Manual C230

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Software Version DSP 1.0x Windows 1.0x
Part Number 200-296
August 2006
Patents are Pending in U.S.A. and other countries
© 2006 LECO Corporation
Minor revisions may not be reflected in this manual.

LECO Corporation
3000 Lakeview Avenue • St. Joseph, MI 49085-2396
Phone: 269-983-5531 • Fax: 269-983-3850 • • ISO-9001 • No. FM 24045
LECO is a registered trademark of LECO Corporation.
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1–2 C230 Introduction

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1 Introduction
Illustrations .......................................................................1–8
Symbols.......................................................................... 1–12
Interference to Other Devices ............................................ 1–14
Declaration of Conformity .................................................. 1–15
Major Equipment and Accessories List ................................. 1–17
Components and Accessories List........................................ 1–28
Options ........................................................................... 1–35
Specifications................................................................... 1–36

2 Installation
Illustrations .......................................................................2–2
Instrument Installation........................................................2–3
Facility Requirements..........................................................2–6
International Installation .....................................................2–7

3 Option Installation
Illustrations .......................................................................3–2
Balance Installation ............................................................3–3
Dot Matrix Printer (601-480-110) .........................................3–7
Deskjet (Inkjet) Printer (611-499-110)................................ 3–11
Installation of Optional Kits for the Autocleaner .................... 3–12
Quick Loader and Quick Feeder Operation ............................ 3–13

4 System Setup
Illustrations .......................................................................4–4
Controls and Indicators .......................................................4–6
Menu Organization Chart .....................................................4–8
Power-Up ........................................................................ 4–10

Introduction C230 1–3

System Overview ............................................................. 4–15
System Check .................................................................. 4–16
System Setup .................................................................. 4–18
Analysis Method Menu....................................................... 4–32
Data Transmit .................................................................. 4–35
System Setup for Windows® .............................................. 4–38
Illustrations ..................................................................... 4–41
Controls and Indicators ..................................................... 4–42
Automatically Transmit Analysis Results............................... 4–44
Configure Maintenance Counters......................................... 4–46
Configure the Analysis Report ............................................ 4–48
Configure the Screen ........................................................ 4–50
Configure the Spreadsheet................................................. 4–51
Method Development ........................................................ 4–53
Sample Templates ............................................................ 4–56
Standards ....................................................................... 4–57
System Configuration........................................................ 4–59
Set Barometric Pressure .................................................... 4–63
Transmission Formats ....................................................... 4–64
Preview Transmitted Data.................................................. 4–71
Select Language............................................................... 4–73
Users.............................................................................. 4–74
Sample Filters.................................................................. 4–77
User Defined Fields ........................................................... 4–81

5 Operation
Operation Guidelines...........................................................5–7
Crucibles ......................................................................... 5–10
Sample Preparation .......................................................... 5–12
Analyze Menu .................................................................. 5–13
Sample Weight Entry ........................................................ 5–25
Sample Analysis ............................................................... 5–27
Calibrate Menu................................................................. 5–29
Results Menu ................................................................... 5–40
Operation for Windows® .................................................... 5–49
Windows Software Menus .................................................. 5–54

1–4 C230 Introduction

Login a Sample ................................................................ 5–65
Analyze a Sample ............................................................. 5–70
Pause / Delay Analysis ...................................................... 5–71
Delete a Sample............................................................... 5–73
Print Sample Results ......................................................... 5–74
Transmit ......................................................................... 5–76
Recalculate Result ............................................................ 5–77
Calibration....................................................................... 5–78
Blank Calibration .............................................................. 5–79
Standard Calibration ......................................................... 5–80
Drift Correction ................................................................ 5–83
Data Management ............................................................ 5–85
Export Data ..................................................................... 5–88
Import Data .................................................................... 5–97
Transmit Selected Samples ................................................ 5–98
Clipboard Use .................................................................. 5–99
Configure Result Plot....................................................... 5–100

6 Maintenance
Illustrations .......................................................................6–2
Periodic Maintenance Schedule .............................................6–3
Anhydrone Tube.................................................................6–4
Autocleaner .......................................................................6–6
Catalyst Heater Tube Packing ............................................. 6–11
Cellulose Filter ................................................................. 6–13
Combustion Tube ............................................................. 6–15
Combustion Zone O-rings .................................................. 6–16
Incoming Reagent Tube..................................................... 6–17
Lance and Filter Assembly ................................................. 6–19
Pinch Valve Tubing ........................................................... 6–21
Reagent Tube Screen Filter ................................................ 6–23
Login Periodic Maintenance ................................................ 6–24
View Log File ................................................................... 6–25
Reset Maintenance Counters .............................................. 6–26

Introduction C230 1–5

7 Theory of Operation
Illustrations .......................................................................7–2
General Information............................................................7–3
Infrared Radiation, Absorption, and Detection.........................7–4
Comparator Level ...............................................................7–8

8 Diagnostics
Ambient Monitor.................................................................8–4
Switch States.....................................................................8–7
Valve States ......................................................................8–8
Leak Check........................................................................8–9
Print Buffer...................................................................... 8–11
Plot Buffer ....................................................................... 8–12
System Print.................................................................... 8–14
Reset Memory.................................................................. 8–15
Diagnostics for Windows® .................................................. 8–16
Leak Check...................................................................... 8–18
Ambient Monitor............................................................... 8–21
Switches ......................................................................... 8–25
Comport.......................................................................... 8–27

9 Electronic Adjustments
Illustrations .......................................................................9–2
Barometric (PID) Pressure Regulator Adjustment ....................9–3
Catalyst Heater Control Card................................................9–5
Induction Power Control Card ...............................................9–7
Oven Heater Control Card.................................................. 9–10
IR Cell ............................................................................ 9–11

10 Service
Illustrations ..................................................................... 10–2
Combustion Pressure Adjustment ....................................... 10–3
Flow Controller Adjustment ................................................ 10–5
Safety Pressure Adjustments.............................................. 10–6
Vertical Crucible Alignment ................................................ 10–8

1–6 C230 Introduction

Gas Flows...................................................................... 10–12
Valve Control States ....................................................... 10–16
Notices, Errors, and Warnings .......................................... 10–22
Software Upgrade........................................................... 10–26
Linearization with DSP..................................................... 10–30
Linearization with Windows® ............................................ 10–32

11 Illustrations

• The Illustrations chapter table of contents is listed on page

Note 11-1.

12 Schematics

13 Index

Introduction C230 1–7


Figure 1-1 ......... C230 Determinator .................................... 1–16

Figure 2-1 ......... Wiring Diagrams ........................................ 2–8
Figure 2-2 ......... Interconnection Diagram ............................ 2–9
Figure 2-3 ......... Voltage Selection Terminal Strip .................. 2–11
Figure 2-4 ......... RF Shield Removal ..................................... 2–13
Figure 2-5 ......... Oscillator Chassis....................................... 2–13
Figure 2-6 ......... Anhydrone Tube ........................................ 2–15
Figure 2-7 ......... Reagent Tube Removal ............................... 2–17
Figure 2-8 ......... Reagent Tube Packing ................................ 2–17
Figure 2-9 ......... Combustion Tube Installation—
Without Autocleaner.............................. 2–19
Figure 2-10 ....... Combustion Tube Installation—
With Autocleaner.................................. 2–20
Figure 2-11 ....... Crucible Mounting Bracket........................... 2–22
Figure 2-12 ....... Shroud and Fan Assembly ........................... 2–23
Figure 2-13 ....... Crucible Bucket Installation ......................... 2–24
Figure 2-14 ....... Pedestal Installation—Without Autocleaner .... 2–26
Figure 2-15 ....... Pedestal Installation—With Autocleaner......... 2–27
Figure 3-1 ......... Balance Control Panel................................. 3–6
Figure 3-2 ......... Balance Assembly ...................................... 3–6
Figure 3-3 ......... Ribbon Cartridge Installation ....................... 3–9
Figure 3-4 ......... Paper Installation....................................... 3–9
Figure 3-5 ......... Crucible Positions....................................... 3–14
Figure 4-1 ......... Controls and Indicators with Autocleaner....... 4–7
Figure 4-2 ......... Keypad .................................................... 4–11
Figure 4-3 ......... Combustion Pressure Adjustment Knob ......... 4–28
Figure 4-4 ......... Controls and Indicators............................... 4–43
Figure 6-1 ......... Anhydrone Tube ........................................ 6–5
Figure 6-2 ......... Autocleaner Assembly ................................ 6–8
Figure 6-3 ......... Catalyst Heater Tube Packing ...................... 6–12
Figure 6-4 ......... Cellulose Filter Packing ............................... 6–14
Figure 6-5 ......... Reagent Tube Removal ............................... 6–18
Figure 6-6 ......... Reagent Tube Packing ................................ 6–18

1–8 C230 Introduction

Figure 6-7 ......... Lance and Filter Assembly........................... 6–20
Figure 6-8 ......... Pinch Valve Assembly ................................. 6–22
Figure 7-1 ......... Gas Flow Diagram...................................... 7–6
Figure 7-2 ......... Gas Flow with Autocleaner Diagram.............. 7–7
Figure 9-1 ......... Barometric (PID) Pressure Regulator Card ..... 9–4
Figure 9-2 ......... Catalyst Heater Control Card ....................... 9–6
Figure 9-3 ......... Induction Power Control Card ...................... 9–9
Figure 9-4 ......... Oven Heater Control Card ........................... 9–10
Figure 9-5 ......... IR Cell Adjustment Location ........................ 9–12
Figure 10-1 ....... Combustion Pressure Adjustment Knob ......... 10–4
Figure 10-2 ....... Flow Controller Location.............................. 10–5
Figure 10-3 ....... Piston Pressure Regulator ........................... 10–7
Figure 10-4 ....... Crucible Alignment..................................... 10–11
Figure 10-5 ....... Gas Flow Diagram...................................... 10–17
Figure 10-6 ....... Gas Flow with Autocleaner Diagram.............. 10–18
Figure 10-7 ....... Leak Check Flow Diagram ........................... 10–19
Figure 10-8 ....... Leak Check Flow with Autocleaner Diagram ... 10–20
Figure 10-9 ....... Analyze Sequence Diagram ......................... 10–21
Figure 10-10...... EPROM Location......................................... 10–28
Figure 11-1 ....... Display Assembly....................................... 11–2
Figure 11-2 ....... Gas Panel Assembly ................................... 11–3
Figure 11-3 ....... Head Filter and Lance Assembly................... 11–4
Figure 11-4 ....... Dust Door Assembly................................... 11–5
Figure 11-5 ....... Power Supply Assembly .............................. 11–6
Figure 11-6 ....... Transformer Assembly................................ 11–7
Figure 11-7 ....... Flow Controller Assembly ............................ 11–8
Figure 11-8 ...... Oscillator Assembly .................................... 11–9
Figure 11-9 ....... Pinch Valve Assembly ................................. 11–10
Figure 11-10...... Quick Loader Pneumatic Manifold ................. 11–11
Figure 11-11...... Carousel Assembly..................................... 11–12
Figure 11-12...... Quick Feeder Arm Assembly ........................ 11–13
Figure 11-13...... Carousel Assembly..................................... 11–14
Figure 11-14...... Quick Feeder Arm Assembly ........................ 11–15
Figure 11-15...... Autocleaner Assembly ................................ 11–17
Figure 11-16...... Quick Loader Assembly............................... 11–18
Figure 11-17...... Quick Feeder Assembly............................... 11–19

Introduction C230 1–9

Equipment manufactured by LECO Corporation, St. Joseph,
Michigan is warranted free from defect in material and
workmanship for a period of six months from the date of
installation. Equipment not manufactured by LECO is covered to
the extent of warranty provided by the original manufacturer
and this warranty does not cover any equipment, new or used,
purchased from anyone other than LECO Corporation. All
replacement parts shall be covered under warranty for a period
of thirty days from date of purchase. LECO makes no other
representation or warranty of any other kind, expressed
or implied, with respect to the goods sold hereunder,
whether as to merchantability, fitness for purpose, or
Expendable items such as crucibles, combustion tubes,
chemicals, and items of like nature are not covered by this
LECO's sole obligation under this warranty shall be to repair or
replace any part or parts which, to our satisfaction, prove to be
defective upon return prepaid to LECO Corporation, St. Joseph,
Michigan. This obligation does not include labor to install
replacement parts, nor does it cover any failure due to
accident, abuse, neglect, or use in disregard of instructions
furnished by LECO. In no event shall damages for defective
goods exceed the purchase price of the goods, and LECO shall
not be liable for incidental or consequential damages
All claims in regard to the parts or equipment must be made
within ten (10) days after Purchaser learns of the facts upon
which the claim is based. Authorization must be obtained from
LECO prior to returning any other parts. This warranty is voided
by failure to comply with these notice requirements.

1–10 C230 Introduction

The warranty on LECO equipment remains valid only when
genuine LECO replacement parts are employed. Since LECO has
no control over the quality or purity of consumable products not
manufactured by LECO, the specifications for accuracy of
results using LECO instruments are not guaranteed unless
genuine LECO consumables are employed in conjunction with
LECO instruments. If purchaser defaults in making payment for
any parts or equipment, this warranty shall be void and shall
not apply to such parts and equipment. No late payment or
cure of default in payment shall extend the warranty period
provided herein.
LECO Corporation is not responsible for damage to any
associated instruments, equipment, or apparatus nor will LECO
be held liable for loss of profit or other special damages
resulting from abuse, neglect, or use in disregard of
instructions. The Buyer, their employees, agents, and
successors in interest assume all risks and liabilities for the
operation, use, and/or misuse of the product(s) described
herein and agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the
seller from any and all claims and actions arising from any
cause whatsoever, including seller's negligence for personal
injury incurred in connection with the use of said product(s)
and any and all damages proximately resulting therefrom.

The instrument should be operated only by technically qualified
individuals who have fully read and understand these
instructions. The instrument should be operated only in
accordance with these instructions.
The operator should follow all of the warnings and cautions set
forth in the manual and the operator should follow and employ
all applicable standard laboratory safety procedures.

LECO is a registered trademark of LECO Corporation.

Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Introduction C230 1–11


Warning and Caution

The following symbols may be found on LECO equipment or
their components. These symbols indicate the use of specific
safety guidelines. Important safety information is highlighted in
this manual by one of the following symbols as well as
WARNING and CAUTION statements. Operator and service
personnel must follow these instructions for personal safety and
to prevent damage to the equipment.

WARNING This symbol indicates a risk of electrical shock.

Refer to the manual for specific instructions.

WARNING This symbol indicates a high temperature

surface. Refer to the manual for specific

CAUTION This symbol indicates a caution. Refer to the
manual for specific instructions.

LECO equipment should be operated only by technically

qualified individuals who have fully read and understand the
instructions detailed in this manual. The equipment should be
operated only in accordance with these instructions.
The operator should follow all of the warnings and cautions set
forth in this manual and the operator should follow and employ
all applicable standard laboratory safety procedures.

1–12 C230 Introduction

About this Manual and the Instrument

The C230 can be purchased with two different user interfaces.

The first user interface has a display and keypad built-in.
Control of the instrument is from the display and keypad. The
second user interface is a Windows® program running on a PC
that’s interfaced with the instrument. Control of the instrument
is from the PC.
This manual contains procedures for both user interfaces. The
built-in display and keypad instrument will be refer to as the
C230 DSP (Display) and the instrument controlled by a PC will
be referred to as the C230 Windows®. When a procedure is for
a specific user interface the symbols shown below will appear
next to the procedure.

User Interface (Software)

• This symbol indicates the information is for the keypad

Keypad interface only. This instrument is referred to as the C230
DSP. Refer to this manual for specific instructions.

• This symbol indicates the information is for the Windows

Windows® software only. This instrument is referred to as the C230
Windows®. Refer to this manual or the electronic manual
for specific instructions.

Introduction C230 1–13

Interference to Other Devices

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules and Regulations. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following methods:

• Reorient or relocate the radio or television receiving


• Increase the separation between the equipment and the

radio or television receiver.

• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different

from that which the radio or television receiver is currently

• Consult the radio or television dealer or an experienced

radio/TV technician for help.

1–14 C230 Introduction

Declaration of Conformity

Introduction C230 1–15

With Keypad and Display (DSP)

Without Keypad and Display (Windows®)

Figure 1-1
C230 Determinator

1–16 C230 Introduction

Major Equipment and Accessories List

• Items listed below and repeated throughout this manual are

Notes subject to revision. Please consult the packing slip received
with the instrument.

• For a complete listing of all Accessory, Component,

Hazardous Material, and PC Tower packages, along with
Software Kits, see Components and Accessories List
beginning on page 1–28.

• The following units have a Display and Keypad built into the
Note determinator. They do not include a PC.
C230 Carbon Determinator with Display
1 619-200-500 C230 Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-010-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

C230CH High Carbon Determinator with Display

1 619-300-100 C230CH Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 617-010-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

Introduction C230 1–17

C230CHH High Carbon Determinator with Display and Autocleaner
1 619-300-300 C230CH Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-030-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

C230CL Low Carbon Determinator with Display

1 619-300-500 C230CL Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-010-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

C230CLH Low Carbon Determinator with Display and Autocleaner

1 619-300-700 C230CL Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-030-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

1–18 C230 Introduction

C230H Carbon Determinator with Display and Autocleaner
1 619-200-700 C230H Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-030-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

C230CHL Dual Range Carbon Determinator with Display

1 619-400-100 C230CHL Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-010-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

C230CHLH Dual Range Carbon Determinator with Display and Autocleaner

1 619-400-300 C230CHL Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-030-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

Introduction C230 1–19

• The following units include a PC. They do not have a display
Note and keypad built into the determinator.

C230C Carbon Determinator with PC

1 619-200-600 C230 Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-020-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack
1 686-459 PC Tower Package
1 609-787 Component Pack
1 617-737 15.00 inch Color SVGA Monitor

C230CR Carbon Determinator

1 619-200-600 C230 Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-020-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

1–20 C230 Introduction

C230CHC Carbon Determinator with PC and Autocleaner
1 619-300-200 CS230CH Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-020-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack
1 686-459 PC Tower Package
1 609-787 Component Pack
1 617-737 15.00 inch Color SVGA Monitor

C230CHCR Carbon Determinator with Autocleaner

1 619-300-200 CS230CH Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-020-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

Introduction C230 1–21

C230CHHC High Carbon Determinator with PC and Autocleaner
1 619-300-400 CS230CH Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-040-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack
1 686-459 PC Tower Package
1 609-787 Component Pack
1 617-737 15.00 inch Color SVGA Monitor

C230CHHCR High Carbon Determinator and Autocleaner

1 619-300-400 CS230CH Determinator including:
1 200-296 Instruction Manual
1 619-040-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

1–22 C230 Introduction

C230CHLC Low Carbon Determinator with PC and Autocleaner
1 619-400-200 CS230CHL Determinator including:
1 200-297 Instruction Manual
1 619-020-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack
1 686-459 PC Tower Package
1 609-787 Component Pack
1 617-737 15.00 inch Color SVGA Monitor

C230CHLCR Low Carbon Determinator and Autocleaner

1 619-400-200 CS230CHL Determinator including:
1 200-297 Instruction Manual
1 619-020-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

Introduction C230 1–23

C230CHLHC Dual Range Carbon Determinator with PC and Autocleaner
1 619-400-400 CS230CHL Determinator including:
1 200-297 Instruction Manual
1 619-040-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack
1 686-459 PC Tower Package
1 609-787 Component Pack
1 617-737 15.00 inch Color SVGA Monitor

C230CHLHCR Dual Range Carbon Determinator and Autocleaner

1 619-400-400 CS230CHL Determinator including:
1 200-297 Instruction Manual
1 619-040-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

1–24 C230 Introduction

CS230CLC Low Carbon Determinator with PC
1 619-300-600 CS230CL Determinator including:
1 200-297 Instruction Manual
1 619-020-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack
1 686-459 PC Tower Package
1 609-787 Component Pack
1 617-737 15.00 inch Color SVGA Monitor

CS230CLCR Low Carbon Determinator

1 619-300-600 CS230CL Determinator including:
1 200-297 Instruction Manual
1 619-020-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

Introduction C230 1–25

C230CLHC Low Carbon Determinator with PC and Autocleaner
1 619-300-800 CS230CL Determinator including:
1 200-297 Instruction Manual
1 619-040-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack
1 686-459 PC Tower Package
1 609-787 Component Pack
1 617-737 15.00 inch Color SVGA Monitor

C230CLHCR Low Carbon Determinator and Autocleaner

1 619-300-800 CS230CL Determinator including:
1 200-297 Instruction Manual
1 619-040-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

1–26 C230 Introduction

C230HC Carbon Determinator with PC and Autocleaner
1 619-200-800 CS230 Determinator including:
1 200-297 Instruction Manual
1 619-040-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack
1 686-459 PC Tower Package
1 609-787 Component Pack
1 617-737 15.00 inch Color SVGA Monitor

C230HCR Carbon Determinator and Autocleaner

1 619-200-800 CS230 Determinator including:
1 200-297 Instruction Manual
1 619-040-070 Component Pack
1 615-426 Power Cord
1 259-059 Software Kit
1 607-750* Hazardous Material Package
1 621-901 Accessory Pack

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

Introduction C230 1–27

Components and Accessories List

259-059 Software Kit

1 159-164-100 Software Package
1 203-505-267 Software Registration Form

602-773 External Alarm Kit

1 602-773-901 External Alarm Kit Bulletin
1 767-228 Bag
1 769-299 Connector
2 776-118 Contact
1 802-151 Cable Clamp

607-750* Hazardous Material Pack

1 501-171 Anhydrone 10-20 Mesh (1 lb)
1 502-174 Lecosorb 20-30 Mesh (500gr)

* Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international shipments due
to shipping restrictions. These items are essential for operation. Contact your local LECO
distributor for quotation and delivery.

1–28 C230 Introduction

621-901 Accessory Pack
1 501-077 Chip Accelerator
2 501-082 Wire Brush
1 501-241 Grease Vacuum (5.3 Oz)
1 501-263 Copper Accelerator
1 501-503 Steel Pin Sample
1 501-506 Steel Pin Sample
1 501-587 Platinum Silica Catalyst
1 502-177 Fine Wool Quartz (50 gr)
1 502-364 Steel Ring Sample
1 502-413 Cast Iron Powdered Sample
1 528-018-500 Low Carbon Crucible (500 Pk)
1 602-773 Alarm External Kit Connector
1 605-700-087 O-ring Package including:
2 601-920 O-ring (Combustion Tube)
2 762-058 O-ring (Lance Assembly)
2 765-976 O-ring (Anhydrone Tube)
5 772-520 O-ring (Reagent Tube Screen Filters)
2 772-738 O-ring (Reagent Tube Stationary Blocks)
1 619-880-100 Crucible Cover (100 Pk)
1 760-138 Tweezers
1 761-929 Crucible Tongs
1 764-098 Cellulose (1 lb)
1 773-579 Scoop SST Assembly
1 775-306 Secondary 10micron Filter
1 775-307 Thumb Screw

Introduction C230 1–29

619-010-070 Component Pack
4 190-278 Screw
2 190-742 Screw
6 193-055 Flat Washer
1 550-080 Insulation Sheet
1 601-920 O-ring (Combustion Tube)
1 605-814 Pedestal Adapter Assembly
1 605-816 Pedestal Silicon Nitride
1 605-979 Electrical Retainer Connector
1 608-898 Receptacle Cover
1 615-426 AC Power Cord
1 621-867 Crucible Bucket Top Cover
1 621-875 Manual Crucible Bucket
1 621-876 Crucible Bucket Fan and Shroud Assembly
1 621-883 Crucible Mounting Bracket Assembly
2 762-458 Connector Nut
1 765-978 Receptacle (30A 125/250V)
1 772-381 Lance Cleaner
2 772-905 Combustion Tube
1 774-828 Connector
1 774-829 Plug Hood
1 783-747 Dust Cup Removal Assembly
1 789-149 EMI Gasket Ring

1–30 C230 Introduction

619-020-070 Component Pack
4 190-278 Screw
2 190-742 Screw
6 193-055 Flat Washer
1 550-080 Insulation Sheet
1 601-920 O-ring (Combustion Tube)
1 605-814 Pedestal Adapter Assembly
1 605-816 Pedestal Silicon Nitride
1 605-979 Electrical Retainer Connector
1 608-898 Receptacle Cover
1 615-426 AC Power Cord
1 616-555 9 Pin Cable Assembly
1 621-867 Crucible Bucket Top Cover
1 621-875 Manual Crucible Bucket
1 621-876 Crucible Bucket Fan and Shroud Assembly
1 621-883 Crucible Mounting Bracket Assembly
2 762-458 Connector Nut
1 765-978 Receptacle (30A 125/250V)
1 772-381 Lance Cleaner
2 772-905 Combustion Tube
1 774-828 Connector
1 774-829 Plug Hood
1 783-747 Dust Cup Removal Assembly
1 789-149 EMI Gasket Ring

Introduction C230 1–31

619-030-070 Component Pack
1 190-009 Thumb Screw
4 190-278 Screw
2 190-279 Screw
2 190-624 Screw
2 190-742 Screw
8 193-055 Washer
1 550-080 Insulation
1 601-920 O-ring (Combustion Tube)
1 605-814 Pedestal Adapter Assembly
1 605-816 Silicon Nitride Pedestal
1 605-979 Electrical Retainer Connector
1 608-898 Receptacle Cover
1 615-426 AC Power Cord
1 616-555 Cable Assembly
1 618-723 Dust Box Assembly
1 621-867 Crucible Bucket Top Cover
1 621-875 Manual Crucible Bucket
1 621-876 Crucible Bucket Fan and Shroud Assembly
1 621-883 Crucible Mounting Bracket Assembly
2 762-458 Connector Nut
1 765-978 Receptacle (30A 125/250V)
1 772-381 Lance Cleaner
2 772-905 Combustion Tube
1 774-828 Connector
1 774-829 Hood Plug
1 782-603 Vacuum Cleaner Hose
1 782-604 Hose Vacuum Coupling
1 782-880 Vacuum Filter
1 783-747 Dust Cup Removal Assembly
1 789-149 EMI Gasket Ring
1 789-230 Vacuum Assembly

1–32 C230 Introduction

619-040-070 Component Pack
1 190-009 Thumb Screw
4 190-278 Screw
2 190-279 Screw
2 190-624 Screw
2 190-742 Screw
8 193-055 Washer
1 550-080 Insulation
1 601-920 O-ring (Combustion Tube)
1 605-814 Pedestal Adapter Assembly
1 605-816 Silicon Nitride Pedestal
1 605-979 Electrical Retainer Connector
1 608-898 Receptacle Cover
1 615-426 AC Power Cord
1 616-555 Cable Assembly
1 618-723 Dust Box Assembly
1 621-867 Crucible Bucket Top Cover
1 621-875 Manual Crucible Bucket
1 621-876 Crucible Bucket Fan and Shroud Assembly
1 621-883 Crucible Mounting Bracket Assembly
2 762-458 Connector Nut
1 765-978 Receptacle (30A 125/250V)
1 772-381 Cleaner Lance
2 772-905 Combustion Tube
1 774-828 Connector
1 774-829 Plug Hood
1 782-603 Vacuum Cleaner Hose
1 782-604 Hose Vacuum Coupling
1 782-880 Vacuum Filter
1 783-747 Dust Cup Removal Assembly
1 789-149 EMI Gasket Ring
1 789-230 Vacuum Assembly

Introduction C230 1–33

686-459 PC Tower Package
1 609-787 Component Pack including:
1 611-119 Receptacle
1 618-980 Mouse Pad
1 686-3431 Computer Tower
1 686-459-101 Nameplate Id

1–34 C230 Introduction


CF-10 CF-10 Gas Purification System

501-291 Oxygen Pressure Regulator
601-480-110 Dot Matrix Printer Kit (parallel)
605-980 Keyboard (for PC)
614-459 Deskjet Printer Cartridge (Black)
614-460 Deskjet Printer Cartridge (Color)
619-995 Bar Code Reader
620-630-110 Deskjet Printer Kit (for Windows® packages)
621-890 Autocleaner/Pinch Valve Kit
621-891 Vacuum Cleaner Kit
621-892 Pinch Valve Upgrade Kit (included with autocleaner kit)
621-893 Dust Removal Upgrade Kit
621-894 Autocleaner Upgrade Kit
621-895 Windows Upgrade Kit
621-896 PC Tower Upgrade with Monitor Kit
621-897 Autocleaner Upgrade Kit with Dust Removal
621-984 Quick Loader Kit
621-985 Quick Feeder/Loader Kit
621-986 Autocleaner/Quick Loader Kit
621-987 Autocleaner/Quick Feeder/Loader Kit
751-000-120 Balance L-050 3 Place Kit
751-300-160 Balance L-250 4 Place Kit
751-700-120 Balance 5 Place PC Controlled Kit
766-036 Compressed Air Regulator
782-345 Vacuum Cleaner Filter

Introduction C230 1–35


Range (at 1 gram)

Carbon ........................................... 4 ppm to 3.5%
Carbon ........................................... 2 ppm to 0.5%
Carbon ........................................... 60 ppm to 6.0%

• Reducing sample weight may extend range.


Carbon ........................................... 2 ppm or 0.5% RSD*
Carbon ........................................... 1 ppm or 0.5% RSD*
Carbon ........................................... 30 ppm or 0.5% RSD*

Result Readability (Display Capability)

With PC .......................................... 15 digits of precision
Without PC...................................... 0.1 ppm

With PC .......................................... Multi-Point, Linear
Without PC...................................... Single Point, Linear

Analysis Time..................................... 45 seconds (Nominal)

Sample Size ....................................... 1 gram (Nominal)

* One Sigma, conformance tested by gas dose analysis.

1–36 C230 Introduction

Detection Method ............................... Solid State, Infrared Absorption,
Sulfur as Sulfur Dioxide

Chemical Reagents............................. Anhydrone Magnesium Perchlorate,

Sodium Hydroxide on an inert base,
Platinized Silica, Cellulose

Gas Required
Carrier Gas ..................................... Oxygen 99.5% pure, 40 psi (2.76 bars)
Pneumatic Gas................................. Compressed Air, Nitrogen, or Argon,
40 psi (2.76 bars),
source must be oil and water free.

Gas Flow (based on nominal analysis time)

Measure ......................................... 3 liters per analysis
Pneumatic ...................................... 1 liters per analysis

Oxygen........................................... 501-291 Oxygen Pressure Regulator
Compressed Air ............................... 766-036 Compressed Air Regulator
Inert Gas ........................................ 764-216 Inert Gas Regulator

Furnace.............................................. Induction, 18 MHz, 2.2 kW

Data Transmit .................................... Included

Data Storage
With PC .......................................... Limited only by hard drive space
Without PC...................................... 10 Sample Weights,
50 Answers, 5 Methods
With PC .......................................... External
Without PC...................................... Internal Membrane/External Optional
With PC .......................................... 15.00 inch SVGA Monitor
Without PC...................................... Liquid Crystal (16 x 26 characters)

Introduction C230 1–37

Height ............................................ 30.50 inches (77.5 cm)
Width ............................................. 27.50 inches (70.0 cm)
Depth............................................. 23.50 inches (59.7 cm)
Weight ........................................... 300 pounds
Computer (PC based system)
Height ............................................ 17.00 inches (43.2 cm)
Width ............................................. 8.00 inches (20.3 cm)
Depth............................................. 17.00 inches (43.2 cm)
Weight ........................................... 29 pounds
Monitor (PC based system)
Height ............................................ 15.00 inches (38.1 cm)
Width ............................................. 14.00 inches (35.6 cm)
Depth............................................. 16.00 inches (40.6 cm)
Weight ........................................... 35 pounds

Shipping Weight (without PC) .............. 420 pounds

Electrical Power Requirements

Determinator................................... 230 V~, ±10%, 50/60 Hz, Single phase,
15 amps max
Operating Current ....................... 12 Amps
Stand-by Current ........................ 4 Amps
Computer (PC based) ....................... 115/230 V~, ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 5/3 amps
Monitor (PC based)........................... 90 to 264 V~, 50/60 Hz, 1.6 amps max
Balance .......................................... 120 V~, ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 0.5 amps max

• Allow a 6 inch minimum access area around all units.


1–38 C230 Introduction

2 Installation

2 Installation

Illustrations .......................................................................2–2
Instrument Installation........................................................2–3
Facility Requirements..........................................................2–6
International Installation .....................................................2–7
Instrument Voltage Selection ........................................ 2–10
Oscillator Tube Installation............................................ 2–12
Anhydrone Tube Packing .............................................. 2–14
Removal................................................................ 2–14
Packing ................................................................. 2–14
Incoming Reagent Tube Packing .................................... 2–16
Removal................................................................ 2–16
Packing ................................................................. 2–16
Combustion Tube Installation ........................................ 2–18
Without Autocleaner................................................ 2–18
With Autocleaner .................................................... 2–18
Gas Connections.......................................................... 2–21
Crucible Bucket Installation........................................... 2–22
Computer Installation................................................... 2–25
Pedestal Installation..................................................... 2–26
Without Autocleaner................................................ 2–26
With Autocleaner .................................................... 2–27

Installation C230 2–1


Figure 2-1 ......... Wiring Diagrams ........................................ 2–8

Figure 2-2 ......... Interconnection Diagram ............................ 2–9
Figure 2-3 ......... Voltage Selection Terminal Strip .................. 2–11
Figure 2-4 ......... RF Shield Removal ..................................... 2–13
Figure 2-5 ......... Oscillator Chassis....................................... 2–13
Figure 2-6 ......... Anhydrone Tube ........................................ 2–15
Figure 2-7 ......... Reagent Tube Removal ............................... 2–17
Figure 2-8 ......... Reagent Tube Packing ................................ 2–17
Figure 2-9 ......... Combustion Tube Installation—
Without Autocleaner.............................. 2–19
Figure 2-10 ....... Combustion Tube Installation—
With Autocleaner.................................. 2–20
Figure 2-11 ....... Crucible Mounting Bracket........................... 2–22
Figure 2-12 ....... Shroud and Fan Assembly ........................... 2–23
Figure 2-13 ....... Crucible Bucket Installation ......................... 2–24
Figure 2-14 ....... Pedestal Installation—Without Autocleaner .... 2–26
Figure 2-15 ....... Pedestal Installation—With Autocleaner......... 2–27

2–2 C230 Installation

Instrument Installation

• The following procedure should be used for first time

Notes installation of the instrument. This procedure assumes that
the instrument has been unpacked and positioned in its
permanent location.

• The Balance and Printer are not supplied with the

instrument. They must be purchased separately. Refer to
Options, page 1–35, for more information.

• This procedure should be used for both the Windows® and

DSP instruments.

1. Provide a work surface with convenient electrical power

and gas supplies. Refer to Facility Requirements, page 2–
6, for power and gas supply requirements.
2. Install the Instrument as shown in Figure 2-2, page 2–9.
Provide a minimum space of six inches around the
instrument for airflow.


To avoid electrical shock, make sure the AC line
cord is disconnected from facility power before
performing this procedure.

3. Connect the AC power cord, supplied with the instrument,

to the power connections on the rear of the instrument.
DO NOT plug it into facility power. For installation outside
the U.S.A. Refer to International Installation on page 2–7.
4. Determine the facility line voltage and set the instrument
operating voltage. Refer to Instrument Voltage Selection
on page 2–10.
5. Install the Oscillator tube in the furnace. Refer to
Oscillator Tube Installation, page 2–12.
6. Remove the Anhydrone tube from the gas panel of the
instrument and pack it. Refer to Anhydrone Tube Packing,
page 2–14.

Installation C230 2–3

7. Remove the Incoming Reagent tube from the gas panel
of the instrument and pack it. Refer to page 2–16,
Incoming Reagent Tube Packing.

Oxygen is not recommended for use in the
pneumatic systems of LECO instruments. If a
spark is present an explosion may result.

8. Connect the Gas connections from the gas supplies to the

oxygen and pneumatic gas connectors on the rear of the
instrument. Refer to Gas Connections, page 2–21.
9. Install the Combustion Tube into the furnace. Refer to
Combustion Tube Installation, page 2–18.
10. Install the Crucible Bucket to the right side of the
determinator. Refer to Crucible Bucket Installation, page

• The next step should only be performed if the instrument

Windows® was purchased with a computer.

