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A Mini Dissertation
Submitted To The University Of The Free State In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements
For The
Masters Degree In Disaster Management
Presented By
Lynnette Tshabangu
Supervised By
Mr Andries Jordaan
November 2009
Previous economic analysis of agriculture projects has excluded the cost implications of
environmental protection. Analyzing the gross margin budgets, a project can prove to be
economically viable, but such viability does not factor in the cost of the natural resources
(environment). Exploitation of the environment and local institutions have a strong
bearing on the successful implementation of the project and its sustainability. This study
was an effort to do an economic analysis of a proposed irrigation project scheme for
Gutu south in Zimbabwe with a backdrop of environmental impact of the scheme. The
study utilized the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) framework to analyze the
socio economic and biophysical impacts of the proposed scheme. Under the
socioeconomic impacts the study leant that the project will bring about food security
(food availability and diversified diet), employment creation, business opportunities,
infrastructure development and increased household income for engaging farmers.
Undesired outcomes of the scheme-included disputes on water rights and participation
in the scheme, increased risk to HIV/AIDS infection during scheme construction and
increased exposure to water born diseases. Considering the biophysical impacts of the
scheme, increased vegetation cover, increased crop yield, land conservation through
good agronomic practices constitute the positive side. The negative side is
predominantly soil erosion, slope instability, soil salinity and reduced biodiversity. The
project design incorporated environmental management strategies to mitigate the
negative impacts. The economic analysis of the project indicated a gross benefit of
US$13.930 million, by comparing the economic values of the ‘with’ and ‘without’ project
situation over a 30-year project life spun. Incorporating environmental protection costs of
US$27,560 the proposed irrigation project showed a net present value of US$1.729
million. The proposed irrigation project can then be safely recommended for
implementation with a higher degree of confidence. The result of integrating EIA in
economic analysis of a project provides a comprehensive decision making approach in
development programming.
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the work contained in this dissertation is my own
original work, that all sources used or quoted, have been indicated and acknowledged by
means of complete references, and that this dissertation was not previously submitted by me
or any other person at any other university for a degree.
Signature: ________________________
Date: 25 November 2009
This study would not have been possible without the provision, protection and promotion
from the Lord Almighty, whose grace is enough for me. I wish to express my sincere
gratitude to the people and institutions that made this study a success. My special
thanks goes to my husband, Mdabuli for all the spiritual and intellectual inspiration,
which enabled me to go the distance. My heart-felt gratitude goes to our boys Thubalami
and Thandolwenkosi for enduring with me through-out the study period. I am indebted to
my sister Mrs Sharbert Munyoro for making it possible for me to give this task all my
attention the final days before the due date of submission. I am grateful to the support
and encouragement I received from my supervisor Mr Andries Jordaan through out the
study period. I would like to acknowledge the support I received from my line manager
Clement Mhlanga, a colleague Taungana Dzikati and Debra Maleni from AGRITEX. I
also want to thank Oxfam GB for creating a conducive environment and availing relevant
materials used during the study period.
4.1.1 The Socio-Economic Aspects ...........................................................................45
4.1.2 The Bio-Physical Aspects .................................................................................47
4.2 Analysis of the Environmental Impact Identified.......................................................49
4.3 Economic Analysis Of the Proposed Irrigation Project .............................................57
4.3.1 The ‘Without’ Project Situation..........................................................................57
4.3.2 The ‘With’ Project Situation...............................................................................58
4.3.3 Valuation Of the On-Site Effects .......................................................................60
4.3.4 Valuation of Off-Site Effects..............................................................................64
4.3.5 Measurement of Economic Viability of The Proposed Irrigation Project ............65
4.4 Conclusion ..............................................................................................................68
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..........................................69
5.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................69
5.1 Discussion Of Findings And Results........................................................................69
5.1.1 Discussion of Bio-physical and Socio-economic Findings.................................69
5.1.2 Discussion of Benefit-Cost Analysis Findings ...................................................71
5.2 Conclusion ..............................................................................................................72
5.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................................73
LIST OF REFERENCES ...............................................................................................74
ANNEXURE ..................................................................................................................80
A. Discussion Guide ......................................................................................................80
B. Gross Margin Budget for Irrigated Crops...................................................................83
C. Gross Margin Budgets for Dry-Land Crops ...............................................................87
D. Ruti Irrigation Scheme Project Budget ......................................................................92
Figure 1: A map of the proposed site for the Ruti irrigation scheme.................................6
Figure 2: The Impact Screening Process.......................................................................38
Figure 3: A Simple Valuation Flowchart.........................................................................40
Figure 4: The Incremental Production of Irrigation Project .............................................63
Table 1: Challenges And Recommendations For Economic Analysis Of Environmental
Table 2: Identified Negative Environmental Impact Identified And Mitigation Measures.49
Table 3: Impact Screening Process Results ..................................................................52
Table 4: Current Annual Cropping Pattern In The Study Area .......................................58
Table 5: Expected Crop Production Pattern ‘With’ Irrigation ..........................................59
Table 6: Financial Gross Margins For Rain-Fed And Irrigated Crops.............................60
Table 7: Computation of Net Present Value For The Irrigation Project ..........................67
1.0 Introduction
Irrigation schemes are being strategically established in the rural areas of Zimbabwe as
a drought mitigation measure for income and food security reasons. Since 1980, the
use of water from river flow, reservoir storage and deep motorized boreholes has seen
the development of 187 smallholder irrigation schemes, across the agriculture sector
(FAO, 2000). The country has vast potential water resources in Trans-boundary Rivers
and in-land dams. An assessment done in Zimbabwe on Irrigation Feasibility by FAO in
2000 revealed that the country has potential for irrigation development to cover at least
240,000 hectares of arable land in the agricultural farming sector. Gutu district in
Masvingo province is one such area with potential water resources for irrigation
development given that it is prone to recurrent droughts. At the boundary of the south-
eastern part of the district is a perennial Ruti dam. This dam is a potential water resource
for irrigation development as a drought mitigation measure for the Gutu community.
The Gutu rural district council drew a plan to develop the irrigation scheme sometime in
the 1990s but due to a lack of funding from the government, the implementation of the
plan has been delayed. Oxfam Great Britain (Oxfam GB), a non-governmental
organization operating in the area was approached in 2007 for funding. In response,
Oxfam GB conducted a feasibility study for irrigation development in the area towards
the end of 2007. The study recommended development of an irrigation project as key
priority for the community in view of climate change impact. The study also pointed out
the need to promote sustainable livelihood options, which are economically viable given
that the community has been food insecure since 2002. These indications prompted
Oxfam GB to fund the establishment of an irrigation project with the aim of meeting food
security for the Gutu community, in view of achieving sustainable livelihoods. This study
is therefore a follow-up to conduct an economic analysis of the proposed irrigation
project. The analysis is done in the context of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
framework. The EIA framework provides an opportunity to predict environmental
damages and mitigation measures, as well as providing options for maximizing
productive and non-productive benefits of the environment. The economic analysis
focuses on establishing the benefits and costs for establishing the irrigation project
incorporating the environmental protection measures.
The study takes into account the national and international policies on environmental
damage prevention and mitigation. This includes the National Environmental
Management Act and the International Protocols and Agreements on the environmental
management. Therefore the EIA framework is used in view of Zimbabwe Environmental
Management Act, to ensure that environmental protection measures are incorporated in
the design of the irrigation project.
experienced in Zimbabwe, particularly drought cycles, means that rain-fed agriculture
which is the major source of livelihood for the rural majority will be greatly affected.
Climate change has been observed to show increased drought frequency, water
scarcity, land degradation and reduced or loss of ecosystem functions.
Coping strategies to the impacts of climate change for agricultural based livelihoods
especially in Zimbabwe have often been characterized by disposing of productive
assets, reduce food consumption, dependency on food aid, as well as reduced
expenditure on health and education (Chasi, 2009). Most if not all of these mechanisms
will push more people into extreme poverty with long term repercussions to increased
vulnerability to climate change related hazards. In light of this, most assessments have
concluded that there is need to improve food security, water and environmental
management. This implies better management of disaster risks including early warning
systems and protection from vector borne diseases. Recommendations have been made
to build the capacity of the rural poor to adapt to changing climate through technology
transfer and strengthening positive coping mechanisms. One way of building community
capacity to adapt to the effects of climate change is through irrigation development.
recommends that it is indispensable to carry out the EIA of an irrigation project in a given
The Environmental Management Act (Act 13 of 2002, Chapter 20:27) of Zimbabwe has a
provision that protects environmental degradation in all economic sectors such as
manufacturing, mining, construction, tourism and agriculture. To promote environmental
management practices the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental
Management has drawn guidelines to conduct EIA as a statutory requirement. The
guidelines stipulate that for all irrigation projects, there is need to conduct EIA in view of
environmental protection. Therefore environmental related projects at all levels are
expected to demonstrate environmental protection measures before they are
Gutu district has a population of over 198 000 people with more than 90% of the
population depending on subsistence rain-fed agriculture for livelihood. It covers natural
regions III, IV and V, which are characterized by erratic and unreliable rainfall patterns
(Rukuni and Eicher, 1994 pp 42). This makes rain-fed agriculture a risky venture and
statistics indicate that success rate of rain-fed agriculture in these regions especially IV
and V are in the order of one good harvest in every 4 to 5 years (FAO, 2000). Lately due
to climate change, the district has experienced repeated droughts and faces chronic
food insecurity. It has been a seasoned recipient of food aid from various institutions
including World Food Programme, Churches and the government since the 2002.
Despite being in region IV, the south-eastern part of Gutu has the potential to reduce
dependence on unsustainable rain fed agriculture through effective utilization of Ruti
Dam. The dam was commissioned in 1979 and is along Nyazvidzi River in the Save
Catchment Area and covers an area of over 1500ha. A report done early 2000 by the
Gutu Irrigation Department on the irrigation assessment utilizing the Ruti dam indicates
that there are 3 sites suitable for irrigation that can cover a total area of 250 hectares.
The initial assessment report revealed that the area nearest to the weir has a potential
for 80 hectares, and up to 20 hectares can be irrigated by gravity. The drawn irrigation
proposal is intended to irrigate a maximum of 20 hectares of arable land. This targets to
engage 80 farmers directly to produce crops in the irrigation. In the subsequent years
and depending on funding available, the scheme will be developed to its full capacity,
initially by expanding it to irrigate up to 80 hectares and later up to 250 hectares. The
figure below shows the south eastern part of Gutu district and the proposed site for the
irrigation scheme.
Figure 1: A map of the proposed site for the Ruti irrigation scheme
In view of answering this question, the following specific research questions were
• What are the probable environmental damages and benefits arising as a result
of the proposed irrigation project?
• What are the environmental protection measures to be considered in view of
the probable environmental damages?
• What are the costs and benefits of ‘with’ and ‘without’ the irrigation project?
