Heinen & Hopman
Heinen & Hopman
Heinen & Hopman
l lntroduction ......5
2 General principles 5
2.1 Heat and specific heat 5
2.2 Changeofstate tl
2.3 The boiling process
2.4 Heat of evaporation
2.5 Superheat
2.6 Temperature-enthalpydiagram ........7
2.7 ...........8
2.8 Thecondensingprocess ......9
3 Refrigerants .....g
3.1 lntroduction..... .....g
3.2 Refrigerants.... .....9
3.3 Environmental problems ......9
3.4 Refriserantatternatives ...:.:....:.:.:..:..:.:::::....::::.:..:::... .. .......e
3.4.1 RefrigerantalternativeRl23. ......9
3.4.2 RefrigerantalternativesRl34aand R404a .........10
3.5 Refrigerants-general .......10
4 The Cooling cycle '10
4.1 lntroduction..... ....... 10
4.2 Main components 10
4.2.1 Evaporator .. .. '10
4.2.2 Compressor. 11
4.2.3 ........11
4.3 General cycledescription.... ........ jj
5 Refr"igerantcircuitcomponents .. ........ j2
5.'1 Evaporator and condenser heat exchanger . . . . . jz
5.'1 .1 Finned heatexchanger .. .. . ..... j2
5.'1 .2 Tubeheatexchanger .... .......12
5.1.3 Plate heatexchanger.... . .. .. ... 13
5.2 Thermostaticexpansionvalve . .......13
5.2.1 Workingof athermostaticexpansionvalve.. .......13
5,2.2 Superheat .... ...... .13
6 How to use refrigerant charts, tables & diagrams ......... . 14
6.1 Refrigeranttables ....14
7 Guidelinesforserviceand maintenance-thecooling machine ....... ......14
7.1 Standardservicetechniques .........j4
7.1.'1 Contaminants . ..... ,........,,]5 E{fecI .......15
7.1 .1 .2 Purging non-condensables . . . .. .... .. 15
7.1 .1 .3 Io de-airsystemswith purgevalves. .......... .15 15
7.1 .1 .4 To ventilate systems without purge valves ....,
7.1 .2 Driers .........15 Use... .....15 Construction .......16
7.1 .2.3 Selection ........16 Precautions to
7.1 .3 Handling to
7.1 .4 Gauge manifold 17
7.1 .4.1 Use 17
7.1 .4.2 Care Connection .. .......17
7.1.5 Leaktesting ... .........18
7.'1 .5.1 Methods.... ........18
1 lntroduction
ln this chapter the cooling machine and its components of an air-conditioning installation will be explained. There will also be
looked at the maintance and iroubleshooting of a cooling installation.
The dictionary defines refrigeration as a process of making something cold, and "cotd" can be d"tir"o[$;$oJtTttS[;"t E
as an absence of heat. So refrigeration, despite the means by which it is secured, is defined as the- ,,rl
process of eliminating heat. lf heat is eliminated from the air contained in a given space, that space tl[\
becomes cooler, and its temperature lower.
,o .E! ffi-'oo_"
lo o
=v/ another by virtue of a difference in temperature. A fundamental law F
;l;i""?,'i;',:?1i[%:ily,3i,ll3HfJ',"3ffi]ii,T'l;:?:ff;i'nu so'.
Flov\6 DowN fl
I S\l/ I I il I reirigeration becomesaprocessof providingasubstanceatatower
I :N.
* - l/l' lill temperaturetowhichheatcanflowfromasubstanceatahighertemperature.Acoolingmachine
I k_lj and
has the task to cool pads or substances to a temperature thJt is lower than the surrouiding area
keep it at this temperature.
fgtu.e 3-2 conservation of food for a longer time. The Chinese were the first who discovered that ice could
preserve and gave a better taste to drinks. The Eskimo's have for centuries preserved their food by
freezing it
ln the beginning of the last century bacteries, yeast, mould, enzymes, etc. were known. People discovered that the growth of
these micro organisms was dependable on the temperature. At lower temperatures the growth decreases and under '10. C
there is almost no growth anymore, This knowledge led to the application of cooling for preserving food. At first ice was used for
this purpose.
The first installation for production of artificia! lce appeared around 1860. ln America in the year' '1880 they used the first
ammonia compressors and isolated celis. ln the beginning of this century electricity became more important in our society,
because this was the power source for the many mechanical refrigerant installations that were used in breweries, abattoiis, the
fishing industry and the production of ice. After the second world war the development of small hermetic cooling compressors
was going very fast. Refrigerators and freezers started to take their place in for us now indispensable function in the household.
As said, they are considered nowadays as standard equipment in the household.
We can hardly imagine how our life would be without cooling and freezing. The influence on our existence is much greater than
people can realize.ln this chapter first the basic principles of the cooling technique will be explained. After this the cooling
machine as application of air-conditioning installation is explained. There will also be looked at the components of the cooling
2 General principles
Heat is an invisible form of energy that arise from the conversion of other forms of energy in energy of heat. For example; the
mechanical energy needed to rotate a wheel, causes friction that arise heat. Heat is often called a moving form of energy. This
is because heat is always rnoving from a urarm object tc a cold object. A tea-spoon placed in a glass of ice water loses its heat
to the water en becomes colder. However in a glass of hot water the tea-spoon absorbs the heat and becomes warmer. The
terms cold and warm are only usable in relation with each other. Only the effect of heat is perceptible and the measuring of it is
the way to define heat. The indication for heat is Q.
The heat is the product of m x ?T x cp, in which m is the mass in kg, ?T is the change in temperature in . C and cp is the
specific heat. ln the meiric system the unit for heat is the calorie (cal), this means the quantity of heat needed to raise the
temperature of "1 g of water from 4. C to 5. C. ln the cooling techniqic the kilocalorie (kcal) is generally used which is the same
as a 1000 calories. At the Sl-system the unit for all the forms of energy (heat included) is joule (J). Conversion from metric to Sl:
. 1 cal = 4,187 J
. 1 kcal= 4,187 kJ
There are big differences in the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of different
s '1 . C. For example; when we want to raise the temperature 1. C of '1 kg iron, there is
I kJ of heat needed. 1 kg of air needs 1 ,00 kJ of heat. The specific heat (cp) is the amount of
(- rlseheat needed raisethe
to temperature'1 .C of 1 kg of a substance. The specific heat of a large
amount of substances is displayed in different charts as kJ/kgK (kcal/kg. C).
1 kg WATER
2.2 Change of state
4,r8 kJ Every substance can appear in three conditions (states): solid, liquid and gaseous. Water is the
most known example, in solid state as ice, in liquid state as water and in gaseous state as steam
figu'e 3-3 or vapour. For all the three states the water molecules does not change, the chemical formula is
always H2O. The temperature and pressure the substance is exposed to, define the state of the substance. When ice changes
into water the temperature during melting does not change. All the supplied energy is needed to change the substance from
solid form !nto liquid form. Only when the substance is entirely melted, the supply of heat will raise thetemperature again.
The 'ice boxes' of the past were periodically charged with a cake of ice. The ice melted and the
pan of water below the box had to be 'emptied' on schedule to avoid overflow. ln melting from a
solid to a Iiquid, the ice absoi'bed its lateni heat of fusion. This is 334 k..J/kg ice, and the heat to
accomplish this was removed from the foodstuffs within the box. The water was discarded,
although it was cold because it had very limited refrigeration capacity. This is true because 4.18 kJ
raises the temperature of I kg of water one degree. Therefore, if 1 kg of water at 0 . C absorbs
41 .B kJ its temperature rises ten degrees to '10 . C. This defeats the cooling effect of ice.
The change-of-state pi'ocess is impoiiant io ihe mechanicai refi'igeration cycie for iwo reasons.
First, the change absorbs a relatively large amount of heat per kg of substance; and second, this
change-of-state takes place at constant temperature.
Jigu e j-4
Since the properties of water are easily observed and since its behavior is similar too commonly used refrigerants, water is
used here to demonstrate the boiling process and to establish terminology.
lf '1 kg of water is heated, its temperature increases 1 . C for each 4.1 8 kJ added. This process F Ll
continues until the water reaches its boiling point. The boillng point is determined by the pressure
over the water. ln an open contalner the pressure over the water is atmospheric. ln a e closed I
container the vapour pressure determines the boiling pressure. At a standard sea level pressure of B
1.01 barwaterboilsatl0O.C. E
h-k- iir;;::::::::::::::::r..*--
g;ffiffi ,ur+'L' ]i,,?iif fl:"#ffisl'*:l r*,3:?
lf the pressure is higher than 1 .01 bar, ihe temperature at which
148 4.54
'i08 1.35
89 0.67
72 0.33
10 0.01
At the boiling point either the pressure or the temperature establishes other
properties of ihe liquid, such as heat content (enthalpy), density and volume. Water
at the boiling temperature for a given pressure is called saturated llquid. figu'e 3-7
After a fluid has been heated to the boiling point, further addition of heat results in
evaporation of the fluid. The heat required to change the liquid to a vapour at the boiling
point is called the heat of evaporation. At a standard barometric pressure of 1.01 bar
I 100:c l
it takes 2260 kJ to complete the evaporation of 1 kg of water at 1 00 . c to steam at '1 o0 LATENT HEAT
At this point 1 kg of dry saturated vapour has been produced. The amount of fluid
FF+g l
that evaporates depends on the amount of heat added and the heat of evaporation
of the particular fluid.lf 226 kJ is added to water at its saturaiion temperature of 100
. C, 1110 kg of water will evaporate.