11. If a Computer was purchased with the instrument install

the computer. Refer to Computer Installation, page 2–25.
12. Install the Pedestal onto the lower seal assembly. Refer to
Pedestal Installation, page 2–26.

The measure and purge flow exhaust ports must
be exhausted away from the work area and
should not be vented into the lab. Connect the
exhaust ports to the lab exhaust system or a
fume hood.

13. Connect the Measure and Purge Exhaust ports, on the

rear of the instrument, to the facility exhaust. Refer to
Figure 2-2, page 2–9.

2–4 C230 Installation

14. If a Balance was purchased with the instrument install the
balance. Refer to Balance Installation, page 3–3.
15. If a Dot Matrix Printer was purchased with the instrument
install the printer. Refer to Dot Matrix Printer, page 3–7.
16. Plug the instrument into facility AC power DO NOT turn the
instrument on until instructed to do so.
17. This completes instrument installation. Before continuing
with operation, refer to System Setup on page 4–1.

Installation C230 2–5

Facility Requirements

Electrical Power Requirements

Determinator................................... 230 V~, ±10%, 50/60 Hz, Single phase,
15 amps max
Operating Current ....................... 12 Amps
Stand-by Current ........................ 4 Amps
Balance .......................................... 120 V~, ±10%, 60 Hz, 0.5 amps max
Gas Required
Carrier Gas ..................................... Oxygen 99.5% pure, 40 psi (2.76 bars)
Pneumatic Gas................................. Compressed Air, Nitrogen, or Argon,
40 psi (2.76 bars),
source must be oil and water free.
Oxygen........................................... 501-291 Oxygen Pressure Regulator
Compressed Air ............................... 766-036 Compressed Air Regulator

2–6 C230 Installation

International Installation

For international installation, a HAR approved line cord for use

in the end country must be obtained. This product requires a
disconnect device that may either be the plug of the power cord
or a disconnect device installed at the installation site if the
equipment is permanently wired.
When the plug on the power supply cord is intended to serve as
the disconnect device, the socket/outlet must be installed near
the equipment and shall be easily accessible. When the wiring
is permanently connected, a disconnect device (such as a
circuit breaker or switch) must be lockable, installed near the
equipment, and be easily accessible.

Installation C230 2–7


220 V~
0 V~




230 V~ 115 V~ BLACK




115 V~ BLACK



Figure 2-1
Wiring Diagrams

2–8 C230 Installation




40 PSI




230V~ - 50/60Hz
5.0 AMPS








(35 PSI)








Figure 2-2
Interconnection Diagram

Installation C230 2–9

Instrument Voltage Selection

• The determinator is setup at the factory to operate from

Note 230 V~. If the AC line voltage is different, perform the
procedure below.


To avoid electrical shock, make sure the AC line
cord is disconnected from facility power before
performing this procedure.

1. Remove the cover panel from the oscillator power supply,

located on the right side of the unit.

• The gray wires referred to in step 2 are only shown as gray

Note in Figure 2-3, page 2–11. The wires may be blue or white in
the determinator. Make sure when changing the voltage
taps the correct wires are moved. If the correct wires to
move cannot be determined, contact the LECO service
department for help.

2. Locate the voltage selection terminal strip and move the

gray voltage selection wires, and varistor terminal
connected to the gray wire, to the tap that most closely
matches the actual line voltage. Refer to Figure 2-3, page
3. Tighten the terminal strip screws and reinstall the cover

2–10 C230 Installation

240 220 200 COM


Figure 2-3
Voltage Selection Terminal Strip

Installation C230 2–11

Oscillator Tube Installation
1. Remove the RF shield side panel of the oscillator chassis,
located on the right side of the furnace. Refer to
Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5 on page 2–13.
2. Install the oscillator tube.
3. Secure the plate connector to the top of the oscillator
4. Install the RF choke.
5. Install the vacuum capacitor.


The capacitors on the oscillator chassis store a
lethal amount of energy and must be discharged
to avoid electric shock . Contact the LECO service
department for more information before
servicing the oscillator chassis.


After the power has been turned on, both the
oscillator and the furnace power supply produce
lethal voltages. Contact the LECO service
department for more information. Contact the
LECO service department for more information
before servicing the power supply.

6. Replace the RF shield side panel and tighten all screws.

7. Replace the right side panel.

2–12 C230 Installation

Figure 2-4
RF Shield Removal

Figure 2-5
Oscillator Chassis

Installation C230 2–13

Anhydrone Tube Packing

1. Slide the anhydrone tube upward until the bottom end can
swing free.
2. Tilt out the free anhydrone tube end.
3. Pull the anhydrone tube downward off the top port.
4. To reinstall the anhydrone tube, push the top end of the
anhydrone tube over the top port, tilt it inward and pull it
down, pushing it over the bottom port.

1. Insert a screen filter into the bottom of the anhydrone
reagent tube. Refer to Figure 2-6, page 2–15. Position the
o-ring towards the bottom and push the screen filter up
onto the anhydrone tube 1/4 inch.
2. Pack 2 inches of quartz wool into the bottom of the
anhydrone tube.
3. Pour 2 inches of anhydrone onto the quartz wool and
gently tap it down. Add anhydrone as necessary to
maintain a level of 2 inches.
4. Pack 1/2 inch of quartz wool on top of the anhydrone
leaving a 1 inch opening at the top of the anhydrone tube.
5. Insert the reagent stop into the top of the anhydrone tube.
Push is firmly on top of the quartz wool to hold the packing
material in place.
6. Reinstall the packed anhydrone tube into the lower left
reagent tube port blocks on the front panel.

2–14 C230 Installation


(2 REQ'D)






Figure 2-6
Anhydrone Tube

Installation C230 2–15

Incoming Reagent Tube Packing

1. Slide each reagent tube upward until the bottom end can
swing free. Refer to Figure 2-7, page 2–17.
2. Tilt out the free reagent tube end.
3. Pull the reagent tube downward off the top port.
4. To reinstall the reagent tube, push the top end of the
reagent tube over the top port, tilt it inward and pull it
down, pushing it over the bottom port.

1. Insert a screen filter into the bottom of each reagent tube.
Position the o-ring towards the bottom and push the
screen filter up into the reagent tube 1/4 inch. Refer to
Figure 2-8, page 2–17.
2. Pack 1/2 inch of quartz wool into the bottom of the reagent
3. Pour 1 inch of anhydrone onto the quartz wool and gently
tap it down. Add anhydrone as necessary to maintain a
level of 1 inch.
4. Pour Lecosorb onto the anhydrone until all but the top 1/2
inch of the reagent tube is filled, gently tapping it down.
5. Firmly pack 1/2 inch of quartz wool on top of the Lecosorb
filling the bubble in the reagent tube.
6. Reinstall the packed reagent tube into the lower left
reagent tube port blocks on the front panel.

2–16 C230 Installation


Figure 2-7
Reagent Tube Removal







Figure 2-8
Reagent Tube Packing

Installation C230 2–17

Combustion Tube Installation

Without Autocleaner
1. Lift the lance access door.
2. Insert the combustion tube o-ring into the cleaning head
adapter ring. Refer to Figure 2-9 page 2–19.
3. Install the combustion tube into the furnace, fitting it into
the combustion tube ring.
4. Install the o-ring around the bottom of the combustion
5. Install the EMI gasket into the seal on the bottom of the
combustion tube.
6. Insert the cleaning head into the cleaning head adapter
ring and turn the cleaning head to lock it in place.
7. Connect the measure flow and lance flow tubing to the
cleaning head. Refer to Autocleaner Assembly, Figure 2-9,
page 2–19, for flow tubing locations.

With Autocleaner
1. Lift the lance access door.
2. Insert the combustion tube o-ring into the autocleaner
assembly. Refer to Figure 2-10, page 2–20.
3. Install the combustion tube into the furnace, fitting it into
the combustion tube ring. Refer to Figure 2-9, page 2–19.
4. Install the o-ring around the bottom of the combustion
5. Install the EMI gasket into the seal on the bottom of the
combustion tube.
6. Insert the autocleaner assembly into the furnace. Tighten
thumbscrews. Refer to Figure 2-10, page 2–20.
7. Connect the measure flow and lance flow tubing to the
autocleaner assembly. Refer to Figure 2-10, page 2–20.

2–18 C230 Installation











Figure 2-9
Combustion Tube Installation—Without Autocleaner

Installation C230 2–19





762-058 609-626


O-RING 773-926

773-320 190-090
(2 REQ'D)




Figure 2-10
Combustion Tube Installation—With Autocleaner

2–20 C230 Installation

Gas Connections

• Refer to Figure 2-2 on page 2–9 for more information


1. Remove the cap plugs from the fittings on the back panel.
2. Fasten the connector attached to the oxygen supply line to
the regulator on the oxygen supply.
3. Attach the connector on the other end of the supply line to
the OXY INLET connector on the rear panel of the unit.

Oxygen is not recommended for use in the
pneumatic systems of LECO instruments.

4. Fasten the connector attached to the pneumatic supply

line to the regulator on the pneumatic supply.
5. Attach the other end of the connector to the PNEU INLET
connector on the rear panel or the unit.

Installation C230 2–21

Crucible Bucket Installation
1. Remove the right side panel of the determinator and
locate the white 2-pin fan connector labeled J60. Refer to
Figure 2-11 below.
2. Position the connector around the notch in the side panel
and reinstall the side panel. Use caution not to pinch the
wires with the side panel.
3. Install the Crucible Mounting Bracket to the side of the
determinator using 2 screws and 2 flat washers. Both
screws and flat washers attach to the base of the

Figure 2-11
Crucible Mounting Bracket

2–22 C230 Installation

4. Mount the Shroud and Fan assembly to the crucible
bracket using 4 screws and 4 flat washers. Refer to Figure
2-12 below.
5. Fish the wires and connector from the fan assembly
through the hole in the crucible bracket and plug the fan
electrical connector into J60. Push the wires out of the

Figure 2-12
Shroud and Fan Assembly

Installation C230 2–23

6. Insert the Crucible Bucket into the shroud assembly and
install the Top Cover. Refer to Figure 2-13 below.

Figure 2-13
Crucible Bucket Installation

2–24 C230 Installation

Computer Installation

• This procedure should only be used if the instrument was

Windows® purchased with a computer.

1. Install the Computer System. Refer to the manual supplied

with the computer.
2. Connect one end of the Computer Interface Cable to the
data transmit connector on the instrument. Refer to
Figure 2-2, page 2–9.
3. Connect the other end of the Computer Interface Cable to
the serial interface connector COM 1 on the computer.
4. Connect the Video Cable from the monitor to the monitor
connector on the rear of the computer.
5. Connect the cables from the keyboard and mouse to the
6. If an optional Ink Jet Printer was purchased with the
instrument connect the printer cable to the printer port on
the rear of the computer. If may be necessary to install
the printer software on the computer. Wait until the
complete system is installed and then follow the
instructions supplied with the printer to install it.
7. Connect the AC power cables from the computer, monitor,
balance and printer to facility AC power. DO NOT turn the
computer on until instructed to do so.

Installation C230 2–25

Pedestal Installation

Without Autocleaner
1. Install the pedestal adapter onto the lower seal assembly,
see Figure 2-14 below). The pedestal adapter should only
be hand-tightened.
2. Set the pedestal onto the pedestal adapter. The crucible
will rest on the pedestal.




Figure 2-14
Pedestal Installation—Without Autocleaner

2–26 C230 Installation

With Autocleaner
1. Install the pedestal adapter onto the lower seal assembly,
see Figure 2-15 below). The pedestal adapter should only
be hand-tightened.
2. Set the pedestal onto the pedestal adapter. The crucible
will rest on the pedestal.





Figure 2-15
Pedestal Installation—With Autocleaner

Installation C230 2–27

This page intentionally left blank.

2–28 C230 Installation

3 Option Installation

3 Option Installation

Illustrations .......................................................................3–2
Balance Installation ............................................................3–3
Balance Interfacing ........................................................ 3–4
Resetting the Balance .................................................... 3–4
Setting the Data Output Parameter .................................. 3–5
Setting the Data Characters Parameter ............................. 3–5
Dot Matrix Printer (601-480-110) .........................................3–7
Printer Settings ........................................................... 3–10
Deskjet (Inkjet) Printer (611-499-110)................................ 3–11
Installation of Optional Kits for the Autocleaner .................... 3–12
Autocleaner ................................................................ 3–12
Dust Removal Kit......................................................... 3–12
Vacuum Cleaner Kit ..................................................... 3–12
Quick Loader and Quick Feeder Operation ............................ 3–13

Option Installation C230 3–1


Figure 3-1 ......... Balance Control Panel................................. 3–6

Figure 3-2 ......... Balance Assembly ...................................... 3–6
Figure 3-3 ......... Ribbon Cartridge Installation ....................... 3–9
Figure 3-4 ......... Paper Installation....................................... 3–9
Figure 3-5 ......... Crucible Positions....................................... 3–14

3–2 C230 Option Installation

Balance Installation

Refer to the Balance Options on page 4–23 or the Balance Tab

on 4–61, to set the balance option parameters and configure
the determinator to recognize the balance. If the balance and
determinator are not programmed with the same configuration
parameter values, no weights may be transferred.
The determinator will default to the correct parameter values to
operate with the balance. If the balance does not operate
properly with the determinator, verify the balance options
parameter values set from the determinator. The correct
parameter values are shown on pages 4–23 and 4–61.

• To insure proper balance operation, balance interfacing,

Notes resetting the balance and setting the data output parameter
procedures, beginning on the next page, must be

• The following information is for the LECO four-place

balance. If another balance is used, follow the instructions
provided with the balance.

Option Installation C230 3–3

Balance Interfacing
1. Unpack the balance and assemble it as shown in the
balance operation manual.
2. Plug the AC adapter, supplied with the balance, into facility
power. Connect the AC adapter cable to the power input
jack on the rear of the balance. Refer to Figure 2-2, page
3. Adjust the balance feet to level the balance. The level
bubble should be inside the circle when the balance is
level. The level bubble is located on the rear of the
4. Locate the balance connector on the rear panel of the
determinator and connect one end of the balance interface
cable to the balance connector. Connect the other end of
the cable to the rear of the balance. Refer to Figure 2-2,
page 2–9.
5. To properly interface the balance with the determinator,
perform the Resetting the Balance procedure, page 3–4,
to reset the balance to the factory defaults.
6. After the balance is reset, do not change any of the
configuration codes except the one shown in this manual.
The balance codes can be changed to custom configure the
balance, if desired, after this procedure is completed.

Resetting the Balance

1. Remove the hole plug on the lower front right corner of
the balance and move the menu access switch to the right.
Refer to Figure 3-2, page 3–6.
2. Turn the AC power on to the balance by pushing the power
on button, Figure 3-1, page 3–6. As soon as all the
segments on the display light up, push the Tare button.
The display will be blank for a few seconds and then
display the menu code settings.
3. Press F1 to display 9 in the left digit.
4. Press Print to skip the center digit.
5. Press F1 to display 1 as the right digit.
6. Press Tare.
7. Press CF.
8. Turn the AC power off to the balance.

3–4 C230 Option Installation

Setting the Data Output Parameter
1. Set the data output parameter to "Auto print regardless of
stability" code 614 using this procedure.
2. Turn the AC power on to the balance by pushing the power
button. As soon as all segments on the display light up,
push the Tare button. The display will be blank for a few
seconds and then display the menu code settings.
3. Press F1 to display 6 in the left digit.
4. Press Print to display the center digit.
5. Press F1 to display 1 as the center digit.
6. Press Print to display the right digit.
7. Press F1 to display 4 as the right digit.
8. Press Tare.
9. Press CF.
10. Turn the AC power off to the balance.

Setting the Data Characters Parameter

1. Set the data character parameter to "16" code 721 using
this procedure.
2. Turn the AC power on to the balance by pushing the power
button. As soon as all segments on the display light up,
push the Tare button. The display will be blank for a few
seconds and then display the menu code settings.
3. Press F1 to display 7 in the left digit.
4. Press Print to display the center digit.
5. Press F1 to display 2 as the center digit.
6. Press Print to display the right digit.
7. Press F1 to display 1 as the right digit.
8. Press Tare.
9. Press CF.
10. Reposition the menu access switch to the left and reinstall
the hole plug.

Option Installation C230 3–5






Figure 3-1
Balance Control Panel


Figure 3-2
Balance Assembly

3–6 C230 Option Installation

Dot Matrix Printer (601-480-110)

• Refer to Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4 on page 3–9 when

Notes following these procedures.

• The optional Dot Matrix Printer is used with the DSP and
Windows® instruments. DSP all printing and Windows® line

1. Unpack the printer. Locate the separate printer manual in

the printer box and check the contents of the box against
the manual list.
2. Remove any tape, bags, or Styrofoam from the printer.
Remove the platen knob from the Styrofoam before
3. Remove the shipping retainer located inside the printer
(save it in case the printer needs to be shipped).
4. Install the platen knob by inserting the shaft into the hole
in the right side of the printer. Match the flat side of the
knob to the flat side of the platen shaft.

• After extended periods of printing, allow time for the

Notes printhead to cool before touching it.

• Turn off the power before moving the printhead.

5. Install the ribbon cartridge.

A. Open the access cover.
B. Position the printhead between bail rollers and push
the bail lever back.
C. Place the flat end of the ribbon cartridge, knob facing
up, into the ribbon plate, then lower the other end
over the printhead and snap it into place.
D. Turn the knob clockwise to take up ribbon slack.
E. The headgap lever can be adjusted for one or two
part forms (position 1), three or four part forms
(position 2), or envelopes, and extra-thick paper
(position 3).
6. Install the paper separator.
A. Lift the rear cover.

Option Installation C230 3–7

B. Hold the legs against the separator and place the
separator tabs over the studs on the sides of the rear
C. Close the rear cover.
7. Set the printer next to the determinator and the paper
tray behind the printer.
8. Attach the printer power cord to the printer. Connect the
other end to the facility power source.
9. The printer should be off.
10. Connect the printer interface cable to the printer and the
back of the determinator.
11. Install the paper.
A. Move the paper lever and bail lever forward.
B. Open the access and rear covers and feed the paper
under the rear cover.
C. Open the tractor covers and align the track feed holes
on the paper with the tractor pins. Close the tractors.
D. Turn the platen knob to feed the paper around the
platen. Be sure the paper feeds underneath the black
tabs in front of the tractors.
E. To adjust the tractors:
1) Lift the lock levers on both sides.
2) Slide the tractors into position. Reference marks
on the printer show the recommended left edge
position for the two most common paper sizes.

• Do not place the left edge of the paper more than 1/2 inch
Note from the end of the platen or the printer will signal a paper
out alarm.

12. Close the rear cover and lay the paper separator flat.
13. Open the guide wire to stop paper from curling back into
the printer.
14. Close the access cover.
15. Paper can be fed from the bottom if the printer is placed
on a stand. Refer to the printer manual for details.
16. The control panel of the printer is used to configure the
printer and its corresponding features. Refer to the
operation section of the printer manual. The Printer Settings
can be found on page 3–10.

3–8 C230 Option Installation




Figure 3-3
Ribbon Cartridge Installation






Figure 3-4
Paper Installation

Option Installation C230 3–9

Printer Settings
Group Item Settings
Font Print Mode Utility
Pitch 10 CPI
Style Normal
Size Single

General Control Emulation Mode Epson FXe

Graphics Bi-directional
Paper Out Override No
Print Registration O
Operator Panel Functions Full Operation
Reset Inhibit No
Print Suppress Effective Yes
CPU Compensation Standard

Vertical Control Line Spacing 6 LPI

Form Tear-Off Off
Skip-Over Perforation No
Auto LF No
Auto CR No
Auto Feed XT Invalid
Page Length 11 inches

Symbol Sets Character Set Set I

Language Set American
Zero Character Slashed

Serial I/F Option Parity None

Serial Data 7 or 8 Bits 8
Protocol Ready/Busy
Diagnostic Test No
Busy Line SSD-
Baud Rate 9600 BPS
DSR Signal Valid
DTR Signal Ready on Power Up
Busy Time 200 Milliseconds

• To restore the menu to its original factory settings, turn the

Note printer off, hold down the Sel and Mode buttons, then turn
the printer on again.

3–10 C230 Option Installation

Deskjet (Inkjet) Printer (611-499-110)

• The optional Deskjet Printer is only used with the Windows®

Notes controlled instrument. It connects directly to the PC. Refer
to the Figure 2-2 on page 2–9.

• To install the Deskjet Printer refer to the Installation Manual

supplied with the printer.

Option Installation C230 3–11

Installation of Optional Kits for the Autocleaner


• For part number and ordering information, refer to Options

Notes on page 1–35.

• Follow instructions provided in the kit for current installation


CAUTION In order for the autoloader to function properly
the dust removal kit must also be installed.

Dust Removal Kit

• For part number and ordering information, refer to Options

Notes on page 1–35.

• Follow instructions provided in the kit for current installation


• The instructions are applicable for the dust removal kit as

well as the autocleaner/dust removal kit.

Vacuum Cleaner Kit

• For part number and ordering information, refer to Options

Notes on page 1–35.

• Follow instructions provided in the kit for current installation


3–12 C230 Option Installation

Quick Loader and Quick Feeder Operation

• For Quick Loader and Quick Feeder installation refer to the

Notes kit instructions provided with the Quick Loader and Quick
Feeder. See Options on page 1–35.

• A total of 23 samples can be automatically analyzed with

the Quick Loader and Quick Feeder at one time.

• Refer to the Setup and Operation sections of this manual for

sample loading and general operation.

1. Set the following system parameters to configure the

determinator for use with the Quick Loader and Quick
A. Click the Configuration menu and select System.

B. Click the down arrow in the autocleaner selection box

and select enable.

Option Installation C230 3–13

C. Click the down arrow in the door option selection box
and select enable.
D. Check the Enable Quick Loader check box.
E. Check the Enable Clean Before Load check box if
desired. This selection cleans the combustion area
before the quick loader is cycled preventing dust from
falling into the next sample.
2. Click Rotate, in the toolbar, to lock the carousel into
3. Click Enable, in the tool bar, to enable the quick loader.
4. Click the Sample menu and select Queued Samples (this
can also be selected from the tool bar). Select the number
of samples and the sample positions on the pedestals.
Example: If all three pedestals have crucibles on them
select number 3 (1-1-1). Refer to the illustration below.

Figure 3-5
Crucible Positions
• The crucible numbers in the illustration refer to the crucible
Notes pedestal positions in the software. 1-1-1 is crucibles 1-2-3
in that order.

• A “1” indicates a crucible is present and “0” indicates a

crucible is not on the pedestal.

5. Weigh the crucibles, tare out the weight of the crucibles

and weight the sample.
6. Position the crucibles on the carousel and pedestals.

3–14 C230 Option Installation

7. Enter the sample weights in the sample grid. The sample
order in the grid must match the sample order on the
pedestals and carousel.
8. Press the Load Sample button the front of the
determinator to load the first sample and start analysis.

Option Installation C230 3–15

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3–16 C230 Option Installation

4 System Setup

4 System Setup

• For instruments using Windows® software refer to the

Windows® instructions listed on page 4–38.

• For instruments using DSP software refer to the instructions

Keypad listed on page 4–6.

Keypad Setup Contents:

Illustrations .......................................................................4–4
Controls and Indicators .......................................................4–6
Menu Organization Chart .....................................................4–8
Power-Up ........................................................................ 4–10
About the Examples ..................................................... 4–10
Menus........................................................................ 4–10
Keypad ...................................................................... 4–11
Using the Keypad ................................................... 4–12
Notices and Errors ....................................................... 4–13
Confirmation............................................................... 4–14
Copyright Screen......................................................... 4–14
System Overview ............................................................. 4–15
Main Menu Overview .................................................... 4–15
System Check .................................................................. 4–16
Ambient Monitor.......................................................... 4–16
System Setup .................................................................. 4–18
System Options........................................................... 4–19

System Setup C230 4–1

Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults.............................. 4–20
Transmit Options ......................................................... 4–21
Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults.............................. 4–22
Balance Options .......................................................... 4–23
Definitions and Selections ........................................ 4–25
System Clock .............................................................. 4–26
Set Barometer ............................................................ 4–27
Combustion Pressure ................................................... 4–28
Quick Access Menu ...................................................... 4–29
Operation .............................................................. 4–29
Defining ................................................................ 4–30
Change Password ........................................................ 4–31
Analysis Method Menu....................................................... 4–32
Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults................................... 4–34
Data Transmit .................................................................. 4–35
Data Transmit Format .................................................. 4–37
System Setup for Windows® .............................................. 4–38
Illustrations ..................................................................... 4–41
Controls and Indicators ..................................................... 4–42
Automatically Transmit Analysis Results............................... 4–44
Configure Maintenance Counters......................................... 4–46
Maintenance Counter Definitions.................................... 4–47
Configure the Analysis Report ............................................ 4–48
Select the Fields ..................................................... 4–49
Select the Font....................................................... 4–49
Configure the Plot................................................... 4–49
Line Printing .......................................................... 4–49
Configure the Screen ........................................................ 4–50
Tool Bar ..................................................................... 4–50
Status Bar .................................................................. 4–50
Configure the Spreadsheet................................................. 4–51
Configure Element Definitions........................................ 4–52
Method Development ........................................................ 4–53
Method Parameter Definitions........................................ 4–55
Sample Templates ............................................................ 4–56
Create a Sample Template ............................................ 4–56

4–2 C230 System Setup

Standards ....................................................................... 4–57
Standards Definitions ................................................... 4–58
System Configuration........................................................ 4–59
System Configuration Definitions ................................... 4–60
System Tab ........................................................... 4–60
Balance Tab ........................................................... 4–61
Balance Definitions ................................................. 4–62
Set Barometric Pressure .................................................... 4–63
Transmission Formats ....................................................... 4–64
Define Fields ............................................................... 4–64
Define Delimiters......................................................... 4–66
Communication Settings ............................................... 4–68
Preview Transmitted Data.................................................. 4–71
Select Language............................................................... 4–73
Users.............................................................................. 4–74
Add User .................................................................... 4–74
Assign User Functions .................................................. 4–75
Sample Filters.................................................................. 4–77
Apply a Filter and Sort Sample Data ............................... 4–77
Define a Filter to Apply ................................................. 4–78
Automatically Reapply the Sample Filter ......................... 4–79
User Defined Fields ........................................................... 4–81
Functions ................................................................... 4–83
Number Formatting ..................................................... 4–85

System Setup C230 4–3


Figure 4-1 ......... Controls and Indicators with Autocleaner....... 4–7

Figure 4-2 ......... Keypad .................................................... 4–11
Figure 4-3 ......... Combustion Pressure Adjustment Knob ......... 4–28
Figure 4-4 ......... Controls and Indicators............................... 4–43

4–4 C230 System Setup

This page intentionally left blank.

System Setup C230 4–5

Controls and Indicators

• Refer to Figure 4-1 on page 4–7, for locations of the items

Note listed below.

Determinator Power On/Off Switch—Switches power on and off

to the determinator. Also acts as a circuit breaker on the
incoming facility line power.
Measure Flow Rotameter—Indicates the oxygen flow rate in lpm
(liters per minute). Nominal indication is 3.0 lpm.
Keypad—The keypad is used as a communications link between
the operator and the determinator. Operation of the
determinator is controlled from the keypad.
Display Screen—The display screen provides a visual link
between the operator and determinator.
Brightness—The brightness control, on top of unit, adjusts the
brightness of the display screen. This control should be
adjusted by the operator for the amount of brightness desired.
Contrast—The contrast control, on top of unit, adjusts the
contrast of the display screen. This control should be adjusted
by the operator for the best display contrast and is usually
adjusted after the brightness control has been properly set.
Printer (not shown)—The printer is used to print out analysis
data, information presented on the display, and buffer or
screen plots.
Furnace Power On/Off Switch—Switches power on and off to
the furnace. Also acts as a circuit breaker on the incoming
facility line power.
Power Lever Adjustment—Controls oscillator maximum power
output by adjusting the plate current for approximately 100 mA
(idling current) to 500 mA (full power). The overload protection
is reset by turning the adjustment fully counterclockwise until it
clicks and then turning it clockwise.
Vacuum Cleaner On/Off Switch—Turns the optional vacuum
cleaner on or off. The vacuum cleaner can be used to clear
dust and debris from the combustion area and furnace shelf.
Piston Up/Down Switch—This switch controls the movement of
the piston, either up or down. During operation, the piston
raises the crucible and sample into the furnace for analysis.
This switch is also used to control the piston during furnace

4–6 C230 System Setup

Figure 4-1
Controls and Indicators with Autocleaner

System Setup C230 4–7

Menu Organization Chart

[1] Analyze [1] Delete Weights

[2] Insert Weight
[3] Print Weights
[4] System Controls [1] Print
[5] Clean Switch
[6] Balance Weight
[7] Transmit Last

[2] Results [1] Record Format

[2] List Format
[3] Clear Selections
[4] Delete
[5] Statistics [1] Print
[6] Print
[7] Transmit

[3] Calibration [1] Record Format

[2] List Format
[3] Clear Selections
[4] Calculate Calib [1] Print
[2] Reset Calib
[5] Edit Calibration [1] Print
[6] Calculate Blank [1] Print
[7] Edit Blank [1] Print
[8] Recalculate [1] Re-Calc. Todays
[2] Re-Calc. Select

4–8 C230 System Setup

[4] Set-Up [1] Analysis Method [1] Print
[2] Select Method [1] 1-Method
[2] 2-Method
[3] 3-Method
[4] 4-Method
[5] 5-Method
[3] Copy Method To
[2] System Options [1] Print
[3] Transmit Options [1] Print
[4] Balance Option [1] Print
[2] Test Balance
[3] Test Tare
[5] System Clock
[6] Set Barometer [1] Print
[9] More [1] Quick Option Menu
[2] Linearization
[3] Change Password

[5] Diagnostics [1] Ambient Monitor [1] Display Units

[2] Display Volts
[3] Print
[2] Switches
[3] Valves
[4] Leak Check [1] Entire System
[2] Bypass Furnace

[5] Print Buffer

[6] Plot Buffer [1] Print
[7] System Print
[8] Reset Memory

System Setup C230 4–9


1. The power switches for both the determinator and furnace

should be set to the off positions.
2. Connect the determinator to a proper electrical power
3. Turn on the gas supplies and set the oxygen pressure to
40 psi and the pneumatic pressure to 40 psi.
4. Turn the determinator and furnace power switches on.
5. After a short delay, the main menu should appear on the
display screen.
6. Turn the gas ON. Refer to the System Controls procedure,
page 5–18.
7. Allow the determinator to warm-up for one hour before
performing a system check or sample analysis.

About the Examples

The numbers used for the screen examples in this manual are
only to illustrate operation and may or may not be applicable to
specific procedures.

When pressing the menu key, a menu will appear displaying
different choices. When a menu appears, only options within
the menu are selectable. To remove a menu from the display
screen, press exit.

4–10 C230 System Setup

The keypad used on the determinator is a matrix of switches,
referred to as keys, which must be pressed to activate a
selection, see Figure 4-2, below. This type of keypad is referred
to as a 'membrane keypad'. When activating a selection, press
the middle of the key until the microcomputer and display
screen recognize the selection.


NEXT 4 5 6




+ .% #, -

Figure 4-2

System Setup C230 4–11

Using the Keypad
Next—Moves the cursor to the next sample. When the analyze
screen is displayed, it is used to select a sample from the
sample weight list. When the calibrate and results screens are
displayed, it is used to select sample results. It is also used to
move the cursor to the next line when editing.
Previous—Moves the cursor to the previous sample. A beep will
sound when the cursor cannot be advanced further. When the
analyze screen is displayed, previous is used to select a sample
from the sample weight list. When the calibrate and results
screens are displayed, it is used to select sample results and
also used for editing.
Select—Moves the cursor to the next selection within a menu or
screen. Permits the operator to scroll through selections and
select sample results. Acts as an enter key to advance to the
next line.
Menu—Displays a menu of selections available for the current
Reset—Stops an analysis in progress. The operator is permitted
to abort, reset, or continue.
Start—In the manual mode, after a weight has been entered
and the furnace closed, press start to begin analysis of a
sample. In the automatic mode, closing the furnace causes
analysis to begin.
DEL—Used to delete a character at the cursor's position. When
no more characters are left to delete, a beep will sound.
Exit—Used to remove a menu or screen and return to the
previous menu or screen.
Left/Right Arrow Keys—Used to move the cursor one position
to the left or right. Refer to the Number/Letter Keys definition
Yes/No—Used to select a result. These keys are used to include
(yes) or exclude (no) a sample. They are also used to enable or
disable a menu option, respond to a confirmation screen, and
permit the user to scroll through selections.
1STU, 2VWX, 3YZ, 4JKL, 5MNO, 6PQR, 7ABC, 8DEF, 9GHI,
0Symbol—These keys are used to enter data during operation
or editing, select a procedure, or select a menu option. By
repeatedly pressing the key, the operator is permitted selection
of the number or letter shown on the key. Use the left/right
arrow keys to move the cursor and continue entering or
editing data.

4–12 C230 System Setup

Notices and Errors
A notice or error is a message that appears on the display
screen that warns the operator of a condition that could yield
an incorrect result. Notices or errors may be caused by
operator error or component failure. Operator problems are
most likely to occur after a manual procedure or a change in
the setup, method, or system control parameters. If a notice or
error occurs, refer to page 10–22 for corrective action.

System Setup C230 4–13

Any operation that can cause information to be deleted will
display a confirmation box. Press yes to confirm the operation
or no to abort the delete command.

Copyright Screen
Upon power-up and exit from the main menu, the copyright
screen will be displayed. When this screen is displayed, wait a
few seconds, the screen will disappear and the main menu will
appear in its place.

4–14 C230 System Setup

System Overview

Main Menu Overview

LECO C230 V 2.xx

Carbon Determinator

[1] Analyze
[2] Results
[3] Calibrate
[4] Setup
[5] Diagnostics

Headline—After power-up, the main menu appears and displays

the headline. The headline contains the model number of the
determinator, the software version installed, and the type of
determinator. It is important to note the version of software
when contacting the LECO Corporation.
Center Window—During operation, display screens and menus
will appear in the center window. When the determinator is
powered up, the main menu appears providing the operator
with five selections, [1] Analyze, [2] Results, [3] Calibrate, [4]
Setup, and [5] Diagnostics. The number in brackets refers to
the key number to press on the keypad. When making a
selection from the main menu, a screen or menu will always
appear. For more information concerning the main menu
selections, refer to the Setup and Operation chapters.
Bottom Line—The information on this line will appear under a
menu or screen. During analysis, the bottom line will display
the weight list. During setup and system configuration, this line
will display the range and/or selections available. When the
main menu is displayed, this line is blank.

System Setup C230 4–15

System Check

• All steps in the installation and initial power-up sections

Notes must be completed before performing these procedures.

• The gas supplies must be on, the oxygen regulator set to 40

psi and the pneumatic regulator set to 40 psi.

• The determinator AC power must be on.

Ambient Monitor

• The ambient monitor is used to display system parameters

Notes during operation or servicing of the determinator.

• If the determinator has just been turned on, wait one hour
before checking the ambient monitor for the system to

1. The ambient monitor is accessed from the diagnostics

menu. From the main menu, press [5] Diagnostics.
2. Press [1] Ambient Monitor to display the ambient monitor.

Ambient Monitor

Carbon IR Cell 8.500 v

Oven Temp 48oC
Catalyst Heater 350oC
System Pressure 762 mm
Plate Current 480 mA
Grid Current 100 mA

• The ambient monitor will continuously update as the

Note operator views it.

4–16 C230 System Setup

3. Check that all system parameters, temperatures and
voltages fall within the range limits shown below. If any
values are out of range refer to the setup, operation or
service sections for correction procedures.
Parameters Nominal Value Range Units
Carbon IR Cell 8.5 7.5 to 9.2 V
Oven Temp 48 46 to 50 C
Catalyst Heater 350 325 to 357 C
System Pressure 762 740 to 790 mmHg
Plate Current 460* 420 to 500 mA
Grid Current 100* 80 to 120 mA
* Nominal values during analysis only. When furnace power is off, the
plate and grid current should be zero.

