First Ten Ruku of Surah Al-Baqarah: Submitted To

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First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah

First Ten Ruku of

Surah Al- Baqarah

Submitted to: Dr Asif

Instructor HM 211
Section C

Abdul Malik Sardar (2016008)
Mohib Ur Rehman (2016245)
Shah Fahad (2016449)
Ibtisam Ahmed Khan (2016181)
Waqas (

 SAW (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
 AS (Alaihis salam)
 SWT (Subhanahu wa-ta'ala)
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah

Muslim society is facing a decline due to their poor grasp over many fundamental concepts of
Islam. In the present situation Muslims can absorb the complete essence of Islam only when they
have a sound belief over the existence of Allah and many fundamental norms of Islam. In this
report we will discuss the first ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah.

In this surah, Quran has directly mentioned the factors, which lead to the downfall of an ummah.
As Muslims were being given the responsibility of spreading the word of Allah, so it was
necessary to enlighten them of the evil deeds, which leads a person to fall astray. Therefore, they
were given examples from the Ummah, which was closest to them in time (Bani Israel).
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
Interviews, books, Tafseers and online sources were used to collect data about surah Al-Baqarah.
It is concluded that if we want the Muslim society to prosper, we utterly need to focus and
analyze The Holy Quran, and surah Al-Baqarah can be the basis for a prosperous Muslim

Table of Contents

Content Page

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Conclusion and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Muslims have been chosen by Allah to represent the true faith and spread its message around the
world. Their duty is not only to preach Islam but making it the mission of their life to rise the
flag of Islam over the whole world. As this world belongs to Allah thus only His commands
should be obeyed. For this reason Muslims are being warned about the problems they might face
thus are being given examples from an Ummah which was given the above mentioned
responsibility before them. The errors of their society which lead to their decline are mention so
that Muslims protect themselves from those errors.
In the present situation, Muslim society is facing many problems which are the cause of their
decline. They can overcome their problems by following the rules set by Islam. Surah Al-
Baqarah of The Holy Quran is the best in this regard.

Purpose of study:
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
Surah Al-Baqarah is a guidance sent by Allah for his people to follow, so they do not fall astray
from the righteous path. All the incidents and stories in this surah revolve around this theme.
This surah in particular is addressed to the Jews, they are advised that it is in their good if they
admonish their wrong traditions and accept the true guidance revealed to The Prophet (SAW).
To cope with the problem faced by the Muslim society, surah Al-Baqarah can be a source of

Scope of study:
The Holy Quran is the best source of guidance. It discusses every aspect of life. Surah Al-
Baqarah is also a guidance sent by Allah for his people, so they can differentiate between right
and wrong.
Nowadays global issues like feminism, fighting terrorism etc. faced by the Muslim society can
be tackled by seeking support from the various arguments discussed in the Holy Quran.
Surah Al-Baqarah discusses many aspects of life. Many scholars say that surah Al-Baqarah has
over thousand incidents, commands and prohibitions (Kathir, 1956, p.8). So we can indeed say
that it can transform the readers and in turn, the Muslim society.

Methodology of research:
Our goal will be to discuss first ten ruku of surah Al-Baqarah. We will then analyze the ten ruku
that will be discussed and then we will reason that how the Muslim society can recover from its
current oppressed state. We will support out conclusion by taking interviewing experts.

Our report has some limitations. As we are only limited to first ten ruku of Surah Al-Baqarah,
thus we could not include other relevant details from other parts of the Qur’an. Also our
discussion is only limited only to some of the mistakes of Bani Israel and not other Ummahs and
their defects which lead to their downfall. Hence, a complete study of Qur’an would be required
to completely understand the required standards of a society which will lead to ultimate success
and glory.

This surah as named Al-Baqarah because of the story of a cow mentioned in it, but the title if the
surah is however not used to indicate the subject of the surah. Surah Al-Baqarah is the longest
surah of The Holy Quran. This surah was revealed in its entirety in Madina, so it is Madani
surah. Major part of the surah was revealed during the first two years of Prophet (SAW) life in
Madina the remaining part was revealed in later years. This surah was not revealed as a whole,
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
Allah revealed this surah to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through Jibreel (AS) on many Islamic
occasions. Being a Madani surah it naturally follows a Makki surah (Surah Al-Fatihah), which
ends with a prayer “Show us the true path”,(Quran 1:5). Surah Al-Baqarah is the answer to that,
“This is the Book (Holy Quran), wherein there is no doubt, a guidance for the Muttaqin”, (Quran
2:2). This surah is a divine guidance, addressing not only the Jews but people of all time, who
become accustomed to evil and become hypocrites. This review discusses the first ten ruku of
surah Al-Baqarah.
This is the Book (Holy Quran), wherein there is no doubt, a guidance for the Muttaqin

Before migration when Islam was being preached in Makkah, Quran addressed most of the
Arabs as Islam was totally a new concept for them, but after migration in Madina it was also
addressed to the Jews who were well acquainted with the way that was being taught by Prophet
(SAW). But during the centuries of alterations they had strayed from the true Islamic way which
was taught in Torah. The divine book was no more in its true shape because they changed it to
their will. They became enemies of those who came to teach them the true path. When Prophet
(SAW) migrated to Madina Allah commanded him to teach them the righteous path. The first
fifteen to sixteen ruku of surah Al-Baqarah are based on this preaching to the Jews.
In Makkah it was only a matter of preaching the true path and improving the code of conduct of
those who had accepted Islam. But after migration when people from different tribes of Arab
who had accepted Islam stared pouring at a single platform, and with the help of Ansars a society
was made. So Allah started giving direction on unity, society, economy, law and politics and
how the society can be modeled on the principles of Islam.

Ruku 1
In this ruku Quran has highlighted the character traits of mutaqeen and disbelievers.
There is no doubt in it that Quran is a divine revelation. It is a complete code of life but only for
the believers.
Following are the six characteristics of a believer:
1. He can differentiate between good and evil and wants to stay away from evil and
adopt good.
There is no hidayat for those who flow with the tide of what their soul desires
2. He believes in what cannot be seen but in reality it is true because Prophet (SAW)
said so. It includes belief in qualities of Allah, Angels, revelations etc.
3. They offer their prayers.
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
Offering prayer in real sense means that salah should have a positive effect on the
code of conduct of a person.
4. They should spend from what we have given them.
It means that he should fulfil the rights of Allah and his people that has been fixed
from his assets i.e. Zakat.
5. He should believe in all the books that were revealed by Allah on Prophet (SAW)
and the Prophets before him.
6. He believes on the Day of Judgment.
It means that he believes that:
 Man will be enquired for what he did in this world.
 This world will not remain forever but it will end someday which only
Allah Knows.
 Allah will create another world where every person who died in this
world will be resurrected and accounted for what he did in this world.

Those who have the above qualities are on the right path and they are the believers. They will be
successful in this world and hereafter.
Those who do not believe in even one of the above qualities, cannot walk on the path Quran has
selected for them and they are the disbelievers.

Ruku 2
In this ruku the behavior traits of hypocrites are discussed. Hypocrites are people who behaves
like believers in front of others; they say that they believe in Allah and on the Day of Judgment
but in fact in their heart they do not believe because they never had faith. They only accepted
Islam for their personal gains.
Two types of hypocrites are discussed in this ruku:
1. Those hypocrites who do not have any faith at all and are following the principles
of Islam just for his own personal gains.
2. Those hypocrites who have doubt in their faith, when things became difficult or
anything that was against their desire they would back off and when the situation
was according to their will they would follow.
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
A painful torment is waiting for the first type of hypocrite and they will be in the bottom of the
Allah could have removed light and left the second type of hypocrite in darkness but it is not in
the books of Allah that he bereaves someone of his faith because he has doubt in it.

Ruku 3
Quran is for all mankind, but benefiting from its teachings is in the hands of a person himself. In
the first two verses of this ruku Allah says that he created earth and the skies, poured down rain
for man which resulted in every kind of emblements and provided rizq for him. He provided man
with the necessities of life. So now it is his duty that he should show his gratitude towards him
by worshiping him as his forefathers did, and he should not associate any other god with him.
In the next two verses Allah challenges the disbelievers that if you are in doubt that the book I
have revealed on Prophet (SAW) is true, then produce only one verse just like the surahs of
Quran. But if you failed and still rejected the fact then you along with you idols will dwell in
In the next verse Allah arouses the interest of his people by telling them about what he has
prepared for them in janat.
In the next verse an answer to an objection is given without the mentioning of the objection. At
many place in Quran examples of spider, housefly and mosquito etc. are given. The disbelievers
raised objection that how a divine revelation have such lowly examples. Allah in response says
that he is not ashamed of speaking in parable even for a mosquito, only those are misguided who
do not want to benefit from it, and they are fasiq.
In the next verse behavior traits of fasiqun are discussed. They are as follows:
1. They break Allah’s agreement after validating it.
It means that at the time when Allah created Adam (AS) he took an oath from all
mankind that they will obey his commands.
2. They break what Allah has ordered them to join.
It means that they sever relationship with kith and kin.
3. They do mischief on earth.
It means that they commit sins and are disbelievers.
Allah is the creator of everything and all knowing, then how can you disbelieve Allah.

