Indian Fiscal Policy
Indian Fiscal Policy
Indian Fiscal Policy
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Indian Fiscal Policy '
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
The financial system of a State is influenced, to a great deal,
by the economic policy of a country. The fiscal policy a s a
part of economic policy deals with taxation, public
expenditure, public borrowing and debt management. The
budgetary policy and the budget documents are important
parts of fiscal policy. That is why, the budgetary policy and
the budget documents, to a significant extent, influence the
functioning of a financial system of a country. Hence, in
this Unit, we shall discuss the issues relating to budgetary
policy and their bearing upon the lndian financial system.
Let u s begin with explaining the concepts of fiscal policy Budgetary Policy and
~dianFinan clai System
and budgetary policy in the next section.
(Rs in Crores)
TAX 163031
NON-TAX 68714
i) Money Market
The money market deals with short-term debt. The principal
players in the money market are the commercial and other
banks in addition to LIC, UTI, Mutual Funds, and non-
banking financial companies. These intermediaries lend
funds on a short-term basis to create a n active inter bank
call loan market. The Discount and Finance House of India
(DFHT) provides liquidity to money market instruments by
creating a secondary market.
i) Demnnd Deposits
Demand deposits are the financial instrument. which are
payable on demand to the owner by the holder. It may or
may not carry interest. These are usually held by the
banks by way of current and savings deposits and by post
offices by way of savings accounts.
ii) Short-Term Debt ~ l u d g e t a r y Policy a l ~ d
Indian Financial System
This is a promise to repay a specified sum along with agreed
rate of interest within a short period of one year. Treasury
bills, commercial papers, certificates of deposits and few
other innovative instruments have been introduced in the
3) State how the budgetary policy affects the financial markets
vi) The new economic policy has lent more emphasis on large
flow of direct foreign investment. I
2) i) Debt Recovery Tribunal has been set u p to expedite the Budgetary Policy and
Indian Financial S y s t e m
cases of banks suffering from the problem of recovery of
their loans.
ii) Entry of private and foreign banks has been permitted
to make the system more competitive and effective.
iii) The Statutory Liquidity Requirements (SLR) and Cash
Reserve Requirements (CRR) have been reduced
significantly to release more lonable funds to the banks.
3 ) Various policy measures of budgetary policy, such a s
taxation affect the level of saving and investment, which in
turn, affects the functioning of financial markets.