
Gamma (40% × 100,000) 40,000 1
Unrealised profits on sales to Beta (15,000 × 25/125) (3,000) 1
Unrealised profits on sales to Gamma (12,500 × 25/125 × 40%) (1,000) 1
75% of goodwill impairment ($13.19m – (W3)) (9,892) ½
303,358 19½
Working 6 – Investment in Gamma
Cost 32,000 ½
Share of post-acquisition profits (W5) 40,000 ½
Unrealised profits on sales to Gamma (W5) (1,000) ½
At 31 March 20X2 71,000 1½
Working 10 – Deferred tax on temporary differences
Fair value adjustments:
1 April 20X0 31 March 20X2
$'000 $'000
Plant and equipment adjustment 10,000 4,800
Inventory adjustment 3,000 Nil
Net taxable temporary differences 13,000 4,800 ½
Related deferred tax (20%) 2,600 960 ½
⇒ W1
Working 11 – Closing deferred tax
Alpha + Beta 36,199 ½
On fair value adjustments (W9) 960 ½
Reversal of deferred tax on post-acquisition property revaluation of Beta
(55,000 – 35,000) × 20/80 (5,000) 1
32,159 2
64 Alpha (6/13)
Top tips. The group accounting question is always a tough one, covering a number of different topics, and with a
lot of adjustments to keep track of. This can be off-putting when you first read the question, so make sure you have
a plan to get started. The first thing to do is to set up your proforma. Then work through the adjustments in the
order they appear in the question. Reference your calculations and show your workings clearly. This is for your
benefit as well as for the marker. You will probably find that if you take each issue individually, you know how to
deal with each one:
Acquisition of a subsidiary with a deferred consideration
Fair value adjustments on subsidiary
Intercompany sale of inventories and intercompany balances
Share-based payment
Discounted provision
Long-term borrowings.
Easy marks. As with most groups questions, there are easy marks for slotting the simpler figures into the
statement of financial position, or for some simple addition.
Examination team's comments.
Areas showing good knowledge:
Good formats which were mostly complete.
Calculations for goodwill were often correct.
The basic adjustments for deferred tax, fair value of net assets on acquisition and inter- company balances
were dealt with correctly.
Calculations for the share based payment and provision adjustments.
Areas where mistakes were common:
Deducting the unrealised profit for the associate as well as the subsidiary from the inventories.
Forgetting to include the contingent consideration liability in the statement of financial position.
Many candidates forgot to do anything with the other components of equity – perhaps Alpha's was included
but little else.
Although many knew that the provision needed adjustment and calculated the provision correctly, many
forgot to debit property, plant and equipment and make the appropriate adjustments to depreciation.
For the financial liability many candidates added the transaction cost to the liability instead of deducting it.
For the investment in Gamma (the associate) many candidates forgot to add the share of the post-
acquisition change in other components of equity.
Marking scheme
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (45,000 + 40,000 – 9,000 (intra-group) – nil 76,000 ½
Short-term borrowings (22,000 + 20,000) 42,000 ½
Total current liabilities 118,000 40
Total equity and liabilities 1,013,990
Workings – Do not double count marks
Working 1 – Net assets table – Beta
1 April 31 March For W2 For W4
20X2 20X3
$'000 $'000
Share capital 120,000 120,000 ½
Other components of equity 2,400 4,000 ½ ½
Retained earnings:
Per accounts of Beta 86,000 115,000 ½ ½
Property adjustment 20,000 20,000 ½
Extra depreciation ((92,000 – 80,000)/16) (750) ½
Plant and equipment adjustment 9,000 9,000 ½
Extra depreciation ((120,000 – 111,000)/3) (3,000) ½
Intangible asset adjustment 8,000 8,000 ½
Extra amortisation (8,000/4) (2,000) ½
Deferred tax on fair value adjustments (7,400) (6,250) 1 (W10) 1 (W10)
Net assets for the consolidation 238,000 264,000
The post-acquisition increase in net assets is 26,000 (264,000 – 238,000). 1,600 of this 1
increase relates to other components of equity and the balance (24,400) relates to
retained earnings.
4 4½
⇒ W2 ⇒ W4
Working 2 – Goodwill on consolidation (Beta)
Consideration transferred:
Share exchange (90 million × 8/9 × $2.80) 224,000 1
Contingent consideration 25,000 ½
Fair value of non-controlling interest at date of acquisition 78,000 1
(30 million × $2.60)
Net assets at 1 April 20X2 (W1) (238,000) 4 (W1)
Goodwill 89,000 6½
Working 5 – Other components of equity
Alpha 5,604 ½
Premium on issue of shares to acquire Beta (80 million × $1.80) 144,000 1
Reversal re: investment in Gamma (4,500) 1
Adjustment re: share based payment (W6) 1,128 ½
Beta (75% × 1,600 (W1)) 1,200 1
Gamma (40% (2,000 – 1,200)) 320 ½
147,752 4½
Working 10 – Deferred tax on fair value adjustments:
Fair value adjustments:
1 April 20X2 31 March 20X3
$'000 $'000
Property adjustment 20,000 19,250 ½
Plant and equipment adjustment 9,000 6,000 ½
Intangible asset adjustment 8,000 6,000 ½
Net taxable temporary differences 37,000 31,250
Related deferred tax (20%) 7,400 6,250 ½
⇒ W1
For the intangible assets most wrote long explanations demonstrating an understanding of the principles of
IAS 38. However, the application was poor. Many confused the correct amount of intangible assets to be
capitalised with the research element to be adjusted in the consolidated statement of financial position and
so deducted $20,000 instead of $35,000.
Deferred consideration was correctly calculated for the goodwill consideration but many forgot the other
side of the double entry and did not unwind and add the interest. Those who did often simply added one
year's interest and did not identify the 15 month period.
The convertible loan workings were often hard to follow. There were a number of mistakes – largely from not
understanding how the liability element was calculated. These ranged from applying discount factors to
$60m nominal value instead of the redemption value of $75.6m to adding up all the interest payments at 8%
(despite the question stating that there are none) and discounting these to present value. Then many
deducted this from the repayment value instead of $60m to arrive at the equity figure. The final error seemed
to be on calculation of the interest payment where most applied 8% and not 10%.
For the investment in Gamma many did not deduct the $2m fair value adjustment (some added it) although it
should not have been valued to fair value in the consolidated statement of financial position.
Many wasted time calculating goodwill for Gamma and then either did not use the figure (the majority) or
added it to the associate value.
Marking scheme
ASSETS $'000
Non-current assets:
Property, plant and equipment (W6) 553,000 1½ (W6)
Intangible assets (W7) 29,000 2 (W7)
Goodwill (W2) 117,966 7½ (W2)
Investment in Gamma (W11) 82,400 1½ (W11)
Current assets:
Inventories (88,000 + 61,000 – 3,500 (W4)) 145,500 ½+½
Trade receivables (65,000 + 49,000 – 8,000 (intra-group) – nil
(associate)) 106,000 ½+½
Financial asset (derivative) 1,100 1
Cash and cash equivalents (12,000 + 10,000) 22,000 ½
Total assets 1,056,966
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share capital 195,000 ½
Retained earnings (W4) 147,232 11½ (W4)
Other components of equity (W5) 194,324 3½ (W5)
Non-controlling interest (W3) 53,200 1 (W3)
Total equity 589,756
Non-current liabilities:
Deferred consideration (W8) 42,356 1½ (W8)
Long-term borrowings (170,000 + 54,000 – 60,000 + 62,454 (W9)) 226,454 ½+½+½+
1½ (W9)
Deferred tax (50,000 + 35,000 – 1,500 (Note 3) + 2,900 (W12)) 86,400 ½+1+½
Total non-current liabilities 355,210
Current liabilities:
Trade and other payables (48,000 + 45,000 – 8,000 (intra-group) – nil
(associate)) 85,000 ½
Short-term borrowings (22,000 + 5,000) 27,000 ½
Total current liabilities 112,000 40
Total equity and liabilities 1,056,966
Workings – Do not double count marks. All numbers in $'000 unless otherwise stated.
Note. Alpha owns 80% of the shares in Beta and 40% of the shares in Gamma
Working 1 – Net assets table – Beta
1 July 30 September For W2 For W5
20X2 20X3
$'000 $'000
Share capital 150,000 150,000 ½
Other components of equity 5,000 11,000 ½ ½
Reverse post-acquisition revaluation (6,000) ½
Retained earnings:
Per accounts of Beta 98,000 115,000 ½ ½
Adjustment for own goodwill (60,000) (60,000) ½ ½
Plant and equipment adjustment 10,000 8,000 ½ ½
Extra depreciation (8,000 × 15/48) (2,500) ½
Intangible asset adjustment 12,000 12,000 ½
Extra amortisation (12,000 × 15/60)) (3,000) ½
Deferred tax on fair value adjustments (4,400) (2,900) 1½ 1½
(W12) (W12)
Net assets for the consolidation 210,600 221,600
The post-acquisition increase in net assets is 11,000 (221,600 – 210,600). All of this increase
relates to retained earnings ½
4½ 5½
⇒ W2 ⇒ W2
Working 2 – Goodwill on consolidation (Beta)
$'000 $'000
Consideration transferred:
Share exchange (120 million × 5/6 × $2.40) 240,000 1
Deferred consideration (50 million)/1.103 37,566 1
Fair value of non-controlling interest at date of acquisition
(30 million × $1.70) 51,000 1
Net assets at 1 April 20X2 (W1) (210,600) 4½ (W1)
Goodwill 117,966 7½
Unrealised profits on sales to Beta (14,000 × 1/4) (3,500) 1
Unrealised profits on sales to Gamma (12,000 × 1/4 × 40%)) (1,200) 1
147,232 11½
Working 5 – Other components of equity – Alpha
Alpha 192,000 ½
Deduct gain on revaluation of investment in Gamma (2,000) 1
Gain on fair value of hedge accounted derivative 1,100 ½
Equity component of convertible loan (W10) 3,224 1½ (W10)
194,324 3½
Working 12 – Deferred tax on fair value adjustments
Fair value adjustments:
1 July 30 September
20X2 20X3
$'000 $'000
Plant and equipment adjustment 10,000 5,500 1
Intangible asset adjustment 12,000 9,000 1
Net taxable temporary differences 22,000 14,500
Related deferred tax (20%) 4,400 2,900 1
⇒ W1
Parent Non-controlling Total
$'000 $'000 $'000
Balance at 1 April 20X7 (W7) 166,670 19,670 186,430
Profit for the year 16,610 800 17,410
Dividends (6,500) (600) (7,100)
Balance at 31 March 20X8 176,870 19,870 196,740
Workings – All figures in $'000
1 Group structure
2 Goodwill in Beta
$'000 $'000
Consideration transferred (20m $2) 40,000
NCI at proportionate share of net assets (42,000 × 20%) 8,400
Net assets acquired:
Equity 32,000
Property fair value (35 – 28) 7,000
Plant fair value (15 –12) 3,000
Goodwill 6,400
Impairment (25%) 1,600
5 Cost of sales
Alpha 110,000
Beta 78,000
Intragroup sales from Alpha to Beta (12,500)
Unrealised profit (25/125 (1,600 – 3,000)) 280
Intragroup sales from Alpha to Gamma 2,000 25/125 40% 160
Goodwill impairment (W2) 1,600
Warranty provision (W8) 1,200
Depreciation on FV adjustment (W3) 700
Gross profit
Alpha 40,000
Beta 22,000
Less adjustment for unrealised profit (Beta) (280)
Less adjustment for unrealised profit (Gamma) (160)
Less goodwill impairment (1,600)
Less depreciation on fair value adjustment for Beta (700)
Note. Although the gross profit would not be required in the exam, we provide this working here as
additional proof of the cost of sales figure.
6 Investment income
Alpha 5,000
Beta 500
Less dividend from Beta (3,000 80%) (2,400)
Less dividend from Gamma (5,000 40%) (2,000)
Consolidated statement of profit or loss 1,100
Note. The directors' treatment of the provision for faulty goods in the question is correct, so no
adjustments are required.