Ruku 4
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
In this ruku the fall and redemption of Adam (AS) is discussed. Allah tell his Angels that he is
going to make a caliph on earth who is going to obey his commands. The Angels asked that are
you going to place someone who is going to make mischief and shed blood on earth, Allah said
that I am all knowing. Allah then created Adam (AS) and taught him the names of everything.
Allah then asked the Angles of the names but they did not know and said that we only have the
knowledge of what you have taught us, truly you are all knowing and all wise. Allah then told
Adam (AS) that tell them the names. When he did so then Allah said that did I not tell you that I
know what you do not know in the heavens and the earth and I also know what you reveal and
what you conceal. Then Allah commanded the Angles to prostrate before Adam (AS), they all
prostrated except Satan, he refused because of his arrogance and became one of the disbelievers.
Allah then told Adam (AS) that you and your wife should live in paradise and eat whatever you
desire except the fruit from that tree or else you will be wrongdoers. Satan then seduced Adam
(AS) and Hawwa in to eating the fruit from that tree. Allah then got Adam (AS) and Hawwa out
of Paradise. Adam (AS) then asked for repentance from Allah, Allah forgave him and banished
him from Paradise and told them that whenever there comes a guidance from me, those of you
who will accept it and believe in it, there will be no fear or grieve on them. But those who
disapproves of them, they will dwell in Hell.

Ruku 5
In this ruku Quran discusses the calls to Bani Israel. In the first verse Allah calls upon the favors
on Bani Israel. Allah bestowed following favors on Bani Israel:
1. Allah selected messengers from them.
2. Allah saved them from the Pharaoh and his army.
3. Allah enabled them to gain power over earth.
4. The revelation of the Holy Books.
5. Allah feed them with Al-Manna and quails.
6. Allah enabled them to gush out water from stone.
So Allah says that they should not forget the favors bestowed upon them and in return they
should fulfil their duty of offering prayer, giving Zakat and believing in Allah and his messenger.
Allah in return will provide them with what he had promised them.
In the next verse, Allah commands them that they should believe in Quran because by believing
in Quran they will confirm their belief on Torah. The arrival of Prophet (SAW) is mentioned in
all the three Devine Books (Torah, Injeel and Quran), so Allah says that they should not be the
first to disbelieve. Allah then says that they should not become disbelievers just because of
worldly desires.
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
In the next verse Allah commands them that they should not mix truth and falsehood while
knowing that Islam is the true faith, nor they should conceal the truth that Mohammad (SAW) is
the messenger of Allah as mentioned in Torah.
In the next verse Allah order them to perform salah, give zakat and prostrate along with those
who are prostrating, meaning that they should offer prayer in congregation.
In the next verse Allah says that you order others to follow the path of righteousness, but you
forget your own self. If it is that you feel difficulty in following the true path, then you should
resort to prayer and patience from which you will get the strength of following the true path.
Indeed the person who knows that one day he has to meet his creator, he feels no difficulty in
offering prayer.

Ruku 6
In this ruku, Allah is pointing out the blessings He had bestowed upon Bani Israel and
simultaneously pointing out their mischiefs, which followed them. And they are tolled to fear the
day when none will be of use to anyone, neither would someone’s reference be of use nor would
paying tribute be able to rescue them and offenders wouldn’t receive help from anywhere.
Firstly, they are reminded how they were save from the tortures of Pharaoh, who would kill their
male off springs and let live their females. And then how when Musa (AS) was called for forty
nights they started to worship a calf, and even after this they were forgiven. And at the time they
were doing this, Allah gave Musa (AS) the Holy Book.
Then are tolled to remember the time, when they said to Musa (AS) that they would not believe
in him until they would see Allah themselves. They were taken by a shake and then resurrected
by Allah, so that they would understand.
They are also reminded of their time in the desert when they were provided shade and food and
when they were asked to enter a township and ask for forgiveness. But wrongdoers changed that
which was told to them. Allah sent punishment down on them due to their wrongdoings.