Benefit-cost analysis will be used to assess the potential benefits and costs of the
irrigation project to the community, in view of calculating the net benefits. In order to do
this, the ‘with’ and ‘without’ irrigation project situations will be compared. The without-
project is captured as the present baseline conditions of the irrigation site. The with-
project situation focuses on future conditions if the irrigation project was to be
undertaken. The benefit-cost analysis focuses on the net changes that are predicted to
occur; that is the differences between the ‘with’ and the ‘without’ project situations. This
method permits the local authorities to determine in the broad sense whether the
proposal would use available resources efficiently from a community standpoint.
However, other considerations especially social factors are considered in drawing
recommendations as the benefit-cost analysis only offers economic efficiency.
- The environmental safeguards and mitigation measures in view of the predictions
of environmental impacts of the irrigation project
- The cost and benefit implication of the project considering the ‘with’ and ‘without’
irrigation project situations.
- The indication of recommended course of action for implementation of the
proposed irrigation project, including environmental management aspects.
1.5.3 Sampling
Participants for the focus groups discussions will be drawn from the community
surrounding the proposed site. Both men and women are expected to attend and efforts
will be made to invite people who are currently utilizing the site such as farmers, fisher-
men and others. The study proposes 4 focus group discussions each with at most 12
people, which is more that 10% of the targeted 80 farmer households expected to be
operating and benefit directly from the proposed irrigation project. Triangulation of
information will be done with the key informants who are stakeholders in the design and
development of the irrigation project. This includes people such as the community
leaders, local based specialists in agriculture, irrigation, environment, land use planning
and ZESA officials.
Chapter 2: With the purpose of giving an insight into the theoretical background and
related studies, this chapter provides the reviewed literature. It also gives insights on key
emerging findings and gaps existing from previous studies and related assessments.
Chapter 3: This chapter documents the design and methodology followed during the
research fieldwork. It discusses the instruments used in the measurement of the key
variables of the study and explains the sample design, techniques used in data
collection and analysis.
Chapter 4: This chapter presents the findings and results of the information collected for
an economic analysis of an irrigation project in the context of EIA framework.
Chapter 5: This chapter discusses the main findings of the study and draws conclusion
and recommendations. It provides a summary of the research project in view of the
broad research focus.
Annexes of tools used to conduct the study and other relevant detailed analysis for the
CHAPTER 2: Theoretical Framework
2.0 Introduction
This chapter provides the theoretical framework and literature reviewed that relates to
this study. It discusses the theoretical framework of economic analysis in the context of
EIA. The first section discusses the EIA framework for irrigation development. Reference
is made to the Zimbabwean EIA framework as a statutory requirement for environmental
management. The next section of the chapter provides literature on the relevance of
economic analysis in EIA as a tool for project planning and designing. Key concepts
used in economic analysis that are specific in this study are also defined. A detailed
review of the methodologies used in economic analysis of environmental impacts is also
discussed. The last section provides information on reviewed evaluations done on
existing smallholder irrigation schemes in view of economic viability and mitigating the
negative impacts of drought in communities.
− Agriculture management practices. These may contribute to the pollution of
ground water and down stream surface water through inputs of salts,
agrochemicals and toxic leachates.
The implementation of Agenda 21 was reviewed in 1997 (Rio +5) by the general
Assembly of the United Nations. It was recognized that progress was uneven and noted
key trends including increasing globalization, widening inequalities in income and a
continued deterioration of the global environment. The Rio+10 conference conducted in
Johannesburg in 2002, focused on the World Summit on Sustainable Development
(Earth Summit 2002). It affirmed the United Nation’s commitment to the implementation
of Agenda 21, alongside achievement of other international agreements such as the
Millennium Development Goals (Wikipedia, 2009). The call on countries is to adopt the
National Sustainable Development Strategies in view of the human impact on the
environment. Implementation by member states is voluntary and they should work within
the context of Agenda 21. The conference assessed progress on implementation of the
results of the Rio Summit and pointed out the need for countries to develop approaches
that would tackle social and ecological problems jointly, in dealing with environmental
problems effectively. One of the recommended approaches was for countries to ensure
that EIA is incorporated as a national instrument. This way, EIA will be undertaken for
proposed activities that are likely to have a significant adverse impact on the
environment and are subject to a decision of a competent national authority (UNCEP,
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) publication on EIA (2000) refers to sustainable
development as the result of carefully integrating environmental, economic and social
needs. This should achieve an increased standard of living and a net gain or equilibrium
among human, natural and economic resources to support future generations. This was
borne out of the realization of the need to overcome environmental challenges in order
to achieve sustainable development. These environmental challenges include land
degradation and depletion of natural resources; human settlements unfit for habitation
due to inadequate shelter, sanitation and water supplies; soil water and air pollution; and
global issues like global warming, ozone depletion, and loss of biodiversity (ADB, 2000).
In view of these challenges, EIA processes come in handy for examining the social and
environmental consequences of projects prior to their execution. In this regard, the
purpose of EIA is to provide information to decision makers and the public about the
environmental implications of proposed actions before decisions are made. The
information provided is broadly on the environmental impacts and the means for
preventing or reducing those impacts.
i. The identification phase. This involves characterizing the existing physical,
social, economic and ecological environment and identifying components of a
development project which are likely to impact that environment.
ii. The prediction phase. The project impacts are quantified using standards
and by comparison with the findings of the other projects. This phase
forecasts on the nature and extent of the identified environmental impacts,
and estimates the likelihood of the occurring impacts.
iii. The assessment phase. This phase judges the importance or significance of
the predicted impacts. It determines the costs and benefits to user groups
and the population affected by the project. It also specifies and compares
trade-offs between various alternatives.
These processes should lead to the development of a report that clearly gives an
identification and analysis of the environmental effects of proposed activities, including
their probability of occurrence. An environmental management plan should be drawn in
the report, which outlines the mitigation measures to be undertaken. The report should
also document an environmental monitoring programme, which outlines the data that
must be collected in conjunction with the project. The results of these processes should
allow decision makers to clearly identify beneficial and adverse impacts of the proposed
project and its development alternatives (ADB, 2000).
Most countries in the southern Africa region have demonstrated commitment to the
International agreements on environment and development systems by ensuring that
environmental management issues are incorporated in statutory instruments. In
Zimbabwe, this has been done through the enactment of the Environmental
Management Act 13 of 2002, Chapter 20:27. The Act has a section on Environmental
Impact Assessment, Audit and Monitoring of Projects. Though EIA has been recognized
as an integral part of environmental management for most developing countries, ADB
(2000) recommends that there is need to overcome the following limitations in its
- Insufficient procedural guidance;
- Inadequate baseline data upon which to base analyses;
- The cost of EIA study preparation; potential delays in project implementation;
- The lack of expertise for assessing impacts;
- Inefficient communication of EIA results to decision makers;
- Lack of niter-agency coordination;
- Limited capacity for review of EIA reports; and
- Insufficient commitment to follow up on the implementation of environmental
protection and monitoring requirements.
- The prevention of pollution and environmental degradation;
- The preparation of a national Environmental Plan and other plans for the
management and protection of the environment;
- The establishment of an Environmental Management Agency (EMA) and an
Environment Fund;
- To amend references to intensive conservation areas and committees and
associated matter in various Acts;
- To repeal the Natural Resources Act (Chapter 20:13), the Atmospheric Pollution
Prevention Act (Chapter 20:03), the Hazardous Substances and Articles Act
(Chapter 15:05) and The Noxious Weeds Act (Chapter 19:07); and
- To provide for matter connected with or incidental to the foregoing.
The Environmental Management Act (Act 13 of 2002) defines the environment and
environmental impact assessment as follows:
Environment means
a) the natural and man-made resources, physical resources, both biotic and abiotic,
occurring in the lithosphere and atmosphere, water, soil, minerals and living
organisms, whether indigenous or exotic, and the interaction between them;
b) ecosystems, habitats, spatial surroundings and their constituent parts, whether
natural or modified or constructed by people and communities, including
urbanized areas, agricultural areas, rural landscapes and places of cultural
c) the economic, social, cultural or aesthetic conditions and qualities that contribute
to the value of matters set out in paragraphs (a) and (b).
Environmental Impact Assessment means an evaluation of a project to determine its
impact on the environment and human health and to set out the required environmental
monitoring and management procedures and plans.
The Environmental Management Act (Act 13 of 2002) requires the project developer to
submit a prospectus containing information regarding the assessment and the proposed
project to EMA, prior to conducting an EIA. Once the prospectus has been approved, the
developer can conduct the EIA in reference to the terms of reference provided by EMA.
In some instances, EMA may require an independent person or consultant who is an
expert in environmental planning and management services to conduct the EIA.
According to the Environmental Management Act (Act 13 of 2002), the EIA report on a
project is expected to contain the following information:
a) Give a detailed description of the project and the activities to be undertaken in
implementing it; and
b) State the reasons for selecting the proposed site of the project; and
c) Give a detailed description of the proposed site of the project; and
d) Specify the measures proposed for eliminating, reducing or mitigating any
anticipated adverse effects the project may have on the environment, identifying
ways of monitoring and managing the environmental effects of the project; and
e) Indicate whether the environment of any other country is likely to be affected by
the project and any measures to be taken to minimize any damage to that
environment; and
f) Where applicable, indicate how the developer proposes to integrate biological
diversity in the project; and
g) Describe concisely the methodology used by the developer to compile the
environmental impact assessment report.
design and select projects that contribute to the welfare of a country and its people (Belli
et al, 1998).
Economic analysis allows determination of whether, and by how much, the benefits
exceed the costs in terms of achieving the objective of the project. According to Gittinger
(1982) the economic analysis of a project entails identifying and valuing the costs and
benefits that will arise ‘with’ the proposed project and compares them with the situation
as it would be ‘without’ the project. In this regard, anything that reduces or subtracts from
the project objective is a cost and anything that increases or adds to the project objective
is a benefit. Financial values are a starting point for estimation of economic values, and
these can be adopted if they reflect the market price of a commodity or service.
Adjustments should be made, if necessary, for transfer payments, distortions of the
exchange rate and wage rate, and capital constraints by using shadow prices (James,
The process will give the Net Present Value (NPV), which is one of the 3 discounted
cash flow measures of project worth. NPV refers to the expected present value of the net
benefits of the project. For a project to be accepted, the NPV must not be negative when
discounted at an appropriate rate, and the project’s expected NPV must be at least as
high as the NPV of mutually exclusive alternatives (Gittinger, 1982). The other 2
discounted cash flow measures of project worth are the Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
and the Net Benefit-Investment Ratio (NBIR). IRR is the discount rate that results in zero
NPV for the project. A project whose NPV is greater than or equal to zero at some
discount rate, say d, also has IRR that is greater than or equal to d, leads to the same
results, accept project (Gittinger, 1982). IRR will not be the basis for decision making
given that a project can have multiple IRR and there is need to choose if the IRR is
acceptable. NBIR is often abbreviated N/K ratio and refers to the present worth of the
net benefits divided by the present worth of the investment. When using the NBIR, the
selection criterion is to accept all projects with a net benefit-investment ration of 1 or
greater when discounted at a suitable discount rate, in order of ration value until all
available investment funds are exhausted. The NBIR can be used to rank independent
projects and cannot be used directly to choose among mutually exclusive alternatives
(Gittinger, 1982).
