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3d Printed Noise Canceling Teng

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Nano Energy 38 (2017) 377–384

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Full paper

3D printed noise-cancelling triboelectric nanogenerator MARK

a a a a b
Jin Pyo Lee , Byeong Uk Ye , Kyeong Nam Kim , Jae Won Lee , Won Jun Choi , Jeong

Min Baika,
Department of Materials Science Engineering, KIST-UNIST-Ulsan Center for Convergent Materials, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
(UNIST), Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea
Center for Opto-Electronic Materials and Devices, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul 02792, Republic of Korea


Keywords: Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG), which converts the ambient mechanical energy to electricity by friction, is
3d printed one of the most promising methods for powering up portable devices. Despite of the successful development so
Noise-cancelling far, there still remain some issues to be improved. Here, we focus on the generation and maintenance of high
Triboelectric nanogenerator output-power under harsh environments, and the noise cancellation of the device to keep a stable operation for
Conductive sponge
a long period of time. The TENG, fabricated using a 3D printer, is a fully-packaged, cylinder-shaped device with
PDMS bumpy balls
polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) bumpy balls inside and linearly patterned Al film on the inner surface. The new
design and optimization remarkably increases the output power up to 45 mW, operable under harsh
environments such as water, providing enough DC power for charging a battery of smart watch. The noise
occurring during the operation is canceled to the noise level (~50 dB) of a normal conversation, by
approximately 20 dB, with no degradation of the output power by using highly compressible, conductive Ag
nanowires-embedded polyurethane sponge instead of Al. This helps people around the device feel comfortable
during the operation. Finally, as a large-scale power supply, windmill composed of three TENGs, are also

1. Introduction practical for powering up the portable electronic devices.

Despite of many successful demonstrations of the TENGs, there are
With an increasing consumption and the fast shortage of fossil still many issues to be solved for the commercialization, such as low
fuels, humans may be threatened with serious energy crises. Searching energy conversion efficiency, high working frequency, material loss by
for a new energy source from our ambient environment is so essential wear, high sensitivity to humidity, large deviation in output power, etc
for the sustainable development of our society [1]. Recently, various [31–35]. With the development of the TENGs with high-output power,
types of energy-harvesting techniques based on classic scientific a unique framework to assure the sustainability and reliability of the
phenomena such as piezoelectric [2–5], thermoelectric [6–8], electro- power production in a practical system should be suggested and
static [9–11], and electromagnetic effects [12,13] have been broadly developed. To maintain the performance of the device, the surface of
investigated to generate electricity from the mechanical or thermal both contacted materials should not be changed by the friction. One of
energy in our surrounding environment. Among these technologies, the the main influencing factors was water molecules on the surface at a
mechanical energy source is so convenient because it exists everywhere high humidity. These water molecules adsorbed on the surface
and anywhere, appropriate for the realization of self-powered portable dissipate the generated charges and discharge ultimately to the ground,
electronic devices. Recently, triboelectric energy-harvesting technology thus degrading the charge capturing ability of triboelectric materials
in conjunction with triboelectrification and electrostatic induction has during operation. This phenomenon is generally not a favor of TENG
recently been suggested [14–21]. It is highly efficient, low-cost, and [36]. To reduce the effect, there were several attempts such as the
eco-friendly, and can be widely applicable because it can rely on many production of the super-hydrophobic surfaces and the fabrication of
semiconductor processing technologies. So far, many energy sources, fully-packaged frameworks, etc [37–40]. However, the output perfor-
such as human walking [22], mechanical vibration [23], rotation [24], mance may be insufficient for generating high sustainable output
wind [25–27], water waves [28–30], were applied and proven to be so power and still influenced by the water molecules. In this paper, we

Correspondence to: School of Materials Science and Engineering, KIST-UNIST-Ulsan Center for Convergent Materials, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST),
Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.M. Baik).

