Perete Ytong: U 0,126 W/M K
Perete Ytong: U 0,126 W/M K
Perete Ytong: U 0,126 W/M K
7 4
200 3
200 2
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12,5 1
1 Gypsum Fibreboard (12,5 mm) 3 Glasswool 35 (200 mm)
2 Ytong Planblock W PP 2-0,40 (200 mm) 4 weber.therm 300 (7 mm)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 mm
8 95 u 5 ,15 ,1
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*Comparison to the maximum U-value according to the german EnEV 2014/2016 for first-time installation or renewal of Außenwänden (Anlage 3, Page 1
Tabelle 1, Zeile 1). Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr
Temperature profile
Temperature profile
20 Temperature
18 Dew point
1 2 3 4
16 Condensate
12 1 Gypsum Fibreboard (12,5 mm)
Temperature [°C]
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Inside [mm] Outside
Temperature and dew-point temperature in the component. The dew-point indicates the temperature, at which water vapour
condensates. As long as the temperature of the component is everywhere above the dew-point temperature, no
condensation occurs. If the curves have contact, condensation occurs at the corresponding position.
Page 2 Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr
Moisture proofing
Während der winterlichen Tauperiode von 90 Tagen fallen in diesem Bauteil insgesamt 0,189 kg Tauwasser pro
Quadratmeter an. Diese Menge trocknet im Sommer innerhalb von 4 Tagen ab (Drying season according to DIN
Condensation areas
1 Condensate: 0,19 kg/m² Drying time: 4 Days
Betroffene Schichten: weber.therm 300, Glasswool 35
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The temperature of the inside surface is 19,2 °C leading to a relative humidity on the surface of 53%.Mould formation is not
expected under these conditions.
The following figure show the relative humidity inside the component.
Page 3 Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr
Heat protection
For the analysis of the heat protection, the temperature changes within the component were simulated during a hot summer
Temperature profile
36 Temperature at 3pm, 11am and 7am
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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Inside [mm] Outside
Page 4