4. Press Select to toggle the displayed parameters between

voltages and units.
5. Press Menu to display the ambient monitor menu.
Ambient Monitor

[1] Display Units

[2] Display Voltages
[3] Print

6. Press [1] Display Units to display the system parameters

in voltages, temperatures and pressure.
7. Press [2] Display Voltages to display the a/d output
8. Press [3] Print to create a hardcopy printout of the
ambient monitor parameters.
9. Press Exit to remove the ambient monitor menu and
display the ambient monitor screen.

System Setup C230 4–17

System Setup

• The following procedures are all located under the system

Notes setup menu. To access this menu, press [4] Setup from the
main menu.

• Analysis method is described in the Operation and

Diagnostics chapters.

[1] Analysis Method

[2] System Options
[3] Transmit Options
[4] Balance Options
[5] System Clock
[6] Set Barometer
[9] More…

4–18 C230 System Setup

System Options

• This procedure allows the operator to set the system

Note operating conditions used for analysis.

1. Access the system options screen by choosing [2] System

Options from the setup menu.
System Options

Gas Conservation (min) 15

Gas Conservation Mode Con
Catalyst Heater (DegC) 350
Enable Auto Cleaner No
Enable Door Option No
Result Format Short
Blank Lines 1
Date Format MM-DD-YY
Pressure Control Yes

2. Press Select to scroll through the system option

parameters. Refer to Definitions, Ranges and Defaults on
page 4–20.
3. Enter the value from the keypad or press the right or left
arrow keys to move the cursor into position to change a
4. Press Menu to display the system option menu.
System Options

[1] Print

5. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the system option

parameters on the system printer.
6. Press Exit to exit the system option menu and return to
the system option screen.

System Setup C230 4–19

Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults
Gas Conservation (Min)—The time in minutes, after analysis,
when the determinator automatically switches to the gas
conservation mode. Range: 0 to 600 minutes, Default: 15
Gas Conservation Mode—The oxygen flow settings used as gas
conservation. Normal oxygen flow is 3 liters per minute.
Conservation mode changes the oxygen flow to 1 liter per
minute. Off turns the oxygen flow completely off. Settings: Off
or Con. Default: Con
Catalyst Heater Temperature—The set operating temperature of
the catalyst heater. Range 0 to 900oC, Default 350oC
Enable Auto Cleaner—Selects operation of the optional
autocleaner. Select yes if the autocleaner is installed, or no if
the autocleaner is not installed. Default: No
Enable Door Option—Selects operation of the optional
combustion system cleaning door. Select yes if the cleaning
door is installed, or no if the cleaning door is not installed.
Refer to Dust Removal Kit on page 3–12. Default: No
Results Format—Selects the desired answer format. Short
format prints time, date, sample weight, and result. Long
format prints time, date, sample weight, result, calibration,
blank, time, and peak. Table format prints the long format
parameters in tabular form. Default: Long
# Blank Lines—The number of blank lines between analysis
results printed on the system printer. Range: 0 to 2 lines.
Default: 0
Date Format—Selects the date format displayed on the display
screen and printer on the system printer. Selections: MM-DD-
YY (Month-Day-Year), or DD-MM-YY (Day-Month-Year).
Default: MM-DD-YY
Pressure Control—This parameter is set by the operator and
determined by the hardware installed in the determinator. If
the determinator has the electronic barometric pressure control
installed, select yes. If the determinator does not have the
electronic barometric pressure control installed, select no.

4–20 C230 System Setup

Transmit Options

• This procedure configures the determinator for

Note communications with a data transmit peripheral.
Transmit Options

Enable Yes
Field Separator Comma
Record Separator CRLF
Head/Tail SOH/EOT
Baud Rate 9600
Parity None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1

Option: Yes Yes/No

1. Access transmit options by choosing [3] Transmit Options

from the setup menu.
2. Press Select to move the cursor to the next line. Refer to
Definitions, Ranges and Defaults on page 4–22.
3. Press No to scroll through the transmit options
4. Press Yes to affirm the selection and move the cursor
down one line.
5. Press Menu to display the transmit options menu.
Transmit Options

[1] Print

6. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the transmit option

parameters on the system printer.
7. Press Exit to remove the transmit options menu.

System Setup C230 4–21

Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults
Enable—Enables or disables data transmit operation. Select
yes to enable data transmit, or no to disable data transmit.
Default: No
Field Separator—Selects the data character used to separate
fields of data. Selections: Comma, Space, or FS (field
separator). Default: Comma
Record Separator—Selects the data character(s) used to
separate records of data. Selections: CRLF (carriage return and
line feed), CR (carriage return), LF (line feed), or RS (record
separator). Default: CRLF
Head/Tail—Determines the data character(s) used to start and
end the frame of data sent during data transmit. Selections:
None, SOH/EOH, or CTRL Z. Refer to the Data Transmit section
on page 4–35. Default: SOH/EOH
None—No starting or ending data character.
SOH/EOH—Starting data character is 01 (hex), start of
header, and the ending data character is 04 (hex), end
of header.
CTRL Z—No starting data character. Ending data
character is 01A (hex).
Baud Rate—Sets the data transmission speed in bits per
second. Selections: 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 bps.
Default: 9600
Parity—Sets the method of error checking used. Selections:
Even, Odd, or None. Default: Even
Data Bits—Used to select the number of bits per byte for data
that will be transmitted. Selections: 5 to 8. Default: 8
Stop Bits—Used to select the number of bits that are used to
signal the end of a transmitted data byte. Selections: 1 or 2.
Default: 1

4–22 C230 System Setup

Balance Options

• This procedure configures the determinator for use with an

Notes external balance.

• The balance options parameters must match the

configuration of the balance. Refer to
Setting the Data Output Parameter, page 3–5.
Balance Options

Readability 4
Weight Entry Auto Tare
Tare Command Esc T
Baud Rate 1200
Parity Odd
Data Bits 7
Stop Bits 1

Option: Yes Yes/No

1. Access balance options by choosing [4] Balance Options

from the setup menu.
2. Press Select to move the cursor to the next line. Refer to
Definitions and Selections on page 4–25.
3. Pressing No scrolls through the accepted balance options
parameters (except for readability). Enter the desired
number for the readability parameter.)
4. Press Yes to move the cursor down one line.
5. Press Menu to display the balance options menu.
Balance Option

[1] Print
[2] Test Balance
[3] Test Tare

System Setup C230 4–23

6. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the balance option
parameters on the system printer.
7. Press [2] Test Balance to determine if the interfaced
balance will communicate with the determinator. The test
balance screen will be displayed.
Test Balance

Weight String From Balance


Any Key to Continue

8. The weight displayed on the balance should be displayed

on the test balance screen. If the display is not correct,
recheck the balance options parameters and balance
9. Press any key to return to the balance options.
10. Press [3] Test Tare to determine if the determinator can
tare the interfaced balance. The weight displayed on the
balance should indicate zero. If the display is not correct,
recheck the balance options parameters and balance
11. Press Exit to escape the balance option menu and return
to the setup menu.

4–24 C230 System Setup

Definitions and Selections
Readability—The number of significant places to the right of the
decimal point transferred from the balance to the determinator
during sample weight entry. Range: 3 to 5. Default: 4.
Weight Entry—Selections are Remote (weight is entered from
the balance), Normal (weight is entered from the
determinator), Auto Tare (automatic tare for weights over 15 g,
weight is entered from the determinator), or None (manual
weight entry only). Refer to Sample Weight Entry, page 5–25.
Default: None
Tare Command—The command from the determinator that the
balance reads to Tare. Selections are 'T', 'ESC T', or 'T, CR, LF'.
For LECO supplied balances, set the command to 'T, CR, LF'.
Baud Rate—Sets the data transmission speed in bits per
second. Selections: 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 bps. For LECO
supplied balances, set baud rate to 1200 bps.
Parity—Sets the method of error checking used. Selections:
Even, Odd, or None. For LECO supplied balances, set parity to
Data Bits—Used to select the number of bits per byte for data
that will be transmitted. Selections: 5 to 8. For LECO supplied
balances, set data bits to 7.
Stop Bits—Used to select the number of bits that are used to
signal the end of a transmitted data byte. Selections: 1 or 2.
For LECO supplied balances, set stop bits to 1.

System Setup C230 4–25

System Clock

• The system clock procedure permits the operator to set the

Notes determinator's internal real-time clock.

• The feasibility of the entered time and date are checked

before the operator is allowed to exit this procedure.
System Clock

Enter Time

HH:MM:SS 10:24:39

Enter Date
MM-DD-YY 01-01-00

1. Access the system clock procedure by choosing [5]

System Clock from the setup menu. The enter time
prompt will appear on the screen.
2. Press the left or right arrow keys to move the cursor into
position to set the time or press Select to set the date. The
enter date prompt will appear below the time.
3. If the time was set in step 2, press Select to move the
cursor into position to set the date. The enter date prompt
will appear below the time.
4. After setting the time and/or date, press Exit to return to
the main menu.

4–26 C230 System Setup

Set Barometer

• The local barometric pressure must be known before the

Note barometric pressure can be set.

1. Access the set barometric pressure procedure by choosing

[6] Set Barometer from the setup menu.
Set Barometer

Pressure is Stabilizing

740 mm Hg

2. In a short period of time the screen will change and the

Set Barometer

Pressure (mm/Hg) 743

barometric pressure value will be highlighted.

3. Press the right or left arrow keys to move the cursor into
position and change the barometric pressure to the correct
value with the number keys.
4. Press Menu to display the barometric pressure menu.
5. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the edited
barometric pressure on the system printer.
6. Press Exit to return to the setup menu.

System Setup C230 4–27

Combustion Pressure

• The Set Barometer procedure, page 4–27, should be

Note completed before the combustion pressure is set.

1. Remove the left side panel of the determinator.

2. From the Main menu, press [1] Analyze then Menu to
display the analysis menu.
3. Press [4] System Controls. Set carrier gas to on.
4. Adjust the pressure regulator for 12 psi as shown on the
pressure gauge, see Figure 4-3, below.
5. After this procedure is completed, replace the left side


Figure 4-3
Combustion Pressure Adjustment Knob

4–28 C230 System Setup

Quick Access Menu
The quick access menu is a list of user-defined selections that
can be programmed by the operator. By defining and using the
quick access menu, the instrument will be both faster and
easier to use.

1. From the main menu, press Menu. The quick access menu
will be displayed.
Quick Menu

[1] Analyze
[2] Results
[3] Calibrate
[4] Analysis Method
[5] Set Barometer
[6] Leak Check
[7] Print Buffer
[8] Plot Buffer
[9] Ambient Monitor

2. Press the number on the keypad to the left of the desired

selection. The determinator will immediately display the
menu selection.
3. To return to the main menu, press Exit.

System Setup C230 4–29


• When a system password is being used, the operator must

Note enter the password to exit the quick access menu and
return to the main menu.

1. Access the quick access menu options procedure by

pressing [9] More then [1] Quick Menu Option from the
setup menu. The quick menu options screen will be
Quick Menu Options

Item 1 Analyze
Item 2 Results
Item 3 Calibrate
Item 4 Analysis Method
Item 5 Set Barometer
Item 6 Leak Check
Item 7 Print Buffer
Item 8 Plot Buffer
Item 9 Ambient Monitor

Option: Yes Yes/No

2. Press Select to move the highlight and select the item to

3. At the highlight, press no to change the item and select
the desired item function. Selections: Analyze, Results,
Calibrate, Analysis Method, Set Barometer, Leak Check,
Print Buffer, Plot Buffer, and Ambient Monitor.
4. Press Menu to display the quick menu options menu.
Quick Menu Options

[1] Print

5. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the quick menu

options Items on the system printer.
6. Press Exit to remove the quick menu options menu and
return to the setup menu.

4–30 C230 System Setup

Change Password

• Change password protects selections under the setup menu

Notes from being accessed by unauthorized operators.

• To clear an entered password and permit use of the

determinator without securing the setup menu, press Select
twice from the enter password screen.

1. Access change password by pressing [9] More then [3]

Change Password from the setup menu.

Change Password

Enter Password
[ ]

2. From the user dialog screen, enter a six-digit password

and press Select. The verify password screen will be

Change Password

Verify Password
[ ]

3. From the verify password screen, enter the same

password as entered in step 2.
4. Press Select to accept the password and return to the
setup menu.
5. Press Exit to return to the main menu. In order to return
to the setup menu, the password entered in step 2 must
be entered when the enter password screen appears.

System Setup C230 4–31

Analysis Method Menu

• Analysis method permits the operator to set the analysis

Notes parameters used in the analysis of a sample.

• Up to five analysis methods can be defined from the

analysis method menu and stored.

• Each analysis method can be calibrated separately. Refer to

the Calibration menu.

1. To access the analysis method screen, choose [4] Setup

from the main menu. From the setup menu, choose [1]
Analysis Method. The analysis method screen will appear.
Analysis Method

Method Name 1-Method

Secure Method No
Purge Time 15
Delay Time 0
Significant Figures 4
Minimum Time Out 4.0
Comparator Level 1.0
Calibration 1.000
Blank 0.000

2. Press Select to scroll through and select the parameters to

edit. Refer to the Definitions, Ranges and Defaults on page
3. If the parameter to be edited is a number, enter the value
from the keyboard, or press the arrow keys to move the
cursor to a digit and enter the value with the keypad.
4. If a parameter to be edited is selectable text, press No to
scroll through the selections or Yes to accept the selection
and move to the next parameter.

4–32 C230 System Setup

5. Press Menu to display the analysis method menu.
Analysis Method

[1] Print
[2] Select Method
[3] Copy Method To

6. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the analysis method

7. Press [2] Select Method to display the analysis method
selection menu and select the analysis method to edit.
8. Press [3] Copy Method To to copy the current method to a
selected method.

Select Method

[1] 1-Method
[2] 2-Method
[3] 3-Method
[4] 4-Method
[5] 5-Method

9. Press Exit to remove the analysis method selection menu

and return to the analysis method screen.

System Setup C230 4–33

Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults
Analysis Method—Permits the operator to assign a specific
name to an analysis method. Up to eight characters can be
Secure Method—When set to yes, the operator is prompted to
type in the password before the method can be changed. If set
to no, the current method is used and no prompt will appear.
Selections: Yes or No. Default: No.
Purge Time—The amount of time the determinator permits
carrier gas flows through the combustion system before
analysis, clearing it of atmosphere that may have entered when
the furnace was open during crucible loading. Range: 0 to 60
seconds. Default: 1 second.
Delay Time—The amount of time permitted to elapse after
purge time and before analysis. This time period helps establish
a stable baseline reference for detection. Range: 0 to 60
seconds. Default: 0 seconds.
Significant Figures—The number of digits displayed in the
element result. This includes digits to the left and right of the
decimal point. Range: 0 to 5. Default: 5.
Minimum Time-Out—The minimum time permitted for analysis.
Range: 10 to 225 seconds. Default: 40 seconds.
Comparator Level—An area of the analysis plot, less than peak
height, measured as a percentage of peak height that will stop
analysis. Refer to Comparator Level, page 7–8. Range: 0 to 100
percent. Default: 1.0% carbon.
Calibration—The linear multiplier value used to adjust the
detector output of a standard to its known value. This value
is automatically determined during calibration. Refer to
Calibrate Menu, page 5–29. Range: 0.0100 to 10.0000.
Default: 1.0000.
Blank—The percentage of element (based on a 1 gram nominal
sample size) measured by the system that is not caused by
combustion of the analyte. Crucible contamination and the
accelerator primarily cause this value. This value is
automatically subtracted from the result by the determinator.
Refer to Calculate Blank, page 5–35. Range: - 1.00000 to
+1.00000. Default: 0.00000.
Answer Format—Automatically converts the element result to
the selected answer format. Selections: % carbon, % C[CO2]
and % CaCO3. Default: % carbon.

4–34 C230 System Setup

Data Transmit

• The transmit data output is RS-232.

• All character generation is coded in ASCII format.

• Special characters (such as expanded print characters) are

filtered out.

1. Place the on/off power switch to the off position.

2. Connect the data transmit serial port, on the rear panel of
the determinator, to the serial connector on the peripheral
device using the supplied cable. Refer to Figure 2-2, page
3. Configure the determinator's output to match the
peripheral device. Refer to Transmit Options, page 4–21,
for the configuration procedure.
4. To transmit the results, stored in the results database,
refer to Transmit Selected Results, page 5–48.
5. Switch the power on.

System Setup C230 4–35

ASCII Character Definition Table

ACK Acknowledge EM End of Medium NAK Negative acknowledge

BEL Bell, or alarm ENQ Enquiry NUL Null, or all zeros
BS Backspace EOT End of transmission RS Record separator
CAN Cancel ESC Escape SI Shift in
CR Carriage return ETB End of transmission block SO Shift Out
DC1 Device control 1 ETX End of text SOH Start of heading
DC2 Device control 2 FF Form feed SP Space
DC3 Device control 3 FS File separator STX Start of text
DC4 Device control 4 GS Group separator SUB Substitute
DEL Delete HT Horizontal tab SYN Synchronous idle
DLE Data link escape LF Line feed US Unit separator
VT Vertical Tab

*American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) X3.4 - 1967 for use on tape
© 1967 USA Standards Institute. Reprinted by permission.

4–36 C230 System Setup

Data Transmit Format
Line 1:
SOH Sample ID Code FS Weight FS
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13
SOH " A 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 " FS 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 FS
01 22 41 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 22 1C 31 2E 30 30 30 30 30 1C

Method FS Carbon Results FS

14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
" 1 - M E T H O D " FS 1 . 0 0 7 6 FS
22 31 2D 4D 45 54 48 4F 44 22 1C 31 2E 30 30 37 36 20 20 1C

Carbon Calib. FS Carbon Blank FS Time FS

28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A
1 . 0 0 0 0 FS 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 FS 0 4 0 FS
31 2E 30 30 30 30 1C 30 2E 30 30 30 30 30 1C 30 34 30 1C

3B 3C 3D 3E 3F
1 5 3 7
20 31 35 33 37

FS Time FS Peak FS
58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62
FS 0 4 0 FS 1 5 3 7 FS
1C 30 34 30 1C 20 31 35 33 37 1C

Time and Date RS EOT

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72
1 0 : 2 3 0 1 - 2 8 - 9 9 RS EOT
31 30 3A 32 33 20 30 31 2D 32 38 2D 39 39 1E 04

System Setup C230 4–37

System Setup for Windows®

• For instruments using DSP software refer to the instructions

Keypad listed on page 4–1.

• For instruments using Windows® software refer to the

Windows® instructions listed on page 4–38.

Keypad Setup Contents:

Illustrations .......................................................................4–4
Controls and Indicators .......................................................4–6
Menu Organization Chart .....................................................4–8
Power-Up ........................................................................ 4–10
About the Examples ..................................................... 4–10
Menus........................................................................ 4–10
Keypad ...................................................................... 4–11
Using the Keypad ................................................... 4–12
Notices and Errors ....................................................... 4–13
Confirmation............................................................... 4–14
Copyright Screen......................................................... 4–14
System Overview ............................................................. 4–15
Main Menu Overview .................................................... 4–15
System Check .................................................................. 4–16
Ambient Monitor.......................................................... 4–16
System Setup .................................................................. 4–18
System Options........................................................... 4–19
Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults.............................. 4–20
Transmit Options ......................................................... 4–21
Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults.............................. 4–22

4–38 C230 System Setup

Balance Options .......................................................... 4–23
Definitions and Selections ........................................ 4–25
System Clock .............................................................. 4–26
Set Barometer ............................................................ 4–27
Combustion Pressure ................................................... 4–28
Quick Access Menu ...................................................... 4–29
Operation .............................................................. 4–29
Defining ................................................................ 4–30
Change Password ........................................................ 4–31
Analysis Method Menu....................................................... 4–32
Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults................................... 4–34
Data Transmit .................................................................. 4–35
Data Transmit Format .................................................. 4–37
System Setup for Windows® .............................................. 4–38
Illustrations ..................................................................... 4–41
Controls and Indicators ..................................................... 4–42
Automatically Transmit Analysis Results............................... 4–44
Configure Maintenance Counters......................................... 4–46
Maintenance Counter Definitions.................................... 4–47
Configure the Analysis Report ............................................ 4–48
Select the Fields ..................................................... 4–49
Select the Font....................................................... 4–49
Configure the Plot................................................... 4–49
Line Printing .......................................................... 4–49
Configure the Screen ........................................................ 4–50
Tool Bar ..................................................................... 4–50
Status Bar .................................................................. 4–50
Configure the Spreadsheet................................................. 4–51
Configure Element Definitions........................................ 4–52
Method Development ........................................................ 4–53
Method Parameter Definitions........................................ 4–55
Sample Templates ............................................................ 4–56
Create a Sample Template ............................................ 4–56
Standards ....................................................................... 4–57
Standards Definitions ................................................... 4–58
System Configuration........................................................ 4–59

System Setup C230 4–39

System Configuration Definitions ................................... 4–60
System Tab ........................................................... 4–60
Balance Tab ........................................................... 4–61
Balance Definitions ................................................. 4–62
Set Barometric Pressure .................................................... 4–63
Transmission Formats ....................................................... 4–64
Define Fields ............................................................... 4–64
Define Delimiters......................................................... 4–66
Communication Settings ............................................... 4–68
Preview Transmitted Data.................................................. 4–71
Select Language............................................................... 4–73
Users.............................................................................. 4–74
Add User .................................................................... 4–74
Assign User Functions .................................................. 4–75
Sample Filters.................................................................. 4–77
Apply a Filter and Sort Sample Data ............................... 4–77
Define a Filter to Apply ................................................. 4–78
Automatically Reapply the Sample Filter ......................... 4–79
User Defined Fields ........................................................... 4–81
Functions ................................................................... 4–83
Number Formatting ..................................................... 4–85

4–40 C230 System Setup


Figure 4-1 ......... Controls and Indicators with Autocleaner....... 4–7

Figure 4-2 ......... Keypad .................................................... 4–11
Figure 4-3 ......... Combustion Pressure Adjustment Knob ......... 4–28
Figure 4-4 ......... Controls and Indicators............................... 4–43

System Setup C230 4–41

Controls and Indicators

• Refer to Figure 4-4, on page 4–43, for locations of the items

Note listed below.

Determinator Power On/Off Switch—Switches power on and off

to the determinator. Also acts as a circuit breaker on the
incoming facility line power.
Measure Flow Rotameter—Indicates the oxygen flow rate in lpm
(liters per minute). Nominal indication is 3.0 lpm.
Computer (not shown)—Used to control the instrument and
process sample data.
Printer (not shown)—The printer is used to print out analysis
data, information presented on the display, and buffer or
screen plots.
Furnace Power On/Off Switch—Switches power on and off to
the furnace. Also acts as a circuit breaker on the incoming
facility line power.
Power Lever Adjustment—Controls oscillator maximum power
output by adjusting the plate current for approximately 100 mA
(idling current) to 500 mA (full power). The overload protection
is reset by turning the adjustment fully counterclockwise until it
clicks and then turning it clockwise.
Vacuum Cleaner On/Off Switch—Turns the optional vacuum
cleaner on or off. The vacuum cleaner can be used to clear
dust and debris from the combustion area and furnace shelf.
Piston Up/Down Switch—This switch controls the movement of
the piston, either up or down. During operation, the piston
raises the crucible and sample into the furnace for analysis.
This switch is also used to control the piston during furnace

4–42 C230 System Setup

Figure 4-4
Controls and Indicators

System Setup C230 4–43

Automatically Transmit Analysis Results

Using this procedure the operator can automatically transmit

analysis results after each new analysis.

1. Click Configuration and select Transmission Formats. The

Transmission Formats screen will appear.

2. To add a new transmission format to the list, click Add and

enter a transmission format name in the row that appears
at the bottom of the list.
3. To move a selected transmission format up towards the
top of the list select it and click Promote.
4. To move the selected transmission format down towards
the bottom of the list select it and click Demote.
5. Select Ascending to list the transmission formats in
ascending alphabetical order.
6. Select Descending to list the transmission formats in
descending alphabetical order.
7. To delete a transmission format, select it and click Delete.
8. Select a Format by clicking on it.
9. Click the Properties tab or double click the selected
transmit format. The Transmission Properties screen will
10. Click the Automation tab. The Automation screen will

4–44 C230 System Setup

11. Click the Check Box to select Transmit Data Automatically
after each analysis.
12. Click the Fields tab to select the information to be
13. Click the Delimiters tab to select the character to separate
14. Click the Serial Port tab to configure the serial port.
15. Click OK to save any changes and exit.

System Setup C230 4–45

Configure Maintenance Counters

Maintenance Counters is a list of components and assemblies,

within the instrument, that have been determined to require
periodic maintenance. An analyses counter will determine when
periodic maintenance is needed and alert the operator. After
maintenance, a history log of maintenance performed is
automatically generated. The counters should not be reset
from this procedure. To reset the counters see page 6–26,
Reset Maintenance Counters.

• The Furnace Counter sets the autocleaner clean interval.


• To clean after every analysis set the Furnace Counter to

Example Analyses and Stop to 1. To clean after every other analysis
set the Furnace Counter to Analyses and Stop to 2.
1. Click Configuration and select Counters. The Counters
screen will appear.

2. Click Add to define a maintenance counter

3. Enter the information required in the dialog box. Refer to
maintenance counter definitions.
4. To add a new maintenance counter to the list, click Add
and enter a name in the row that appears at the bottom of
the list.
5. Select Ascending to list the maintenance counter in
ascending alphabetical order.
6. Select Descending to list the maintenance counter in
descending alphabetical order.
7. To move a selected maintenance counter up towards the
top of the list select it and click Promote.

4–46 C230 System Setup

8. To move the selected maintenance counter down towards
the bottom of the list select it and click Demote.
9. To remove a counter, select the counter and click Delete.
You can only remove a counter that you added.
10. Click OK to close.

Maintenance Counter Definitions

Name—A name or description of the component or assembly
that requires periodic maintenance.
Type—An operation, period or amount selected by the operator
that is counted. Selections: Analyses, Hours, Days. Default:
Count Blanks—Determines if blanks are to be includes as an
analysis count. Selections: Yes or No.
Count—The number of times an operation, period or amount
occurs before it is reset. An operation, period or amount is
defined by type. Examples: hours, days or analyses.
Warning—The determined number of analyses that the analyses
counter can reach, before a warning message is displayed,
alerting the operator that periodic maintenance is necessary.
Analysis will not stop when this counter limit is reached. To turn
this function off, enter 0.
Stop—The determined number of analyses that the analyses
counter can reach, before the instrument will automatically stop
and prevent continued analysis. To turn this function off, enter
Resets—The number of times that the maintenance item was
serviced. The resets counter is incremented every time a
maintenance item is checked in the maintenance dialog box.
Reset—Displays the date and time the maintenance counter
was reset.
Comments—A place for the operator to add notes or comments
concerning maintenance.

System Setup C230 4–47

Configure the Analysis Report

A report of analysis results can be generated and printed on the

system printer. Before the report is printed the printed format
should be determined. Configuration is the process of
formatting the report.
Report Configuration permits the operator to select a tabular
report or a report with plots, title the report, select the field to
include in the report, select the text font and color and
configure the plot.

1. Select the Analysis Results that will be included in the

2. Click File and select Print Preview. The Report Settings
Screen will appear.

3. Select the Reports tab.

4. Click the Report Format drop down box and select the
desired report type.
5. Click the Statistics drop down box and select the desired
statistics report type.

4–48 C230 System Setup

6. Enter a Heading Text to title the report.

Select the Fields

• To print fields as they appear on the spreadsheet do not

Note select Define Reports Fields.
A. Select the Fields tab. If the Field tab is not shown
check Define Reports Field.
B. Select the fields to display in the report. To show an
invisible field, select the field to display and click
Show. To hide a visible field, select the field to hide
and click Hide

Select the Font

C. Select the Font tab.
D. Select the font name, text style, text size and color.

Configure the Plot

E. Select the Plot tab to format the report plot. Refer to
Configure the Spreadsheet, on page 4–51, for
Configure Plot Definitions.

Line Printing

• Line Printing permits the operator to print an analysis result

Note on a single line instead on an entire page. To use Line
Printing a dot matrix printer should be selected.

F. Select the Reports Tab.

G. Check Line Printing to print the selected samples as a
line of text across the page.
H. Check Automatically Print After Each Analysis to print
the analysis result after each sample has been

7. Click OK to save the report style changes.

8. Click OK to preview the print format.
9. Click Print to print the report. The Printer Configuration
screen will appear.
10. Configure the printer if necessary and click OK to print the
report on the system printer.

System Setup C230 4–49

Configure the Screen

Tool Bar
This procedure hides or displays the Toolbar. When displayed
the tool bar is located at the top of the screen and is a quick
way to perform menu functions without accessing the menus.
1. Click View and select Toolbar. A check indicates the
toolbar is displayed.

2. The spreadsheet will automatically display with the Toolbar

hidden or with it displayed.

Status Bar
This procedure hides or displays the Status Bar. When
displayed the Status Bar is located at the bottom of the screen
and displays operational functions of the instrument as they're
currently in progress.
1. Click View and select Status Bar. A check indicates the
Status Bar is displayed.

2. The spreadsheet will automatically display with the Status

Bar hidden or with it displayed.

4–50 C230 System Setup

Configure the Spreadsheet

Configure Spreadsheet customizes the spreadsheet as desired

by the operator. The following items of the spreadsheet can be

• Displayed Fields • Font Name

• Font Style • Font Size
• Font Color • Font Effects
• Line Width • Plot Elements
• Reporting Units • Significant Digits
• Precision • Line Width

1. Click Configuration and select Display. The Display

Configuration screen will appear.

System Setup C230 4–51

2. Click Fields to display or hide a spreadsheet field.
3. To show an invisible field, select the field to display and
click Show.
4. To hide a visible field, select the field to hide and click
5. To change the order of fields shown on the spreadsheet,
select the Field to move, in the fields list box, and click
promote or demote.
6. Click Font to change the font name, style, size, color and
7. Click Element to change the Elements, Reporting Units,
Significant Digits, Plot Color, Plot Pattern, and show or
hide the Baseline.
8. Click OK to close the Display Configuration screen.
9. Click and edit Locked Columns to stop one or more
columns from scrolling when the horizontal scroll bar is
moved. The number of columns, from left to right,
displayed in the spreadsheet on the main screen, will
remain stationary.
10. Click Default to change the display back to the original
factory settings.
11. To automatically adjust the cell width to fit the data, click
Configuration and select Auto Widths. The cell widths will
be automatically adjusted.

Configure Element Definitions

Reporting Units—Permits the operator to select the result units.
This will determine the displayed and printed units. Selections:
Percent, Milligrams, Area and Parts Per Million.
Significant Digits—The number of significant digits displayed in
the result above the plot. Selections: 1 - 6. For PPM the number
of significant digits will be limited to the instrument's
measurement capability.

4–52 C230 System Setup

Method Development

A method is a set of analytical parameters used to control the

instrument during analysis and calculation of the final result.
Before analysis, a method must be created. Refer to the
method definitions below to help create a method for a specific
In addition to creating a method, the methods screen also lists
methods that have been created and saved. If it is desired to
switch methods, or use an old method for a new application, a
method can be selected from this list during the sample login
procedure. Refer to Login a Sample on page 5–65.

• This procedure should be performed before a sample is

Note analyzed.

1. Click Configuration and select Methods, the Method screen

will appear.

2. Click Add to create a method. A row will be added to the

bottom of the spreadsheet.
3. Click a row and enter a method name.
4. Select Ascending to list the method in ascending
alphabetical order.
5. Select Descending to list the method in descending
alphabetical order.
6. To move a selected method up towards the top of the list
select it and click Promote.
7. To move the selected method down towards the bottom of
the list select it and click Demote.

System Setup C230 4–53

8. To remove a counter, select the method and click Delete.
You can only remove a counter that you added.
9. Click Properties. The Method Properties screen will appear.

10. Enter the desired method parameter values for the

parameters listed. It will be necessary to select all the
parameter types, analysis, element, gas dose and furnace
11. Click OK to close the method properties screen.
12. Select a method and click Clone to copy a method and
save it as a different method name. This permits the
operator to edit the new method creating a different one.
13. Select a method and click Delete to remove a method,
14. Click OK.

4–54 C230 System Setup

Method Parameter Definitions
Purge Time—The time before analysis when the furnace is
closed and atmosphere is purged from the combustion area.
Oxygen is flushed into the combustion area to purge
atmospheric gas. Default 1 second.
Delay Time—The amount of time permitted to elapse between
purge time and analysis. This time period helps establish a
stable baseline reference for detection. Default 8 seconds.
Minimum Timeout—The minimum time permitted for analysis.
The analysis will last at least this long. Range 10 to 300
seconds. Default 40 seconds.
Comparator Level—An area of the analysis plot, less than peak
height, measured as a percentage of peak height that will stop
analysis. Refer to Comparator Level page 7–8. Range 0 to 100
percent. Default 1 percent.
Significant Digits—The number of digits displayed in the
analysis result. This includes digits to the right and left of the
decimal point. Range 0 to 5. Default 3 digits.

System Setup C230 4–55

Sample Templates

Sample Templates is a quick way for the operator to login a

sample and enter a method, comment and description. After a
Sample Template has been created refer to page 5–69,
Login using a Sample Template.

Create a Sample Template

1. Click the Configuration menu and select Sample Templates
the Sample Templates screen will appear.

2. Double click on the last empty cell under the Name column
and enter the template name. The cursor must appear
before text can be entered.
3. Double click in the other cells to the right of the name cell
to enter a method, comment and description into those
4. Click Add to save the sample template.
5. Select Ascending to list the sample templates in ascending
alphabetical order.
6. Select Descending to list the sample templates in
descending alphabetical order.
7. To move a selected sample templates up towards the top
of the list select it and click Promote.
8. To move the selected sample templates down towards the
bottom of the list select it and click Demote.
9. To remove a sample template, select the sample template
and click Delete.
10. Click OK to close the sample template screen.

4–56 C230 System Setup


A Calibration Standard is a sample of known type and value.

Standards are used to calibrate the instrument for best
accuracy. Since calibration standards are usually purchased and
their value remains consistent, a list of standard samples and
associated information can be stored and accessed when
Standards creates a list of calibration standards for use during
calibration. This list can be accessed and found under the
Configuration menu.

• A Standard can be used to perform automatic calibration

Notes checks if the upper and lower control limits are set and Yes
is selected for standard check.

• A Standard cannot be used to calibrate or drift correct a

method until it is defined as a Standard.

1. Click Configuration and select Standards. The standards

screen will appear.

2. Click Add to list a standard. A row will be added to the

bottom of the spreadsheet.
3. Click the row and enter a standard name, lot number,
value and control limit.

• If a standard is selected as a check standard and the Lower

Notes Control Limit (LCL) or Upper Control Limit (UCL) is exceeded
the result will be shown in red in the spreadsheet. This lets
the operator know a drift sample should be performed.

• If an LCL or UCL value is not entered analysis will continue

regardless of the result data.

System Setup C230 4–57

4. Select Descending to list the standard in descending
alphabetical order.
5. To move a selected standard up towards the top of the list
select it and click Promote.
6. To move the selected standard down towards the bottom
of the list select it and click Demote.
7. To remove a standard, select the standard and click
Delete. You can only remove a standard that you added.
8. Click OK to list the standard.
9. If it becomes necessary to delete a standard select the
standard to delete and click Delete.

Standards Definitions
Standard Name—This is the name of the Standard defined by
the operator. The part number or lot number of the standard
can be used in place of the name.
(Element) Percent—The value of the standard. This is the
carbon or sulfur value taken from the label.

4–58 C230 System Setup

System Configuration

System Configuration sets the overall instrument operating

settings and parameter values. In addition, the settings for the
Serial Port and Balance can be changed. The settings and
parameters are listed under system configuration definitions.

1. Click Configuration and select the System. The System

Configuration screen will appear.

2. Click the desired System tab.

3. Click the edit box next to the right of desired parameter to
change and enter the new setting.
4. Click OK to save the changes or Cancel to retain the
original system configuration.