Received 31 March 2017; Received in revised form 27 May 2017; Accepted 27 May 2017
Available online 08 June 2017
2211-2855/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.P. Lee et al. Nano Energy 38 (2017) 377–384

report a new type of fully-packaged TENGs, from master molds of various master molds and frameworks such as the base and body
fabricated by 3D printing technology, allowing for the one-step parts of the cylinder-type TENG. They were printed at a printing speed
fabrication of the nanogenerator's frameworks very simply and quickly. of 90 mm/s, a plate temperature of 110 °C, and with the raft to
The key idea is the friction between the PDMS balls, which acts as enhance the adhesion property between the printed object sand plate.
charge accepting materials, and the Al film on the inner surface of the The area of the base electrode is approximately 8 cm2 and the height of
cylinder-type TENG. The electrical output of the device showed an the cylinder is about 7 cm. On the inner surface of the body, Al films or
open-circuit voltage (Voc) as high as 90 V and a short-circuit current conductive sponges with linear patterns are coated to enhance the
(Isc) of 0.9 mA. The electrical output of the device also corresponds to output performance, and the distance between lines and the width of
an instantaneous power of 45 mW through the optimization of each line were fixed to be 7 mm. Various molds were also made to
numerical and structural parameters, which is an enhancement of fabricate PDMS balls with various morphologies such as dimple, and
approximately 70 times comparison with the output power (0.65 mW) bumpy surfaces by the mold-casting technique. The base monomer
of the reference, as shown in Fig. S1 (Supporting information). This (Sylgard 184 A) and curing agent (Sylgard 184B) were mixed with a
output performance was not changed significantly after the device was weight ratio of 10: 1 into a beaker. The PDMS solution was placed into
dipped in the water for several tens of hours, indicating that it is quite a vacuum process to degas the solution, cast into the various molds and
stable under harsh environment. dried in atmosphere at 90 °C to rapidly cure the PDMS solution. After
As another important issue, the noise occurring during the friction the casted polymer was peeled off from the molds, various PDMS balls
between two surfaces may make us feel uncomfortable and damage our were obtained. The PDMS balls were put into the body, fabricating with
hearing. Actually, it has been known since the early 1980s that noise a fully-packaged cylinder-type TENG.
from large wind turbines can adversely affect human health. Sound
levels from turbines are typically about 55 dB when measured at a 2.2. Fabrication of highly compressible and conductive sponge
distance of about 100 m [41]. The sound level of the noise during
scavenging wind power may even harm hearing of a normal resident. In Polyurethane (PU) sponge (Scotch Brite, 3 M) was used for the
general, the noise level was measured to be approximately 80 dB when fabrication of conductive sponges. First, the sponge was transferred to
it was measured under the input conditions such as external force an exposure chamber cleaner (AHTECH LTS, Korea) specified for UV/
between 30 and 50 N and frequency between 1 and 10 Hz. In this Ozone treatment, and exposed for 10 min to make the surface hydro-
research, we report that the noise can be reduced by using conductive philic. It was then dipped into the Ag nanowires solution (K35GNAMI,
sponge materials consisting of the polyurethane sponges embedded by Nanopyxis) for 5 min, degassed and dried under vacuum at 90 °C for
the Ag nanowires, instead of the Al film. Under the practical frequency 2 h to evaporate the remaining solvents. The conductive sponges were
range ( < 3 Hz), the noise was reduced approximately 20 dB to the then coated onto the inner surface of the body and base.
noise level (~ 50 dB) of a normal conversation.

2.3. Characterization and measurements

2. Experimental
The morphologies of conductive sponges were characterized by a
2.1. Fabrication of cylinder-type TENGs and PDMS balls Nano 230 field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). A
Tektronix DPO 3052 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope and a low-noise
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) filament (Makerbot Industry, current preamplifier (model no. SR570, Stanford Research Systems,
USA) and fused deposition modeling (FDM) based 3D printer Inc.) were used to measure the electrical output signals. The charge
(Replicator 2X, Makerbot Industry, USA) were used for the fabrication density from the electrical outputs was measured using a Keithley 6514

Fig. 1. Schematic diagrams of the fabrication process for the cylinder-shaped TENG, consisting of body and base parts, and PDMS balls. On the inner surface of the body, a conductive
material with linear patterns is coated to enhance the density of charges donated. The photo image of the device is also shown in the inset. Scale bar: 3 cm.