Belli et al (1998), recommends that for projects whose benefits are measurable in
monetary terms, the appropriate yardstick for judging whether the project is acceptable
in the project’s NPV. For EIA, this implies quantifying and assigning monetary values to
the impact of the project on the environment. It therefore requires that the EIA report
provide all the possible environmental impacts of the project. It should also provide
sufficient quantitative and qualitative descriptions of identified environmental impacts.
This information becomes the basis for the economic valuation carried out.
Below are the key concepts for economic analysis that will be referred to in this study:
• Present value refers to the value at present of an amount to be received or
paid at some time in the future, determined by multiplying the future value by a
discount factor. It is therefore the value of future flows discounted to the
present. It is also referred to as the present worth.
• Discount rate refers to the interest rate used to determine the present worth of
a future value by discounting.
• Net benefit refers to the amount remaining after all outflows are subtracted
from all inflows. This can be referred to as the net cash flow.
• Incremental net benefit is the increase in net benefit with the project as
opposed to the case without the project. It is the incremental cash flow, and is
the basis for calculating measures of project worth.
• Shadow price refers to the value used in economic analysis for a cost or a
benefit in a project when the market price is felt to be a poor estimate of
economic value.
• Conversion factor refers to a number usually less than 1, that can be
multiplied by the domestic market price, opportunity cost, or value in use of a
non-traded item to convert it to an equivalent border price that reflects the
effect of trade distortions on domestic prices of that good or service. A standard
conversion factor is the reciprocal of 1 plus the foreign exchange premium
stated in decimal form.
• Economic value refers to the amount by which production of a project output
or use of a project input changes national income. This can be a market price
or may be an estimate of value in use or opportunity cost that differs from the
market price.
James (1994) further highlights that under the traditional EIA, judgments about the
significance of effect tend to be derived in an ad hoc manner. However, under the
economic approach an attempt is made to measure rigorously social costs and benefits
and express them in a familiar unit of measurement, that is the monetary value. An
acknowledgment is however noted that although economic techniques are capable of
valuing a wide range of environmental impacts, in cases where there is insufficient
scientific information on environmental effects, ethical judgment should be used.
According to the Asian Development Bank (2000), the methodology of valuing costs and
benefits of environmental goods and services is still evolving; the role of economics in
EIA can be summarized as follows:
a. The use of economics for “benefit-cost analysis” as an integral part of the project
selection. Benefit-cost analysis can be used in the prescreening stage of the
project, and the environmental components can be brought into the process of
presenting various options and selecting among them. This leads to a project
selection process, which takes the environment into consideration.
b. The use of economics in the assessment of activities suggested by the EIA. The
economic assessment is focused on the cost assessment of environmental
mitigation measures and management plans suggested in the EIA. The
Economic analysis in the EIA may include a summary of the project costs and
how such cost estimates would change due to the activities proposed under the
EIA. This can be considered as an accounting of the environmental investment of
a project.
c. The economic assessment of the environmental impacts of the project. This is
geared towards seeking the economic values (of both costs and benefits) of the
environmental impacts. These impacts are neither mitigated, nor taken into
account in traditional economic analysis of projects. They should be identified by
the EIA and sufficient quantitative and qualitative explanations should be given in
EIA documents.
Beder, (1997) highlights that because environmental 'assets' are free or under-priced
they tend to be overused or abused, resulting in environmental damage. She notes that
by estimating a monetary value for environmental 'assets' more weight will be given to
environmental protection in the decision-making process. Therefore analyzing the costs
and benefits in conjunction with environmental impact assessment is promoted as a
primary method for integrating economic and environmental considerations in decision-
making. (Noorbakhsh and Ranjan, 1998) Suggests that for an environmental
assessment process to be meaningful and to be able to serve the purpose of promoting
sustainability, integration of environmental considerations in economic appraisal and
development plans is required.
The authors (Noorbakhsh and Ranjan) however acknowledge that when the
environmental impacts are not expressed in economic terms it becomes difficult to
integrate the EIA findings in the decision making process and much is left to the value
judgement of the decision maker. According to Little and Mirrlees (1991) a number of
investment projects implemented in many developing countries by aid agencies,
international donors and public sectors have yielded little or nothing. These failures can
be partly attributed to the disproportionate emphasis on the financial and economic
viability of projects at the expense of other important planning aspects.
According to the Asian Development Bank (2000), the methodology of valuing costs and
benefits of environmental changes is still evolving. Three conceptual issues are
recommended for the process of valuing environmental impacts and these are; the need
to choose valuation techniques; the definition of analysis boundaries and the
selection of an appropriate time horizon. Some general guidelines for conducting
useful economic analysis of the environmental impacts of development projects adopted
from the Asian Development Bank’s Guidelines for Economic Analysis of Projects (Asian
Development Bank, 1987) are noted below.
i. Start with the most obvious and easily valued environmental impacts. First
select the effects that have directly measurable productivity changes that can
be valued by market prices, for example, changes in fish or crop production
due to a diversion of water for a hydroelectric power project.
ii. Always look at both the benefit and cost sides. A clear distinction should be
made between benefits and costs, as these will be the reference from which
changes are measured.
iii. Economic analysis should be done in a “with and without project” framework.
Project alternatives should also be considered.
iv. All assumptions in the economic analysis should be stated clearly.
v. When market prices cannot be used directly, surrogate market prices should
be used.
Belli et al (1998), recommends that the first step in assessing costs or benefits of
environmental impacts is to determine the functional relationship between the project
and the environmental impact, as measured by some physical characteristics. The
second step is to assign a monetary value to the environmental impact by means of
objective and /or subjective valuation techniques. Belli et al (1998), defines objective
valuation techniques as techniques, which are based on technical and/or physical
relationships that can be measured. They rely on observable environmental changes
and on market prices of goods or services (or expenditures). The authors further define
subjective valuation techniques as techniques, which are based on behavioral or
revealed relationships. Frequently, they use surrogate measures to estimate values; that
is, the analyst uses a value for a marketed good to infer a value for an unpriced
environmental good or service. The subjective measures are said to rely on surrogate
markets, hypothetical markets (based on surveys), or implicit values as expressed by
various “hedonic” techniques. Subjective techniques offer the only practical way to
measure certain categories of environment-related benefits and costs, and they are
increasingly accepted for decision-making (Belli et al, 1998).
project” and “without the project” should be assessed as the second step. The latter
option is used to specify the change the project will cause and to clarify the degree of
damage or the damage avoided by the project. Assumptions should be made about the
time over which the changes in productivity must be measured, and any future changes
expected in relative prices.
Aravosis and Karydis (n.d) categorize the environmental impact evaluation techniques of
non-tradable goods into 3 general evaluation approaches as follows:
Revealed preference techniques (direct valuation), which derives from preferences
from actual, observed, market-based information. The techniques include the hedonic
pricing, travel cost method and replacement cost. These techniques infer environmental
values from markets in which environmental factors have an immediate influence.
Stated preference techniques (indirect valuation), which attempt to elicit preferences
in direct way by use of questionnaire. The same techniques enable economic values to
be estimated for a wide range of commodities, which are not traded in real markets,
such as environmental resources. The common approaches used are the contingent
valuation and conjoint analysis.
Production function approaches, which link environmental quality changes to changes
in production relationships. These approaches are indirect means of non-market good
evaluation, related either to firm’s productions goods or services, or to household
producing services that generate positive utility. The averting behavior and dose-
response functions are 2 such approaches.
Belli et al (1998), indicates that the choice of valuation technique depends on the impact
to be valued; data, time, and financial resources available for the analysis, and the
socio-cultural setting within which the valuation exercise is carried out. They recommend
that the simplest techniques are usually the most useful. They further indicate that in
most bank projects, the most useful valuation techniques are those that rely on actual
changes in production, on replacement costs or preventive expenditures, or on
information about impacts on human health (cost of illness). All of these deal with
physical changes that can be valued using market prices and are all included in the
objective set of techniques.
There are however a number of challenges noted by the Asian Development bank
(2000) with regards to economic analysis of projects when incorporating environmental
values into benefit cost analysis. The table below presents some of the challenges and
recommended course of actions, which will be considered in this study.
Table 1: Challenges And Recommendations For Economic Analysis Of Environmental Impacts
Challenge Recommended Action
Economic analysis does not address the effects of the project There is need to incorporate distributional impacts into the economic
on income distribution. Some projects may show high benefit analysis by assigning different weights to different income groups.
cost ratios yet they benefit wealthy individuals at the expense
of poor individuals.
Intergenerational equity is difficult to address for projects with One way of addressing this issue is directly related to the choice of
environmental issues having an impact over a long period. discount rate. A high discount rate will favor projects with immediate net
Future generations might have fewer resources available than benefits, while a low one will have fewer restrictive effects on projects
they would have had without the project, resulting in a high with long-term negative benefits and will give more weight to negative
benefit-cost ratio. future impact.
Economic analysis also has to deal with risk and uncertainty. Expected values are used as alternative values for variables (that is,
Natural events such as drought, floods, earthquakes, and plant prices, quantities whose precise value cannot be known in advance).
and animal diseases may seriously affect projects. By using a single number, this “expected value” method of accounting
for risk and uncertainty does not indicate the degree of uncertainty or
the range of values, which might actually be expected. Sensitivity
analysis can also be used to handle risk and uncertainty in projects.
Here, the use of optimistic and pessimistic values for different variables
can indicate which variables will have the most pronounced effects on
benefits and costs.
Accounting of the irreversible damage projects have on Irreversibility can be accounted for by the opportunity-cost approach
available natural resources. Irreversible impacts may have since it indirectly provides information on the cost of preservation.
significant consequences in the future. Caution should be made in the choice of projects, by wisely using
nonrenewable resources and implementing projects, which promote
sustainable use of renewable resources.
Ethical and moral considerations in the valuation of human Methods have been devised to evaluate project activities, which will
lives, especially in determining how much compensation an affect human health. The most useful valuation techniques rely on
individual will accept for the loss of his life. information about impacts on human health (cost of illness). However,
ethically no project proponent could shamelessly show willingness to
buy/pay for human lives that might be affected by the project.
Economic valuation will also have limits if the resources in The preventive expenditures valuation technique may be used in this
question are imbedded in the people’s cultural traditions and case. However, although people may be willing to pay to preserve or
value systems. This is specifically true for cultural, historical, retain a resource, they might be constrained by income.
and aesthetic resources where the people’s perception of
losses of these resources depends a great deal on their cultural
and historical attachment to them.
Source: Adopted from the Asian Development Bank, 2000.