Marking scheme
Beta Gamma
2 Revenue
Alpha 240,000
Beta ( 9/12) 112,500
Gamma ( 9/12) 90,000
Intra-group sales (10,000)
3 Cost of sales
Alpha 190,000
Beta ( 9/12) 82,500
Gamma ( 9/12) 75,000
Less: intra-group sales (10,000)
PUP: Gamma (20% 2,500) 500
Additional depreciation (W4) 1,500
Reversal of wrongly capitalised development costs (4,000)
Amortisation of above (4,000 1/5 3/12) 200
Goodwill impairment (W6) 3,052
6 Goodwill impairment
Gamma FV at acquisition date (W5) 83,450
Post-acquisition profits:
Per own records (300 9/12) 225
Extra depreciation (W4) (1,500)
Reduced finance cost ((32,000 – 34,550 8%) 9/12) 327
Goodwill on acquisition (W5) 6,550
Recoverable amount (86,000)
Impairment 3,052
7 Admin expenses
Alpha 10,000
Beta ( 9/12) 5,250
Gamma ( 9/12) 6,000
Legal & professional fees (Note 2) 600
Provision – remove (350)
Depreciation on capitalised restoration costs (W8) 196
8 Capitalised restoration costs
Provision required (3,500 × 0.56) 1,960
Depreciation at 10% (W7) 196
9 Investment income
Alpha 18,000
Dividend received from Beta (10,000)
Interest received from Beta (40,000 5% 9/12) (1,500)
Gain on sale of investment incorrectly reclassified (Note 8) (500)
10 Finance cost
Alpha 8,000
Beta ( 9/12) 3,000
Gamma ( 9/12) 5,400
Interest paid by Beta to Alpha ( 9/12) (1,500)
Fair value adjustment (W6) (327)
Finance cost on foreign currency loan (20,000 10% 1/5) 400
Exchange gain on foreign currency loan (W11) (1,000)
Unwinding of discount (W12) 118
Finance cost on convertible loan (90,480 5%) 4,524
Marking scheme
Revenue (W1) 886,000 1½
Cost of sales (W6) (482,145) ½
Gross profit 403,855 16
Distribution costs (18,000 + 17,000) (35,000) ½
Administrative expenses (19,000 + 16,000) (35,000) ½
Investment income (W6) 2,800 1
Finance cost (W7) (139,132) 4
Share of losses of associate (W9) (7,000) 2
Profit before tax 190,523
Income tax expense (41,000 + 33,000) (74,000) ½
Profit for the year 116,523
Other comprehensive income (W10) 5,900 2½
Comprehensive income for the year 122,423
Comprehensive income attributable to:
Non-controlling interests 17,464 ½
Owners of the parent 104,959 ½
122,423 33
Equity holders of Non-controlling
the parent interest Total
$000 $000 $000
Balance at 1 April 20X7 (W12, W13) 602,981 100,994 703,975 4
Comprehensive income for the year 104,959 17,464 122,423 1
Equity component of convertible bonds 35,850 – 35,850 1
Dividends (52,000) (10,000) (62,000) 1
Balance at 31 March 20X8 691,790 108,458 800,248 7
Beta Gamma
Subsidiary Associate
3 Depreciation on adjustments
PPE – 1/4 ($280m – $240m) 10,000 1
Brand amortisation (1/30 $30m) 1,000 ½
11,000 W2
4 Goodwill in Beta
Fair value of consideration transferred:
Share exchange (75,000 2/3 $6) 300,000 1
Contingent consideration – FV at acquisition 55,000 1
Acquisition costs – 1
Non-controlling interest at fair value (25,000 × $3.20) 80,000 W13 1
Less fair value of Beta's net assets at 1/10/09
Carrying amounts 300,000 ½
PPE FV adj ($280m – $240m) 40,000 ½
Brand FV adj 30,000 ½
(370,000) ½
Goodwill 65,000 W5
5 Goodwill impairment
Beta carrying amount at 31/03/X8 in own FS 435,000 ½
FV adjustments:
PPE ($280m – $240m) × (2.5/4) 25,000 1
Brand ($30m × (28.5/30) 28,500 1
Goodwill (W4) 65,000
Carrying amount in group FS 553,500
Recoverable amount (550,000) ½
Excess over recoverable amount = impairment 3,500 W2, W11 ½
6 Investment income
Alpha 37,300
Beta – ½
Dividend from Beta to Alpha (30,000) ½
Profit on disposal – moved to OCI (in line with IFRS 9) (4,500) W10
7 Finance costs
Alpha 68,000
Beta 65,000 ½
Convertible loan notes incorrectly recorded by Alpha (15,000) ½
Finance cost of convertible loan notes (W8) 21,132
8 Convertible bonds recorded incorrectly by Alpha
PV of principal (300,000 × 0.681) 204,300 1
PV of interest (15,000 × 3.99) 59,850 1
Total liability component 264,150
Equity element (β) 35,850 (SPLOCI) 1
Total proceeds of issue 300,000
Finance cost (= 0.08 × 264,150) 21,132 W7 1
9 Share of associate's losses
Gamma loss after tax (26,000) ½
Share of Gamma's loss (40% 26,000 6/12) (5,200) 1
Impairment (1,800) 1
10 Other comprehensive income
Revaluation gain on investment in Epsilon 1,400
Profit on disposal of investment in Delta (W6) 4,500
11 NCI share of Beta profits
Beta net profit 85,000 ½
PUP (375 + 270 (W2)) (645) ½
Additional depreciation (W3) (11,000) ½
Goodwill impairment (W5) (3,500) ½
NCI 17,464 ½
12 Opening group equity
Alpha Beta
Per question 540,000 390,000 ½
Additional depreciation (11,000 (W3) 0.5) (5,500) ½
Pre-acquisition retained earnings (300,000) ½
PUP on opening inventory (1/4 2,100) (525) ½
Group share of post-acq'n retained earnings:
Beta × 75% 62,981 ½
13 NCI Beta opening equity
NCI on acquisition (W4) 80,000 ½
NCI share of group post-acquisition equity (83,975 (W12) 25%) 20,994 1
69 Alpha (12/12)
Top tips. The group accounting question is always a tough one, covering a number of different topics, and with a
lot of adjustments to keep track of. This can be off-putting when you first read the question, so make sure you have
a plan to get started. The first thing to do is to set up your proforma. Then work through the adjustments in the
order they appear in the question. Reference your calculations and show your workings clearly. This is for your
benefit as well as for the marker. You will probably find that if you take each issue individually, you know how to
deal with each one:
Acquisition of a subsidiary through share exchange
Treatment of acquisition costs
Test of impairment of subsidiary
Non-controlling interest
Joint arrangement
Foreign currency
Fundamental accounting requirements for consolidation of subsidiaries and associates.
Easy marks. As with most groups questions, there are easy marks for slotting the simpler figures into the
statement of financial position, or for some simple addition.
Examination team's comments. On the whole this question was answered reasonably well although the standard
of the workings varied considerably. It is very important that candidates show clear workings to support the figures
that are being produced in a question like this.
Areas showing good knowledge:
Most candidates correctly consolidated the parent and subsidiary (Beta) with only a small number
attempting to proportionally consolidate Beta.
Most candidates used good standard formats although some did not split the total comprehensive income
between the group and the non-controlling interest (NCI). It was also pleasing to see that most made an
attempt to calculate the profit relating to the NCI.
Calculations for goodwill were often correct.
Most candidates were able to correctly account for the unrealised profits on inter-company trading, although
a reasonable number did not adjust for only the group share of the unrealised profit with the joint venture
Areas where mistakes were common:
Many candidates used proportionate consolidation to deal with Gamma – not the equity method
For the deferred tax charge for the year many either ignored the movement going to profit or loss or added
the closing balance.
The share based payment was often incorrect. Many thought this was the second year of the scheme so
deducted a charge for last year. In addition it was placed in some strange sections of the statement, eg other
comprehensive income (OCI) instead of cost of sales or administrative expenses.
Some added the adjustments for investment income and finance cost instead of deducting them.
The impairment for Gamma was often not calculated correctly (ignoring the dividend and taking the wrong
proportion for the period). Also because candidates had used the wrong method to account for it they did
not know where to put the impairment and often included it in cost of sales.
Calculations of the gain on investment at FVTOCI and the reclassification of the cash flow hedge were rarely
done correctly. The figure most commonly added to OCI for the former was $100,000 (rather than $50,000).
Few candidates were aware that the gain on re-measurement of the hedging derivative was taken initially to
OCI and then reclassified to profit or loss.
Marking scheme
2 Gross profit
Alpha + Beta 90,000 ½
Unrealised profit adjustments:
Beta: (20% $5m) (1,000) 1
Gamma: (20% $4m 50%) (400) 1
Extra depreciation ($4m ½)) (2,000) 1
Extra amortisation ($6m 12/18) (4,000) 1
Additional cost of sales of inventory (200) 1
Impairment of goodwill (W3) (3,450) 9
78,950 14½
3 Impairment of goodwill
Carrying amount of Beta at reporting date:
As per own SOCE ($88m + $16.1m – $10m (the dividend)) 94,100 1
Fair value adjustment on PPE ($4m ½) 2,000 1
Fair value adjustment on intangible ($6m 6/18) 2,000 1
Deferred tax on fair value adjustments ($2.55m (W4) – $1.55m (W10) (1,000) 1
Goodwill on acquisition (W4) 24,350 4½
Recoverable amount (118,000) ½
So impairment equals 3,450 9
8 Share of profits of Gamma
Share of profit ($20m 50% 9/12) 7,500 1
Impairment (W9) (2,500) 2 (W9)
5,000 3
9 Impairment of investment in Gamma
Cost 50,000 ½
Share of profit ($20m 50% 9/12) 7,500 ½
Dividend received (5,000) ½
Carrying amount 52,500
Recoverable amount (50,000) ½
So impairment equals 2,500 2
⇒ W8
10 Income tax expense
Alpha + Beta 16,100 ½
Reversal of temporary differences on fair value adjustments (W11) (1,550) 2
14,550 2½
11 Reversal of temporary differences
Depreciation 2,000 ½
Amortisation 4,000 ½
Cost of sales 200 ½
25% $6.2m equals 1,550 ½
⇒ (W10)
As usual, in part (b), you will probably find that if you take each issue individually, you know how to deal with each
one. In this question, the issues are:
Marking scheme
Revenue (W1) 928,000 2½
Cost of sales (bal fig) (527,200) ½
Gross profit (W2) 400,800 7½
Distribution costs (Alpha + Beta + 9/12 × Gamma) (46,500) ½
Administrative expenses (W4) (93,500) 2½
Finance costs (W5) (49,650) 4½
Investment income (33,000 – 80% × 30,000 – 40% × 20,000) 1,000 ½+½+½
Profit before tax 212,150
Income tax expense (W8) (62,700) 3
Profit for the year 149,450
Other comprehensive income:
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Gain on property revaluation (W9) 27,750 2
Actuarial loss on defined benefit retirement benefit plan (W10) (900) 3
Items that will subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss ½
Cash flow hedges 3,600 1
Total comprehensive income for the year 179,900
Profit attributable to:
Owners of the parent (bal fig) 115,960 ½
Non-controlling interests (W11) 33,490 3½
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Owners of the parent (bal fig) 141,010 ½
Non-controlling interests (W12) 38,890 1½
179,900 _____
Workings – Do not double count marks.
All numbers in $'000 unless otherwise stated
Working 1 – Revenue
Consolidate Alpha + Beta + 9/12 × Gamma 1
Alpha + Beta + 9/12 × Gamma 974,000 ½
Sales of components by Alpha to Beta (30,000) ½
Sale of machine by Alpha to Beta (16,000) ½
928,000 2½
Working 2 – Gross profit
Alpha + Beta + 9/12 × Gamma 416,000 ½
Movement in unrealised profit on sale of components:
¼ (6,000 – 4,400) (400) 1½
Unrealised profit on the sale of machine: ¾ (16,000 – 12,000) (3,000) 1
Extra depreciation of Gamma's plant:
(78,000 – 70,000) × ¼ × 9/12) (1,500) 1
Extra amortisation of Gamma's development project:
(22,000 – 10,000) × 1/10 × 3/12 (300) 1
Impairment of goodwill on acquisition of Beta (W3) (10,000) 2½ (W3)
400,800 7½
Working 3 – Impairment of Beta goodwill
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
$'000 $'000 $'000
Carrying amount of net assets 215,000 185,000 130,000 ½
Allocated goodwill 32,000 28,000 20,000 1
247,000 213,000 150,000
Recoverable amount 255,000 220,000 140,000 ½
So impairment equals Nil Nil 10,000 ½
Working 10 – Actuarial loss on defined benefit retirement benefit plan
Opening net liability (60,000 – 40,000) 20,000 ½
Current service cost 4,500 ½
Finance cost on net liability (W7) 1,600 ½
Contributions (5,000) ½
Closing net liability (68,000 – 46,000) (22,000) ½
Actuarial loss (balancing figure) 900 ½
Working 11 – Non-controlling interests in profit
$'000 $'000
Profit for the year 60,000 ½
Impairment of goodwill (10,000) ½
NCI (20%) 10,000 ½
9/12 × profit for the year 40,500 ½
Fair value adjustments (1,500 + 300 (W2)) (1,800) ½
Deferred tax on fair value adjustments (25% × 1,800) 450 ½
NCI (60%) 23,490 ½
33,490 3½
ACCA Diploma in International
Financial Reporting
BPP Mock Exam 1
(December 2014 exam)
Question Paper:
Question 1
Alpha holds investments in two other entities, Beta and Gamma. The statements of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income and summarised statements of changes in equity of the three entities for the year ended
30 September 2014 were as follows:
Alpha Beta Gamma
$'000 $'000 $'000
Revenue (Note 3) 260,000 200,000 180,000
Cost of sales (Notes 1–3) (130,000) (110,000) (90,000)
Gross profit 130,000 90,000 90,000
Distribution costs (20,000) (15,000) (13,500)
Administrative expenses (Note 4) (25,000) (20,000) (18,000)
Redundancy and reorganisation costs (Note 5) (14,000) Nil Nil
Investment income (Note 6) 12,600 Nil 1,500
Finance costs (Note 7) (26,000) (15,000) (12,000)
Profit before tax 57,600 40,000 48,000
Income tax expense (14,000) (10,000) (12,000)
Profit for the year 43,600 30,000 36,000
Other comprehensive income:
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Gains on financial assets designated at fair value
through other comprehensive income (Note 8) 9,000 Nil 1,400
Total comprehensive income 52,600 30,000 37,400
Summarised statements of changes in equity
Balance on 1 October 2013 180,000 140,000 120,000
Comprehensive income for the year 52,600 30,000 37,400
Dividends paid on 31 December 2013 (30,000) (10,000) (14,000)
Balance on 30 September 2014 202,600 160,000 143,400
Redundancy costs 10,000
Costs of training staff in new roles 5,500
Expected profit on the sale of surplus non-current assets (1,500)
Question 2
Delta is an entity which prepares financial statements to 30 September each year. Each year the financial statements
are authorised for issue on 30 November. During the year ended 30 September 2014, the following transactions
(a) On 1 October 2013, Delta sold a machine to a customer for a total price of $500,000. Delta invoiced the
customer for $500,000 on 1 October 2013 and the customer made a payment of $500,000 to Delta on
15 October 2013. The terms of sale included an arrangement that Delta would service and maintain the
machine for a four-year period from 1 October 2013. Delta would normally charge an annual fee of $37,500
for a service and maintenance arrangement of this nature. The normal selling price of the machine without a
service and maintenance arrangement was $450,000. (9 marks)
(b) On 1 October 2013, Delta completed the construction of a factory at a total construction cost of $40m. The
factory was constructed on land which was being leased on an operating lease until 30 September 2053.