J.P. Lee et al. Nano Energy 38 (2017) 377–384

system electrometer with buffer mode. The energy harvesting power fabricating with a fully-packaged cylinder-type TENG.
supply which consists of an integrated low-loss full-wave bridge with a Supplementary material related to this article can be found online
high voltage buck-boost converter circuit (Linear Technology Inc., at http://dx.doi.org/%2010.1016/j.nanoen.2017.05.054.
model no. DC2048A) and an AC to DC converter (Texas Instruments Fig. 2 shows the output voltages and currents of various TENGs.
Inc., trigger NE 555) was used to store the harvested energy from the For practical application, in Fig. 2, the external force was exerted by the
TENGs, thus, power up the smart watch. The electrical resistance of the motion of the human hand applied when people shook the arms under
conductive sponge was measured using a multimeter (model no. the frequency of 3 Hz and the amplitude of 15 cm, respectively. With
U1252B, Agilent Technologies) in the four-point probe method setup only Al electrodes, the TENG produced Isc of 0.12 mA and Voc of 9 V, as
under ambient condition. A digital sound level meter (model no. shown in Fig. 2a and Fig. S3, respectively. The output power generation
GM1351, BENETECH) was employed to measure the noise during can be explained by the charge transfer occurring between the PDMS
working of various TENGs as a function of frequency. balls and Al electrodes during the physical contact. When they are
released, the electrons are flowed through an external circuit connected
between the two Al electrodes on the base. However, the output signals
3. Results and discussion are very low due to the low density of charges transferred to the balls
caused by the limited contact area. When two charged particles with
The schematic diagrams of the TENG fabrication process are shown the same charge polarity are contacted with each other, the charges can
in Fig. 1 and detailed information described in the methods section. also be lost into the surrounding atmosphere by the electric field
Various master molds and the framework of the TENG were fabricated produced at the point of the contact [42]. This means that additional
by using fused deposition modeling (FDM) based 3D printer with sources to transfer the negative charges to the balls are required to
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) filament. The 3D printing fabri- enhance the charge density. To increase the contact area, Al film, not
cation process is clearly seen in the movie of Fig. S2. The device is a connected with the Al electrode, was coated on the inner surface, as
form of the cylinder, in which the length and width of the cylinder are shown in the inset of Fig. 2a. It was clearly observed that the output
optimized. A linear pattern composed of Al film as a negative charge voltage and current increased to 38 V and 0.33 mA, respectively, and
donating layer was adhered to the inner surface of the body, in which the charge density also increased to 74 μC/m2, as shown in Fig. 2b.
the distance between lines and the width of each line are fixed to be This means that the charges transfer effectively occurred; increasing
7 mm. Al films were coated on the bottom side of the base part, which the density of charges transferred onto the surface of the PDMS balls.
was placed on the top and bottom side of the body, used as electrodes. We also found that the enhancement was significantly decreased
As for a charge accepting material, the PDMS balls were used, when the Al film on the inner surface was connected to the Al electrode
fabricated by pouring the PDMS solution and peeling off the balls on the base, as shown in Fig. S4 (Supporting information). Assume that
from the casting mold after they have hardened completely. The the contact area did not change, we can ascribe this to the decrease of
morphology of the ball was controlled by using various molds with the air gap between the Al electrodes and balls. This is supported by the
different morphologies. The PDMS balls were put into the body,

Fig. 2. (a) The short circuit currents (Isc) of various TENGs with only Al electrode, Al electrode and Al film without no linear pattern, and Al electrode and Al film with linear pattern. (b)
The measured charge density of the TENGs. (c) Open circuit voltages (Voc) and short circuit currents (Isc) of the TENGs with various PDMS balls of three different surfaces such as flat,
dimple, and bumpy.