2.5 Case Studies From Other Countries
An economic assessment of an irrigation project in Greece by Psychoudakis et al,
(1995) revealed that the internationally significant wetlands surrounding Lake Mikri
Prespa were adversely affected in the 1960s by an irrigation project to increase
agricultural production and income. The irrigation project was delayed by 2 years
resulting in an increase in public costs by 4.4 times the initial estimate and the irrigation
area reduced to 41.3% of the initially planned area. A reduction in wetland area and the
effects of intensive farming are highlighted as key adverse environmental impacts. An
ex-post cost-benefit analysis shows that the social value of the project is negative, such
that the economic losses would have been avoided by conserving the area in its natural
state, besides its intrinsic environmental value. However, the benefits to farmers were
substantial, although less than that expected, thus explaining the local support for further
expansion of irrigation.
In a review study on the Environmental Impact of Irrigation, Stockle (2002) mentions that
the potential to increase substantially the irrigated area of the world is limited. The study
argues that gains from new capacity are expected to be offset by losses such as water
logging and salinization, as well as retirement of areas being irrigated by pumping water
in excess of rates of recharge. It points out that managing existing irrigation projects so
as to minimize their environmental impact is a requirement for long-term sustainability of
irrigated agriculture. However, a note is made that developing countries are already
struggling to provide safe drinking water and proper sanitation to their exploding
populations, let alone enough irrigation water to maintain sufficient food production
levels. As a result, their ability to restore and maintain the environment is questionable,
especially considering the negative effect of global warming on water resources and the
environment (Stockle).
A study by Assefa (2008) on small-scale irrigation in The Central Rift Valley (CRV) in
Ethiopia revealed that the increased use of water for irrigation puts a great pressure on
the local hydrology and ecosystem. The sustainability of irrigated agriculture is
questioned as the study points out that competition for irrigation water, land and biomass
increases resource management complexity. In view of providing information to guide
resource management, the study recommends the need to ensure economic viability of
irrigations schemes. Other specific issues recommended by the author include the need
to improve the economic and environmental performance of small scale-irrigation
schemes, institutional support, training of farmers on improved crop and water
management issues, regular supervision and monitoring of scheme activities.
2.6 Case Studies From Zimbabwe
A study done by ECHO on Food Aid in Zimbabwe (2007) revealed that food insecurity in
communal lands is caused by population pressure. The resultant increased
environmental degradation leads to reduced production in dry land farming. The study by
ECHO (2007) argued that soil fertility is deteriorating tremendously over the years,
resulting in farmers failing to achieve reasonable or optimum harvests. It is also
highlighted that decline in food production is a result of extensive soil erosion in the
arable areas, thereby rendering the soil less productive. These factors, coupled with the
effect of drought, have been used as the basis for land reform and resettlement. Land
reform has seen “new” farmers with no prior experience of irrigation being allocated plots
on former commercial irrigated farms. The main problem noted amongst these farmers
with surface drainage system is lack of proper maintenance resulting in below optimum
functioning of the systems (FAO, 2007). It was also noted that some farmers in these
irrigation schemes had planted trees in the surface drainage systems, rendering them
Smallholder irrigation in Zimbabwe has been viewed as a contributor to rural
development and for improving the standards of living among the rural communities.
This is borne from the fact that most evaluations done on irrigations schemes have
revealed that yields achieved on smallholder schemes are higher than rain-fed dry-land
yields in communal areas (FAO, 1999). However, Makhado (1984) questioned the
economic viability of these smallholder irrigation and points out that certain smallholder
schemes have failed and are under-utilized. The failure has been attributed to poor
management, lack of inputs and irrigation experience by smallholder farmers. Poor
catchment management, which results in siltation of some water bodies, has been
highlighted as one of the factors contributing to irrigation failure.
A study was done on smallholder irrigation in Zimbabwe (1995), focusing on the Hama
Mavhaire Irrigation scheme in Chirumhanzu district, to share innovative experiences.
The study describes the scheme as an oasis of life and a hive of commercial activities.
The scheme proved to be both financial and economically viable, having farmers
averaging US$2,500 to US$2,700 gross margins per hectare per year (Chitsiko, 1995).
The scheme operations demonstrated a good integration of environmental and
conservation management aspects. Soils that were once exposed to erosion prior to the
establishment of the irrigation scheme were relieved of grazing pressure giving
vegetation a chance to recover. Additionally, the year-round crop production in the
scheme increased vegetation cover. Resultantly, water storage capacity in rivers and
tributary streams increased as sedimentation loads were significantly reduced.
Additionally, the pipe system used for irrigation proved to be environmentally friendly and
healthy with no run-off to cause water logging that can be a source of malaria and
bilhazia (Chitsiko, 1995).
2.7 Conclusion
The foregoing sections discussed the EIA and economic analysis framework, and
related studies. The literature accessed especially for Zimbabwe chronicled mostly the
socio-economic aspects of smallholder irrigation schemes in terms of agriculture,
financial and economic viability. The studies reviewed on EIA related to irrigation
schemes in Zimbabwe focused more on issues of employment, business opportunities,
increase in farmer incomes, rural infrastructure development and the enjoyment of
human dignity by farmers in producing their own food instead of depending on food aid.
However, none of the literature reviewed presented economic analysis of the
environmental impacts of the irrigation schemes. This study therefore attempts to do an
economic analysis of the environmental impacts of the Ruti irrigation scheme in Gutu
district in Zimbabwe.
3.0 Introduction
This chapter documents the design and methodology followed during the research
fieldwork. It discusses instruments that were used in the measurement of key variables
of the study and explains the sample design and techniques used in data collection. It
also describes the procedures used in capturing and editing data and the rationale
behind the selection of data analysis procedures employed. It concludes by giving a
discussion on the quality of data collected by highlighting shortcomings, limitations and
gaps in the data.
Selection of the study area was also influenced by the EIA study which was conducted in
the Mazuru ward focusing on the proposed site for the initial 20 hectares. The
assessment was conducted to ensure that the positive impacts of the proposed project
on the environment are enhanced, while the negative impacts are mitigated. This study
is therefore enhancing the EIA study, by conducting an economic analysis of the
proposed irrigation projects taking into consideration the environmental impacts and
mitigation measures identified.
3.2 Methods Employed in Data Collection
Focus group discussions were organized in four villages out of six in the study area. An
effort was made to have at least 10 participants taking part in each of the focus group
discussions. The objective of these focus group discussions was to collect in-depth
qualitative information about the irrigation scheme with regards to the community’s
expectations, planned activities, contributions towards setting up the scheme, as well as
perceptions on environmental management. A checklist with key questions was drawn
up to guide the discussions. Male and female participants were combined during the
discussions as the proposed irrigation scheme is expected to benefit both men and
women equally with no special bias to gender. Efforts were made to have both the youth
and adults to accommodate diversity in terms of views and perceptions.
Various interviews were conducted with key informants from the Environmental
Management Authority, Ruti Irrigation Committee Members, Irrigation Department, Food
and Agriculture Organization, local chief and village head, ward councilor, AGRITEX,
Oxfam GB Programme Manager, Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA), and
Rural Electrification Agency (REA). Information collected through key informant
interviews was broadly centered on:
- The temporal or spatial boundaries of the irrigation project;
- The social dimensions in relation to the irrigation project;
- The economic factors relating to the irrigation project;
- The possible adverse and beneficial environmental impacts that may influence
the design of irrigation project; and
- The environmental safeguards and mitigation measures in view of the predictions
of environmental impacts of the irrigation project.
A total of 13 key informants were interviewed over a period of 5 days. Information
obtained was both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The roles and responsibilities of
interviewed key informants are as follows:
• Oxfam GB: Financing the implementation of the irrigation project. It is responsible
for coordination of activities during the irrigation scheme establishment. It is also
responsible for building capacity of the targeted community, through community
mobilization, organization and awareness raising on gender, HIV/AIDS and policy
issues related to natural resource and environmental management.
• Ruti Irrigation Project Committee (RIPC) is responsible for the direct management
of the irrigation scheme set up and implementation on behalf of the community,
which includes mobilizing community members to provide labour and local available
resources during construction. The committee represents the community members in
stakeholder meetings and decision-making.
• The Irrigation Services Department is responsible for topographical surveys,
design of the irrigation scheme and hiring out heavy machinery (graders, front
loaders and dousers) at subsidized rates. The department will be responsible for
providing irrigation management and training in relation to equipment utilization and
• Zimbabwe National Water Authority is responsible for technical design of water
movement from the dam to overnight storage systems and pipelines to the field. It
also provides trainings on community based water management and maintenance.
The department currently issues and manages water rights permits and receipts
water users’ fee.
• District Development Authority is responsible for providing expertise for
construction of access roads, surveying of boreholes and fencing of the irrigation
fields. The department will facilitate trainings on water point and fence maintenance.
• District Administrator and Local government are responsible for land
administration and related policy implementation. They are responsible for gazetting
the proposed area from being a communal area to an irrigation scheme area. This
implies enforcement and administering of by-laws related to land designated for
irrigation purposes.
• Local leadership (traditional chief, councilor and village heads) is responsible
for mobilizing community members, providing basic information on the community
such as social, cultural and traditional values. They also participate in decision
making as they represent the views and interests of the community from a political,
social and cultural points of view.
• Agricultural Training and Extension Services are responsible for agronomic
issues and agriculture conservation practices. They provide agriculture information
and extension services to the community and shall be giving similar support to the
targeted farmers in the project.
• Ministry of Health and Child Welfare is responsible for implementation of health
programmes with special focus on sanitation, HIV/AIDS, malaria control and
bilharzias in relation to the irrigation project.
• Zimbabwe Electricity and Supply Authority is responsible for providing electricity
connections and maintenance of the electrical systems.
• Environmental Management Agency is responsible for environmental
management, which includes overseeing the conduction of the EIA, monitoring and
evaluation of the environmental mitigation measures proposed by the EIA study.
Quantitative data was compiled through document review and key informant interviews.
This was information on gross margin budgets, crop production trends and the proposed
irrigation project budget. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel, a simple
statistical aid to construct graphs and pie charts.
Economic analysis of environmental impacts was done by initially identifying the spatial
and conceptual boundaries of the proposed project site. This was achieved through
consultations with the lead consultant who undertook the EIA exercise for the proposed
irrigation project. Through the EIA study, as well as literature review on climate change
impacts and coping strategies, the environmental impacts of the irrigation project were
identified. The identified environmental impacts were quantified where possible and
organized according to importance in relation to the irrigation project. This was a
mammoth task in study as it required a good basis for deciding which environmental
impacts to include and how to quantify and monetarise the same. In determining the
significance of the relationship of identified impacts to the irrigation project, the
environmental impacts were screened using the steps illustrated on the diagramme
Screen 1: Is the
impact internal or
mitigated? Yes
Describe impact qualitatively and quantify to the
Yes extent feasible. Document reasons why impact
cannot be quantified or monetized?