Annual lease rentals were $800,000, payable on 30 September in arrears. The expected useful economic life
of the factory at 1 October 2013 was 40 years. Under the terms of the leasing agreement, Delta is required to
dismantle the factory on 30 September 2053 and return the land to its original state. The latest estimated
cost of this process, at 30 September 2053 prices, is $55m. An appropriate discount rate to use in any
relevant calculations is 5% per annum. At this discount rate, the present value of $1 receivable in 40 years is
14.2 cents. (8 marks)
(c) On 5 May 2014, Delta was notified that a customer (Chi) was taking legal action against Delta in respect of
financial losses incurred by Chi. Chi alleged that the financial losses were caused due to the supply by Delta
of faulty products on 30 November 2013. Delta defended the case but considered, based on the progress of
the case up to 30 September 2014, that there was a 75% probability they would have to pay damages of
$20m to the customer. The case was ultimately settled by Delta paying damages of $18m to Chi on
15 November 2014. (3 marks)
Explain and show (where possible by quantifying amounts) how the three events would be accounted for in the
financial statements of Delta for the year ended 30 September 2014.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the three events above. You should assume that all transactions
described here are material.
(Total = 20 marks)
Question 3
(a) IFRS 3 Business combinations prescribes the method of accounting to be used when an entity (the acquirer)
obtains control of a business. Control is not defined in IFRS 3 but a definition is provided in IFRS 10
Consolidated financial statements.
(i) Define 'control' as outlined in IFRS 10. Where relevant, you should provide appropriate explanations
for the terms you use in your definition. (4 marks)
(ii) Explain the way in which goodwill on acquisition and gains on bargain purchases should be initially
computed and subsequently accounted for. (5 marks)
(b) Epsilon prepares consolidated financial statements to 30 September each year. On 1 January 2014, Epsilon
acquired 75% of the equity shares of Kappa and gained control of Kappa. Kappa has 12 million equity shares
in issue. Details of the purchase consideration are as follows:
On 1 January 2014, Epsilon issued two shares for every three shares acquired in Kappa. On
1 January 2014, the market value of an equity share in Epsilon was $6·50 and the market value of an
equity share in Kappa was $6.00.
On 31 December 2014, Epsilon will make a cash payment of $7.15m to the former shareholders of
Kappa who sold their shares to Epsilon on 1 January 2014. On 1 January 2014, Epsilon would have
needed to pay interest at an annual rate of 10% on borrowings.
On 31 December 2015, Epsilon may make a cash payment of $30m to the former shareholders of
Kappa who sold their shares to Epsilon on 1 January 2014. This payment is contingent upon the
revenues of Epsilon growing by 15% over the two-year period from 1 January 2014 to 31 December
2015. On 1 January 2014, the fair value of this contingent consideration was $25m. On 30 September
2014, the fair value of the contingent consideration was $22m.
On 1 January 2014, the carrying amounts of the identifiable net assets of Kappa in the books of that
company totalled $60m. On 1 January 2014, the fair values of these net assets totalled $70m. The rate of
deferred tax to apply to temporary differences is 20%.
During the nine months ended on 30 September 2014, Kappa had a poorer than expected operating
performance. Therefore on 30 September 2014 it was necessary for Epsilon to recognise an impairment of
the goodwill arising on acquisition of Kappa, amounting to 10% of its total computed value.
Compute the impairment of goodwill and explain how this impairment should be recognised in the
consolidated financial statements of Epsilon. You should do this under both the methods permitted by
IFRS 3 for the initial computation of the non-controlling interest in Kappa at the date of acquisition.
(11 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
Question 4
You are the financial controller of Omega, a listed entity which prepares consolidated financial statements in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The managing director, who is not an
accountant, has recently been appointed. She formerly worked for Rival, one of Omega's key competitors. She has
reviewed the financial statements of Omega for the year ended 30 September 2014 and has prepared a series of
queries relating to those statements:
Query One
'I was very confused by the note that included financial information relating to our operating segments. This note
bears very little resemblance to the equivalent note included in the financial statements of Rival. Please explain how
the two notes can be so different.' (8 marks)
Query Two
'The notes to our financial statements refer to equity settled share-based payments relating to the granting of share
options. When I joined Omega, I was granted share options but I can only exercise those options if I achieve certain
performance targets in my first three years as managing director. I know that other directors are also granted
similar option arrangements. I don't see why they affect the financial statements when the options are granted
though, because no cash is involved unless the options are exercised. Please explain to me exactly what is meant
by an 'equity settled share-based payment'. Please also explain how, and when, equity settled share-based
payments affect the financial statements of entities that grant them to their employees. I would like to know how
such 'payments' are measured, over what period the 'payments' are recognised, and exactly what accounting
entries are involved.' (8 marks)
Query Three
'I was confused when I looked at the statement of financial position and saw that the assets and liabilities were
divided up into three sections and not two. The current and non-current sections I understand but I don't
understand the 'non-current assets held for sale' and 'liabilities directly associated with non-current assets held for
sale' sections. Please explain the meaning and accounting treatment of a non-current asset held for sale. Please
also explain how there can be liabilities directly associated with non-current assets held for sale.' (4 marks)
Provide answers to the three queries raised by the managing director. Your answers should refer to relevant
provisions of International Financial Reporting Standards.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues above.
(Total = 20 marks)
If this had been the real Diploma in International Financial Reporting exam and you had been told to turn over and
begin, what would have been going through your mind?
Perhaps you're having a panic. You've spent most of your study time on groups and international financial
reporting standards (because that's what your tutor/BPP Study Text told you to do), and you're really not sure that
you know enough. The good news is that you can always get a solid start by tackling the consolidation question. So
calm down. Spend the first few moments or so looking at the paper, and develop a plan of attack.
Question 1
Top tips. This is a typical group accounting question and at first sight it may look difficult. As usual, you should
work methodically, taking each issue in turn. Always provide full and clear workings and reference each working to
your main answer. The more simple workings can be done on the face of the statement of profit or loss. If you have
practised similar questions, you should be able to make a good attempt at this one. In this question, the main
issues are:
Marking scheme
Revenue (W1) 563,000 1½ (W1)
Cost of sales (W2) (288,360) 8½ (W2)
Gross profit 274,640
Distribution costs (20,000 + 15,000 + 13,500 × 8/12) (44,000) ½
Administrative expenses (W4) (57,600) 1½ (W4)
Redundancy and reorganisation costs (W5) (10,000) 1½ (W5)
Investment income (W6) 6,100 1½ (W6)
Finance costs (W7) (53,414) 4½ (W7)
Profit before tax 115,726
Income tax expense (14,000 + 10,000 + 8/12 × 12,000) (32,000) ½
Profit for the year 83,726
Other comprehensive income:
Items that will not be reclassified to profit and loss
Gains on financial assets designated at fair value through other
comprehensive income (9,000 + 1,400) 10,400 1
Actuarial loss on defined benefit retirement benefits plan (W9) (150) 4 (W9)
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: ½
Cash flow hedges (1,100) 1
Total comprehensive income for the year 92,876
Profit attributable to:
Owners of Alpha (balancing figure) 72,544 ½
Non-controlling interest (W10) 11,182 3 (W10)
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Owners of Alpha (balancing figure) 81,414 ½
Non-controlling interest (W11) 11,462 1½ (W11)
Workings – Do not double count marks.
All numbers in $'000 unless otherwise stated.
Working 1 – Revenue
Alpha + Beta + 8/12 × Gamma 580,000 ½
Intra-group revenue (12,000 + 5,000) (17,000) ½+½
563,000 1½
Working 7 – Finance cost
Alpha + Beta + 8/12 × Gamma 49,000 ½
Reversal of interest paid on convertible loan incorrectly recognised
as a finance cost (300,000 × 5%) (15,000) 1
Correct finance cost on convertible loan (W8) 19,164 2½ (W8)
Interest cost on net defined benefit plan liability (W9) 250 ½
53,414 4½
Working 13 – Opening non-controlling interest (in Beta)
At date of acquisition 22,000 ½
Increase since acquisition: 25% (140,000 – 80,000) 15,000 ½
At start of the year 37,000 1
Question 2
Top tips. This is another typical question requiring you to explain three different issues. Part (a) featured a contract
with two different performance obligations (IFRS 15). This part carries 9 marks, which should have told you that the
examination team were expecting a reasonable amount of detail.
At first sight, you may have thought that part (b) was 'about' leasing, but in fact it tested your knowledge of several
standards: IAS 17, IAS 16 and IAS 37.
Part (c) featured a provision and you should have found this very straightforward.
Easy marks. As usual in this type of question, there were easy marks available for stating the main principles in the
relevant standards.
Examination team's comments. Overall, the performance of candidates on this question was very pleasing.
However, a number of specific issues arose in each part that future candidates for this paper may wish to note:
In part (a) a number of candidates allocated the sale price between the two components of the transaction
but then failed to develop their answers by explaining the differing pattern of revenue recognition that should
have been applied to each component in the year ended 30 September 2014.
In part (b) a number of candidates wasted time by discussing the distinction between operating leases and
finance leases when the question quite clearly stated that the lease of the land was an operating lease. A
smaller number wasted further time by reflecting on how the 'lease of the factory' should have been treated.
This was not necessary given that the factory was constructed, not leased.
In part (c), whilst the vast majority of candidates realised a provision was required for the damages payable
to Chi (the plaintiff), a number of candidates incorrectly stated that the payment of damages was a non-
adjusting event. A significant number of candidates, whilst correctly stating that a liability existed, referred to
this liability as a 'contingent liability', indicating a lack of understanding of the meaning of the term
'contingent liability'.
Marking scheme
(a) IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers regards a transaction such as this
as being made up of two separately identifiable performance obligations – the supply ½
of the machine and the supply of the servicing agreement.
The total revenue of $500,000 would need to be allocated between the two separate
performance obligations in proportion to their stand-alone selling prices. ½
The selling price of the machine is $450,000 and the normal selling price of the
supply of services is $150,000 (4 × $37,500). The total stand-alone selling prices
therefore total $600,000. 1
Revenue of $375,000 ($500,000 × 450,000/600,000) is allocated to the supply of the
machine. The balance of revenue of $125,000 is allocated to the supply of services. 1+½
On 1 October 2013, Delta would recognise revenue from the supply of the machine of
$375,000. ½
On the same date Delta would recognise a receivable of $500,000. ½
The balance of $125,000 would initially be recognised as deferred income. ½
On 15 October 2013, the receivable of $500,000 would be de-recognised when the
payment was received from the customer. ½
In the year ended 30 September 2014, service revenue of $31,250 ($125,000 X ¼)
can be recognised. 1
The closing balance of deferred income on 30 September 2014 will be $93,750
($125,000 – $31,250). ½
$31,250 of this balance will be shown as a current liability as this refers to service
revenue to be recognised in the year ended 30 September 2015. 1
The balance of deferred income of $62,500 ($125,000 – $31,250 – $31,250) would
be shown as a non-current liability. 1
(b) No asset is recognised in respect of the land as it is being leased under an operating
lease. ½
A rental expense of $800,000 on the land is charged to profit or loss in the statement
of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 2014. ½
The construction cost of $40m is shown in property, plant and equipment (PPE) from
1 October 2013. ½
On 1 October 2013, the obligation to dismantle the factory and restore the land is a
present obligation arising out of a past event. Therefore it should be recognised as a
provision. ½
The initial carrying amount of the provision is its discounted present value of $7.81m
($55m × 0.142). 1
The debit entry for this provision is to PPE as the relevant expenditure provides
access to future economic benefits. ½
Therefore the carrying amount of PPE at 1 October 2013 is $47.81m ($40m +
$7.81m). ½
In the year ended 30 September 2014, Delta would charge deprecation of $1,195,250
($47.81m × 1/40). ½
The carrying amount of PPE at 30 September 2014 (to be shown under non-current
assets) would be $46,614,750 ($47.81m – $1,195,250). ½+½
As the date for the dismantling approaches, the discount unwinds. The unwinding is
shown as a finance cost. ½
The finance cost for the year ended 30 September 2014 is $390,500
($7.81m × 5%). ½
This is added to the opening provision to give a closing provision of $8,200,500
($7.81m + $390,500). ½+½
The closing provision is shown as a non-current liability. ½
(c) The potential payment of damages to Chi is an obligation arising out of a past event
which can be reliably estimated. Therefore, following IAS 37 Provisions, contingent
liabilities and contingent assets a provision is required. ½+½
The provision should be for the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle
the obligation at 30 September 2014. ½
Under the principles of IAS 10 Events after the reporting period evidence of the
settlement amount is an adjusting event. ½
Therefore at 30 September 2014 a provision of $18m should be recognised as a
current liability. ½+½
Question 3
Top tips. This question focused on group accounts. There was a written part, followed by a computational part.
Part (a) should have been quite easy, provided that you were familiar with IFRS 3 and IFRS 10.
You may have found part (b) more complicated, but as with larger group accounts questions, the key is to break the
calculation down into steps: fair value of shares; deferred consideration; contingent consideration; fair values of
identifiable net assets; non controlling interest. Read the question carefully, it was asking for the calculation under
both the partial (proportionate) method of measuring non-controlling interests and the full fair value method.