It22,600 kJ is added, 10 kg of water will evaporate. lf only part of the fluid I
evaporates, the result is a mixture of saturated liquid and saturated vapour.
2.5 Superheat fgu'e 3-8
100.c PRESSURE IS CONSTANT The point of saturated vapour is reached if there is added enough heat to a fluid.
If the fluid is completely evaporated and there is more heat added, we call this
additional heat "superheat." The change-of-state has been completed, so the
additional heat results in a rise in temperature of the vapour. ln the superheat
region, the vapour expands slightly in volume as its iemperature is raised.
Moreover, the specific heat of the vapour is different from that of the liquid. For
example: water, it takes only 2.0 kJ to raise 1 kg of vapour '1 . C in temperature. lf
SUPER HEATED VAPOR 1 kg of steam is superheated 30 . C, then 30 " 2 = 60 kJ is required.
fgu'e j-9
2.6 Temperature-enthalpy
the heat content and is the sum of energy supplied to a medium. To further
simplify the demonstration, assume 1 kg of water at a standard atmospheric
pressure of 1,0"1 bar. Starting at poini'A', of figure 1.9, shows that 1 kg of
water at 0 . C has a heat content or enthalpy of 0 kJ/kg (figure 3-.10). a
figu e j-l a
Line A-B represents the sensible heat needed to raise the water to its boiling point temperature or saturated liquid temperature at
100 ' C. As stated previously, for every degree rise 4.1 B kJ must be absorbed by the liquid. Therefore, the heat content at 1 00 . C
is 100 x 4.18= 418kJ.
Line B-C represents the latent heat of evaporation needed to completely change 1 kg of saturated liquid at point 'B' to dry saturated
vapour at point'C'. The heat of evapoi'ation for v'/ater at standard atmosphei'ic pi'essui'e is 2260 kJ/kg. Therefoi'e, the enthalpy of the
dry saturated vapour at point'C' is 41 + 2260 = 2678 kJ. As shown in the diagram the change-of-staie from point'B'io'C'
represents no change in temperature. Therefore, we call this latent.
Line C-D illustrates the effect of adding sensible heat to saturated vapour. This process is called superheating. For every degree
of superheat 2 kJ must be added. For example, if 30 degrees of superheat is required, the temperature at point 'D' is 1 00 + 30 = 1 30
. C and to accomplish this 30 * 2.0 60 kJ must be added.
The enthalpy of the superheated vapour at point 'D' becomes 2678 + 60 = 2738 kJ.
Similar diagrams are available forthe commonly used refrigerants. By drawing I
a horizontal line at a given pressui'e, it is possible to determine the heat content I
of the saturated liquid. This is done by reading the enthalpy scale corresponding
to point'A'on the saturated liquid line.
The heat content at point'B'for saturated vapour can be determined in a similar
manner. The difference in enthalpy between points 'A' and 'B' is the heat of
The change-of-state from liquid to vapour is reversible; that is, the fluid can be changed from a vapour back to liquid. This
process is called 'condensing'. Just as heat must be added to affect evaporation, heat must be taken away to change a vapour
back into a liquid, and in the same amount. Just as pressure establishes the temperature at which a fluid boils, pressure also
fixes the temperature at which condensation takes place.
3 Refrigerants
3.1 lntroduction
We already saw that if we want to make sure that the crew members feel comfortable during the working and resting period, we
have to regulate the temperature of the different spaces in the ship. Therefore the temperature of the air must be lowered or
raised to an optimum levei. ln case of raising the temperature we use a heater in the air-conditioning installation. When we want
to lower the temperature of the air, we use a cooler.
ln every refrigeration installation there is a quantity of refrigerant. The refrigerant is a liquid or a gas with fixed properlies.
Because the bollingpoint of refrigerants lays far below 0. C, the refrigerants only exist in gaseous state at surrounding pressure
(1 bar). When we raise the pressure with a compressor but we keep the same temperature, the gaseous refrigerant will at
some point change-of-staie and becomes liquid.
The refrigeration effect of a cooling installation is based on the evaporation of liquid refrigerant at low temperature. The
refrigerant absorbs surroundlng heat during evaporation. Because of this process, the surrounding temperature is lowered. ln
case of an air-conditioning installation the air is cooled, transported and blown into diflerent spaces in the ship.
The first practical use of piston-compressors was during the years 1870 - 1880. At this time there was the disposal of the
refrigerant ammonia. For a good practical use of a substance as a refrigerant the following properties are needed:
Although ammonia as a refrigerant satisfies this need and is much applied for industrial cooling machines, it is not much applied
for the air handling units because it is too dangerous. This is because ammonia is poisonous, very inflammable at temperatures
above 650' C and very explosive at a concentration of 1,5% ammonia in the air. Until 1940 CO2 (carbonic dioxide) was used as
a refrigerant but there was a high condensation pressure needed. Also SO2 or sulphur dioxide was used but this is also very
Water as a refrigerant possesses, just like ammonia, very good qualities: it is cheap and has a large evaporation heat.
Unfortunately the evaporating pressure needed for the cooling of the air is very low (vacuum) and 's very difficult to reach with a
mechanical cooling compressor (tightening).
3.2 Refrigerants
ln the beginning of this century, people discovered the dangers of the then known refrigerants used for air handling (poisonous,
explosion- anC burning danger). The A,merican ccmpany Dupont has done a lct of research between 1928 and 1935 and has
produced some new iypes of refrigerants that were named "Freon." The first refrigerant was Rl2 (Freon 12) and satisfied the
then needed requirements, including safety. ln the fifties some practical refrigerants were developed for the different application
in the cooling technic. These refrigerants could apparently be used without any danger.
2 2 E-,,:-^^-^^*-r
9.9 ^-^Lr^-^
LrlYrr vrrrrrErtrqt lJt vvtctttS
During the years 1989 and 1990 international environmental experts attended humanity on a new environmental danger, the
depletion of the ozone layerwhich was caused by CFK's used in cooling installations. Because of this, a high ultraviolet
radiation-level can reach the earth which can cause skin-cancer. Also showed accurate measurements that different waste
gases such as COrform an isolation layer around the earth (green-house-effect). Because of this the solar radiation that
provides life on earth can be much harder radiated back into the universe. Therefore the atmosphere around the earlh is heated
stronger then normal with the danger of extra meltingwater of the North- and Southpole and therefore the raise of the sealevel.
During the environmental conference in Copenhagen in 1995 there was decided that delivery, application and the use of CFK-
refrigerants become forbidden to ensure a fast CFK-reduction.
The manufacturers of refrigerants developed in the years 1988 and '1 990 two replacing refrigerants. These are Rl 23 and
Rl 34a.
The refrigerant R123 is a replacement for the low pressure refrigerant R1 1 . R1 23 has a less damaging effect on the ozone layer
then R1 1. lt also has almost the same thermodynamic characteristics as R1 '1 and can even be mixed without problems with
Rl 1 . Existing installations can be refilled in a short time with R123. The short term testing results have shown that Rl 23 is a
safe but in some degree poisonous refrigerant. The long term testing results will become available within the following years.
The refrigerants R1 34a and R404a are replacementsforthe high pressure refrigerants R12 and R500 and possible even R22.
Not so,long ago there were still problems with R134a. This refrigerant cannot be combined with the till now used synthetic oil
and refrigerants.
Heinen & Hopman normally uses R-22 or R-134A for their installations. Both are clear to water, practically odorless, non-
irrltating, non{oxic (except in open flame), non-explosive and non-combustible. They are supplying chemically pure and dry in
sealed containers ranging from small cans to cylinders or drums over a 1000 kg.
There-is no universal refrigerant for every application. Each has unique characteristics considered by the equipment
manufacturer. Additional factors to consider include the relationship with oil, controllability, stability, availability and cost.
Because of the different characteristics, refrigerants should never be mixed or substituted in a system. Cneik the refrigerant
speclfication on the compressor nameplate or refer to the manufacturer documents.
The refrlgerants used by Heinen & Hopman are very suitable for use in refrigeration machines because :
' The working pressures are not high so that the machinery does not have to be unduly heavy in construction, and leakage
through glands etc., is minimized.
