Hydraulics Engineering Lec #5:: Dr. Noor M Khan Department of Civil Engineering

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Hydraulics Engineering

Lec #5: Broad Crested Weirs and

Venturi Flumes

Dr. Noor M Khan

Department of Civil Engineering
Steady Flow in Open Channels

 Specific Energy and Critical Depth

 Surface Profiles and Backwater Curves in

Channels of Uniform sections

 Flow over Humps and through Constrictions

 Hydraulics jump and its practical applications.

 Broad Crested Weirs and Venturi Flumes

Flow Measurement in Open Channels
 Temporary Devices
 Floats, Rods
 Pitot Tube
 Salt Velocity Method
 Radio Active Tracers Pygmy Type Currentmeter, (Rickly Hydrological Co. USA)

 Current meter
 Permanent Devices
Broad Crested Weirs and Venturi
 Sharp Crested Weir/Notch Flumes are extensively used for
 Broad Crested Weir discharge measurement in open
 Venturi Flume channel.
 Ordinary Flume Broad Crested Weirs and Critical
 Critical Depth Flume flumes are based on the principle
of occurrence of critical depth.

Further reading: dethridge wheel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dethridge_wheel

Coefficient for Float Method


Measuring Water Flow in Surface Irrigation Ditches and gated Pipes. By Ed

Coefficient for Rod Method


Measuring Water Flow in Surface Irrigation Ditches and gated Pipes. By Ed

Broad Crested Weir
 A weir, of which the ordinary dam
is an example, is an obstruction
in a channel, over which the flow
must deflect.
 For simple geometries the
channel discharge Q correlates
with gravity and with the head H
above the weir crest at u/s. Thus
a weir is a simple but effective
open-channel flow-meter.
 Figures show two common weirs,
sharp-crested and broad-crested.
 In both cases the flow upstream
is subcritical, accelerates to
critical near the top of the weir,
and spills over into a supercritical
 For both weirs the discharge q
per unit width is proportional to
g1/2H3/2 but with somewhat
different coefficients Cd.
Broad Crested Weir
Applying Energy Equation ignoring h L
V2 Vc2
H+Z+  Z  yc 
2g 2g Vc
V 2
y y1
For Critical flow c
 c
2g 2 Z>Zc
2 2 2
V 2V V
 H+   c c

2g 2 g 2 g
2  V12
Vc  g H   V  Velocity of approach =Q/By1
3  2g
H= Head over the crest
Vc2 BVc3
Since : Q  BycVc  B Vc  B= Width of Channel
g g
B 2  V 2  Since Q act =Cd Q
Q   g  H  
g 3  2g 
  3/ 2
 V 2

V 2
3/ 2  Qact  1.7Cd B  H   in SI
Q  1.7 B  H   in SI  2g
 2g 3/ 2
 V2
 3.09Cd B  H  
3/ 2
V 2 Qact in FPS
Q  3.09 B  H   in FPS  2g
 2g
Broad Crested Weir
Q=C BH^ 3/2
 Theoretically
w CCoefficient of Discharge, Cd, is part of Weir Coefficient
depends upon

Cw  Weber number W,
 Viscosity
 weir geometry (Z/H, L,) and
 surface roughness, Vc
 Shape of weir (sharpness of
edges etc).
 It has been found that Z/H is the
most important.
 The Weber number W, which
accounts for surface tension, is
important only at low heads.
 In the flow of water over weirs the
Reynolds number, R is generally
high, so viscous effects are
generally insignificant.
 For Broad crested weirs Cw
depends on length for.
 Further, it is considerably sensitive
to surface roughness of the crest.
Venturi Flume
Ordinary Flume
 An ordinary flume is the one in which a stream line contraction of width is
provided so that the water level at the throat is drawn down but the critical
depth doesn’t occur.

Continuity Equation
B1 y1v1  B2 y2 v2
Bernoulli ' s Equation
v12 v22 B1 B2
y1   y2 
2g 2g
Using both equations, we get
  y1 y2
  yc
 2 gH 
Q=B2 y 2 v 2 =B2 y 2  2
 1   B2 y2  H = y1-y2
  
 B1 y1 
Venturi Flume
Critical Depth Flume (Standing Wave Flume)
 A critical depth flume is the one in which either the width is contracted to
such an extent that critical depth occurs at the throat or more common
both a hump/weir in bed & side contractions are provided to attain
critical depth with hydraulic jump occurrence at d/s of throat.

Continuity Equation B1 B2

Q  B1 y1v1  B2 y2v2
Bernoulli ' s Equation V1 H
v 2
y1 vc yc
ZH  1
 Z  yc  c
2g 2g
Using both equations, we get
Q=B2 y c v c
Parshall Flume
 Developed by PARSHALL for throat width of 1 ft to 50 ft
 Creates hydraulic jump without a hump.
 Coefficients are calculated by calibrations
 Q=a.BHc e.g. = 4BH^(1.522B^0.026)
(Ref. Henderson)

Parshall Flume

Ref: Ven Te Chow

Parshall Flume
Problem: 12.66
 A broad crested weir rises 0.3m above the bottom of channel. With a
measured head of 0.6m above the crest, what is rate of discharge per
unit width? Allow for velocity of approach.
Z  0.3m
H  0.6m
y1  Z  H y1
q  ???
As we know that;
3/ 2
 V 2
Qact  1.7Cd B  H  
 2 g
3/ 2
 Q2 
Qact  1.7Cd B  H  
 By 2 g
Since B  1; using Trial and Error
Qact = q =0.505 m3 / sec/ m
Problem: 12.67
 A broad crested weir of height 0.6m in a channel 1.5m wide has a flow
over it of 0.27m3/sec. What is water depth just upstream of weir?
Z  0.6m
H  y1  0.6
B  1.5m Vc
Q  0.27 m / sec

Cd  0.62 Z>Zc

As we know that;
3/ 2
 Q2 
Qact  1.7Cd B  H  
 By1 2 g
3/ 2
 0.27 2
0.27  1.7 x0.62 x1.5  y1  0.62  
 1.5 y1 2 g
Solving above equations reults
y1  0.905m
 Problem: A venturi flume is placed in a channel 1.83m wide in which
the throat width is 1.07m & the floor is effectively horizontal.
Calculate the flow when the depth at the throat is 0.84 m with
 No standing wave beyond the throat
 Standing wave is produced beyond the throat.

If the depth at upstream is 0.91m.

 Date of Submission:

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