A Static Hand Gesture and Face Recognition System For Blind People
A Static Hand Gesture and Face Recognition System For Blind People
A Static Hand Gesture and Face Recognition System For Blind People
This project presents a recognition system, which can be helpful for a blind person. Hand
gesture recognition system and face recognition system has been implemented in this project
using which various tasks can be performed. Dynamic images are being taken from a
dynamic video and is being processed according to certain algorithms. In the Hand gesture
system In this we focus on using pointing behaviour for a natural interface, Hand gesture
recognition based human-machine interface is being developed vigorously in recent years.
Due to the effect of lighting and complex background, most visual hand gesture recognition
systems work only under restricted environment. According to gesture Recognized, various
tasks can be performed like turning on the fan or lights. While in face recognition, Haar
Cascade Classifiers and LBPH recognizer are being used for face detection and recognition
This system acts as an Intelligent virtual assistant which helps in bringing the world
closer and helps in meeting different ends together. Through this system use of facial
recognition and hand gesture to assist and work with the environment to make it a better
place to live for the blind. There are different ways in which it is helping to make this happen
and for that hand gesture and facial recognition, system is being used. This system is using
computer vision technology this tech has been used for human computer interaction (HCI)
using a physical medium where hand gesture and facial recognition plays a major role. Hand
gestures have been done since the dawn of civilization and have various meaning depending
on the geographical location. Hand gesture have various application in military gaming etc.
Methods without using computer vision has also been developed like the wearable gloves but
they are too costly as they need sensors and other hardware devices there are numerous
algorithm for hand gesture recognition like KNN (K Nearest Neighbor), artificial neural
network but most of the algorithm require large amount of samples for training and
recognition to overcome this problem convex hull and convexity hull defects are used for
gesture recognition. The recognition of hand gestures are of two types, that is, Dynamic
gesture and static gesture, so in this research we have covered the section of static gesture
recognition. In facial recognition system, two methods are used Haar cascade method and
Linear Binary Pattern (LBP) for better prediction we use LBP method. In 2004, a Haar
cascade classifier technique was proposed by Voila Jones which has been a motivation to
various face recognition systems.
1. Lianzhi Tan ; Zhifeng Li ; Qiao Yu Deep face attributes recognition using spatial
transformer network Information and Automation (ICIA), 2016 IEEE International
Conference on 1-3 Aug. 2016
Face alignment is very crucial to the task of face attributes recognition. The
performance of face attributes recognition would notably degrade if the fiducial points of the
original face images are not precisely detected due to large lighting, pose and occlusion
variations. In order to alleviate this problem, we propose a spatial transform based deep
CNNs to improve the performance of face attributes recognition. In this approach, we first
learn appropriate transformation parameters by a carefully designed spatial transformer
network called LoNet to align the original face images, and then recognize the face attributes
based on the aligned face images using a deep network called ClNet. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first attempt to use spatial transformer network in face attributes
recognition task. Extensive experiments on two large and challenging databases (CelebA and
LFWA) clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach over the current state-
2. Kai Liu ; Seungbin Moon Robust dual-stage face recognition method using PCA and
high-dimensional-LBP Information and Automation (ICIA), 2016 IEEE International
Conference on 1-3 Aug. 2016
In this paper, we propose a dual-stage face recognition method which utilized both
holistic and local features-based recognition algorithms. In the first stage Principal
Components Analysis (PCA) is utilized to recognize test image. If the confidence level test is
passed, the recognition process will be terminated. Otherwise, the second stage where High
Dimensional Local Binary Patterns (HDLBP) is employed will be pursued. The performance
of this hybrid method is evaluated on CMU-PIE database, and we obtain improved
recognition rate than PCA alone.
3. M Shujah Islam Sameem ; Tehreem Qasim ; Khush Bakhat Real time recognition of
human faces Open Source Systems & Technologies (ICOSST), 2016 International
Conference on 15-17 Dec. 2016
A simple yet efficient face detection and recognition system is proposed in this paper which
has the capability to recognize human faces in single as well as multiple face images in a
database in real time. Preprocessing of the proposed frame work includes noise removal and
hole filling in color images. After preprocessing, face detection is performed by using viola
jones algorithm. Detected faces are cropped out of the input image to make computation fast.