Easy marks. Part (a) included four easy marks for explaining the IFRS 10 definition of control.
Examination team's comments. Answers to part a(i) were of a variable standard. Only a minority of candidates
were aware of the way in which control is defined and interpreted in IFRS 10. IFRS 10 has become examinable only
relatively recently but candidates need to ensure they are aware of all standards as soon as they become
examinable. Answers to parts a (ii) and part (b) were generally of a satisfactory standard. Having said this, a
number of candidates struggled to correctly measure the three-part cost of Epsilon's investment in Kappa:
The share exchange should be measured at the market value of the shares issued by Epsilon.
The deferred cash consideration should be measured at the present value of the future payment.
The contingent consideration should be measured at its fair value at the acquisition date.
Marking scheme
(a) (i) IFRS 10 defines control as exposure, or rights to variable returns from the
acquired business and the ability to affect those returns through its power
over the acquired business. ½+½+½
To have power, the acquirer must have existing rights which give it the
current ability to direct the 'relevant activities' of the acquired business. ½+½
The 'relevant activities' of a business are activities which significantly affect
the returns of the business. Where two or more investors have the ability to
direct relevant activities, control is exercised by the investor who directs the
activities which most significantly affect the returns to the acquired
business. ½+½+½
(ii) Goodwill on acquisition is measured as the excess of the sum of the fair
value of the consideration transferred in exchange for control of the
acquired business, plus the initial carrying amount of any non-controlling
interest in the acquired business less the fair values of the net assets of the ½+
acquired business on the acquisition date. ½+½+½+½
Where the NCI is measured at fair value, the impairment should be attributed partly to
retained earnings ($153,750) and partly to NCI ($51,250). The allocation is normally
based on the group structure (75/25 in this case).
Where the NCI is measured at % of net assets, the impairment should be attributed
wholly to retained earnings. ½
Working – Net assets at date of acquisition
Fair value at acquisition date 70,000 ½
Deferred tax on fair value adjustments (20% (70,000 – 60,000)) (2,000) ½+½+½
68,000 2
Question 4
Top tips. This was a typical discursive question, requiring you to explain three different issues to a non-accountant.
Part (a) (possibly the most difficult, if you had not prepared this topic) concerned segment reporting (IFRS 8).
Part (b) asked you to explain the way in which equity settled share-based payments are treated in the financial
statements. Here it was important not to waste time explaining why there is a charge to profit or loss. Read the
query carefully to see what the managing director actually wants to know.
Part (c) focuses on the basic requirements of IFRS 5.
Easy marks. You should have been able to score almost full marks on part (c), and if you had revised that topic,
there were also some easy marks for stating the basic requirements of IFRS 2 regarding the treatment of equity
settled share based payment.
Examination team's comments. Candidates did not answer part (a) very well. A significant number of candidates
were unaware of any of the requirements of the international financial reporting standard on segment reporting –
IFRS 8. Many such candidates made reference to IAS 14 – the predecessor standard to IFRS 8. It has already been
stated in this report that candidates need to keep their knowledge up to date and it appears that further attention is
required to new standards. Another factor in part (a) was that many candidates did not address the requirements of
the question specifically enough. The question asked why the segment reports of two apparently similar entities
could be so different. A number of candidates did not really attempt to address this issue, but simply defined the
meaning of an operating segment and (in some cases at least) the relevant requirements of IFRS 8. Answers to part
(b) were generally of a satisfactory standard but a significant minority of candidates wasted time by making
references to cash settled share based payments. These were not part of the requirement so, whilst the comments
were in many cases correct, they did not score marks. Once again the message here is that candidates must focus
carefully on the exact requirements of each question. Answers to part (c) were generally satisfactory.
Marking scheme
Query One
It is true that the there is an International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) which deals
with operating segments and lays down the content of segmental reports (concept). The
relevant standard is IFRS 8 Operating segments. ½
However, differences between the segment reports of organisations will arise from how
segments are identified and what exactly is reported for each segment (concept). ½+½
IFRS 8 defines an operating segment as a component of an entity which engages in revenue
earning activities and whose results are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision
maker (CODM). ½+½
The CODM is the individual, or group of individuals, who makes decisions about segment
performance and resource allocation. ½+½+½
This definition means that the operating segments of apparently similar organisations could
be identified very differently, with a consequential impact on the nature of the report. ½
As stated above, differences also arise due to the reporting requirements for each segment.
IFRS 8 requires that 'a measure' of profit or loss is reported for each segment. However, the
measurement of revenues and expenses which are used in determining profit or loss is
based on the principles used in the information the CODM sees. This is so, even if these
principles do not correspond with IFRS. This could clearly cause differences between
reports from apparently similar organisations. ½+½+½+½
Additionally, IFRS 8 requires a measure of total assets and liabilities by operating segment
if the CODM sees this information. Since some CODMs may see this information and
some may not, this could once again cause differences between the reports of apparently
similar organisations. ½+½+½
Query Two
An equity settled share-based payment transaction is one in which an entity receives goods
or services in exchange for a right over its equity instruments. ½
Where the payments involve the granting of share options, IFRS 2 Share-based payment
requires that the payments are measured at the fair value of the options at the grant date.
No change is made to this measurement when the fair value changes after the grant date. ½+½+½
Unless the entity has traded options which have exactly the same terms and conditions as
those granted to employees (unlikely), then fair value is estimated using an option pricing
model. ½
The first step in accounting for such payments is to estimate the total expected cost of the
share-based payment. ½
This estimate takes account of any conditions attaching to the options vesting (the
employees becoming unconditionally entitled to exercise them) other than market
conditions (those based on the future share price, which are taken account of in estimating
the fair value of the option at the grant date). ½+½+½
The total expected cost is recognised in the financial statements over the vesting period (ie
the period from the grant date to the vesting date). ½
In the case of options granted to employees, the debit entry would be recorded as
remuneration expense. Normally this would mean the debit entry being shown in the
statement of profit or loss but in theory the debit entry could be an asset depending on the
work of the employee involved. ½+½
The credit entry is taken to equity. IFRS 2 is silent as to which component of equity this
should be – normally it would be to an option reserve. ½+½
Query Three
A non-current asset is classified as held for sale when its carrying amount will be recovered
principally through a sale transaction, rather than through continuing use. 1
Such assets are measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to
sell. Any write downs arising out of this process are treated as impairment losses. ½+½+½
The 'held for sale' definition can apply to groups of assets as well as single assets where the
group of assets is to be sold as a single unit. It is in situations such as this that liabilities
associated with such groups of assets are separately identified. ½+½+½
ACCA Diploma in International
Financial Reporting
BPP Mock Exam 2
(June 2015 exam)
Question Paper:
Question 1
Alpha holds investments in two other entities, Beta and Gamma. The draft statements of financial position of the
three entities at 31 March 2015 were as follows:
Alpha Beta Gamma
$'000 $'000 $'000
Non-current assets:
Property, plant and equipment (Notes 1 and 6) 300,000 240,000 180,000
Investments (Notes 1, 2 and 3) 267,000 40,000 10,000
567,000 280,000 190,000
Current assets:
Inventories (Note 4) 90,000 60,000 45,000
Trade receivables (Note 5) 72,000 46,000 40,000
Cash and cash equivalents 15,000 10,000 8,000
177,000 116,000 93,000
Total assets 744,000 396,000 283,000
Equity and liabilities
Share capital ($1 shares) 200,000 150,000 120,000
Retained earnings (Notes 1 and 2) 367,500 115,000 51,000
Other components of equity (Notes 1, 2 and 3) 5,000 4,000 2,000
Total equity 572,500 269,000 173,000
Non-current liabilities:
Provision (Note 6) 12,500 Nil Nil
Long-term borrowings (Note 7) 60,000 45,000 50,000
Deferred tax 32,000 30,000 20,000
Total non-current liabilities 104,500 75,000 70,000
Current liabilities:
Trade and other payables (Note 5) 45,000 42,000 33,000
Short term borrowings 22,000 10,000 7,000
Total current liabilities 67,000 52,000 40,000
Total equity and liabilities 744,000 396,000 283,000
– Plant and equipment having a carrying value of $110m at 1 April 2010 had an estimated market value of
$123m at that date. Beta has disposed of all of this plant and equipment since 1 April 2010.
The fair value adjustments have not been reflected in the individual financial statements of Beta. In the consolidated
financial statements, the fair value adjustments will be regarded as temporary differences for the purposes of
computing deferred tax. The rate of deferred tax to apply to temporary differences is 20%. No impairment of the
goodwill on acquisition of Beta has occurred since 1 April 2010.
Note 2 – Alpha's investment in Gamma
On 1 July 2014, Alpha acquired 90 million shares in Gamma by means of a share exchange. Alpha issued two
shares for every three shares acquired in Gamma. On 1 July 2014, the market value of an Alpha share was $2.90
and the market value of a Gamma share was $1.50. The share exchange has not been recorded in the draft financial
statements of Alpha presented above. Alpha also incurred directly attributable costs of $1.5m associated with this
acquisition and debited these costs to administrative expenses in its draft statement of profit or loss for the year
ended 31 March 2015.
On 1 April 2014, the individual financial statements of Gamma showed the following reserves balances:
– Retained earnings $45m. The profits of Gamma for the year ended 31 March 2015 accrued evenly over the
– Other components of equity $2m. See also the information provided in Note 3 regarding other components
of equity.
Gamma leases all of its properties on operating leases and its plant and equipment comprises assets with relatively
short useful economic lives. Therefore on 1 July 2014, there were no material differences between the carrying
values of the net assets of Gamma in the individual financial statements and the fair values of those net assets.
No impairment of the goodwill on acquisition of Gamma has occurred since 1 July 2014.
Note 3 – Other investments
Apart from its investment in Beta, the investments of Alpha included in the statement of financial position at
31 March 2015 are all financial assets which Alpha has elected to measure at fair value through other
comprehensive income. All of the investments held by Beta and Gamma are also financial assets which Beta and
Gamma have elected to measure at fair value through other comprehensive income. None of these investments
have been bought or sold in the year ended 31 March 2015. The fair values which are included in the draft
statements of financial position above are the fair values at 31 March 2014 for Beta and 1 July 2014 for Gamma.
Relevant fair values as at 31 March 2015 were as follows:
– Alpha – $33m
– Beta – $43m
– Gamma – $11.6m. The change in the fair value of Gamma's investments during the year ended 31 March
2015 was caused by events occurring after 1 July 2014.
You do not need to consider the deferred tax implications of any gains arising on the remeasurement of these
Note 4 – Inter-company sale of inventories
The inventories of Beta and Gamma at 31 March 2015 included components purchased from Alpha in the last three
months of the financial year at a cost of $15m to Beta and $10m to Gamma. Alpha normally earns a profit margin of
30% on the sale of these components but supplies of these components to group companies are routinely made at
a reduced margin of 20%.
In the consolidated financial statements, any adjustments required as a result of this note will be regarded as
temporary differences for the purposes of computing deferred tax. The rate of deferred tax to apply to temporary
differences is 20%. You can assume that sufficient taxable profits exist in each entity to allow the deferred tax
implications of deductible temporary differences.
On 15 March 2015, the property, plant and equipment of unit X, which is included in the above statement of
financial position, had a total carrying value of $15m. $12m of this amount relates to property, and $3m to plant
and equipment. On 15 March 2015, all of the property, plant and equipment was offered for sale. The property was
offered for sale at a price of $16.5m, and the plant and equipment at $1.05m. Both of these amounts are considered
to be reasonable prices which are achievable within six months of the year end. The estimated costs of disposal of
the property are $500,000 and the costs of disposal of the plant $50,000. However, none of the property, plant and
equipment of unit X which was being offered for sale had actually been sold by 31 March 2015. You can assume
that any change in carrying value of this property, plant and equipment between 15 and 31 March 2015 is
Note 7 – Long-term borrowings
On 31 March 2015, Alpha issued 30 million $1 convertible loan notes. The loan notes carry a coupon rate of 6% per
annum payable annually in arrears and are redeemable at par on 31 March 2020. As an alternative to redemption,
the loan note holders can elect to exchange their loan notes for equity shares in Alpha on 31 March 2020. If the
option to exchange were not available, the investors in the loan notes would have required a return on their
investment of 10% per annum.
Discount factors which may be relevant are as follows:
Discount rate
6% 10%
$ $
Present value of $1 receivable in 5 years 0.747 0.621
Cumulative present value of $1 receivable at the end of years 1–5 4.212 3.790
On 31 March 2015, Alpha debited cash and credited long-term borrowings with $30m in respect of this loan.
Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of Alpha at 31 March 2015.