. It has no chemical action on most metals.
' lt will condensate at relatively high temperatures, which makes it suitable for most conditions.
' They are non-inflammable and non-explosive, bui when any quantity of refrigerant gas is being blown into the atmosphere,
nakeci lights should be extinguished. This is because it has been founci that refrigerant gas is liable to ciecompose in the
presence of a naked flame and the products of decomposition are unpleasant to inhale.
Since the used refrigerants are odorless, small leaks may remain undetected until they adversely affect the functioning of the
plant. The presence of oil at a joint or gland is a good early indication of leakage. lt is therefore advisable to keep the plant, and
all joints particularly, externally clean and free from oil. Other methods of leak detection are explained in the chapter "Guidelines
for service and mainienance."
ln this chapter the principle of the cooling machine will be explained. First the different fases of the working of the cooling
machine will be explained. After this the general cycle description will be explained.
The principle of the cooling machine is based on the following four functions:
. Expansion
. Evaporation
. Compression
. Condensation
These four functions are obtained by the following three main components of
the cooling machine:
. Evaporator
. Compressor
. Condenser
figtu'e 3-1 2
4.2 Main components
4.2.1 Evaporator
A refrigerant in liquid form will take on heat during evaporation. This change of state leads to the cooling in the cooling process. lf
a refrigerant of surrounding temperature is expanded to surrounding pressure through a tube, heat is withdrawn from the
surrounding area. ln this case evaporation will take place ihat corresponds with the surrounding pressure.
The part of the cooling process in which this process takes place is called the evaporator. The task of the evaporator is to
withdraw heat from the surrounding area, in other words the cooling.
4.2.2 Compressor
Because of the environment it is not allowed to expand the refrigerant into the free
atmosphere. Because of this, the cooling process musi take place in a closed circuit.
lf the refrigerant which leaves the evaporator is lead to a receiver, the pressure in the
receiver will be the same as the pressure in the evaporator. The result will be that the
circulation of refrigerantwill stop and the temperature in the evaporatorwill become the
same as the surrounding temperature. To maintain a lower pressure and therefore a
lower temperature, it is necessary to remove vapour/gas. This is done by a
compressor that sucks in the refrigerant gas from the evaporator. (figure 3-13)
compressor can be compared with a pump that moves the refrigerant gas through
cooling circuit. ln a closed system there will be always a balance. For example: if the
compressor sucks in the refrigerant gas much faster then it can be formed in the
evaporator, the pressure and therefore the temperature will lower. or reversed, if the
load of the evaporator is increased and the refrigerant will evaporate faster, the
pressure and temperature in the evaporator will increase.
figre 3-13
4.2.3 Gondenser
The refrigerant transfers its heat to the condenser and this heat is transferred to a medium with a lower temperature. The heat
transferring (heat receiving) meciium can be air or waier. The only condition of this medium is ihat the iemperaiure is lower ihan ihe
temperature in the condenser, which corresponds to the condensation pressure. The process in the condenser is comparable to
the process in the evaporator, only in opposite direction. ln this case a change in phase is from vapour to liquid.
A continues cooling process can be obtained by several ways. The most applied is the compression system. The compression
system is characterized by two pressures:
. The low pressure or evaporating side
. The high pressure or compression side
As said before the refrigerant transports the heat that is collected in the evaporator to the condenser where it is transferred to air
or water. A change of state for the refrigerant from liquid to vapour and back again to liquid makes it possible to take on or give off
large quantities of heat in an efficient way.
\a \
Due to the 'sucking' action of the compressor, the gas thus produced is drawn through the
suction line into the compressor cylinder. The down stroke of the piston admits a cylinderfull
of gas through the suction valve. on the upstroke of the cylinder the gas is compressed,
thereby raising temperature and pressure of the gas (figure 3-15). The compressed gas is kept
from re-entering the cylinder on its next down stroke by the compressor discharge valve. The
pressure thus produced causes the hot gas to flow to the condenser.
Jigil'e 3-15
The compressor discharge valve, like the thermostatic expansion valve, marks a division between the 'high pressure' and 'low
pressure'side. After the compressed gas has passed the discharge valve and enters the condenser, heatflows from the hot gas
into the condensing medium. This action cools the compressed gas and changes it back into a liquid.
This liquid under pressure is collected in the receiver and then forced through the liquid line to the thermostatic expansion vatve, and
the cycle repeats itself.
ln a heat exchanger (evaporator (figure 3-16) or condenser (figure 3-17)) heat is transferred through a wall between media with
different temperatures. ln the evaporator and condensing heat exchanger the heat transfer on one side of the wall is characterized
by the change of state. ln the evaporator this is a change of state from liquid to vapour, in the condenser from vapour to liquid. As
sajQ b,efop in th]s plocess a larg,e ,quantity, of heat is transferred. The cooling media can be air or water.
The heat exchange of the condenser and evaporator depends on different factors which are:
. the cooling surlace
. ihe temperature between the cooling medium and the refrigerant
. the speed ofthe refrigerant flow along the pipes
. condenser material
. the cleanness ofthe heat exchanging surface
Dirt and lime tarnish on the waterslde will influence the heat exchange in a bad way.
lf we use an air cooled evaporator or condenser we can use the following types:
. Finned pipe heat exchanger
. Tube heat exchanger
. Plate heat exchanger
These are heat exchangers where the evaporating or condensing refrigerant flows through U-formed copper tubes. On the outside
of the tubes aluminium finns are mounted which transfers the heat. The air flows along the finned tubes on the outside. Sometimes
the coppertubes are foreseen from spiral formed inside grooves to improve the heattransfering process (almost 30%)without extra
refrigerant resistant.
These heat exchangers are used for cooling of Iiquids or condensing of the refrigerant by means of water. ln case of a cooled water
evaporator the evaporating refrigerant flows through tubes (except for centrifugal cooling machines) and the cooling water through
a pressure vessel (shell). In a watercooled condenser the cooling water flows through tubes and the refrigerant condenses on the
outside of the tubes in the pressurevessel. The outside of the tubes is often covered with finns to increase the condensing surface.
The tubes are constructed from copper and are used in installations on land with non corrosive water. For use on ships and
corrosive water the tubes are constructed from cupro/nickel.
This type of heat exchanger is constructed from plates varying in shape from flat and crosswise waved stainless steel. ln this way
the heat exchange through the plates from evaporating or condensation heat takes place between the liquid and the evaporating
or condensing refrigerant. The direction of the cooling liquid and refrigerant flow is generally opposite. This type of heat exchange"r
is sensiiive foi'obstruction and ihei'efoi'e there is often a waieijiltei' used in ihe waGr suppiy tube.
The most important task of an expansion device is to ensure sufficient pressure difference between the high- pressure and low-
pressure side of the system. The most simple way is to place a conduct-tube, with a small diameter, between the condenser and
evaporator. This is called a capillary tube. The expansion capillar is only used in small, simple cooling machines such as
refrigerators. This is because of the fact that this device cannot control the quantity of refrigerant which is injeited in the evaporator.
For this process be a metering device must be used. The most common deviceis a theimostatic expaniion valve.
A thermostatic expansion valve is a precision device designed to meter the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator. The flow of
refrigerant is in exact proportion to the rate of evaporation of the refrigerant in the evaporator.It is by that preventing the return of liquid
refrigerant to the compressor. Figure 3-1g shows a picture of a thermostatic expansion valve. by being-responsive to the
temperature of the refrigerant gas leaving the evaporator and the pressure in the evaporator, the thermostatic expansion valve can
control the refrigerant gas leaving the evaporator at a predetermined superheat. The valve is built up around a thermostatic element
(1) separated from the valve body by a diaphragm. A capillary tube connects the element to a UutO
1Z; and a valve body with valve
seat (3) and a spring (4).ln a part of the bulb there is a small amount of fluid. ln the rest of the bulb,'capillary tube and the space
above the diaphragm there is saturated vapour with a pressure that correspond with the temperature oi the bulb.
The bulb of the thermostatic expansion valve placed immediately after the evaporator, oo"n. on;,
rising superheat. Pressure on the diaphragm increases when bulb temperature increases. Thel
pressure under the diaphragm increases when the evaporating temperature increases. The:
pressure differential, which correspond to the refrigerant superheat, manifests itself as a force that :
tries to open the valve against the opposite force of the spring. lf the differential in superheat,ii
exceeds the spring force the valve will open. When the expansion valve regulates, balance is :
force on the other side.
