ARELLANO Public International Law

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International Law
•  Immunity from Jurisdiction
•  Sovereign immunity; immunity of representative of state
•  State Immunity
•  Principle of Equality of States
•  Jure Imperii / Jure gestionis
•  Diplomatic and consular immunities; purposes
•  Diplomatic Missions
•  Read Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961)
•  Rights and privileges of Diplomatic Missions
•  Cases : Sanders v Veridiano ; USA v Ruiz; JUSMAG v NLRC ;
•  Syquia v Almeda Lopez ; Shauf v CA ; US v Reyes ; Wylie v Rarang
Public International Law

•  Immunity from Jurisdiction cont’d

•  Consul and Consular Missions
•  Read Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1967)
•  1. Freedom of movement; 2. Freedom of
Communication; 3. Personal inviolability; 4. Immunity
from jurisdiction; 5. Liability to give evidence; 6.
Waiver of immunity
•  Act of State Doctrine – Every sovereign state is bound
to respect the independence of other state, and the
courts of one country will not sit in judgment on the
acts of the government of another, done within its
own territory.
•  Cases : Reyes v Bagatsing 125 SCRA 553
Public International Law
State Responsibility

•  Doctrines on the Protection of aliens/individuals / states’ responsibility

for injuries inflicted on individuals

•  Doctrine of national treatment or equality of treatment

•  Minimum international standard ; denial of justice

•  Doctrine of State Responsibility – when injury is inflicted, State is

•  Internationally Wrongful act – defined in Art 2 of 2001 Draft of
International Law Commission; elements (subjective and objective)
•  Attribution- acts of state organs, other persons, revolutionaries
•  Preliminary Objections
•  Reparation
•  Expropriation of Alien Property

Public International Law
–  International Human rights Law

–  Human Rights – defined

–  3 Generations of Human rights
–  Un Charter
–  Universal Declaration of Human rights Dec 10, 1948
–  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Dec 16,
–  International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Dec 16, 1966 (social welfare rights) Principle of Progressive
–  Optional Protocol to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Dec 16, 1966 (for private parties victims of HR violations)
–  Other Conventions/ Customary human rights law

–  Cases : Borovsky v Commissioner; Reyes v Bagatsing; Andreu v

Commissioner; PAFLU v Sec of Labor; Mejoff v Director
Public International Law

•  Distinguish Declaration from Covenant

–  Minorities’ rights
–  Right of Self determination of peoples (internal- external

–  Implementation of Human Rights Law

•  1. Each state has obligation
•  UN system of implementation
–  - 1503 Procedure or confidential procedure
–  1253 Procedure
– International Criminal Court - 1998 Rome Statute
»  - Objective
»  Jurisdiction over what crimes?
»  Principle of complementarity
Public International Law
•  Peaceful Settlement of International
•  UN Charter Art 2
•  Dispute – define
•  Peaceful methods
–  - Non-judicial ; Quasi Judicial ; Judicial
–  - Diplomatic ; Judicial
•  International Court of Justice – Statute of ICJ
•  - Cardinal rule ; Composition
Contentious Jurisdiction
•  Provisional Measures
•  Intervention
Public International Law

International Court of Justice cont’d

•  Obligation to comply with Decisions

•  Advisory jurisdiction
•  Forum Prorogatum
•  Reservation to acceptance of jurisdiction – 4 types

International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea

•  Jurisdiction
•  Compulsory Procedure

Public International Law
•  The Use of Force short of War (UN Charter Art 2(4)
•  Prohibition of use of force
- against territorial integrity
- against political independence
Method of Self protection 0r Self Help

•  Prohibition on threat of force
Read Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (ICJ
Right of self defense; anticipatory self defense
Allowable coercive measures
–  - 1. Retorsion; 2. Reprisal; 3. Embargo; 4. Boycott; 5. Non-
intercourse; 6. Pacific blockade
Humanitarian intervention
Public International Law
•  The Law of War (International Humanitarian
–  Humanize the conduct of war

•  The Law of the Hague on land and naval warfare
•  The Geneva Conventions of 1949
–  1. Wounded and Sick in the field
–  2. Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked at Sea
–  3. Prisoners of War
–  4. Civilians
–  Commencement and Termination of Hostilities
–  Protocol I to 1949 Geneva Convention
•  - new category of international armed conflict – combatants
Public International Law

•  Methods of Warfare ; Jus in Bello

–  - Soldier’s rules
–  - Fundamental rules applicable to armed conflict
•  - Hors de combat
•  Rules for Non-International Armed Conflicts
•  Neutrality
•  Non-International Conflicts – 1. Civil wars; 2 Common
Article 3
•  Protocol II – 1977 to the 1949 Geneva Conventions of 12
Aug 1949
– - Material Field of Application
•  International Terrorism
Public International Law
•  International Environmental Law
•  Environmental concerns
•  Environmental rights
•  Sustainable Development
•  Principles
- Stockholm Declaration of 1972
- Rio Declaration 1992
- Vienna Convention for Protection of Ozone Layer
- UN Conference on Environment and Development
- Kyoto Protocol
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

•  -
Public International Law

•  International Economic Law

•  Economic Institutions (Bretton Woods
Conference 1944)
–  - IMF – purpose
–  - IBRD (WB) - purpose
–  - ITO – GATT (GATS)- WTO – purpose
–  Key Principles
•  1. Agreed Tariff Levels; 2. Most favored nation principle ;
3. Principle of national treatment; 4. Principle of
Dispute Resolution
Expanding Scope
Public International Law

–  Co Kim Cham v Tankeh
–  Montebon v Director of Prisons
–  Alcantara v Director of Prisons
–  Etorma v Ravelo
–  Heirs of Tugadi and Pajimola v MRR
–  Noceda v Escobar
–  Marubeni v Commission of Internal Revenue
–  KLM Royal Dutch Airline v CA
–  WHO v Aquino
–  People’s Movement for Press Freedom v Manglapus
–  Abbas v Comelec ; Gonzales v Hechanova
–  Ichong v Hernandez
–  Philip Morris v CA ; Mighty Corporation v Gallo Winery

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