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04A - 1352 Pipe Drainage

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1352 Pipe drainage



Requirement: Provide the pipework for the drainage system, as documented.
Requirement: This worksection is not a self-contained specification. In addition to the requirements of
this worksection, conform to the following:
- 0136 General requirements (Construction).
- 0152 Schedule of rates (Construction).
- 0161 Quality management (Construction).
- 0319 Auxiliary concrete works
- 1101 Traffic management.
- 1171 Subsurface drainage.
- 1351 Stormwater drainage (Construction).
- 1354 Drainage structures.
- 1392 Trenchless conduit installation.
- [complete/delete]
General: For the purposes of this worksection the following definitions apply:
- Effective pipe length: The centre-line length dimension specified by the manufacturer and subject to
permissible tolerances.
Invert protection to steel pipes: Submit cement slurry application procedure.
Products and materials
Product conformity: Submit manufacturer’s certificate of conformance to the relevant standard for each
batch of pipes before dispatch to site. Identify the item, source and record the inspection and test
records that verify conformity.
Manufacturer’s data and installation recommendations: Submit in conformance with AS/NZS 2041.4
Appendix A and AS/NZS 2041.6 Appendix A, AS/NZS 4058 Appendix B and AS 4139 Appendix A, as
Components: Submit pipes and fittings.
Pre-treatment: If necessary to represent the condition and grading when compacted and in service,
pre-treat samples.


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1352 Pipe drainage

Other tests: Submit results, as follows:

- Concrete pipes joint tests.
General: Give notice so that inspection may be made of the following:
- Additional protective coatings: Field cut and repairs to steel pipes.
- Damage: Repairs to damaged pipeline components.
- Joints for concrete pipes: Joint testing.
- Pipework installation: Each section of the installed and jointed pipework before commencement of
trench backfilling.



Precast reinforced concrete pipes
Requirement: Provide precast reinforced non-pressure concrete pipes to AS/NZS 4058 and the
- Pipe class and size, as documented.
- Pipe jacking: [complete/delete]
- Load classes: As documented.
- Jointing type: Provide as follows:
. Spigot and socket joints: Flexible elastomeric seals to AS 1646.
. Flush or butt joints: Use only for the first pipe if extending existing pipes.
- Clear cover to reinforcement: For normal environments to AS/NZS 4058 Table 3.1.
Marking: To AS/NZS 4058 clause 1.5.
Durability: Maximum concentration limit for chlorides, sulfates, aggressive CO2, and pH levels to
AS/NZS 4058 Appendix E.
Protective treatment: [complete/delete]
Fibre reinforced concrete pipes
Requirement: Provide fibre reinforced concrete pipes to AS 4139 and in conformance with the
- Strength requirement: [complete/delete]
- Pipe class and sizes: As documented.
- Load classes and installation conditions: As documented.
- Jointing type: Provide as follows:
. Double V-ring joints: Flexible elastomeric seals to AS 1646.
. Other joints: Jointing compound comprising plasticised butyl rubber and inert fillers, conforming to
the manufacturer’s recommendations.
. Flush or butt joints: Use only for the first pipe if extending existing pipes.
Marking: To AS 4139 clause 12.
Durability: Maximum concentration limit for chlorides, sulfates, aggressive CO2, and pH levels to
AS 4139 Appendix B.
Protective treatment: [complete/delete]

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1352 Pipe drainage


Helical formed sinusoidal pipes
Requirement: Provide helical formed sinusoidal pipe to AS/NZS 2041.4 with pipe corrugation
designation, size and base material, as documented.
Bolted plate structures
Requirement: Provide bolted plate structures to AS/NZS 2041.6 with pipe corrugation designation, size
and base material, as documented.
Dissimilar metals: Prevent direct contact of dissimilar metals.
Additional protective coatings
Coatings for pipes and bolted plate structures: Bituminous coating to AASHTO M190 or to
manufacturer’s recommendations
Field cuts and repairs: Wire brush cut ends to remove any scale and apply two coats of zinc-rich
organic primer to AS/NZS 3750.9.
Requirement: Provide flexible pipes including fitting to AS/NZS 2566.1 with pipe class and size as
Pressure polyethylene (PE): To AS/NZS 4130.
Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP): To AS/NZS 5065.
PVC-U pipes: To AS/NZS 1260.
Pressure PVC-U: To AS/NZS 1477.
Plastic flexible pipes: [complete/delete]
Joint sealant and type: To AS/NZS 2566.2 Appendix F.
Rubber rings for pipe joints: To AS 1646.
Electrofusion jointing for PE pressure pipe: To PIPA POP001.
Butt fusion jointing for PE pipe: To PIPA POP003.
Solvent cement jointing for PVC-U pipe: To PIPA POP102  .


