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Desalination and Water Treatment

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Chemical cleaning of ultrafiltration membrane fouled

by an activated sludge effluent
a a
Sy Thuy Nguyen & Felicity Anne Roddick
School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering , RMIT University , GPO Box
2476, Melbourne, Vic.3001 , Australia Phone: +61 3 9925 2080 Fax: +61 3 9925 2080
Published online: 03 Aug 2012.

To cite this article: Sy Thuy Nguyen & Felicity Anne Roddick (2011) Chemical cleaning of ultrafiltration membrane fouled
by an activated sludge effluent, Desalination and Water Treatment, 34:1-3, 94-99

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.5004/dwt.2011.2790


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Desalination and Water Treatment 34 (2011) 94–99
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doi: 10/5004/dwt.2011.2790

Chemical cleaning of ultrafiltration membrane fouled by an activated

sludge effluent

Sy Thuy Nguyen, Felicity Anne Roddick*

School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, RMIT University, GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, Vic.3001, Australia
Tel. +61 3 9925 2080; Fax: +61 3 9925 3746; email: [email protected]
Received 3 September 2010; Accepted 3 January 2011
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In this study, membrane foulants and cleaning efficiency of different membrane cleaners for the
ultrafiltration (UF) of a municipal activated sludge effluent were investigated. The major membrane
foulants were polysaccharides, proteins, and humic substances (HS). Backwashing the fouled
membrane removed some polysaccharides and proteins, but was not able to displace the adsorbed
HS. Of the cleaners studied for the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) UF membrane the most effec-
tive were sodium hypochlorite (200 ppm available chlorine), Terg-a-zyme (1.0 wt.%), and sodium
dodecyl sulphate (10 mM). The results indicated that hydrophobic attraction was the most impor-
tant force keeping the hydraulically irreversible foulants attached to the membrane. The surfaces
of the fouled and cleaned membranes were analysed and interactions among the membranes, fou-
lants, and the cleaning agents were discussed in terms of their chemistry and cleaning efficiency.

Keywords: Activated sludge effluent; Chemical cleaning; Cleaning efficiency; Membrane

a nalysis; Membrane fouling; Ultrafiltration

1. Introduction flux recovery by different cleaning chemicals are complex

and it has been recognised that the chemistry of foulants,
A municipal wastewater treatment plant in Victoria
membrane cleaners, and membrane materials may not
(Australia) has been investigating different methods to
be reliable factors for estimation of cleaning efficiency
improve the quality of its product water. One of these
[2]. In practice, LPM filtration of secondary effluents is
is the addition of a low pressure membrane (LPM) fil-
normally run with backwashing every 15–30 min [3].
tration process to treat the secondary effluent generated
Chemical cleaning is performed when backwashing can-
from the activated sludge (AS) process.
not restore the flux to an acceptable level.
Membrane fouling, which lowers the productivity
Predominant membrane foulants vary with
of membrane processes, is unavoidable. Although peri-
wastewater sources and membrane characteristics.
odic backwashing can significantly recover the flux by
Many studies suggested that humic substances (HS)
displacing some foulants, the accumulation of hydrauli-
play a major role in causing membrane fouling [4,5].
cally irreversible foulants over long-term runs requires
However, others found that polysaccharides and
chemical cleaning of membranes to maintain their flux.
proteins were the major foulants in microfiltration
The efficiency of chemical cleaning depends on many
and ultrafiltration of secondary effluents [3,6]. Such
factors, including chemical concentration, pH, cleaning
variation and the dependence of chemical cleaning
temperature, and cleaning time [1]. The mechanisms of
effectiveness on foulant chemistry illustrate the need
for identifying the foulants for a particular wastewater
*Corresponding author. and membrane type.
Presented at the AMS6/IMSTEC10, The 6th conference of the Aseanian Membrane Society in conjunction with the 7th International
Membrane Science and Technology Conference, Sydney Australia, November 22–26, 2010
S.T. Nguyen and F.A. Roddick / Desalination and Water Treatment 34 (2011) 94–99 95