As the refrigerant is injected into the evaporator and moves along, the liquid boils off into u uuporr.,,,
Because of this, the amount of fluid decreases until all of the liquid has evaporated due to the:r
absorption of a quantity of heat from the surrounding atmosphere. By the time refrigerant gas
reaches the end of the evaporator the refrigerant gas is now superheated. The degree to whichlhe: ,
refrigerant gas is superheated depends on the amount of refrigerant being fed to the evaporator and r
the load to which the evaporator is exposed. figu e 3-18
The factory superheat setting of the thermostatic expansion valves is made with the valve pin juststarting to move away from the
seat. Thermostatic expansion valves are so designed that an increase in superheat of the refrigerant gas leaving the evaporator,
is necessary for the valve pin to open to its rated position.
5.2.2 Superheat
Superheat is measured at the point where the bulb is located on the suction line. This is the difference between the temperature at
the bulb and the evaporating pressure/ evaporating temperature at the same point. Superheat is measured in Kelvin (K) or. C and
is used as a signal to regulate liquid lnjection through the expansion valve.
To design equipment for use with a particular refrigerant, the designer must have access to its thermodynamic properties. These
are publishecl by the refrigerani manufacturer, for exampie for ihe refrigerani R22:
t P V1 w hI hv t P M w ht hv
-90 0.05 0.65 3580.66 105.49 364.40 -1 n 3.54 0.76 65.34 188.43 401.56
-80 0.11 0.66 1763.19 1 15.06 369.31 -q 4.21 0.77 55.34 194.18 403.50
-70 0.21 0.67 940,94 124.81 aaA aa 0 4.98 0.78 47.14 200.00 205.36
-60 0,38 0.68 537.15 134.76 379.11 5 5.84 0.79 40.36 205.90 407.14
-55 0.50 0.69 414.83 139.83 381.53 10 6.81 0.80 34.71 211.88 408.84
-50 0.64 0.70 324.56 144.96 383.92 IC 7.89 0.81 29.99 217.94 410.43
-45 0.83 0.70 256.99 1 50.15 386.28 20 9.10 0.82 26.00 224.08 411.92
-40 1.05 0.71 205.75 155.41 388.61 25 10.44 0.84 22.62 230.32 413.29
-35 1.32 0.72 166.40 160.74 390.90 30 11.92 0.85 19.74 236.66 414.53
-30 1.64 0.73 135.84 166.14 393.14 35 tJ.cc 0.87 17.27 243.11 415.63
-25 2.01 0.73 '111.86 171.61 395.33 40 15.34 15.14 249.69
O.BB 4'16.56
-zu 2.45 0.74 92.84 177.14 397.47 45 17.29 0.90 13.28 250.40 417.31
Pressure = Bar exerted ata given temperature. Determines equipment strength and, therefore, affects equipment cost, high
pressure usually results in high equipment cost.
Specific volume = Cubic meters of space required when one kg of refrigerant liquid evaporates. lnfluences the equlpment size.
Enthalpy = Heat content of refrigerant. This is a measure for liquid heat and vapour heat. The latent heat is a measure of
ihe refrigeration or cooling effect. The difference in enthalpy between the liquid and the saturated vapour is the
latent heat of evaporation at the given temperature.
Table 3-19 shows that one kg of R-22 in liquid state, at 5 .C has an enthalpy of 205.9 kJ/kg. lt also shows that at saturated
conditions, the pressure increases with the temperature. ln the superheat region, however, pressure and temperature no longer
corresponds, and this introduces another variable in defining the condition of the refrigerant. Therefore, superheat tables are much
more extensive. For every refrigerant, superheat tables are available.
ln theformerchapters we looked at the different parts of the cooling section. Because a cooling machine is just like other mechanical
equipment not free of maintenance, it is imporlant to know what to do when maintenance is needed. Because of that we look in this
chapter at several service and maintenance techniques.
A cooling machine contains a harmful refrigerant under pressure. LEAK DANGER! Keep room well ventilated. ln the
presence of an open flame, freon is liable to decompose in toxic gases. Always putthe main- and/orworkswitch off during
activities at the machine. Only qualified personal is authorized to execute the following activities at the cooling machine
7.'t.1 Contaminants Effect
The serviceman shall always keep the refrigerant system as clean and dry as possible. Otherwise, contaminants may enter or
develop and cause poor operation orfaiiure, Some contaminants are: air, moisture, antifreeze agents, soldering flux, solvent, meiai
chips and dirt. Some of their harmful effects are: sludging, corrosion, copperplating, freezing-up and resiriciions.
The chemical breakdown of oil under high temperature in the presence of air or a non-condensable may cause sludging. Corrosion
is caused by air or an oxidizer in a high temperature. AIso, soldering flux or acid may cause rust or corrosion. Copperplating can
be traced to contaminated oil that dissolves copper in the system. lt then will transfer to a high temperature area such as bearings,
seals or valve plates. Here it is precipitated out by another contaminant such as water, alcohol or air. Freezing-up occurs when a
wet system is placed into operation or a leak develops in a refrigerant to water system operating below 0 . C. A freeze-up can be
significant to the serviceman because it alerls him or her to the presence of a contaminant in the system.
A leak in the suction side of a system operating in a vacuum or an improper installation will
allow air and other non-condensables to enter the system. Their presence is indicated by
excessive head pressure and/or reduced system capacity. The non-condensables tend to
accumulate in the high pressure side of the system. They also tend to accumulate at the
top of the condenser or receiver because they are lighter than refrigerant vapour. Many
systems have purge valves to allow non-condensable venting (figure 3-20).
' Shut down the system by turning the main- and/or work-switch off and allow it to reach ambient temperature.
' Compare the system pressure to the corresponding refrigerant pressure for ambient temperature.
' A higher system pressure indicates the presence of non-condensables. Give non-condensables time to rise to the system
high point.
' Slowly open the purge valve until gas can be heard venting from the port. Limit the opening because liquid refrigerant will boil
and remix non-condensables into refrigerant.
. Ventilate for about ten seconds and close the valve.
@ Some V-shaped condensers have two purge valves. Open them alternately
'. Restart the system if reduciion in discharge pressure occurs. Run the system normally for several hours.
If the discharge pressure is still high repeat steps 1 to 4.
7.1.2 Driers
A, After disconnecting the cooling machine some parts may be cold (pipes).
Regardless of the degree of caution, workmanship and ability an installer or serviceman exercises, a small amount of residual
moisture and solid particles is nearly always left In the field built-up system. Therefore, every field-piped system must contain
some type of refrigerant drier. Construction
A drier is a container with inlet and outlet connections (figure 3-21). lnside is a chemical
compound called a desiccant.
The desiccant either physically holds (adsorbs) or chemically reacts with the residual
moisiure anci prevent ii from clrculaiing ihroughoui ihe system. Mosi desiccanis have
some degree of acid removal ability. They have some form of filtering screen or pad to
prevent the desiccant from entering into the system and also to remove solid parlicles
already in circulation. Some desiccants are cast or molded into the form of a cylinder to 3-21
improve their filtering ability. These are called filterdriers. Some desiccants are field
removable and replaceable. Selection
A good general rule is always to use the drier type and size recommended by the unit manufacturer. Where no recommendation
is available, the drier should be selected according to the following factors : Precautions
. Never accept or install a drier or replacement desiccant that is not factory sealed.
. Never abuse or mishandle the drier.
' Once the seals have been removed from the drier or desiccant, install it immediately.
figu e 3-22
7.1.3 Handling
To avoid the entrance of contaminants into a system via the refrigerant container only factory filled
and sealed containers should be used. Facts to remember :
' Fusible metal plugs (figure 3-23) are designed to protect the cylinder in case of fire. They may
not protect the cylinderfrom gradual and uniform overheating.
' The interstate commerce commission prescribes that a Iiquefied compressed gas container
shall not be liquid full below 55 . C. Above 55 . C, liquid refrigerant will completely fill a container fiso'e 3-23
and the hydrostatic pressure will build up rapidly with each degree of temperature
' Fusible metal plugs begin to soften at 71 . C and melt completely at74. C. The hydrostatic pressure developed at 74 . C is far
more than the cylinder test pressure.
. Never apply a direct flame to a refrigerant cylinder.
. To provide some margin of safety, never heat a cylinder above 52 . C.
' Never place an electric resistance heater in direct contact with a refrigerant cylinder.
'. Never transfer refrigerant from one cylinder to another without a refrigerant transfer pump.
Do not drop, dent or otherwise abuse refrigerant cyllnders.
. Always replace valve and hood cap when a cylinder is not in use or empty.
' Use the proper valve wrench for opening or closing the valve. Loosen the valve packing nut before turning the valve on;
retighten after closing.
'. Secure all cylinders in an upright position with a chain or sirap when they are not mounted in a suitable stand.
Never exceed the weight marked on the container (figure 3-24). Use
One of the mosi useful tools for the serviceman is a gauge manifold. lt is an instrument and
should be treated as such. Figure 3-25 shows a typical gauge manifoici. it coniains two shui-off
valves and three external connections. When both valves are closed (front seated) the center or
utility potl is isolated. The ports above and below each valve are interconnected so the gauges
will register always when connected to a system.
