Development of Combination of Environmentally Friendly Biofloc and Aquaponic Systems in The Maintenance of Oreochromis Niloticus
Development of Combination of Environmentally Friendly Biofloc and Aquaponic Systems in The Maintenance of Oreochromis Niloticus
Development of Combination of Environmentally Friendly Biofloc and Aquaponic Systems in The Maintenance of Oreochromis Niloticus
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Biofloc technology is one alternative to environment. In normal aquaculture, excretion from
overcome the problem of aquaculture environment animals kept will accumulate in water and increase water
water quality which is adapted from conventional waste toxicity if not removed (Roosta. H.R. 2014). Fox (2012)
management techniques. Aquaponics is a combination states that in the culture system elements Carbon (C),
of aquaculture and hydroponic systems that is mutually Nitrogen (N) and Posfor (P) in the body of fish which is a
beneficial. The purpose of this study was to determine reflection of fish feed which is very small in the body,
the effectiveness of developing a combination of biofloc because it turns out that the food eaten by fish is only 20% -
and aquaponic systems in the maintenance of 30%, meaning 70% -80% remaining in ponds or sediments.
environmentally friendly Tilapia (Oreochromis The remaining 70% -80% is what can cause the source of
niloticus), in terms of water quality and tilapia disease, water quality decreases so that fish growth is less
development. This research method was designed in the than optimal. The technique for managing residual feces
form of Research and Development. The results showed and feed can be an attempt to provide the best environment
that the water quality was in accordance with the for fish growth. Tilapia is a type of freshwater fish
quality standard. The average ammonia concentration consumption. This fish was introduced from Africa,
was 0.016 mg / L, nitrit concentration was 0.008 mg / L, specifically eastern Africa, in 1969, and is now a popular
nitrate concentration was 20.8 mg / L and DO was 7.39 fish in freshwater ponds in Indonesia as well as pests in
mg / L during maintenance. The conclusion of this study every river and lake in Indonesia. Its scientific name is
is that the development of a combination of biofloc and Oreochromis niloticus, and in English it is known as Nile
aquaponic systems in the maintenance of Tilapia is Tilapia.
effective in maintaining water quality so as to minimize
the occurrence of aquaculture waste. Biofloc systems This research is important to examine the
can be applied to land and limited water availability. effectiveness of developing a combination of biofloc and
The development of Tilapia in the system can develop aquaponic systems in the maintenance of tilapia. Is the
well. The development of a combination of biofloc and system able to minimize the occurrence of aquaculture
aquaponic systems in the maintenance of Tilapia waste, thereby minimizing the occurrence of pollution and
(Oreochromis niloticus), is able to minimize the assessing the development of tilapia by the use of nutrients
occurrence of waste aquaculture waste, thereby as natural food. It is expected that perpetrators of
preventing pollution.Water quality in development aquaculture will continue to prioritize the use of science
ponds is suitable as a medium for maintaining Tilapia and technology in the management of sustainable
(Oreochromis niloticus). aquaculture businesses. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effectiveness of developing a combination of
Keywords:- Aquaponics,Biofloc, Environmentally Friendly, biofloc and aquaponic systems in the maintenance of
Oreochromis niloticus. environmentally friendly Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus),
in terms of water quality and tilapia development.
A biofloc is a small flock or clumps composed of a
collection of living microorganisms that hover in the water. The application of biofloc technology is carried out in
Biofloc Technology is technology that utilizes the activity a round tarpaulin pond with a diameter of 150 cm, height,
of microorganisms that form flocks. Biofloc formation 100 cm. The application of the aquaponic system by
occurs under certain environmental conditions (Azim et al, installing pralon which is connected to the filter basket and
2012).Aquaponics is a sustainable agricultural system that water pump. Provision of maintenance water media is 1.5
combines aquaculture and hydroponics in a symbiotic m3 and fish density is 300 fish / m3 (Figure 1).
Fig 1:- Series of development of environmentally friendly biofloc and aquaponic systems
In this activity the application of a combination of biofloc and aquaponic technology is carried out by adding a filter basket.
Perforated plastic balls (Figure 2) and zeolite stones (Figure 3) placed in baskets serve to neutralize and increase oxygen levels
(O2), neutralize water pH and stimulate plankton culture more quickly, replace and absorb toxic chemical compounds that present
in water such as N2, NH3 and CO2, as controlling the degree of pollutants and ammonia that comes from manure and leftover food
that is not well absorbed, maintaining water quality and stability.
At the beginning before the fish were stocked, probiotics were given, namely EM4 (Effective Microorganisms 4) floc
forming at a dose of 5 cc / m3. The addition of probiotic bacteria is carried out along with the accumulation of feed given in the
maintenance media for 42 maintenance days. Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, pH and fish length
measurements were taken during maintenance. Fish length measurement at the beginning and end of maintenance for 42 days was
carried out randomly by taking a sample of 100 fish from a total population of 300 in the biofloc pond.