The aim of this study was to investigate the ability 2.3. Filtration experiment set-up
of different membrane cleaning agents to restore the
Filtration experiments were carried out using a
performance of the membrane used in UF of the AS
stirred dead-end filtration cell (Amicon 8050, effective
effluent collected from the wastewater treatment plant.
membrane area 13.4 cm2) with a polyvinylidene fluo-
The membrane foulants were also identified, which
ride (PVDF) UF membrane (HFM-116, Koch Membrane
provided insights to the differences in the cleaning effi-
Systems). This membrane has a nominal molecular
ciency of the chemicals.
weight cut-off of 50 kDa and its pure water flux was
approximately 150 l m−2 h−1 bar−1. According to the man-
ufacturer, it can be cleaned at pH 1.5–10.5. The mem-
2. Materials and methods
brane was hydrophobic since its (water) contact angle
2.1. Wastewater source (measured with an OCA 20 contact angle meter (Data
Physics, Germany) using the sessile drop method) was
A representative sample of the AS effluent from the
58 ± 2° (i.e., >50°).
wastewater treatment plant was transported to RMIT
Membrane filtration of the AS effluent was con-
University and stored at 4°C. Its characteristics are
ducted at 110 kPa (regulated using compressed nitro-
shown in Table 1.
Downloaded by [Erciyes University] at 22:10 10 January 2015

gen gas) and a stirrer speed of 80 rpm. The filtrate

mass was recorded using a top-loading electronic bal-
2.2. Analytical methods ance (Explorer, Ohaus, accuracy ±0.01 g). Prior to filtra-
tion, 200 ml Milli-Q water was passed through each
The pH, conductivity, and turbidity were mea-
membrane to remove preservatives and determine
sured using a Mettler Toledo pH meter, a Hach
the pure water flux (J0). Filtration with the AS effluent
Sension5 conductivity meter, and a Hach 2100P Tur-
was stopped when permeate volume reached 150 l m−2
bidimeter, respectively. UV absorbance (UVA254) was
(approximately 150 min), after which membrane clean-
measured with a Unicam UV/vis spectrophotometer.
ing was carried out.
A Hach spectrophotometer (model DR/4000) was
used to determine the sample colour in Pt-Co units
at a wavelength of 455 nm according to Standard 2.4. Membrane cleaners
Method 2120 C [7].
Sample apparent molecular weight distribution The cleaning agents used in this study were of ana-
(AMWD) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) con- lytical or technical grade and were made up in Milli-Q
centration were determined using liquid chromatog- water (Table 2). The cleaner concentrations were selected
raphy with organic carbon detection (LC-OCD) at the so that the allowable pH range and chlorine tolerance of
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. the membrane were not exceeded.
The instrument and procedure are described else-
where [8].
2.5. Membrane cleaning procedure
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of the
virgin, fouled and cleaned membranes were collected The fouled membranes were backwashed by placing
using the attenuated total reflectance (ATR) method them upside down in the filtration cell and filtering the
with a Spectrum 100 FT-IR spectrometer (Perkin Elmer). permeate at 110 kPa for 5 min. They were then returned to
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and energy their processing orientation and the pure water flux was
dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectra of the membranes were measured. The backwashed membranes were then soaked
obtained with a microscope (Quanta 200, FEI) equipped with gentle shaking in solutions of the cleaning agents at
with an EDX detector. 24°C for 45 min. The pure water flux of the chemically
cleaned membranes was determined after rinsing them
Table 1 thoroughly with Milli-Q water. The effectiveness of chem-
Characteristics of the AS effluent ical cleaning was evaluated using the cleaning efficiency
(ERW) and pure water flux recovery (WFR, defined as the
Parameter Value
ratio of the pure water flux of the cleaned membranes (Jc)
pH 7.8 to that of the virgin membrane (J0)) [1].
DOC (mg l−1) 13.3 To identify the foulants removed by backwashing,
UVA254 (cm−1) 0.40 a fouled membrane was backwashed with Milli-Q
Specific UVA (m−1 mg−1 l) 3.02 water for 5 min and the backwash effluent (after filtra-
True colour (mg Pt-Co l−1) 113 tion through a 0.45 μm cellulose acetate membrane) was
Turbidity (NTU) 3.2 subjected to LC-OCD analysis.
96 S.T. Nguyen and F.A. Roddick / Desalination and Water Treatment 34 (2011) 94–99

