Script Python by Pak Cul

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#Name: Export ArcGIS Server Map Service Layer to Shapefile with Iterate

#Author: Bryan McIntosh

#Description: Python script that connects to an ArcGIS Server Map Service and
downloads a single vector layer to shapefiles. If there are more features than AGS
max allowed, it will iterate to extract all features.

import urllib2,json,os,arcpy,itertools
ws = os.getcwd() + os.sep

#Set koneksi ke ArcGIS Server, map service, layer ID, dan jumlah maksimal request
ke server (1000 adalah default jika tidak diketahui).
#Contoh alamat koneksi ke geoportal kemenlhk adalah, maka
dibagi menjadi 3, tulisan query di belakang tidak disertakan, sehingga menjadi;

serviceURL = ""
serviceMap = "/KLHK/BURN_AREA_2017/MapServer"
serviceLayerID = 0
serviceMaxRequest = 1000

#set nama file json dan shp output

dataOutputName = "Burn"

def defServiceGetIDs():
IDsRequest = serviceURL + serviceMap + "/" + str(serviceLayerID) + "/query?
IDsResponse = urllib2.urlopen(IDsRequest)
IDsJSON = json.loads(
IDsSorted = sorted(IDsJSON['objectIds'])
return IDsSorted

def defGroupList(n, iterable):

args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return ([e for e in t if e != None] for t in itertools.izip_longest(*args))

def defQueryExtractRequests(idMin, idMax):

myQuery = "&where=objectid+>%3D+" + idMin + "+and+objectid+<%3D+" + idMax
myParams = "query?
myRequest = serviceURL + serviceMap + "/" + str(serviceLayerID) + "/" +
myParams + myQuery
response = urllib2.urlopen(myRequest)
myJSON =

# Write response to json text file

foo = open(dataOutputName + idMin + ".json", "w+")

# Create Feature Class

arcpy.JSONToFeatures_conversion(dataOutputName + idMin + ".json", ws +
dataOutputName + idMin + ".shp")

#Get all objectIDs (OIDs) for the layer (there is no server limit for this request)
AllObjectIDs = defServiceGetIDs()

#Divide the OIDs into chunks since there is a limit to map queries (assumed limit
stored in serviceMaxRequest variable)
ObjectID_Groups = list(defGroupList(serviceMaxRequest, AllObjectIDs))

#Membuat shapefile for masing-masing geojson

for ObjectID_Group in ObjectID_Groups:
idMin = str(ObjectID_Group[0])
idMax = str(ObjectID_Group[-1])
defQueryExtractRequests(idMin, idMax)

#Gabungkan shp hasil dengan perintah Append di aplikasi SIG

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