System Setup C230 4–59

System Configuration Definitions

System Tab
Significant Digits—The number of digits displayed in all fields of
the spreadsheet except the mass and analysis result. The
number of digits in the mass field is determined from balance
configuration and the number of digits in the result field is
determined by the analysis method.
Reduction Heater (Catalyst) Temperature—The set operating
temperature of the Measure Flow Catalyst Heater. Range 0-
900oC. Default 350oC.
Gas Conservation Timeout—The time in minutes, after analysis,
when the instrument automatically switches to the gas
conservation mode. Range 0 to 600 minutes. Default 15
Gas Conservation Mode—The oxygen flow settings used as gas
conservation. Normal oxygen flow is 3 liters per minute.
Conservation mode changes the oxygen flow to 1 liter per
minute. Off turns the oxygen flow completely OFF. Selections
are OFF or Conservation.
Autocleaner—Configures the instrument for use with the
optional autocleaner. Selections: Enabled (an autocleamer is
installed), Disabled (an autocleaner is not installed).
Door Option—Configures the instrument for use with the
optional dust eject door. Selections: Enabled (a dust eject door
is installed), Disabled (a dust eject door is not installed).
Increment Sample Names—If enabled, and the sample name
ends in a number, the number will be automatically
incremented by one every time a sample is entered. If there is
no number in the sample name one will be added, starting with
2 on the second sample with that name. Standards do not
increment. Selections are Enable or Disable.
Nominal Mass—This is the mass automatically entered when
performing blank and gas dose analysis. The nominal value is
usually 1.000 gram.
Sample Drop Delay—After the crucible is removed from the
furnace it’s placed on the platform before it’s dropped into the
crucible bucket. This parameter sets the amount of time the
crucible remains on the platform to cool before it’s dropped into
the crucible bucket.

4–60 C230 System Setup

Enable Quick Loader—Check this box if you have a quick loader
(autoloader) in use with the determinator.
Clean Before Load—Check this box to activate the autocleaner
and clean the combustion system before loading a sample.

Balance Tab
The Balance Tab is used to configure the balance serial port for
communications with an external balance. The serial port used
by the balance is COM 2.

1. Click Configuration and select Balance. The Balance

Configuration screen will appear.

2. Click the desired configuration tab.

3. Click the edit box next to the right of desired parameter to
change and enter the new setting. To select a language
from the language tab, click the edit box and select a
4. Click OK to save the changes or Cancel to retain the
original system configuration.

System Setup C230 4–61

Balance Definitions
Baud Rate—Select the data transmission speed between the
computer and the balance. Selection: 1200 through 19200 bits
per second (bps). Default: 1200 bps.
Data Bits—Selects the number of transmitted data bits per
byte. Selection: 6 through 8. Default: 7.
Parity—Selects the method of error checking. Selection: Even,
Odd or None. Default: Even.
Stop Bits—Selects the number of data bits that are used to
signal the end of transmitted data. Selections: 1 or 2. Default:
Tare Command—The command sent from the instrument that
causes the balance to tare. Selections are <ESC T>, T,
Send Command— The command sent from the instrument that
causes the balance send a mass value back to the instrument.
Selections are <ESC>P<CR><LF>, S<CR><LF>,
SI<CR><LF>, P0<CR><LF>, and P1<CR><LF>.
Readability (Significant Digits)—The number of significant digits
to the right of the mass value transferred from the balance and
entered into the spreadsheet. Range 3 to 6. Default: 4.

4–62 C230 System Setup

Set Barometric Pressure

• The local barometric pressure must be known before the

Note barometric pressure can be set.

1. Click Configuration and select Hardware Calibration. The

Barometric Calibration screen will appear displaying the
last barometric calibration date.

2. Click Next.
3. Wait for the system to stabilize and a barometric pressure
reading to appear.

4. Enter the current barometric pressure obtained from a

local source.
5. Click Next
6. Click Finished to exit the barometric pressure calibration

System Setup C230 4–63

Transmission Formats

Transmission Formats permits the operator to select sample

and data transmission parameters to send to the host
computer. These include:

• Define Fields

• Define Delimiters

• Transmit Automation

• Serial Port Configuration

• Preview screen for previewing the transmit data format.

• More than one Transmission Format can be defined and

Note selected when desired.

Define Fields
• This procedure to select the fields to transmit.

1. Click Configuration and select Transmission Formats.

2. Click Add to create a data transmission format. A row will

be added to the bottom of the spreadsheet.

4–64 C230 System Setup

3. Click a row and enter a format name.
4. Click Properties. The Transmission Formats Properties
screen will appear.
5. Select the Fields tab.

6. For each field to transmit, select the field from the fields
list box and click Add to add a field or click Remove to
remove a field.
7. To move a selected field up towards the top of the list
select it and click Promote.
8. To move the selected field down towards the bottom of the
list select it and click Demote.
9. Click the arrow in the Average drop down box to select
Off, ON or Group by Sample Name or Prefix.
OFF—Doesn’t average results.
ON—Averages selected results.
Group by Sample Name or Prefix—Averages a group of
sample results with a common sample name or prefix.
10. Click OK to close the Transmission Formats Properties

System Setup C230 4–65

Define Delimiters

• A delimiter is a character that separates fields of data. Use

Note this procedure to select the delimiters to transmit.

1. Click Configuration and select Transmission Formats. The

Transmission Formats screen will appear.

2. Click the Properties tab. The Transmission Properties

screen will appear.

4–66 C230 System Setup

3. Click the Delimiters tab. The Delimiters screen will appear.

4. Click the check boxes and radio buttons to select Format,

Headers, Field delimiter, Start of Transmission delimiter,
End of Transmission delimiter and Text Format.

• Click the radio button to select “Other” and enter an

Note undefined delimiter.

5. Click OK to close the Delimiters screen.

System Setup C230 4–67

Communication Settings

1. Click Configuration and select Transmission Formats. The

Transmission Formats screen will appear.

2. Click the Properties tab. The Transmission Properties

screen will appear.

4–68 C230 System Setup

3. Click the Communications Settings tab. The
Communications Settings Configuration screen will appear.

4. Click the radio button and select either Unicode or ASCII

5. Click the radio button and select Serial Port or Network.
6. Click Configure to configure serial or network
7. If serial port was selected the Serial Port Configuration
screen will appear. Select the Port, Baud Rate, Data Bits,
Parity, Stop Bits and Flow Control.

System Setup C230 4–69

8. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
9. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making

4–70 C230 System Setup

Preview Transmitted Data

This screen permits the operator to preview the Transmitted

Data Format after it is setup. If changes are necessary they can
be done before closing this procedure.

1. Click Configuration and select Transmission Formats. The

Transmission Formats screen will appear.

2. Select a Transmission Format.

3. Click the Properties tab. The Transmit Data Properties
screen will appear.

System Setup C230 4–71

4. Click the Preview tab. The Transmit Data Preview screen
will appear with the transmitted data shown.

5. Click OK to close the Transmit Data Preview screen.

4–72 C230 System Setup

Select Language

• Select Language permits the operator to change the

Notes language of the text displayed in the software.

• Select Language will not change the language of the text

displayed in the electronic manual.

1. Click the Configuration menu and select Select Language

the Select Language screen will appear.

2. Select the desired language and click OK. The display text
will appear in the language selected.

System Setup C230 4–73


Users permits the laboratory manager to assign users

(operators), passwords and grant permissions to the assigned
operator. Permissions are selected instrument procedures and
functions that are available to the operator. Users adds security
to the system and prevents unauthorized operations that could
cause damage or inaccurate analysis results.
Users are assigned from the Windows operating system. It is
important that you’re familiar with the Windows operating
system to complete this procedure. For additional information
about users refer to the Help files provided with the operating

Add User
• You must be logged on as a member of the Administrators
Notes group to assign Users and Passwords. Refer to Windows
Help for more information.

• Although the organization or owner of the instrument

usually determines system setup, LECO suggests that the
lab manager be given administration privileges and all other
users be given limited privileges.

• The procedure should be used for Windows® 2000 or

Windows® XP.

1. To add a user using the Windows operating system follow

the steps outlined in Windows Help. To access the
Windows Help:
A. Click on the Windows Start menu.
B. Click Help.
C. Click the Index tab.
D. Click the entry box and type “users”
E. From the list click “adding users”.
F. Follow the Help procedure.
2. When finished close Windows Help.

4–74 C230 System Setup

Assign User Functions
• You must be logged on as a member of the Administrators
Note group to Assign User Functions.

1. Click Configuration and select Users. The Users screen will


System Setup C230 4–75

2. Click Properties, the User Properties screen will appear.

3. Click the desired permission check boxes to select the

functions the user can or cannot access. An X indicates
access is granted.
4. Click OK to close and save the user selected functions.

• To prevent a user from making changes to their account

Note and other accounts the Administrator creating the user
account must make sure Edit Users is NOT checked when
the account is created.

4–76 C230 System Setup

Sample Filters

Sample filters permits the operator to display sample data

based on a predefined requirement. Fields can be selected to
display a certain name or value. Fields can also be
mathematically compared and displayed according to a
There are three predefined fields:
All Samples—displays all the sample data in the database.
Today’s Samples—displays all samples run today.
Method samples—displays all the samples run using a Method.

Apply a Filter and Sort Sample Data

1. From the Configuration menu, click Sample Filters. The
Sample Filters dialog box will appear.

• The filters All Samples and Today’s Samples will always

Note appear. In addition, a filter will appear for each defined

2. Select a sample filter and click OK. The dialog box will
disappear and the sample grid will reappear with the filter
3. Click Cancel to exit without applying the filter.

System Setup C230 4–77

Define a Filter to Apply
1. From the Configuration menu, click Sample Filters. The
Sample Filters Selection dialog box will appear.

2. Click Add to define and add a sample filter to the list. A

new filter with the filter name New Filter will be added to
the list.
3. To define the new filter select New Filter and click
Properties. The Properties Dialog Box will appear.

4. From the Properties Dialog Box you can define the filter.
5. Click the Filter Name to enter and change the filter name.
This is the name that will appear in the Sample Filter
Selection dialog box.

4–78 C230 System Setup

6. Click the cell under Field and enter a sample field to sort.
As examples, you can sort on sample name or method. A
drop down arrow will appear. Select the desired field from
the list.
7. Click the cell under With to select the value. As an
example, the field name can be a specific sample name.
Equal will automatically appear in the Compare field.
8. If you enter a numeric value in the With field click the
compare cell and enter the desired operator. Operators
are; equal, greater than, greater than or equal, less than,
or less than equal. The filed name will be sorted with the
value using the compare operator.
9. For multiple criteria select And/Or in the first column.
10. Select a filter and click Fields to select the fields to display
when the filter is used.
11. Select a filter and click Delete to delete the filter.

Automatically Reapply the Sample Filter

"Automatically Reapply Sample Filters" should be used to
reapply filters that select different samples at different times.
For example, if you create a filter called "last month's samples"
that displays samples from the previous 30 days, it will show
samples from the last 30 days when it’s first applied. If it’s not
reapplied for another 60 days then by that point it will have
samples from the previous 90 days—the samples that originally
matched the filter plus all the new ones added since. To
prevent this from happening, automatically reapply the filter
every day, preferably at a time when the instrument isn’t being
The start time is the first time the sample filter will be
refreshed. The frequency controls subsequent refreshes. If you
set the start time to today at 8:30 PM, then if you set the
refresh to every 12 hours it will refresh at 8:30 PM tonight,
8:30 AM tomorrow morning, 8:30 PM tomorrow night, etc. If
you set the refresh to every 2 days, then it would update at
8:30 PM tonight, 8:30 PM two days from now, etc.

System Setup C230 4–79

1. From the Configuration menu, click Sample Filters. The
Sample Filters dialog box will appear.

2. Select the filter to automatically apply and click Properties.

The Properties Dialog Box will appear.
3. Check Automatically Reapply Sample Filters.
4. Enter the time, date and update frequency.

4–80 C230 System Setup

User Defined Fields

User Defined Fields is used to add unique fields to the

spreadsheet and sample login screen. The field can include a
formula for calculation or contain only text.

1. From the Configuration menu, click User Defined Fields.

The User Defined Fields dialog box opens.

2. Click the Add button to add a user defined field to the

spreadsheet. The field will also appear on the Sample
Login screen.
3. Click in the cell under name and enter a name for the
added field.
4. If the field will be used for a calculation enter a formula for
calculation within the field. Refer to Functions on page 4–
5. Check Read Only to restrict the operator from making
changes to the field.
6. Check Numeric to restrict text from the field and only
display numeric information.
7. Under Format enter the number formatting. Refer to
Number Formatting on page 4–85.
8. Click OK to add the new user defined field to the
spreadsheet and sample login screen.

System Setup C230 4–81

• The term “exp” means expression, which may be a single
Notes number or a function that returns a number.

• The term “cond(x)” means a comparison user (<, >, =, etc.

. . ) or the @AND, @OR, and @XOR functions.

• The @IF function evaluates its condition expression and

then performs the operations in either the “true” or “false”

• The examples below illustrate how the different functions

may be used. To help illustrate this, the concentration
values for N and N2 will be defined as 0.8767 and as 1.0276

4–82 C230 System Setup

Function Definition
+ Plus
- Minus
* Multiply
/ Divide
^ Raise to the power
= Equal
!= Not equal
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to

System Setup C230 4–83

Function Definition Example Function Result

[“Analyte Name”] Analyte concentration [Carbon ppm] 0.8767


@Average(“<element Average Analyte @Average [Carbon 0.8767

name>”) Concentration Value ppm]

@ABS(exp) Absolute value @ABS [Carbon ppm]-[ -0.1509

Carbon Blank]

@LOG10(exp) Log base 10 @LOG10 [Carbon ppm] -0.0571

@Log(exp) Natural log @Log [Carbon] -0.1316

@SQRT(exp) Square root @SQRT [Carbon] 0.9363

@Maximum(exp1, exp2) Finds Maximum @Maximum [Carbon 1.0276

ppm]-, [Carbon Blank]

@Minimum(exp1, exp2) Finds Minimum @Minimum [Carbon 0.8767

ppm]-, [Carbon Blank]

@Calculate(exp, Number Format (final @Calculate [Carbon 1.03

“Format”) answer) ppm], “F3.2”

@SigFigs(exp, ‘Format”) Number Format (may be @SigFigs([Carbon ppm], 1.03

used in further “F3.2”)

@IF(cond, true, false) If conditional @IF([N]>1.0, [Carbon 0.8767

ppm], [Carbon ppm])

@AND(cond1, cond2) Logical and @IF(@AND([Carbon 0.8767

ppm]>=1, [Carbon
ppm]>1), [Carbon
ppm], [Carbon ppm])

@OR(cond1, cond2) Logical or @IF(@OR([Carbon 1.0276

ppm]>1, [Carbon
ppm]>1), [Carbon
ppm], [Carbon ppm])

@XOR(cond1, cond2) Exclusive or @IF(@XOR([Carbon 1.0276

ppm]>1, [Carbon
ppm]>1), [Carbon
ppm], [Carbon ppm])

4–84 C230 System Setup

Number Formatting
Formatting creates a string representation of the floating point
numeric value from the supplied format string:
[A|, [Sn.m], [En.m], [n.m], [#~##.#~###] and [In]
A = Specifies automatic or default format. Also used if format
field is blank.
S = Specified scientific notation. When used with F,S,E or I, #
preceding the decimal define significant digits and # after the
decimal m define precision.
E = Specifies engineering format (Scientific format where
exponent mod 3 == 0).
F = Specifies the number of specific digits.
I = Specifies integer.
n = Specifies the number of significant digits to be represented.
When n is not specified the default value is DBL_DIG.
m = Specifies the maximum number of digits after the decimal
place. When m is not specified the default value is DBL_DIG.
0.123456 F4.5 0.1235
0.000789 F3.5 0.00079
0.000789 F3.2 0.00
321.8765 F3.5 322
0.123456 S4.5 1.234E-1
0.000789 S3.5 7.9E-4
0.000789 S3.2 0.00E+0
321.8765 S3.5 3.22E+2
0.123456 E4.5 123.5E-3
0.000789 E3.5 790E-6
0.000789 E3.2 0.00E+0
321.8765 E3.5 322E+0
321.8765 I2 320

System Setup C230 4–85

This page intentionally left blank.

4–86 C230 System Setup

5 Operation
5 Operation

• For instruments using Windows® software refer to the

Windows® instructions listed on page 5–49.

• For instruments using DSP software refer to the instructions

Keypad listed on page 5–7.

Keypad Operation Contents:

Operation Guidelines...........................................................5–7
Before an Analysis ......................................................... 5–8
After an Analysis ........................................................... 5–9
After Use...................................................................... 5–9
Crucibles ......................................................................... 5–10
Sample Preparation .......................................................... 5–12
Sample Size................................................................ 5–12
Blank Samples ............................................................ 5–12
Analyze Menu .................................................................. 5–13
Screen Description....................................................... 5–13
Delete Weight ............................................................. 5–15
Insert Weight.............................................................. 5–16
Print Weights .............................................................. 5–17
System Controls .......................................................... 5–18
Definitions and Ranges ............................................ 5–19
Clean Switch............................................................... 5–20
With Autocleaner .................................................... 5–20

Operation C230 5–1

Without Autocleaner................................................ 5–21
Balance Weight ........................................................... 5–22
Transmit Last.............................................................. 5–23
Select Method ............................................................. 5–24
Sample Weight Entry ........................................................ 5–25
Sample Analysis ............................................................... 5–27
Calibrate Menu................................................................. 5–29
Calibration Results Format Selection............................... 5–30
Clear Selection ............................................................ 5–31
Calculate Calibration .................................................... 5–32
Edit Calibration ........................................................... 5–34
Calculate Blank ........................................................... 5–35
Edit Blank................................................................... 5–37
Recalculate Results ...................................................... 5–38
Results Menu ................................................................... 5–40
Results Format Selection .............................................. 5–42
Clear Selections .......................................................... 5–43
Delete Selected Results ................................................ 5–44
Statistics .................................................................... 5–45
Definitions ............................................................. 5–46
Print Selected Results .................................................. 5–47
Transmit Selected Results............................................. 5–48
Operation for Windows® .................................................... 5–49
Windows Software Menus .................................................. 5–54
File Menu ................................................................... 5–54
Print ..................................................................... 5–54
Print Preview ......................................................... 5–54
Print Setup ............................................................ 5–54
Exit ...................................................................... 5–54
Edit Menu ................................................................... 5–55
Insert ................................................................... 5–55
Fill........................................................................ 5–55
Cut....................................................................... 5–55
Copy..................................................................... 5–55
Paste .................................................................... 5–55
View Menu.................................................................. 5–56

5–2 C230 Operation

Tool Bar ................................................................ 5–56
Status Bar ............................................................. 5–56
First Row............................................................... 5–56
Analysis Row.......................................................... 5–56
Last Row ............................................................... 5–56
Samples Menu ............................................................ 5–57
Login .................................................................... 5–57
Balance ................................................................. 5–57
Analyze ................................................................. 5–57
Abort .................................................................... 5–57
Pause ................................................................... 5–58
Queued Samples .................................................... 5–58
Promote ................................................................ 5–58
Promote: Analyze Next ............................................ 5–58
Demote................................................................. 5–58
Recalculate ............................................................ 5–58
Transmit ............................................................... 5–58
Text Import Data.................................................... 5–58
Text Export Data .................................................... 5–59
Text Export Buffers ................................................. 5–59
Delete................................................................... 5–59
Configuration Menu...................................................... 5–60
Calibrations ........................................................... 5–60
Blank .................................................................... 5–60
Drift ..................................................................... 5–60
Linearizations......................................................... 5–61
Standards.............................................................. 5–61
Methods ................................................................ 5–61
Counters ............................................................... 5–61
Sample Templates .................................................. 5–61
User Defined Fields ................................................. 5–61
System ................................................................. 5–61
Users .................................................................... 5–62
Transmission Formats ............................................. 5–62
Select Language ..................................................... 5–62
Auto Widths ........................................................... 5–62

Operation C230 5–3

Display.................................................................. 5–62
Sample filters......................................................... 5–62
Hardware Calibrations ............................................. 5–62
Diagnostics Menu ........................................................ 5–63
Leak Check ............................................................ 5–63
Ambients............................................................... 5–63
Switches ............................................................... 5–63
Solenoids .............................................................. 5–63
Comport................................................................ 5–63
Maintenance Menu....................................................... 5–64
Login .................................................................... 5–64
View Log File.......................................................... 5–64
Login a Sample ................................................................ 5–65
Sample Login Definitions .............................................. 5–67
Balance Login ............................................................. 5–68
Login using a Sample Template ..................................... 5–69
Analyze a Sample ............................................................. 5–70
Pause / Delay Analysis ...................................................... 5–71
Remove a Programmed Pause or Delay........................... 5–72
Delete a Sample............................................................... 5–73
Print Sample Results ......................................................... 5–74
Transmit ......................................................................... 5–76
Recalculate Result ............................................................ 5–77
Calibration....................................................................... 5–78
Blank Calibration ......................................................... 5–78
Standard Calibration .................................................... 5–78
Drift Correction ........................................................... 5–78
Blank Calibration .............................................................. 5–79
Standard Calibration ......................................................... 5–80
Standard Calibration Definitions................................ 5–82
Drift Correction ................................................................ 5–83
Drift Correction ........................................................... 5–84
Data Management ............................................................ 5–85
Insert Data into the Spreadsheet ................................... 5–85
Insert a Sample Out-of-Sequence .................................. 5–86
Fill Selected Cells with the Same Values.......................... 5–86

5–4 C230 Operation

Select First Row in the Spreadsheet ............................... 5–87
Select the Analysis Row in the Spreadsheet..................... 5–87
Select Last Row in the Spreadsheet................................ 5–87
Export Data ..................................................................... 5–88
Export Configuration .................................................... 5–88
Filename ............................................................... 5–88
Export Definitions .............................................. 5–89
Fields.................................................................... 5–90
Delimiters.............................................................. 5–91
Automation............................................................ 5–92
Advanced .............................................................. 5–93
Preview ................................................................. 5–94
Text Export Data ......................................................... 5–95
Export Text Buffers ...................................................... 5–96
Import Data .................................................................... 5–97
Transmit Selected Samples ................................................ 5–98
Clipboard Use .................................................................. 5–99
Cut Data to the Clipboard ............................................. 5–99
Copy Data to the Clipboard ........................................... 5–99
Paste Data from the Clipboard ....................................... 5–99
Configure Result Plot....................................................... 5–100
Display the Menu....................................................... 5–100
Selection Procedures ............................................. 5–100

Operation C230 5–5

This page intentionally left blank.

5–6 C230 Operation

Operation Guidelines

Listed below are guidelines that should be followed before

analysis, after analysis and after use. By using this information,
along with the procedures in the Operation Chapter, the
operator will be able to obtain the best possible performance
from this instrument.

• Do not turn the AC power off to the instrument unless it

Note malfunctions or it's not going to be used for an extended
period of time.

• If the gas is turned off for eight hours or more, do not

perform an analysis until the gas has been turned on for at
least one hour.

• The piston should be left up with the crucible removed when

the furnace is not in use.

• Refer to Before Analysis for before analysis guidelines.

• Refer to After Analysis for after analysis guidelines.

• Refer to After Use for after use guidelines.

Operation C230 5–7

Before an Analysis
Before a sample can be analyzed and an accurate result
obtained, the instrument must be prepared for analysis. This
includes inspecting and cleaning the combustion system o-
rings, performing a system leak check, selecting or creating a
method, performing a blank calibration and then performing a
standard calibration.

• This procedure prepares the instrument for analysis, not the

Notes sample. Refer to Sample Preparation on page 5–12 for
sample preparation procedures.

• Some of the following procedures can be performed from

the DSP Keypad or from Windows®. Refer to the pages that
apply to your instrument.

1. Perform daily maintenance before the start of analysis.

A. Inspect and grease the Combustion O-rings. Refer to
Combustion Zone O-rings, page 6–16.
B. Clean the Autocleaner and Mesh Filter. Refer to
Autocleaner, page 6–6.
C. Perform a Leak Check. Refer to page 8–9 or 8–18.
2. Verify that the gas is turned on.
3. Verify that the oven is on and reached the proper
temperature. Refer to Ambient Monitor, page 8–4 or 8–21.
4. Select or create a Method to use for analysis. Reference
application notes to determine the method parameter
values to enter. Refer to Method Development page 4–32
or 4–53.
5. Analyze 3 to 5 blank conditioning samples. This will purge
the system before analysis.
6. Analyze 3 to 5 blanks and perform a Blank Calibration.
This will set the blank calibration value. Refer to
Blank Calibration page 5–35 or 5–79.
7. Analyze a Blank Check Sample to determine if the blank
value was set properly. Refer to Login a Sample page 5–
25 or 5–65.
8. Perform a Drift Correction and analyze 3 to 5 standard
samples. This will set the drift correction value. Refer to
Drift Correction page 5–83 (Windows® Only).

5–8 C230 Operation

9. Analyze a Standard Check Sample to determine if the drift
value was set properly. Refer to Drift Correction page 5–
83 (Windows® Only).
10. At this point the instrument is ready for Sample Analysis.
Refer to Analyze a Sample on page 5–27 or 5–70.

After an Analysis
When an analysis is complete, the furnace automatically shuts
OFF, a signal sounds, and the spreadsheet shows the final
result. If Line Printing and Automatically Print After Each
Analysis is selected, the printer will print the analysis result.
Refer to Configure the Analysis Report, page 4–48 (Windows®

After Use
The AC power to the instrument should remain on at all times.
If the power to the instrument is switched off for any reason a
one-hour warm-up is necessary before analyzing samples.
The instrument automatically switches to conservation (low gas
flow) after an amount of time specified by the Conservation
Time-out in System Configuration, page 4–18 or 4–59.
Remove the crucible from the furnace after use.

• The furnace should be closed except when loading and

Note unloading samples or when maintenance is being
performed. If the furnace is left open for an extended period
of time, analyze 3 to 5 conditioner samples before resuming
normal operation.

Operation C230 5–9


When analyzing low carbon (<0.1%)

standards, pre-baking the crucibles is necessary to achieve the
best results. The crucibles are “burned off” by firing them at
1350ºC (2500ºF) for at least 20 minutes in a TF-10 LECO Tube
Furnace. Loading and unloading the crucibles into the tube
furnace is crucial to ensuring they are sufficiently prepared for
low-concentration analyses.

• Prior to loading the crucibles, verify that the tube furnace is

Note regulating at 1350ºC.

The proceeding discussion describes the steps necessary to

prepare crucibles using one side of the TF-10 Tube Furnace.
The second tube of the TF-10 can be utilized by repeating the
same procedure listed below.

1. From the back of the tube furnace feed 12 crucibles

oriented on their side into one the furnace. After the 12th
crucible has been loaded, push it further into the furnace
with a device such as the LECO boat puller (616-063) until
a gap of approximately 5 inches is left between the back of
this crucible and the end of the ceramic tube. This gap will
ensure that the first set of 6 crucibles is oriented in the
1350oC “hot zone” of the furnace.
2. After the crucibles have baked for at least 20 minutes,
insert another 6 crucibles into the back of the furnace.
Again, leave a gap of approximately 5 inches after the 6th
crucible is inserted. These new crucibles will push the first
set of 6 crucibles into a cooler portion of the furnace and
the middle set of 6 crucibles in the “hot zone”. A total of
18 crucibles should now be loaded in the furnace.
3. Wait at least another 20 minutes for the first set of 6
crucibles to cool and the middle set of 6 to bake. Remove
the first 6 crucibles from the furnace and place them on a
heat-resistant surface.

5–10 C230 Operation

WARNING Even though these crucibles have been “cooling”
in a cooler portion of the tube furnace they are
still hot (up 600ºC). Do not touch these crucibles
with bare hands. Use only crucible tongs (661-
929) to transfer the crucibles. The last two
crucibles removed from the furnace may still be
too hot to place directly on a crucible tray. They
can be allowed to cool in the front of the furnace
for approximately 60-90 seconds prior to

4. Transfer the crucibles to a desiccator for storage if they

will not be immediately used for analysis.
5. Repeat this process of loading and unloading 6 crucibles at
a time as needed to ensure the crucibles are sufficiently
pre-baked and subsequently cooled.

• If the crucibles are not used within 4 hours of being

Note removed from the tube furnace they must be baked again.

Operation C230 5–11

Sample Preparation

CAUTION DO NOT touch the crucibles or sample material.
Touching them or letting dust accumulate on
them will adversely affect analytical results.

Sample Size
The nominal sample weight is 1.0 gram. The lower and upper
limits will depend on the sample material analyzed.

Blank Samples
Blank samples should be 1 scoop Iron Chip and 1 scoop

5–12 C230 Operation

Analyze Menu

Access the analyze screen by pressing [1] Analyze from the

main menu.
0.01010% Carbon

Plate [ ] 0mA
Grid [ ] 0mA

Method 1-Method
ID Code A0000001
Weight 1.0000

1 2 3

Screen Description
The mode of operation is displayed on the top line.
The second line is the result window. The results of the last
analysis (or current analysis if one is in progress) is displayed,
followed by the element type. After each analysis, the result is
placed at the end of the results list and displayed in the results
window. The results list stores up to 50 analyses.
The center block displays the plate current and grid current
readings during an analysis.
The lower block displays the current active method, sample ID
code and sample weight. On the left side the parameter name
is displayed and on the right side the value.
The bottom line displays the number of sample weights that
have been entered. The highlight indicates the position
currently displayed in the weight list.

• Before analyzing any samples, select the appropriate

Note analysis method parameter values. Refer to Select Method,
page 5–24, for more details.

Operation C230 5–13

Weight is the sample weight value in grams. Nominal sample
weight is 1 gram. Samples to be analyzed are taken in the
same order as they were placed in the sample weight list. The
operator must identify and arrange the samples to match the
order of the sample weight entries. The sample weight list will
store up to 10 sample weights in the order in which the
samples were entered.
ID Code assigns a specific label to an analyzed sample for

5–14 C230 Operation

Delete Weight

• Delete weight removes the highlighted sample weight and

Notes ID code from the sample weights list.

• To delete a weight, the cursor must highlight the weight to

be deleted on the bottom line of the analyze screen.

1. While in the sample weights list, press Next/Previous to

select the weight to be deleted.

[1] Delete Weight

[2] Insert Weight
[3] Print Weights
[4] System Controls
[5] Clean Switch
[6] Balance Weight
[7] Transmit Last
[8] Select Method

2. Access the analyze menu by pressing Menu from the

analyze screen.
3. Press [1] Delete Weight to delete the weight from the
weight list.

Operation C230 5–15

Insert Weight

• Insert weight inserts a sample weight and ID code before

Note the position highlighted in the sample weight list.
0.01010% Carbon

Plate [ ] 0mA
Grid [ ] 0mA

Method 1-Method
ID Code A0000001
Weight 1.0000

1 2 3

1. Press Next/Previous to move along the bottom line of the

screen and select the position in the weight list to insert a
2. From the analyze menu, press [2] Insert Weight to insert
a weight into the weight list. The analyze screen will
appear with the weight block highlighted.
3. Enter the weight from the keypad, or press the arrow keys
to move the cursor to the digit to edit and enter the value
from the keypad.

• It is also possible to use the balance for automatic weight

Note entry.

5–16 C230 Operation

Print Weights

• Print weights permits the operator to receive a printout of

Notes the ID code and sample weight list.

• If there are no weights in the sample weights list, the

printer will not print when print weights is selected.

• Weights cannot be printed while an analysis is in progress.

1. To select print weights, the analyze menu must be


[1] Delete Weight

[2] Insert Weight
[3] Print Weights
[4] System Controls
[5] Clean Switch
[6] Balance Weight
[7] Transmit Last
[8] Select Method

2. From the analyze menu, press [3] Print Weights. The

operator will receive a printout of the ID codes and sample
weights in the weight list. After the weights are printed,
the analyze screen will appear.

Operation C230 5–17

System Controls

• System controls permits the operator to manually select the

Notes analysis mode and change the carrier gas flow status, or set
the clean counter value and the clean interval value.

• Although the carrier gas flow status can be set by system

controls, it will automatically change as determined by the
gas conservation time. Refer to System Configuration.

1. From the analyze menu, press [4] System Controls. The

System Controls screen will appear.

System Controls

Analysis Mode Auto

Carrier Gas Off
Clean Counter 17
Clean Interval 10

2. Press Select to scroll through the system controls

parameters. Refer to the Definitions and Ranges, on
page 5–19.
3. Enter the value from the keypad or press the arrow keys
to move the cursor into position to change a digit value.
4. Press Menu to display the system controls menu.
System Controls

[1] Print

5. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the system control

6. Press Exit to remove the system controls menu and return
to the setup menu.

5–18 C230 Operation

Definitions and Ranges
Analysis Mode—Selects the analysis mode of operation, either
automatic or manual. In the automatic mode, analysis begins
when the piston is raised. In the manual mode, analysis begins
when the piston is raised and the start button is pressed.
Default: Auto
Carrier Gas—Selects the oxygen flow: On, Off, or Conserve.
Oxygen flow can be monitored by observing the oxygen flow
rotameter located on the front panel of the instrument.
Default: Off
Clean Counter—This parameter keeps track of the number of
analyses performed before a cleaning cycle. The counter resets
to zero after each cleaning cycle. If the furnace is cleaned
manually before the preset interval, reset the counter to zero
before operation begins. Default: 0
Furnace Clean Interval—The number of analyses performed
before cleaning the furnace. The message Cleaning Time prints
when the interval has elapsed. If the autocleaner is installed,
the autoclean cycle is initiated when the interval elapses.
Default: 20

Operation C230 5–19

Clean Switch
The clean switch function has two modes of operation; with
autocleaner installed or without autocleaner installed. The clean
switch can be used in either mode to close the furnace without
starting an analysis.
During the cleaning process, the vacuum cleaner will
automatically turn on if the autocleaner is installed. If the
autocleaner is not installed, the vacuum cleaner must be turned
on manually.
If the autocleaner is installed, refer to clean counter and
furnace clean interval. These parameters will determine when
the combustion tube is automatically cleaned.

With Autocleaner
1. From the analyze menu, choose [5] Clean Switch. The
piston will drop to the sample load position and the dust
eject door will close.
2. As the process continues, the vacuum cleaner will turn on
and the autocleaner will brush the lance filter and
combustion area. Dirt left from the combustion process
will flow down the combustion tube and be sucked into the
vacuum cleaner.
3. After the cleaning process is complete, the determinator
will beep.
4. Press [5] Clean Switch to raise the lower seal assembly
without starting an analysis. At this point, the next sample
can be loaded.
5. After the cleaning, pressing the piston switch will close the
furnace and start an analysis automatically if a weight is
entered in the weight list.

• The operator should load the next sample on the pedestal

Note before pressing the piston switch.

5–20 C230 Operation

Without Autocleaner
1. From the analyze menu, choose [5] Clean Switch. The
piston will drop to the sample load position.
2. Remove the pedestal from the lower seal assembly.
3. Attach the vacuum cleaner hose to the cleaning cup,
position the cleaning cup onto the lower seal assembly,
and press the piston switch. The cleaning cup and lower
seal assembly will rise.
4. Remove the lance flow fitting and filter cap from the filter
head assembly.
5. Turn the vacuum cleaner on and brush the filter and
combustion area with the wire brush. The dirt left from the
combustion process will flow down the combustion tube
and be sucked into the vacuum cleaner.
6. Turn the vacuum cleaner off and press the piston switch to
release the cleaning cup.
7. Use the wire lance cleaner to clean the lance.
8. Remove the cleaning cup, replace the filter cap, and
reinstall the lance flow fitting and pedestal.
9. Press the piston switch to close the lower seal assembly.
10. Press [5] Clean Switch to raise the lower seal assembly
without starting an analysis.
11. After the cleaning, pressing the piston switch will close the
furnace and start an analysis automatically if a weight is
entered in the weight list.

• The operator should load the next sample on the pedestal

Note before pressing the piston switch.

Operation C230 5–21

Balance Weight

• Balance weight permits the operator to enter a weight from

Notes the balance when the determinator is in the manual weight
entry mode.

• If a key is pressed from the analyze screen to edit a

parameter, the determinator will automatically switch to the
manual weight entry mode.

