Graz University of Technology: (2) Profile Qualification

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Graz University of Technology

Curriculum for the Doctoral program in

Engineering Sciences

Curriculum 2007 in Version 2012

The change of the curriculum for the doctoral program in Engineering Sciences was approved by the
Curriculum Commission for doctoral programs and certificate programs on 14 May 2012 found.

Editorial changes to adapt them to the statutes substudy law was adopted by the Curriculum Commission for
doctoral programs and university courses on 7 June 2016th

The Senate of the Technical University of Graz shall, on the basis of the Law on the Organization of Universities and
their Studies, the Universities Act 2002 (UG), BGBl. Nr. 120/200, as amended, the following curriculum for the
doctoral program in Engineering Sciences.

§1 objective and qualification profile

(1) The objective of the doctoral program in Engineering Sciences at the University of Graz, is to acquire the capacity
for in-depth, independent scientific work in the areas of expertise of the Graz University of Technology on scientific
professional education also. Its achievement is connected with the awarding of the academic degree of Doctor /
Doctor's of Technical Sciences (Dr. techn.). Within the meaning of § 54 Abs. 4 UG amended this corresponds to the
most degree of "Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)".

(2) Profile Qualification:

The Doctor / Doctor of Technical Sciences (Dr. techn.) Graz University of Technology has the engineering capacity for
abstraction or scientific issues and the creation of research-based analysis and solutions enables deepened and
perfected and is independent academic work at a high level. She / he is capable in the field of engineering or natural
science research at universities as well as the industrial sector perform teamwork and to take over coordination and
management duties.

He / she has a broad base as well as an in-depth specialization and can thus expand the scientific knowledge in
various fields and implement innovative. 1)

The footnotes refer to the accompanying notes.

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§ 2 Admission, work and study period

(1) Admission to the study carried out by the rector or the rector and is in addition to the general requirements of § 60
and § 63 UG according to the statutes part study law of Graz University of Technology, ahead:

1. the completion of a relevant engineering or

science diploma or master's program at a university, or

Second the completion of another program at a recognized domestic or

foreign post-secondary educational institution, which is equivalent to the programs mentioned above, or

Third the completion of studies at a recognized domestic or foreign

post-secondary institution in conjunction with additional curriculum requirements

4th the conclusion of a technically eligible bachelor program at a

University of § 64 para. 4a UG

For cases in point 4. The requirements apply in addition as admission requirements according to the directive of the
Rectorate for "Proof of general university entrance qualification for admission to a doctoral program by entering into a
bachelor's program."

If a submitted report does not meet the condition of "equivalence", according to points 1 or 2, admission to a doctoral
program with a commitment can be connected to complete specific or additional courses. Whose scope and content
are determined by the study governing body in consultation with the coordinators / Coordinators of the respective
doctoral school (see § 3). 2)

(2) On admission, according to para. 1, item 1 or 2, the program consists of a study in three-year period (normal
period). In authorization in accordance with para. 1 point 3, the PhD contrast extended by up to two terms. A
shortening of the normal period is possible if all the services required in the curriculum and possibly made conditions
have been met; This requires the approval of the study legal organ.

§ 3 Doctoral Schools

(1) Doctoral Schools are expert bodies, which are responsible for implementing the content-fold specific details of the
curriculum. Every doctoral school covers a larger subject area including its sub-disciplines. Doctoral Schools can also
cross-faculty or in
Cooperation with other universities to be established. In this case, the teaching tasks according to § 6 in consultation
be distributed among the participating faculties or universities. 3)

(2) Each PhD student / PhD student is assigned to each part of the certification of a Doctoral School and in this case
has the right to propose the doctoral school of his / her choice. Normally, the supervisor / supervisor of the Doctoral
School is to belong. 4)

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(3) Each institution of the TU Graz is assigned to a Doctoral School. Every doctoral school includes employees with
teaching qualifications of the associated institutions and the associated doctoral / PhD students. The doctoral schools
are set up by the curricula Commission after approval by the curriculum commission for doctoral studies and
university courses and presentation in the Senate; in every Doctoral School, a team of coordinators / coordinators and
the director / conductor be named.