Table 2
The membrane cleaners investigated

Chemical Supplier Concentration pH

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Merck 0.3 mM 10.5

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) BDH 10 mM 2.0
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Ajax Finechem 1.0 wt.% 4.5
H2O2/NaOH mixture pH 10.5 – 1.0 wt.% H2O2 10.5
Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Na2EDTA) BDH 1.0 mM 4.8
Tetrasodium EDTA (Na4EDTA) Ajax Finechem 0.4 mM 10.5
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) Ajax Finechem 200 ppm as chlorine 10.5*
Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) BDH 10 mM 6.8
Terg-a-zyme Sigma-Aldrich 1.0 wt.% 9.6
*Adjusted with a small amount of HCl.

3. Results and discussion 14 Humics

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OC detector response (arbitrary unit)

Building blocks Feed
12 Permeate
3.1. Membrane foulants in UF of the AS effluent Low MW humics
10 effluent
The LC-OCD chromatograms of the feed and the
permeate (Fig. 1) show that biopolymers (MW>>20,000 8
Da), which included polysaccharides and proteins, and
6 Biopolymers
humic substances (HS, MW=1,000–20,000 Da), were the
Low MW neutrals
compounds most significantly retained by the mem- 4
branes. HS was probably retained by hydrophobic 2
interaction with the hydrophobic membrane [6,9]. The
rejection of HS was associated with the removal of true 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
colour by the membrane (feed colour = 113 Pt-Co units, Retention time (min.)
permeate colour = 67 Pt-Co units). Some building blocks
(MW=300–500 Da) were also rejected by the membrane, Fig. 1. AMWDs of the AS effluent and the permeates.
which was likely to occur after the pores were blocked
with biopolymers and HS. Consequently, it was con-
cluded that polysaccharides, proteins, and HS were the
major membrane foulants. This was further confirmed 0.35
by the results obtained from ATR-FTIR analysis (Fig. 2). Fouled
Fig. 2 shows that the foulants had a peak at 1540 cm−1, Backwashed
indicating the existence of N–H bonds and C=N stretch- 0.25
Cleaned with NaOH
ing of secondary amides in the foulant layer. The peak at 0.2

1640 cm−1 corresponded to stretching vibration of C=O 1540

bonds connected to primary amides of proteins. The 1640
peaks around 1720 cm−1 and 2920 cm−1 were attributed 0.1 1720
to stretching vibrations of carboxyl groups and aliphatic 0.05
C–H stretching, respectively. The broad rounded band
around 3000–3650 cm−1 was due to O–H stretching of 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
hydroxyl groups in polysaccharides [6,10]. –0.05
Frequency (cm–1)
The EDX spectrum of the virgin membrane (Fig. 3)
indicated the presence of carbon, oxygen, and fluorine. Fig. 2. FTIR spectra of the virgin, fouled, and cleaned
The presence of the foulants on the membrane resulted membranes.
in an increase in the oxygen peak, a large reduction in
the fluorine peak, and the appearance of the nitrogen,
phosphorus, and sulphur peaks. These changes were has been found to contribute to membrane fouling in UF
attributed to the presence of polysaccharides, proteins, by promoting the aggregation of organic molecules in
and HS in the fouling layer. A trace amount of calcium solution via the formation of calcium bridges between
was also detected, indicating that calcium may have the carboxylic groups of HS [11]. This is further dis-
played a role in causing membrane fouling. Calcium ion cussed in section 3.3.
S.T. Nguyen and F.A. Roddick / Desalination and Water Treatment 34 (2011) 94–99 97

7500 F 100 93
Virgin 88
7000 90 87
6500 Backwashed 80
6000 70 67

ERW (%)
1000 50
PS 40

4000 Ca 28
500 30 23 25
3500 O
2500 10 1
2000 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0


















0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
keV Fig. 4. Cleaning efficiencies of different membrane cleaners.