Ruku 7
The same topic of the previous ruku is continued here. More of the blessing of Allah are
reminded to them long with their ungratefulness.
Bani Israel are being reminded of the time when Musa (AS) asked Allah of water for his people,
he was asked to hit the stone with his stick, and thus it burst into twelve springs and each of the
tribes came to know their place of water (as there were twelve tribes). They were told to drink
from it and to not roam on the earth spreading corruption.
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
And then when they said to Musa (AS) that they were not satisfied with only one type of food
and asked him to ask Allah to grow for them from the earth like onions, cucumbers etc. Musa
(AS) asked them that did they want to change that was better with that which was worse. They
were asked to leave and enter the city there they would find that of which they ask. The better
and worse are not related to the food but to the mission for which they were being prepared in
the desert which was far better than the daily works of fields and house hold.
Their mischiefs did not end here and it was because of them denying the word of Allah, their
killing of the Prophets send to them, their disobediences and them breaking the laws repeatedly
that Allah sent down punishment in the form of humiliation and poverty.

Ruku 8
Before continuing the previously on going topic about their mischiefs, Allah informs Bani Israel
that their belief that they are the ones loved by Allah and are dear to Him is wrong and that
Allah’s pleasure is only with those who believe and do the right deeds.
They are reminded the time when Allah showed them their great force and they were completed
to accept the terms to uphold the teachings of the Holy Book. But after all this they still
disobeyed and went astray of the right path, but Allah reminds them that if His blessings were
not with they would have lost it all. They are also reminded of the famous disobedience on
Saturday and how those responsible were punished by being changed into monkeys and they
were made an example for those present and the ones to come.
Another one of the most famous events of their time, the slathering of a cow, is also reminded to
them. When they were not willing to sacrifice the cow as they were influenced by their
neighboring nation who worshiped the cow. Thus, they kept asking questions about the cow.
First, any cow was asked to be sacrificed but, their continuous questions lead to the specification
of exactly the type of cow which was being worshiped.

Ruku 9
In this ruku the general behavior of the Bani Israel has been discussed and Muslims are being
warned about them and their actions. Firstly, the ruku talks about the same event of the cow. This
sacrifice of the cow was order as they had killed on of them and none knew who had done it.
They were blaming each other for it. Thus, Allah ordered them to sacrifice a cow and hit the
dead body with a piece of the meat of the sacrifice and as a resulted Allah resurrected the man
and he showed them his killer. However, even after such a clear sign they turned their backs
once more.
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
Some of the Muslims thought that as these Jews where the ones who had informed them of the
coming of the Prophet (SAW) therefore, they would be the first ones to accept Islam. However,
it didn’t happen that way at thus question were being raised in their hearts and minds. Thus,
Allah reveled the real nature of Bani Israel and tolled Muslims that they should not hope from
them of any good. As when they meet the believers they say that we also believe in the Prophet
Muhammad SAW but when they meet secretly they say to each other why do you tell them what
Allah has shown you, do you want them to present it to Allah on the Day of Judgment as proof
against you. Allah says that by saying this they are so naïve, do they not know that Allah is
aware of all their actions.
Allah also informs the Muslims that their masses are not aware of the true teachings and believe
what they are tolled by their preachers. There are among them those also who write things it the
Holy Book from themselves and then say that it is from Allah so that they may gain so wealth in
this world. Allah replies to them and tell them that this action of theirs is not going to be
beneficial for them.
They would do all this because they believed that they would not be even touched by the hell
fire. In response to this Allah informs that why would not they go to hell? Have they taken a
pledge from Allah, which He will never brake or are they saying things about which they do not
know anything. Allah also tells them that all those who are wrongdoers and they are drowning in
there bad deeds they would most certainly go to hell.