Screen 3: Is the impact
too uncertain or
sensitive for objective
Following the quantification of impacts, economic valuation techniques were selected
based on the nature of the identified environmental impacts. In reference to the valuation
flowchart presented below, adopted from Dixon et al (1994), the quantified
environmental impacts were presented in monetary values using the appropriate
valuation techniques. As illustrated on the flowchart below, the environmental impacts
were divided into 3 categories. The first two categories are those that cause measurable
changes in the production of a specific good or service, and thereby affect: 1) human
welfare, and 2) human health. The third category comprise of impacts that cause
changes in the quality of the environment. However, in reference to the screening of
impacts done using the process illustrated earlier, the impacts affecting human welfare
and health were quantifiable, while the impacts on changes in environmental quality
were qualified.
Environmental Impact
Yes Health
Air and Effects
Habitat Recreation water quality
Nondistorted market
prices available? Opportunity Cost
cost approach effectiveness of Sickness Death
Replacement l Cost Preventive Loss of CEA
cost expenditures earning of
approach s preve
Use change evaluation Replacement/
in Land value relocation costs Medic
Use surrogate market approach al costs
productivity Human
approach. approaches, apply
shadow prices to Capital
change in production
Following the economic valuation of environmental impacts, a period of a month was set
to collect relevant data for the extended benefit cost analysis. The process entailed
collection of gross margin budgets for the proposed irrigation scheme’s cropping
calendar and for the current rain-fed crops grown in the study area. In partnership with
the farmers in the proposed site and key stakeholders involved in the setting up of the
irrigation scheme, Oxfam GB consolidated a bill of quantities for the scheme on behalf of
the farmers. The consolidated bill of quantities was incorporated in this study as the
capital investment of the irrigation project. Cash flows for both the ‘with’ project and
‘without’ project scenarios were calculated from the collected financial information.
The computed financial cash flows were the starting point for economic analysis. The
prices were then adjusted to reflect the economic value to Zimbabwean society for the
two scenarios. The economic values of both inputs and outputs differ from financial
values because of market distortions created either by the government or by the private
sector. The main causes of distortion in the Zimbabwean economy are tariffs and export
taxes. This has resulted in distortions of prices for traded items, non-traded items and
wage rates. The distortions on market prices were corrected using a conversion factor
obtained from the Planning Commission of Zimbabwe to arrive at shadow prices. The
following relationship, which exists between financial prices and shadow prices, was
In March 2009 the Zimbabwe dollar was abandoned and the government announced the
undertaking of total economic reform liberalizing most sectors of the economy through
the Short Term Economic Recovery Programme (STERP). However, since the
government of Zimbabwe adopted the new policy in March 2009 of using stable foreign
currencies, a pay-as-you-go budget and the cessation of quasi-fiscal activities, this has
resolved the problem of inflation. Measures implemented to guarantee profitability and
viability of farming centre around deregulation of the marketing and pricing of
commodities and allowing farmers to sell freely their commodities in the open market
and market determined prices. Against this background, the following assumptions were
made underlying the economic analysis of this study:
- The macro-economic context in the country is expected to be stable with less or
no distortions in marketing systems.
- Policies that promote local production and protect producers especially farmers
will be implemented.
- Both farmers and consumers will have access to market information for decision-
- The local based institutions will have capacity to effectively play their role and
support the irrigation project as expected.
- There is no uncertainty about either the costs or returns of the project.
- The proposed irrigation scheme has a 30-year life span.
- There will be no civil unrest in the planned 2013 presidential elections, which can
result in relocation of farmer households.
Examining the difference between the availability of inputs and outputs for the ‘with’ and
‘without’ project situations, was used as the basic method of identifying project costs and
benefits. This method measures the incremental benefits arising from the project over
time. Measures of change in costs and benefits over time were compared by expressing
the corrected market prices in present values or as an annualized figure. This involves
use of social discount rate, which is similar to the rate of interest, but which reflects
society’s time preference for the consumption of goods and services, or the productivity
of capital. The time horizon of the analysis was set at 25 years, informed by the
expected life-span of the irrigation infrastructure before major improvements are
The technique for economic evaluation used in this study is the net present value (NPV)
also known as the net present worth. The NPV determines the present value of net
benefits by discounting the streams of benefits and costs back to the beginning of the
base year. In view of economic analysis of environmental impacts, the present value of
the net benefits can be expressed as presented in the formula below:
– Bd and Cd are the present values of direct benefits and costs of outputs and
resources used in the proposal
– Cp is the present value of environmental protection costs, which are an additional
cost item incurred within the proposed activity
– Be is the value of the environmental benefits, which are external to the proposal
– Ce is the present value of remaining environmental damage, which are external
to the proposal.
– Bo and Co are the present values of other indirect or secondary benefits and
For Bd, Cd and Cp, financial values are a starting point for estimation of economic
values. Adjustments of the financial values were considered given the distortions on
prices in Zimbabwe as explained earlier. For Be and Ce, the idea was to consider using
market-based techniques first, surrogate market methods next and contingent valuation
last. The general rule is to maximize and have the NPV positive and it is calculated by
means of a formula;
NPV = ∑ (Bt – Ct)
t=1 (I + r)t
Where Bt are economic benefits at time t, Ct are economic costs at time t, r is the social
discount rate and n is the number of years or project life span.
3.4 Limitations
Due to the political and economic instability experienced in the last decade, the country
has continued to suffer from brain drain. This affected effective and timely collection of
information for this study. During key informant interviews, information was provided as
estimates as opposed to actual due to institutional memory loss. Some of the
respondents interviewed were new in their positions due to high staff turn over especially
in local based institutions. Therefore more time was required to follow up with
respondents to get information. Also, the adoption of foreign currency in March 2009
coupled with reduced activities in communal irrigation scheme presented challenges in
getting gross margin budgets for communal irrigation crops. Given that 2009/10
agricultural season is the first under the use of foreign currency, producer prices for
some crops were not readily available as these are determined at the end of the
production period. This was noted especially with prices for wheat and maize. This delay
was also due to the government’s delay to remove price controls and GMB as the sole
buyer of maize and wheat.
3.5 Conclusion
Research indicates that conducting an economic analysis of a development project can
be done more effectively in environments with low socio-economic and political
distortions. This study was conducted in a context characterized by uncertainty in terms
of political and economic stability. The context was best described as a transiting context
from socio-economic and political instability to a seemingly stable context. However,
given that a lot of work towards achieving stability has to be done, this study faced
challenges in getting updated figures such as the current discount rate. To overcome the
challenges, assumptions were made under which the proposed project would be
The question on whether the agricultural sector and macro preconditions are satisfactory
for the project could not be answered during the course of this research study. This was
due to the uncertainty of economic stability as the government faced challenges in
operating as Government of National Unity. There are however hopes pinned on the
government to implement favourable policies and strategies in view of creating a stable
environment. During the course of the study the agriculture sector was faced with 4
critical issues which needed to be addressed, for all farmers to realize meaningful
benefits from farming. These areas were Market intermediation and evolving market
support systems; financing mechanisms; agriculture related policy formulation and
implementation; and land tenure and administration for different farmer groups.
4.0 Introduction
This section presents the findings and results of the information collected for an
economic analysis of an irrigation project in the context of EIA framework. The results
are presented in 3 major sections of the EIA findings; analysis of the environmental
impacts; and the economic analysis of the proposed irrigation project.
In terms of social dimensions, the community surrounding the proposed irrigation site
was fully aware of possible development of the site into an irrigation project. As a result,
the site had no cultural or heritage sites. Previous occupants of the proposed sites had
been relocated long back and fully compensated. However, given that the area has been
lying fallow for more than a decade before funding could be secured for further
development, surrounding communities have encroached back into the site. The area
was being utilized for mainly dry-land farming. The major crops grown were maize,
sorghum, rapoko and groundnuts. Other crops such as pumpkins, watermelons, round
nuts, sweet potatoes sugar beans, cowpeas and sweet reeds are also grown in the area
though at a very low quantities. These crops are popularly referred to as ‘women’s crops’
given that they are grown on field portions allocated to women for household
consumption. Gardening, hunting and gathering of wild fruits and fishing is also done but
on a very small scale compared to farming.
Due to economic instability, the majority of youth in the area had migrated to urban areas
and neighbouring countries in search of “greener pastures”. Thus the current community
set up is characterized by dependant people above the ages of 40 and school going
children. Irrigation development in the area is expected to reunite the families, as the
youth will be attracted back to the community to earn a living from the scheme. The
irrigation would result in continuous cropping, 3 seasons instead of 1, thus eliminating
droughts and increasing food security. According to the District Administrator, the
incomes from the scheme is currently projected to triple the current salaries (US$90) of
those who are working in urban areas as general hands. Employment creation is also
expected for skilled people such as builders during construction as well as general
hands during land clearing and supply of locally available raw materials during
construction. The infrastructure development is projected to require at least 150 locals
during the peak period of construction.
The major source of livelihood is agriculture, which is dry-land farming though the effects
of climate change coupled with the current unfavorable market systems were making this
venture not viable. The current marketing policy of Grain Marketing Board (GMB)
controlling maize and wheat producer prices makes producers fail to realize value for
their produce. GMB has no resources to pay market prices, further influencing alternative
buyers who then offer less money to producers who are desperate to sell their produce.
However, opportunity exists for farmers to form strong unions or associations to
influence policy formulation and market systems. This has been witnessed in the
soyabean production sector in Zimbabwe where the farmers formed an association,
influenced by government in policy issues relating to marketing of soyabeans, and are
enjoying favorable marketing terms.
Fishing is also another livelihoods venture for the community. However, the absence of
electricity in the area leaves fisher-men with one option of selling dried fish only. Also,
most of the community members do not possess fishing licenses making the venture
illegal. Additionally, the presence of hippopotamus in the dam imposes risk on fishing
and threatens crop production in the absence of fencing and other security measures.
Improved road networks is expected as the District Development Fund (DDF) has
already drawn a plan to further develop the main road which passes near the scheme
with a web of access roads sprouting from it. There are numerous business centers
close and linking to the proposed irrigation site. This makes marketing and information
sharing relatively easy for irrigation operations. Boarding schools and hospitals in the
district also provide a potential market once the irrigation project is established and
running. These market opportunities will ensure that farmers are not restricted to limited
marketing options thereby maximizing their returns.
practices. Maize, wheat, sugar beans, groundnuts and vegetables can be grown on this
site provided the salinity levels are kept in check.
In terms of soil quality, soils from the proposed site have been reported to have a pH
level ranging between 5.44 and 8.53 (UZ, 2009). The middle section of the site has
acidic to neutral soils, while the north-east and south-east sections have neutral to
alkaline soils. This has a bearing on the crops to be grown. Acid soils negatively impact
on the production of food crops such as maize, wheat and sorghum. The pH levels for
dam water, downstream water and underground water are 7.64, 8.12 and 7.49
respectively; making the water neutral to slightly alkaline in general. These conditions
make the water suitable for irrigation.
66 tree species were identified in the proposed project area despite that greater portion
of the area has been cleared of vegetation for cultivation and during the construction of
the dam in 1976. The tree species are along the contours, while most grass species
were observed in the cultivated fields. Cultivated fields occupy a greater portion of the
area. The proposed project will disturb few trees as much clearance has already been
done for dry land cropping currently underway.