Fig. 3. EDX spectra of the virgin, fouled, and backwashed

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The foulant dissolution effect of hydroxide ions
appeared to be much more important as Na2EDTA was
ineffective in restoring the membrane flux.
3.2. Removal of foulants by backwashing
NaOCl and H2O2 are both oxidising agents which are
The LC-OCD chromatogram of the backwash effluent believed to remove membrane foulants by oxidation reac-
(Fig. 1) shows that backwashing removed some proteins tions [1,2,9]. Oxidation breaks down functional groups
and polysaccharides retained by the membrane, which of organic foulants to carboxyl, ketonic, and aldehyde
could be attributed to these high MW compounds being groups, making the foulants more susceptible to hydroly-
larger than the membrane pores and forming a cake sis at high pH. As a result of these reactions, the foulants
layer on the membrane surface. However, backwashing become water soluble and detach from the membrane.
was not effective in displacing HS from the membrane. In this study H2O2 gave a much lower ERW than NaOCl,
This suggests that HS adhered to the membrane surface although its concentration (10,000 ppm or 294 mM) was
and/or pore walls through strong hydrophobic attrac- much higher than that of NaOCl (200 ppm chlorine or
tion (both the membrane and HS were hydrophobic). 5.6 mM). Because the ERW of the H2O2/ NaOH mixture
(pH 10.5) was higher than the ERW of H2O2 and NaOH
(Fig. 4), part of the reason for the low ERW of the H2O2
3.3. Cleaning efficiencies (ERW) of different chemicals
was the acidic pH of this chemical. Chlorine may also
The ERW values of the chemicals are shown in Fig. 4. have caused swelling of membranes, which increased
The ERW of NaOH was low, indicating that its hydrolysis the mass transfer of the cleaning agent to the membrane
effect (on polysaccharides and proteins) and solubili- surface [13], resulting in a higher ERW for NaOCl. Mem-
sation effect (on HS) [9] was not sufficient for effective brane cleaning with NaOCl and H2O2 was also conducted
foulant removal. HCl gave an ERW of 9% which was at 40°C and the ERW of NaOCl and H2O2 at this tempera-
attributed to the mild oxidation of some proteins and ture was 98% and 77%, respectively. Thus the higher tem-
polysaccharides [9]. perature improved cleaning efficiency and NaOCl was a
Of the two chelating agents, Na4EDTA was more better cleaning agent overall. On the other hand, Arnal
effective than Na2EDTA in restoring the membrane flux. et al. [14] found that NaOCl performed better than H2O2
This was because the solution of Na4EDTA was alkaline at 25°C, but the reverse happened at 40°C in cleaning a
(pH 10.5), which encouraged the dissolution of the fou- polysulfone UF membrane fouled by surface water. It
lants. The solution of Na2EDTA was moderately acidic should be noted that although the oxidative power of
(pH 4.8) and had virtually no flux restoring effect as the H2O2 is typically greater than that of OCl¯, exceptions
moderately acidic medium did not favour foulant dis- have been observed, depending on the characteristics of
solution [9]. The Na4EDTA had a higher ERW than NaOH the solution and the compounds to be oxidised [15].
(both at pH 10.5), which indicated that some of the HS SDS and Terg-a-zyme were the two most effective
remaining on the membrane after backwashing was cleaning agents. The high ERW of SDS confirmed that
probably in the form of humic-calcium complexes and hydrophobic attraction was the major force keeping the
Na4EDTA recovered the membrane flux by simultane- hydraulically irreversible foulants and the hydropho-
ously removing calcium from these complexes (through bic membrane together. It is generally understood that
ligand exchange) [12] and dissolving the foulants. during membrane cleaning with SDS, the hydrophobic
98 S.T. Nguyen and F.A. Roddick / Desalination and Water Treatment 34 (2011) 94–99