(4) The coordination team edited the statutes of the doctoral school. Therein, the content details of the curriculum
content according to § 6 are set and in the case of fakultätsund inter-university Doctoral Schools defined the
guidelines of cooperation. The statutes also specialized training goals and skill profiles are to be mentioned. The
statutes are available from the curricula Commission
for doctoral studies and
approve continuing education courses and submit to the Senate. 5)

§ 4 Rights and Duties of tutor / supervisor and PhD student / PhD student

(1) The PhD student / the PhD- as part of the authorization process, a
submit Betreuungszusage. Upon admission, a training agreement is concluded, signed by PhD student / PhD student,
tutor / supervisor and study legal organ.

(2) The supervisor / the supervisor confirmed with his / her signature, that the task of the dissertation is manageable
on the basis of his / her expert knowledge in the allotted time.

The PhD student / doctoral graduate of the declared with his / her signature to follow the guidelines of the Graz University
of Technology to ensure good scientific practice.

(3) The duties of the supervisor / supervisor of the part is to guide the PhD student / the Dissertanten for independent
scientific activity. This includes the promotion of a independent scientific publication.

(4) The PhD student / doctoral graduate of and the tutor / supervisor of the need to discuss the progress of work on
the dissertation at regular intervals. A personal meeting can be claimed by both sides.

The PhD student / doctoral graduate of the report to the supervisor / supervisor of the dissertation on the progress of
work an annual written report. The supervisor / the supervisor submit its comments in writing.

Report and Opinion are to make the members of the doctoral school accessible with teaching qualifications. 6)

(5) If five years after approval, the thesis has not yet been filed, this is the corresponding report and opinion in
accordance with para. 4 to be justified. 7)

(6) The supervisor / the supervisor is entitled where there are serious reasons to address a request for deferment of
care to the study legal organ. This justification is to be attached, which shall be published in the Doctoral School.

(7) In irreconcilable disagreements between the PhD student / PhD students and the supervisor / the supervisor in the
implementation of the dissertation both persons are entitled to call the study governing body as mediator.

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(8) A reasonable change in the supervisor / of the supervisor is the date of filing of the dissertation possible. For this,
the consent of the legal organ study is required.

§ 5 Dissertation

(1) The doctoral program is a dissertation which has to serve as proof of ability to independently address new
scientific questions should be used.

In connection with the authorization procedure, the PhD student / doctoral graduate of proposing the topic of the
dissertation and the corresponding doctoral school in consultation with the supervisor / the supervisor. The short
description of the dissertation project is made to the members of the doctoral school accessible teaching license. 8th)

(2) Assessment of the dissertation in accordance with § 31 para. 5 - 7 Statutes part study law of Graz University of
Technology. The supervisor / the supervisor is usually Erstbegutachterin / Erstbegutachter the dissertation. The
selection of the other reviewers / evaluators is done by the coordination team of the Doctoral School in agreement
with the study legal organ. Here, the supervisor / the supervisor and the PhD student / doctoral graduate of have the
right to propose. At least one consultant / an appraiser to come from outside the TU Graz. It may not all selected
appraisers / valuers work at the same institute. Members of the doctoral school with teaching license pursuant to § 3
para. 3 must be informed by the coordination team on the pre-selection of appraisers / valuers and can give their
opinion. 9)

(3) The pre-selection of appraisers / valuers should take place no later than two months before submission of the
dissertation. All reviewers / evaluators are to make from this time familiar with the preliminary version of the
dissertation. When submitting the thesis, the study legal body initiates the final assessment by the selected assessors
/ experts. In the report, the dissertation is to grade according to the current grading scale. 10)

(4) to provide the set of the Technical University of Graz number of copies of the thesis available when they submit.
The graphic design and binding of the work is to follow the guidelines of the Technical University of Graz.

(5) The dissertation must be the new scientific evidence of the work done presented and compared with the current
state of scientific research. The work done must be documented, and the results are to be presented in a generally
comprehensible form. The structure of the dissertation is to follow the usual standards in the field. In group work
within the meaning of § 82 (2) UG clearly delineate the own contribution of the PhD student / PhD students of, and
any / any participating PhD student / PhD student must submit an independent dissertation. It is recommended to
write the dissertation in the usual in the art language. 11)

(6) The publication of completed parts, even before the assessment of the dissertation,
in international media of publication is recommended. If such
Publications can not be detected at the time of appointment of the reviewers / evaluators must be obtained at least
three reports, of which at least one must come from outside the TU Graz. However, a waiver of a final written
comprehensive work is not possible; this may optionally have the form of a combination of several publications (
"jacket Dissertation"). It must contain a list of publications of the PhD student / PhD students of. 12)

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(7) As a rule, the dissertation (total work) after Rigorosum is made publicly available. Only in exceptional cases, by
PhD student / PhD students to submitting a temporary blocking of access to the dissertation study the governing body be
requested. The lock of a dissertation is to announce the Doctoral School. 13)

§ 6 Curricular share

(1) The curricular portion has a base amount of 14 Semesterstunden (SST), in accordance with paragraphs 2 - to be
distributed. 4 The scope of the curricular content can in the statutes of the respective doctoral school in justified cases also
be set higher. 14)

(2) Subject-specific basic subjects (6 - 8 SSt, selection from a catalog of required courses) to designate in each
Doctoral School are courses on high postgraduate level. Expand the knowledge of one's own department via the
special topic of the dissertation and also lead to connect with the current state of research in other areas.

1. In each Doctoral School a course catalog is to be determined. Entrusting the responsibility of the study
governing body, in consultation with the coordination team of the doctoral schools.

2. The basic themes of these courses should be largely committed, they should be offered at least the two-year
cycle. The institutes of the doctoral schools are rotating basis to participate in the design of these courses.

3. A view of the doctoral courses for the (each) following two years of study is to announce a timely manner.

4. Each PhD student / doctoral graduate each selects the subject-specific basic subjects primarily from the
catalog of his / her doctoral school according to § 3 para. 1 of. Upon application to the study legal organ and
after consultation with the supervisor / the supervisor also courses from another department and are elected
by other universities can; this is to make visible as part of the doctoral school. 15)

(3) Scientific methods and communication (4 - 6 SSt mandatory)

1. "Scientific work" (2 semester hours), mandatory from 1 academic year, semester or year course is offered
annually for each Doctoral School. Content is the repetition, if necessary, mediation and discussion of basic
procedures and practices of research in the respective fields. It is recommended to include qualified lectures
on science history and theory of the respective department in these courses.

2. "DissertantInnenseminar" (2 x 1 SH), mandatory from the 2nd year, is offered in every Doctoral School as an
annual lecture. The conference is in rotation guided by a professor / a professor of Doctoral School; all
doctoral / PhD students will attend and submit; all members of the Doctoral School are encouraged to attend
as listeners. The purpose of the seminar is the

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to promote doctoral / PhD students in the areas of appearance, communication and presentation of their
work area. Attendance is mandatory.

3. From the available catalogs of various fields of study known as can the extent of up to 2 hrs "Softskill"
-Lehrveranstaltungen (presentation technology, public speaking, etc.) can be selected that have not been
already used in the previous study. 16)

(4) Privatissimum (2 hrs) Required during the doctoral study is usually offered by the carer / from the supervisor of the
PhD student / the Dissertanten.

. (5) The courses according to paragraph 2 to 4 are judged individually; Successful completion of tests is "very good"
(1) "good" (2) "satisfactory" (3) "sufficient" (4), and the negative result is "not sufficient" with (5) to judge. An exception
is the DissertantInnenseminar that is "participated with success" or "participated without success" to judge.

(6) The courses of the curriculum content are combined into a test compartment. An examination subject is passed if
all the assigned course examinations have been successfully completed. The positive note of a subject being
examined is as to determine with sst numbers to the courses weighted average of the individual scores of the course
examinations. In this case, is rounded up to the nearest integer when after the decimal point, which are greater than
0.5, otherwise round. 17)

§ 7 Rigorosum

(1) The viva is the final assessment of the doctoral study. The date for the viva is, if evidence of completed courses
according to § 6, with proof of the services' annual reports pursuant to § 4 para 4 and in the presence of positive
opinion in accordance with § 5 para. 3 -. 4, according to the rules of § 21 and 23 statutes part study law of Graz
University of Technology, established. There will be public at least before a three-member examination board.

(2) The examination board is convened by the study governing body, according to the rules of § 24 Statute part study
law of Graz University of Technology. The examiners / auditors must be the appraisers / valuers not mandatory; they
may not be active at the same institute. They are proposed in consideration of the proposal right of PhD student / PhD
students of the study legal organ of the coordinators of the Doctoral School; This proposal is to be published in the
Doctoral School.

(3) The viva must be a two-part test comprising

1. a lecture of PhD student / PhD students of the appropriate period to his / her scientific work,

2. an oral examination in the field of the dissertation by the examination board. 18)

(4) The evaluation (marks) of Rigorosum in accordance with § 24 Statute law substudy at TU Graz.

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§ 8 Overall

With the conclusion of Rigorosum the overall assessment is made. Here are the notes for dissertation to consult
Rigorosum and curricular content. The overall assessment "passed" too loud when all three grades are positive. She
has "passed with distinction" if at least 50% were rated "very good" and none of the three notes is worse than "good". 19)

§ 9 Transitional provisions

(1) Regular students who have started their doctoral program in Engineering Sciences before 1 October 2007 are
entitled to continue their doctoral studies after the expiring four-semester curriculum (study code 086) to 30
September 2017 and complete.

If the doctoral studies completed in due time, the student is subject to this curriculum for further study.

(2) Students are also entitled at any time voluntarily within the
to insinuate Admission Deadlines this curriculum. A relevant written irrevocable declaration shall be addressed to the
academic service.

(3) In insinuation to present curriculum approval remains valid. There is the assignment to a Doctoral School
according to § 3. 1. in the preceding 4semestrigen curriculum (study code 086) exams are for the curriculum content
according to § 6 to be counted in a suitable manner. Here, in any case, participation in the DissertantInnenseminar
according to § 6 para. 3 item 2 is to be ensured.

(4) Evidence of the existence of the annual reports for admission to the final exam according to § 7 para. 1 is
mandatory only for those reports that are due after the date of implementation of the corresponding sequence in
TUGRAZonline, or were.

§ 10 Implementation

This curriculum for the doctoral program in Engineering Sciences shall enter into force on 1 October 2012 found.

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Notes: Notes

To § 1 Purpose and qualifications

1) Further details are laid down in the statutes of the doctoral schools, see § 3, para. 4,.

To § 2 Admission, work and study period

2) For the definition of "study legal organ" see the relevant part of the statute of the TU Graz. For the completion of all
Academic Affairs in the range of
Doctoral studies at the Graz University of Technology, the Vice Rector / Vice Rector for Academic Affairs as study
legal organ is responsible. The study deans / deans are authorized to carry out this task in his name.

To § 3 Doctoral Schools

3)The formal legal function of the Doctoral School is largely of an advisory nature. Independently, the doctoral schools,
the essential role of primary scientific community for doctorates in respective fields. Essential procedures and content,
such as supervision, thesis projects, appointment of assessors / experts to be made visible in this framework, and
subject to an exchange of views in order to ensure high quality.

4) The formation of a doctoral school is done in terms of bringing together a "critical mass" of multiple similar doctoral /
PhD students, for which normally the subject catalog of the curricular content of the doctoral school is valid then, see
para. 4 and § 6. The total number of doctoral / PhD students per Doctoral School should

- are between 35 and 100 - as a guide.

5) It is proposed to allocate the Student Affairs each Doctoral School usually by proxy of the legal organ of the study /
the specialist in question dean / dean.

To § 4 Rights and Duties of tutor / supervisor and PhD student / PhD student

6) Purpose of report and opinion is to monitor the progress in the processing of the task and to evaluate in terms of

7) This regulation aims to have a mechanism for official verification unsuccessful or de facto broken dissertations in
hand. It is pointed out that a dissertation in justified cases and where adequate progress may take more than five
years to complete (z. B. Part time) entirely.