The left-hand gauge is a compound or suction pressure gauge. The right-hand gauge is the
high or discharge pressure gauge. Flexible charging lines or hoses connect the manifold to the Jigu'e 3-25
system. To determine system operation, add charge, purge, equalize or evacuate (figure 3-27).
Services gauges should have the best degree of accuracy that is commercially avail-ble. Care Connection
Iow high low high
Most systems have a high- and low-pressure service tap point for checking
pressures and charging. They may be located on the compressor shut-off @@ '
ooen f,'-:iE-hclose
valves, iiquid valves or as inciependent points (ex. Schrader valve). Note that
Schrader service valve ports require an adapter fitting or a core remover
close a-
between the service valve and the hose. See figure 3-28. These ports should PURGING
always be leaktight and capped or plugged when not in use.
low high low high
The procedure is the same for all type of service ports if the system is
pressurized :
figre 3-28
the utility port is used, a third valve should be installed in the utility hose. Ali venting or
purging is done with the third valve. Methods
Leak testing by pressure or by vacuum are two common field methods. Either one performed properly
and in sequence will ensure a leaktight system. The pressure method consists of admitting a
refrigerant into the sysiem, or part of the system, and checking for leakage to the outside. ihe vacuum
melhod consists of pumping a vacuum in the ciosed system and watching for a rise in pressure on an
indicator. Here a leak is indicated but is difficult to locate. Therefore, only the pressure method is
treated further.
fgu'e 3-29 Detection
The following are three popular detectors listed in order of their sensitivity : Procedure
(Assume that no part of the system contains a refrigerant vapor under pressure and thai the entire sysiem is to be leak tested.)
' All flare, flange, solder, braze, weld or thread fittings must be mechanically tight. AIso, seals, packing glands and service valve
packing nuts.
a -
Where two wrench flats are avaiiable (unions, quick-connects), use two properly sized wrenches to avoid twlsiing or
distorting tubes or fittings. Do not overtighten.
b AII service, safety and charging valves must be closed to the atmosphere.
c Wirebrush and wipe flux and oxides from all heated joints.
' Open all interconnecting manual system valves, solenoid and expansion valves to ensure complete system volume.
' Connect a cylinder of refrigerant (used in operating system) to a convenient point such as the liquid, suction, discharge or
charging port service valve.
. Pressurize the entire system with refrigerant vapour.
Do not exceed the safe test pressure limits established by the unit manufacturer. Remember that some
systems are running under vacuum; so be sure that the seal or pressure relief device blow-off pressures will
not exceeded. General
Evacuate and dehydrate only after pressure leak testing. Proper evacuation and dehydration prove system tightness,
expel non-
condensables, and assure a dry system before charging.
Essential tools to properly evacuate and dehydrate any system are a good vacuum pump and a good evacuation indicator.
Never use the system compressor to evacuate the system. A good evacuation indicator can bJa mercury manometer, wet-
bulb indicator or thermocouple vacuum indicator, A compound gauge should not be used because of its internal friction and
inherent inaccuracy. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the pump suction line sizing, oil, indicator location and
When a low absolute pressure or high vacuum is established in a closed system, the remaining noncondensables become
negligible' As the pressure is reduced, the boillng point of water is also reduced. This is the priniiple of the deep vacuum
method of dehydration. As long as the ambient temperature surrounding the system is higher than the boiling point of the internal
moisture, ii wiii boil of ancj can be expellecj. To properly employ this meihod, a'good vacuum indicaior musi be usecj. in the
following procedure a wet-bulb vacuum indicator is used.
A good vacuum reading without a wet-bulb reading may indicate a tight system but not always a dry one.
lf free water enters the compressor crankcase (ruptured chiller or condenser), the oil must be drained from the crankcase,
because the oil will float on the water and will not allow the water to evaporate. Dehydrate without oil in the compressor. After the
system has dried, add the proper oil charge and dehydrate again.
'- LI^
a 42. tAt^L--
dule J-J t. vvalet
and cause a false reading. Use only distilled water in the wet-bulb indicator.
Open valves A,B,C and E. Start the pump. Evacuation has started.
Occasionally open valve D to check system evacuation. Allow valve D to remain open at least three minutes.
Use table 3-31 to convert the wet-bulb reading to absolute pressure or vacuum based on water boiling point.
When the system is evacuated to 0.1 bara close valves C and E. Stop the pump.
Open valve D. \ iatch the indicaior for a loss of sysiem evacuation ovei' a fifteen-minute period. A steady loss indicates a
system leak. Double check all field conneciions from A and B. lf the leak cannot be stopped, stop the evacuation and
pressure leak test the system. Before admitting refrigerant vapour be sure valve D has closed.
lf no leaks are present close valve D, open valves C and E and restart the pump.
Continue evacuating until the indicator shows a reading of 2 . C that corresponds to an absolute pressure of 0.01 bar.
Close valves C and D. Open valve F allowing dry refrigerant to raise the system pressure to 0.7 bara.
Allow the system to remain pressurized for about thirty minutes.
Vent all system pressure by opening valve G,
Close valve G, open valves C and D and restart the pump.
Re-evacuate the system to 0.01 bara or lower, if possible.
Close valves C and D, open valve F, pressurize and isolate the system by closing valves A and B.
The system is ready for charging. Any remaining moisture will be picked up by refrigerant drier.
7.1.7 Gharging General
Despite the system size, the operating charge of refrigerant determines how efficient
and economic the system will run. An overcharged system can lead to high
iemperatui'es, piessures and operating cosis wiih ihe possibiiiiy of conrponeni faiiure.
An undercharged system leads to insufficient cooling, high operating costs and, on
hermetic systems, the possibility of compressormotor tipoff or failure. Therefore, proper
refrigerant charging is one of the most important responsibilities in installing or servicing
any system. Methods
Vapour charqing
Vapour charging (see figure 3-34) is done by transferring refrigerant vapour from the top of the liquid level
in the refrigerant container to either the high or the low (usually low) pressure side of the system. A
complete charge addition on systems containing 7 kg or less of the refrigerant is usually done by vapour
method. Although vapour charging is slow it allows a very close control. As vapour is expelled from the
refrigerant container, the system and container pressures tend to equalize and
the flow of vapour slows or even stops. When this occurs, the serviceman must either warm the container
by placing it in warm water (see precautions on handling refrigerants) or use the system compressor to
draw vapour from the container (figure 3-35). When using the system compressor, be aware first to check
the compressor oil level before starting.
Liquid charqinq
fsu'e j'35 Liquid charging is accomplished by adding or'pouring' liquid directly from the refrigerant container lnto the
high-pressure side of the system. When liquid charging, remember :
7.1.7 Procedures
The following are three common charging procedures with a brief description how each should be done.
Follow the unit installation instructions for the method and charge procedure selection. m
,/ .,r
Charginq bv weiqht
lfi t.)
o -H
This method (see (figure 3-36) is used if a complete charge is to be added and the amount of charge is -ry:)
|f*- |
known. On systems short of charge of 4.5 kg or less it is sometimes faster and more economical to
remove all of the remaining system charge and add a complete new charge.
' Check the unit nameplate or the manufacturer documents for both charge weight and refrigerant type.
' Obtain the correct amount and type of refrigerant, charging manifold, hoses, and an accurate weight fgrs'e 3-36
scale in the correct range of refrigerant, container weight and charge reduction.
. Connect the manifold and container to the system with hoses, purge the hoses.
' Weigh the refrigerant container, be sure that the connecting hoses do not cause a false weight indication. Write down the
container weight, then subtract the system charge weight and mark the scale face for the correct charge reduction.
' Add refrigerant to the system by vapour or liquid method until the correct charge has been added to the system. Stop adding
charge by closing the refrigerant container valve.
The sight glass (see figure 3-37) should be located in the system liquid line. This must be as
near as possible to the refrigerant feed device inlet. When the system is properly charged, only
a clear flow of liquid refrigerant passes through the sight glass. Some have refraction indicators
to help in determining the flow. Bubbles or flashing usually indicates a shortage in refrigerant.
Also a clear sightglass of liquid may be present but the system may not be charged at a higher
load condiiion. Always check and chaige at ihe maximum load and ihe iemperatui'e condiiions
Wnen looking into a sight glass, always be sure that the clear sight glass is liquid and not
figu'e 3-37
' check the unit nameplate or manufacturer ciocuments for the proper refrigerant type.
' Obtain the correct type and estimated amount of refrigerant and a charging manifold with
. Connect the manifold and container to the system with hoses, purge the hoses.
'. lf a complete charge is to be added, add some refrigerant to the system by vapour or liquid method.
Stad the compressor and allow the system to run about ten minutes.
. Add refrigerant by vapour or liquid method.
