Tejesh Resume PDF
Tejesh Resume PDF
Tejesh Resume PDF
Boston Housing and Loans Dataset – Machine Learning March 2017
• Scraped a very large dataset of Boston Housing provided by freddiemac.com from the year 1999 to 2016
• Pre-processed the data based on various anomalies and null values using various Python Libraries and dockerized
the whole process
• Implemented various Machine Learning Algorithms like Logistic Regression, Random Forest, SVM, KNN and
Neural Networks on one quarter data to predict the interest rate of housing loans on the next quarter data and
showcased various analysis and trends using Tableau
Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster Jan 2017
• Completed this Kaggle Competition in Machine Leaning by exploring the datasets provided by Kaggle
• Predicted the survival rate of the people by feature engineering using R and Random Forests Algorithm
• The prediction of Survival Rate using my method yielded 81.59% accuracy, which is among the top 5% of the
Competition involving more than 6100 teams
IMDB Database | Northeastern University, Boston Dec 2016
• Created an IMDB database in Relational Databases like SQL Server and Oracle and Non-Relational Database like
• Created ER model normalized up to 3rd Normal Form and covering various additional features of IMDB using
Stored Procedure, Functions and Triggers
• The remarkable feature was the statistical and analytical data shown using Tableau