Torsion Pendulum Lab
Torsion Pendulum Lab
Torsion Pendulum Lab
pendulum ,sop
t watch,a heavy 6 ~Y c.,~r,,.. ,' ~ ht#(
:l ar and a be31 ~ . t 1sa l
~ ,vernea r callipe rs.
Formu la used:
I~ is ~,1.1 . ofa bod y (whose M.I. is requ ired) ahout the axi s o r rotation.
state that the mo ment of inerti a of a bod~' ahout any axi s is equ al to the sum or its moment 0r
cr1i a through it s center of gnl\-it ) and the produ ct or it-. . mas" and square or the di:.tan~I;'
.d one over the other at the center of inerti a table about the vertical axis passing throu gh the
re. it c is the restorin g torsional coupl e pe r uint angle twist (i.e. tori noal pendulum ri gidity) of
S, th en th e peri od (Tg) of osci llati on of system is given by
T 8 ,. 2rr
I. Set up torsion pen~ulum. Leve'I . it by placing the spirit leval successvicl,Y along the t\.vo
mutually pependicular lines drawn on the table and moving the weight \V , \\·. in the groo v L' for
the P.~rpose.
2. Male a chalk mark on the edge or inertia table , at a point just in !'run/ of you , and sel a
knitting needle vertical Jy in front of the Iine (as a help in c0tmting of vibrattoiis)
3. Twist the table horizontally throunh ,, , . II •
. r - • Slll.t :11w_ 1L' 111 lt l 11 )'(l ,llu: 111olio11 ol' Ilic f;,hlc , ho11ld he
Purely rotational otherwise its 11wtio11 w·11
1 110 1 1 · I · • · ·
· >I.! s 1111p i.: li;11·11H1111 r , r--.l()fl.'. 111111.: lor 25 v1hrtc11011
thrice .
4. Now place the circular body on the table , Leval tlte 111l>lc ;111<1 11µ,i1in 11ot c the time for 25
vibrations thrice.
5. Next repeat, with the body whose 1no1I1c11I ol' i11nli.1 i.\ l'l-' tj11in: d , (wl1i cl1 i~ plu u :d wiIh its e.g.
under the wire) and levelling the tnhlc ~1gnin . (The body ol' 1111lrnown mo,n1.;nf of' inertia is usully
a flat circular metal block).
6. Measure the length and the dia111caler ol' circular body usi11 g callipers. ·1lie nrn sscs of' the
blocks are known
Observation table:
= 75 , 'f == g
In' T1
Diameter of the circular body, d = .\Q .. cin.
Result: Moment of inertia of body about the axis of rotation = ..... kgm 2
Persentage error:
\ . The table must b~ horizontal lo all th~ lhr~t: sds ur obsl!rvatio11 .
2. T abl e should be twi sted hori zontall y and through a small angl e onl y.
3 . The up and down motion of inetia table, if any, must have stopped be for th e times are counted .
4. Wire should be free from kinks.
Viva ,,oice: