Batching Plant Project: Initial Environmental Examination (Iee) Report

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Project name or Title

Below is the IEE Report Checklist for Batching Plant Proponents. Read the questions
carefully before answering the space provided. Uses additional sheets if necessary and indicate
this in the appropriate space.
Misleading or erroneous answers are basic for legal actions and/or ECC.

PROJECT LOCATION: Complete drops Street, Barangay, and Municipality/City)


NAME OF PROPONENT: ____________________________________________________________

TIN: _____________________________________

ADDRESS (Complete Address: Street, Barangay, and Municipality/City)

Telephone: ________________________________
Fax : ________________________________
Email : _____________________________________


1. Project Ownership : (Attach document as ANNEX 1)

Single Proprietorship Partnership Corporation

2. Capitalization & Project Cost:

2.a Capitalization:
Authorized Paid-Up:

2.b Project Cost :

2.b.1 Site Development:
2.b.2 Batching Plant:
2.b.3 Building Structures:

3. Type of batching Process: Dry-type Wet-type

4. Project Site: (attach location and vicinity maps and photographs of front, left, right, and rear views of the
project site as ANNEX 2.)

4.a Land
4.a.1 Total Land Area, sq.m
4.a.2 Land Area to be occupied, sq.m.
4.a.3. Is the area owned or leased
4.a.3.1 If leased, period covered
(Attach document, TCT, as ANNEX 3)
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4.b Classification (attach photocopy of location clearance as ANNEX 4)
Industrial Residential
Commercial Others, pls. Specify

5. Description of Project Phases

5.a. Pre-Operation/ Construction phase

5.a.1 Construction Schedule
1 Plans/Design
2 Permits/ Clearances
3 Site Preparation & Clearing
4 Excavation
5 Civil Works
6 Finishing Site Clearance
7 Installation of Equipment
8 Commissioning & Start-up
(Use additional sheet if necessary. Include civil works undertaken as part of the project, e.g.,
Construction of office for operation, administration, canteen, and other amenities.)

5.a.2 Manpower Requirement:

5.a.3. Facilities Requirement

Water Supply

No. Of Units Source of Water supply CONSUMPTION/DAY

Local Water District
Surface Water
Others, please specify
(Use additional sheet, if necessary)

5.a.3.2 Power Supply

No. Of Units Source of Power Supply CONSUMPTION/DAY

Local Electric Utility
Others, please specify
(Use additional sheet, if necessary)

5.b. Operation Phase

5.b.1 Production Capacity/Day:
5.b.2. Raw Materials


1 Cement
2 Gravel
3 Sand
4 Water
5 Admixture
(Use additional sheet, if necessary.)

5.b.3 Production ProcessAttach description and flowchart of process as ANNEX 5.)

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5.b.4 Plant Machinery and Equipment

No. of Units Machinery/Equipment Specification

Cement Silos
Aggregate Hopper
Belt Conveyor
Transit Mixers
Generator Set
Fuel Storage Tank
(Use additional sheet, if necessary.)

5.b.5 Manpower Requirement

No. of personnel Position

Plant Manager
Plant Engineers
Stock Clerk/ Checker
Laborers/ Workers
Auto Mechanic
Security Guard
(Use additional sheet, if necessary.)

Type of Source of Waste Volume Per Day Mode of Treatment

(Use additional sheet, if necessary.)

5.b.7 Abandonment Phase and schedule

Facilities to be Waste Generated Mode of Disposal Restoration Plan


(Use additional sheet, if necessary.)