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To § 5 Dissertation

The short description (1 - 2 pages) aims in terms of quality control, proposing only meaningful and actionable topics

for the dissertation. Furthermore, the brief description allowed, to observe the progress of the PhD student / PhD
students of critical. However, this does not mean that the dissertation project must not be added to or modified in the
course of work. In additional curriculum requirements according to § 2. 1 point 3, the presentation of the summary
information to the additional prescribed number term can be moved.

9)The appointment of appraisers / valuers to follow good scientific practice: the reviewers / evaluators should be a rule
of international experts / professionals, so that an informed independent opinion will be sought. In the selection of
appraisers / valuers in particular to pay attention to impartiality only professional competence.

The "Vorbegutachtungsfrist" two months serves to provide a way for appraisers / valuers to take, if appropriate, to

the writing of the dissertation a positive influence, and get not only submitted the irrevocable finished work. So that it
can be made possible the PhD student / the PhD students to consider any suggestions for improvement in time.

11)The rules for the drafting of the thesis are of good scientific practice. In the context of protecting interests in
industrial dissertations, however, it must be ensured that the interests of the scientific community are safeguarded
and can actually inspect the work, the assessors / experts. The usual and recommended language for technical and
scientific dissertations in English.

12)The publishing of scientific papers is an essential part of the work of a PhD student / a Dissertanten. It is assumed
that normally when submitting a dissertation already one or more peer-reviewed publications, or at least their
acceptance letters, are available, the adoption can be viewed as a positive preliminary assessment. If this is not the
case, contrary to expectations, an additional quality control in the form of another, external expert opinion must be
initiated. Due to the differing publishing practices in the various subject areas is recommended to clarify the
appropriate meaning of "international publication media" as well as the requirements for their assessment practice in
the statutes of the doctoral schools.

13) The lock of a dissertation actually contradicts the idea of ​the Advancement of Science. A strict handling (taking into
account subject-specific practices) is recommended.

To § 6 Curricular share

In determining the scope of the curricular content both in terms of the size (number of doctoral / PhD students) of

the doctoral school as well as in regard to entrusting the teaching duties of proportion is needed. Referred to in the
sequence SH-numbers refer to the basic degree of 14 SH, wherein the variable-SSt extent in para. 2 and 3 of the
option in para. 3, point 2 results.

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15) The essence of these courses should be not primarily a close and high specialization. The "post-graduate level"
refers to how demanding the participants and encouraged. The total supply of such courses per doctoral school and
academic year to
depending on the number of
have doctoral / Dissertanten the Doctoral School an amount 8-16 SSt. In terms of the variety of the range, it appears
appropriate to limit the duration of the individual courses 2-4 SSt. The course catalog can every 2 - 4 years on an
actuality and replaced if necessary. It is the responsibility of the dean / the dean, when instructing on proportionality
between total supply and size of the Doctoral School to look for. The doctoral / PhD students basically have a choice;
in the sense of § 2. 1 point 3, this can be partially restricted.

16) If time permits, the size (DissertantInnenzahl) of the doctoral school, it is recommended that the two courses from
points 1 and 2 into a single merge (range:
2 hrs in the winter- and summer semester). Furthermore, can the
Doctoral / PhD students the opportunity are given, the For the
to provide DissertantInnenseminar necessary services within a longer period.

17) Purpose of the summary of the curricular content is to avoid too great an influence of individual scores on the overall
assessment (§ 8).

To § 7 Rigorosum

18)Every doctoral school may in their statutes formulate uniform guidelines for the conduct of viva voce. Suggestion: A
lecture for 30 to 45 minutes is considered appropriate. The duration of the test piece should be about 20 minutes per
examiner / auditor. The exam has the character of a defense of the thesis with technical questions regarding the
dissertation and the affected field in proximity to the dissertation.

To § 8 Overall

19) An award will therefore only be awarded if three were awarded "very good" or two "very good" and "good".

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