Some few portions of the proposed site have deep gullies, which are evidence of
vulnerability of certain areas to erosion. Generally the proposed site for irrigation has
relatively low erosive hazard although it has some very steep areas that are susceptible
to erosion. These are areas close to the river and around kopjes, and would require
conservation measures to be implemented to avoid land degradation.
The Ruti dam capacity during serious droughts, which occur once or twice a decade, is
reported to be around or below 0.48 mega-litres. However during normal periods the
dam can have as much as 154,227 mega-litres. The dam yield is 77.7x106m3, while the
average irrigation requirements are 15,000m3/ ha/year. According to ZINWA, the
irrigation community members need to apply for abstraction of water from ZINWA given
that approximately 2,878,400m3 of water is reported to be uncommitted and can be used
for the development of the proposed irrigation scheme. An excess of 2,578,400m3 of
water is expected to remain uncommitted after part of the dam water is committed to
irrigating the proposed 20 hectares.
4.2 Analysis of the Environmental Impact Identified
The EIA study identified both negative and positive environmental impacts of the
proposed irrigation project. The table below presents a summary of the negative
environmental impacts and mitigation measures identified;
Disputes on water access, management and Introduce water and power pricing that
water rights issues among up-stream and better represent the market value of
down-stream communities and individuals with water. Introduce transferable water
water permits. entitlements.
Environmental impact Mitigation Measure
Increased slope instability due to leveling and Provide incentives for land reclamation.
cliff creation that occurs during construction. This includes reinforcing boundary
slopes with artificial cliff stabilization
and channeling water away from
unstable areas.
Changed tree density on the sites that are Provide incentives for monitoring and
used for the irrigation scheme reduction of the tree species on the site.
Community should be encouraged to
leave some wild fruit species during
land clearing to minimize loss of tree
Soil salinity that may arise from irrigating the Apply soil amendments and reclamation
land practices.
Source: Environmental Impact Assessment, University of Zimbabwe 2009
Apart from these negative impacts, the following positive impacts were also noted:
- Increased crop production on the site due to water availability under the irrigation
scheme, facilitating all year round crop production. The increase is in quantity
and varieties;
- Infrastructure development, especially road and electricity, improving
communication network and technology advancement opportunities from
- Increase in employment opportunities during construction of the irrigation
infrastructure and related supporting infrastructure; and
- Increase in food diversity and income generated from the irrigation scheme
The identified positive impacts are based on the assumptions that the Zimbabwean
economy will continue on the path to recovery and attain stability. This will ensure that
there is effective information sharing on market issues. Also policies promoting an
enabling environment for these positive aspects to occur are assumed.
The identified negative and positive environmental impacts were screened in reference
to the Impact Screening Process illustrated in chapter 3. This was done to determine the
significance of the relationship of identified impact to the proposed irrigation project. The
results below present a summary of the screening process to identify the significant
impacts which could be quantified for further analysis.
Table 3: Impact Screening Process Results
Environmental Impact Significance Of The Impact Quantification Or Qualification Of The
Increased slope instability due The general rugged terrain of the proposed site for A topographic survey conducted as part of
to leveling and cliff creation irrigation makes the impact significant and the need to the irrigation establishment determined the
that occurs during be mitigated as part of the construction and correctional factors of slope instability,
construction. operational costs. which were factored into the irrigation
structure as part of the capital
requirements. Periodic surveys (once
every 5 years) have to be undertaken
during operational stage to check evidence
of slope failure so as to mitigate it.
Changed tree density on the Reduction of tree density during land clearing to open The impact of change in tree density was
sites that are used for the space for irrigation will be mitigated by farming of therefore not assessed further for
irrigation scheme various crop all year round to ensure vegetation cover. quantifying given that it can be mitigated
Leaving specific tree species will ensure limited loss of internally.
indigenous trees. The impact is therefore internal and
mitigated in the process.
Soil erosion may increase in Topographic surveys established that the area has The impact was dropped as insignificant
relatively steep areas due to relatively low erosive hazard, except a few steep areas given that the steep areas vulnerable to
land clearing during noted. erosion were less than a 10th of the
construction proposed site for irrigation. Additionally,
Environmental Impact Significance Of The Impact Quantification Or Qualification Of The
increasing vegetation cover during crop
production as well as leaving some trees to
enhance soil stability can internally
mitigate the impact.
Soil salinity that may arise The EIA established that the area has relatively low The costs for soil salinity tests done once
from irrigating the land salt concentrations and overall, the soils can be every 5 years were estimated and factored
classified as non-saline. There is potential for salt in as part of the environmental
accumulation, which can occur from irrigation over management costs. The costs for
time, and this can be checked and corrected correcting possible soil salinity could
periodically. The checks can be done once every 5 however not be established as this stage.
Potential contamination of The impact is too uncertain for objective assessment The estimated area of contamination was
groundwater due to use of and the impact was dropped as significant. very small given that there are few
artificial fertilizers and sections where the water table is close to
pesticides in areas that have the surface. Therefore the impact could not
shallow water tables. be quantified further.
Increase in crop production The proposed irrigation will allow for all-year Under irrigation, expected crop type and
production under the 20-hectares. This significantly average yield (tonnes) per hectare are
contributes to increase in food production and type of maize (4.8), wheat (3), sugar beans (1.6),
crops produced, compared to rain-fed agriculture. carrots (20), Onions (24), tomatoes (25),
green maize (8) and potatoes (18),
Environmental Impact Significance Of The Impact Quantification Or Qualification Of The
compared to current average crop yield per
hectare of rain-fed crops maize (0.1),
sorghum (0.3), groundnuts (0.2) and
rapoko (0.15).
Disputes with regard to Community disputes with regards to selection of The impact of community disputes will be
operating in the scheme. participants to operate in the irrigation scheme can evident in irrigation scheme management
have significant repercussions if not well managed. as well as community support or
Indications of such disputes have been noted during engagement.
various engagements with the community.
Disputes on water access, Water rights are significant in implementing irrigation Water disputes are social in nature,
management and water rights schemes. By-laws regarding transferable water therefore difficult to quantify.
issues. entitlements and market value water charges needs to
be enforced for effective management of related
Increase in water borne Generally the area is less prone to malaria and The impact was not considered for
diseases such as malaria and bilharzias. Establishment of an irrigation scheme will quantitative analysis. However, community
bilharzia increase exposure of community to these water related awareness and periodic assessment of the
diseases. However, these impacts were not regarded impact is vital.
as significant considering experience from related
communities in the district with irrigation facilities.
Environmental Impact Significance Of The Impact Quantification Or Qualification Of The
Increase in Sexual Previous trends of construction projects have revealed The impact could not be quantified due to
Transmitted Infections and that there are high incidents of sexual affairs its sensitivity nature for objective
HIV & AIDS established between the constructors and surrounding assessment.
community. Given the high prevalence of HIV (13,7%)
in the country, there are high chances of infections.
Infrastructure development An improved road network for effective linkages and The impact could not be quantified due to
access to markets will support the irrigation scheme. the subjective nature of the development. It
Installation of electricity for pumping implies that depends on the willingness and ability of
surrounding community will have access to connection the community to make use of the
points for electrifying the community. opportunity presented by the irrigation
scheme facilities.
Increase in employment Construction phase of the irrigation infrastructure The estimated cost of construction will be
opportunities presents opportunities for employment for skilled and factored in as part of capital costs required
casual labour. During operation of the irrigation to set up the irrigation infrastructure.
scheme, security labour as well as maintenance and Maintenance and repair costs were
repair of equipment presents employment estimated from related operations and
opportunities to the community. factored in as part of operational costs
incurred during implementation.
Increased food diversity and Food diversity contributes to quality health, through Both consumed produce and income
income improved nutritional status. Income can be generated generated from operations in the irrigation
through selling of surplus produce. This will scheme is valued considering the gross
Environmental Impact Significance Of The Impact Quantification Or Qualification Of The
significantly improve the welfare of the participating margin budgets for communal irrigation
farmers. schemes. However, improved quality of
health is an intangible benefit, which could
not be quantified in this study.
Source: Research Study Data Analysis, 2009
4.3 Economic Analysis Of the Proposed Irrigation Project
The framework for economic evaluation of the proposed irrigation project is an
environmental benefit-cost analysis. The approach incorporates the findings from the
EIA and includes the economic valuations of the relevant effects. For a proper benefit-
cost analysis, the study takes into account both the location of goods and services and
their valuation. It incorporates the identified changes in productivity caused by
environmental impact both on-site and off-site. In this study, changes on-site are the
outputs such as increased crop production, for which the proposed irrigation project is
designed to achieve. Changes off-site include all the environmental or economic
externalities, which are included in this analysis to give a true picture of the project
impact. In order to conduct the economic analysis for the proposed irrigation project, the
quantified environmental impacts were valued and incorporated in a benefit-cost
analysis. In determining whether the proposed irrigation project would use the available
resources efficiently from a community standpoint, analysis of the ‘with’ project and
‘without’ project was made. The focus was on the net changes that are predicted to
occur, that is, the differences between the without-project and with-project situations.
Table 4: Current Annual Cropping Pattern In The Study Area
Crop % Estimated Area planted Average Yield 2008/09
of Area (ha) per Hectare Production
Planted (t/ha) levels (t)
Maize 70 14 0.1 1.4
Groundnuts 10 2 0.2 0.4
Rapoko 10 2 0.15 0.3
Sorghum 10 2 0.3 0.6
Total 100 20
Source: Gutu AGRITEX Ward 13 and 14 crop production records 2008/09
The area planted was calculated assuming that the proposed site of 20 hectares was being
fully utilized under rain-fed farming. The communities and the extension workers provided
the percentage estimates of area allocated to various crops under rain-fed farming. Given
that season 2008/09 was a better season compared to previous seasons, this study has
assumed 2009 to be the base year for evaluation. Realistically, this situation would change
over time, even without implementation of the proposed project. Generally, the change would
be due to economic, social, climatic and institutional forces, which can alter the life-style and
land-use practices of the community. Indications from consultations with various key
informants were that the current crop yield levels can increase if factors of availability and
accessibility to inputs are addressed which affected production in the community during the
season. However, the recurrent droughts and deterioration of soil quality and fertility, were
highlighted as key threats to achieving maximum crop yield levels in the study area. As a
result, the maximum yield levels in tones per hectare (t/ha) expected for the dry land crops in
the study area are maize 1t/ha, groundnuts 2t/ha, rapoko 3t/ha and sorghum 3t/ha.
were recommended in view of the soil type, recurrent droughts resulting in food
insecurity and current economic challenges associated with pricing and marketing crop
produce in Zimbabwe. Given the unfavourable marketing terms and policies prevailing in
the country, farmers are better off producing non-perishable crops, which can be stored
for future use.
