Batching Plant Project: Initial Environmental Examination (Iee) Report
Batching Plant Project: Initial Environmental Examination (Iee) Report
Batching Plant Project: Initial Environmental Examination (Iee) Report
Below is the IEE Report Checklist for Batching Plant Proponents. Read the questions
carefully before answering the space provided. Uses additional sheets if necessary and indicate
this in the appropriate space.
Misleading or erroneous answers are basic for legal actions and/or ECC.
4.a Land
4.a.1 Total Land Area, sq.m
4.a.2 Land Area to be occupied, sq.m.
4.a.3. Is the area owned or leased
4.a.3.1 If leased, period covered
(Attach document, TCT, as ANNEX 3)
IEE checklist for Batching Plant
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4.b Classification (attach photocopy of location clearance as ANNEX 4)
Industrial Residential
Commercial Others, pls. Specify
Water Supply
2.Ecosystem Description
3. Socio-Economic Environment
3.c Are there health facilities (e.g., clinic, etc.) within the project site? No Yes
3.d Are the required benefits under the Labor Code and other regulations to be enjoy by the staff?
_________________ If yes, please enumerate:
3.f Are the cultural norms/morals and lifestyle of the local inhabitants to be affected by the project?
3.g Are there any opposition on the project? No Yes ( Attach document to support the
answer as ANNEX 6.)
Is there vegetation
Is there tree cutting
Is there topsoil
Is there excavation
works and cut & fill
Is there other
earthmoving activities
Is there stockpiling
of sand gravel
material in the site?
Is there drilling,
boring, &
hammering activities?
Is there any slope
modification or
ground leveling?
Is there increased
traffic movement in
the area?
Is the
access to/though the
area affected?
Is there an increase
economic activity in
the area?
Is there increase in
the availability of
Is there displacement
of people in the area?
Is the displacement
involve relocation of
affected parties?
(use additional sheet if necessary)
Is there an effect on
the quality of the
receiving body of
Is there an increase
in surface run- off to
other areas?
Is there increase in
water demand?
Is there dust
emission into the
Will it affect the
ambient air quality of
the area?
Is there an increase
traffic movement in
the area.
Is there an effect on
the road system of
the community?
Is there an increase
in the availability of
Is there an increase
in population from
Is there an increase
in land value?
Is there project
structure affected or
obstruct the view from
adjacent areas?
Is there an increased
in crime / security
concern in the area?
(Use additional sheet if necessary)
Is there a generation
of solid waste?
Is there an increase
traffic movement in
the area.
Is there an effect on
the road system of
the community
Is there an increase
in the availability of
Is there an increase
in population from
Is there an increase
in land value?
Is there project
structure affected or
obstruct the view from
adjacent areas?
Is there an increased
in crime / security
concern in the area?
Is there an increase
in noise level in the
Attach drawing/plan of air pollution source and control installation s (with dimensions
and descriptions)
Demolition Permit
Electrical Permit
Sanitary Permit
Building Permit
Water Rights Permit (NWRB)
Location Clearance / Certificate of Locational Viability
DTI?SEC Registration
Safety (Fire) Permit
Municipal/Business Permit
Transfer Certificate of the Title
Colored photo of the site (different perspectives)
Project Vicinity Map/Sketch
Project Lay-out Plan
Sewerage and Drainage Plan
WTP Plan
Map/delineation of primary & secondary impact areas
Endorsement from the LGU (Barangay Certificate)
Construction schedule in chart form
As stated in Article VI Section 10 and Article V Section 1 to 6, certain projects are required to a)
organize a Multipartite Monitoring Team (MMT) and b) establish Environmental Monitoring Fund (EMF) /
Environmental Guarantee Fund (EGF). In case an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) is issued
for this project, are you willing to:
This is to certify that all the information and commitments in the Initial Environmental Examination
(IEE) Report are true, accurate and complete. Should I/we learn if any information which would make
the IEE inaccurate, I/we shall bring said information to attention of the Environmental Management Bureau
of DENR Regional Office.
I/We hereby bind myself/ourselves jointly and solidarity for any penalties that may be imposed
arising from and misrepresentations or failure to state material information in the IEE.
Project Proponent
Witness my hand and seal on the place and date above written.
Notary Public
Doc. No.___________________
Page No.__________________
Book No.__________________
Series of __________________