1. Before using balance weight, be certain that the proper

position in the weight stack is selected. The current weight
in the weight stack will be overwritten.
2. Normal or remote must be selected for the balance mode.
If None is selected, balance weight will not appear on the
analyze menu. Refer to Balance Options, page 4–23.
3. From the analyze screen, press Menu. The analyze menu
will be displayed.

[1] Delete Weight

[2] Insert Weight
[3] Print Weights
[4] System Controls
[5] Clean Switch
[6] Balance Weight
[7] Transmit Last
[8] Select Method

4. From the analyze menu, press [6] Balance Weight. If the

normal mode was selected the weight displayed on the
balance will be displayed on the instrument. Remote is
displayed if the balance was set to the remote mode.

5–22 C230 Operation

Transmit Last

• Transmit last permits the operator to transmit the results of

Notes the last analysis to a peripheral device.

• To configure data transmit for operation with a specific

peripheral device, refer to the System Setup chapter.

• Transmit enable must be set to no.

1. To select transmit last, the analyze menu must be

2. From the analyze screen, press Menu. The analyze menu
will be displayed.

[1] Delete Weight

[2] Insert Weight
[3] Print Weights
[4] System Controls
[5] Clean Switch
[6] Balance Weight
[7] Transmit Last
[8] Select Method

3. From the analyze menu, press [7] Transmit Last. The

results of the last analysis will be transmitted to a
peripheral device. After the results are transmitted the
analyze screen will be displayed.

Operation C230 5–23

Select Method

• Select method permits the operator to quickly select an

Notes defined analysis method.

• Up to five Analysis Methods can be defined from the

analysis method menu and selected from this menu.

• Each analysis method can be calibrated separately. Refer to

Calibrate Menu, page 5–29.

1. From the analyze screen, press Menu. The analyze menu

will be displayed.

[1] Delete Weight

[2] Insert Weight
[3] Print Weights
[4] System Controls
[5] Clean Switch
[6] Balance Weight
[7] Transmit Last
[8] Select Method

2. From the analyze menu, press [8] Select Method. The

select method menu will be displayed.

[1] Method - 1
[2] Method - 2
[3] Method - 3
[4] Method - 4
[5] Method - 5

3. Select the desired method. The analyze screen will be


5–24 C230 Operation

Sample Weight Entry

• Up to 10 sample weights can be stored in the sample

Notes weight list.

• A highlight without a weight position number indicates the

sample weight must be entered.

• The optional balance must be configured to match the

selected balance weight mode. Refer to the Options on page

1. There are four types of weight entry that can be used. The
following procedures describe the use of each entry.
A. None—Without Optional Balance.
1) Sample weight(s) are entered using the keypad.
2) The next key is used after a sample weight has
been entered to advance the cursor for the next
B. Remote—With Optional Balance.
1) Place the crucible on the balance pan and press
Tare on the balance.
2) Add the sample material. When the balance
stabilizes, press Print on the balance to enter the
sample weight in the sample weight list. The
system will automatically advance to the next
sample each time the print key on the balance is
pressed. Press print only once for each weight to
be entered.
C. Normal—With Optional Balance.
1) Place the crucible on the balance pan and press
Tare on the balance.
2) Add the sample material. When the balance
stabilizes, press Next on the determinator keypad
to enter the sample weight in the sample weight

Operation C230 5–25

D. Auto Tare—With Optional Balance.
1) Place the crucible on the balance pan. The
balance will automatically tare for weights over
15 grams.
2) Add the sample material. When the balance
stabilizes press Next on the determinator keypad
to enter the sample weight in the sample weight
2. The select key can be used to move the cursor (highlight)
to edit the sample ID code.

• The ID code will advance as weights are entered.


3. A number key can be pressed at anytime to manually

enter a weight into a highlighted sample weight position.
4. The operator can return to the auto-weigh mode by
selecting menu [6] Balance Weight.

5–26 C230 Operation

Sample Analysis

• All steps in Installation, Initial Power-up, System Check,

Notes and System Setup should be completed before analyzing

• Accurate analysis results are only obtained after the

instrument has been calibrated. Refer to the
Calibrate Menu, page 5–29.

• Before analysis, set the analysis method, system options

and system control parameters. Refer topage 4–32,
Analysis Method Menu, page 4–18, System Setup, and
page 5–18, System Controls.

1. The gas supplies should be on.

• For best results, turn the power off only if the instrument
Note malfunctions. This eliminates the warm-up time delay.

2. Carrier gas should be on. Refer to System Controls

page 5–18.
3. Choose [1] Analyze from the main menu to display the
analyze screen.
0.01010% Carbon

Plate [ ] 0mA
Grid [ ] 0mA

Method 1-Method
ID Code A0000001
Weight 1.0000

1 2 3

4. Load one scoop of Lecocel 2 Accelerator and a Steel Ring

Standard into the Ceramic Crucible.
5. In the analyze screen, enter the sample weight. Then
press Select and enter the ID code. Or, after entering the
sample weight, pressing Next will enter the sample weight.

Operation C230 5–27

• Up to 10 sample weights may be stored in the weight list.

6. Place the crucible and sample onto the pedestal and press
Piston Up/Down. If the determinator is configured for
automatic operation, the sample will be loaded into the
furnace and analysis will begin. If the determinator is
configured for manual operation, press Start to begin the
analysis after the piston rises and the sample is loaded
into the furnace.
7. Adjust the furnace power control for the proper plate
current that varies maximum induction power. Maximum
plate current should be limited to 500 mA to extend the
oscillator tube life.
8. After the sample is analyzed, the results are displayed on
the analyze screen and stored in the results list. Press
Piston Up/Down to lower the piston and remove the

• The results list stores the last 50 sample results analyzed.


9. Repeat this procedure for five samples. Refer to the

Calibrate Menu, page 5–29, and calculate a new calibration
10. Load one scoop of Lecocel 2 Accelerator into the ceramic
crucible. From the keypad, enter a weight of 1 grams. Run
five blanks. Refer to Calibrate Blank, page 5–35, to
determine the blank value.


After the sample burns, the crucible is very hot.
Use tongs to remove the crucible from the
furnace and pedestal. Allow the crucible to cool
before touching the crucible.

5–28 C230 Operation

Calibrate Menu

• Calibration is generally accomplished using standard

Notes samples (samples with known elemental concentrations).
The operator must run at least three analyses of a standard
reference material with a known elemental concentration.

• The calibration value is the slope of a linear calibration while

the blank is the intercept of the linear calibration.

1. From the main menu, press [3] Calibrate. The calibrate

results screen will appear.
Select Results

Select Results
ID Code Carbon
A0000001 0.030
A0000002 0.033
A0000003 0.032
A0000004 0.033
A0000005 0.034
A0000006 0.030
>A0000007 0.031

0 Selected 1 of 7

2. Press the Next/Previous keys to move the cursor down and

up the list of results.
3. Press Select to include a sample and move the cursor up.
4. Press Yes to include a sample. The included sample(s) will
remain highlighted.
5. Press No to exclude a sample. The excluded sample(s) will
not be highlighted.
6. Press Menu to display the calibrate menu.
Select Results
ID Code Carbon

[1] Record Format

[2] List Format
[3] Clear Selections
[4] Calculate Calib
[5] Edit Calibration
[6] Calculate Blank
[7] Edit Blank
[8] Recalculate

0 Selected 1 of 7

Operation C230 5–29

Calibration Results Format Selection

• There are two calibration result formats to select from:

Notes Record Format and List Format.

• See the Results Menu, page 5–40, for more information on

Record Format, List Format, and Clear Selections

1. Press [1] Record Format from the results menu to display

the selected results in the record format.

• The record format is the same as the select results screen

Note which can display up to eleven results at a time.

2. Press Menu to return to the select results screen.

3. Press [2] List Format to display the selected results in the
list format. The list format screen will appear with the
sample result indicated, by an arrow on the record format
screen, displayed.
Select Results

ID Code A0000001
Weight 1.0000
Method Name 1-Method
Results 0.8921
Calib. 0.7863
Blank 0.0000
Time 40
Peak 16462

0 Selected: 1 of 7

• The list format displays one result at a time with more

Note information provided per result.

4. Press Menu to return to the results menu.

5–30 C230 Operation

Clear Selection

• Clear Selection removes the highlight from selected results

Note quickly, giving the operator the opportunity to select other

1. With results selected in the select results screen, press the

Menu key. The calibration menu will be displayed.
Select Results
ID Code Carbon

[1] Record Format

[2] List Format
[3] Clear Selections
[4] Calculate Calib
[5] Edit Calibration
[6] Calculate Blank
[7] Edit Blank
[8] Recalculate

0 Selected 1 of 7

2. Press [3] Clear Selections to remove the highlight from all

selected results. The select results screen will be

Operation C230 5–31

Calculate Calibration

• Calculate calibration allows the operator to calibrate the

Notes instrument based upon a previously analyzed standard.

• A minimum of three to five analyses of a known standard

should be completed before calculate calibration is

• Standard sample results must be selected from the select

results screen before calculate calibration is attempted.

1. Press [4] Calculate Calibration from the calibrate menu to

display the calculate calibration screen.
Calculate Calib

Carbon Yes
Standard 0.35400

Option: Yes Y/N

2. To edit the standard value, enter the value from the

keyboard, or press the arrow keys to move the cursor to a
digit position and enter the digit value with the keypad.
3. Press Yes to continue and display the calibration results
Calibrate Results

Carbon Yes
Standard 0.35400

Option: Yes Y/N

5–32 C230 Operation

4. Press Menu to display the calibration results menu, or Exit
to return to the select results screen and save the new
calibration values.
Calibration Results

[1] Print
[2] Reset Calib.

A. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the calibration

values on the system printer. The new calibration
values will be saved, and the calibration results
screen displayed.
B. Press [2] Reset Calibration to reset the new
calibration values and return to the old calibration
5. Press Exit to return to the select results screen. The new
calibration value will be saved. If reset calibration was
selected, the old calibration value will be saved.

Operation C230 5–33

Edit Calibration

• Edit calibration permits the operator to change the

Notes calibration by entering the calibration value.

• This procedure can be used to enter a predetermined value

or used to replace a calibration value that was lost.

1. Choose [5] Edit Calibration from the calibrate menu to

display the edit calibration screen.
Edit Calibration

Old Calib 1.0512
New Calib 1.1617

2. To edit the calibration value, enter the value from the

keyboard, or press the arrow keys to move the cursor to a
digit and enter the digit value with the keypad.
3. Press Menu to display the calibration results menu, or Exit
to return to the select results screen and save the new
calibration values.
Edit Calibration

[1] Print

4. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the calibration

values on the system printer. The new calibration values
will be saved and the calibration results screen displayed.
5. Press Exit to return to the select results screen and save
the new calibration values.

5–34 C230 Operation

Calculate Blank

• Calculate blank permits the operator to take into account

Notes the carbon content in the accelerator or contamination in
the system or carrier gas. Refer to page 4–34,
Definitions, Ranges and Defaults.

• Blank sample results must be selected from the select

results screen before calculate blank is attempted.

• Use a sample weight of 1.0000 gram.

1. Press [6] Calculate Blank from the calibrate menu to

display the edit blank standard screen.
Calculate Blank

Standard 0.0000

2. To edit the blank value, enter the value from the

keyboard, or press the arrow keys to move the cursor to a
digit and enter the digit value with the keypad.
3. Press Yes to calculate the new blank value, and display the
blank calculation screen.
Blank Results

Old Blank 0.0000
New Blank 0.0012

Operation C230 5–35

4. Press Menu to display the blank results menu.
Blank Results

[1] Print

5. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the new blank

calibration values.
6. Press Exit to return to the select results screen and save
the calculated blank results.

5–36 C230 Operation

Edit Blank

• Edit blank permits the operator to change the blank

Notes calibration value by entering a new blank value.

• This procedure can only be used to enter a predetermined

value. Normal blank calibration should be performed using
calculate blank.

1. Press [7] Edit Blank from the calibrate menu to display the
edit blank screen.
Edit Blank

Old Blank 0.0000
New Blank 0.0012

2. To edit the calibration value, enter the value from the

keyboard, or press the arrow keys to move the cursor to a
digit and enter the digit value with the keypad.
3. Press Menu to display the blank results menu.
Edit Blank

[1] Print

4. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the new blank

calibration values.
5. Press Exit to return to the select results screen and save
the edited blank results.

Operation C230 5–37

Recalculate Results

• Recalculate results permits the operator to recalculate

Notes previous results based on a new calibration value.

• Operator must select the results to be recalculated when

using option [2].

1. Press [3] Calibration from the main menu. The select

results screen will be displayed.
Select Results

ID Code Carbon
A0000001 0.030
A0000002 0.033
A0000003 0.032
A0000004 0.033
A0000005 0.034
A0000006 0.030
>A0000007 0.031

0 Selected 1 of 7

2. Press the Next/Previous keys to move the cursor down and

up the list of results.
3. Press Select to move the cursor up and include a sample.
A. Press Yes to include a sample. The included sample
will be highlighted.
B. Press No to exclude a sample. The excluded sample
will not be highlighted.
4. Press [8] Recalculate from the calibration menu to display
the recalculate results menu.
Select Results
ID Code Carbon

[1] Re-calc Today's

[2] Re-calc Select

2 Selected 1 of 7

5–38 C230 Operation

5. Press [1] Re-calc Today’s to recalculate today’s results
based on the recorded date corresponding to the results.
6. Press [2] Re-calc Select to recalculate the results that
were previously selected.
7. Press Exit to recalculate the selected results and return to
the main menu.

Operation C230 5–39

Results Menu

• The results menu displays the list of analysis results.

• Through this procedure, analysis results can be transmitted
to a data transmit peripheral, used to generate statistics,
printed out, and/or deleted.

• The number of selected results will be displayed on the

bottom line of each results screen.

1. To access the results screen, press [2] Results from the

main menu. The results screen will appear.
Selected Results

ID Code Carbon
A0000001 0.030
A0000002 0.033
A0000003 0.032
A0000004 0.033
A0000005 0.034
A0000006 0.030
>A0000007 0.031

0 Selected 1 of 7

2. Press the Next/Previous keys to move the cursor either

down or up.
3. Press Select to move the cursor up and include a sample.
A. Press Yes to include a sample. The included sample
will be highlighted.
B. Press No to exclude a sample. The excluded sample
will not be highlighted.

5–40 C230 Operation

4. Press the Menu key to display the results menu.
Select Results
ID Code Carbon

[1] Record Format

[2] List Format
[3] Clear Selections
[4] Delete
[5] Statistics
[6] Print
[7] Transmit

5. Press Exit to return to the results screen.

Operation C230 5–41

Results Format Selection

• The record format is the same as the select results screen

Notes that can display up to eleven results at a time.

• The list format displays one result at a time with more

information provided per result.

1. Press [1] Record Format from the results menu to display

the selected results in the record format. The record
format is the same as the select results screen shown
under step 1.
2. Press Menu to return to the select results screen.
3. Press [2] List Format to display the selected results in the
list format. The list format screen will appear with the
sample result indicated by an arrow on the record format
Select Results

ID Code A0000001
Weight 0.1452
Method Name 1-Method
Result 0.8921
Calib 0.7863
Blank 0.00000
Time 40
Peak 16462

0 Selected 1 of 7

5–42 C230 Operation

Clear Selections

• Clear selections removes the highlight from selected results

Note quickly giving the operator the opportunity to select other

1. With results selected on the select results screen, press

the Menu key. The results menu will be displayed.
Select Results
ID Code Carbon

[1] Record Format

[2] List Format
[3] Clear Selections
[4] Delete
[5] Statistics
[6] Print
[7] Transmit

2. Press [3] Clear Selections to remove the highlight from all

selected results. The select results screen will be

Operation C230 5–43

Delete Selected Results
1. Press [4] Delete from the results menu to delete selected
results. The delete results confirmation screen will appear.
Select Results
ID Code Carbon


Delete Results


0 Selected 1 of 7

2. Press Yes to delete the selected results and return to the

results screen.
3. Press No to return to the results screen without deleting
selected results.

5–44 C230 Operation

1. Press [5] Statistics from the results menu to calculate
statistics based on selected results. The statistics screen
will appear.

Average 0.311
Std. Dev. 0.001
RSD 0.039
Points 3


[1] Print

2. Press Menu to display the statistics menu.

3. Press [1] Print to receive a printout of the calculated
4. Press Exit to return to the statistics screen.

Operation C230 5–45

Average—The average value of the selected results.
Standard Deviation—The amount of deviation, from the average
value, where 67% of the measured results range. The standard
deviation calculation uses “n-1" degrees of freedom.
Relative Standard Deviation—The standard deviation compared
to the average value expressed as a percentage.
(STD DEV/AVG) x 100.
Points—The number of selected results used to calculate the
average value and standard deviation.

5–46 C230 Operation

Print Selected Results
Press [6] Print from the results menu to receive a printout on
the system printer of the selected results. The select results
screen will appear.
Select Results

ID Code Carbon
A0000001 0.030
A0000002 0.033
A0000003 0.032
A0000004 0.033
A0000005 0.034
A0000006 0.030
>A0000007 0.031

0 Selected 1 of 2

Operation C230 5–47

Transmit Selected Results
Press [7] Transmit from the results menu to transmit selected
results from the determinator to a peripheral device or
computer. The select results screen will appear.
Select Results

ID Code Carbon
A0000001 0.030
A0000002 0.033
A0000003 0.032
A0000004 0.033
A0000005 0.034
A0000006 0.030
>A0000007 0.031

0 Selected 1 of 2

5–48 C230 Operation

Operation for Windows®

• For instruments using DSP software refer to the instructions

Keypad listed on page 5–1.

• For instruments using Windows® software refer to the

Windows® instructions listed on page 5–49.

Keypad Operation Contents:

Operation Guidelines...........................................................5–7
Before an Analysis ......................................................... 5–8
After an Analysis ........................................................... 5–9
After Use...................................................................... 5–9
Crucibles ......................................................................... 5–10
Sample Preparation .......................................................... 5–12
Sample Size................................................................ 5–12
Blank Samples ............................................................ 5–12
Analyze Menu .................................................................. 5–13
Screen Description....................................................... 5–13
Delete Weight ............................................................. 5–15
Insert Weight.............................................................. 5–16
Print Weights .............................................................. 5–17
System Controls .......................................................... 5–18
Definitions and Ranges ............................................ 5–19
Clean Switch............................................................... 5–20
With Autocleaner .................................................... 5–20
Without Autocleaner................................................ 5–21
Balance Weight ........................................................... 5–22
Transmit Last.............................................................. 5–23
Select Method ............................................................. 5–24

Operation C230 5–49

Sample Weight Entry ........................................................ 5–25
Sample Analysis ............................................................... 5–27
Calibrate Menu................................................................. 5–29
Calibration Results Format Selection............................... 5–30
Clear Selection ............................................................ 5–31
Calculate Calibration .................................................... 5–32
Edit Calibration ........................................................... 5–34
Calculate Blank ........................................................... 5–35
Edit Blank................................................................... 5–37
Recalculate Results ...................................................... 5–38
Results Menu ................................................................... 5–40
Results Format Selection .............................................. 5–42
Clear Selections .......................................................... 5–43
Delete Selected Results ................................................ 5–44
Statistics .................................................................... 5–45
Definitions ............................................................. 5–46
Print Selected Results .................................................. 5–47
Transmit Selected Results............................................. 5–48
Operation for Windows® .................................................... 5–49
Windows Software Menus .................................................. 5–54
File Menu ................................................................... 5–54
Print ..................................................................... 5–54
Print Preview ......................................................... 5–54
Print Setup ............................................................ 5–54
Exit ...................................................................... 5–54
Edit Menu ................................................................... 5–55
Insert ................................................................... 5–55
Fill........................................................................ 5–55
Cut....................................................................... 5–55
Copy..................................................................... 5–55
Paste .................................................................... 5–55
View Menu.................................................................. 5–56
Tool Bar ................................................................ 5–56
Status Bar ............................................................. 5–56
First Row............................................................... 5–56
Analysis Row.......................................................... 5–56

5–50 C230 Operation

Last Row ............................................................... 5–56
Samples Menu ............................................................ 5–57
Login .................................................................... 5–57
Balance ................................................................. 5–57
Analyze ................................................................. 5–57
Abort .................................................................... 5–57
Pause ................................................................... 5–58
Queued Samples .................................................... 5–58
Promote ................................................................ 5–58
Promote: Analyze Next ............................................ 5–58
Demote................................................................. 5–58
Recalculate ............................................................ 5–58
Transmit ............................................................... 5–58
Text Import Data.................................................... 5–58
Text Export Data .................................................... 5–59
Text Export Buffers ................................................. 5–59
Delete................................................................... 5–59
Configuration Menu...................................................... 5–60
Calibrations ........................................................... 5–60
Blank .................................................................... 5–60
Drift ..................................................................... 5–60
Linearizations......................................................... 5–61
Standards.............................................................. 5–61
Methods ................................................................ 5–61
Counters ............................................................... 5–61
Sample Templates .................................................. 5–61
User Defined Fields ................................................. 5–61
System ................................................................. 5–61
Users .................................................................... 5–62
Transmission Formats ............................................. 5–62
Select Language ..................................................... 5–62
Auto Widths ........................................................... 5–62
Display.................................................................. 5–62
Sample filters......................................................... 5–62
Hardware Calibrations ............................................. 5–62
Diagnostics Menu ........................................................ 5–63

Operation C230 5–51

Leak Check ............................................................ 5–63
Ambients............................................................... 5–63
Switches ............................................................... 5–63
Solenoids .............................................................. 5–63
Comport................................................................ 5–63
Maintenance Menu....................................................... 5–64
Login .................................................................... 5–64
View Log File.......................................................... 5–64
Login a Sample ................................................................ 5–65
Sample Login Definitions .............................................. 5–67
Balance Login ............................................................. 5–68
Login using a Sample Template ..................................... 5–69
Analyze a Sample ............................................................. 5–70
Pause / Delay Analysis ...................................................... 5–71
Remove a Programmed Pause or Delay........................... 5–72
Delete a Sample............................................................... 5–73
Print Sample Results ......................................................... 5–74
Transmit ......................................................................... 5–76
Recalculate Result ............................................................ 5–77
Calibration....................................................................... 5–78
Blank Calibration ......................................................... 5–78
Standard Calibration .................................................... 5–78
Drift Correction ........................................................... 5–78
Blank Calibration .............................................................. 5–79
Standard Calibration ......................................................... 5–80
Standard Calibration Definitions................................ 5–82
Drift Correction ................................................................ 5–83
Drift Correction ........................................................... 5–84
Data Management ............................................................ 5–85
Insert Data into the Spreadsheet ................................... 5–85
Insert a Sample Out-of-Sequence .................................. 5–86
Fill Selected Cells with the Same Values.......................... 5–86
Select First Row in the Spreadsheet ............................... 5–87
Select the Analysis Row in the Spreadsheet..................... 5–87
Select Last Row in the Spreadsheet................................ 5–87
Export Data ..................................................................... 5–88

5–52 C230 Operation

Export Configuration .................................................... 5–88
Filename ............................................................... 5–88
Export Definitions .............................................. 5–89
Fields.................................................................... 5–90
Delimiters.............................................................. 5–91
Automation............................................................ 5–92
Advanced .............................................................. 5–93
Preview ................................................................. 5–94
Text Export Data ......................................................... 5–95
Export Text Buffers ...................................................... 5–96
Import Data .................................................................... 5–97
Transmit Selected Samples ................................................ 5–98
Clipboard Use .................................................................. 5–99
Cut Data to the Clipboard ............................................. 5–99
Copy Data to the Clipboard ........................................... 5–99
Paste Data from the Clipboard ....................................... 5–99
Configure Result Plot....................................................... 5–100
Display the Menu....................................................... 5–100
Selection Procedures ............................................. 5–100

Operation C230 5–53

Windows Software Menus

• The information that follows is a list of all the Menus

Note available from the C230 Windows Software. The menus
appear at the top of the screen and drop down when

File Menu
This menu permits the operator to configure and print data on
the system printer, import data from another application
software and export data to a floppy disk.
Click File to display this menu.

Select Print to access the report settings dialog box and print
selected sample results on the system printer. Refer to
Print Sample Results on page 5–74.

Print Preview
Select Print Preview to access the report settings dialog box
and preview how selected samples would print on the system
printer. Refer to Configure the Analysis Report on page 4–48.

Print Setup
Select Print Setup to access the printer setup dialog box and
configure the system printer settings.

Select Exit to stop using the C230 application program and
return to the Windows Operating System.

5–54 C230 Operation

Edit Menu
This menu permits the operator to insert a sample out of
sequence into the spreadsheet, fill a group of cells in the
spreadsheet with the same data, cut and move data to other
cells, copy data to other cells and paste data to other cells.
Click Edit to display this menu.

Select Insert to insert a sample out of sequence, between
unanalyzed samples, into the spreadsheet for analysis. Refer to
Data Management on page 5–85.

Select Fill to quickly fill a group of cells in the spreadsheet with
the same data value. Refer to Data Management on page 5–85.

Select Cut to move data from an entire row in the spreadsheet
to the clipboard. Refer to Clipboard Use on page 5–99.

Select Copy to transfer data from an entire row in the
spreadsheet to the clipboard. Refer to Clipboard Use on page

Select Paste to insert data from the clipboard to a selected row
in the spreadsheet. Refer to Clipboard Use on page 5–99.

Operation C230 5–55

View Menu
This menu permits the operator to turn the tool bar and status
bar ON or OFF and select the first row, last row or analysis row
in the spreadsheet.
Click View to display this menu.

Tool Bar
Select Tool Bar to display or hide the toolbar. Refer to
Configure the Screen on page 4–50.

Status Bar
Select Status Bar to display or hide the status Bar. Refer to
Configure the Screen on page 4–50.

First Row
Select the First Row of analysis data in the spreadsheet. Refer
to Data Management on page 5–85.

Analysis Row
Select the Analysis Row that contains the next sample to be
analyzed in the spreadsheet. Refer to Data Management on
page 5–85.

Last Row
Select the Last Row of analysis data in the spreadsheet. Refer
to Data Management on page 5–85.

5–56 C230 Operation

Samples Menu
This menu permits the operator to log sample data into the
spreadsheet, analyze a sample, abort an analysis, recalculate
results, transmit results and delete a sample from the
Click Samples to display this menu.

Select Login to enter a sample and sample data into the
spreadsheet. Refer to Login a Sample on page 5–65.

Select Balance to enter a mass from the balance into the
sample login screen. Refer to Balance Login on page 5–68.

Select Analyze to login and analyze a sample or analyze a
standard. Refer to Analyze a Sample on page 5–70.

Select Abort to stop an analysis in progress. Refer to
Analyze a Sample on page 5–70.

Operation C230 5–57

The operator can stop or pause analysis at a selected sample
and then resume at a programmed date and time. Refer to
Delay Analysis, page 5–71, for additional information.

Queued Samples
This selection only appears when the quick loader is installed. It
is used to select how many samples are in the quick loader
queue and which pedestals have a crucible and sample set on
them. For more information refer to page. 3–13.

Moves an unanalyzed sample, within the sample list, up the list
towards the next sample to be analyzed.

Promote: Analyze Next

Moves an unanalyzed sample, within the sample list, up the list
and positions it as the next sample to be analyzed.

Moves an unanalyzed sample, within the sample list, down the
list towards the last sample to be analyzed.

After an analysis is complete, Recalculate Results can be used
to recalculate the result if the extraction data or calibration has
changed. Refer to Calculate a Result on page 5–77.

Select Transmit to transfer selected sample results to a host
computer. Refer to Transmit on page 5–76.

Text Import Data

Used to import sample data from another software application.
Refer to Import Data, page 5–97, for additional information.

5–58 C230 Operation

Text Export Data
Used to export sample data to another storage location like a
floppy disk. Refer to Text Export Data, page 5–95, for
additional information.

Text Export Buffers

Used to export selected sample plot data to a file or another
application. Refer to Export Text Buffers, page 5–96, for
additional information.

Select Delete to remove a selected sample from the
spreadsheet. Refer to Delete a Sample on page 5–73.

Operation C230 5–59

Configuration Menu
This menu is used for instrument calibration, to configure the
instrument hardware, to create a method, to configure the
software and for maintenance configuration.
Click Configuration to display this menu.

Select Calibrations to set the accuracy of the instrument to that
of known calibration standard samples. Refer to Calibration on
page 5–78.

Select Blank to calculate the system blank and compensate for
it when calculating the analysis result. Refer to Blank Calibration
on page 5–79.

Select Drift to compensate standard calibration and account for
variances or Drift in the instrument hardware that can slightly
change the calibration. Refer to Drift Correction on page 5–83.

5–60 C230 Operation

Select Linearizations to enter the IR cell reference and
saturation values. Breaks and slopes are not typically set, they
are provided for those who wish to modify the linearity of the
instrument. Refer to Linearization on page 10–32.

Select Standards to create a list of standard calibration
samples. Refer to Standards on page 4–57.

Select Method to create a set of analysis parameter values for
analysis. Refer to Method Development on page 4–53.

Select Counters to automatically determine when periodic
maintenance is necessary. Maintenance data that was entered
into Login Periodic Maintenance is used by the counters to
determine when maintenance is necessary. Refer to
Login Periodic Maintenance on page 6–24.

Sample Templates
Sample Templates is a quick way for the operator to login a
sample and enter a method, comment and description. Select
Sample Template to develop a specific sample template. After a
sample template is developed, use Login Using a Sample
Template to login a sample with predetermined sample analysis
data. Refer to Sample Templates on page 4–56.

User Defined Fields

Permits the operator to add a unique field to the spreadsheet
and sample login screen. The field can include a formula for
calculation or contain only text. Refer to User Defined Fields,
page 4–81, for additional information.

Select System Configuration to set the overall instrument
operating settings and configure the instrument for a specific
application or set of applications. Refer to System Configuration
on page 4–59.

Operation C230 5–61

Select Assign User Functions to grant permissions that a user
can use while operating the instrument. Refer to Users on page

Transmission Formats
Before data can be transmitted to a host computer, the
transmitted data format must be configured to match. Use
Transmission Formats to Configure Data Transmission. Refer to
Transmission Formats on page 4–64.

Select Language
Select Language to determine and change the language of text
display by the software. Refer to Select Language on page 4–

Auto Widths
Select Auto Widths to automatically adjust the width of each
cell to fit the text. Refer to Configure the Spreadsheet on page

Select Display to set the desktop characteristics as viewed on
the computer monitor. Refer to Configure the Spreadsheet on
page 4–51.

Sample filters
Sample filters permits the operator to display sample data
based on a predefined requirement. Refer to Sample Filters on
page 4–77.

Hardware Calibrations
Hardware Calibration permits the operator and service person
to calibrate the Back Pressure Controller, Catalyst Heaters, and
Oxygen Flow Rate. Refer to Hardware Calibrations starting on
page 10–3.

5–62 C230 Operation

Diagnostics Menu
This menu is used to perform a leak check, monitor the
instrument operating parameters, toggle the solenoid valves,
monitor the electrical switch states and check communications
between the instrument and PC.
Click Diagnostics to display this menu.

Leak Check
Select Leak Check to check and determine if the instrument has
an oxygen or pneumatic gas leak. Refer to Leak Check on page

Select Ambients to monitor the system operating parameters
and display the ambient monitor. All parameters can be
displayed. Refer to Ambient Monitor on page 8–21.

Select Switches to view the electrical switch states. None of the
states can be changed from this screen. Refer to Switches on
page 8–25.

Select Solenoids to toggle the solenoid valves to check
operation, diagnose instrument problems and perform periodic
maintenance. Refer to Solenoids on page 8–26.

Select Comport to check the transfer of data between the PC
and the instrument. Refer to Comport on page 8–27.

Operation C230 5–63

Maintenance Menu
This menu permits the operator to login periodic maintenance
and view the maintenance log file.
Click Maintenance to display this menu.

Select Login to login periodic maintenance after it was
performed. Refer to Login Periodic Maintenance on page 6–24.

View Log File

The system will automatically keep a record of various
procedures that were performed and error conditions. The
record can be viewed using View Log File. Refer to View Log File
on page 6–25.

5–64 C230 Operation

Login a Sample

Login a Sample is used by the operator to enter sample

information into the spreadsheet. This procedure is called
Sample Login. Using Sample Login the operator can login a
Blank Sample, Standard Sample, Gas Dose Sample or an
Unknown Sample for analysis.
Before a sample is analyzed, the sample type and information
associated with it must be entered into the spreadsheet. A
sample that has been logged in may be analyzed later.
In addition to Sample Login, a sample can be logged in using
Balance Login, page 5–68, Login Using a Sample Template,
page 5–69, or directly into the Spreadsheet by clicking on the
next available line and typing in the sample data. The sample
name and method can be inserted using the drop-down menu.

Operation C230 5–65

1. Click Samples and select Login. The Sample Login screen
will appear.

2. Enter the information required in the dialog box. Refer to

Sample Login Definitions on page 5–67. The sample type
should be entered for the sample ID.
3. To enter the mass, with an interfaced balance, it is only
necessary to click Balance, the mass will be entered
4. After entering all the necessary information, click OK to
login the sample.

5–66 C230 Operation

Sample Login Definitions
Sample Name—The name or type of sample. Enter the sample
type that is being analyzed so the proper sample type will
appear in the spreadsheet.
Mass—The weight of the sample. If blanks or gas doses are
analyzed 1.000 gram is automatically entered as the sample
weight. For standards and unknown samples enter the mass of
the sample.
Method—The method used for analysis. Click the Down Arrow
to select from the list of methods.
Comments—A statement used to explain an operation or
procedure. This is an optional entry.
Description—A statement used to describe the type of operation
or procedure. This is an optional entry.
Operator—The name of the operator logging the samples. This
is an optional entry.
Add to End of List—Login the sample and add it to the end of
the list in the spreadsheet.
Add as Next Sample to Run—Login the sample and insert it into
the sample list after the last sample that was analyzed.
Keep logging samples until cancel is pressed—Check this box to
log consecutive samples. The login screen will appear again
after OK is clicked. Click Cancel to exit the login screen.

Operation C230 5–67

Balance Login
Balance automatically enters a row at the spreadsheet. The
sample ID and method will be entered into the row along with
the mass. The sample ID and method will be the same as those
in the previous row. The mass will be the value read on the
Before the mass can be automatically transferred to the
spreadsheet, the balance must be interfaced with the
instrument. Refer to Balance on page 3–3 for instructions.

1. Click the Samples menu and select Balance. A row will be

entered at the bottom of the spreadsheet and the mass
displayed on the balance will be automatically entered into
the row. The function key F4 can also be pressed or
Balance can be selected from the toolbar.

5–68 C230 Operation

Login using a Sample Template
1. Click the Samples menu and select Login. The Login
screen will appear.

2. Click the drop down arrow to the right of sample name and
enter the desired sample name from the drop down list.
The sample name, mass, method, comments, description,
operator will automatically be entered into the
3. Continue with sample login and enter the other necessary
information. Refer to Sample Login Definitions on page 5–
67 for more information.

Operation C230 5–69

Analyze a Sample

After a sample is logged in it can be analyzed. Analyze a

Sample starts an analysis. Analysis will start with the first
unanalyzed sample in the spreadsheet. Analyzing will appear in
the date column as the analysis is in progress.
Abort an Analysis will stop an analysis in progress.

• Before a Sample can be analyzed it must be logged in. To

Note log in a sample refer to Login a Sample on page 5–65.


After analysis use crucible tongs to remove the
hot crucibles from the pedestal and place them in
the crucible bucket to cool.

1. Press the Loader Button to open the furnace. Place the

crucible and sample on the pedestal. Press the Loader
Button again to start analysis.
Alternative: After the crucible is on the pedestal you can
click the Samples menu and select Analyze to start
analysis. The function key F5 can also be pressed or
Analyze can be selected from the toolbar.

• If you initiate analysis from the Windows® software the

Notes piston will not drop down and open.

• If you initiate analysis by pressing the loader button the

piston will drop down and open permitting the operator to
add a sample and insert a new crucible.
2. If it is necessary to stop an analysis click the Samples
menu and select Abort. The function key F6 can also be
pressed or Abort can be selected from the toolbar. The
analysis in progress will stop and Aborted will appear in
the date column.