Ruku 10
In this ruku another one of the major sins of Bani Israel of that time is being discussed.
Allah reminds them two of the pledges that were taken from them by Allah. The first being that
they wouldn’t worship anyone else other than Allah, uphold good relations and behavior with
parents, relatives, orphans and need. However, expect from a handful of them most turned their
backs on these promises. The second one was that they would refrain from spilling each other’s
blood and from expelling a group amongst them from their house. However, they did not uphold
these pledges.
During that time these tribes of Bani Israel would forge alliances with neighboring Arab tribes
and when two of them would go to war they’d also step into the battle field against each other,
while they were prohibited from spilling each other’s blood. Yet when one would win and
prisoners of war would include there brothers they would let them go once they had paid some
amount and would prove this act right by giving references from the Holy Book. It was as if they
believed on one part of the Book and denied the rest.
In the last part of the ruku Allah informs them that who so ever indulges in these action they’ll
not only be facing humiliation and poverty in this world but a very harsh punishment would be
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
waiting for them in the Hereafter. They have sold the life of the Hereafter in exchange for this
world, which is indeed not a profitable trade.

In the first ruku of surah al baqarah, Allah describes the difference between the muttaqeen and
disbelievers. He (SWT) mentions six traits of the muttaqeen and differentiate them from the ones
who don’t believe. He tells us that if anyone of the traits is missing in the man, he will not be
from muttaqeen. Then Allah (SWT) tells us the two types of hypocrites. The ones who accept
just for the sake of their interest and the ones who show back when Muslims are in difficult
situation. Allah has fixed a particular place in the hell for the former ones. In the first two verses
of third ruku, Allah describes his blessings over the ummah, he tells us that it is in the hand of
the man to have or not have hidayah from the Holy Quran. Later on he challenges man to write
even one verse like Quran. Indeed, no one can write such a divine verse. In the same ruku, Allah
tells us about the fasiqoon. He says fasiqun are those who break Allah’s rules after validating
them. In the later ruku, there is a conversation between Allah and angel (malaika) about the
creation of Adam (AS). Allah then orders angels to Adam (AS). Iblees didn’t bow before Adam
(AS) because of his ignorance. Another incident which describes the exclusion of Adam from
jannah is also mentioned in this ruku. Allah then forgave him over his mistake. Allah give those
who seek repentance.
In the 5th ruku, chapter of bani Israel has started. First, Allah mentions the favors that he
bestowed on them. He mentions those favors so they don’t forget to fulfill their duties that Allah
told to them. Allah then tells that Islam is the right religion and Muhammad (SAW) is the last
messenger of Allah. In this way they can confirm their beliefs on Torah. In the next ruku, Allah
again mentions his blessings as well as the mischiefs that bani Israel committed. Allah reminds
them the day of akhirah. Allah remembers them the blessing that he bestowed upon them when
they were tortured by pharaoh. Allah also recalls them the punishments to them when they didn’t
obey the rules of Him. In a nutshell, Allah reminds them these blessings of Him and mischiefs of
them so that they know that this Quran is the divine book by Allah (SWT). In the next ruku, the
same topic is continued when Allah gave them. Allah orders Musa (AS) to hit the stone with his
stick. They were blessed with twelve of water for each twelve tribes. Here they were told not
spread corruption in the land of Allah. Allah provided. Allah also recalls the punishment in the
form of humiliation and poverty to them in the end of this ruku. In the start of eighth ruku, Allah
first cleared the misconception that Allah loved all of them. Allah told them that Allah loves
those who follow the right path and do not leave the right way. Their disobedience after
accepting the truth is mentioned in this ruku. The punishment that Allah given to them was, they
were changed into monkeys which sets as an example to the present and the future. In the next
ruku, the story of cow is mentioned. When one of them killed the cow, but all of them were
blaming each other. Allah then showed them the killer by telling them the way to find him. But
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
they were remained disobedient even after seeing such a clear sign. Muslims were thinking that it
is the Jews who will conform Islam first as they were informed about the arrival of the
messenger before. This is the reason Allah told them the real nature of the bani Israel and
advised Muslims not to have hopes from them. In the last of the ten ruku, Allah reminds them
two of the pledges that were taken from them by Allah. But unfortunately, they did not uphold
these pledges.
In light of surah Al-Baqarah, when we observe the situation of Bani Israel, the blessings Allah
bestowed upon them and their falling astray from the true path which lead to their downfall. The
current Muslim situation is similar, we are strayed from the true path which is the reason for our
downfall. The only solution is to adopt the lifestyle proposed in the Holy Quran. After taking
expert interviews our analysis was solidified.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Before the revelation of surah Al-Baqarah, Muslims prayed Allah to show us the righteous path.
Surah Al-Baqarah was a response to that prayer. Allah unveiled the right path by showing them
the example of Bani Israel. He (SWA) mentioned the types and traits of hypocrites and
disbelievers respectively in the initiating rukuaat of this surah. Allah sent his last messenger
(SAW) to implement the right way which Allah has told him. He made us the khalifah of Him.
Allah repeatedly urges in the 1 st ten ruku of surah Al-Baqarah, the blessings that he bestowed
upon his people (Bani Israel). He also mentions the punishment to them (Bani Israel) when they
distracted from the way of Allah (SWT). Allah warned us that if we follow the path of evil like
Bani Israel followed, we will stray from the true path. In the current Muslim scenario, if the
Muslims are oppressed, it is only because they have detracted from the real path. The only thing
which will cure the wounds of the Muslims is the holy Quran and the way of Muhammad