' Allow the system to run on full load for ten minutes or until no fluctuations appear on the manifold gauges.
' Raise the compressor discharge or liquid pressure and hold it to a level equivalent to 43 . C (this may vary depending on
manufactiii'ei' i'ecommendaiions) bv'thi'ottlinq ihe con,jenser iniake watei- oi- aii-.
. Observe the sight glass, add more refrigerant vapour if necessary.
' Allow the system to return to the initial running condition, the system should now be charged properly.
Charqin g by pressure-temperature relation
This method (see figure 3-38) of charging or checking charge is based on certain
assumptions listed at the end of the procedure.
. Check the unit nameplate or manufacturer documents for the proper refrigerant
. Obtain the correct type and estimated amount of refrigerant, a charging manifold
with hoses and an accurate temperature measuring instrument (thermocouple or
thermometer). Connect the manifold and container to the system with hoses,
purge the hoses. Attach the temperature indicator probe to the exterior of the
system liquid line as close as possible to the refrigerant feed device inlet. lnsulate
it to prevent stray air currents or radiation from causing inaccurate readings.
. Add enough refrigerant to the system (vapour or liquid method) io enable the figu'e 3-38
compressor to run without a safety trip. Allow the system to run until the manifold gauges do not fluctuate.
. - a Measure the liquid line temperature.
- b Measure the discharge pressure and convert it to temperature. This becomes the system liquid condensing temperature.
- c Compare temperature (a) with (b). lf the liquid line temperature is above the condensing temperature, add charge
because hot gas is mixed with the liquid.
- d Continue adding vapour to the sysiem until the liquid line temperature (a) is equal to the system condensing temperature
(b). The system is now charged for the condensing pressure present. Full load and raise the system discharge pressure
to the maximum expected conditions. Repeat these steps. The system is now properly chargeb.
' The temperature indicator is accurate within 1/2 . C and the probe contact is a true indication of the liquid line temperature.
' No pressure drop will take place between the point of pressure reading and the point where the temperature readings are
taken. On normal systems a 0.07 bar drop for discharge lines, 0.2 to 0.35 bar drop for liquid lines and 0.15 to 0.3 bar drop for
condensers is allowed.
lf a system has been overcharged, it is necessary to remove the excess. The excess will be removed PROTECT TI{NDS AND EYES !
Zif On water'eooieci eondensers or chiliers (unless waier is circuiaiing or is compleiely cirained) cio noi release
.5 the refrigerant pressure rapidly. A freeze-up may result.
' Secure the utility hose to prevent whipping. lf the high-pressure hose is connected to the liquid line or receiver, vent all vapour
from the low-pressure side of the system.
'. Vent vapour for ten seconds, reciose the valve. Allow the system pressures to settle out then re-check the charge.
Alternately vent and check until the system is properly charged.
On systems having a liquid petcock excess charge can be removed by cracking open the petcock port.
Occasionally the serviceman must remove the system charge to make repairs or
modifications. Some methods of charge removal are:
S Use the system compressor (see figure 3-40)
S Use a scavenging pump system (see figure 3-42)
S By the charge migration
lsolate the compressor service ports and connect the gauge manifold. Connect the manifold utility hose to
the refrigerant container. Purge all hoses with system vapour.
Place the refrigerant container in ice water and allow it to chill.
obtain weight scales and a sufficient number of empty, clean, dry refrigerant containers.
Start the system - Open the service valves allowing the system pressure to register on the manifold
Fully open the refrigerant container valve.
Open the manifold high-pressure valve. Hot discharge gas or liquid should now enter the cold container
and condense.
Attempt to hold the compressor discharge pressure equivalent to a 90 % condensing pressure.
Continue bypassing discharge gas or liquid inio the refrigerant container until it is filled to its weight
Figu'e j-41
capacity. Check with the scales (figure 3-41). Do not overfill. Change to another container if necessary.
' Reduce the system charge until the suction pressure falls to 1.3 bir. Siop the compresso t.
' Close the refrigerant container valve and manifold high-pressure valve. Remove the utllity hose from the container.
'. Allow the system to set idle. Ventilate any overpressure pressure above 1.3 bar by cracking open the manifold valve.
Before making repairs vent all system pressures.
. Tag all the containei's having system liquid refr-igei.ant in them as used.
. Evacuate the system before recharging.
Pump out - usinq scavenqinq pump svstem
' Obtain weight scales and a sufficient number of empty, clean and dry refrigerant containers. Only use containers marked for
the system refrigerant. Evacuate the containers if possible.
' Connect a gauge manifold to the system. If the system has a liquid charging valve, connect the high-pressure manifold hose
to that valve. Connect the manifold utility hose to the refrigerant container. Purge all hoses. Close both manifold valves.
' Chill the refrigerant container to the lowest possible temperature. lsolate in ice if possible. Add as required during the transfer.
' a - lf the high-pressure manifold hose is connected to the liquid valve, open the high-pressure manifold valve and refrigerant
b - If no liquid service valve is available, open the manifold suction valve.
lf the container was evacuated some refrigerant transferring to the container will flash and furlher chill the container. Thls
will fasten the refrigeration transfer.
Ailow the system refrigerant to migrate to the chilled containers until the system pressure is equivalent to the container
temperature. For example : If the container is at 3.3 . C and the system contains R-22. No furlher transfer will take place
when the system pressure reaches 5.5 bar.
Once the condition in previous step occurs, either reduce the container temperature or increase the system temperature. lf
neither can be done, discontinue removing the charge.
Vent all remaining system pressure to the atmosphere before making repairs or modifications.
Tag all containers having refrigerant as used.
Re-evacuate the system before recharging.
Start the compressorset only if all shields are mounted. After disconnecting the compressorset will run out for
A' some time and some parts will be hot. BURNING DANGER! General
Lubricating oils prevent friction and minimize wear. Refrigeration grade oils also have special characteristics which enable them
to work efficiently under various load and temperature conditions. Specifications and oil type are usually established by the
compressor or unit manufaciurer based on extensive laboratory and performance tests.
The oil refiners meet or exceed the manufacturer's specifications and supply their oil in clean, dry, sealed containers ranging in
size from 1 liter cans to 200 liter drums. All are clearly identified. The serviceman has to recognize two things when chooling a
refrigeration oil :
Ali Heinen & Hopman compressors are factory shipped with a normal charge of the correct type
of refrigeration grade oil and should rarely require additional oil. The serviceman must be sure ihat
the proper oil level is maintained in the compressor when it is installed and running.
When restarting an idle compressor ihe oil level may initially decrease below normal in the sight glass but should return to near
normal in less than one minute. Excessive foaming or a cloudy appearance may indicate a floodback condition and could be harmful
to ihe compressor. An oil level should always be observed in an oil sight glass, whether running or idle.
B"*ut" of false oil levels caused by the capillary attraction of oil to glass.
O Oil level plugs
Some compressors contain an oil level plug orvalvewhich helps to determinethe compressoroil level
(figure 3-46). lt consists of a small hole at the exact normal oil level. A small threaded plug or valve
seals the drilled hole.
. Run the compressor on fuil load for about twenty minutes. figu"e 3-46
. Stop the compressor and allow it to set idle for about five minutes.
. lsolate the compressor from the system by closing the shut-off valves.
'. Ventilate the internal compressor pressure by opening the suction shut-off valve service port.
Slowly remove the oil level plug (if a valve is used, open the valve).
' Check the oil level by observation and/or a probe wire. A correct level should be at opening level.
Some small full hei'metic compi'essors have no method of determining the oil level. Since these compi-essors are aivi,,ays
installed in factory designed, assembled and pipe systems there is rarely any problem with the oil level, except in the case of a
leak. lf the amount of lost oil can be calculated, this amount should be added to the compressor. lf the amount of lost oil cannot
be calculated, the serviceman must remove the compressor and drain all remaining oil from the suction line stub. Add a
measured normal oil charge by either the suction stub or by cutting the oil process tube and re-sealing it.
There are many methods of adding oil to a compressor. Two of the most practical are :
'Runthecompressoronfull load,closethesuctionshut-offvalveandreducethecrankcasepressureto0.l4
bar. fgu e 3-47
' Stop and isolate the compressor from the system by closing the discharge shut-off valve.
Build an oil charging arrangement like shown in figure 3-48. Put the amount of oil
necessary in the compressor into the oil charging reservoir via the oil fill plug.
Replace and seal plug.
. Connect the oil feed line flare A to the compressor suction shutoff valve
service port. REFRIGEMNT
. Open ihe feed line valve. VALVE
. Loosely connect the pressure line flare B to the refrigerant cylinder. figtt'e 3-48
. Crack open the serviceport on the suction shut-off valve. Allow refrigerant
vapour under system pressure to bubble through the reservoir oil and vent to the atmosphere via flare B.