Excavation: To the 1351 Stormwater drainage (Construction) worksection.
Excavation drainage: Dewater the excavation to permit the compaction of the foundation, the bedding
and backfilling, as documented.
Tolerances dimensions: Provide culverts within 10 mm of the grade line and within 10 mm of the
horizontal alignment, as documented.
Subsurface drain location: At the discharge end of culverts terminating at pits and headwalls, provide a
3 m length of 100 mm diameter subsurface drain, as follows:
- Position in the trench 100 mm above the invert level of the pipe.
- Discharge through the wall of the pit or headwall.
- Seal the subsurface drainage pipe at the upstream end and enclose in a seamless tubular filter
fabric to the 1171 Subsurface drainage worksection.

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1352 Pipe drainage

Pipeline components: Inspect all pipe line components for damage and flaws immediately before
Damaged components: Repair damaged components in conformance with manufacture’s
requirements. Replace units components, if unable to repair satisfactorily.
Concrete pipes
Standard: To AS/NZS 3725.
Positioning of pipes: Lay pipes as follows:
- Install with the socket end upstream.
- Install pipes with markings indicating the crown or invert in conformance with the markings.
Minimum pipe length: 1.2 m.
Stiffening of pipes: If required by the manufacturer, provide temporary stiffening struts to the interior
before back filling.
Lifting holes: Before backfilling, seal lifting holes in all pipes with approved plastic preformed plugs or a
3:1 sand cement mortar.
Bulkhead locations: Construct bulkheads to the 1354 Drainage structures worksection on all lines
where the pipe gradient exceeds 5%.
Anchor blocks: Provide anchor blocks at a maximum spacing of 3 m and at bends or junctions for all
stormwater pipes laid on a grade more than 20% and as documented.
Joints for concrete pipes
Joint testing: Test joints, as follows:
- Precast concrete pipes: To AS/NZS 4058 Appendix H.
- Fibre reinforced concrete pipes: To AS 4139 Appendix L.
Skid rings: To the manufacturer’s recommendations, including the use of lubricants, if wedge shaped
‘skid’ rubber rings are required.
Flush or butt joints: Seal the joints with proprietary rubber sleeves to the manufacturer’s
Other joints: Provide direct side connections to other pipes, as documented.
Flexible plastic pipes
Standard: To AS/NZS 2566.2.
Positioning of pipes: Install pipes with markings indicating the crown or invert, or the direction of flow in
conformance with the markings.
Bulkheads: If required, provide bulkheads or trenchstops to AS/NZS 2566.2 Table 5.7 or as
Flotation prevention: To AS/NZS 2566.2 clause 5.5.3.
Corrugated metal pipes and structures
Standard: To AS/NZS 2041.2.
Joints to helically formed sinusoidal pipes: Provide as follows:
- Re-roll both ends with 4 annular corrugations of pitch 68 mm.
- Semi-corrugated coupling bands
- Rubber ring joint seals, as documented.

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1352 Pipe drainage

Joint protection: Provide non-woven geotextile material to prevent loss of sand backfill or bedding into
the pipe in to the requirements for geotextiles in the 1171 Subsurface drainage worksection and as
- Extent: All joints or lap joints, except rubber ring joint coupling bands.
- Geotextile material: Minimum 250 mm wide and minimum 270 grams/m2.
Bedding: Provide non-erodible poured concrete bedding to the bottom third of the pipe circumference
to provide external protection of corrugations, as documented.
Invert protection for steel pipes
Surface preparation: Remove any foreign material and if corrosion has occurred, remove all loose
Extent: Place sprayed concrete to a minimum thickness of 100 mm over the crest of the corrugations
to cover the bottom third of the pipe circumference symmetrically about the invert centreline of the
pipe, as documented.
Sprayed concrete: To the 0319 Auxiliary concrete works worksection.
Reinforcement: Fabric of hard drawn steel wire 4 mm diameter with 200 mm square mesh, securely
supported at a central location within the sprayed concrete by non-metallic supports on the pipe side
of the fabric and as follows:
- Laps in fabric: 300 mm.
- Cover to the fabric: 50 mm.
Cement slurry application: Immediately after placement of the sprayed concrete, remove all free water
and coat the surface with cement slurry.
Water flow: Prevent the flow of water over the surface of the sprayed concrete for 24 hours after the
placement of sprayed concrete.
Bedding: Provide non-erodible poured concrete bedding to the bottom third of the pipe circumference
to provide external protection of corrugations, as documented.
Pipework installation
Progressive inspections: Inspect each section of installed and jointed pipework before commencement
of trench backfilling.