J.P. Lee et al. Nano Energy 38 (2017) 377–384

Fig. 3. (a) Schematic images of the fabrication process for the conductive sponge. The SEM image shows that the polyurethane is a mesoporous sponge. Scale bar: 200 µm. After UV/
Ozone treatment and dipping it into the Ag NWs solution, the sponge became dark. The SEM image also shows that a bunch of Ag NWs was coated on the surface of the sponge. Scale
bar: 200 µm, 5 µm and 200 nm in a clockwise direction. (b) The photo taken when compressed by a PDMS ball at impact. Scale bar: 1 cm. The supplementary movie shows that the
conductive sponge was compressed by a PDMS ball at impact. The compressive strain of the sponge as a function of the impact velocity is also shown. (c) The photos of uniaxial
compressive sponges as a function of strain. Scale bar: 1 cm. The resistance of the conductive sponge measured when it is compressed and released up to 30%.

governing equation for contact mode freestanding TENG, which is its enhancement of the electrical outputs with the Al film on the inner surface
V-Q-x relationship, can be expressed as below [43], was confirmed by the charge density measured as shown in Fig. 2b. With
the pattern, the charge density increased from 74 to 170 μC/m2, meaning
d0 + g 2σ x
V=− Q+ that the charge transfer from the Al film to the balls was more effective.
ε0 S ε0
However, the enhancement was not what we expected because there were
where d0, ε0, g, S, and σ are the effective dielectric thickness, the no factors that affect the enhancement. Actually, the negative charges
vacuum permittivity, the air gap distance, area size of the dielectrics transferred to the balls by the friction were lost by the contact with the
and tribo-charge surface density, respectively. This equation shows that materials (i.e. ABS or PDMS) with same charge polarity. This indicates
as the gap distance decreases, the potential can also be decreased. The that the total charge density decreased from the contact with the ABS at
connection will also make the non-uniform contact inside the TENG. In the wall. As one of possible reasons, the capacitance was investigated
this device scheme, some of PDMS balls are very quickly brought into because it was changed by introducing the Al film between the Al
contact with the Al film on the inner surface as soon as the balls move electrodes. However, the total capacitance is considered decreased as
towards an Al electrode. The others will directly reach the Al electrode the number of the Al segment in the pattern increases because the
without the contact with the Al film. If the Al film is connected to the Al structure is similar with the capacitor in series (although it is not exact).
electrode, this will induce nonuniform contact, resulted in a decrease of This deteriorated the output performance of the TENG. Next, we carefully
the output performance. focused on the movement of the balls toward the Al electrode. In Fig. S5a,
In addition, note that when the Al film on the inner surface had a the movie shows that the balls rotate very few times during the movement
linear pattern feature, the output voltage and current additionally without the pattern, while the pattern gets the balls rolling. This increased
increased to 65 V and 0.7 mA, respectively, showing approximately 2 the contact area of the balls, thus, increasing the density of charges
times enhancement, compared with the TENG without the pattern. The transferred, as shown in Fig. S4b.