The application of a biofloc system combined with an aquaponic system can reduce water changes in the culture system so
that this technology is considered environmentally friendly. Water from the biofloc pond will be flowed into the hydroponic
circuit where in the circuit a filter basket is added as a filtering water that is passed in it. The results showed that the water quality
was in accordance with the quality standard. The average ammonia concentration was 0.016 mg / L, nitrit concentration was 0.008
mg / L, nitrate concentration was 20.8 mg / L and DO was 7.39 mg / L during maintenance (Table 1).
The ammonia content for 42 days, with sampling on day 0, day 21 and day 42, is presented in Figure 4.
From Figure 4. it can be seen the average ammonia dismantling proteins into amino acids, then amino acids are
content of 0.016 mg / L, which means the ammonia content broken down into ammonia and some other substances by
in the pond is still below the quality standard. This the urease-producing bacteria. The urease enzyme breaks
condition can occur due to the presence of bacteria that can down urea to ammonium carbonate, while ammonium
break down waste from fish, namely the Nitrosomonas carbonate readily breaks down into ammonia, carbon
bacteria, which convert Ammonia to Nitrite, Nitrites are dioxide and water, also emphasized by Gianfreda and
then converted to Nitrates by the Nitrobacter bacteria. Bollag (1996) that the urease enzyme is the only catalyst
According to SNI 7550: 2009 requirements, the maximum enzyme in hydrolyzing urea. George et al. (2011) added
limit of ammonia levels for fish farming activities is <0.02 that the genus Bacillus is a microbe from a class of bacteria
mg / L. that is able to synthesize urease well in waters.
Furthermore, a series of development of environmentally
Based on Waluyo (2007) research, asserted that friendly biofloc and aquaponic systems with tomato and
decomposition of ammonia by microbes can be done by eggplant plants can be seen in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
deamination process. Deamination is the process of
Fig 5:- Series of development of environmentally friendly biofloc and aquaponic systems with tomato plants
Fig 6:- Series of development of environmentally friendly biofloc and aquaponic systems with eggplant plants
In this series of potted plants as planting media were uniform and easier, healthy and agile fish and can reduce
given gravel and coconut fiber. Gravel is a growing fish pests / diseases. In addition to these benefits some
medium that functions almost the same as sand. Most other advantages of the system are that it can save land,
farmers who use this gravel growing media to get space for because of high stocking densities, the appearance of ponds
roots to grow optimally. Not only that, gravel can also help is more beautiful, especially if using round ponds, the
the circulation of nutrient solutions and the air. Coconut management of feed, water and layout is easier, not as
coir dust as a planting medium is claimed to have a high complex as ground ponds and more efficient feeding time
water capacity. Coconut coir powder is known to be able to only twice a day.
store water up to 73% or 6-9 times the volume.
Fish length measurement at the beginning and end of
The application of a biofloc system combined with an maintenance for 42 days was carried out randomly by
aquaponic system will reduce water changes in the taking a sample of 100 fish from a total population of 300
cultivation system so that the technology is in the biofloc pond. The average fish length at the
environmentally friendly. The feed used is even less than beginning of maintenance is 12 cm and the average fish
other conventional systems. The benefits and benefits of the length at the end of maintenance is 14.5 cm (Figure 7 and
system saves pellet feed, tilapia fish growth is more Figure 8).
While Rakocy, (2006); Sastro, Y (2015) states that Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), is able to minimize the
aquaponics can be described as an amalgamation of occurrence of waste aquaculture waste, thereby preventing
aquaculture (fish culture) systems and hydroponics (plant pollution.Water quality in development ponds is suitable as
or vegetable cultivation without soil media). This system a medium for maintaining Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
adopts an ecological system in the natural environment,
where there is a symbiotic relationship between mutualism IV. CONCLUSIONS
of fish and plants. Environmentally friendly biofloc and
aquaponic development systems can reduce water The results showed that the water quality was in
replacement because there is a water purification cycle accordance with the quality standard. The average
process that will turn food waste and toxic gases such as ammonia concentration was 0.016 mg / L, nitrit
ammonia and nitrite into harmless compounds. By concentration was 0.008 mg / L, nitrate concentration was
minimizing the replacement of water, the opportunity for 20.8 mg / L and DO was 7.39 mg / L during maintenance.
entry of germs from outside can be reduced. Water The conclusion of this study is that the development of a
replacement is usually only done to replace water that is combination of biofloc and aquaponic systems in the
evaporating or seeping. The system is more stable than the maintenance of Tilapia is effective in maintaining water
usual probiotic system because biofloc is a bacterium that quality so as to minimize the occurrence of aquaculture
does not stand alone, but in the form of floc or a group of waste. Biofloc systems can be applied to land and limited
several floc-forming bacteria that synergize with each other water availability. The development of Tilapia in the
(Avnimelech Y. 2012).The development of a combination system can develop well.
of biofloc and aquaponic systems in the maintenance of