Jayaram Nagar, Chellangkuppam, Cuddalore-607003.: C K College of Engineering and Technology

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Jayaram Nagar, Chellangkuppam, Cuddalore-607003.

(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to Anna University)
(A unit of CavinKare Academy)


Year/Sem: IV/VII


1. Define “solid waste” state the types.
2. What are the improper methods of solid waste disposal?
3. What is garbage and trash?
4. List the factors affecting the generation rate of solid waste.
5. What is integrated solid waste management?
6. Define hazardous waste.
7. What is mean by solid waste management?
8. What are the factors that contribute to variations in composition of solid waste?
9. List out the functional elements of SWM.
10. Mention any ten public awareness programme with regard to SWM.
11. What are the sources of solid waste?
12. What is the type of solid waste generation by any fire source/
13. What are the characteristics of solid waste?
14. List out the reasons for increase in solid waste generation.
15. What are the effects of improper disposal of solid waste on land and water?
16. What are the impacts of solid waste on public health?
17. Define 3R’s.
18. What are the various methods of sampling?
19. Define Principles of SWM.
20. What are the social aspects of SWM?
21. What are the economical aspects of SWM?
22. List out the various roles of NGOs.
23. Give the simple summary about Solid Waste (Management and Handling Rule) 2000.
24. Draw the materials flow diagram.
25. Draw the flow chart for functional elements n SWM.
26. Define the following.
a. Handling, b. separation, c. storage, d. collection, e. transfer and transport, f.
27. What are all the types of materials recovered from MSW?

1. Briefly discuss the various sources of MSW and the composition of solid waste from
each source.
2. What are the different factors influencing solid waste generation rate? Explain them.
3. Write a note on NGOs contribution in SWM.
4. Enumerate in detail about the sampling techniques for characteristics of solid waste.
5. Explain the environmental legislation acts on management and handling of solid waste in
6. Explain the properties of MSW.
7. Describe the effects and improper disposal of solid waste on human health and
8. Enumerate the classification of solid waste based on its composition and characteristics.
9. Mention the advantages of waste characterization.
10. Comment on “Public Awareness” is highly essential in SWM.
11. Briefly describe about the “Principles of SWM”.
12. Write in detail about social and economic aspects of SWM.
13. Explain in detail about the improper disposal of solid waste and their effects on public
health effects.
14. Briefly explain the functional elements of SWM.


1. State the advantages of on-site segregation of solid waste.
2. What are the different on-site processes on solid waste?
3. Write short note on segregation of solid waste.
4. List the different materials used for storage containers.
5. What is the purpose of reduction in volume of solid waste?
6. What is the essential of proper storage of MSW?
7. How are wastes identified at the point of collection?
8. What is meant by processing technique?
9. What is meant by on-site storage?
10. What is meant by waste handling?
11. What are the methods in waste handling and separation at residential dwelling?
12. What are all the factors must be considered in the on – site storage of solid waste?
13. What are the effects of storage on the waste components?
14. What is the processing of solid waste at residential dwellings?
15. What are the processing of solid wastes at commercial and industrial?
16. List out the various types of containers?
17. What is meant by composting?
18. What are the types of composting?
19. What are the public health aspects of storage?
20. What are the economic aspects of storage?
21. What are the options under Indian conditions on storage?
22. List the critical evaluation of options under Indian condition for storage.
23. What is the offsite process?
24. Define ultimate analysis of SW.
25. What is the important of waste stream assessment?
26. What are the factors that contribute to variations in composition of solid waste?

1. List out the factors to be considered in selection of equivalent for on-site processing of
solid waste. Explain them.
2. Explain the estimation of storage capacity of community bins.
3. What is mechanical volume reduction? Discuss its importance and method of carrying
4. Write a detailed note on onsite storage methods for solid waste.
5. Give the various impacts on public health and economic aspects of solid waste storage.
6. Explain the types of storage methods and the materials used for the storage containers.
7. How would you segregate the solid waste and write down the requirements and methods
of separation of solid waste?
8. Describe the various methods of sorting the solid waste.
9. Discuss the ways of sorting the solid waste at various sources of generation.
10. The initial volume of mass of solid waste is 12m3. After compaction, the volume is
reduced to 3m3. Compute, the percentage volume reduction and the compaction factor.
11. What is the necessary of onsite segregation of solid waste? Mention any one method in
12. Why onsite storage is necessary in the case of SWM?
13. List the different types of containers used for onsite storage of solid.
14. Describe the various processes of segregation of MSW.
15. What is mechanical volume reduction?
16. Explain the storage capacity of community bin?


1. What is meant by secondary collection and solid waste?
2. What are all the information available in a collection route schedule?
3. What is collection route?
4. What is transfer station?
5. Write down the method of collection of solid waste.
6. What are the objectives of using transfer stations?
7. Describe the components of waste collection system.
8. Identify the activities responsible for successful implementation of collection and transfer
9. Mention the types of mechanical vehicles used of SW collection.
10. What is meant by off-route time?
11. Define commingled waste.
12. What are all the processes to collect the waste from dwellings?
13. What are all the types of collection systems to collect the SW?
14. What is the need to analysis the collection of waste system?
15. What are all the operational sequences for hauled container system of waste collection?
16. Define the following the terms:
a) Pickup, b) Haul, c) At-site, d) Offsite route.
17. What are all the types of system in stationary containers for waste collection?
18. What are the alternative techniques for analysis of collection system?
19. Name the vehicles used for the collection of SW.

1. Describe the various components and requirements of a transfer station.
2. Explain the different solid waste collection system and compare them.
3. Enumerate the methods of solid waste collection and transportation.
4. List the factors involved in the selection of location, operation and maintenance of solid
waste under Indian condition.
5. How the manpower requirement will be calculated?
6. Describe in detail the methods of collection system with flow diagram and the types of
vehicles used for collection system.
7. Explain the factors to be considered in the collection of refuse.
8. What is transfer station? What are the factors to be considered while selecting the site for
a transfer station?
9. Briefly explain the methods of collection of unseparated (commingled) waste.
10. Describe the methods of collection of waste separated at the sources.
11. Briefly explain the analysis of collection systems.
12. Explain hauled container system of analysis of collection of waste.
13. Explain stationary container system of analysis of collection of waste.
14. Explain the collection routes for the followings.
a. Hauled container system,
b. Stationary container system.
15. Explain the alternative techniques for analysis of collection systems.


1. What are the offsite processes?
2. List out any four recoverable products from offsite processing of solid waste.
3. List the objectives of waste processing.
4. Mention the process parameters of composting.
5. Define in-vessel composting.
6. Why is sources reduction required in waste management?
7. What is the significance of recycling?
8. Define energy recovery.
9. Define Drop-off, buy-back centers, Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs).
10. What is source separation?
11. What are all the unit operations used for the separation and processing of waste materials.
12. Define densification.
13. What are all the facilities that are used for handling, moving, and storing waste materials?
14. What are all the engineering considerations for implementations of MRFs.
15. What are the functions of a MRF?
16. What are the three basic steps involve in the planning and design of MRFs.
17. What are all the methods used to transform the waste?
18. Define combustion.
19. Define incineration.
20. Define pyrolysis.
21. Define composting.
1. Explain the various methods of composting solid waste, advantages and disadvantages.
2. Discuss the thermal conversion methods and resource recovery from solid waste.
3. Explain in detail about the processing techniques and equipments used for resources
recovery from solid waste.
4. Write short notes on:
a) Shredding and pulverizing.
b) Vermi-composting
c) Incineration
d) In – vessel composting.
5. Describe the incineration technology and air emission and its control in detail.
6. Explain the mechanical volume reduction in detail.
7. Briefly describe the pyrolysis methods.
8. Briefly explain the planning and design process of MRFs.
9. Describe the methods that are for the transformation of waste.
10. Enumerate the offsite processing option under Indian condition.


1. Brief the treatment mechanism of a sanitary land filling.
2. What are the advantages of segregated solid waste disposal by sanitary land filling?
3. What is landfarming?
4. Define leachate.
5. What do you mean by pyrolysis?
6. What are the factors which affect production of leachate and landfill gas?
7. How are landfill classified?
8. What is meant by “Leachate management”?
9. Define landfill.
10. What is a landfill liner?
11. What are all the aspects to be considered while selection of site for landfilling?
12. What are all the landfill methods available?
13. List out the types and classification of landfill.
14. Show the composition and characteristics of landfill gas.
15. List out the composition of leachate.

1. Explain the area method of sanitary landfilling.
2. List out the factors governing selection of site for sanitary landfill.
3. Draw the layout plan for sanitary landfill showing its structural components,
equipments/machineries being used and pollution preventive measures. Explain them.
4. List and explain the important factors that must be considered in the site selection, design
and operation of sanitary landfill.
5. Explain in detail the collection and treatment of leachate in the landfill.
6. Explain the term sanitary landfilling and how is it practiced? Draw a neat sketches and
explain the filling process adapted in such filling practiced.
7. What do you understand the term leachate? What problems are posed by leachat and how
would you overcome?
8. Explain the various phases of MSW decomposition in a closed landfill cell. How do
leachate and gases differ between each phases?
9. Explain the various methods of leachate treatment.
10. Describe in detail the different methods of landfilling and the operations involved with
neat sketches.
11. Mention the main parameters to be considered in the design of a sanitary landfill.
12. What is leachate? Mention any one methods of treatment of leachate and disposal.
13. Determine the area required for a new landfill site with a projected life of 20 years for a
population of 150000 generating 25 kg per household per week. Assume the density of
waste is 500 kg/m3. A planning restriction limits the height of the landfill to 10m.

Faculty In-charge HoD

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