. Tighten flair B and close the feed line control valve.
' CIose the compressor suction shut-off valve, start the compressor and allow the crankcase pressure to reduce to 0.7 bar (1 0
. Stop the compressor and isolate by closing the discharge shut-off valve.
. Open the refrigerant cylinder valve.
. Slowly open the oil feed line valve and add the required amount of oil.
.' Close the oil feed and refrigerant cylinder valves.
Allow sufficient time for the oil to drain into the crankcase. Don not overfeed additional oil.
' Open the compressor shut-off valves and restart the compressor, then allow it to run for twenty minutes,
recheck the oil level.
This method of oil addition can be used on any system where a pressure tap is available in the suction
side of the compressor and the refrigerant cylinder pressure can be maintained higher than the
compressor suction pressure. An alternative to this method is to partially evacuate the isolated
compressor and draw oil into the compressor crankcase from an open coniainer, see figure 3-49.
Jigu'e 3-49
If oil must be removed from a compressor, use one of the following methods.
'Runthecompressoronfull load,closethesuctionshut-offvalveandreducethecrankcasepressureto0.'14bar
. Stop the compressor and isolate it by closing the discharge shut-off valve .
f| On non-coperable compressors close shut-off valves and reduce crankcase pressure by bleeding from the shut-off valve
service ports.
' a- lf a compressor has an oil drain plug, carefully open it until oil seeps around the plug threads.
Oo not remove the oil plug, than the full oil charge will be lost.
b- lf an oil level plug is available, carefully loosen and remove it.
. Drain oil to the described level. Discard used oil.
. Re-tighten the plug, open the shut-off valves, start and re-check the oil level
figure 3-5a
Bv fill pluq
. Follow the first h,rro steps above. Then carefully remove the oil fill plug.
. Insert a syphon iine into the compressor oil via the fiil hole.
. Seal the line in place by using a neoprene stopper or modified oil plug (figure 3-50).
' Crack open the suction shut-off valve and pressurize the crankcase to 0.36 bar and reclose.
' Slowly open the syphon line valve and drain the required amount of oil from the compressor. Remove the used oil.
' Purge the excess crankcase pressure via the service port and remove the syphon line. Re-install the fill plug, open the shut-
off valves, stad the compressor and recheck the oil level.
A cooling machine contains a harmful refrigerant under pressure. LEAK DANGER! Keep room well
ventilated. ln the precense of an open flame, freon is liable to decompose in toxic gasses. Before checking
the following points put the main- and/or workswitch off. Only qualified personal is authorized to execute
the following activities at the cooling machine.
7.2.1 General
Check :
7.2.2 Compressorset
The motor can be used for either direction of rotation. The sense of rotation can be changed by interchanging any two feeders of
the electrical wire.
Check : Compressor
' For information about the compressor is referred to the manufacturer documents.
Check : Drier
Check: Gondenser
. Startthe fan(s).
. Check whether the air in- and outlet are free.
. For further information is referred to the manufacturer documents.
7.3.1 Starting
lf the compressorset is provided with carterheating, the carterheating must be active 24 hours before the first
start up. Start the compressorset only if all shields, doors etc. are mounted.
Open the solenoid valve manually by means of the spindle, so that there can be sufficient pressure build-up.
Starl the system by turning the main switch on.
Turn on: - Evaporator fan switch
- Compressor switch
- Coolwaterpump switch (watercooled condensor) or the condensor fan switch (aircooled condensor)
Measure (during the first start) the current consumption in every phase.
Set the thermostatic protection to 5% above the highest measured current.
Watch the pressure gauges closely, until the machine has reached its normal operation condition.
The evaporator temperature is about 10 . C lower than the room temperature.
The temperature of the freon in the condensing unit is about 5 - 9 . C above the cooling water temperature.
7.3.2 Stopping
After disconnecting, the compressorset will run-out for some time and some parts will be hot (e.g.
A, compressor) and others will be cold (e.9. tubes). BURNING AND FREEZING DANGER!
Afterthe machine has been in operation forten hours the pulleys must be re-tightentto ensure thatthey
are still fixed.
7.4 Maintenance
A cooling machine contains a harmful refrigerant overpressure. LEAK DANGER! Keep room
well vented. ln the presence of an open flame freon is liable to decompose in toxic gasses.
Atwaysl put the main- and/or workswitch off during activities at the installation. Start the
installation only if all shields, doors etc. are mounted. After disconnecting the compressorset
wiii run out for some time, anci some paris wiii be hot (e.g. compressor) anci oihers wiii be coici
(e.g' tubes)' BURNING AND FREEZING DANGER! Only qualified personal is authorized to
execute the maintenance of the cooling machine.
7.4.1 General Daily
' check by sight glass whether the freon is clear and no bubbles are present (replenish). Monthly Weekly
. Ensure that the motor is clean and the air inlet is free.
' Check regulady whether the motor is noisy, when this occurs, the bearings may be worn and the electric motor or bearings
must be replaced.
7.4-2.3 Compressor
Neverforce the V-belts on the sheaves, as this may damage the belt core, so that the belt will break after a short time of
O operatron.
' Shoften the distance beiween ihe ceniers, by moving ihe eleciric nioior, i.rntii ihe belis can be fitted easily wiihoui ihe irse of
. Then increase the distance until the V-belt is tensed.
. Align the V-belt with a ruler or something like that (figure 3-5i ).
. Give the V-belt the pre-discribed tension and secure the cradle.
' Replace the froni part of the shield. After about 5 minutes of loaded operation the V-belt should be tightened (see tightening
of the V-belt).
' During the continued operation the tension should be checked after about 50 working hours, and there upon it should be
checked occasionally.
Alwayrs ascertain that the V-belt is aligned cor-rectly and at the right tenslon. F.eplace a
Jigu'e 3-52
V-belt that shows signs of wear immediately.
V-belt pulley's
The V-belt pulley's are provided with a taper-lock bush and can be removed easily without the use of blow- or pull{ools.
. loosen the screws and place one screw in the pressure hole of the pulley.
. Turn the screw in until the pulley is released.
. Remove the pulley from the shaft.
'. Place the taper-lock bush and pulley together, so that the holes in the pulley and taper-lock bush are corresponding.
Turn the screws in the holes and fasten them slightly.
. Align the pulley's.
. Tighten the screws equally until they are fixed.
' Fit the compressor flange to the compressor crankshaft. The flange has a tapered bore and
a keyway. Be sure the key fits in the keyway before placing the flange on the shaft.
' After the flange is in place, install the bolt and washer provided with the compressor. Tighten
rL^ L^tl
u rc uutu scuurety
O Oo not use the bolt and washer to force the flange in place.
. Fit the motor flange to the motor shaft, be sure that the key fits in the keyway. All parts
should fit snugly but easily. Do not force them into place.
' Start the motor and scribe a line adjacent to the motor bearing housing to locate the running ArtL!,aL tilat-lllunlT
position of the armature. figu'e 3-54
lf the motor cannot be started, measure the amount of end play in the motor shaft. Set the
motor shaft at half this measurement and mark the position.
The coupling is to be aligned with the motor shaft in this running position.
Re-assemble the coupling and make a preliminary adjustment of dimension "E" (distance between flanges), shown in figure
' Move and shim the motor uniii dimension "E" is correci when nreasured at four posiiions ai 90.
apart, and until ihe edges of the flanges are in line when tested with a straight edge (figure 3-53).
A convenient way to compare the dimensions is to set an inside capilar at the smaller
dimension and measure the extra width at the larger dimension with the capilar and a feeler
PAn UILF t-tlilEilT
lf A and B are larger than C and D (figure 3-54) the coupling is in angular misalignment
Move and shlm the motor until the dimensions are within tolerances.
lf A and D are larger than B and C (fig. 3-55) the coupling is in parallel misalignment. Move and shim the motor until the
dimensions are in tolerances.
Run the compressor until lt warms up and re-check the alignment.
7.4.4 Drier Normally
'. Check regularly whether the drier filling is not saturated. Green is active and yellow indicates saturation.
Before the drier is opened all freon must be pumped in the condenser.
. Always replace the drier filling in case of reparations at the cooling machine.
' When a new installation is taken into operation the drier filling must be regularly checked to determine the replacement
interval. Yearly
tt is possible that the drier filling has to be changed more than once a year
fne cooling machine must be in operation several hours before the thermostatic expansion valve can be adjusted.
The thermostatic expansion valve is usually set to 10 . C superheating. The value can be set by the adjusting screw, by turning it
in the freon supply is eniargeci (less superheating) and by iurning ii oui ihe supply is reciuced (more superheitingl.
When the thermostatic expansion valve is not set correctly, the adjusting screw must be turned slightly. Thereupon let the
installation operate for at least 15 minutes before another adjustment is made.
ln case of freeze-up of the suction line the adjusting screw must be turned out slighfly.