(40 marks)
Question 2
Delta is an entity which prepares financial statements to 31 March each year. The financial statements for the year
ended 31 March 2015 are to be authorised for issue on 30 June 2015. The following events are relevant to these
financial statements:
(a) On 1 April 2014, Delta purchased 1 million options to acquire shares in Epsilon, a listed entity. Delta paid
25c per option, which allows Delta to purchase shares in Epsilon for a price of $2 per share. The exercise
date for the options was 31 December 2014. On 31 December 2014, when the market value of a share in
Epsilon was $2.60, Delta exercised all its options to acquire shares in Epsilon. In addition to the purchase
price, Delta incurred directly attributable acquisition costs of $100,000 on the purchase of the 1 million
shares in Epsilon. Delta regarded the shares it purchased in Epsilon as part of its trading portfolio. However,
Delta did not dispose of any of the shares in Epsilon between 31 December 2014 and 31 March 2015. On 31
March 2015, the market value of a share in Epsilon was $2.90. (9 marks)
(b) On 1 April 2014, Delta sold a property for $48m to raise cash to expand its business. The carrying value of
the property on 1 April 2014 was $50m and its fair value was $55m. The estimated future useful life of the
property on 1 April 2014 was 40 years. On 1 April 2014, Delta began to lease this property on a ten-year
lease. The annual lease rentals for the first five years of the lease were set at $1m. For the final five years of
the lease, the rentals were set at $1.5m. Both of these rental amounts were below the market rental for a
property of this nature. (7 marks)
(c) On 31 March 2015, the inventories of Delta included a consignment of components which Delta had been
supplying to a number of different customers for some years. The cost of the consignment was $10m and
based on retail prices at 31 March 2015, the expected selling price of the consignment would have been
$12m. On 15 May 2015, a competitor completed the development of an alternative component which seems
likely to make Delta's consignment obsolete. The directors of Delta estimate that the consignment (all still
currently unsold) will now be sold for only $2m. (4 marks)
Explain and show how the three events should be reported in the financial statements of Delta for the year ended
31 March 2015.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the three events above.
(Total = 20 marks)
Question 3
(a) IFRS 2 Share-based payment defines a share-based payment transaction as one in which an entity receives
goods or services from a third party (including an employee) in a share-based payment arrangement. A
share-based payment arrangement is an agreement between an entity and a third party which entitles the
third party to receive either:
– Equity instruments of the entity (equity-settled share-based payments); or
– Cash or other assets based on the price of equity instruments of the entity (cash-settled share-based
Share-based payment arrangements are often subject to vesting conditions which must be satisfied over a
vesting period.
For both cash-settled and equity-settled share-based payment arrangements, explain:
(i) The basis on which the arrangements should be measured;
(ii) The criteria which are used to allocate the total value of the arrangement to individual accounting
(iii) The accounting entries (debit and credit) required during the vesting period. (6 marks)
(b) Kappa prepares financial statements to 31 March each year. The following share-based payment
arrangements were in force during the year ended 31 March 2015:
(i) On 1 April 2013, Kappa granted options to 500 employees to subscribe for 400 shares each in Kappa
on 31 March 2017, providing the employees still worked for Kappa at that time. On 1 April 2013, the
fair value of each option was $1.50.
In the year ended 31 March 2014, ten of these employees left Kappa and at 31 March 2014, Kappa
expected that 20 more would leave in the three-year period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2017.
Kappa's results for the year ended 31 March 2014 were below expectations and at 31 March 2014
the fair value of each option had fallen to 25 cents. Therefore, on 1 April 2014 Kappa amended the
exercise price of the original options. This amendment caused the fair value of these options to rise
from 25 cents to $1.45.
During the year ended 31 March 2015, five of the employees left and at 31 March 2015, Kappa
expected that ten more would leave in the two-year period from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2017. The
results of Kappa for the year ended 31 March 2015 were much improved and at 31 March 2015, the
fair value of a re-priced option was $1.60. (9 marks)
(ii) On 1 April 2013, Kappa granted share appreciation rights to 50 senior employees. The number of
rights to which each employee becomes entitled depends on the cumulative profit of Kappa for the
three years ended 31 March 2016:
– 1,000 rights per employee are awarded if the cumulative profit for the three-year period is
below $500,000.
– 1,500 rights per employee are awarded if the cumulative profit for the three-year period is
between $500,000 and $1m.
– 2,000 rights per employee are awarded if the cumulative profit for the three-year period
exceeds $1m.
On 1 April 2013, Kappa expected that the cumulative profits for the three-year period would be
$800,000. After the disappointing financial results for the year ended 31 March 2014, this estimate
was revised at that time to $450,000. However, given the improvement in results for the year ended
31 March 2015, the estimate was revised again at 31 March 2015 to $1,100,000.
On 1 April 2013, the fair value of one share appreciation right was $1.10. This estimate was revised
to $0.90 at 31 March 2014 and to $1.20 at 31 March 2015. All the senior employees are expected to
remain employed by Kappa for the relevant three-year period. The rights are exercisable on 30 June
2016. (5 marks)
Show how and where transactions (i) and (ii) would be reported in the financial statements of Kappa for the year
ended 31 March 2015.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against both of the two transactions above.
Ignore deferred tax.
(Total = 20 marks)
Question 4
You are the financial controller of Omega, a listed company which prepares consolidated financial statements in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Your managing director, who is not an
accountant, has recently attended a seminar and has the following questions for you concerning issues raised at the
(a) One of the delegates at the seminar was a director of an entity which operates a number of different farms.
She informed me that there was a financial reporting standard which applied to farming entities. I think she
said it was IAS 41. I'd like to know why a special standard is needed for farming entities. Given that we have
IAS 41, does this mean that other IFRSs do not apply to farming entities? Please explain the main
recognition and measurement requirements of IAS 41 – I'm not interested in details about disclosures. I am
interested, though, in any areas where the provisions of IAS 41 differ from general IFRSs. I believe I heard
that farming entities treat grants from the government in a different way than other entities do. I'm
particularly interested to hear about this – assuming I'm correct. (12 marks)
(b) Another delegate, a director of a relatively small listed entity, stated that his entity did not need to comply
with the detailed requirements of IFRS because of the relatively small size of the entity. Is it true that there
are different accounting rules which are available for smaller entities? Can his entity take advantage of them?
Please give me an outline explanation – I don't need the details of any different rules. (8 marks)
Provide answers to the questions raised by the managing director.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the two questions above.
(Total = 20 marks)
If this had been the real Diploma in International Financial Reporting exam and you had been told to turn over and
begin, what would have been going through your mind?
Perhaps you're having a panic. You've spent most of your study time on groups and international financial
reporting standards (because that's what your tutor/BPP Study Text for exams in December 2016 and June 2017
told you to do), and you're really not sure that you know enough. The good news is that you can always get a solid
start by tackling the consolidation question. So calm down. Spend the first few moments or so looking at the
paper, and develop a plan of attack.
Question 1
Top tips. The group accounting question always looks difficult at first sight. You will need to adopt a methodical
As usual in these types of question you will probably find that if you take each issue individually, you know how to
deal with each one. In this question, the issues are:
Deferred tax
Financial instruments
Inter-company trading
Fair value adjustments
Easy marks. As with most groups questions, there are easy marks for slotting the simpler figures into the
statement of financial position, or for some simple addition.
Examination team's comments. On the whole, this question was answered satisfactorily. Candidates know that
question 1 will always be a consolidation question and so understandably study the topic thoroughly. More
particularly, most candidates performed well in the following areas:
Calculating goodwill, especially the calculations of fair value adjustments and the deferred tax on them.
Dealing with the intra-group balances (although a number of candidates adjusted the payables instead of the
cash figure for the group cash in transit).
Calculating the split of debt and equity for the convertible debt (although a number of candidates tried to
compute an adjusted finance cost when the debt was issued on the last day of the accounting period).
Understanding the method for calculating the non-controlling interests even if the numbers were often
Dealing with the provision for unrealised profit and calculating the related deferred tax.
Areas that were not done as well in some cases were as follows:
Some candidates, having correctly computed the net assets at the date of acquisition for the purposes of
computing goodwill, did not then separate the retained earnings and other components of equity of the
subsidiaries into their pre and post-acquisition components for the purposes of computing consolidated
Some candidates pro-rated the statement of financial position figure for Gamma to 9/12 (since Gamma was
acquired nine months before the year-end).
A minority of candidates proportionally consolidated the subsidiaries.
This has arisen in a number of past examinations. Candidates and tutors should take note of this issue.
In the retained earnings workings many deducted the provision amounts (that had already been provided for
in the draft financial statements) rather than adding back those amounts that were provided incorrectly.
Whilst most candidates correctly identified the assets as held for sale many did not correctly measure them,
on an asset by asset basis, at the lower of current carrying value and fair value less costs to sell.
Many candidates did not include the premium on the shares issued to acquire Gamma in consolidated 'other
components of equity'.
Marking scheme
Consolidated statement of financial position of Alpha at 31 March 2015
Assets $'000
Non-current assets:
Property, plant and equipment (300,000 + 240,000 + 180,000 + 27,500 (W1)
– (12,000 + 3,000 {held for sale assets – W5}) 732,500 ½+½+½
Goodwill (W3) 78,600 9½ (W3)
Other investments (33,000 + 43,000 + 11,600) 87,600 1
Current assets:
Inventories (90,000 + 60,000 + 45,000 – 5,000 (W6)) 190,000 ½+½
Trade receivables (72,000 + 46,000 + 40,000 – (9,000 + 6,000 {intra-group})) 143,000 ½+½
Cash and cash equivalents (15,000 + 10,000 + 8,000 + (9,000 + 6,000
{ transit})) 48,000 ½+½
Non-current assets classified as held for sale (W5) 13,000 ½
Total assets 1,292,700
Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share capital (200,000 + 60,000 (shares issued to acquire Gamma)) 260,000 1
Retained earnings (W6) 388,955 12 (W5)
Other components of equity (W8) 132,548 5 (W8)
Non-controlling interest (W4) 107,245 2 (W4)
Total equity 888,748
Non-current liabilities:
Provision 8,000 ½
Long-term borrowings (60,000 + 45,000 + 50,000 + 25,452 (W7) – 30,000) 150,452 ½+½+½
Deferred tax (W10) 86,500 1½
Total non-current liabilities 244,952
Current liabilities:
Trade and other payables (45,000 + 42,000 + 33,000) 120,000 ½
Short term borrowings (22,000 + 10,000 + 7,000) 39,000 ½
Total current liabilities 159,000 40
Total equity and liabilities 1,292,700
Workings – Do not double count marks.
All numbers in $'000 unless otherwise stated
Working 1 – Net assets table – Beta
1 April 2010 31 March 2015 For W3 For W6
$'000 $'000
Share capital 150,000 150,000 ½
Retained earnings:
Per accounts of Beta 75,000 115,000 ½ ½
Property adjustment 30,000 30,000 ½
Extra depreciation (90,000 – 80,000) 5/20 ½ (2,500) ½
Plant and equipment adjustment 13,000 – ½ ½
Other components of equity 1,000 7,000 * ½ ½
Deferred tax on fair value adjustments (8,600) (5,500) 1 (W9) 1 (W9)
Net assets for the consolidation 260,400 294,000
The post-acquisition increase in net assets is 33,600 (294,000 – 260,400). 6,000 of this increase
relates to other components of equity and the balance (27,600) relates to retained earnings. ½
3½ 4
⇒W3 ⇒W6
* The other components of equity balance of Beta at 31 March 2015 is 4,000 + [43,000 – 40,000] (the current year
revaluation of Beta's investments).
Working 2 – Net assets table – Gamma
1 July 2014 31 March 2015 For W3 For W6
$'000 $'000
Share capital 120,000 120,000 ½
Retained earnings: 46,500 *1 51,000 1 ½
Other components of equity 2,000 3,600 ½ 1
Net assets for the consolidation 168,500 174,600
The post-acquisition increase in net assets is 6,100 (174,600 – 168,500). 1,600 of this
increase relates to other components of equity and the balance (4,500) relates to retained
earnings. ½
– –
2 2
⇒W3 ⇒W6
The retained earnings of Gamma at 1 July 2014 were 45,000 + 3/12 (51,000 – 45,000).
The other components of equity balance of Gamma at 31 March 2015 is 2,000 + [11,600 – 10,000] (the current
year revaluation of Gamma's investments).
Working 3 – Goodwill on consolidation
Beta Gamma
$'000 $'000
Costs of investment:
Cash paid to acquire Beta (not including acquisition
costs) 234,500 1
Shares issued to acquire Gamma 60,000 $2.90 174,000 1
Fair value of non-controlling interest at date of acquisition
(30 million $1.80 – Beta; 30 million $1.50 – Gamma) 54,000 45,000 1+1
Net assets at date of acquisition (W1/W2) (260,400) (168,500) 3½ (W1) + 2 (W2)
Goodwill 28,100 50,500 9½
Working 5 – Adjustment for assets held for sale
Asset Existing carrying Lower of E and fair Adjustment
amount (E) value less costs to sell
$'000 $'000 $'000
Property 12,000 12,000 Nil ½
Plant 3,000 1,000 2,000 ½
15,000 13,000 2,000 1
Working 10 – Deferred tax
Alpha + Beta + Gamma 82,000 ½
On fair value adjustments in Beta (W9) 5,500 ½
On unrealised profits (W6) (1,000) ½
86,500 1½
Question 2
Top tips. This question covered three distinct topics. With all three parts, start by explaining the required treatment
and then apply it to the scenario in the question, with calculations where possible.
Part (a) financial instruments may have been initially daunting, but this question was actually relatively
Part (b) covered sale and leaseback transactions and, provided you had studied the topic, was relatively
Part (c) required a knowledge of IAS 10.
Easy marks. There were plenty of easy marks in part (c). Don't forget that, where explanations are requested, these
must be provided in order to get a good mark; using the correct accounting treatment is not enough.
Examination team's comments. On the whole, candidates found part (a) of this question challenging. A number of
candidates did not identify that the share option was a derivative which needed to be measured at fair value through
profit or loss. The majority of candidates realised that the shares that were purchased by the exercising of the
option needed to be measured at fair value. However many candidates stated that the measurement basis should
have been fair value through other comprehensive income, despite the question making it clear that these shares
were part of a trading portfolio. This should have led candidates to conclude that the shares should be measured at
fair value through profit or loss. As a result many candidates incorrectly stated that the transaction costs should be
included in the initial carrying value of the equity investment, rather than being immediately taken to profit or loss.