Also, the changing climate implies that communities have to find measures of ensuring
food security, such as production of staple cereal crops and small grains, which are
drought tolerant. The expected crop production pattern was to begin by planting maize
and sugar beans during summer period, October to January. This is to be followed by
sugar beans and potatoes planted from late January to April. This will be followed by
wheat from May to August, while carrots, cabbages, tomatoes, green maize and onions
will be produced from August to October. Traditionally the targeted community has not
been producing potatoes, wheat and carrots. This study therefore assumes that yield
levels for these new crops would generally be low in the first 2 years and start to pick up
from the third year onwards and reach the maximum expected yield levels by year 5,
ceteris paribus. The table below provides the summary of expected crop production
trend under irrigation.
The yield per hectare for cabbages is expressed in terms of heads per hectare
Tomatoes Aug - Oct 15 3 20 25 30 35 35
Green Aug - Oct 10 2 31500 36000 40500 45000 45000
Source: AGRITEX Estimates, 2009
The crop production estimates were given on assumptions that inputs will be readily
available, accessible and there will be a favourable macro and sectoral policy
environment to enable increasing agricultural production. However, to achieve maximum
production levels reflected in year 5, the study assumes that good agronomic and
environmental management practices will be employed by the farmers targeted to
participate in the irrigation scheme.
The yield per hectare for green maize is expressed in terms of cobs and not tonnes
Total 466.5 1434 - 967
With Irrigation
Maize 4.2 265 1113 1715 - 602
Sugar beans 1.4 1200 1680 2005 - 325
Potatoes 16 1000 7875 3641 4234
Wheat 2.5 650 1625 1359 266
Carrots 18 500 8750 1044.9 7705.1
Cabbages 28000 0.33 9240 1739 7501
Onions 21 500 10500 1856 8644
Tomatoes 20 1000 10,000 7802 2198
Green Maize 31500 0.08 2615 1509 1106
Total 53398 22670.9 30727.1
Source: AGRITEX gross margin budgets for communal dry land and irrigation, October
The financial analysis indicates that dry-land farming is currently generating negative
profit for the communal farmers given the yield levels, which are way below normal.
Sugar beans and grain maize under irrigation is also generating negative gross margin.
This is largely due to price distortions in the country as imported inputs such as fertilizer
and chemicals are more expensive compared to importing crop produce from
neighboring countries like South Africa. This is partly because production of crops in
other countries is subsidized, while in Zimbabwe the government is not providing any
subsidies. Also, the current policies of charging duty on inputs imported and no duty
charges on crop produce and processed commodities in Zimbabwe, has resulted in high
production costs compared to purchasing of finished products. For grain produce such
as maize, government prostates like the Grain Marketing Board determine the floor price
at the beginning of the selling season. This further distorts the market forces as the set
price for the season is fixed and does not respond to market forces.
In order to perform an economic analysis, shadow prices, which reflect the real value of
the produce, were used. The shadow prices were calculated using conversion factors to
adjust the financial prices. The conversion factors used are 0.78 for fertilizers, 0.9 for
irrigation, 0.76 for chemicals, 0.4 for labour and 0.78 for energy. The conversion factors
The unit for the selling price for cabbages is given as dollars per head
The unit for the selling price for green maize is given as dollars per cob
were derived from Planning Commission of Zimbabwe. The calculation of shadows
prices was done and not presented in this document but the results of the computation
were used in the economic analysis.
Following the calculations of the shadow prices, the value of incremental production was
calculated. In doing this, additional costs of capital, operations and maintenance and
environmental management for the ‘with’ irrigation project situation were included in the
analysis in addition to variable costs. The projected capital cost was calculated to be
US$300,656. The proposed irrigation method is surface irrigation using canals. The
capital cost therefore took into consideration an additional engineering intervention of
preventing canal seepage through lining. This will aid in reducing the effect of soil salinity
over time.
The operations and maintenance costs were estimated to be at least 10% of the capital
costs. The operational and maintenance costs will be incurred from year 6 onwards.
Identified environmental costs of conducting soil salinity tests and slope stability surveys
were estimated to be the same as the cost of initial topographic survey conducted prior
to the construction of the irrigation systems, which is US$5,300 every 5 years. This
translates to US$1,060 per year for environmental management costs, starting from year
5 onwards. All these costs would be included in the economic analysis. The period of
analysis was considered to be 30 years, which was derived from related benefit-cost
analysis parameters, used on irrigation projects in Zimbabwe. The graph below shows
how the value of incremental production (gross benefit) was derived for the ‘with’ and
‘without’ project situations.
Gross Income (US$)
1 2 3 4 5 6-30
The graph was plotted on the assumption that under the ‘without’ project situation,
farmers would continue producing. The production levels will be expected to increase as
farmers adapt to the effects of climate change and inputs would be accessible and
available through various mechanisms such as distributions from Non-Governmental
Organizations, Government input supply scheme as well as other channels. For the
‘with’ project situation it has been assumed that farmers will be able to achieve maximum
yield levels by year 5 to allow them time to master production of crops that were not
traditionally grown in the area. The annual amount for years 6 through to 30 inclusive is
expected to be constant. To reach the total amount of the incremental net benefit, the
amount in year 6 was included 25 times. The calculated total gross income ‘without’
project is US$368,710 and the total gross income ‘with’ project is US$14,298,248.
Therefore the value of incremental production of the irrigation project is US$13,929,538.
As indicated on the figure above, the area between the ‘with’ and ‘without’ project is the
incremental production.
• Applying soil amendments and reclamation practices.
Most of these mitigation measures were noted to be part of crop production measures,
which are internal and can be mitigated and included in production costs. In consultation
with local based agronomists, farmers participating in the irrigation scheme should be
able to adjust the fertilizer application rates as well as soil amendments and reclamation
measures according to the soil type and various crops to be grown. Farmers
participating in the irrigation project will be expected to regularly monitor soil quality to
minimize negative impacts on the environment due to irrigation operations. Resultantly,
no off-site effects were valued separately from the on-site effects in this study.
The net present value used in this study was computed by discounting the incremental
net benefit stream or incremental cash flow to obtain the present worth, which were then
summed up. The gross incremental cost in each year was subtracted from the value of
incremental production to obtain the incremental net benefit. The net present value was
obtained from summing the present worth of the incremental net benefit stream. Given
that the calculated incremental net benefit yields the same amount from year 6 onwards,
a decision was made to use discount factor up to year 9 and find the present worth of
this future income stream from year 10 through 30 inclusive. To find the present worth of
from year 1 to year 9, discounting tables were used adopted from Gittinger (1982
pp310). To find the present worth of future income stream of one currency unit a year, an
annuity factor was used. An annuity is an amount payable yearly or at other regular
intervals. Thus the present worth of an annuity factor for years 10 through 30 inclusive
was calculated using the formula below.
Table 7: Computation of Net Present Value For The Irrigation Project (In Millions of US$)
Year Incremental Cost Value of Incremental Discount Present
Capital Operational Production Environmental Gross incremental net benefit factor 12% Worth 12%
costs and costs Management (Total) production
maintenance Costs (gross
cost benefit)
1 0.301 0 0 0 0.301 0 -0.301 0.893 -0.268
2 0 0 0.136 0 0.136 0.325 0.189 0.797 0.151
3 0 0 0.140 0 0.140 0.372 0.233 0.712 0.166
4 0 0 0.143 0 0.143 0.423 0.280 0.638 0.178
5 0 0 0.148 0.001 0.149 0.475 0.326 0.567 0.185
6 0 0.030 0.148 0.001 0.179 0.475 0.296 0.507 0.150
7 0 0.030 0.148 0.001 0.179 0.475 0.296 0.452 0.134
8 0 0.030 0.148 0.001 0.179 0.475 0.296 0.404 0.120
9 0 0.030 0.148 0.001 0.179 0.475 0.296 0.361 0.107
10-30 0 0.0305 0.1485 0.0015 0.1795 0.4755 0.2965 2.7276 0.807
Total 0.301 0.752 4.273 0.028 5.353 13.480 8.127 8.056 1.729
Source: Research Analysis of Ruti Irrigation Budget and AGRITEX Crop Gross Margin Budgets, 2009
Annual amount for years 10 through 30 inclusive. To reach column total, this amount was included 21 times.
Present worth of an annuity factor for years 10 through 30 inclusive. The calculations were done using tables showing Present worth of an annuity factor at
As shown on the table above, the present worth for the proposed irrigation project in
US$1.729 million. In this case the present worth refers to the net present value (NPV) of
the project. Therefore the NPV of the proposed irrigation project is US$1.729 million.
4.4 Conclusion
The EIA study provided the general information that was analyzed for the physical,
ecological, social and economic environment of the study area. This was complemented
by interviews with key informants to establish the physical and temporal boundaries. The
possible adverse and beneficial environment impacts, as well as mitigation measures
that may influence the design of the irrigation project were derived from the EIA study
report. The benefit-cost analysis was based on the assumptions noted during the
discussions with both communities and key informants. This analysis was largely
informed by on-site analysis of benefits and costs, given that off-site analysis of the
proposed irrigation project presented impacts that were mostly incorporated internally in
the project design.
5.0 Introduction
This chapter discusses the main findings of the study and draws conclusion and
recommendations. The chapter discusses the findings in view of the specific research
questions as highlighted in chapter one. The conclusion drawn is based on the analysis
done in this study in pursuit of answering the broad research question also highlighted in
chapter one. Way forward following conduction of this study and areas of further
research are discussed in the recommendations section.
be encouraged. These can be effectively adopted if incentives are provided such as
promotion of field days to encourage cross learning and awarding best performers
amongst the farmers.
The tests and analysis done established that generally, the proposed irrigation site is
suitable for irrigation operations in terms of soil quality, water quality and quantities.
However, periodic monitoring of these aspects will enable prompt response to mitigate
any negative effects.
The general negative impacts expected in terms of social and economic aspects are
largely due to the economic instability experienced in the country over the past decade.
This has been further compounded by the global economic down-turn experienced in
2008 and 2009. This has left communities, especially rural communities more vulnerable
to shocks such as hazards due to climate change. For the community in the study area,
they have experienced food insecurity, loss of livelihood sources and a decrease in
household income due to recurrent droughts. This has exposed the poor vulnerable
community members to harmful livelihoods coping strategies like prostitution, stealing,
disposing productive assets as well as poaching and fishing in hippopotamus infested
river. As a result HIV/AIDS was noted as a possible negative impact, which has a long
term bearing on the community if not prevented and mitigated.
Water borne diseases such as malaria, agro-chemical poisoning and bilharzia were
noted as potential threats to health as a result of Ruti irrigation development. Even
thought the area is generally less prone to these diseases, health education will be
essential to equip communities with essential information to prevent and mitigate the
impacts of water borne diseases.
Disputes in terms of scheme participants and water rights issues are inevitable in a
community, which is desperate for sustainable livelihoods options. Community
engagement by local authorities will be vital in managing these potential disputes. This
will be complemented by community involvement as well as transparent and
accountable processes from project design, development and implementation.
