Hydraulics Engineering Lec #5:: Dr. Noor M Khan Department of Civil Engineering
Hydraulics Engineering Lec #5:: Dr. Noor M Khan Department of Civil Engineering
Hydraulics Engineering Lec #5:: Dr. Noor M Khan Department of Civil Engineering
Current meter
Permanent Devices
Broad Crested Weirs and Venturi
Sharp Crested Weir/Notch Flumes are extensively used for
Broad Crested Weir discharge measurement in open
Venturi Flume channel.
Ordinary Flume Broad Crested Weirs and Critical
Critical Depth Flume flumes are based on the principle
of occurrence of critical depth.
2g 2 g 2 g
2 V12
Vc g H V Velocity of approach =Q/By1
3 2g
H= Head over the crest
Vc2 BVc3
Since : Q BycVc B Vc B= Width of Channel
g g
B 2 V 2 Since Q act =Cd Q
Q g H
g 3 2g
3/ 2
V 2
V 2
3/ 2 Qact 1.7Cd B H in SI
Q 1.7 B H in SI 2g
2g 3/ 2
3.09Cd B H
3/ 2
V 2 Qact in FPS
Q 3.09 B H in FPS 2g
Broad Crested Weir
Q=C BH^ 3/2
w CCoefficient of Discharge, Cd, is part of Weir Coefficient
depends upon
Cw Weber number W,
weir geometry (Z/H, L,) and
surface roughness, Vc
Shape of weir (sharpness of
edges etc).
It has been found that Z/H is the
most important.
The Weber number W, which
accounts for surface tension, is
important only at low heads.
In the flow of water over weirs the
Reynolds number, R is generally
high, so viscous effects are
generally insignificant.
For Broad crested weirs Cw
depends on length for.
Further, it is considerably sensitive
to surface roughness of the crest.
Venturi Flume
Ordinary Flume
An ordinary flume is the one in which a stream line contraction of width is
provided so that the water level at the throat is drawn down but the critical
depth doesn’t occur.
Continuity Equation
B1 y1v1 B2 y2 v2
Bernoulli ' s Equation
v12 v22 B1 B2
y1 y2
2g 2g
Using both equations, we get
y1 y2
2 gH
Q=B2 y 2 v 2 =B2 y 2 2
1 B2 y2 H = y1-y2
B1 y1
Venturi Flume
Critical Depth Flume (Standing Wave Flume)
A critical depth flume is the one in which either the width is contracted to
such an extent that critical depth occurs at the throat or more common
both a hump/weir in bed & side contractions are provided to attain
critical depth with hydraulic jump occurrence at d/s of throat.
Continuity Equation B1 B2
Q B1 y1v1 B2 y2v2
Bernoulli ' s Equation V1 H
v 2
y1 vc yc
ZH 1
Z yc c
2g 2g
Using both equations, we get
Q=B2 y c v c
Parshall Flume
Developed by PARSHALL for throat width of 1 ft to 50 ft
Creates hydraulic jump without a hump.
Coefficients are calculated by calibrations
Q=a.BHc e.g. = 4BH^(1.522B^0.026)
(Ref. Henderson)
Parshall Flume
Cd 0.62 Z>Zc
As we know that;
3/ 2
Qact 1.7Cd B H
By1 2 g
3/ 2
0.27 2
0.27 1.7 x0.62 x1.5 y1 0.62
1.5 y1 2 g
Solving above equations reults
y1 0.905m
Problem: A venturi flume is placed in a channel 1.83m wide in which
the throat width is 1.07m & the floor is effectively horizontal.
Calculate the flow when the depth at the throat is 0.84 m with
No standing wave beyond the throat
Standing wave is produced beyond the throat.
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