Clause and Type* Submission/Inspection Submission/Notice Process held
description details times

SUBMISSIONS H Certificate of conformance 5 days before delivery Delivery of pipes

of all pipes and fittings.
Products and

Product conformity

SUBMISSIONS H Samples of fittings 5 days before delivery Delivery of pipes

and fittings

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1352 Pipe drainage

Clause and Type* Submission/Inspection Submission/Notice Process held

description details times

Conformity of


INSPECTIONS, W Field cut and repairs to 3 days Execution

Notice steel pipes.

Additional protective Submit cement slurry

coatings procedures

INSPECTIONS, W Repairs to damaged 3 days Inspections and

Notice pipeline components notices.


INSPECTIONS W Joint testing 3 days Precast concrete

Notice pipes

Elastomeric seal.
Joints for concrete
pipes Check V ring joints

INSPECTIONS W Each section of the installed Progressive Execution and

Notice and jointed pipework before installation
commencement of trench

Pipework installation

*H = Hold point

 W = Witness point

Pay items Unit of measurement Schedule rate scope

1352.1 Supply and install pipe Linear m of pipe drainage culvert: The Schedule rate for this Pay Item to
drainage culverts, pipes, structures. be a rate for each type, class and size
- Measured on centreline of each of pipe culvert.
type, class and size of stormwater
drainage pipe culvert. All costs associated with all activities
- The plan length between centres of including:
gully pits or faces of headwalls.
- Supply.
- Survey and setting out.
- Bedding.

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1352 Pipe drainage

Pay items Unit of measurement Schedule rate scope

- Jointing (including connections).

- Subsoil drains at pits and
- Temporary bracing and strutting.
- Anchoring system including anchor
- Bituminous painting.
- Sprayed concrete lining and other
protective measures.
- Selected material backfilling.
- Embankment material trench
- Reinforcing fabric.
- Disposal of excesses of
- Unsuitable material.
Traffic management Lump sum. To the 1101 Traffic management

Sprayed concrete To the 0319 Auxiliary concrete works


Excavation, bedding, support and To the 1351 Stormwater drainage

backfill material (Construction) worksection

Bulkheads To the 1354 Drainage structures


The following documents are incorporated into this worksection by reference:
AS/NZS 1260 2017 PVC-U pipes and fittings for drain, waste and vent application

AS/NZS 1477 2017 PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications

AS 1646 2007 Elastomeric seals for waterworks purposes

AS/NZS 2041 Buried corrugated metal structures

AS/NZS 2041.2 2011 Installation

AS/NZS 2041.4 2010 Helically formed sinusoidal pipes

AS/NZS 2041.6 2010 Bolted plate structures

AS/NZS 2566 Buried flexible pipelines

AS/NZS 2566.1 1998 Structural design

AS/NZS 2566.2 2002 Installation

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1352 Pipe drainage

AS/NZS 3725 2007 Design for installation of buried concrete pipes

AS/NZS 3750 Paints for steel structures

AS/NZS 3750.9 2009 Organic zinc-rich primer

AS/NZS 4058 2007 Precast concrete pipes (pressure and non-pressure)

AS/NZS 4130 2009 Polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications

AS 4139 2003 Fibre-reinforced concrete pipes and fittings

AS/NZS 5065 2005 Polyethylene and polypropylene pipes and fittings for drainage
and sewerage applications

Austroads AP-R575 2018 Design of buried flexible pipes

PIPA POP001 2017 Electrofusion jointing of PE pipe and fittings for pressure


PIPA POP003 2017 Butt fusion jointing of PE pipes and fittings - recommended


PIPA POP102 2014 Solvent cement welding of PVC pipe

AASHTO M190 2004 Standard specification for bituminous-coated corrugated metal

culvert pipe and pipe arches

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