Bani Israel
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah

 Hafiz Ibn Kathir. “Tafsir Ibn Kathir”. 1956-1958 .Vol 1 . Page 8
 S.A. Maududi . “Tafhim-ul-Quran” . 1942-1972. Vol 1



Dr. Owais Jaffery's Interview:

Q1) What do you think is the impact of Quran on a society?
The Holy Quran is the guideline provided to the Muslims around the world. For me it provides
the society every instruction on how to pass their life from birth till death. Even many non-
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
Muslim scholars do not deny its credibility and many of the western countries follow its
guidelines to grow stronger
Q2) Do you think that in the present era Muslim society is facing a decline?
Yes the Muslim world is in decline, but then again, every success needs a decline first which can
awaken the society.
Q3) Do you think that having a firm grip over the fundamental norms of Islam can bring the
Muslims to their former glory?
One person having a firm grip on fundamental norms doesn’t restore the whole society to its
former glory. The whole society should be working towards a better understanding of Islam in
order to please Allah and restore Islam on the top of the food chain
Q4) What do you think is the reason for our downfall?
We left the path of our religion, took up idols of the western world and started running after
trivial goals, and forgot about akhirat.
Q5) What do you think are the consequences of a society where the Islamic principles are not
fully followed?
The same consequences a draught has over a magnificent rose.
Q6) What solution do you suggest to tackle the global problems like feminism, terrorism etc.
faced by the Muslim world?
The solution is as plain as day light, follow Quran, Shariah, be good to others, and do not be led
astray by the illiterate schemers.

Dr. Aafaaq Ahmad's Interview:

Q1) What do you think is the impact of Quran on a society?

I think that Quran showed us the difference between right and wrong and as it has touched every
problem that a person has to face, so yes it is a guideline for me and everyone.
Q2) Do you think that in the present era Muslim society is facing a decline?
Yes of course, we cannot deny that fact.
Q3) Do you think that having a firm grip over the fundamental norms of Islam can bring the
Muslims to their former glory?
I think that it can because in the present era Muslims have forgotten the true essence of Islam,
and which I think is the reason why we are facing a decline.
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
Q4) What do you think is the reason for our downfall?
We detracted for the path that Quran and Prophet (SAW) showed us.
Q5) What do you think are the consequences of a society where the Islamic principles are not
fully followed?
It surely will have bad consequences. I can give you an example of a man who is walking on a
path full of thorns. The path full of thorns is a society with out Islam.
Q6) What solution do you suggest to tackle the global problems like feminism, terrorism etc.
faced by the Muslim world?
Follow Quran and the teachings of Prophet (SAW).

Ansar, P-6
Akhirah, P-14
Bani Israel, P-9

Divine guidance, P-6
Day of Judgment, P-7
Devine Books, P-10
Fasiq, P-8
Hidayat, P-7
Injeel, P-9
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
Iblees, P-13
Janat, P-8
Jannah, P-13
Mutaqeen, P-6
Madani, P-6
Makki, P-6
Malaika, P-13
Pharaoh, P-10
Ruku, P-1
Revelations, P-7
Rizq, P-8
Shariah, P-16
Salah, P-7
Ummah, P-3
First ten Ruku of surah Al-Baqarah
Zakat, P-7

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