Despite these negative impacts, the net effect of the proposed irrigation project on
human health and quality of life was noted to out-weigh the negative impacts. An
increase in crop production is expected in terms of crop varieties and yield levels under
irrigation as compared to dry-land farming. The increase in crop varieties has a positive
impact on the nutritional status of the people both on the scheme and in the surrounding
communities. Directly the scheme is expected to achieve food security and generate
income for participating farmer households. Indirectly this implies that participating
households will afford better health services and other household requirements. The
prospects of upgrading infrastructure in terms of roads and electricity also implies that
the targeted community will have effective access to other surrounding areas as well as
improved access to technology for further community development. This will generally
improve the livelihoods of the community. Capacity of the community will be increased to
meet its basic requirements and be prepared for any shocks or climatic hazards that are
likely to affect the community.
The ‘with’ project situation assumed all things constant in terms of input availability and
accessibility as well as adoption of good agronomy and conservation practices. This
enable progressive production to achieve maximum crop yield levels expected. The
selected crops to be produced under irrigation (green maize, grain maize, sugar beans,
wheat, potatoes, cabbages, carrots, onions and tomatoes) were selected based on the
need to ensure food security and produce crops that can be stored for later use.
Shadow prices were used in the analysis to obtain economic values using conversion
factors. This was done to correct the distortions currently prevailing in the Zimbabwe
economy. Analysis of the on-site effects in terms of increased crop production for the
‘with’ and ‘without’ situations revealed the value of the incremental production to be
US$13.930 million. This implies that producing crops under irrigation compared to dry-
land farming yields better positive gross benefits. Therefore the project is expected to
create more net benefits to the economy compared to the option of not having the
project. Further economic analysis using the net present value over a period of 30 years
revealed that the project yields a positive NPV, of US$1.729 million. This implies that the
project can be accepted for implementation on the basis that it is economically viable.
5.2 Conclusion
From the discussions highlighted above, the use of economic analysis in EIA aids in
assessing the proposed project more objectively. In this study, EIA is used as a planning
tool to manage the negative environmental impacts and promote positive environmental
effects. The result of integrating economic analysis in projects assessed using the EIA
provides a comprehensive decision making.
The economic analysis showed that the project is economically viable incorporating the
environmental protection measures identified. The findings demonstrate that with an
irrigation project, the community will be able to realize more benefits, and can be able to
achieve food security requirements. Despite the identified negative environmental
impacts of the irrigation proposal on people, the benefits out-weigh the negative impacts.
Additionally, the proposal presents prevention and mitigation measures of the possible
negative impacts, which can be adopted at the inception of the project.
The study was however limited in terms of the analysis around the nature and type of
irrigation systems that can be considered. Additionally, the EIA study did not consider a
particular irrigation method in its analysis presenting a challenge for applying economic
analysis. Limited time available to do this study further limited the analysis in terms of
gathering more data to quantify identified environmental impacts regardless of their
significance to the proposed project. This could have presented a more holistic picture in
terms of benefits and costs from a community welfare point of view.
5.3 Recommendations
Implementing the proposed irrigation project implies savings from both government and
NGOs as efforts will be directed towards sustainable development. The project is a
viable disaster risk reduction measure as opposed to planning for food aid subsequent to
drought periods.
There is also need for the government to revise the policy in terms of charging water and
electricity in communal areas. During the study, it was not clear how the local institutions
responsible for water and electricity provision in rural areas were pricing these services.
As a result, AGRITEX could not effectively factor in these costs in the gross margin
budgets given that the policy on pricing these services in rural communities was still not
clear. Services were then assumed to be subsidized by the government. However, in
real terms communities indicated that these services were not ‘free’ as implied by
charges ranging from US$0.5 per farmer per year. Still the costs were difficult to factor in
the study effectively as these were not linked to any amount of power or water required
for the various operations.
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A. Discussion Guide
Question Probes
the irrigation project? grown and marketing.
How is the community going to decide who will be farming Capture the targeting
in the scheme and how many households are expected to criteria and number of
operate the 20ha scheme? farmers expected.
Any relocation expected due to the proposed site? If yes
what are the associated benefits and costs associated.
Of the 20ha how much land will be committed to crop summer maize,
production? groundnuts, beans and
How much land will be allocated to each farmer fro sorghum; and winter
cropping? green mealies, onions,
What is the most appropriate cropping pattern for the cabbage, tomatoes, rape
irrigation scheme? carrots, butternuts and
What is the expected area allocation for various crops? peas.
What is the average annual crop production in the area, - FAO documents for NPV
considering the major food crops such as maize, sorghum, and IRR calculations.
wheat and groundnuts? - Discount rate from
What are the expected production levels from the irrigation Agribank
scheme? - Inflation rate in
What are the inputs required? Zimbabwe on the US$
officer, community groups
a. Land preparation 35 35 35 35
b. Seed, 5 kg/ha 250 250 250 250
c. Fertilizer (ex-factory, Harare)
Compound D, 600 kg/ha 420 420 420 420
Transport to farm , 600 kg/ha 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
d. Insecticides
Dimethoate 1.5 litres 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
e. Fungicide
Copper oxychloride 9 kg 117 117 117 117
d. Transport to market 70 80 90 100
e. Packing 140 160 180 200
Seasonal Interest $ 430 $ 430 $ 413 $ 413
Hired labour 42 labour days $ 67 $ 67 $ 67 $ 67
Bags $ 168 $ 192 $ 216 $ 240
Twine $ 3 $ 3 $ 3 $ 4
Transport out $ 17 $ 19 $ 22 $ 24
Land Preparation $ 35 $ 35 $ 35 $ 35
Seed 3kg $ 10 $ 10 $ 10 $ 10
Compound S 1200kg $ 720 $ 720 $ 720 $ 720
Ammonium Nitrate 200kg $ 120 $ 120 $ 120 $ 120
Tansport to farm 1400kg $ 6 $ 6 $ 6 $ 6
Carbaryl 2kg $ 8 $ 8 $ 8 $ 8
Dithane M45 6kg $ 42 $ 42 $ 42 $ 42
Seasonal loan $ 423 $ 423 $ 423 $ 423
Hired labour 150 $ 240 $ 240 $ 240 $ 240
Marketing Costs
Pockets $ 168 $ 192 $ 216 $ 240
Transport out $ 84 $ 96 $ 108 $ 120
VARIABLE COSTS $/ha $/ha $/ha $/ha
Land preparation $ 35 $ 35 $ 35 $ 35
Seed 90kg $ 270 $ 270 $ 270 $ 270
Compound D 500kg $ 350 $ 350 $ 350 $ 350
Ammonium Nitrate 100kg $ 60 $ 60 $ 60 $ 60
Tansport to farm 690kg $ 3 $ 3 $ 3 $ 3
Carbaryl 1kg $ 4 $ 4 $ 4 $ 4
Dicofol 1kg $ 564 $ 564 $ 564 $ 564
Copper Oxychloride 0.6kg $ 8 $ 8 $ 8 $ 8
Seasonal loan interest $ 582 $ 582 $ 582 $ 582
Hired labour (30% of total) 42labour days $ 67 $ 67 $ 67 $ 67
Bags $ 56 $ 64 $ 72 $ 80
Twine $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 1
Transport out $ 6 $ 6 $ 7 $ 8
Demeton-S-Methyl 0.4litres/ha $ 4 $ 4 $ 4 $ 4
Irrigation 6000cub m $ 60 $ 60 $ 60 $ 60
Twine $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1
No. of labour hours 455 498 541 584
3. Insecticide
Dimethoate 1 litres/ha $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5
4. Seed Treatment
a. Innoculant 2 units $ 8 $ 8 $ 8 $ 8
b. Thiram 80WP 0.1 kg/ha $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
5. Miscellaneous, 2% $ 8 $ 10 $ 10 $ 12
1. Packing materials
a. Bags $ 10 $ 20 $ 30 $ 40
b.Twine 0.2 kg/tonne $ 0 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1
3. Miscellaneous, 2% $ 0 $ 0 $ 1 $ 1
SUBTOTAL $ 11 $ 21 $ 32 $ 42
GROSS MARGIN ($/HA) 122 279 443 545
1. Seed, 25 kg kg/ha 35 35 35 35
2. Land Prep 40 40 40 40
3. Fertilizer (ex-factory)
a. Maize fert (D) 90 120 150 210
b. Ammonium nitrate 31 62 94 156
d. Transport $6.30 $7.70 $9.10 $11.90
4. Insecticide
Dipterex 2.5% 4 kg kg/ha 21 21 21 21
5. Miscellaneous, 2% 4 6 7 9
1. Packing materials
a. Bags 40 60 80 100
b.Twine 0.09 kg/tonne kg/ton 1 1 1 1
Combine 80 80 80 80
2. Transport off farm 28.00 42.00 56.00 70.00
3. Miscellaneous, 2% 3 4 4 5
TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS ($/HA) $/ha $ 202 $ 122 $ 143.14
GROSS MARGIN ($/HA) $/ha $ 198 $ 678 $ 1,056.86
GROSS MARGIN ($/$100 VC) $/$100VC $ 98 $ 556 $ 738.34
GROSS MARGIN PER LABOUR DAY (6hrs) $ 2 $ 6 $ 10.02
No. of hours/ha Hrs/ha $ 633 $ 633 633
c. Transport $ 0 $ 0 $ 0.06
4. Insecticide
Dimethoate 1 Lits/ha $ 5 $ 5 $ 5.32
Dipterex 4 kg/ha $ 21 $ 21 $ 21.28
5. Miscellaneous, 2% $ 4 $ 2 $ 1.56
1. Packing materials
a. Bag hire 20 per tonne $ 20 $ 40 $ 60.00
b.Twine 0.2 kg/tonne $ 1 $ 1 $ 1.80
3. Miscellaneous, 2% $ 0 $ 1 $ 1.24
SUBTOTAL $ 21 $ 42 $ 63.46
3. Insecticide
Dimethoate 0.9 lits/ha $ 4.79 $ 4.79 $ 4.79
Dipterex 4 kg/ha $ 21.28 $ 21.28 $ 21.28
1. Packing materials
a. Bags $ 20.00 $ 40.00 $ 60.00
b.Twine 0.2 kg/tonne $ 0.60 $ 1.20 $ 1.80
Fertilizer and lime Table in kgs
Oxfam GB compiled this budget in collaboration with Gutu communities and key
stakeholders supporting the establishment of the Ruti Irrigation Scheme. The budget is
presented in British pounds and an exchange rate of 1.6 was used to convert the pounds
to US dollars.
Purchase of inputs 2.7 10,000
Market Analysis 2.8 800
Truck hire 2.9 5,000
training in irrigation scheme management 3.10 200
Training in agronomy 3.2 200
Training in market linkage and business management skills 3.30 1,000
Training in SASE 3.4 400
Training in Gender based violence 3.5 400
Training in Post harvest technologies 3.6 200
Procurement of IEC materials 4.1 400
Holding exchange visits 4.2 1,000
Field day 4.3 500
Training in gender and HIV/AIDS awareness 4.4 750
Grant to partner (DDF & Irrigation Management Committee) 5.1 18,000
Direct Project Staff (Programme Coordinator, Project Officer
and Driver salaries for 11months) 5.2 30,800
Total 187,910