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1 Physical Environment

1.a Description of terrain (% slope)

Flat or Level (0-3) Level of Undulating (3-8)

Undulating to Rolling (8-18) Rolling of Moderately Steep (18-30)
Moderately Steep to Steeply ountanous (30-50)
Very Steeply ountanous (above 50)

1.b Is the area erosion prone? ________________

If so, what is the status: Slight Moderate Severe
1.c.Are the existing natural hazardous in the area, e.g., landslides, gullying, subsidence. Etc.?______
If yes please enumerate then: ______________________________________________________
1.d Is the site situated along a flood prone/storm surge area? _________________________________
1.e Is the project beside or near the shoreline? ____________ If yes, How far? _____________ Meters
1.f are there water bodies found inside or near the project site?______________
If yes please enumerate them: ______________________________________________________
1.g What is the Quality of water? Fresh Brackish Saline/Sally
1.h What is the quality of air? Poor Fair Good

2.Ecosystem Description

2. a Is the project immediately adjacent to a natural ecosystem? ______________

If yes, please check on the appropriate box:

Forest Coastal/Marine Marshland

Grassland Mangrove Wetland

Others, please specify _______________________________________

2.b Are there any wild life in the area? ____________

If yes, please identify and enumerate:

2.c Are there trees within the Project site? _____________

If yes, please identify and enumerate:

2.d Is there other vegetation within the project site?_____________

If yes, please identify and enumerate:

3. Socio-Economic Environment

3.a Total Household to be affected? ________Families

What will happen to them?_________________________________________________________
3.b Will you employ vulnerable groups? __________No
If yes, please identify and enumerate:______Elderly______ Children

3.c Are there health facilities (e.g., clinic, etc.) within the project site? No Yes
3.d Are the required benefits under the Labor Code and other regulations to be enjoy by the staff?
_________________ If yes, please enumerate:

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3.e Are the local inhabitants to be benefits by the project?______________Please elaborate.


3.f Are the cultural norms/morals and lifestyle of the local inhabitants to be affected by the project?

3.g Are there any opposition on the project? No Yes ( Attach document to support the
answer as ANNEX 6.)

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4 Project Impacts
1. Pre- Construction / Construction Details

Components/ ANSWERS Describe the Describe your Mitigating

Parameters impacts /Enhancement Measures
Yes No
Is there land clearing

Is there vegetation
Is there tree cutting

Is there topsoil

Is there excavation
works and cut & fill
Is there other
earthmoving activities
Is there stockpiling
of sand gravel
material in the site?
Is there drilling,
boring, &
hammering activities?
Is there any slope
modification or
ground leveling?
Is there increased
traffic movement in
the area?
Is the
access to/though the
area affected?
Is there an increase
economic activity in
the area?
Is there increase in
the availability of
Is there displacement
of people in the area?

Is the displacement
involve relocation of
affected parties?
(use additional sheet if necessary)

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2. Operation and Maintenance Phase

Components/ ANSWERS Describe the impacts Describe your

Parameters Mitigating
Yes No /Enhancement
Will the project

Is there an effect on
the quality of the
receiving body of

Is there an increase
in surface run- off to
other areas?

Is there increase in
water demand?

Is there dust
emission into the
Will it affect the
ambient air quality of
the area?

Is there air pollution

sources equipment
to be installed?
Are hazardous/
Toxic waste to be
improve in the
Is there any pollution
complaint from the
near by residents?
Is there an increased
in crime / security
concern in the area?
Others, please

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2. Operation and Maintenance Phase

Components/ ANSWERS Describe the impacts Describe your

Parameters Mitigating
Yes No /Enhancement
Is there a generation
of solid waste?

Is there an increase
traffic movement in
the area.

Is there an effect on
the road system of
the community?
Is there an increase
in the availability of

Is there an increase
in population from
Is there an increase
in land value?
Is there project
structure affected or
obstruct the view from
adjacent areas?
Is there an increased
in crime / security
concern in the area?
(Use additional sheet if necessary)

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3. Abandonment & Rehabilitation Phase

Components/ ANSWERS Describe the impacts Describe your Mitigating

Parameters /Enhancement Measures
Yes No
Will any of the
facilities be
abandoned or
demolished after the
project life?

Will any of the

facilities need to be
rehabilitated after a
certain period of

Is there a generation
of solid waste?

Is there an increase
traffic movement in
the area.

