The Best Fonts For Books
The Best Fonts For Books
The Best Fonts For Books
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Thursday, December 05, 2019 Tweet
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by Michele DeFilippo (@1106design) with IngramSpark
Readability describes the degree of visual comfort a person
experiences when reading lengthy passages or reading for
a long period of time. Readability is dependent on legibility,
which is how easily one letter can be distinguished from
For both print and digital books, the typeface is part of the
message. Book designers will study a manuscript to get a
feel for the tone of the writing before choosing a text font.
The right text font for a book can complement the author's
message. If it’s a good t, the reader probably won’t even
notice; the reading will feel easy and just “ ow.” In contrast,
the wrong choice of typeface can feel jarring.
The sky is the limit for chapter titles, as long as the title is
readable and on-message. Script fonts are not always best
for chapter titles, as many are too decorative to be
readable. Stay away also from fonts that could be called
“clichéd,” such as Comic Sans or Papyrus. You’ll also
want a font that is at least semi-bold so that it stands out
on the page.
You might wonder why you can’t just use whatever fonts
come bundled with Word: Times New Roman, Arial,
Helvetica, Calibri and Cambria might all sound familiar.
Well, you can, if you’re planning on formatting your book in
Word and if you follow the basic rules of choosing a serif
font for the body and a sans-serif font for headings and
However, I don’t personally recommend
using Word to typeset a book, as the
program does not lend itself well to the
rules of typesetting.
It all comes down to readability. The best fonts for books—
along with hyphens, widows, orphans, tight and loose lines,
and all the other “rules” of typesetting—are meant to
guarantee an optimum experience for the reader.
Choosing your fonts wisely and formatting a book with an
eye to the rules of typesetting will improve the readability
of your book and help ensure your message is received
loud and clear.
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