Usecase Diagram For Point of Sale Machine: Customer

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Usecase Diagram for Point of Sale Machine


Scanning item Calculate Price Including Taxes

<<include>> <<include>> Credit/Debit Card




return items
Print Receipt Cashier

cancel transaction Login


Update Inventory <<include>> Inventory Report


Manage Users Generate Sales Report


Reorder Inventory
Update Inventory



Admin has access to update inventory, and if customer returns an item it also updates the
inventory as the item is added back to the inventory .
Use Case ID UC-1

Use Case name Update Inventory

Actors Admin, Customer

Purpose Customer and admin can update the selected items

Overview This use case describe how the customer and admin can update inventory

Type Primary

Pre-Condition Inventory selected

Post-Condition Inventory updated

Actors Action System Response

1. Admin will enter the username 2. System Will show box to enter Password

3. User Enters the password 4. System Will let you login to the system.

5. Admin adds the item that has been order 6. System Will Show a message item added
and wasn’t previously on the system. successfully.

Alternative Flow
1. Admin will enter the wrong username 2. System Will show username not found

3. Admin Enters the wrong password 4. System Will not let you login to the

Checkout Items

Checkout Items Calculate Price

Including Tax

Scanning Items

Pick an item and went to the cashier counter. Cashier checkout the item and scan it to calculate
the price of the item.
Use Case ID UC-2

Use Case name Checkout

Actors Customer ,Cashier

Purpose After customer completes its action they need to checkout

Overview This use case describe how the customer and other actors finally checkout.

Type Primary

Pre-Condition Calculating the Prices

Post-Condition Done the Payment Checkout

Actors Action System Response

1. Customer Brings the item to cashier, 2. System shows the items being added to
cashier scans the items the list.
3. The required amount is present on the 4. System will show Transaction completed
customers card successfully.

Alternative Flow
Actors Action System Response

1. Customer Brings the item to cashier, 2. System shows the items being added to
cashier scans the items the list.
3. The required amount is not present on the 4. System will show Transaction failed.
customers card
Manage User/ Login

Manage User


Admin manage the account of cashiers and manager, no other has access to the management of
accounts. Only person can login into the system who has account in system, no other person can
access to the system.
Use Case ID UC-3

Use Case name Manage users

Actors Admin

Purpose Managing the acting users

Overview This use case describe how the admin can limit and manage users.

Type Primary

Pre-Condition Selected Users

Post-Condition Managed Users

Actors Action System Response

1. Admin Select Username 2. System Will show box to enter Password

3. Admin Enters the password 4. System Will let you login to the system.

5. Admin deletes/add users 6. System will add/delete the specific user.

Alternative Flow
1. Admin Select Username 2. System Will show box to enter Password

3. Admin Enters the wrong password 4. System Will not let you login to the

Cancel Transaction



If a customer cancel a transaction, the inventory will be updated and new inventory report show
on the system.
Use Case ID UC-4

Use Case name Cancel Transaction

Actors Customer

Purpose Customers wants to cancel the transaction

Overview This use case describe how the relevant actor (customer) can cancel

Type Primary

Pre-Condition Transaction is processed.

Post-Condition Transaction Cancelled

Actors Action System Response

1. The customer changes his mind about a 2. System will show the items being added
specific product he cancels the to the inventory and the transaction was
transaction. not made.

Alternative Flow
1. Customer doesn’t change his mind and 2. System will show a message transaction
makes the transaction. completed amount deducted.


Customer Credit/debit card


Customer can make payment for an item through Credit/debit card or cash.

Use Case ID UC-5

Use Case name Payment

Actors Cashier, Customer

Purpose Pay the Bill

Overview This use case describe how customer will pay the bill.

Type Primary

Pre-Condition Payment Processing

Post-Condition Payment successful.

Actors Action System Response

1. Customer swipes his card 2. System Deducts the amount

3. Customer gets a receipt of the payment 4. System Generates a Receipt of payment

one for the customer and other for the

Alternative Flow
1. Customer swipes his card 2. System starts processing and takes too
3. Customer Tries Again 4. System Shows an error.

Print Receipt

Print Receipt


Printed receipt of the list of the items bought by a customer is generated through the system by a
Use Case ID UC-6

Use Case name Print Receipt

Actors Cashier

Purpose Give proper receipt to the Customer

Overview This use case describe how the system allows the cashier to give receipt to

Type Primary

Pre-Condition Receipt is processing

Post-Condition Receipt to handed over to customer

Actors Action System Response

1. Cashier will scan the products 2. System Will add all the products together
on list.
3. Cashier will click generate the receipt. 4. System Will generates a receipt for the
items listed.

Alternative Flow
1. Cashier will scan the products but some 2. System Will show an error that the
products barcode not present barcode doesn’t match any item.
Generate Sales Report

Generate Sales


Manager has access to generate daily sales report of inventory to make sure that the inventory is
updated on daily basis.
Use Case ID UC-7

Use Case name Generate sale report

Actors Manager

Purpose To calculate and kept record of sold items

Overview This use case describe how system kept record of sale item to manager

Type Primary

Pre-Condition Record processing

Post-Condition Record kept

Actors Action System Response

1. Manager will login 2. System Will show logged in message.

3. Manager clicks the show record button 4. System Will show him all the records.

Alternative Flow

1. Manager will login 2. System Will show logged in message.

3. Manager clicks the show record button 4. System Crashes.

Return Item

return item



Customer brings the item along with the original receipt to returns the item cashier returns the items and
pay him back.
Use Case ID UC-8

Use Case name Return Item

Actors Customer, Cashier

Purpose Customer wants to return any item

Overview This use case describe how the customer will return an item.

Type Primary

Pre-Condition Customer should bring the item and receipt.

Post-Condition Item returns successfully

Actors Action System Response

1. Customer will brings the item the cashier 2. System will add back the items to
will scan the tags inventory.



Cashier Manager

The Cashier and Manager must have Accounts in the system so they can login and continue their work.

Use Case ID UC-9

Use Case name Login

Actors Manager, cashier

Purpose Login to the system

Overview This use case describe how the system allows the actors to login in
authorized system

Type Primary

Pre-Condition System processing

Post-Condition Actors successfully login

Actors Action System Response

1. User Select Username 2. System Will show box to enter Password

3. User Enters the password 4. System Will let you login to the system.

Alternative Flow

1. User Select Username 2. System Will show box to enter Password

3. User Enters the wrong password 4. System Will not let you login to the
State Diagram for Point of Sale Machine
Activity Diagram for Point of Sale

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