J.P. Lee et al. Nano Energy 38 (2017) 377–384

Supplementary material related to this article can be found online The highly compressible conductive sponge replaced the Al film on
at http://dx.doi.org/%2010.1016/j.nanoen.2017.05.054. the inner surface and the Al electrode on the base, as shown in Fig. 4a.
For further increase of the contact area, the surface roughness of The output current was measured under same condition and compared
the balls needs to be increased, which was then tuned by making with that of TENG made of only Al. Fig. 4b shows that there is no
various master molds such as flat, dimple, and bumpy surfaces. Thus, significant change in the output currents of both devices. Actually, the
after the PDMS solution was poured into the molds, the PDMS balls enhancement was expected because the balls went into the sponge at
with flat, bumpy, and dimple surfaces, respectively, were produced, as impact, increasing the contact area. However, the balls were too large
shown in Fig. S6. The output performance was evaluated under same to go into them, as shown in Fig. 3b. However, when the noise was
conditions, plotted in Fig. 2c. The balls with dimple surface increased measured, plotted in Fig. 3d, the decibel level was ranged from 45 to
the Voc and Isc to 78 V and 0.75 mA, respectively. When the surface was 52 dB, corresponding to the noise level of a normal conversation,
bumpy, the output voltage and current additionally increased to 90 V reduced by approximately 20 dB. This result is obviously seen in the
and 0.9 mA, respectively, showing an enhancement of approximately 9 movie of Fig. S7.
times. This shows that the balls with bumpy surface are the most Supplementary material related to this article can be found online
effective in accepting the negative charges from the Al. at http://dx.doi.org/%2010.1016/j.nanoen.2017.05.054.
As well-known, as the external force is larger and the moving speed To investigate the output power of the TENG, resistors were used as
of the balls is faster, the larger output power is generated due to the external loads from 1 Ω to 1 GΩ with the frequency fixed at about 3 Hz.
increase of the transferred charge density to the surface of the balls The instantaneous power of the external resistance reaches a peak
from the Al. However, such input condition can make a loud noise, value of 45 mW at a resistance of 1 MΩ, as shown in Fig. 5a. It is also
making us feel uncomfortable and damaging our hearing. In this clearly seen that the output current does not appear to change
device, as the frequency increases from 0.5 to 3 Hz, the device makes significantly after 10,800 cycles (1 h), indicating the good robustness
sounds that have decibel levels ranging from 67 to 75 dB, correspond- and stability of the device as shown in Fig. 5b. We also measured the
ing to the noise level when we shout. The noise will be a result of the output voltage of the TENG after immersing the TENG in the water for
friction occurring between the balls and the Al. To reduce the noise a few minutes and there was no significant decrease in the output
during the working of the device, a conductive sponge was fabricated voltage, as shown in the movie of Fig. S8a and in the Fig. S8b,
and it replaced the Al. The fabrication process of the conductive sponge indicating that it was quite stable under harsh environment condition.
is shown in Fig. 3a. Roughly, a polyurethane sponge was treated with The charging characteristic of the device, by integrating with AC to DC
UV/Ozone treatment to make it hydrophilic, followed by the dip- converting circuit, was evaluated, as shown in the inset of Fig. S9. The
coating process into the Ag nanowires solution. After drying at 90 °C converting circuit consists of one full-wave bridge rectifier, and one
for 2 h, the sponge became dark. The SEM images show that a bunch of capacitor (1, 2.2, 3.3, 10, 22, 33, 100 μF) to convert AC to DC output
Ag nanowires having an average length and diameter of approximately signal. Under the same input condition, the charging curves with
25 µm and 40 nm, respectively, were well-coated on the surface of the various capacitors are shown in Fig. S9. With the capacitor of 1 μF, the
sponge. device can be charged up to 2.5 V and 1 white LED bulb connected to
Before the sponge was used, the compression and recovery char- the output terminals of the circuit was continuously powered with
acteristics were evaluated because the balls compressed against the comparable brightness, as shown in the inset.
sponge at impact. Actually, we measured how much the balls made the Supplementary material related to this article can be found online
sponge compressed at impact as a function of impact velocity, as shown at http://dx.doi.org/%2010.1016/j.nanoen.2017.05.054.
in the movie of Fig. 3b. The impact velocities up to 1.5 m/s correspond In order to demonstrate the capability of the TENG as a practical
to those of the balls measured under actual input conditions. Fig. 3b power source, a portable power-supplying system was also developed
shows that the sponge can be compressed up to the strain of about 25% by integrating the device with an AC to DC converting circuit and
under actual input condition. Fig. 3c shows the photographs of the buck–boost circuit, as shown in Fig. S10 (Supporting information). The
compression test with a length decrease of over 30% and the resistance converting circuit consists of one full-wave bridge rectifier, three low
measured with the compressive strain. When it was compressed up to capacitors (3 × 0.001 μF) and two capacitors (2 × 1000 μF) which
the strain of about 30% along the both sides, the resistance decreased converts AC to DC output signal. When the shaking motion of 3 Hz
from 2.5 to 1.9 Ω. This may ascribe to the increase of the current path was applied, the charged voltage of the capacitors was boosted up to a
due to the increase of cross-linked Ag nanowires in a compressed state. constant voltage of 5 V with using a buck–boost circuit, as shown in
When it was released, the resistance was returned to its original value Fig. 5c. After 2 h, it is clearly seen that the smart watch is being charged
reversibly. It is clearly seen that the sponge almost perfectly recovers to by connecting the batteries with the power-supplying system, as shown
its original shape after the release of the compressive force. It means in Fig. 5d. It is also seen that the batteries are being charged in the
that plastic deformation did not occur, and elastic deformation and movie of Fig. S10. Although it still takes a long time to be fully charged,
recovery did occur during the process. it can provide a continuous and uniform enough DC power to charge

Fig. 4. (a) The photo showing the image inside of the TENG with the conductive sponge. Scale bar: 2 cm. (b) The short circuit currents (Isc) of the TENGs with Al film and conductive
sponge on the inner surface of the TENG. (c) The measured decibel of the TENGs as a function of frequency.

J.P. Lee et al. Nano Energy 38 (2017) 377–384

Fig. 5. (a) The output voltage, current and the output power of the TENG with the resistance of external loads from 1 to 1 GΩ. (b) The stability and durability test of the TENG under
cycled shaking motion of 3 Hz. (c) The measured voltage of a commercial capacitor (1000 μF) charged with AC to DC signal converting circuit and boosted voltage using buck-boost
circuit obtained by using the capacitor. (d) A photo showing charging a battery of a smart watch.

the battery and to drive various commercial electronics. decreased the output current of the TENG. This result not only
Supplementary material related to this article can be found online indicates a high-power output of the TENG at wide rotation speed
at http://dx.doi.org/%2010.1016/j.nanoen.2017.05.054. range, but also shows the potential of the TENG as a new type of wind
Finally, a windmill composed of three cylinder-type TENGs was power generator. In addition, 5 serial-connected commercial LEDs
fabricated, as shown in Fig. 6a. The TENG was modified in a cylindrical were lit up by the rotation-generated electricity from the windmill type
shape in which the cross-sectional radius became narrow toward the TENG as shown in the movie of Fig. S11 (Supporting information).
end. To investigate the relationship between the electric outputs of the Supplementary material related to this article can be found online
TENGs and the rotation speed, a systematic measurement was at http://dx.doi.org/%2010.1016/j.nanoen.2017.05.054.
conducted under various rotation speeds from 8.8 cm/s to 43.8 cm/s,
as shown in Fig. 6b. The rotation speed was controlled by a commer-
cialized DC deceleration motor in the system. At a low rotation speed of 4. Conclusions
8.8 cm/s, the windmill produced an output current of approximately
0.4 mA and as the speed increased up to 14.6 cm/s, the output current In summary, we demonstrated a fully-packaged, noise canceled
also increased up to 0.7 mA. This may ascribe to the effective contact TENG fabricated by a 3D printer. Here, among some issues to be
between the Al film on the inner surface and the balls, increasing the improved, we focused on the maintenance of high output-power under
density of charges transferred. However, further increase of the speed harsh environments and the noise cancelation of the device for the
stable operation for a long period of time. The TENG was designed to

Fig. 6. (a) The photo of the windmill composed of three cylinder-type TENGs. Scale bar: 3 cm. (b) The short circuit currents (Isc) of the windmill with the rotation speeds from 8.8 cm/s
to 43.8 cm/s.

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Appendix A. Supporting information

Jin Pyo Lee is a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of
Prof. Jeong Min Baik at School of Materials Science and
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and
online version at doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2017.05.054. Technology (UNIST). His doctoral research focuses on
development of functionalized surface structure based
triboelectric generators for sustainable energy conversions,
References portable device, and fundamental study.

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J.P. Lee et al. Nano Energy 38 (2017) 377–384

Jae Won Lee is a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision Dr. Jeong Min Baik is now Associate Professor in School
of Prof. Jeong Min Baik at School of Materials Science and of Materials Science and Engineering, Ulsan National
Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST). He received
Technology (UNIST). His doctoral research focuses on his Ph.D. from Pohang University in Department of
development of composite and interlayer design based Materials Science and Engineering in 2006. His recent
triboelectric generators for sustainable energy conversions, research interest is focused on the synthesis of nanomater-
high output performance device, and fundamental study. ials and nanostructures such as nanoparticles, nanowires,
nanolayers, and nanopores for the applications of Energy-
Conversion Devices and Nano-photonic Devices. Particular
interests are concerned with the development of
Piezoelectric/Triboelectric Nanogenerators and Artificial

Dr. Won Jun Choi was born in Seoul, Korea. He received

the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Physics from Sogang University,
Seoul, Korea in 1986, 1988 and 1996, respectively. He is
currently working at Center for Opto-Electronic Materials
and Devices, Korea Institute of Science and Technology.
His research interests include the growth of quantum
structures by MBE and Nano-structure based optical
devices: solar cells, laser dioses, mid-IR image sensors
and Si-photonic devices.


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