SURF features are extracted from the cropped image. For face matching, putative feature
matching is carried out and outliers are removed using M-estimator Sample Consensus
(MSAC) algorithm. Single as well as multiple person color images from class persons of
Graz 01 dataset are used to evaluate the system.
4. Bappaditya Mandal Face recognition: Perspectives from the real world Control,
Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), 2016 14th International Conference on 13-
15 Nov. 2016
In this paper, we analyze some of our real-world deployment of face recognition (FR)
systems for various applications and discuss the gaps between expectations of the user and
what the system can deliver. We evaluate some of the existing algorithms with modifications
for applications including FR on wearable devices (like Google Glass) for improving social
interactions, monitoring of elderly people in senior citizens centers, FR of children in child
care centers and face matching between a scanned IC/passport face image and few live
webcam images for automatic hotel/resort checkout or clearance. Each of these applications
poses unique challenges and demands specific research components so as to adapt in the
actual sites.
7. Hsiang-Yueh. Lai, Han-Jheng. Lai, "Real-time dynamic hand gesture recognition", 2014
International Symposium on Computer Consumer and Control (IS3C, pp. 658-661, June
A real time dynamic hand gesture recognition system is performed in this paper. The eleven
kinds of hand gestures have been dynamic recognized, which represent the number from
one to nine. The dynamic images are caught by a dynamic video. We use the YCbCr color
space transformation to detect the skin color and to find the hand contour from the complex
background. Convex defect character points of the hand contour are defined, and the finger
angles and fingertip positions are calculated to recognize the hand gestures. The OpenCV is
used to perform our research. Ten tested users produce 330 cases to recognize eleven hand
gestures, and each hand gestures have three different poses of hand gestures. The accurate
recognition rate is 95.1%.
This paper presents a method for hand gesture recognition to control a 6 axis
industrial robot. The image is acquired by means of a web cam system, and
undergoes several processing stages before a meaningful recognition can be
achieved. Some of these stages include skin detection to effectively capture only the
skin region of the hand, noise elimination, application of the convex hull algorithm to
get the outline of the hand, and apply convexity hull defects algorithm to determine
the finger count. Once the finger count has been determined, the information is
transmitted via serial communication to the industrial robot controller. The end
effector of the robot moves in four different directions based on the finger count input
received from the hand gesture recognition module.
This method presents hand gesture recognition to control a 6 axis industrial robot. The image
is acquired by means of a web cam system, and undergoes several processing stages before a
meaningful recognition can be achieved. Some of these stages include skin detection to
effectively capture only the skin region of the hand, noise elimination, application of the
convex hull algorithm to get the outline of the hand, and apply convexity hull defects
algorithm to determine the finger count. Once the finger count has been determined, the
information is transmitted via serial communication to the industrial robot controller. The end
effectors of the robot moves in four different directions based on the finger count input
received from the hand gesture recognition module.
Simultaneous face hallucination and face recognition, here they consider the
algorithms HSV and HSI separately. The major difference between these two algorithms is in
the selection of the LR-HR training pairs when performing face super-resolution for face
verification and identification
The input is taken from front facing Camera. The proposed Recognition System is divided
into two parts:
• Facial Recognition
Hand Gesture Recognition subsystem is divided into three parts. They are Hand region
detection, pulling out the features, Gesture Recognition. Facial Recognition is subdivided into
Face detection, Face Identification.
Most gesture recognition methods usually contain three major stages. The first stage is the
object detection. The target of this stage is to detect hand objects in the digital images or
videos. Many environment and image problems are needed to solve at this stage to ensure
that the hand contours or regions can be extracted precisely to enhance the recognition
accuracy. Common image problems contain unstable brightness, noise, poor resolution and
contrast. The better environment and camera devices can effectively improve these problems.
However, it is hard to control when the gesture recognition system is working in the real
environment or is become a product. Hence, the image processing method is a better solution
to solve these image problems to construct an adaptive and robust gesture recognition system.
The second stage is object recognition. The detected hand objects are recognized to identify
the gestures. At this stage, differentiated features and effective classifiers selection are a
major issue in most researches. The third stage is to analyze sequential gestures to identify
users’ instructs or behaviors.
Facial recognition is based on face descriptors. The system calculates the similarity between
the input face descriptor and all face descriptors previously stored in a gallery. The goal is to
find the face(s) from the gallery that are most similar to the input face.