7.4.6 Condenser Weekly r'eariy
' Checking and possible cleaning of the condensor tubes must be perlormed yearly. This may only be performed by skilful
8.1 Troubleshooting
Once a source of trouble in a refrigeration system is located, it may be an easy matterto correct it. The main difficult in
servicing work generally being the location of the trouble. lt ls important that a systematic method of analyzing will be followed. lt
would be considerably better for the serviceman to take the first half-hour to observe the arrangement and operation of the
machine. This is better than to make a hasty decision as to the cause of the trouble and make any adjustment in the hope that it
wili solve the trouble. Such a procedure often adds trouble because the adjustment was not necessary or proper. When the
serviceman is following a systematic method of fault locating, he should first listen to the complaint of the owner or operator of
the equipment. This will give him his first impression as to the cause of the trouble. He should then carefully check the complaint
to look that it is justified.
In some instances, the cause of the trouble will be immediately apparent, but in the large majority of cases, some measuring of
pressures, temperatures and running time will have to be made. ln this case, it will be necessary to determine the type of
machine since the method of locating the trouble will depend upon the type of refrigerating machine and the method of control.
The following table is put in as a guide for locating and correcting those troubles found more frequently within refrigeration
Cause Remedy
Thermostatic expansion valve adjusted so that refrigerant is Adjust the thermostatic expansion valve.
admitted to the expansion coil faster then it can be
The control adjustment is set for too low temperature and Adjust the control for a higher temperature of the cooling
does not correspond wlth the adjustment of the thermostatic unit.
expansion valve.
In weather conditions where the relative humidity is very high This is not serious but may be avoided by insulating the
there may be some condensation on the suction line tubing. suction line by a vapour barrier material.
Cause Remedy
The system contains less than the required amount of Recharge with refrigerant.
refrigerant and warm vapour is passing through the liquid
The thermostatic expansion valve is opened too far. Adjust the thermostatic expansion valve for correct back-
Cause Remedy
The liquid receiver shui-up valve is partly closed or Make sure the liquid line valve is wide open and if the liquid
obstructed with foreign matter, causing it to act as an receiver valve is paftially obstructed it will be necessary to
expansion valve. either remove it and repair it or replace it by a new one.
Cause Remedy
Thermostatic expansion valve adjusted so that too little liquid Re-adjust the thermostatic expansion valve for the correct
passes through the expansion coil. suction pressure setiing.
Little or no refrigerant in the system. Locate the leak, repair it and recharge the system.
Thermostatic expansion valve blocked with ice from moisture Change or clear the thermostatic expansion valve and if
in the system or accumulation of dirt. moisture is the source of the trouble install a system drier.
Cause Remedy
Liquid line completely blocked. Clear the line or replace the tubing.
No refrigerant in the system Locate the leak and recharge the system with refrigerant.
Motor operates but the compressor is idle. Tighten or replace the V-belt.
Cause Remedy
Control will not cut out. Adjust, repair or replace the control.
Little or no refrigerant in the system. Locate the leak and recharge as necessary.
lnefficient compressor. Check the compressor and make the necessary repairs.
Compressor operating at too low a speed See that the motor specifications correspond with the supply
voltage. See that the V-belt is not slipping and has the
correct tension.
Presence of air in the system. Purge air from the system as outlined under 'Purging the
Restricted circulation over the coolingcoils. See that there is unrestricted air flow around the coils.
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
lnsufficient refrigerant. Locate and repair the leak and recharge with correct amount
of refrigerant.
lnefficient compressor. Test the compressor for efficiency and make the necessary
Thermostatic expansion valve clogged with ice or dirt Replace or clear the thermostatic expansion valve and
replace the system drier if moisture is the cause of the
Cause Remedy
Presence of air in the system Remove the air from the system as outlined under'Purging
the system'.
Too much oil in the system which would tend to retard the Remove the oil charge from the compressor during the
removal of heat in the condenser. normal cycle and recharge the compressor with the correcl
oil charge.
Gause Remedy
Thermostatic expansion valve clogged with ice or dirt. Replace or clear the thermostatic expansion valve and
dehydrate the system if moisture is the cause of the trouble.
Cause Remedy
Control will not cut out. Re-adjust or replace with a new or repaired control.
lnsufficient refrigerant in the system. Locate the leak and recharge the system.
Fuses burned out and the motor idle. Replace fuses and check current supply line from the
Motor troubles usually develop during hot weather when the maximum load is put on the unit. Especially dangerous in hot
weather, are :
a. High head pressure due to air being present in the system.
b. Dirty condenser restricting the flow of heat.
c. Overcharged plants.
d. Coid room doors left open.
The following causes are some of the more usual complaints (applying to electric motors in general), of which the service
engineerwill be confronted with.
Cause Remedy
Low voltage. See that the supply voltage is within '10 % of the nameplate
Incorrect wiring up. Check with the wiring diagram supplied with the plant.
Break in the motor circuit. Check the circuit for continuity including also the starter
Worn brushes making poor contact (where applicable). Replace and clean as necessary.
Expansion valve, strainer or drier plugged Not enough circulation of cooled air
Expansion valve not opening wide enough Service load too great
Unit too small or service load too great lced or plugged coil
Thermostatic expansion valve adjusted to pass to much Therm. expansion valve bulb too warm or in wrong locaiion
Q t a
er4ru I i^,,ii
LrYqtu ti-^
ttttE r,ah,
Ycty vvru
Receiver shut-off valve parlially closed or restricted Evaporator too high above condenser
Compressor suction or discharge valves leaking Cold water, and water valve stuck open
lnsufficient airmovenment in conditioned spaces User expecting results not designed fop
Unusual loads, e.g. extra lights, appliance or population Ducis too small or badly laid out
Not enough air over coil-belts slipping Coil not fully active; insufficient refrigerant
Blower motor underspeed (low voltage) Thermostatic expansion valve misadjusted, di rty defective
Fiiters dirty
Originally chosen too small Underspeed, belts, slipping, motor pulley too small
Not enough water through condenser Discharge valves leaking (dirty, broken or corroded)
Stoppage in condenser, water or drain lines, water control Discharge or suction valve springs broken, rings worn or
valve, strainers or water pressure regulating valves broken
Misadjusted or defective water control valve Cylinder walls worn or scored : gasket leak between cylinder
Low or fluctuating water pressure heads Not enough lift of discharge or suction valves
Stoppage in suction or discharge shutoff valves or strainers Compressor not delivering full capacity
Vibrating sounds
High side or low side units not level Pulleys out of balance
Weight of units unequally supported at corners Ducts connected rigidly to low side
Motor or compressor not bolded tightly to base Oil pumping-liquid refrigerant returned to compressor
Too much make or too little oil in compressor Excessive lift of suction or discharge valves
Air noise
The dictionary defines refrigeration as a process of making something cold, and "cold" can be defined as an absence of heat.
A cooling machine has the task to cool parts or substances to a temperature that is lower than the surrounding area and keep it
at this temperature.
The applications of cooling installations are multiple. Examples are:
. conserving of provisions
. cooling of drinkingwater
. cool containers
. heat pumps
. freeze drying
. air drying (dismoisterizing of air)
. air handling
Heat is an invisible form of energy that arise from the conversion of other forms of energy in energy of heat. Only the effect of
heat is perceptible and the measurlng of it is the way to define heat. The indication for heat is Q. The specific heat (cp) is the
amount of heat needed to raise the temperature 1. C of 1 kg of a substance.
Every substance can appear in three conditions (states): solid, liquid and gaseous. Water is the most known example, in solid
state as ice, in liquid state as water and in gaseous state as steam orvapour. When ice changes into waterthe temperaiure
during melting does not change. All the supplied energy is needed to change the substance from solid form into liquid form. Only
if the substance is entirely melted, the supply of heat will raise the temperature again. The change-of-state process is importani
to the mechanical refrigeration cycle for two reasons. First, the change absorbs Jrelatively large amount of heat per kg of
substance; and second, this change-of-state takes place at constant temperature.
The point of saturated vapour is reached if there is added enough heat to a fluid. lf the fluid is completely evaporated and there is
more heat added, we call this additional heat'superheat'.
ln every refrigeration installation there is a quantity of refrigerant. The refrigerant is a Iiquid or a gas with fixed properlies.
Because the boilingpoint of refrigerants lays far below 0. C, the refrigerants only exist in gaseous state at surrounding pressure
(1 bar). When we raise the pressure with a compressor the gaseous refrigerant will at some point change of state aid
becomes liquid. The refrigeration effect of a cooling installation is based on the evaporation of liquid refrigerant at low
The principle of the cooling machine is based on the following four functions:
. Expansion
. Evaporation
. Compression
. Condensation
These four functions are obtained by the following three main-components of the cooling machine:
. Evaporator
. Compressor
. Condenser