Lesson 140

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Subject : English Class : 1 Dedikasi Time : 3.20 – 4.

Day : Tuesday
Theme : World Of
Focus skill: Language Arts CCE: Language Date : 5th November
Teaching aids: 21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity:
Pictures, puppets, toys, flashcards, worksheet. Communication, collaboration.
Language/Grammar focus:
She’s got … (in her basket).

M 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts C 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of

M 5.2.1 Name people, things or places of interest in

illustrations accompanying texts C 1.3.1 Predict words they will hear by using knowledge
of a topic

1. Put up a picture of Little Red Riding Hood on the board.
2. Ask pupils to work in small groups to predict words they might hear/read. Give
I. PRE-LESSON groups a fixed time, e.g. 2 minutes.
3. Review their answers and provide correct spelling by writing the words on the board.
4. Check the predictions with the whole class.
1. Activity 1:
 Pre-teach ‘wolf’, ‘grandmother’ and ‘house’ using pictures/flashcards or
puppets/toys if possible.
 Put up the pictures showing the stages of the story on the board.
 Ask pupils to try to arrange them to form a story. This could be whole class or in
small groups or pairs.
 Tell the story, taking care to show meaning as you do it by using mime and
 Ask pupils to check the order of the stages of the story on the board.
2. Activity 2:
 Ask pupils what they think happened to the basket in the story.
 Ask pupils what they think Little Red Riding Hood had in her basket.
 Hand out worksheet.
 Ask pupils to decide what she has in her basket.
 They should write words around the picture and draw lines using a ruler to
connect the words to the basket.
 Ask pupils to tell a partner/group what she has got in her basket
1. Talk to pupils about the story. Ask them which character they like and why.
2. Ask them if the wolf is good or not.
At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to name the characters, things and places in the story.
At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to predict words they will hear in the story.
Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time there was a girl in red. Her name was Sara.
Let’s hear what happens to Sara one day.

Sara is walking in the woods. She has got a basket. She is

going to her grandmother’s house in the woods.

When she gets to her grandmother’s house, her grandmother

is in bed. Sara is surprised. ‘You’ve got big eyes,
grandmother!’ ‘No, I haven’t!’ says grandmother.
‘You’ve got big teeth, grandmother!’ ‘No, I haven’t’. Then the
grandmother jumps out of bed. It’s the wolf!

‘Go away!’ says Sara. ‘No’ says the wolf. ‘I’m hungry!’ ‘Oh!
I’ve got a basket of food. Here you are!’ Sara gives the basket
to the wolf. ‘Where’s my grandmother?’ asks Sara.

‘Oh. She’s hiding in the kitchen.’ says the wolf and it runs
Sara looks in the kitchen. ‘Here you
are grandmother! Sorry, I don’t have
a basket of food for you now.’ she
says. ‘That’s OK, Sara.’ says the
grandmother. ‘I’ve got pizza and
sausages!’ ‘Great! I’m hungry!’ says
So, they have the sausages for lunch.

Write what Sara has in her basket. Write words around the
picture and draw lines using a ruler to connect the words to the

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