Part (b) of this question was well answered by the majority of candidates attempting it. Almost all candidates
realised that the lease-back was an operating lease and that the lease rentals should therefore be charged to profit
or loss on a straight-line basis. However not all candidates stated that the loss caused by the sale and under-value
should have been deferred and recognised over the lease term.
Part (c) of this question was also well answered on the whole, with a number of candidates scoring full marks.
Some candidates lost marks by concluding that the event after the reporting date was an adjusting, rather than a
non-adjusting, event after the reporting date. A minority of candidates misinterpreted this part and discussed the
issue of revenue recognition, rather than inventory valuation.
Marking scheme
Under the provisions of IFRS 9 Financial instruments the option to acquire shares in Epsilon ½
would be regarded as a derivative financial instrument.
This is because the value of the option depends on the value of an underlying variable ½
(Epsilon's share price), it requires a relatively small initial investment and it is settled at a
future date.
A derivative financial instrument is initially measured at its fair value. ½
In this case fair value will be the price paid – which is $250,000 at 1 April 2014. ½
Derivative financial instruments are remeasured to fair value at the reporting date and gains or ½
losses on remeasurement recognised in the statement of profit or loss.
However, in this case the derivative is derecognised on 31 December 2014, when the option is ½
On 31 December 2014, the investment in Epsilon's shares would be regarded as a financial ½
Under IFRS 9, financial assets are initially measured at fair value, so the initial carrying value ½
of the shares in the books of Delta will be $2.6m (1 million $2.60).
The difference between the carrying value of the new asset – $2.6m and the price paid plus ½+½
the derecognised derivative – $2.25m ($2m + $250,000) will be taken to profit or loss for the
year ended 31 March 2015 as investment income. In this case $350,000 will be included as
investment income.
Because the investment in Epsilon is an equity investment, it will continue to be remeasured 1
to fair value at each year end.
Because the investment is part of a trading portfolio, the investment is measured at fair value ½
through profit or loss.
Therefore the acquisition costs of $100,000 must be recognised as an expense in the ½
statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 2015.
The investment is included in the statement of financial position at 31 March 2015 as a ½+½
current asset at its fair value of $2.9m.
The increase in fair value of $300,000 ($2.9m – $2.6m) is taken to the statement of profit or
loss. ½+½
The lease-back of the property will be regarded as an operating lease because the lease is for 1
only 25% (10/40) of the future life of the property.
Therefore the property will be derecognised by Delta. ½
The apparent loss on sale of $2m ($48m – $50m) will not be recognised immediately because ½+½
Delta is being compensated by reduced rentals for the whole lease term. The amount will
instead be regarded as a pre-payment.
The total lease rentals over the whole term are $12.5m (5 $1m + 5 $1.5m). 1
Rental expense of $1.25m ($12.5m 1/10) will be recognised in profit or loss for the year ½
ended 31 March 2015.
A proportion of the apparent loss on sale will be recognised in profit or loss for the year ½+½
ended 31 March 2015.
The amount recognised will be $160,000 – ($2m {$1m/$12.5m}). 1
The closing pre-payment will be $1,590,000 ($2m – $160,000 + $1m (rent paid) – $1.25m
(rent charged)). 1
The information about the obsolescence of the components is an event after the reporting 1
date because it occurs after the reporting date but before the financial statements are
authorised for issue.
This event would be a non-adjusting event because it does not give information about 1
conditions existing at the reporting date.
At the reporting date, the inventory should be measured at the lower of cost ($10m) and net 1
realisable value ($12m).
The after-date obsolescence of the inventory and its financial implications for Delta should be
disclosed in a note to the financial statements. 1
Question 3
Top tips. This question asked you to explain and apply the provisions of IFRS 2 on share-based payments. This
topic is examined very frequently and you are advised to have a good knowledge of it.
Easy marks. Part (a) had lots of easy marks, and most of the calculation in part (b) were quite straightforward also.
Examination team's comments. Part (a) was answered well by most candidates. A minority of candidates lost
marks by not addressing the questions specifically enough and writing about share based payments too generally.
Some candidates repeated information about IFRS 2 that was given in the question. This clearly attracted no marks.
Candidates found part b(i) challenging on the whole. A reasonable number were able to compute the cost based on
the initial share award, by basing the cost on the fair value of the option at the grant date and the expected numbers
vesting based on the best estimate at the reporting date. However very few candidates were able to deal with the
modification to the award that was necessary because of the fall in Kappa's share price in the year ended 31 March
2014. It would appear that in general candidates had not studied this aspect of accounting for share based
Answers to part b(ii) were on the whole satisfactory. Having said this, only a minority of candidates correctly
identified the liability as non-current.
Marking scheme
(i) For equity-settled share-based payment arrangements, the transaction should be ½
measured based on the fair value of the goods or services received, or to be received.
Where the third party is an employee, 'fair value' should be based on the fair value of ½+½
the equity instruments granted, measured at the grant date.
For cash-settled share-based payment arrangements, the transaction should be ½+½
measured based on the fair value of the liability at each reporting date.
(ii) The amount recognised should take account of all vesting conditions other than (in ½+½+½
the case of equity-settled share-based payment arrangements) market conditions
(which are reflected in the measurement of the fair value of the instruments granted).
(iii) For both types of arrangement, the debit entry will normally be to profit or loss unless 1
the relevant expense would qualify for recognition as an asset.
For an equity-settled share-based payment arrangement, the credit entry would be ½
recognised in equity, either as share capital or (more commonly) as an option
For cash-settled share-based payment arrangements, the credit entry would be
recognised as a liability. ½
(i) The expected total cost of the arrangement at 31 March 2014 is 400 $1.50 (500 – 1
10 – 20) = $282,000.
Therefore $70,500 ($282,000 ¼) would be credited to equity and debited to profit 1
or loss for the year ended 31 March 2014.
For the year ended 31 March 2015, the expected total cost of the originally granted 1
options would be 400 $1.50 (500 – 10 – 5 – 10) = $285,000.
The cumulative amount taken to profit or loss and recognised in equity at 31 March 1
2015 is $142,500.
The additional cost of the repriced options must also be recognised over the three- ½+½
year period to 31 March 2017.
The total additional cost is 400 ($1.45 – $0.25) 475 = $228,000. 1
Therefore the amount recognised in the year ended 31 March 2015 is $76,000 1
($228,000 1/3). Therefore the total recognised in equity at 31 March 2015 is
$218,500 ($142,500 + $76,000).
The amount recognised in equity would be shown as 'other components of equity'. ½
And the charge to profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 2015 is $148,000 1
($142,500 + $76,000 – $70,500).
The amount recognised in profit or loss would be shown as an employment expense. ½
(ii) For the year ended 31 March 2014, the expected total cost will be 50 1,000 $0.90 1
= $45,000.
The amount taken to profit or loss in the prior period, and recognised as a liability, 1
will be $15,000 ($45,000 1/3).
At 31 March 2015, the liability will be 50 2,000 $1.20 2/3 = $80,000. 1
Since the rights are exercisable on 30 June 2016, the liability will be non-current. 1
The charge to profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 2015 will be $65,000
($80,000 – $15,000). This will be included in employment expenses. 1
Question 4
Top tips. This question asks you to explain two accounting issues to a non-accountant and is entirely discursive.
The first of these was IAS 41, one of the more peripheral areas of the syllabus. Its inclusion illustrates that you
must be careful not to leave out anything in your revision. The second issue was the IFRS for SMEs. In both cases,
only the main provisions were required. You should also note your audience, and try to avoid making your answer
too technical.
Easy marks. Even a basic knowledge of the IFRS for SMEs could have scored a good mark in part (b).
Examination team's comments. This question was not answered well by the majority of candidates attempting it
and indeed a reasonable number of candidates did not attempt it at all. As has already been noted in this report, this
may be indicative of the fact that these subjects have been regarded as 'fringe' topics and not studied diligently by
many candidates. It is very important for candidates to ensure that they have studied the whole of the syllabus.
Part (a) required candidates to explain the applicability of general international financial reporting standards (IFRS)
to farming entities and also to outline the main recognition and measurement issues outlined in IAS 41. Candidates
were specifically asked about the way government grants relating to agricultural activity need to be accounted for. A
number of candidates incorrectly stated that other IFRS do not apply to farming entities. The majority of candidates
incorrectly stated that government grants for agricultural activity are accounted for in the same way as other
government grants. Most candidates did have some awareness of the concept of a biological asset, and the
difficulty of applying the cost concept to the measurement of such an asset. However the general level of knowledge
displayed in this part was rather disappointing.
Part (b) asked candidates to outline the main components of the IFRS for SMEs, and explain whether the IFRS for
SMEs could be used by a small listed entity. Most candidates stated that the small entity in question could use the
IFRS for SMEs, despite the fact that the IFRS for SMEs cannot be used by listed entities, whatever their size. A
reasonable minority of candidates incorrectly stated that there was no such thing as the IFRS for SMEs and that all
entities have to use full IFRS. A few candidates misinterpreted this part and reflected on the accounting
requirements of IFRS 1 First time adoption of IFRS. As in part (a), the level of knowledge displayed in part (b) was
rather disappointing.
Marking scheme
It is not true that, given the existence of IAS 41 Agriculture other IFRSs do not apply to 1
farming companies. The general presentation requirements of IAS 1 Presentation of
financial statements, together with the specific recognition and measurement requirements
of other IFRSs, apply to farming companies just as much as others.
IAS 41 deals with agricultural activity. Two key definitions given in IAS 41 are biological ½+½+½
assets and agricultural produce.
A biological asset is a living animal or plant. Examples of biological assets would be sheep 1
and fruit trees.
The criteria for the recognition of biological assets are basically consistent with other IFRSs, 1
and are based around the Framework definition of an asset.
A key issue dealt with in IAS 41 is that of measurement of biological assets. Given their ½+½
nature (eg lambs born to sheep which are existing assets), the use of cost as a
measurement basis is impracticable.
The IAS 41 requirement for biological assets is to measure them at fair value less costs to ½+½
Changes in fair value less costs to sell from one period to another are recognised in profit or ½
Agricultural produce is the harvested produce of a biological asset. Examples would be wool 1
(from sheep) or fruit (from fruit trees).
The issue of measuring 'cost' of such assets is similar to that for biological assets. IAS 41 ½+½+½
therefore requires that 'cost' should be fair value less costs to sell at the point of harvesting.
This figure is then the deemed 'cost' for the purposes of IAS 2 Inventories.
A consequence of the above treatment is that government grants receivable in respect of ½+½+½
biological assets are not treated in the way prescribed by IAS 20 Government grants. Where
such a grant is unconditional, it should be recognised in profit or loss when it becomes
receivable. If conditions attach to the grant, it should be recognised in profit or loss only
when the conditions have been met.
The IAS 20 treatment of grants is to recognise them in profit or loss as the expenditure to
which they relate is recognised. This means that recognition of grants relating to property,
plant and equipment takes place over the life of the asset rather than when the relevant
conditions are satisfied. 1
The International Accounting Standards Board has developed an IFRS for small and medium ½+½
sized entities (SMEs) which can be used as an alternative to full IFRS.
Despite the title of the IFRS for SMEs it is not available for all small and medium sized ½+½+½
entities. The standard can only be used by entities which are not publicly accountable.
Therefore the standard could not be used by your colleague as the entity is listed.
The IFRS for SMEs is one single standard which, if adopted, is used instead of all IFRS. ½+½
The IFRS for SMEs omits completely the requirements of IFRS which are specifically ½+½
relevant to listed entities, for example, earnings per share and segmental reporting.
In addition, the subject matter included in the IFRS for SMEs has been simplified compared ½+½+½
with full IFRS. For example, research and development costs are always expensed.
In general terms, the disclosures required by the IFRS for SMEs are considerably less 1
burdensome than for full IFRS.
A further benefit is that the IFRS for SMEs is only updated once every three years, thus 1
reducing the extent of change to financial reporting practice. 8
ACCA Diploma in International
Financial Reporting
BPP Mock Exam 3
(December 2015 exam)
Question Paper:
Question 1
Alpha's investments include two subsidiaries, Beta and Gamma. The draft statements of financial position of the
three entities at 30 September 2015 were as follows:
Alpha Beta Gamma
$'000 $'000 $'000
Non-current assets:
Property, plant and equipment (Notes 1 and 3) 380,000 355,000 152,000
Intangible assets (Note 1) 80,000 40,000 20,000
Investments (Notes 1, 3 and 4) 497,000 Nil Nil
957,000 395,000 172,000
Current assets:
Inventories (Note 5) 100,000 70,000 65,000
Trade receivables (Note 6) 80,000 66,000 50,000
Cash and cash equivalents (Note 6) 10,000 15,000 10,000
190,000 151,000 125,000
Total assets 1,147,000 546,000 297,000
Equity and liabilities
Share capital (50c shares) 150,000 200,000 120,000
Retained earnings (Notes 1 and 3) 498,000 186,000 60,000
Other components of equity (Notes 1, 3 and 4) 295,000 10,000 2,000
Total equity 943,000 396,000 182,000
Non-current liabilities:
Provision (Note 7) 34,000 Nil Nil
Long-term borrowings (Note 8) 60,000 50,000 45,000
Deferred tax 35,000 30,000 25,000
Total non-current liabilities 129,000 80,000 70,000
Current liabilities:
Trade and other payables (Note 6) 50,000 55,000 35,000
Short-term borrowings 25,000 15,000 10,000
Total current liabilities 75,000 70,000 45,000
Total equity and liabilities 1,147,000 546,000 297,000
– Plant and equipment having a carrying amount of $295m had an estimated market value of $340m. The
estimated remaining useful economic life of this plant at 1 October 2012 was five years. None of this plant
and equipment had been disposed of between 1 October 2012 and 30 September 2015.