Is there an effect on
the road system of
the community
Is there an increase
in the availability of

Is there an increase
in population from
Is there an increase
in land value?
Is there project
structure affected or
obstruct the view from
adjacent areas?
Is there an increased
in crime / security
concern in the area?
Is there an increase
in noise level in the

(Use additional sheet if necessary)

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Attach photo, panoramic view of project site and its immediate vicinity

Attach photo, front view of the project site

Attach photo, left side view of the project site

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Attach photo, right view of the project site

Attach photo, back/rear view of the project site

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Attach sketch plan/lay-out of project site

(Use additional sheet if necessary)

Attach drawing/plan of air pollution source and control installation s (with dimensions
and descriptions)

(Use additional sheet if necessary)

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Attach drawing /plan of waste water treatment facilities (with dimensions and

(Use additional sheet if necessary)

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1. Government Permits and Clearance (attach photocopies of documents)

Demolition Permit
Electrical Permit
Sanitary Permit
Building Permit
Water Rights Permit (NWRB)

Location Clearance / Certificate of Locational Viability
DTI?SEC Registration
Safety (Fire) Permit
Municipal/Business Permit

Transfer Certificate of the Title
Colored photo of the site (different perspectives)
Project Vicinity Map/Sketch
Project Lay-out Plan
Sewerage and Drainage Plan
WTP Plan

Map/delineation of primary & secondary impact areas
Endorsement from the LGU (Barangay Certificate)
Construction schedule in chart form

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Comply with environmental rules and regulation, guidelines and criteria?
Participate or support multi-Partite monitoring efforts?
Constructed maintain and properly operate an adequate and appropriate
Treatment facility for your liquid wastes?
Contribute towards the operation and maintenance of the municipal sewerage
Construct maintains and properly operate an adequate and appropriate storage
and disposal facilities for your solid waste?
Contribute toward the operation and maintenance of a municipal solid waste
management/disposal facility?
Maintain the cleanliness of your general surrounding?
Extent social benefits to the community?
Organize and conduct information, education and communication (IEC) activities
on environmental, health and other civic issues?
Pay environmental tax or fee should this be deemed necessary by the
appropriate authority to maintain an environmental-friendly area?
Contribute (on cost-sharing basis) in government undertaking on pertinent (fast-
food related ) issues (e.g., workshop, training, etc.)
Other, please specify

As stated in Article VI Section 10 and Article V Section 1 to 6, certain projects are required to a)
organize a Multipartite Monitoring Team (MMT) and b) establish Environmental Monitoring Fund (EMF) /
Environmental Guarantee Fund (EGF). In case an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) is issued
for this project, are you willing to:

a) participate or support a Multipartite Monitoring Team? ________yes ______no

b) Establish an EMF/EGF? ________yes ______no
If yes, what is your proposed annual contribution? _______________PhP/year

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This is to certify that all the information and commitments in the Initial Environmental Examination
(IEE) Report are true, accurate and complete. Should I/we learn if any information which would make
the IEE inaccurate, I/we shall bring said information to attention of the Environmental Management Bureau
of DENR Regional Office.

I/We hereby bind myself/ourselves jointly and solidarity for any penalties that may be imposed
arising from and misrepresentations or failure to state material information in the IEE.

Project Proponent




BEFORE ME this (day) ______________of ________________2000__________________at

(place)__________________________, personality appeared
name____________________________________ with Community Tax Certificate No.
_______________________________issued on date_________________At
(place)____________________, in his/her capacity as
______________________(designation_________________at ___________________ and acknowledged
to me that this IEE is his voluntary act and deed, and voluntary
act and deed of the entity he/she represents. This document which consists of
(no)_____________________________pages, including the page of which this acknowledgment is
,is an Initial environmental Examination Report Checklist.

Witness my hand and seal on the place and date above written.

Notary Public

Doc. No.___________________
Page No.__________________
Book No.__________________
Series of __________________

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