Now we introduce our part-based hand gesture recognition system. Which illustrates the
framework, which consists of two major modules: hand detection and hand gesture
Figure 1: Proposed System Architecture for Hand Gesture Recognition
Hand Detection:
we use camera as the input device, which captures the color image and the depth map at
640*480 resolution. In order to segment the hand shape, we locate the hand position using the
hand tracking function. Then, by thresholding from the hand position with a certain depth
interval, a rough hand region can be obtained. Second, we require the user to wear a black
belt on the gesturing hands wrist, in order to more accurately segment the hand shape. After
detecting the black color pixels, we use RANSAC to a line to locate the black belt. The hand
shape is generally of 100*100 pixel resolution, with possibly severe distortions. After
detecting the hand shape, we represent it as a time-series curve. Such a shape representation
has been successfully used for the classification and clustering of shapes. The time-series
curve records the relative distance between each contour vertex and a center point. We define
the center point as the point with the maximal distance after Distance Transform on the shape
(the cyan point); and the initial point (the red point) is according to the RANSAC line
detected from the black belt (the green line). In our time series representation, the horizontal
axis denotes the angle between each contour vertex and the initial point relative to the center
point, normalized by 360 . The vertical axis denote the Euclidean distance between the
contour vertices and the center point, normalized by the radius of the maximal inscribed
circle. the time-series curve captures nice topological properties of the hand, such as the
finger parts.
Contour Detection has been used to pull out the features. It is one of the famous edge
detection method. A contour is an arc connecting the continuous points having identical
Colour or any feature. Contour approximation is done using Ramer Douglas Puecker
algorithm, which reduces a number of points in a curve by approximating a succession of
points. After the contour is detected, a convex hull is being created around it. Convex hull is a
compact convex bound around the detected shape. Any divergence from the main hull acts as
defect so the gaps between the fingers act as a convexity defect [6]. Using these defects
further recognition of the gesture is done.
In order to count the fingers and find the angle between the fingers three major points are
being extracted –
• Starting point(St)
• Centre point(Ce)
• End point(En)
It is an object detection method used to discover faces or cars or any object. This system is
provided with positive and negative images and selection of features along with the classifier
training and integral images. Each feature is the difference sum of the pixels within two
rectangular regions. These rectangular regions are nothing but the darker and the lighter
regions. These sectors have same size and shape horizontally or vertically. To find the sum of
pixels, under black and white regions, the concept of integral images is introduced. No matter
how large may be the number of pixels; it operates over only a fixed number of pixels.
AdaBoost does the selection of most appropriate features out of a large set of features. Weak
classifiers are combined to form the final classifier. They are weak because alone they cannot
identify the object. Each stage of cascade must not have a low false negative rate as when
face is classified as non-object then the classification stops. Each stage must have a high false
positive rate which means the erroneous detection of an object as face, thus this error can be
corrected in (n+1)th stage and succeeding stages in classifier.
LBP, abbreviation for Local Binary Pattern, is the measure of fixed grey scale texture
obtained by thresholding the nearby area of each pixel and the result obtained is considered
as a binary number. The LBP operator is the ratios of the pixel intensities of the center and
the surrounding pixels and can be
Absolute Value.
In addition, this distance gives the confidence, which determines the closeness between the
histograms. In the Research, major tasks performed were Detecting, capturing, training,
recognizing the face.
The face is detected in real time and when a user wants to save the image, a certain indication
is given to the system, after which the system crops the face detected in the real time system.
This Detection of the face is done through object classifier technique that is Haar cascade
classifier. Then the System asks for the name with a question “who are you” with which a
folder is stored and image with a name at that instant is stored. Pyttsx3 Library has been used
to convert Text to speech, which uses Natural Language Processing methods to achieve such
task. The major advantage to use this library is that the task can be performed offline. This
image is stored in black and white scheme for further processing.
• Easy to implement.
• Non intrusive
• Cheap technology.
The system in this project can be helpful for a blind person and can act as a virtual assistant
for it. Haar cascade Classifiers and LBPH recognizers has to be used for face detection and
identification in the real time whereas Convex hull and Convex defects algorithm have to be
used to detect the Hand gestures in real time. Skin color recognition is done in YCbCr color
space and different threshold ranges have been used to detect skin color in different lighting
conditions and skin color.
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