• If the furnace did not start before abort was selected the
Note analysis will be reset and can be restarted. “Reset” will
appear in the data column if that sample can be re-run.

5–70 C230 Operation

Pause / Delay Analysis

Delayed Analysis permits the operator to start an analysis at a

later date and time. If can also be used to start or stop an
autoloader sequence.

• An analysis method should be developed before a sample is

Note logged in. Refer to Method Development on page 4–53.

1. Determine where in the sample list to pause or delay

analysis and select the sample. The sample must be an
analyzed sample.
2. From the Samples menu click Pause or press F11. The
Pause/Delay Start dialog box will appear.

3. In the highlighted field, enter the date and time to start

the delayed analysis. The date and time that appears may
be edited. The format for entering the date and time is
[05/01/2000 4:30:00 PM]. A space should be inserted
after the date and time or select Manually if pausing for
operator intervention.
4. Click OK to start the delayed analysis. A clock symbol will
appear in the spreadsheet next to the sample that will be
analyzed at the programmed delayed start time or if
Manually was selected a red octagon will appear in the
spreadsheet. The analysis will begin only when the
operator clicks analyze.

Operation C230 5–71

Remove a Programmed Pause or Delay
1. In the spreadsheet click the pause symbol to highlight the
2. From the Samples menu click Pause. The Pause dialog box
will appear.
3. In the Pause dialog box click Clear. The programmed
pause or delay will be removed and the symbol will
4. Click Analyze F5 to start a manually paused analysis.

5–72 C230 Operation

Delete a Sample

A sample that has been logged in or analyzed can be deleted

from the spreadsheet. This may be a sample that was logged in
error or a sample that was improperly analyzed.

1. Select the sample or samples in the spreadsheet to delete

by clicking on them. To select more than one sample hold
the control key down and click the samples.
2. Click Samples and select Delete. The selected samples will
be deleted from the spreadsheet.

Operation C230 5–73

Print Sample Results

Print Sample Results can be used to print sample and analysis

data can be printed on the system printer.

• To print a report with the fields displayed in the spreadsheet

Note do not select Define Report Fields.

1. If necessary, configure the printed report before printing

sample results. Refer to Configure the Analysis Report on
page 4–48.
2. From the analysis screen, select the desired samples with
analysis data to print on the system printer.
3. Click File and select Print. The Report Settings screen will

5–74 C230 Operation

4. Click OK. The Print screen will appear.

5. Configure the printer as necessary and click OK. The

selected samples will be printed on the system printer.

Operation C230 5–75


Analysis Results can be transmitted or transferred to a host

computer. This permits another person to analyze data as
samples are being analyzed. It can also be used to save
selected results at another location.
1. Select the sample or samples in the spreadsheet to
transmit by clicking on them. To select more than one
sample hold the control key down and click the samples.
2. Click Samples and select Transmit. The selected samples
will be transmitted to the host computer.

5–76 C230 Operation

Recalculate Result

After a sample is analyzed, the result can be recalculated if

sample data has changed. The mass, method or calibration may
have changed, or need to be changed, to obtain the desired

1. Select the sample or samples in the spreadsheet to

recalculate by clicking on them. To select more than one
sample hold the control key down and click the samples.
2. Click Samples and select Recalculate. The selected
samples will be recalculated using the new mass, method
or calibration data. The new result will appear in the

Operation C230 5–77


Calibration is the process that adjusts the instrument to

produce an analysis result to equal that of a known calibration
standard with the same concentration. First a Blank Calibration
is performed, then Standard Calibration and then as daily
maintenance both a Blank Calibration and Drift Correction.
Single point calibration calibrates the instrument to one
calibration point. Multi-point calibration calibrates the
instrument to a set of calibration points over an expected range
of concentrations.

Blank Calibration
Blank Calibration is used to calculate the system blank or
baseline. Sometimes this is called the blank area. Blank
calibration calculates the system blank and compensates for it
when calculating the analysis result. The system blank should
be determined every day by performing a blank calibration
before analysis. Refer to Blank Calibration on page 5–79.

Standard Calibration
Standard Calibration is used to calibrate the instrument with
known calibration standards. A single point or multi-point
calibration can be performed and the curve type selected
although, LECO recommends multipoint, linear calibrations that
employ 1/certified weighting. Additionally a blank calibration
should be completed prior to performing a standard calibration.
Since Standard Calibration is saved with each method, each
method must be calibrated after it is created. Refer to
Standard Calibration on page 5–80.

Drift Correction
Drift Correction is used to compensate standard calibration and
account for variances in the instrument hardware that can
slightly change the calibration. Drift correction should be
performed at the start of every day. This insures accurate
calibration and analysis results. Refer to Drift Correction on
page 5–83.

5–78 C230 Operation

Blank Calibration

Blank calibration calculates the system blank and compensates

for it when calculating the analysis result. Refer to Calibration
on page 5–78 for more information.

1. Login and perform at least three blank analyses.

2. Select the results of the blank analyses from the
3. Click Configuration and select Blank. The Element
Selection screen will appear.

• In the screen below, the software displays the data in blue

Note to alert the operator that the data has changed.

• Step 4 can only be performed if more than one element is

Note shown in the dialog box.
4. Include or exclude an element by clicking a row to select
the element and clicking Include/Exclude. The action box
will indicate if the element is included or excluded. If the
element is included a blank calculation will be calculated
for that element.
5. Click OK to calculate the system blank based on the
analysis results obtained in step one.

Operation C230 5–79

Standard Calibration

Standard Calibration is used to calibrate the instrument with

known calibration standards. Refer to Calibration on page 5–78
for more information.

• Refer to Standard Calibration Definitions on page 5–82

Notes when performing this procedure.

• The instrument blank should be calibrated before

performing standard calibration.

• LECO recommends that multipoint linear calibration that

employs 1/certified weighting be used for standard

• Gas Dose analysis is very similar to standard calibration.

The gas dose (loop) value, based on 100% CO2 (carbon
only), is entered at the factory into the standards database
on the instrument under the name “Gas Dose”.

1. Login and perform at least three standard analyses.

2. Select the results of the standard analyses from the
3. Click Configuration and select Calibrations.

5–80 C230 Operation

4. Click the arrow in the drop down box and Select a Cell
(detector) to calculate a calibration for. A separate
calibration can be calculated for each cell.
5. Click the arrow in the drop down box and Select a Curve
Type. LECO recommends that multipoint linear calibration
that employs 1/certified weighting be used for standard
6. View the curve displayed on the graph. It should intersect
the black squares, which represent the standards. If you’re
using multipoint calibration zoom in on each standard for
the most accurate viewing.
7. Click the arrow in the drop down box and Select the
desired Weighting. LECO recommends that multipoint
linear calibration that employs 1/certified weighting be
used for standard calibration.
8. Click OK to select the cell to calibrate. One or more cells
can be selected.
9. Click Print to print a copy of the calculated calibration on
the system printer.
10. Repeat the process for each cell, carbon high, carbon low,
and sulfur.
11. Click OK to exit the calibration procedure and save the
calibration curve.

Operation C230 5–81

Standard Calibration Definitions
Cell Type—Selects the measurement cell that will be associated
with the calibration curve. The calculated calibration will be
applied to this cell. A different calibration can be calculated and
applied to each cell.
Curve Type—Selects the type of calibration curve. Select a
curve that intersects each calibration result. LECO recommends
that multipoint linear calibration that employs 1/certified
weighting be used for standard calibration.
Weighting—Determines which calibration results, on the
calibration curve, get priority. LECO recommends that
multipoint linear calibration that employs 1/certified weighting
be used for standard calibration.

• Normal—Each point gets equal priority.

• Manual—A manual weighting can be entered.

• 1/Certified—A weighting factor that can be applied to the

calibration data points. This will counteract a bias for higher
concentrations that develops naturally from the curve fitting
Show—Click Show to show the last calibration. The last
calibration will appear on the graph in blue.
Manual—Click Manual to enter a new calibration equation. This
can be done if a calibration was lost and a previous calibration
RMS Error (Root Mean Square)—A method of quantifying the
dispersion or spread of data. It is used in the PC software to
determine which calibration curve is a better fit. The lower the
RMS error the better the fit.
Zoom In—Draw a box around a calibration point to zoom in.
Zoom Out—Click on a calibration point with the right mouse
button. A Zoom Out button will appear. Click the Zoom Out
button to zoom out.

5–82 C230 Operation

Drift Correction

Drift Correction is used to compensate standard calibration and

account for variances in the instrument hardware over a period
of time that can slightly change the calibration. Drift correction
should be performed at the start of each day. This insures
accurate calibration and analysis results.
Perform standard calibration and choose the drift standards
before performing a drift calibration. Refer to Calibration on
page 5–78 for more information.

• A Blank Calibration should be performed before every Drift

Note Correction. Refer to Blank Calibration on page 5–79.

Operation C230 5–83

Drift Correction
1. Login and perform a standard analysis.
2. Select the result of the standard analysis from the
3. Click Configuration and select Drift the drift correction
screen will appear.

• In the screen below, the software displays the data in blue

Note to alert the operator that the data has changed.

• Step 4 can only be performed if more than one element is

Note shown in the dialog box.
4. Include or exclude an element by clicking a row to select
the element and clicking Include/Exclude. The action box
will indicate if the element is included or excluded. If the
element is included a drift calculation will be calculated for
that element.
5. Click OK to calculate the drift based on the analysis result
obtained in step one.

5–84 C230 Operation

Data Management

Data Management is a group of procedures that permits the

operator to move sample data from one area of the
spreadsheet to another, move data into the spreadsheet and
move data out of the spreadsheet and store it on a floppy disk.
The following procedures are grouped under Data Management.

• Insert Data into the Spreadsheet

• Insert a Sample out-of-Sequence

• Fill Selected Cells with the Same Values

• Select First Row in the Spreadsheet

• Select the Analysis Row in the Spreadsheet

• Import Sample Data

• Export Sample Data

Insert Data into the Spreadsheet

A group of cells, in the spreadsheet, can be quickly filled with
the same data. As an example, the method could be changed in
a group of logged in unanalyzed samples.

1. Click and drag the mouse pointer to select the cells to fill
with the same data.
2. Click Edit and select Fill.
3. Enter the data to fill into each selected cell.
4. Click OK to insert the data into the selected cells.

Operation C230 5–85

Insert a Sample Out-of-Sequence
To insert a sample into the spreadsheet, out of sequence and
between unanalyzed samples, Insert should be used.

1. Click and select a row in the spreadsheet after the last

analyzed sample. (Insert will insert a row before the
selected row.)
2. Click Edit and select Insert. A row will be inserted into the
spreadsheet before the selected row.

• You can also insert a sample out-of-sequence from the

Note Login screen. Click on a row next to the position where you
want to insert the sample and then select Login F3. Click
the insert position button at the bottom of the screen.

Fill Selected Cells with the Same Values

1. Select the spreadsheet cells to fill with the same data
2. Click Edit and select Fill. The Fill screen will appear.

3. Enter the desired values in the dialog box on the fill

4. Click OK to fill each of the selected cells with the desired

5–86 C230 Operation

Select First Row in the Spreadsheet
Using this procedure the first row in the spreadsheet can be
quickly selected.

1. Click View and select First row.

Select the Analysis Row in the Spreadsheet

Using this procedure the analysis row in the spreadsheet can be
quickly selected. The analysis row is the row that contains the
next sample to be analyzed.

1. Click View and select Analysis row.

Select Last Row in the Spreadsheet

Using this procedure the Last row in the spreadsheet can be
quickly selected.

1. Click View and select Last row.

Operation C230 5–87

Export Data

• Before sample data can be exported an export format must

Notes be configured.

• Multiple export formats can be configured.

Export Configuration

1. Select the Configuration menu and click Text Export
Formats. The Export Format Screen will appear.

2. To move a selected Export Format up towards the top of

the list select it and click Promote.
3. To move the selected Export Format down towards the
bottom of the list select it and click Demote.
4. Select Ascending to list the Export Format in ascending
alphabetical order.
5. Select Descending to list the Export Format in descending
alphabetical order.

5–88 C230 Operation

6. Click Properties to configure the text export format. The
Filename screen will appear.

7. Enter a filename for the exported file or click browse and

search for a file name.
8. Click Append to File, Automatically increment Filename or
Prompt for Filename as desired. Refer to Export Definitions
9. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
10. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making

Export Definitions
Append to File—When selected, the highlighted sample analysis
data will be attached to the previously saved file.
Automatically Increment Filename—If the filename contains
numbers, they will automatically be incremented by one when
the file is saved.
Prompt for Filename—When selected, the export filename
screen will appear when exporting a file, prompting the
operator to enter a filename.

Operation C230 5–89

1. Click the Fields tab. The Fields Format Screen will appear.
Select the desired fields to export in the file.

2. To Add an invisible field select the field and click Add.

3. To Remove a visible field select the field and click Remove.
4. To move a selected field up towards the top of the list,
click Promote.
5. To move the selected field down towards the bottom of the
list, click Demote.
6. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
7. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making

5–90 C230 Operation

1. Click the Delimiters tab. The Delimiters Format Screen will
appear. Select the desired delimiters to export in the file.

2. Click XML to export the text data in XML format. If XML is

selected no other parameters in the screen can be
3. Click Column Header to transmit the column header.
4. Select or enter the Field, Start of Transmission, and End of
Line delimiters.
5. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
6. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making

Operation C230 5–91

1. Click the Automation tab. The Automation Format Screen
will appear.

2. Select Automatically export each new analysis to

automatically export the analysis data after every analysis.
3. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
4. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making

5–92 C230 Operation

1. Click the Advanced tab. The Advanced Format Screen will

2. Position the cursor in the Export Format and click the

mouse to place the cursor at the point in the format to edit
a field.
3. Select a Field from the Fields box and click Add Field to
Export Format to add a field.
4. Highlight a Field in the Export Format and then press
Delete on the keyboard to delete it.
5. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
6. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making

Operation C230 5–93

1. Click the Preview tab. The Preview Export Format Screen
will appear and display how selected samples would be
exported with the current settings.

• This is a status screen to view the export data format. The

Note export format cannot be changed from this screen.

2. Click OK or Cancel to exit.

5–94 C230 Operation

Text Export Data
Text Export Data permits the operator to select sample data
and export that data to a file. Sample data can be inserted into
an Excel® spreadsheet from the exported file.
1. Click and drag the mouse pointer to select the rows with
sample data to export to a file.

• If no sample is selected only the last sample in the

Note spreadsheet will be exported and saved.

2. Click the Sample menu and select Text Export Data. The
Export Format selection screen will appear.

• The format selection screen will not appear unless there is

Note more than one format selected.

Operation C230 5–95

3. Select the Export Format and click OK. The Export
Filename selection screen will appear.

4. Enter a Filename and File Type.

5. Click Save to export and save the file.

Export Text Buffers

Text Export Buffers permits the operator to select sample plot
data and export that data to a file. Sample plot data can be
inserted into an Excel® spreadsheet from the exported file.

1. Click and drag the mouse pointer to select the rows with
sample data to export to a file.

• If no sample is selected only the last sample in the

Note spreadsheet will be exported and saved.
2. Click the Sample menu and select Text Export Buffers. The
Export Buffers Filename selection screen will appear.

• File extensions of (.txt) or (.csv) are good choices to insert

Note the saved files into an Excel® spreadsheet.
3. Enter a filename and extension. Click Save to export and
save the file.

5–96 C230 Operation

Import Data

Text Import Data permits the operator to import sample data

from another application such as an Excel® spreadsheet.
1. Click the Sample menu and select Text Import Data. The
Import File selection screen will appear.

2. Select the file to import.

3. Click Open to import the file.

Operation C230 5–97

Transmit Selected Samples

Transmit Data permits the operator to select sample data and

transmit the data to a peripheral device. Sample data can be
transmitted from a serial port or over a network.

• Before data is transmitted a transmission data format must

Note be defined. Refer to Transmit Data Configuration on page
1. Click and drag the mouse pointer to select the rows with
sample data to transmit.

• If no sample is selected only the last sample in the

Note spreadsheet will be transmitted.

2. Click the Sample menu and select Transmit. The

Transmission Format selection screen will appear.

• The transmission format selection screen will not appear

Note unless there is more than one format selected.

3. Select the Transmission Format and click OK to transmit

the selected sample data. Click Cancel to exit without
transmitting any data.

5–98 C230 Operation

Clipboard Use

The Clipboard is a temporary storage space for data. Data can

be moved into and out of the clipboard by cutting, copying or
pasting. By using the clipboard cell data can be moved
throughout the spreadsheet.

Cut Data to the Clipboard

• Cut is used to remove data from an entire row in the
Note spreadsheet to the clipboard. Once on the clipboard it can
be pasted into another location.
1. Select the row of data in the spreadsheet to cut.
2. Click the Edit menu and select Cut. The data will be
removed from the spreadsheet and moved to the

Copy Data to the Clipboard

• Copy is used to duplicate data from an entire row in the
Note spreadsheet to the clipboard. Once on the clipboard it can
be pasted into another location.
1. Select the row of data in the spreadsheet to copy.
2. Click the Edit menu and select Copy. The data will be
copied from the spreadsheet to the clipboard.

Paste Data from the Clipboard

• Paste is used to paste data from the clipboard to a selected
Note row in the spreadsheet.
1. Select an empty row in the spreadsheet to insert analysis
data that has been moved to the clipboard.
2. Click the Edit menu and select Paste. The data will be
moved from the clipboard to the spreadsheet.

Operation C230 5–99

Configure Result Plot

The CS230 Windows Software permits the operator to configure

the result plot to show the desired result information on the
plot as determined by the operator. The Configure Result Plot
menu give the operator the choice of zooming out, zooming out
one level, labeling plotted points, plotting the statistical points,
and selecting an auto independent scale. Plot properties can
also be selected from this menu.

Display the Menu

1. To display the Configure Result Plot menu, move the
mouse pointer to the result plot and right click on the plot.
The Configure Result Plot menu will appear.
2. Click on the menu selection to select or deselect it. A
check indicates the item has been selected.
3. When finished, click on the plot to remove the menu.

Selection Procedures
Zoom In (not a menu selection)—Position the pointer (mouse
pointer) over the area to zoom in on. Hold the left mouse
button down and draw a box. The area inside the box will be
magnified. Draw another box to zoom in farther. Zoom In
cannot be used if the sample being analyzed is displayed. Wait
until analysis is complete and then zoom in on the plot.
Zoom Out—Click Zoom Out to remove all steps of
Zoom Out One Level—Click Zoom Out to remove the last step
of magnification.
Label Points—When result points are selected and displayed,
the points can be numbered to show their relationship to the
samples selected. The first sample selected is labeled number 1
and the remaining samples selected are numbered as they
were selected from the spreadsheet. The number displayed on
the plot is not the sample number displayed on the
spreadsheet. Multiple samples and statistics (below) must be
selected before this feature can be used.

5–100 C230 Operation

Statistics—Changes the plotted result curves to plotted result
points. A point is shown for each sample and represents the
peak concentration. Multiple samples must be selected before
result points can be plotted.
Auto Independent Scale—If multiple plots are displayed they
will be scaled the same. This means if one plot is many times
larger than one of the other plots the smaller plot may be hard
to see or not seen at all. By selecting auto independent scale,
all plots will be made the same height in order to compare one
plot to another.
Properties—Click Properties to display the Plot Properties
Configuration screen.

From the Properties screen you can select the Reporting Units,
Significant Digits, Plot Pattern and Plot Color. You can also Hide
the Baseline and Plot if desired.

Operation C230 5–101

This page intentionally left blank.

5–102 C230 Operation

6 Maintenance
6 Maintenance

Illustrations .......................................................................6–2
Periodic Maintenance Schedule .............................................6–3
Anhydrone Tube.................................................................6–4
Removal....................................................................... 6–4
Packing ........................................................................ 6–4
Autocleaner .......................................................................6–6
Autocleaner Assembly .................................................... 6–7
Autocleaner Mesh Filter .................................................. 6–9
Autocleaner O-rings ..................................................... 6–10
Catalyst Heater Tube Packing ............................................. 6–11
Cellulose Filter ................................................................. 6–13
Removal..................................................................... 6–13
Packing ...................................................................... 6–13
Combustion Tube ............................................................. 6–15
Combustion Zone O-rings .................................................. 6–16
Incoming Reagent Tube..................................................... 6–17
Removal..................................................................... 6–17
Packing ...................................................................... 6–17
Lance and Filter Assembly ................................................. 6–19
Pinch Valve Tubing ........................................................... 6–21
Reagent Tube Screen Filter ................................................ 6–23
Login Periodic Maintenance ................................................ 6–24
View Log File ................................................................... 6–25
Reset Maintenance Counters .............................................. 6–26

Maintenance C230 6–1


Figure 6-1 ......... Anhydrone Tube ........................................ 6–5

Figure 6-2 ......... Autocleaner Assembly ................................ 6–8
Figure 6-3 ......... Catalyst Heater Tube Packing ...................... 6–12
Figure 6-4 ......... Cellulose Filter Packing ............................... 6–14
Figure 6-5 ......... Reagent Tube Removal ............................... 6–18
Figure 6-6 ......... Reagent Tube Packing ................................ 6–18
Figure 6-7 ......... Lance and Filter Assembly........................... 6–20
Figure 6-8 ......... Pinch Valve Assembly ................................. 6–22

6–2 C230 Maintenance

Periodic Maintenance Schedule

Equipment/Material Inspection Schedule
When anhydrone cakes. Inspect daily.
Anhydrone Tube
Refer to page 6–4. Replace as needed.
Daily. Disassemble
Refer to page 6–6. and clean daily.
Daily. Inspect monthly.
Autocleaner Mesh Filter
Refer to page 6–9. Clean if flow is restricted.
Inspect monthly.
Autocleaner O-rings Grease or replace
Refer to page 6–10.
as necessary.

Replace packing
Catalyst Heater Tube Replace the silica gel and
every six months.
Packing quartz wool as directed.
Refer to page 6–11.

Replace when one inch of Replace cellulose.

cellulose material turns Inspect o-rings.
Cellulose Filter
black or uniformly brown. Clean or grease
Refer to page 6–13. as necessary.

Brush every
Combustion Tube five to ten analysis. Inspect every eight hours.
Refer to page 6–15.

Inspect every eight hours.

Replace if damaged.
Combustion Tube O-rings Grease or replace
Refer to page 6–16.
as necessary.

When lecosorb turns

white or anhydrone Inspect daily and replace
Incoming Reagent Tube
cakes. as necessary.
Refer to page 6–17.
Clean when Cleaning Time
Daily. message is displayed
Lance and Filter Assembly
Refer to page 6–19. or at intervals set
from system options.

Replace every 90 days

Inspect monthly.
Pinch Valve Tubing or if damaged.
Replace as necessary.
Refer to page 6–21.

Inspect monthly.
Replace if damaged.
Reagent Tube Screen Filter Clean or replace
Refer to page 6–23.
if flow is restricted.

Maintenance C230 6–3

Anhydrone Tube

1. Slide the anhydrone tube upward until the bottom end can
swing free. Refer to Figure 6-5, page 6–18.
2. Tilt out the free anhydrone tube end.
3. Pull the anhydrone tube downward off the top port.
4. To reinstall the anhydrone tube, push the top end of the
anhydrone tube over the top port, tilt it inward and pull it
down, pushing it over the bottom port.

1. Before packing the incoming reagent tube, remove all
material from the inside of the incoming reagent tube;
rinse it with water and let it dry.
2. Insert a screen filter into the bottom of the anhydrone
tube. Refer to Figure 6-1, page 6–5. Position the o-ring
towards the bottom and push the screen filter up onto the
anhydrone tube 1/4 inch.
3. Pack 2 inches of quartz wool into the bottom of the
anhydrone tube .
4. Pour 2 inches of anhydrone onto the quartz wool and
gently tap it down. Add anhydrone as necessary to
maintain a level of 2 inches.
5. Pack 1/2 inch of quartz wool on top of the anhydrone
leaving a 1 inch opening at the top of the anhydrone tube.
6. Insert the reagent stop into the top of the anhydrone
reagent tube. Push is firmly on top of the quartz wool to
hold the packing material in place.
7. Reinstall the packed anhydrone tube into the lower left
reagent tube port blocks on the front panel.

6–4 C230 Maintenance


(2 REQ'D)






Figure 6-1
Anhydrone Tube

Maintenance C230 6–5


• The Autocleaner Kit is an optional accessory. Refer to

Notes Options, page 1–35, for ordering information.

• If the autocleaner is not installed, refer to page 6–19,

Lance and Filter Assembly, for the combustion area cleaning

• The autocleaner should be disassembled daily and the lance


• Refer to the following steps for operation with the DSP

Keypad instrument.
Refer to System Options on page 4–19 and enable the
autocleaner and door option. The Autocleaner will not function
until these system options have been selected.
• The autocleaner cleans the combustion tube according
to the clean interval programmed in the System Controls
procedure, page 5–18. It is not recommended to set the
clean counter at 0, as the Dust Filter Alarm will appear
on the screen. Change the setting to 1 to 50.
• If cleaning is desired before the interval is reached, or if
the configuration is set to clean the combustion tube at
the operator's discretion, initiate a cleaning cycle from
the analyze menu.

• Refer to the following steps for operation with the Windows®

Windows® instrument.

Refer to System Configuration on page 4–59 and enable the

autocleaner and door option. The Autocleaner will not function
until these system options have been selected.
• The autocleaner cleans the combustion tube according
to the clean interval programmed in the
Configure Maintenance Counters procedure, page 4–46.
• If cleaning is desired before the clean interval is
reached, or if the configuration is set to clean the
combustion tube at the operator's discretion, initiate a
cleaning cycle from the tool bar above the spreadsheet
by clicking F10.

6–6 C230 Maintenance

Autocleaner Assembly
1. Unlock the autocleaner cap by pulling down on the
plunger, rotate the autocleaner cap clockwise and lift the
autocleaner cap. Refer to Figure 6-2, page 6–8.
2. Remove the autocleaner cap and lance assembly from the
body assembly. Clean the end of the lance using the wire
3. Clean the inside of the lance using the lance cleaning rod.
4. Inspect the brushes for wear. Remove the o-rings from the
filter and replace them.
5. Reassemble the autocleaner cap and lance assembly to the
autocleaner body.

Maintenance C230 6–7

604-519 FITTING

(2) REQ’D

193-143 807-196
610-735 (2) REQ’D
RETAINER 778-703
604-516 SPACER
O-RING 604-272
789-115 190-757
(4) REQ’D
604-268 193-164 O-RING
ASSEMBLY (2 REQ’D) 604-274

190-228 762-058
771-991 (2 REQ’D)
O-RING 604-159
PLUNGER 778-596
604-273 190-090

762-058 (2) REQ’D
O-RING 773-577

Figure 6-2
Autocleaner Assembly

6–8 C230 Maintenance

Autocleaner Mesh Filter

• The mesh filters, located in both the automatic cleaning

Note mechanism and the lance and filter assembly, must be
inspected monthly and cleaned or replaced when flow is
1. Turn off the oxygen gas flow.
2. Disconnect the gas lines to the autocleaner assembly (or
lance and filter assembly).
3. Remove and disassemble the cleaning assembly.
4. Reach into the body assembly and pull the metal filter out.
5. Remove the o-rings from the filter using the o-ring
removal tool.
6. Use one liter (or quart) of ultrasonic cleaner and 3.5 ml of
Leconal wetting agent in 700 ml of room temperature
water to clean the metal mesh filter.
7. Suspend the filter in the solution so it is completely
immersed but does not touch the sides or bottom of the
cleaner tank.
8. Switch the ultrasonic cleaner on and clean the filter for a
minimum of 10 minutes.

• Higher frequency cleaners, which are generally more

Note efficient, need less cleaning time than lower frequency

9. While the filter is being cleaned, inspect the brush

A. Put a light coat of silicone grease on the brush shaft
and plate assembly.
B. Insert the lance cleaning rod into the lance extension
tube and clean out the lance extension tube.
10. After the filter has been cleaned, remove it from the tank
and rinse it for two minutes under clean running water,
then dry with warm air.
11. Wipe clean and lubricate the o-rings with silicone grease.
Reinstall the o-rings.
12. Install the filter in the body assembly and reassemble the
cleaning brush assembly if necessary.
13. Reconnect the gas lines.

Maintenance C230 6–9

Autocleaner O-rings

• Every month, inspect the o-rings located in the autocleaner

Note assembly and grease when needed.

1. Disconnect the pneumatic lines and the lance and measure

flow lines.
2. Unlock the autocleaner cap by pulling down on the
plunger, rotate the autocleaner cap clockwise and lift the
autocleaner cap. Refer to Figure 6-2, page 6–8.
3. Unscrew the shaft from the air cylinder rod.
4. Unscrew the four screws from the air cylinder and remove
the cylinder from the autocleaner cap.
5. Reach into the cap and remove both o-rings.
6. Wipe the o-rings and apply a small amount of fresh
silicone grease to each. Replace the o-rings in the
autocleaner cap.
7. For proper alignment when reassembling the auto cleaner:
A. Extend the air cylinder rod about two inches.
B. Slide the autocleaner cap over the rod and screw the
shaft into the rod.
C. Set the screws and spacers in place.
D. Grasp the extension and push the shaft up into the
bore of the autocleaner cap.
E. When the shaft is in the cap bore, the screws can be
tightened down in radial fashion.
8. Replace the autocleaner cap on the body assembly and
twist it counterclockwise.

6–10 C230 Maintenance

Catalyst Heater Tube Packing


The catalyst heater tube is extremely hot. Wear
heat-resistant gloves when removing the tube.

1. Set the gas flow to OFF.

2. Locate the catalyst heater on the front panel.
3. Remove the movable block, from the top of the catalyst
heater, by unscrewing the moveable block knob. Refer to
Figure 6-3, page 6–12.
4. Lift the catalyst heater tube straight up to remove it and
set it aside to cool.
5. Remove the packing material from the catalyst heater
tube. Discard the packing material and clean the empty
catalyst heater tube.
6. Insert 3/4 inch of quartz wool into the catalyst heater tube
and position it at the bottom of the bubble in the catalyst
heater tube.
7. Pour 1 inch of platinized silica gel into the catalyst heater
tube filling the bubble above the quartz wool.
8. Insert 3/4 inch of quartz wool into the catalyst heater tube
and position it on top of the platinized silica gel.
9. Carefully check the packed catalyst heater tube to ensure
no strands of quartz wool are left in the neck of the
catalyst heater tube.
10. Reinstall the catalyst heater tube using the procedure in
steps 3 and 4.
11. Set the gas flow to ON.

Maintenance C230 6–11








Figure 6-3
Catalyst Heater Tube Packing

6–12 C230 Maintenance

Cellulose Filter

• When 1 inch of cellulose turns black or when the cellulose

Notes uniformly turns brown, replace the cellulose filter tube.

• Cellulose filter tube is located under the catalyst heater.

1. Slide the cellulose filter tube upward until the bottom end
can swing free.
2. Tilt out the free cellulose filter tube end.
3. Pull the tube downward off the top port.
4. Using tweezers, remove the cellulose material and discard.
5. To reinstall the cellulose filter tube, push the top end of
the cellulose filter tube over the top port, tilt it inward and
pull it down, pushing it over the bottom port.

1. Fill the cellulose filter tube with 21/2 inches of cellulose
material, packing the cellulose to a uniform density.

• The cellulose fibers should not be twisted.

• Leave 1/2 inch of the cellulose filter tube open at both ends
for reinstallation onto the unit. Refer to Figure 6-4, page 6–

2. Reinstall the packed cellulose filter tube into the cellulose

filter tube port blocks on the front panel.

Maintenance C230 6–13



Figure 6-4
Cellulose Filter Packing

6–14 C230 Maintenance

Combustion Tube

• If the autocleaner is installed the clean interval can be set

Notes to automatically clean the combustion tube. There are two
procedures available, one for the DSP version and one for
the Windows® version.

• Refer to the following steps for operation with the DSP

Keypad instrument.
1. Refer to System Options, page 4–19, to enable the
autocleaner and door option. Autocleaner will not function
until the system option has been set.
2. The autocleaner cleans the combustion tube according to
the clean interval programmed in the System Controls
procedure, page 5–18. It is not recommended to set the
clean counter at 0, as the Dust Filter Alarm will appear on
the screen. Change the setting to 1 to 50.
3. If cleaning is desired before the interval is reached, or if the
configuration is set to clean the combustion tube at the
operator's discretion, initiate a cleaning cycle from the
analyze menu.

• Refer to the following steps for operation with the Windows®

Windows® instrument.
4. Refer to System Configuration, page 4–59, to enable the
autocleaner and door option. Autocleaner will not function
until the system option has been set.
5. The autocleaner cleans the combustion tube according to
the clean interval programmed in the Maintenance Counters
procedure, page 4–46.
6. If cleaning is desired before the clean interval is reached, or
if the configuration is set to clean the combustion tube at
the operator's discretion, initiate a cleaning cycle from the
tool bar above the spreadsheet by clicking F10.

• If the lance and filter assembly is installed, perform the

Note following procedure.
7. Brush the combustion tube every five to ten analyses to
remove dust from the screen filter and combustion area.
8. Inspect the combustion tube every eight hours for severe
pitting and slag build-up. Remove and clean the combustion
tube if necessary.

Maintenance C230 6–15

Combustion Zone O-rings

Inspect both combustion zone o-rings every 8 hours of

operation. Check for contamination or damage. One o-ring is
located at the top of the combustion tube. The other o-ring is a
red silicone o-ring located at the bottom of the combustion
tube. Refer to Figure 2-9, page 2–19.

6–16 C230 Maintenance

Incoming Reagent Tube

1. Slide each reagent tube upward until the bottom end can
swing free. Refer to Figure 6-5, page 6–18.
2. Tilt out the free reagent tube end.
3. Pull the tube downward off the top port.
4. To reinstall the reagent tube, push the top end of the
reagent tube over the top port, tilt it inward and pull it
down, pushing it over the bottom port.

1. Before packing the reagent tube, remove all material from
the inside of the reagent tube; rinse it with water and let it
2. Insert a screen filter into the bottom of each reagent tube.
Position the o-ring towards the bottom and push the
screen filter up into the reagent tube 1/4 inch. Refer to
Figure 6-6, page 6–18.
3. Insert a screen filter into the bottom of the reagent tube,
see Figure 6-6, page 6–18. Position the o-ring towards the
bottom and push the screen filter up onto the reagent tube
/4 inch.
4. Pack 1/2 inch of quartz wool into the bottom of the reagent
5. Pour 1 inch of anhydrone onto the quartz wool and gently
tap it down. Add anhydrone as necessary to maintain a
level of 1 inch.
6. Pour Lecosorb onto the anhydrone until all but the top 1/2
inch of the reagent tube is filled, gently tapping it down.
7. Firmly pack 1/2 inch of quartz wool on top of the Lecosorb
filling the bubble in the reagent tube.
8. Reinstall the packed reagent tube into the lower left
reagent tube port blocks on the front panel.

Maintenance C230 6–17


Figure 6-5
Reagent Tube Removal







Figure 6-6
Reagent Tube Packing

6–18 C230 Maintenance

Lance and Filter Assembly

• The lance and filter assembly should be cleaned when the

Notes cleaning counter reaches the preset limit.

• If the optional vacuum cleaner was installed, it may be used

to remove dirt, soot, or debris from the lance, combustion
area, and furnace shelf.

• If the autocleaner is installed, refer to Autocleaner, page

6–6, for mesh filter cleaning.

1. Loosen the connection on the lance flow inlet 1/4 turn and
disconnect the line.
2. Unscrew the filter cap. Scrape and remove the dust and
soot from inside the filter cap. Refer to Figure 6-7, page

• If the vacuum cleaner is installed, it may be turned on to

Note draw dust from the filter housing.

3. Thoroughly brush the entire lance guard using the cleaning

4. Insert the cleaning brush into the combustion tube
chamber and brush the inside of the chamber several
5. Inspect the tip of the lance to verify that it is open. If it is
clogged, open it using the lance cleaning rod. Refer to
Figure 6-7, page 6–20.
6. Replace the filter cap and reconnect the lance flow line.
7. Turn the vacuum cleaner off if it was used during the
cleaning process.

