General: Warning: Windows Vista and Later Versions Have Increased Security. You Need To Have
General: Warning: Windows Vista and Later Versions Have Increased Security. You Need To Have
General: Warning: Windows Vista and Later Versions Have Increased Security. You Need To Have
There are several programs from JTS, which are used for the design of bellows/compensators.
To save in installation file sizes and also to prevent overwriting of valuable information
installations do not contain all the information required to run the programs. The common set
of data files is one of these. These are not included with most of the installation files. Files are
included with Bellows Master II, RecBel and sometimes with MatTool. Therefore for you to be
able to use other programs one of the programs have to be installed first. Note that Bellows
Master II doesn’t need to be registered if other programs are used.
When you buy Bellows Master II or RecBel you get a licence per computer. Other programs are
sold with site licences. This means that you may have BM II only on one computer per license
but other programs on several computers. To be able to use all programs the installation system
as described below is recommended where no network is used. In case of a network installation
e.g. common data files please ask developers for further information.
All main programs have standard Windows installation, which you have to run. Generally
selecting default installation is best/easiest. Some smaller programs may require only copying
the EXE file into a suitable place and making standard short cut.
You most probably downloaded the installation files. Files are standard EXE files and require
only executing them.
Warning: Windows Vista and later versions have increased security. You need to have
administrator rights to do the installations. Sometimes even this is not sufficient depending on
your company’s IT policies. The first trick is to try to run the installation program by right clicking
on the installation file and selecting “Run As Administrator”. Registration and setting of
databases may also be problematic because of increased security limitations. New versions of
the programs are changed to use Current User registry key and different location for the data
files to solve the issues.
Bellows Master II
Install Bellows Master II on a computer you intend to use it. Register it as described in the help
file and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ - available from our site). The installation includes
always all required files.
After installation you need to tell the computer where the data files are. This is explained in help
file also, see “Select Database” topic.
This database contains your company name/s and logo/s. File is located in the same directory
as the program EXE. File is automatically installed and the program knows where it is so you
do not need to set it at all. You should include the file into your back up.
EJMA Calculations.adb
This database contains all your calculations and tooling that you have saved. Default installation
installs the file into Data2 directory below your program directory. You can move the file to an
other location after the installation but you need to tell the program where the file is. You can
even change the file name. Typical reason for you to set up different location is for instance that
you have more than one user and you wish to use one common database for all users. An other
case is that in the office you use one common database and while travelling you have a
separate file on your laptop's hard drive. With improved internet connections you may even
connect to your office. In each case the program needs to now where the file is. Setting is done
via Program menu "Setup - Set Calculation Database". You simply navigate to the file you wish
to use and select it.
See also Copy Calculation Result and Transfer Information in the help file.
EJMA Materials.adb
This database contains all of the material you have. File is handled in an identical manner as
Database locations are saved into the registry. If the registry would get corrupted or you have
reinstalled Windows you need to reset the file locations.
Program has very minimal checking that you have actually selected correct database. After
setting the database if you get strange errors, you do not see expected results or materials you
may have totally wrong or outdated file in use. If you keep changing the database establish
some form of revision control so that you know what is the file you should use. Current version
of the program doesn't have a facility to transfer data between different databases e.g. your
travelling and office data bases.
RecBel installation and datafile system in principle is the same as for Bellows Master II above.
There are two main differences:
• Database file version is new and is not compatible with Bellows Master II based on
EJMA 9 code (This will be changed later). As a result you cannot use BMII material files
in RecBel
• Data files have been moved outside the standard program installation areas. This is
because of the increased security limitations included into Windows Vista and later.
Exact file locations are listed in the program help file.
There are two MatTool programs. They are identical excluding the fact that they are for the
different version of the databases. Do not mix up them. Both installations have only the program
files and material data files. The best computer to install the program is the one where Bellows
Master II (or RecBel) is installed. If you have more than one BMII installation select one of them.
MatTool is used to enter the material values and set the material database to be used by other
programs. A possible reason to install MatTool on an other computer is security. If you do not
wish the BMII user to have access to MatTool then install the program onto an other computer.
Second reason to install MatTool would be to get material tables for other programs to use and
more importantly to be able to set up the material database location for other programs, see
BMII above.
• After deletion copy the same file from source computer to target.
Every time you add a material you should distribute the data file to other computers that require
These programs do not require any additional files. Therefore you can install them on any
computer within licencing rules.
All these programs require the data file. Currently ThickBel is using the new database format
and the rest the older format. Installation doesn’t include them. For this reason you need to
install BMII or MatTool/MatTool II on the computer you wish to use the programs. One of these
programs needs to be licensed for you to be able to set the database. See BM II above for
details how to set the database. MatTool has site license and therefore you can install it multiple
times with the programs.
EJMA Materials.adb is default name for the file. You can change it if you like.
Monday, 22 December 2014
Company Logo on reports
Bellows Master II and RecBel prints company logo on the reports based on your selection during
data entry. Company name and logos are stored in Company.* files located in the installation
directory, see above. After entering the company information you need to distribute the files to
other computers where you may have Bellows Master or RecBel. You do not need the files on
the computers where Bellows Master II is not registered.
Smaller programs print also company logo but this is a single BMP file located in the installation
directory. To change the logo you just replace this file. File name is PrintLogo.BMP. If you need
to change the logo often the easiest is to copy all required files into the directory with different
names e.g. PrintLogo_A.BMP, PrintLogo_B.BMP etc. Before printing rename the file you require
as PrintLogo.BMP.