tails of the surfactant molecules adsorb to the foulant 3.4. Membrane cleanliness shown by FTIR spectroscopy
molecules and their hydrophilic heads are orientated and SEM/EDX
towards the aqueous phase [16]. This reduces the hydro-
Backwashing removed most of the foulants on the
phobicity of the foulants and they are solubilised into
membrane surface, leaving only traces of polysac-
the aqueous phase. At SDS concentrations higher than
charides and proteins (Fig. 2, peaks at 1640 cm−1 and
the critical micelle concentration (8.36 mM in deionised
3000–3650 cm−1). The FTIR spectrum of the membrane
water), as in this study, micelles also form in the clean-
cleaned with Na2EDTA (not shown for clarity of Fig. 2)
ing solution. These micelles diffuse into the fouling
was similar to that of the backwashed membrane, while
layer, dissociate and adsorb as monomers on the foulant
the FTIR spectra of the membranes cleaned with the
molecules and enhance foulant solubilisation [17].
other chemicals were very similar to the spectrum of the
Terg-a-zyme is a blend of the anionic surfactant
virgin membrane. The results indicate that FTIR spec-
sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate and a protease
troscopy could detect organic foulants on the membrane
enzyme. The higher ERW of Terg-a-zyme than SDS may
surface but could not differentiate the membranes after
be due to the higher pH and/or the surfactant and the
the removal of these foulants.
enzyme acting together to solubilise the foulants. The
SEM images of the virgin, fouled and cleaned
enzyme may have broken down some of the protein
Downloaded by [Erciyes University] at 22:10 10 January 2015

membranes were collected. The surface of the fouled

foulants, making them soluble in the cleaning solution
membrane was covered with the foulant layer, which
and/or more readily solubilised by the surfactant.
made the pores invisible. After backwashing, the pores
From economic and practical viewpoints, NaOCl is
became visible, together with some remaining trace
superior to SDS and Terg-a-zyme since it is less expensive
foulants. The SEM images of all the chemically cleaned
and does not create foams like the other two. However, the
membranes were very similar to that of the virgin mem-
use of SDS or Terg-a-zyme may reduce the risk of mem-
brane. SEM therefore did not allow differentiation of the
brane degradation caused by NaOCl in long-term use.
membranes treated with the different cleaning agents.
Three fouling and cleaning cycles were also con-
The EDX spectrum of the backwashed membrane
ducted with the three most effective cleaners and accu-
had a higher oxygen peak compared with the virgin
mulation of residual fouling was observed (Fig. 5).
membrane (Fig. 3) due to the presence of organic fou-
Although this did not appear to reduce the perme-
lants remaining after backwashing. The EDX spec-
ate flux in UF of the AS effluent in the first three filtra-
trum of the membranes cleaned with Na2EDTA was
tion cycles (data not shown), it can be inferred that such
similar to that of the backwashed membrane. The
a reduction in the permeate flux would occur in long-
EDX spectra of the membranes cleaned with the other
term operation and therefore cleaning-in-place (CIP)
chemicals were very similar to the spectrum of the
with longer soaking time and/or higher cleaning agent
virgin membrane and therefore the technique was not
concentrations would be needed. Elevated temperature
able to differentiate the degree of cleanliness of these
(within manufacturer’s specifications) may also be used
to increase the cleaning efficiency and reduce the clean-
ing time. The rejections of DOC, UVA254, and colour of
the virgin membranes and the treated membranes were
4. Conclusions
comparable, indicating that high flux recoveries were
not associated with degradation of the membranes. Fouling and cleaning of the PVDF membrane used
for UF of AS effluent was investigated. The membrane
100 foulants were identified as polysaccharides, proteins,
and HS. Hydraulic backwashing removed some of the
80 polysaccharides and proteins retained on the mem-
brane, but was ineffective for removing HS. The alka-
line cleaners were much more efficient than the acidic
WFR (%)

cleaners for removing the hydraulically irreversible fou-
40 lants. The most effective cleaning agents were NaOCl,
Cycle 1
SDS, and Terg-a-zyme, with cleaning efficiencies greater
20 Cycle 2
than 85%. Accumulation of residual fouling after chemi-
Cycle 3
cal cleaning was observed. Membrane cleanliness was
NaOCl SDS Terg-a-zyme assessed using a combination of flux measurement
(cleaning efficiency) and surface analyses (FTIR spec-
Fig. 5. Changes in WFR of NaOCl, SDS, and Terg-a-zyme troscopy, SEM/EDX), the former being a more reliable
over three UF cycles. indicator.
S.T. Nguyen and F.A. Roddick / Desalination and Water Treatment 34 (2011) 94–99 99

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