Maintenance C230 6–19

FILTER 781-422

781-421 GUARD
HOUSING 789-118
*773-136 ASSEMBLY

781-423 772-381

773-577 TUBE

FILTER END 762-068
(4) REQ’D
(2) REQ’D


Figure 6-7
Lance and Filter Assembly

6–20 C230 Maintenance

Pinch Valve Tubing

• Replace the pinch valve tubing, which passes through the

Note pinch valve assembly that controls dust ejection, every 90
days. Only use silicone tubing for replacement.

1. Remove the dust box and vacuum hose from the right side
of the furnace and remove the right side furnace panel.
2. Turn off the pneumatic gas supply and relieve the
3. Remove the two screws holding the furnace interlock
relay and pinch valve assembly in place. Refer to
Figure 11-3 on page 11-5.
4. Set the furnace interlock relay and screws aside.
5. Remove the two screws retaining the pinch valve cap.
Refer to Figure 6-8, page 6–22.
6. Slide the tubing off the cup assembly.
7. Replace the silicone tube and reassemble pinch valve
8. Position the pinch valve assembly and furnace interlock
relay in place. Fasten using the two screws removed in
step #4.
9. Replace the side panel, sliding the silicone tube through
the hole provided at the bottom of the side panel.
10. Replace the dust box and vacuum hose then restore
pneumatic pressure.

Maintenance C230 6–21

(2 REQ'D)

(2 REQ'D)



(2 REQ'D)


Figure 6-8
Pinch Valve Assembly

6–22 C230 Maintenance

Reagent Tube Screen Filter

• Clean the screen filter in the reagent tube whenever the

Note reagents are replaced.

1. Tap the filter lightly to remove any dust.

2. If necessary, clean the filter in an ultrasonic cleaner.

Maintenance C230 6–23

Login Periodic Maintenance

After periodic maintenance is performed it should be recorded.

To electronically record maintenance the procedures under
maintenance should be used. Login permits the service
technician or operator to enter maintenance that was
performed. View log file automatically enters past events and
maintenance performed.
Logging in periodic maintenance creates a periodic maintenance
history file, sets the analysis counter back to zero, increments
the reset counter, enters the reset data and enters any
1. Click Maintenance and select Login. The Maintenance
screen will appear.

2. Click the Maintenance Item Check Box that periodic

maintenance was performed on. Items that need
maintenance will have already been checked.
3. Click the Comment Box and enter any maintenance
4. Click OK.

6–24 C230 Maintenance

View Log File

The Log File is a history of past events. Every time one of the
following procedures is performed it will be recorded in the Log
• Change of Mass by Operator
• Data Out of Range (Ambient Monitor parameter values)
• Date of last calibration, drift or blank
• Date scheduled maintenance is performed
• Dust Clog in System
• Equivalency Test Results (the variation between the two
CO2 cells)
• Network Errors
• Network Sign-on Errors
• Sample Aborted
• Sample Deleted
• Standard check out-of-range

1. Click Maintenance and select View Log File the Log File
screen will appear.

2. Click Print to receive a printout of the log file on the

system printer.
3. Click OK when finished.

Maintenance C230 6–25

Reset Maintenance Counters

• After maintenance is performed a history log of

Note maintenance is generated. Refer to View Log File on page
6–25. This information can be used to verify that
maintenance was performed and help troubleshoot
problems that may occur during operation.

1. Select the Maintenance and click Login. The Maintenance

dialog box will appear.

2. Select the item(s) that maintenance has been performed

3. Click OK.

6–26 C230 Maintenance

4. The Confirm dialog box for the first maintenance item will
A. Click Yes if maintenance was performed.
B. Click No if maintenance was not performed.
C. Click Cancel to exit procedure.
5. The Confirm dialog box for the second maintenance item
will appear.
A. Click Yes if maintenance was performed.
B. Click No if maintenance was not performed.
C. Click Cancel to exit procedure.
6. Continue until all maintenance items were displayed in the
Confirm dialog boxes and answer Yes, No or Cancel to the

Maintenance C230 6–27

This page intentionally left blank.

6–28 C230 Maintenance

Theory of Operation

7 Theory of Operation

Illustrations .......................................................................7–2
General Information............................................................7–3
Infrared Radiation, Absorption, and Detection.........................7–4
Comparator Level ...............................................................7–8

Theory of Operation C230 7–1


Figure 7-1 ......... Gas Flow Diagram...................................... 7–6

Figure 7-2 ......... Gas Flow with Autocleaner Diagram.............. 7–7

7–2 C230 Theory of Operation

General Information

The C230 Carbon Determinator is a microprocessor based,

software driven instrument for measurement of carbon and
sulfur content in metals, ores, ceramics, and other inorganic
materials. The C230 uses an induction furnace and measures
carbon by infrared absorption.
Analysis begins by weighing out a sample (1 g nominal) into a
ceramic crucible on a balance. Accelerator material is added,
the crucible is placed on the loading pedestal, and the analyze
key is pressed. Furnace closure is performed automatically,
then the combustion chamber is purged with oxygen to drive
off residual atmospheric gases. After purging, oxygen flow
through the system is restored and the induction furnace is
turned on. The inductive elements of the sample and
accelerator couple with the high frequency field of the furnace.
The pure oxygen environment and the heat generated by this
coupling cause the sample to combust. During combustion,
carbon bearing elements are reduced, releasing the carbon,
which immediately binds with the oxygen to form CO and CO2,
the majority being CO2.
Sample gases are swept into the carrier stream. Sulfur is
measured as sulfur dioxide in the first IR cell. A small amount
of carbon monoxide is converted to carbon dioxide in the
catalytic heater assembly; SO2 is converted to SO3, while sulfur
trioxide is removed from the system in a cellulose filter. Carbon
is measured as carbon dioxide in the IR cell as gases flow
through the IR cells.
The optional automatic autocleaner is ideal for high volume
applications and reduces operator time. The autocleaner
brushes the filter screen and combustion tube at intervals
specified in System Configuration.

Theory of Operation C230 7–3

Infrared Radiation, Absorption, and Detection

The infrared (IR) source consists of nichrome wire that is

resistance-heated to 850oC. The IR source radiates visible
energy as well as all wavelengths in the infrared spectrum.
The description below uses carbon dioxide although, the same
principle applies to sulfur detection.
Carbon dioxide absorbs IR energy at a precise wavelength
within the IR spectrum. Energy from the IR source is absorbed
as the gas passes through the cell, preventing it from reaching
the IR detector. All other IR energy is prevented from reaching
the IR detector by a narrow bandpass filter. Because of the
filter, the absorption of IR energy can be attributed only to
carbon dioxide (CO2). The concentration of CO2 is detected as a
reduction in the level of energy at the detector.
One IR cell is used as both a reference and for measurement.
The total carbon, as carbon dioxide, is detected on a continuous
and simultaneous basis. The cell consists of an IR source,
chopper motor, a narrow bandpass filter, a condensing cone, an
IR energy detector and the cell body. Radiated energy is
chopped at a rate of 87.5 Hz. before it enters the cell body. The
chopped energy enters the cell body through a window, travels
through the cell body, then exits through a second window and
a precise bandpass filter. The selective filter passes only the
CO2 absorption wavelength into a condensing cone that
concentrates the energy on the detector. The solid state
detector is AC coupled to a preamplifier. As the gas
concentration increases, the voltage to the preamplifier
The starting reference level, or baseline, for the detector is
established by running 100% oxygen through the cell. The pure
oxygen environment permits the maximum amount of energy
to reach the detector. This maximum energy level is AC coupled
to the preamp where it is amplified, rectified, and filtered. It is
then sent to an A/D converter where the analog signal is
converted to a digital signal. The nominal voltage read at the
cell output, via the Ambient Monitor, is 8.500 VDC.
During every analysis, the computer reads the baseline. This
level is then adjusted digitally until a nominal level is achieved.
For example, if the cell output is 8.400 VDC, then this level is
change digitally until the level reads 8.500 VDC. This level
change is done in the computer and used for a reference, if the
cell output voltage were actually measured, no change would
be observed.

7–4 C230 Theory of Operation

As analysis begins, the cell output decreases with the amount
of carbon (as CO2) present in the cell. The computer reads the
cell output 20 times per second and produces data points that
are stored in memory. The computer then processes the curve
or graph formed by these data points. The curve or graph is
then used by the computer to calculate the element weight
percent of an unknown sample.

Theory of Operation C230 7–5








25 PSI
40 PSI


Figure 7-1
Gas Flow Diagram

7–6 C230 Theory of Operation










Figure 7-2
Gas Flow with Autocleaner Diagram

Theory of Operation C230 7–7

Comparator Level

• One comparator level is associated with each analysis

Note method. Selecting a different method also selects a new
comparator level.

An analysis that lasts excessively long causes unnecessarily

long delays, while an analysis that isn’t long enough can cause
loss of significant analyte data collection. Since not all samples
combust in the same manner, analyses should not be
performed based on time alone.
The length of each analysis is determined on an individual basis
by the minimum analysis time and the comparator level.
Analysis ends when the minimum time limit is reached and the
analyte rate drops below the comparator level after passing its
peak. This comparator level is a preset constant (k) plus a
percent of the peak:


P Detector output peak

X Selected comparator level percentage

During an analysis, the output of the detector is collected in the

form of digital data and summed to arrive at the analysis result.
If this data were plotted, it would reflect the curve of the
detector output.

7–8 C230 Theory of Operation

Shown below are two examples of the same detector output
curve (buffer plot). The first example shows the amount of
detector output collected during an analysis with a comparator
level setting at 6% while the second example illustrates
at 25%.

End of Analysis where "X" equals 6%



End of Analysis where "X" equals 25.0%



The following conclusions can be drawn from the examples:

1. A high comparator level shortens analysis time.
2. A low comparator level includes more sample gas, and
therefore more sulfur, into result calculations.
3. A comparator level that is too low, however, results in the
inclusion of very low concentrations that don’t significantly
effect the result (noise), but lengthen the analysis.
A comparator level of 1.0% usually provides optimum
performance by allowing the collection of all significant output
within a reasonable time.

Theory of Operation C230 7–9

Extremely low output peaks may need a larger comparator
level to exclude insignificant output levels produced toward the
end of analysis and cut down on drift. The minimum time
should be extended to match what would be considered a
reasonable time length for the analysis of such samples. The
combination of a high comparator level and an extended
minimum analysis time insures that all significant output is
collected and analysis time lengths are consistent without being
Whenever the comparator level changes check the system
calibration since interaction can occur.






7–10 C230 Theory of Operation

8 Diagnostics

8 Diagnostics

• For instruments using Windows® software refer to the

Windows® instructions listed page 8–16.

• For instruments using DSP software refer to the instructions

Keypad listed on page 8–3.

Keypad Diagnostics Contents:

Ambient Monitor.................................................................8–4
Ambient Monitor Definitions ............................................ 8–6
Switch States.....................................................................8–7
Valve States ......................................................................8–8
Leak Check........................................................................8–9
Definitions .................................................................. 8–10
Print Buffer...................................................................... 8–11
Plot Buffer ....................................................................... 8–12
System Print.................................................................... 8–14
Reset Memory.................................................................. 8–15
Diagnostics for Windows® .................................................. 8–16
Leak Check...................................................................... 8–18
Leak Check................................................................. 8–19
Leak Check Definitions ................................................. 8–20
Ambient Monitor............................................................... 8–21
Ambients.................................................................... 8–22

Diagnostics C230 8–1

Ambient Monitor Definitions ..................................... 8–23
Ambient Monitor Ranges .......................................... 8–24
Switches ......................................................................... 8–25
Solenoids ................................................................... 8–26
Comport.......................................................................... 8–27

8–2 C230 Diagnosticss


This procedure permits the operator to view and print the

ambient monitor, view the digital input switch states, view and
change the solenoid valve states, and perform system leak

• Access the diagnostics menu by pressing [5] Diagnostics

Note from the main menu.

[1] Ambient Monitor

[2] Switches
[3] Valves
[4] Leak Check
[5] Print Buffer
[6] Plot Buffer

Diagnostics C230 8–3

Ambient Monitor

• The ambient monitor is used to display system parameters

Notes during servicing of the unit.

• If the determinator has just been turned on, wait one to two
hours for the system to stabilize.

• The ambient monitor will continuously update as the

operator views it.

1. From the main menu, press [5] Diagnostics then press [1]
Ambient Monitor to display the ambient monitor.

Ambient Monitor

Carbon IR Cell 8.500 V

Oven Temp 48oC
Catalyst Heater 350oC
System Pressure 725 mm
Plate Current 480 mA
Grid Current 100 mA

2. Check that all system parameters, temperatures, and

voltages fall within the range limits shown below.
Parameter Nominal Value Range Units
Carbon IR Cell 8.5 7.5 to 9.2 V
Oven Temp 48 46 to 50 C
Catalyst Heater 350 325 to 375 C
System Pressure 750 Elevation Dependent mmHg
Plate Current* 460 420 to 500 mA
Grid Current* 100 80 to 120 mA
*Nominal values during analysis only. When furnace power is off, the
plate and grid current should be zero.

8–4 C230 Diagnosticss

3. Press Select to toggle the displayed parameters between
voltages and units.
4. Press Menu to display the ambient monitor menu.

Ambient Monitor

[1] Display Units

[2] Display Voltages
[3] Print

5. Press [1] Display Units to display the system parameters

in voltages, temperatures, and pressure.
6. Press [2] Display Voltages to display the A/D output
7. Press Exit to remove the ambient monitor menu and
return to the ambient monitor screen.

Diagnostics C230 8–5

Ambient Monitor Definitions
CO2 Detector—The IR Cell output voltage in volts. A properly
operating cell should have an output of approximately 8.5 volts.
Oven Temperature—The temperature of the IR cell oven. The
value is in degrees centigrade. The oven temperature should be
approximately 48 oC.
Catalyst Heater Temperature—The temperature of the Measure
Flow Catalyst Heater in degrees centigrade. The temperature of
the catalyst heater should be set at 350 oC.
System—The System Barometric Pressure in mmHg measured
by the barometric pressure transducer on the back-pressure
controller board. Typically the barometric pressure should be 20
mmHg above current local barometric pressure.
Plate Current—The electrical DC current flowing from the
cathode to the plate of the oscillator vacuum tube V1. As RF
power increases during analysis the plate current rises.
Grid Current—The electrical DC current flowing from the
cathode to the grid of the oscillator vacuum tube V1. As RF
power increases during analysis the grid current rises.

8–6 C230 Diagnosticss

Switch States

• Switch states permits the operator or service technician to

Notes monitor the digital input switch states.

• This is a status screen, none of the switch states can be

changed from this screen.

1. Press [2] Switches to display the digital input switch


Description State
Pneumatic Pressure Closed
Lance Pressure Open
Piston Up Limit Closed
Oxygen Pressure Closed
Piston Control Open
Brush Down LSW Open
Brush Up LSW Closed
Door Open LSW Closed
Piston Down Limit Open

2. Press Exit to return to the diagnostics menu.

Diagnostics C230 8–7

Valve States

• This procedure permits the operator or service technician to

Notes change the state of each solenoid valve listed.

• Each solenoid valve has a quick access number. To quickly

access a solenoid valve, press the corresponding number on
the keypad.

1. Press [3] Valves to display the solenoid valve status



## Description State
1 Oxygen Carrier > Off
2 Furnace Bypass Off
3 Lance Solenoid Off
4 Furnace Gas Off
5 Safety Solenoid Off
6 Purge Solenoid Off
7 Piston Solenoid Off
8 Door Solenoid Off
9 Brush Solenoid Off

2. Press Next to move the cursor down the list of solenoid

3. Press Previous to move the cursor up the list of solenoid
4. Press Yes to turn each solenoid valve on
5. Press No to turn each solenoid valve off.
6. Press Select to toggle the state of each solenoid valve
between on and off.
7. Press Exit to return to the diagnostics menu.

8–8 C230 Diagnosticss

Leak Check

• The leak check procedure determines if leaks are present in

Note the combustion and measure systems and checks for leaks
both into and out of the system.

1. From the diagnostics menu, press [4] Leak Check to

display the leak check menu.

Leak Check

[1] Entire System

[2] By-Pass Furnace

• After the system pressurizes, it will wait 60 seconds before

Note the OK message will appear. If a leak is detected, the ‘Leak
In System’ message can occur before the 60 second time
period is complete.

2. From the leak check menu, select one of the two choices:
A. Choose [1] Entire System to perform an entire
system leak check. The entire system leak check
screen will appear.
B. Press [2] By-Pass Furnace to perform a leak check
with the furnace/combustion area by-passed. The
screen that appears will be identical to entire system
leak check.

Diagnostics C230 8–9

• A negative number, under change in pressure, indicates a
Notes leak into the system (an increase in pressure). A positive
number, under change in pressure, indicates a leak out of
the system (a decrease in pressure).

• If a leak is indicated, refer to the Leak Check Flow Diagrams

Figure 10-7 and Figure 10-8, pages 10–19 and10–20.

3. Press Exit to return to the leak check menu.

System Pressure—The operating pressure of the system before
it is pressurized. The system pressure will not change as the
system is being pressurized.
Initial Pressure—The system pressure at the start of system
pressurization. Normally, initial pressure is the same value as
system pressure.
Current Pressure—The system pressure at the current time.
The current pressure changes rapidly as the system is being
Change Pressure—The difference between the initial pressure
and the current pressure. A negative number indicates an
increase in system pressure. A positive number indicates a
decrease in system pressure.
Time—The length of time, in seconds, that the test has been
running. Normally, after 60 seconds the test is complete.

8–10 C230 Diagnosticss

Print Buffer

From the diagnostics menu, choose [5] Print Buffer to receive a

printout from the system printer of the buffer contents from the
last carbon analysis and then return to the diagnostics menu.

Diagnostics C230 8–11

Plot Buffer

• Plot buffer prints a graph of the sample rate of change in

Notes concentration, as measured by the IR cell, over a period of

• The area between the base line and plotted curve is the
integrated concentration of sample gas as it passes through
the IR cell.

1. From the diagnostics menu, choose [6] Plot Buffer to

display the plot buffer screen.


Start 0
End 48

Start 0
End 6000

2. Press Next/Previous to move the highlight and select the

parameter values to edit.
3. Press Select to move the highlight down and select the
parameters to edit.
4. Press the number keys to enter the parameter value.
5. Press the arrow keys to move the cursor to a digit position
and enter the digit value, with the number keys on the

8–12 C230 Diagnosticss

6. Press Menu to display the print plot menu or Exit to return
to the diagnostic menu.


[1] Print

7. Press [1] Print to receive a printed plot of sample

concentration verses time on the system printer. After the
plot is printed, the diagnostics menu will be displayed.

Diagnostics C230 8–13

System Print

• System print prints out the system operating parameters on

Notes the system printer.

• The system operating parameters include the following:

System Options, Analysis Method, Transmit Options,
Balance Options, System Controls, Combustion Furnace,
Reduction Furnace (Catalyst Heater), and Ambient Monitor.

1. Press [7] System Print from diagnostics menu to receive a

printout of the system operating parameters on the
system printer. After the system parameters are printed,
the diagnostics menu will be displayed.
2. Press Exit to return to the main menu.

8–14 C230 Diagnosticss

Reset Memory

• Reset memory resets the system operating parameters to

Notes their default values.

• Before the memory is reset, print the system operating

parameters using system print to obtain a record of the
parameter values if replacement is necessary.

1. Press Yes to reset values back to their default values.

2. Press [8] Reset Memory from the diagnostics menu to
reset the system operating parameters back to their
default values. The diagnostics menu will be displayed.
3. Press Exit to return to the main menu.

Diagnostics C230 8–15

Diagnostics for Windows®

• For instruments using DSP software refer to the instructions

Keypad listed on page 8–3.

• For instruments using Windows® software refer to the

Windows® instructions listed on page 8–16.

Keypad Diagnostics Contents:

Ambient Monitor.................................................................8–4
Ambient Monitor Definitions ............................................ 8–6
Switch States.....................................................................8–7
Valve States ......................................................................8–8
Leak Check........................................................................8–9
Definitions .................................................................. 8–10
Print Buffer...................................................................... 8–11
Plot Buffer ....................................................................... 8–12
System Print.................................................................... 8–14
Reset Memory.................................................................. 8–15
Diagnostics for Windows® .................................................. 8–16
Leak Check...................................................................... 8–18
Leak Check................................................................. 8–19
Leak Check Definitions ................................................. 8–20
Ambient Monitor............................................................... 8–21
Ambients.................................................................... 8–22
Ambient Monitor Definitions ..................................... 8–23
Ambient Monitor Ranges .......................................... 8–24
Switches ......................................................................... 8–25

8–16 C230 Diagnostics

Solenoids ................................................................... 8–26
Comport.......................................................................... 8–27

Diagnostics C230 8–17

Leak Check

This procedure automatically check the measurement system of

the instrument for a gas leak. The entire system can be
checked or the operator can by-pass the furnace to isolate the
During a system leak check the system is pressured to 500 mm
Hg above current system pressure and sealed. It is then
permitted to equilibrate. For the next 60 seconds the system
pressure is measured. If the pressure remains within 5 mm Hg
of the pressurized value the system passes the leak check (for
system check only). If the pressure changes more than 5 mm
Hg of the pressurized value the leak check fails.
In the Leak Check Progress box the status of the leak check is
displayed. If a leak check fails it may be caused by gas leaking
into or out of the system.
If “Change in Pressure” has increased the incoming valve SV6
may be malfunctioning or the catalyst heater tubes are not at a
steady temperature. If “Change in Pressure” has decreased gas
is leaking out of the system.
If a leak is present, "Leak Check Failed" appears next to “Leak
Check Status”. If there isn't a leak " Leak Check Passed"
appears. If the system fails a leak check and a leak is detected,
perform a “by-pass the furnace” leak check to isolate the leak.
Before a leak check is performed the instrument should warm
up for at least for 30 minutes and the catalyst heater tubes
must be at a steady temperature. It is recommended that a
leak check be performed after autocleaner maintenance,
furnace maintenance or anytime a reagent tube is removed or

8–18 C230 Diagnostics

Leak Check
1. Click Diagnostics and select Leak Check. The Leak Check
screen will appear.

2. Click System Leak Check to perform a leak check on the

entire measurement system or click By-pass Furnace Leak
Check to perform a leak check of the measurement with
the furnace bypassed. The result of the leak check will
appear in the Results box.
3. Click Stop Leak Check to stop a leak check in progress.
4. Click Print to print the results of the leak check on the
system printer.
5. Click View to look at various areas inside the instrument
where a leak may be found.

Diagnostics C230 8–19

Leak Check Definitions
Starting System Pressure—The operating pressure of the
system before it is pressurized. The system pressure will not
change as the system is being pressurized.
Initial Pressure—The system pressure at the start of system
pressurization. Normally, initial pressure is the same value as
system pressure.
Current Pressure—The system pressure at the current time.
The current pressure changes rapidly as the system is being
Change Pressure—The difference between the initial pressure
and the current pressure. A negative number indicates an
increase in system pressure. A positive number indicates a
decrease in system pressure.
Elapsed Time—The length of time, in seconds, that the test has
been running. Normally, after 60 seconds the test is complete.

8–20 C230 Diagnostics

Ambient Monitor

This procedure permits the operator to view and print the

ambient monitor parameter values.
Refer to Ambient Monitor Definitions, on page 8–23, for
Ambient Monitor Definitions.

Diagnostics C230 8–21

1. Click Diagnostics and select Ambients to display the
Ambient Monitor screen.

2. Click the Check Box, to the left of the desired parameter,

to plot the parameter value in the graph above the chart.
More than one parameter can be plotted on the graph.
Hold down the Control Key and click the Parameter Check
Box for each parameter to be plotted. A yellow circle with
an exclamation point to the left of the check box indicates
the parameter value is outside the desired range of values.
3. Click the right mouse button, with the mouse pointer
inside the graph, to reset, restore, zoom in, zoom out, and
set the graph range. The parameter value is displayed on
the vertical axis and the time is displayed on the
horizontal axis. The box in the lower left corner of the
graph displays the hours since the instrument was turned
on or the graph reset. The hours reset to 0 after 24.
4. Right-click the Parameter Name to reset the parameter
values and time on the chart and graph.
5. Click Print to print the parameter values on the system

8–22 C230 Diagnostics

Ambient Monitor Definitions
Oven Temperature—The temperature of the IR cell oven. The
value is in degrees centigrade. The oven temperature should be
approximately 48 oC.
System—The System Barometric Pressure in mmHg measured
by the barometric pressure transducer on the back-pressure
controller board. Typically the barometric pressure should be 20
mmHg above current local barometric pressure.
Catalyst Heater Temperature—The temperature of the Measure
Flow Catalyst Heater in degrees centigrade. The temperature of
the catalyst heater should be set at 350 oC.
Plate Current—The electrical DC current flowing from the
cathode to the plate of the oscillator vacuum tube V1. As RF
power increases during analysis the plate current rises.
Grid Current—The electrical DC current flowing from the
cathode to the grid of the oscillator vacuum tube V1. As RF
power increases during analysis the grid current rises.
CO2 Detector—The IR Cell output voltage in volts. A properly
operating cell should have an output of approximately 8.5 volts.

Diagnostics C230 8–23

Ambient Monitor Ranges

• This symbol will appear next to the parameter name, on

Note the ambient monitor screen, if the parameter value is out of
minimum or maximum range.

Parameter Nominal Value Range Units

Oven Temp 48 46 to 50 C
System Pressure 750 Elevation Dependent mmHg
Catalyst Heater 350 325 to 375 C
Plate Current* 460 420 to 500 mA
Grid Current* 100 80 to 120 mA
Carbon IR Cell 8.5 7.5 to 9.2 V

* The values shown for these parameters are typical values during an analysis.

8–24 C230 Diagnostics


Switches are used throughout the instrument as sensors to

determine the status of a condition. They’re not only used to
control the instrument, they're used for safety to prevent the
instrument from damage and the operator from harm.
The Switch screen is a diagnostic status screen. None of the
switch states can be changed from this screen. View the screen
to determine the switch status. Refer to Switch Conditions to
determine the meaning of each condition.
1. Click Diagnostics and select Switches. The Switches screen
will appear.

2. Click Close to exit the switches screen.

Diagnostics C230 8–25

The Solenoids screen permits the service technician or operator
to toggle the solenoid valves either on or off. It is also used to
test operation of the Quick Loader and Quick Feeder.
By using the valve state drop down box the service technician
or operator can check operation of the Quick Loader and Quick

1. Click Diagnostics and select Solenoids. The Solenoid

screen will appear.

2. Click the check box to the left of the solenoid valve to

activate it. Observe operation of the instrument and
solenoid valve.
3. Click Close to exit the solenoids screen.

8–26 C230 Diagnostics


Comport is a diagnostic utility that can be used by the service

technician, operator and software engineer to troubleshoot the
instrument. In some cases it may be of advantage to the
service person and LECO to analyze the data collected by this
utility for diagnostic and trouble shooting purposes. Comport
must be used with direction from a LECO engineer.

1. Click Diagnostics and select Communications. The

Communications screen will appear.

2. Click the Pause Check Box to stop the data scrolling in the
communications data window.
3. Click the Hide Status Messages check box to stop the
analysis status messages from being displayed.
4. Click Copy to Clipboard to copy comport data to the
clipboard. From the clipboard, data can be copied to a file.

• If Hide Status Messages is checked only error messages will

Note be displayed.

Diagnostics C230 8–27

This page intentionally left blank.

8–28 C230 Diagnostics

9 Electronic Adjustments

9 Electronic Adjustments

Illustrations .......................................................................9–2
Barometric (PID) Pressure Regulator Adjustment ....................9–3
Catalyst Heater Control Card................................................9–5
Induction Power Control Card ...............................................9–7
Oven Heater Control Card.................................................. 9–10
IR Cell ............................................................................ 9–11

Electronic Adjustments C230 9–1


Figure 9-1 ......... Barometric (PID) Pressure Regulator Card ..... 9–4
Figure 9-2 ......... Catalyst Heater Control Card ....................... 9–6
Figure 9-3 ......... Induction Power Control Card ...................... 9–9
Figure 9-4 ......... Oven Heater Control Card ........................... 9–10
Figure 9-5 ......... IR Cell Adjustment Location ........................ 9–12

9–2 C230 Electronic Adjustments

Barometric (PID) Pressure Regulator Adjustment

This adjustment has been factory set to a highest anticipated

barometric pressure of 762 mm. If the highest anticipated
pressure in the operational environment varies more than ±5
mm from 762 mm, this adjustment must be performed to
eliminate calibration shifts that may occur as a result of
barometric pressure changes.
The present (operation environment) barometric pressure must
be determined. If an accurate method of measurement is not
available, the nearest weather bureau or airport can provide
this information. The pressure must be referenced to the
operational site altitude, not sea level. The highest anticipated
pressure for the area must also be determined.

• The determinator power must be on for a minimum of 30

Notes minutes prior to performing this adjustment.

• The furnace piston must be in the up position and the

furnace power switch must be in the on position.

• This adjustment should be performed if the barometric

pressure transducer or PID pressure regulator card is

1. Insure that the jumpers on the circuit board are installed

as follows, see Figure 9-1, page 9–4:
A. J1—The two pins nearest transistor Q2 should be
B. J2, J3 and J4—Both pins on each connector should be
2. Insure that the controls on the circuit board are positioned
as follows, see Figure 9-1, page 9–4:
A. R27—Set to 9.
B. R28—Set to 2.
C. R29—Set to 5.
3. Remove the left side panel of the determinator.
4. Turn the AC power on to both the determinator and

Electronic Adjustments C230 9–3

5. From the main menu, press [4] Setup and then [6] Set
Barometer. Set the barometric pressure to the current
value at the location of the determinator.
6. From the main menu, press [1] Analyze and then Menu to
display the analysis menu.
7. Press [4] System Controls. Set carrier gas to on.
8. From the main menu, press [5] Diagnostics and then [1]
Ambient Monitor. Monitor the system pressure.
9. While monitoring the system pressure, adjust control R30,
on the PID pressure regulator card, for a system pressure
value of 20 mmHg above the highest expected barometric
pressure value. Refer to Figure 9-1, page 9–4.
A. Turn the adjustment clockwise to decrease pressure.
B. Turn the adjustment counterclockwise to increase
10. Reinstall the left side panel of the determinator.

Q2 CR1 LED1 J038





C2 C4
C1 Q2 Q3 TP1 R7

C3 C6


Q1 R6 C5
U1 Q4 R10

J1 TP2 R11




C8 J038C

C7 C11



C12 C18

J1 TP4

J038B R27 R29

5 5
R28 5
J2 J3 J4
1 1 1

TP5 0 10 0 10 0 10 C20

R30 J2 J3
R27 R28 R29

Figure 9-1
Barometric (PID) Pressure Regulator Card

9–4 C230 Electronic Adjustments

Catalyst Heater Control Card


After the side panels are removed, high voltage
is present. Use caution when making these
adjustments. Contact with voltages inside the
instrument can be lethal or cause serious injury.

• This procedure adjusts the catalyst heater control card to

Notes ensure proper temperature tracking of the catalyst heater
and to provide an accurate temperature read-out on the
ambient monitor.

• This adjustment is only necessary when the catalyst heater

card or heating element is replaced.

• To properly perform this adjustment, a digital voltmeter

capable of measuring 7 volts is needed. Also, a calibrated
thermocouple is necessary to externally measure the
operating temperature of the catalyst heater.

1. Turn the analysis gas OFF.

2. Remove the left side panel of the unit to access the
catalyst heater controller card.
3. Attach the negative terminal of the digital voltmeter to the
metal chassis of the determinator where there is no paint.
Be sure a good connection is made.
4. Attach the positive lead to pin 4 of connector J078A or pin
7 of U4. Refer to Figure 9-2, page 9–6.
5. Adjust control R16 until 3.5 volts is read on the digital
voltmeter. At pin 4 of J078A, one volt equals 100oC.
6. Remove the digital voltmeter leads from the determinator.
7. Using protective gloves, remove the catalyst heater tube
from the catalyst heater and set it on a heat-resistant

• To remove the catalyst heater tube refer to page 6–11,

Note steps 3 and 4.

Electronic Adjustments C230 9–5

8. Install an empty catalyst heater tube into the catalyst
heater, and allow ten minutes for the catalyst heater tube
to heat. The top of the catalyst heater tube should be
left open.
9. Insert a digital thermometer thermocouple into the
catalyst heater tube approximately seven inches.
10. Access the ambient monitor and observe the catalyst
heater temperature.
11. Adjust control R13 until the temperature displayed on the
ambient monitor equals the temperature read on the
digital thermometer.
12. Remove the thermocouple and empty catalyst heater tube.
Place on a heat-resistant surface.
13. Reinstall the packed catalyst heater tube, and reinstall the
top block on the tube.
14. Further adjust R16 as needed until the temperature is
350oC ±10oC.





J078A + C1 C2 C3








+ U4






R13 U4 R16
Figure 9-2
Catalyst Heater Control Card

9–6 C230 Electronic Adjustments

Induction Power Control Card

1. Verify correct installation of vacuum capacitor and

oscillator tube in furnace.
2. Turn on the furnace service switch and verify that plate
current is approximately 150 mA and grid current is
approximately 100 mA on the analyze screen.
3. Turn off the service switch and verify that the plate and
grid currents go to zero.
4. Turn the power level control clockwise to the max position.
5. Put a calibration load on the furnace pedestal.

• If the calibration load recommended and calibrated by LECO

Note is not used during adjustment, the performance of this
instrument cannot be guaranteed.

6. Press the piston switch on the furnace. The pedestal

should rise.
7. Perform either step 7A or step 7B.
A. Enter a weight in the stack. When using this method,
the minimum time-out parameter under the analysis
method option in the setup screen should be
extended to 120 seconds or more to allow ample time
to perform the adjustments.

• Be sure to reset the minimum time-out to the original

Note setting after the electronic adjustments have been

B. Move jumper J1 on the card from pins 1 and 2 to

pins 2 and 3. This will cause the furnace to turn
on until the jumper is replaced on pins 1 and 2. Refer
to Figure 9-3, page 9–9.

Electronic Adjustments C230 9–7

8. Verify that turning power level control up and down
(located on the front panel) causes the plate current to
increase and decrease respectively. Return the power level
control to the max position.

• If the power level control adjustments do not seem to affect

Note the power level read-out, adjust R29 down and try adjusting
the power level control again.

9. Adjust the overload control (R32) up (approximately 10

turns) to prevent the furnace from going into overload.
10. Adjust the offset control (R29) as follows:
A. If the oscillator current is below 500 mA, adjust R29
counterclockwise until 500 mA of plate current is
obtained and then proceed to step 11.
B. If the oscillator is not oscillating, and the plate
current is low, turn R29 clockwise until 500 mA of
plate current is obtained.
C. With the power control at maximum, adjust R32
counterclockwise until the current overloads. Then
gradually adjust R32 clockwise and R29
counterclockwise until the oscillator tube oscillates
at 500 mA.

• Sometimes it requires a couple of attempts at this step if

Note the oscillator gets into this mode of oscillation. Once the
oscillator is set, it should function normally for the life of
the oscillator tube.

11. Adjust the overload control, R32, down until the furnace
power trips. Be sure the power has actually tripped and
that the power has not merely turned off because the
analysis has ended. Verification can be accomplished by
observing that LED1 is lighted.
12. Turn the overload control back approximately 11/2 turns to
ensure that the furnace will go into overload just above
the full-scale current setting of 500mA.
13. Reset the overload by turning the power level control to
reset and then back to max. Now the furnace should not
go into overload when the power level control is returned
to max.

9–8 C230 Electronic Adjustments



C4 C5

CR1 U1


BR1 C6


Q1 Q2 Q3
Q4 C9




Q7 R16 1


Q8 R32
U2 R21



C15 C14 R25


Q11 Q10 R29



C17 R32




C21 C22 R39 R40
J112B J112C

Figure 9-3
Induction Power Control Card

Electronic Adjustments C230 9–9

Oven Heater Control Card

• This procedure should be completed if the oven temperature

Notes falls out of range (48oC ±2oC) as displayed on the ambient
monitor, or when replacing the oven heater control card.

• This adjustment requires a digital voltmeter.