– An in-process research and development project existed at 1 October 2012 but did not meet the recognition
criteria of IAS 38 Intangible assets. The fair value of the research and development project at 1 October 2012
was $20m. The project started to generate economic benefits on 1 October 2013 over an estimated period of
four years.
The above two fair value adjustments have not been reflected in the individual financial statements of Beta. In the
consolidated financial statements, these fair value adjustments will be regarded as temporary differences for the
purposes of computing deferred tax. The rate of deferred tax to apply to temporary differences is 20%.
Alpha uses the proportion of net assets method to calculate non-controlling interests in Beta.
Note 2 – Impairment review of goodwill on acquisition of Beta
No impairment of the goodwill on acquisition of Beta was evident when reviews were carried out on 30 September
2013 and 2014. On 30 September 2015, the directors of Alpha concluded that the recoverable amount of the net
assets (including the goodwill) of Beta at that date was $450m. Beta is regarded as a single cash generating unit for
the purpose of measuring goodwill impairment.
Note 3 – Alpha's investment in Gamma
On 1 October 2014, Alpha acquired 144 million shares in Gamma by means of a cash payment of $125m. Alpha
incurred costs of $1m associated with this purchase and debited these costs to administrative expenses in its draft
statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 2015. There has been no change in the carrying amount
of this investment in the financial statements of Alpha since 1 October 2014.
On 1 October 2014, the individual financial statements of Gamma showed the following reserves balances:
– Retained earnings $45m
– Other components of equity $2m
On 1 October 2014, the fair values of the net assets of Gamma were the same as their carrying amounts with the
exception of some land which had a carrying amount of $100m and a fair value of $130m. This land continued to be
an asset of Gamma at 30 September 2015. The fair value adjustment has not been reflected in the individual
financial statements of Gamma. In the consolidated financial statements, the fair value adjustment will be regarded
as a temporary difference for the purposes of computing deferred tax. The rate of deferred tax to apply to temporary
differences is 20%.
There was no impairment of the goodwill arising on acquisition of Gamma in the consolidated financial statements
at 30 September 2015.
Alpha uses the proportion of net assets method to calculate non-controlling interests in Gamma.
Note 4 – Other investments
Apart from its investments in Beta and Gamma, the investments of Alpha included in the statement of financial
position at 30 September 2015 are all financial assets which Alpha measures at fair value though other
comprehensive income. These other investments are correctly measured in accordance with IFRS 9 Financial
Note 5 – Intra-group sale of inventories
The inventories of Alpha and Gamma at 30 September 2015 included components purchased from Beta in the last
three months of the financial year at a cost of $20m to Alpha and $16m to Gamma. Beta supplied these goods to
both Alpha and Gamma at a mark-up of 25% on the cost to Beta.
Question 2
Delta is an entity which is engaged in the construction industry and prepares financial statements to 30 September
each year. The financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2015 are shortly to be authorised for issue.
The following events are relevant to these financial statements:
(a) On 1 October 2000, Delta purchased a large property for $20m and immediately began to lease the property
to Epsilon on an operating lease. Annual rentals were $2m. On 30 September 2014, the fair value of the
property was $26m. Under the terms of the lease, Epsilon was able to cancel the lease by giving six months'
notice in writing to Delta. Epsilon gave this notice on 30 September 2014 and vacated the property on
31 March 2015. On 31 March 2015, the fair value of the property was $29m. On 1 April 2015, Delta
immediately began to convert the property into ten separate flats of equal size which Delta intended to sell in
the ordinary course of its business. Delta spent a total of $6m on this conversion project between 31 March
2015 and 30 September 2015. The project was incomplete at 30 September 2015 and the directors of Delta
estimate that they need to spend a further $4m to complete the project, after which each flat could be sold
for $5m. Delta uses the fair value model to measure property whenever permitted by International Financial
Reporting Standards. (9 marks)
(b) On 1 August 2015, Delta purchased a machine from a supplier located in a country whose local currency is
the groat. The agreed purchase price was 600,000 groats, payable on 31 October 2015. The asset was
modified to suit Delta's purposes at a cost of $30,000 during August 2015 and brought into use on
1 September 2015. The directors of Delta estimated that the useful economic life of the machine from date
of first use was five years.
Relevant exchange rates were as follows:
– 1 August 2015 – 2.5 groats to $1
– 1 September 2015 – 2.4 groats to $1
– 30 September 2015 – 2.0 groats to $1
– 31 October 2015 – 2.1 groats to $1 (7 marks)
(c) On 1 October 2014, Delta granted share options to 100 senior executives. The options vest on 30 September
2017. The number of options granted per executive depend on the cumulative revenue for the three years
ended 30 September 2017. Each executive will receive options as follows:
Cumulative revenue for the three years ended 30 September 2017 Number of options per executive
Less than $180m Nil
At least $180m but less than or equal to $270m 200
More than $270m 300
Delta's revenue for the year ended 30 September 2015 was $50m. The directors of Delta have produced
reliable budgets showing that the revenues of Delta for the next two years are likely to be:
– Year ended 30 September 2016 – $65m
– Year ended 30 September 2017 – $75m
On 1 October 2014, the fair value of these share options was $3 per option. This figure had increased to
$3.60 per option by 30 September 2015 and was expected to be $5 per option by 30 September 2017. All of
the 100 executives who were granted the options on 1 October 2014 were expected to remain as employees
throughout the three-year period from 1 October 2014 to 30 September 2017. (4 marks)
Explain and show how the three events would be reported in the financial statements of Delta for the year ended 30
September 2015.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the three events above.
(Total = 20 marks)
Question 3
(a) IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers was issued in 2014 and replaces the previous international
financial reporting standard relating to revenue.
(i) Identify the five steps which need to be followed by entities when recognising revenue from contracts
with a customer.
(ii) Explain how IFRS 15 is expected to improve the financial reporting of revenue. (5 marks)
(b) Kappa prepares financial statements to 30 September each year. During the year ended 30 September 2015,
Kappa entered into the following transactions:
(i) On 1 September 2015, Kappa sold a machine to a customer. Kappa also agreed to service the
machine for a two-year period from 1 September 2015 for no additional charge. The total amount
payable by the customer for this arrangement was agreed to be:
– $800,000, if the customer paid by 31 December 2015
– $810,000, if the customer paid by 31 January 2016
– $820,000, if the customer paid by 28 February 2016
The directors of Kappa consider that it is highly probable the customer will pay for the products in
January 2016. The stand-alone selling price of the machine was $700,000 and Kappa would normally
expect to receive $140,000 in consideration for providing two years' servicing of the machine. The
alternative amounts receivable are to be treated as variable consideration. (10 marks)
(ii) On 20 September 2015, Kappa sold 100 identical items to a customer for $2,000 each. The items
cost Kappa $1,600 each to manufacture. The terms of sale are that the customer has the right to
return the goods for a full refund within three months. After the three-month period has expired the
customer can no longer return the goods and payment becomes immediately due. Kappa has entered
into transactions of this type with this customer previously and can reliably estimate that 4% of the
products are likely to be returned within the three-month period. (5 marks)
Explain and show how both these transactions would be reported in the financial statements of Kappa for the
year ended 30 September 2015.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against both of the two transactions above.
(Total = 20 marks)
Question 4
You are the financial controller of Omega, a listed company which prepares consolidated financial statements in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Your managing director, who is not an
accountant, has recently attended a seminar and has raised two questions for you concerning issues discussed at
the seminar:
(a) One of the delegates at the seminar was a director of an entity which is involved in the exploration for, and
evaluation of, mineral resources. This delegate told me that under IFRS rules it is possible for individual
entities to develop their own policies for when to recognise the costs of exploration for and evaluation of
mineral resources as assets. This seems very strange to me. Surely IFRS requires consistent treatment for
all tangible and intangible assets so that financial statements are comparable. Please explain the position to
me and outline the relevant requirements of IFRS regarding accounting for exploration and evaluation
expenditures. (10 marks)
(b) Another delegate was discussing the fact that the entity of which she is a director is relocating its head office
staff to a more suitable site and intends to sell its existing head office building. Apparently the existing
building was advertised for sale on 1 July 2015 and the entity anticipates selling it by 31 December 2015.
The year end of the entity is 30 September 2015. The delegate stated that in certain circumstances buildings
which are intended to be sold are treated differently from other buildings in the financial statements. Please
outline under what circumstances buildings which are being sold are treated differently and also what that
different treatment is. (10 marks)
Provide answers to the questions raised by the managing director.
Note. The mark allocation is shown against each of the two questions above.
(Total = 20 marks)
If this had been the real Diploma in International Financial Reporting exam and you had been told to turn over and
begin, what would have been going through your mind?
Perhaps you're having a panic. You've spent most of your study time on groups and international financial
reporting standards (because that's what your tutor/BPP Study Text for exams in December 2016 and June 2017
told you to do), and you're really not sure that you know enough. The good news is that you can always get a solid
start by tackling the consolidation question. So calm down. Spend the first few moments or so looking at the
paper, and develop a plan of attack.
Question 1
Top tips. This is a typical group accounting question and at first sight it may look difficult. As usual, you should
work methodically, taking each issue in turn. Always provide full and clear workings and reference each working to
your main answer. The more simple workings can be done on the face of the statement of financial position. If you
have practised similar questions, you should be able to make a good attempt at this one. In this question, the main
issues are:
Financial instruments
Decommissioning liability
Impairment of goodwill
Remember to leave enough time to complete part (b), which required you do discuss the application of IFRS 10.
Easy marks. As usual, there are easy marks for slotting the simpler figures into the statement, or for some simple
Examination team's comments. On the whole, this question was answered satisfactorily. Candidates know that
question 1 will always be a consolidation question and so understandably study the topic thoroughly.
More particularly, most candidates performed well in the following areas:
The initial calculation of goodwill, especially the calculations of fair value adjustments and the deferred tax
on them.
The computation of unrealised profits on intra-group sales (although many did not appreciate the
implications of the sale being originated by a subsidiary, rather than the parent).
The correct identification of the need to discount the de-commissioning liability to present value (although
many did not appreciate that the corresponding debit entry was to property, plant and equipment rather than
to profit or loss).
The correct calculation of the finance cost associated with the zero-coupon bond and the appropriate closing
Areas that were not done as well in some cases were as follows:
Very few candidates were aware of the need to gross up goodwill when performing an impairment review
when the non-controlling interest in the relevant subsidiary is measured using the proportion of net assets
Many candidates seemed unsure of the treatment of acquisition costs when computing goodwill on the
consolidation of subsidiaries.
A minority of candidates attempted to make adjustments to eliminate intra-group balances despite the
question clearly stating that this was not necessary.
A minority of candidates proportionally consolidated the subsidiaries. This has arisen in a number of past
examinations. Candidates and tutors should take note of this issue.
Part (b) of this question – for 4 marks – required candidates to reflect on the appropriate accounting treatment of a
share purchase by Alpha in the year ended 30 September 2016. This part was not generally well answered and a
significant number of candidates omitted it altogether. Those that did attempt it often referred to the purchase as a
'non-adjusting event after the reporting date'. Such candidates did not read the dates in the question carefully
enough. Only a minority of candidates seemed aware of the provisions of IFRS 10 regarding identification of
subsidiary status. A number of candidates incorrectly stated that it was always necessary to own more than 50% of
the shares in an entity before that entity can be regarded as a subsidiary.
Marking scheme
Consolidated statement of financial position of Alpha at 30 September 2015
Assets $'000
Non-current assets:
Property, plant and equipment (380,000 + 355,000 + 152,000 +
18,000 (W1) + 30,000 (W2) + 10,000 (re: provision)) 945,000 ½+½+½+½
Intangible assets (80,000 + 40,000 + 20,000 + 10,000 (W1)) 150,000 ½+½
Goodwill (W3) 39,500 11 (W3)
Other investments (W8) 10,800 2 (W8)
Current assets:
Inventories (100,000 + 70,000 + 65,000 – 7,200 (unrealised profit)) 227,800 ½+½
Trade receivables (80,000 + 66,000 + 50,000) 196,000 ½
Cash and cash equivalents (10,000 + 15,000 + 10,000) 35,000 ½
Total assets 1,604,100
Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share capital 150,000 ½
Retained earnings (W6) 515,180 11 (W6)
Other components of equity (W7) 295,000 1 (W7)
Non-controlling interest (W4) 185,200 1½ (W5)
Total equity 1,145,380
Non-current liabilities:
Provision 10,000 ½
Long-term borrowings (60,000 + 50,000 + 45,000 + 2,120 (W6)) 157,120 ½+½
Deferred tax (W9) 101,600 1½ (W9)
Total non-current liabilities 268,720
Current liabilities:
Trade and other payables (50,000 + 55,000 + 35,000) 140,000 ½
Short-term borrowings (25,000 + 15,000 + 10,000) 50,000 ½
Total current liabilities 190,000 36
Total equity and liabilities 1,604,100
Workings – Do not double count marks. All numbers in $'000 unless otherwise stated.
Working 1 – Net assets table – Beta
1 October 30 September
2012 2015 For W3 For W6
$'000 $'000
Share capital 200,000 200,000 ½
Retained earnings:
Per accounts of Beta 125,000 186,000 ½ ½
Plant fair value adjustment 45,000 45,000 ½
Extra depreciation due to fair value adjustment (27,000) ½
(45,000 3/5) ½
Research project fair value adjustment 20,000 20,000 ½
Extra amortisation due to FV adjustment (20,000 2/4) (10,000) ½+½
Unrealised profit on intra-group sales (1/5 36,000) (7,200) ½+½
Other components of equity 10,000 10,000 ½
Deferred tax on fair value adjustments (20%) (13,000) (5,600) ½ ½
Net assets for the consolidation 387,000 411,200
Working 4 – Impairment of Beta goodwill
Net assets of Beta as per the consolidated financial statements (W1) 411,200 ½
Grossed up goodwill on acquisition (100/75 69,750) 93,000 1
Recoverable amount of Beta as a CGU (450,000) ½
So gross impairment equals 54,200 ½
75% thereof equals 40,650 ½
3 W3
(b) Advice on appropriate treatment of Theta
Question 2
Top tips. This is another typical question requiring you to explain three different issues. Part (a) required you to
recognise and account for an investment property. You also had to consider the accounting treatment of the
property when it changed use. Part (b) required you to account for a purchase of a machine from overseas and to
contrast the treatment of the machine itself (non-monetary item) with the liability (monetary). Part (c) required you
to account for a share-based payment. Note that this topic appears in almost every paper.
Easy marks. As usual in this type of question, there were easy marks available for stating the main principles in the
relevant standards. Parts (b) and (c) in particular were quite straightforward. Don't forget that you have to explain
the accounting treatment in order to get a good mark.
Examination team's comments. On the whole, candidates found part (a) of this question challenging. Many
candidates did not appreciate that the property being leased out was an investment property, so that fair value
changes would be recognised in profit or loss rather than other comprehensive income (as would generally be the
case for property, plant and equipment under IAS 16). A number of candidates wasted time by reflecting on the type
of lease when the scenario clearly stated that the lease was operating. Some candidates spent time reflecting on the
way fair value
was arrived at when the question did not ask this. Answers to the second half of part (a), post-repossession of the
property, were generally unsatisfactory. A number of candidates failed to consider this issue at all, focussing
instead on the time-wasting activities already mentioned. A number of others incorrectly stated that the property
would satisfy the 'held-for-sale' criteria in IFRS 5. Others regarded the conversion project as a construction contract
when no evidence was provided of the existence of any third-party buyers to support this. Only a minority correctly
applied IAS 2 to this situation.
Part (b) of this question was generally well answered by the majority of candidates attempting it. However a
significant minority of candidates made a careless error of multiplying the foreign currency (groat) figure to convert
into $ rather than dividing it. A smaller minority of candidates seemed unaware of the distinction between monetary
and non-monetary items in a 'foreign currency context'. Therefore there were some examples of the 're-translation'
of PPE, which was not appropriate. A minority of candidates incorrectly stated that the exchange differences on re-
translation should be recognised in other comprehensive income rather than profit or loss.
Part (c) of this question was well answered on the whole, with a number of candidates scoring full marks. Some
candidates lost marks by failing to appreciate that, in an equity-settled share-based payment transaction, the credit
entry is to equity rather than to liabilities.
Marking scheme
From 1 October 2000, the property would be regarded as an investment property since it ½+½
is being held for its investment potential rather than being owner occupied or developed
for sale.
The property would be measured under the fair value model. This means it will be ½+½
measured at its fair value each year end, with any gains or losses on remeasurement
recognised in profit or loss.
On 31 March 2015, the property ceases to be an investment property because Delta ½+½
begins to develop it for sale as flats.
The increase in the fair value of the property from 30 September 2014 to 31 March 2015 ½+½
of $3m ($29m – $26m) would be recognised in P/L for the year ended 30 September
Since the lease of the property is an operating lease, rental income of $1m (($2m 6/12) ½+½
would be recognised in P/L for the year ended 30 September 2015.
When the property ceases to be an investment property, it is transferred into inventory at ½+½
its then fair value of $29m. This becomes the initial 'cost' of the inventory.
The additional costs of $6m for developing the flats which were incurred up to and ½
including 30 September 2015 would be added to the 'cost' of inventory to give a closing
cost of $35m.
The total selling price of the flats is expected to be $50m (10 $5m). Since the further ½+½+½+½
costs to develop the flats total $4m, their net realisable value is $46m ($50m – $4m), so
the flats will be measured at a cost of $35m.
The flats will be shown in inventory as a current asset. ½
The machine and the associated liability would be recorded in the financial statements using 1
the rate of exchange in force at the transaction date – 2.5 groats to $1. Therefore the initial
carrying amount of both items is $240,000 (600,000/2.5).
The liability is a monetary item so it would be retranslated at the year end of 30 September 1+½
2015 using the closing rate of 2 groats to $1 at $300,000 (600,000/2) and shown as a
current liability.
The exchange difference of $60,000 ($300,000 – $240,000) is recognised in profit or loss – 1
in this case a loss.
The machine is a non-monetary asset measured under the cost model and so is not 1
retranslated as the exchange rate changes.
The modification costs of $30,000 are added to the cost of the machine to give a total cost ½
figure of $270,000.
The machine is depreciated from 1 September 2015 (the date it is brought into use) and so 1
the depreciation for the year ended 30 September 2015 is $4,500 ($270,000 1/5 1/12).
The machine will be shown as a non-current asset at a closing carrying value of $265,500 1
($270,000 – $4,500). 7
This equity settled share based payment arrangement should be measured using the fair 1
value of an option on the grant date – $3.00 in this case.
The revenue for the year ended 30 September 2015, plus the expected revenue for the next 1
two years, indicates that the cumulative revenue for the three years ended 30 September
2017 is likely to be $190m. Therefore the number of options vesting for each director is
likely to be 200.
This means that the charge to P/L for the year ended 30 September 2015 should be $20,000 1
(100 200 $3.00 1/3).
The credit entry should be to other components of equity. 1
Question 3
Top tips. This question was on the new standard on revenue, IFRS 15. Part (a) required you to identify the five
steps to be followed when recognising revenue and explain why a new standard was necessary. Part (b) required
you to account for a transaction where goods and servicing were bundled together and to account for a transaction
where a customer has rights of return.
Easy marks. Part (a) was straightforward book knowledge.
Examination team's comments. Part (a) was answered well by a majority of candidates. Most had clearly studied
IFRS 15, were able to identify the 'five-step' approach to revenue recognition and make a sensible assessment of its
likely impact. However a significant minority of candidates appeared unaware of the requirements of IFRS 15 and
attempted to answer the question based on IAS 18 – its predecessor. Where this occurred, attempts were made by
the marking team to award partial credit.
In part b(i) most candidates displayed an awareness that there were two performance obligations, one satisfied at a
point in time and one satisfied over a period of time. On the whole candidates found the issue of measuring the total
revenue and allocating this to the individual components more challenging and a variety of different mistakes were
made here. It would be beneficial for future candidates to study the model answer to this part carefully. It should be
noted that candidates who attempted to apply the provisions of IAS 18 to this scenario would not have been at a
significant disadvantage since the treatment would have been much the same under the previous standard.
Answers to part b(ii) varied considerably. Candidates who had not studied IFRS 15 tended to either conclude that
no revenue should be recognised until the return period expired or to conclude that revenue should be recognised
in full, with a 'provision' for future refunds. Neither of these approaches fully accords with the IFRS 15 'expected
value approach'. However, as with part (a) for such candidates attempts were made by the marking team to award
partial credit.
A general message arising here for candidates is to ensure that they keep up to date with newly examinable
Marking scheme
(i) The five steps to be followed are to:
Identify the contract(s) with the customer. ½
Identify the performance obligations the contract(s) create. ½
Determine the transaction price. ½
Allocate the transaction price to the separate performance obligations. ½
Recognise the revenue associated with each performance obligation as the ½
performance obligation is satisfied.
(ii) The IASB issued IFRS 15 because the existing criteria for revenue recognition ½+½
outlined in IASs 11 and 18 were considered to be very subjective. Therefore it was
difficult to verify the accuracy of the reported figures for revenue and associated
One of the fundamental qualitative characteristics of useful financial information
which is referred to in the IASB Conceptual Framework is faithful representation.
Information needs to be verifiable in order to ensure it meets this fundamental
characteristic. IFRS 15 provides a more robust framework upon which to base the
revenue recognition decision, thus increasing the verifiability of the revenue figure ½+½+½
and hence its usefulness. 5
(i) Kappa has two performance obligations – to provide the machine and provide the 1
The total transaction price consists of a fixed element of $800,000 and a variable 1
element of $10,000 or $20,000.
The variable element should be included in the transaction price based on the 1
probability of its occurrence. Therefore a variable element of $10,000 should be
included and the total transaction price will be $810,000.
The transaction price should be allocated to the performance obligations based on 1
their stand-alone fair values. In this case, these are $700,000:$140,000 or 5:1.
Therefore $675,000 ($810,000 5/6) should be allocated to the obligation to ½+½
supply the machine and $135,000 ($810,000 1/6) to the obligation to provide
two years' servicing of the machine.
The obligation to supply the machine is satisfied fully in the year ended 30 1
September 2015 and so revenue of $675,000 in respect of this supply should be
Only 1/24 of the obligation to provide the servicing is satisfied in the year ended 1
30 September 2015 and so revenue of $5,625 ($135,000 1/24) in respect of
this supply should be recognised.
On 30 September 2015, Kappa will recognise a receivable of $810,000 based on ½
the expected transaction price. This will be reported as a current asset.
On 30 September 2015, Kappa will recognise deferred income of $129,375 ½+½+½+½
($810,000 – $675,000 – $5,625). $67,500 ($129,375 12/23) of this amount will +½
be shown as a current liability. The balance of $61,875 ($129,375 – $67,500) will
be non-current. 10
(ii) When the customer has a right to return products, the transaction price contains 1
a variable element.
Since this can be reliably measured, it is taken account of in measuring the 1
revenue and the total revenue will be $192,000 (96 $2,000).
$200,000 (100 $2,000) will be recognised as a trade receivable. 1
$8,000 ($200,000 – $192,000) will be recognised as a refund liability. This will be 1
shown as a current liability.
The total cost of the goods sold is $160,000) (100 $1,600). Of this amount,
only $153,600 (96 $1,600) will be shown as a cost of sale. The other $6,400
($160,000 – $153,600) will be shown as a right of return asset under current 1
assets. 5
Question 4
Top tips. This was a typical discursive question, requiring you to explain two different issues to a non-accountant.
Part (a) covered the area of exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources (IFRS 6), which is a peripheral area
of the syllabus. However it should be noted that question 4 often covers these peripheral areas. Perhaps to balance
this out, part (b) covered the much more mainstream area of assets held for sale (IFRS 5).
Easy marks. Part (b) should have been straightforward.
Examination team's comments. Part (a) of this question was not well answered. A significant number of
candidates seemed totally unaware of the provisions of IFRS 6 Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources.
Such candidates made general comments about the recognition of tangible and intangible assets and this could
only receive limited credit. Whilst IFRS 6 is not a standard that will appear in every paper it is part of the examinable
material for this paper and accordingly candidates should devote part of their study time to this subject.
Part (b) was well answered on the whole, with a pleasing level of knowledge being displayed regarding the 'held-
for-sale' issues in IFRS 5.
Marking scheme
Expenditure on the exploration for, and evaluation of, mineral resources is excluded ½+½+½
from the scope of standards which might be expected to provide guidance in this area.
Specifically such expenditure is not covered by IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment or
IAS 38 Intangible assets.
This has meant that, in the absence of any alternative pronouncements, entities would ½+½+½
determine their accounting policies for exploration and evaluation expenditures in
accordance with the general requirements of IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in
accounting estimates and errors. This could lead to considerable divergence of practice
given the diversity of relevant requirements of other standard setting bodies.
Given other pressures on its time and resources, the International Accounting Standards 1
Board (IASB) decided in 2002 that it was not able to develop a comprehensive standard
in the immediate future.
However, recognising the importance of accounting for extractive industries generally 1
the IASB issued IFRS 6 Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources to achieve
some level of standardisation of practice in this area.
IFRS 6 requires relevant entities to determine a policy specifying which expenditures are ½+½
recognised as exploration and evaluation assets and apply the policy consistently.
When recognising exploration and evaluation assets, entities shall consistently classify 1
them as tangible or intangible according to their nature.
Subsequent to initial recognition, entities should consistently apply the cost model or the 1
revaluation model to exploration and evaluation assets.
If the revaluation model is used, it should be applied according to IAS 16 (for tangible 1
assets) or IAS 38 (for intangible assets).
Where circumstances suggest that the carrying amount of an exploration and evaluation
asset may exceed its recoverable amount, such assets should be reviewed for
impairment. Any impairment loss should basically be measured, presented and disclosed
in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of assets. _1
The accounting treatment of buildings to be sold is governed by IFRS 5 Non-current ½
assets held for sale and discontinued operations.
A building would be classified as held for sale if its carrying amount will be recovered ½
principally through a sale transaction, rather than through continuing use.
For this to be the case, the asset must be available for immediate sale in its present ½+½+½+½
condition. Also management must be committed to a plan to sell the asset and an active + ½ + ½ + ½+ ½
programme to locate a buyer must have been initiated. Further, the asset must be +½+½
actively marketed for sale at a reasonable price. In addition, the sale should be expected
to be completed within one year of the date of classification as held for sale (although
there are certain circumstances in which the one-year period can be extended). Finally it
should be unlikely that significant changes to the plan will be made or that the plan will
be withdrawn.
Immediately prior to being classified as held for sale, assets should be stated (or re- ½ + ½ + ½+ ½ +
stated) at their current carrying amount under relevant International Financial Reporting ½+½
Standards. Assets then classified as held for sale should be measured at the lower of
their current carrying amount and their fair value less costs to sell. Any write down of
the assets due to this process would be regarded as an impairment loss and treated in
accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of assets.
Assets classified as held for sale should be presented separately from other assets in the _1
statement of financial position. 10
ACCA Diploma in International Financial Reporting (7/16)
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