1. Remove the left side panel and oven compartment side

2. Locate the oven heater control card. On the card locate
control R14, TP1, and TP2. Refer to Figure 9-4 below.
3. Connect the digital voltmeter’s positive lead to TP1, and
the negative lead to TP2. The voltage measured will be
100 mV/oC.
4. When readings have stabilized, adjust control R14 for a
reading of 4.8 volts.
5. Disconnect the digital voltmeter.
6. Reinstall the side panels.
7. Permit the temperature to stabilize then recheck the
temperature reading on the ambient monitor. It should be
48oC ±2oC.














Figure 9-4
Oven Heater Control Card

9–10 C230 Electronic Adjustments

IR Cell

• The IR cell output range is 7.500 to 9.200 volts. An alarm

Notes occurs if the cell exceeds this range, indicating that the
following adjustment should be performed.

• J152 is the chopper motor connector for the CO2 IR cell.

J152A is the chopper motor connector for the SO2 IR cell.
Refer to Figure 9-5, page 9–12.

• This procedure should be repeated for both IR cells.

1. Access the ambient monitor by pressing [5] Diagnostics

and then [1] Ambient Monitor. The ambient monitor
screen will be displayed.

• The instrument should be at operating temperature, and the

Note gas supply should be on before performing this adjustment.

2. Remove the right side panel of the determinator to access

the IR cell oven.
3. Remove the IR cell oven side panel.
4. Locate the zero adjustment control (R24), the gain
adjustment control (R3), and the chopper motor connector

• The gain adjustment can be made without adjusting the

Notes zero adjustment.

• For locations, refer to Figure 9-5, page 9–12.

5. Disconnect the chopper motor connector and observe the

display. The reading should drop to zero. If not, adjust the
zero control (R24) until the display indicates 0.001 volts.

• Do not adjust to zero.


Electronic Adjustments C230 9–11

6. Reconnect the chopper motor connector, and observe the
display. The reading should indicate 8.500 ±0.200 volts. If
not, adjust the gain adjustment control (R3) until the
display indicates 8.500 ±0.200 volts.

• After adjustments are made, permit the oven temperature

Note to stabilize before analyzing samples.

7. Reinstall the side panels.







Figure 9-5
IR Cell Adjustment Location

9–12 C230 Electronic Adjustments

10 Service

10 Service

Illustrations ..................................................................... 10–2

Combustion Pressure Adjustment ....................................... 10–3
Flow Controller Adjustment ................................................ 10–5
Safety Pressure Adjustments.............................................. 10–6
Vertical Crucible Alignment ................................................ 10–8
Gas Flows...................................................................... 10–12
Analysis ................................................................... 10–12
Autocleaner .............................................................. 10–15
Valve Control States ....................................................... 10–16
Notices, Errors, and Warnings .......................................... 10–22
Software Upgrade........................................................... 10–26
DSP Software Upgrade Procedure ................................ 10–26
Software Upgrade with Windows® ................................ 10–29
Linearization with DSP..................................................... 10–30
Linearization with Windows® ............................................ 10–32

Service C230 10–1


Figure 10-1 ....... Combustion Pressure Adjustment Knob ......... 10–4

Figure 10-2 ....... Flow Controller Location.............................. 10–5
Figure 10-3 ....... Piston Pressure Regulator ........................... 10–7
Figure 10-4 ....... Crucible Alignment..................................... 10–11
Figure 10-5 ....... Gas Flow Diagram...................................... 10–17
Figure 10-6 ....... Gas Flow with Autocleaner Diagram.............. 10–18
Figure 10-7 ....... Leak Check Flow Diagram ........................... 10–19
Figure 10-8 ....... Leak Check Flow with Autocleaner Diagram ... 10–20
Figure 10-9 ....... Analyze Sequence Diagram ......................... 10–21
Figure 10-10...... EPROM Location......................................... 10–28

10–2 C230 Service

Combustion Pressure Adjustment

• The Set Barometer procedure, page 4–27, should be

Note completed before this adjustment is made.

1. Remove the left side panel.

• Use the following procedure for a DSP instrument to turn

Keypad the gas ON.
A. From the main menu, press [1] Analyze then Menu to
display the analysis menu.
B. Press [4] System Controls and set carrier gas to on.

• Use the following procedure for a Windows® instrument to

Windows® turn the gas ON.
A. Click F10 on the toolbar to turn the gas ON.

2. Using the adjustment knob, adjust the pressure regulator

for 12 psi as shown on the pressure gauge. Refer to
Figure 10-1, on page 10–4.
3. Replace the left side panel.

Service C230 10–3


Figure 10-1
Combustion Pressure Adjustment Knob

10–4 C230 Service

Flow Controller Adjustment

1. Remove the left side panel to access the IR cell oven..

2. Using a screwdriver, adjust the flow controller assembly
through the access hole in the oven directly above the flow
controller assembly. Refer to Figure 10-2, below.
3. From the main menu, press [1] Analyze to turn the gas on
and then [4] System Controls.
4. Adjust the oxygen flow controller for 3 liters per minute
indicated on the determinator's front panel oxygen flow
5. Reinstall the IR cell oven side panel and the determinators
left side panel.




Figure 10-2
Flow Controller Location

Service C230 10–5

Safety Pressure Adjustments


After the left side panel of the unit is removed,
high voltage is present. Do not touch any
component inside the cabinet when performing
this adjustment unless instructed to do so.

• Piston safety pressure (6 psi) is applied to the pneumatic

Notes piston except when the piston is fully extended.

• The pneumatic piston closing speed increases as pressure


1. Access the analyze menu and select Manual Operation.

2. Remove the left side panel and locate the piston pressure
3. Press the up/down switch and open the furnace. Observe
the speed of the piston while the piston is in transit. If the
piston does not travel from top to bottom and bottom to
top in approximately two seconds locate the safety
pressure adjustment knob, Figure 10-3, page 10–7 and
adjust as follows:
A. If the piston travel is too slow:
1) Cycle the furnace piston by pressing the up/down
switch and rotate the safety pressure adjustment
knob clockwise while observing the speed of the
2) The time for piston travel should be
approximately two seconds.
3) Cycle the furnace piston by pressing the up/down
switch twice.
4) The time for piston travel should still be
approximately two seconds.
5) Press the up/down switch to close the furnace
and complete this procedure.

10–6 C230 Service

B. If the piston travel is too fast:
1) Cycle the furnace piston by pressing the up/down
switch and rotate the safety pressure adjustment
knob counter-clockwise while observing the
speed of the piston.
2) The time for piston travel should be
approximately two seconds.
3) Cycle the furnace piston by pressing the up/down
switch twice.
4) The time for piston travel should still be
approximately two seconds.
5) Press the up/down switch to close the furnace
and complete this procedure.

Oxygen increases the flammability of materials.
Always use caution when adjusting or operating
units using oxygen supplies. LECO recommends
routine leak check procedures to reduce the
possibility of fire hazards.

Figure 10-3
Piston Pressure Regulator

Service C230 10–7

Vertical Crucible Alignment

• To assure efficient lance flow to the sample, and optimal

Note sample coupling, with the high-energy field around the coil,
the crucible must be properly positioned on the pedestal.


The capacitors on the oscillator chassis store a
lethal amount of energy and must be discharged
to avoid electric shock . Contact the LECO service
department for more information before
servicing the oscillator chassis.


After the power has been turned on, both the
oscillator and the furnace power supply produce
lethal voltages. Contact the LECO service
department for more information before
servicing the oscillator chassis.

1. Place an empty crucible on the furnace pedestal and close

the furnace.
2. Observe the crucible position through the furnace screen.
The bottom of the crucible should be located just below or
even with the lower portion of the third coil turn from the
top. Refer to Figure 10-4 page 10–11.
3. If the crucible is not in the proper position, it will be
necessary to adjust the induction coil.
A. Place the furnace’s power on/off switch to the off
position and unplug the furnace power cord from
facility power.


Disconnect from facility power before continuing
with this procedure.

10–8 C230 Service

B. Remove the crucible from the pedestal and the
pedestal from the adapter. Set the crucible and
pedestal aside. Refer to Figure 10-4, page 10–11.
C. Open the lance access door and remove the lance
D. Remove the combustion tube and set it aside.
E. Remove the front cover and metal screen to access
the induction coil.


The capacitors on the oscillator chassis store a
lethal amount of energy and must be discharged
to avoid electric shock . Contact the LECO service
department for more information before
servicing the oscillator chassis or touching the
induction coil.


After the power has been turned on, the
oscillator produces lethal voltages. Contact the
LECO service department for more information
before servicing the oscillator chassis or touching
the induction coil.

F. Adjust the induction coil.

Make sure the spacing between the coil turns
remains the same.

Service C230 10–9

1) For very minor adjustments: Carefully grasp the
induction coil and bend it into the proper
2) For average adjustments:
a) Loosen the two coil collets, Figure 2-5,
page 2–13.
b) Move the induction coil until the induction
coil is in the proper position.
c) Tighten the coil collets being careful not to
3) For large adjustment:
a) Remove the right side panel.
b) Remove the RF shield.
c) Loosen the four screws holding the oscillator
chassis in place.
d) Move the oscillator until the induction coil is
in the proper position.
e) Tighten the oscillator chassis screws.
f) Reinstall the RF shield and the right side
G. Replace the combustion tube, lance assembly, metal
screen, and front cover.
H. Close the lance access door.
I. Plug the furnace into facility power and place the
furnace’s power on/off switch in the on position.
4. When the adjustment is completed, reinstall the pedestal,
place an empty crucible on the furnace pedestal, and close
the furnace.
5. Observe the crucible position. If the crucible still needs
adjustment, repeat step 3 until the crucible is properly

10–10 C230 Service

605-814 CRUCIBLE
ADAPTER 605-816


Figure 10-4
Crucible Alignment

Service C230 10–11

Gas Flows

Analyze Valve State—In this valve state, oxygen flows through
both the furnace and the determinator system.
When the gas is turned on, oxygen, regulated at 35 psi at its
source, enters the determinator through the O2 inlet port on the
cabinet back panel. Oxygen flow is then filtered through a 6
inch bubble tube (located on the front of the furnace)
containing Lecosorb and anhydrone. Carbon dioxide is removed
from the oxygen flow using Lecosorb reagent and moisture is
removed in the anhydrone reagent. Oxygen, with all impurities
removed, serves as the carrier gas in the system.
After all impurities have been removed from the carrier gas, the
flow is divided into two paths; one path, the lance flow, is
directed through solenoid valve 3 and into the top of the
combustion tube. During an analysis, lance flow is held
constant and is directed into the sample to assist carbon-
bearing components to convert into CO or CO2. The second
path is directed through solenoid valve 5 into the bottom of the
combustion tube; this flow rate varies (2 to 3 lpm) in
accordance with each valve state.
The carrier gas flows from the combustion tube sweeping
released gases from the combustion tube through a screen
filter, then through a 4 inch filter tube containing anhydrone to
remove water. The carrier gas, regulated by a flow controller in
the oven, flows through the catalyst heater. A small percentage
of the carbon is present as carbon monoxide, which is
converted to carbon dioxide as the gas flows through the
platinized silica gel in the heater. Sulfur trioxide is removed in a
cellulose trap. Gas then flows through the cellulose trap, CO2 IR
cell and solenoid valve 15. It is then exhausted out the back of
the unit.
Furnace Open 1 Valve State—In this valve state, the
combustion tube is depressurized so that residual dust can be
Lance flow remains the same as in the analyze valve state, but
the measure flow is bypassed through both solenoid valve 9
and solenoid valve 2. Flow through solenoid valve 9 is briefly
purged through the combustion chamber while flow from
solenoid valve 2 passes through the cellulose trap and IR cell as
previously described for the measure flow. Pneumatic gas flows
through the safety pressure regulator. With solenoid valve 9
open, the lance and purge flow (through solenoid valve 9)
ejects residual dust from the combustion tube.

10–12 C230 Service

Furnace Open 2 Valve State—In this valve state, the piston
moves down and, if selected, the vacuum turns on.
Lance flow is on while measure flow bypasses the furnace
altogether and flows directly through solenoid valve 2 and is
directed to the IR cell. Pneumatic gas is switched through the
safety pressure regulator and solenoid valve 10 causing the
piston to be lowered. In addition, the vacuum solid-state relay
switches on if it has been selected.
Furnace Open 3 Valve State—In this valve state, the vacuum, if
selected, shuts off and the furnace remains open to load the
next crucible on the pedestal.
Flow is identical to Furnace Open 2 Valve State, but the vacuum
solid state relay switches the vacuum cleaner off.
Furnace Closed 1 Valve State—This valve state is triggered
when a loaded crucible is placed on the piston and the piston
up/down key is pressed. The piston moves up under low
pressure until the up piston limit switch closes.
Oxygen flow completely bypasses the furnace through solenoid
valve 2 and is directed through the cellulose trap and IR cell.
Pneumatic gas flows through the safety pressure regulator and
closes solenoid valve 10 to move the piston up.
Furnace Closed 2 Valve State—In this valve state, the lower
seal changes to high pressure and is sealed against the
combustion tube o-ring. Atmospheric gases are quickly purged
out of the combustion tube.
Lance flow is on and measure flow is on through the IR cell as
well as purged through the top of the combustion tube.
Pneumatic gas allows atmospheric gases to be purged from the
combustion tube.
Furnace Closed 3 Valve State—After a pre-analyze purge delay,
the combustion tube is pressurized in this valve state.
Oxygen flow is identical to that in Furnace Closed 2 Valve State,
but pneumatic flow goes through solenoid valve 9 only.
Analysis Valve State—Following Furnace Closed 3 Valve State,
there is a 2 second delay, after which the CPU checks that the
lance pressure switch is closed and a weight has been entered
in the weight stack. If both conditions are affirmative, the
system goes into Analyze Valve State, (previously discussed).
During a preanalyze delay, a stable IR baseline is obtained,
after which IR zeros are taken. Integration begins just before
the furnace is heated. As the sample is combusted in the
furnace, sample gases are mixed with the carrier gas (oxygen)
and CO2 is collected and released by the trap. Then the gas is
directed to the IR cell. Percent carbon is displayed on screen,
the furnace shuts off, and the answers are saved in memory
and then printed.

Service C230 10–13

Post-Analyze Valve State—In this valve state, lance flow is shut
off while measure flow remains on to maintain a constant flow
through the IR detection system.
Lance flow is off, while measure flow is directed into the bottom
of the furnace and subsequently through the IR cell. The piston
remains raised under pneumatic pressure.

10–14 C230 Service

After a programmed number of analyses, the furnace must be
cleaned, either manually or automatically, to prevent excessive
residue buildup. The following procedure generally describes
both manual and automatic cleaning cycle flows; however, in
system controls, several autoclean options can be selected.
Refer to the System Controls procedure on page 5–18 and
System Configuration on page 4–59, for details.
In each of the three clean valve states, oxygen flow is bypassed
through the IR cell, the piston is down, and the door is closed.
Differences in these valve states include vacuum cleaner on or
off and brush up or down.
A clean cycle is begun by pressing [5] Clean from the analyze
menu. If the cup is up, the combustion tube is depressurized
(Furnace Open 1 Valve State) and the lance pressure switch
opens. If the piston switch is down, Clean 1 Valve State is
signaled and the furnace door closes.
If an autocleaner has been installed, the vacuum turns on, the
brush moves down (Clean 2 Valve State) and up (Clean 1 Valve
State), and then the cycle repeats 2 times. If manually
cleaning, the vacuum switch shuts off automatically (Clean 3
Valve State) and the vacuum switch is pressed manually to
begin cleaning. After cleaning the filter and combustion tube,
the vacuum switch is shut off manually. Then [5] Clean is
pressed and the furnace door opens (Furnace Open 3 Valve
The cycle is completed when atmospheric gases are purged
from the system (gas flows for each valve state have been
previously discussed). After cleaning, the vacuum is shut off
(Furnace Open 3 Valve State), the clean switch is pressed, and
the cup moves up under low pressure (Furnace Closed 1 Valve
State). The cup then goes to high pressure, sealing the piston
against the o-ring. Atmospheric gases are purged from the
combustion tube (Furnace Closed 2 Valve State) and after a
purge delay, the combustion tube is pressurized. Finally, after a
two second delay, oxygen flows through both the furnace and
determinator (Post Analyze Valve State).

Service C230 10–15

Valve Control States

Vacuum Cleaner Solid State Relay*

Furnace Control Solid State Relay*

Barometric Control Valve Closed

Barometric Control Valve Open

Furnace Gas Solenoid

Pinch Valve Solenoid

Oxygen Solenoid

Bypass Solenoid

Safety Solenoid

Piston Solenoid
Purge Solenoid
Doser Solenoid

Brush Solenoid
Lance Solenoid

Door Solenoid
Valve State
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Gas Off 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0
Standby 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Analyze 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Furnace Open 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Furnace Open 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Furnace Open 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Furnace Closed 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Furnace Closed 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Furnace Closed 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Post Analyze 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Leak Check 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Leak Check 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Leak Check 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Leak Check 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Barometric 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Clean 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
Clean 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
Clean 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

• 1 (One): Indicates the solenoid valve is open.

• 0 (Zero): Indicates the solenoid valve is closed.

* Independent of valve states

10–16 C230 Service








25 PSI
40 PSI


Figure 10-5
Gas Flow Diagram

Service C230 10–17










Figure 10-6
Gas Flow with Autocleaner Diagram

10–18 C230 Service








40 PSI SV10


Figure 10-7
Leak Check Flow Diagram

Service C230 10–19



CO 2










Figure 10-8
Leak Check Flow with Autocleaner Diagram

10–20 C230 Service


O2 NO ?



Figure 10-9

Analyze Sequence Diagram




Notices, Errors, and Warnings

Message Cause Probable Solution

Select transmit options

Data Transmit Port Data transmit
from the setup menu
Disabled option is disabled.
and enable data transmit.

No results are Run analysis

No Results Available
stored in result list. to obtain results.

No results selected Select results before

No Results Selected
from the result list. performing procedure.

No weights have
Enter weights into
No Weights Entered been entered into
the weight stack.
the weight stack.

The incorrect Enter the

Password Mismatch
password was entered. correct password.

Make sure the printer

Printer is not turned on,
Printer Not Ready is turned on, on-line,
on-line, or connected.
and connected.

Appears when memory Either reset memory

reset is selected from a by pressing Yes or
Reset Memory
menu or when a software abort and do not reset
update is performed. memory by pressing No.

Sample Weight Sample weight exceeded Enter correct

Out Of Range limits of reasonable value. sample weight.

10–22 C230 Service

Message Cause Probable Solution

Clean the dust filter,

Clean counter limit
Clean Dust Filter either manually or

Pressure outside of Perform a combustion

Combustion Pressure
575mm to 625mm range. pressure adjustment.

Plate current drops Add accelerator or iron

below 200mA causing chip depending on
Low Plate Current poor coupling or sample.
Or Low Grid Current grid current drops Replace oscillator tube.
below 50mA causing Replace lance flow
weak oscillator tube. restrictor.

Service C230 10–23

Message Cause Probable Solution
Hardware problem.
Balance port
Balance Port Open Failure Contact the LECO
will not initialize.
service department.
Blank result range of ~
Blank Out Of Range Select correct blank
1% exceeded. Incorrect
[Element Name] results from results list.
blank results selected.
Calibration results out
Calibration Out Of Range of range, .01 to 10. Select correct calibration
[Element Name] Incorrect calibration results from results list.
results selected.
Data Transmit
[Port Disabled,
Hardware problem.
Buffer Is Full, Data transmit port
Contact the LECO
Buffer Is Empty, inoperative.
service department.
String Is Too Long,
Not Enough Room]

Dust Clog In Flow System Dust filter is dirty. Clean dust filter.

Access the ambient

monitor to determine the
IR cell voltage output.
IR cell voltage
IR Cell Out Of Range Refer to the IR Cell
exceeds range limits.
procedure (page 9-11)
to adjust IR cell
output voltage.
Check the lance flow
path in the center of
Cleaning brush did not
No Brush Down Limit the brush for clogging.
reach the fully extended
Switch Turn pneumatic pressure
position during cleaning.
on and off and check for
possible jam-up.
Check the lance flow
path in the center of
Cleaning brush did
the brush for clogging.
No Brush Up Limit Switch not reach fully retracted
Turn pneumatic pressure
position during cleaning.
on and off and check for
possible jam-up.
Gross leak in
combustion system.
No Combustion Combustion system
Check furnace o-rings
Tube Pressure cannot pressurize.
and outer combustion
tube for possible cracks.

10–24 C230 Service

Message Cause Probable Solution

Turn pneumatic pressure

No Door Open Limit Door did not retract
off and then on.
Switch after cleaning cycle.
Check for door jam.

Pressure loss from oxygen Check oxygen supply

No Oxygen Pressure supply or pressure is less and supply lines.
than 25 psi. Check oxygen regulator.

Check pneumatic
Piston did not raise
No Piston Up Limit Switch pressure. Check to see if
crucible to the up position.
crucible is jammed.

Pneumatic pressure is Check and determine if

No Pneumatic Pressure turned off or gas bottle is gas supply is turned off.
empty. Replace gas bottle.

Hardware problem.
Transmit Port Open Transmit port will not
Contact the LECO
Failure initialize.
service department.

Determine that pneumatic

supply is turned on.
Pneumatic supply Perform a leak check and
is turned off. check for leaks.
Unable To Pressurize
Possible gross Bypass furnace.
leak in system. Check o-rings.
Look for a cracked
combustion tube.

Service C230 10–25

Software Upgrade

A major portion of the determinator's functions are defined and

controlled by a software program that may be updated. Most
updates do not affect the physical design of the determinator,
but can improve performance and make operation easier.
Therefore, an identification system for program changes called
'Program Version' is used in the C230 Carbon and Sulfur
Determinator and other LECO instruments.
A three-digit number identifies program version levels. The first
generation of a program is version '1.00'. Each time a program
is changed, the version number is increased.

• The following procedure is for DSP instruments. For

Keypad Windows® instruments refer to page 10–29,
Software Upgrade with Windows®.

DSP Software Upgrade Procedure

• When installing new EPROMs, be careful not to bend any of

Note the EPROM pins out of the socket or under the EPROM.

1. Place the determinator's power on/off switch in the off

position and disconnect from facility power.


The CS230 operates from 230V~. Contact with
this voltage can be lethal. Disconnect the
determinator from the facility power source
before removing the side panels.

10–26 C230 Service

2. Remove the left side panel of the determinator to expose
the CPU circuit board. Refer to Figure 10-10, page 10–28.


After the side panel is removed high voltage is
present. Use caution when making these
adjustments. Contact with voltages inside the
instrument can be lethal or cause serious injury.

3. Locate the program EPROMs IC3 and IC4. With a small flat
tip screwdriver, pry the old EPROMs from their sockets.
Discard the EPROMs.
4. Install the new program EPROMs in sockets IC3 and IC4.
Install the low EPROM in socket IC4 and the high EPROM in
socket IC3.

• Make sure the notch at the end of the EPROM is located

Note over the half circle screened on the CPU circuit board.

5. Reinstall the left side panel of the determinator.

6. Turn the AC power on. The Copyright screen should be
7. After approximately 10 seconds the Reset Confirmation
screen will be displayed. Answer Yes to all questions. All
system parameters will be set to their factory default
8. If desired, enter the old system parameter values printed
from System Parameters. The barometric pressure should
be set.
9. Proceed with setup and operation of the determinator.

Service C230 10–27


EPROM Location
Figure 10-10

C8 J859B J859F
PD1A PD2A J859A C9 1 1 1 1
PD1 C5 PD2 C6 J859C J859D J859E
C18 PD3
C1 C12 13
+ C7 1 C14 R1 R3 Q1
PD5 C16 C124 J859G
U1 IC3 IC4 U2 U3 C11 C13 U5

R2 R4
+ PD9 U4 R6

C10 U8
C4 C15 C17
IC9 C19
RN1 Y1 C32
C3 TP1 C42 +
TP2 U6 U7




C20 C123 C27

+ C21 C30 C31 + C43

CR3 R8 U18
U10 C41
R42 R9 C33

R10 C65
U9 C25 C26 U15 C64 U25
CR4 R11 U24

PD4 R12 U17
C24 C66 C63 +

+ U13 Y2 C62 +
J859H R7 C61
U11 C56 + + C102
U23 J859J
+ PD6 C103
C44 + C99
1 L1
U14 C58 C60 C95 R24

C46 C59 +


U22 Y3 U26 +
C96 R25
C45 U12 C55

C97 R26

C50 R17 R18




C57 U19 C98 R27
R13 C49 U16 C91 C92 C93 C101
C48 +
C47 CR1 COPYRIGHT C 1994-95 C94 C104
+ +


U35 U40 U41 RN2 U43 +




C71 U29 ST. JOSEPH, MI U. S. A. C105
U27 + C80 PD7



C87 U37 C89
C72 C85 C86 R34 TP6



C67 +
C68 U30 C88 TP7



R29 U32 C90

C69 C121 + U36

R32 R30
19 C73 U33 U34 U38 U44 U45 U46

C122 C115
C114 U47
CR2 + U31 PD8 U39 C118 U48 SW1

U28 C108 19 C116 C117
C113 1
IC39 C119 C120
C106 C107 C109
J859K 1 5
C110 C111
R33 + 1 + J859N
Software Upgrade with Windows®

• The following information is for Windows® instruments. For
Windows DSP instruments refer to DSP Software Upgrade Procedure
on page 10–26.

1. With the computer on, place the software update disk in

the CDROM drive.
2. Click on the Start button in the lower left-hand corner of
the desktop.
3. Click Run. The Run dialog box is displayed.

4. Enter D:\Setup.exe and click OK.

5. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen to
complete the installation.
6. If desired, enter the old system parameters. The time and
barometric pressure should be set.
7. Proceed with setup and operation of the determinator.

Service C230 10–29

Linearization with DSP

• The following procedure is for DSP instruments. For

Keypad Windows® instruments refer to Linearization on page 10–32.

• To optimize linearity of the detection system, break and

Notes slope values are employed.

• The break and slope values to enter are found on the

linearization tag attached to the IR cell.

• The break and slope values were entered during the

manufacturing process, new values should be entered only
if the IR cell is replaced, the version of software is updated
or the system has been reset.

1. Access linearization by choosing [9] More then [2]

Linearization from the setup menu.

# Break Adj Bk Slope

0 0 1.0000
0 565 565 1.0466
1 1101 1125 1.0381
2 2258 2326 1.0299
3 3785 3898 1.0534
4 6424 6677 1.0348
5 9261 9612 1.0344
6 12414 12873 1.0822
7 16063 16821 1.0921
8 18503 19493 1.1001
9 20584 21776
Range: 0 - 52000

• Linearization permits the operator to enter the break and

Note slope values that were determined during the
manufacturing process.

10–30 C230 Service

2. Press Select or Next to move the cursor to the next line.
3. Press Previous to move the cursor back one line.
4. Press the left or right arrow keys to move the cursor and
edit a digit using the keypad.
5. Press Menu to access the print command. If a copy of the
linearization is desired, press [1] Print from the menu.
6. After all break and slope values have been entered, press
Exit to return to the setup menu. The determinator will
calculate the adjusted break value.

Service C230 10–31

Linearization with Windows®

• The following information is for Windows® instruments. For

Windows® DSP instruments refer to Linearization on page 10–30.

The output signal (voltage) from the IR cell detector is not

linear with respect to element concentration. To make the
output of the IR cell appear linear, each cell is linearized by
LECO during the manufacturing process.

• It is only necessary to perform this procedure if an IR cell is

Note replaced. The break and slope values to enter during this
procedure can be found on a tag attached to the
replacement IR cell.

1. Click Configuration and select Linearizations. The

linearization dialog box will appear.

10–32 C230 Service

2. Click the arrow in the Select Cell drop down box and select
the IR cell to linearize. Selections are Carbon Low Range,
Carbon High Range or Sulfur.
3. Click on the table and enter the break and slope values. The
determinator will calculate the adjusted break value.
4. Click Print to print the break and slope values on the system
5. Click OK to save the adjusted break and slope values and
exit this procedure.

Service C230 10–33

This page intentionally left blank.

10–34 C230 Service

11 Illustrations

11 Illustrations

Figure 11-1 ....... Display Assembly....................................... 11–2

Figure 11-2 ....... Gas Panel Assembly ................................... 11–3
Figure 11-3 ....... Head Filter and Lance Assembly................... 11–4
Figure 11-4 ....... Dust Door Assembly................................... 11–5
Figure 11-5 ....... Power Supply Assembly .............................. 11–6
Figure 11-6 ....... Transformer Assembly................................ 11–7
Figure 11-7 ....... Flow Controller Assembly ............................ 11–8
Figure 11-8 ....... Oscillator Assembly .................................... 11–9
Figure 11-9 ....... Pinch Valve Assembly ................................. 11–10
Figure 11-10...... Quick Loader Pneumatic Manifold ................. 11–11
Figure 11-11...... Carousel Assembly..................................... 11–12
Figure 11-12...... Quick Feeder Arm Assembly ........................ 11–13
Figure 11-13...... Carousel Assembly..................................... 11–14
Figure 11-14...... Quick Feeder Arm Assembly ........................ 11–15
Figure 11-15...... Autocleaner Assembly ................................ 11–17
Figure 11-16...... Quick Loader Assembly............................... 11–18
Figure 11-17...... Quick Feeder Assembly............................... 11–19

Illustrations C230 11–1

Figure 11-1
Display Assembly

11–2 C230 Illustrations

Figure 11-2
Gas Panel Assembly

Illustrations C230 11–3

Figure 11-3
Head Filter and Lance Assembly

11–4 C230 Illustrations

Figure 11-4
Dust Door Assembly

Illustrations C230 11–5

Figure 11-5
Power Supply Assembly

11–6 C230 Illustrations

Figure 11-6
Transformer Assembly

Illustrations C230 11–7

Figure 11-7
Flow Controller Assembly

11–8 C230 Illustrations

Figure 11-8
Oscillator Assembly

Illustrations C230 11–9

Figure 11-9
Pinch Valve Assembly

11–10 C230 Illustrations

Figure 11-10
Quick Loader Pneumatic Manifold

Illustrations C230 11–11

Figure 11-11
Carousel Assembly

11–12 C230 Illustrations

Figure 11-12
Quick Feeder Arm Assembly

Illustrations C230 11–13

Figure 11-13
Carousel Assembly

11–14 C230 Illustrations

Figure 11-14
Quick Feeder Arm Assembly

Illustrations C230 11–15

This page intentionally left blank.

11–16 C230 Illustrations

Figure 11-15
Autocleaner Assembly

Illustrations C230 11–17

Figure 11-16
Quick Loader Assembly

11–18 C230 Illustrations

Figure 11-17
Quick Feeder Assembly

Illustrations C230 11–19

This page intentionally left blank.

11–20 C230 Illustrations

12 Schematics

12 Schematics

Schematics C230 12–1

12–2 C230 Schematics
Schematics C230 12–3
12–4 C230 Schematics
Schematics C230 12–5
12–6 C230 Schematics
Schematics C230 12–7
This page intentionally left blank.

12–8 C230 Schematics

13 Index

13 Index

Abort ......................................................................... 5–57
About the Examples ..................................................... 4–10
After Use, what to do ..................................................... 5–9
Ambient Monitor.......................................................... 4–16
Ambient Monitor Definitions ................................... 8–6, 8–23
Ambient Monitor Ranges............................................... 8–24
Ambient Monitor, DSP .................................................... 8–4
Ambient Monitor, Windows............................................ 8–21
Ambients.................................................................... 5–63
Analysis Gas Flow States ............................................ 10–12
Analysis Menu Definitions and Ranges ............................ 5–19
Analysis Method Menu .................................................. 4–32
Analysis Row .............................................................. 5–56
Analysis Valve State, Gas Flow Analysis ........................ 10–13
Analyze...................................................................... 5–57
Analyze a Sample ............................................... 5–27, 5–70
Analyze Menu ............................................................. 5–13
Analyze Sequence Diagram ......................................... 10–21
Analyze Valve State, Gas Flow Analysis......................... 10–12
Anhydrone.................................................................... 6–4
Anhydrone Tube ................................................... 2–14, 6–4
ASCII Character Definition Table.................................... 4–36
Auto Widths................................................................ 5–62
Autocleaner ......................................................... 3–12, 6–6
Autocleaner Assembly .................................................... 6–7
Autocleaner Gas Flow States ....................................... 10–15
Autocleaner Mesh Filter .................................................. 6–9
Autocleaner O-rings ..................................................... 6–10

Index C230 13–1

Automatically Transmit Analysis Results.......................... 4–44
Average, Statistics....................................................... 5–46

Balance............................................................... 3–3, 5–57
Balance Configuration Definitions ................................... 4–62
Balance Definitions ...................................................... 4–62
Balance Installation ....................................................... 3–3
Balance Interfacing ........................................................ 3–4
Balance Login ............................................................. 5–68
Balance Options .......................................................... 4–23
Balance Tab................................................................ 4–61
Balance Weight ........................................................... 5–22
Balance Weight, Analyze Menu ...................................... 5–22
Balance, Resetting the ................................................... 3–4
Balance, Setting the Data Characters Parameter ................ 3–5
Balance, Setting the Data Output Parameter ..................... 3–5
Barometric (PID) Pressure Regulator Adjustment ............... 9–3
Barometric Pressure..................................................... 4–63
Blank ......................................................................... 5–60
Blank Calibration ......................................................... 5–79
Blank Samples ............................................................ 5–12
Blank Samples defined ................................................. 5–12
Buffer, Plot ................................................................. 8–12
Buffer, Print................................................................ 8–11

Calculate Blank ........................................................... 5–35
Calculate Calibration .................................................... 5–32
Calibrate Menu ............................................................ 5–29
Calibration.................................................................. 5–78
Calibration Format ....................................................... 5–30
Calibration Results Format Selection............................... 5–30
Calibrations ................................................................ 5–60
Catalyst Heater Control Card ........................................... 9–5
Catalyst Heater Tube Packing ........................................ 6–11
Caution, Operator........................................................ 1–11

Cellulose Filter ............................................................ 6–13
Change Password ........................................................ 4–31
Clean Switch............................................................... 5–20
Clean Switch without Autocleaner .................................. 5–21
Clean Switch, Analyze Menu.......................................... 5–20
Clean Swith with Autocleaner ........................................ 5–20
Clear Selection ............................................................ 5–31
Clear Selection, Calibration Menu................................... 5–31
Clear Selections .......................................................... 5–43
Clear Selections, Results Menu ...................................... 5–43
Clipboard Use ............................................................. 5–99
Combustion Pressure ................................................... 4–28
Combustion Pressure Adjustment................................... 10–3
Combustion Pressure Adjustment Knob, Illustration.......... 4–28
Combustion Tube ........................................................ 6–15
Combustion Tube Cleaning............................................ 6–15
Combustion Tube Installation ........................................ 2–18
Combustion Zone O-Rings ............................................ 6–16
Communication Settings ............................................... 4–68
Comparator ......................................................... 4–55, 7–8
Comparator Level .......................................................... 7–8
Components and Accessories List................................... 1–28
Comport............................................................ 5–63, 8–27
Computer Installation................................................... 2–25
Configuration Menu...................................................... 5–60
Configure Element Definitions........................................ 4–52
Configure Maintenance Counters.................................... 4–46
Configure Result Plot.................................................. 5–100
Configure the Analysis Report........................................ 4–48
Configure the Screen ................................................... 4–50
Configure the Spreadsheet............................................ 4–51
Confirmation............................................................... 4–14
Controls and Indicators ......................................... 4–6, 4–42
Copy................................................................. 5–55, 5–99
Copyright Screen......................................................... 4–14
Counters .................................................................... 5–61

Index C230 13–3

Crucible Alignment....................................................... 10–8
Crucibles .................................................................... 5–10
Cut................................................................... 5–55, 5–99

Data Management ....................................................... 5–85
Data Transmit ............................................................. 4–35
Data Transmit Format .................................................. 4–37
Declaration of Conformity ............................................. 1–15
Define Delimiters......................................................... 4–66
Define Fields ............................................................... 4–64
Defining, Quick Access Menu ......................................... 4–30
Definitions and Ranges, Analyze Menu ............................ 5–19
Definitions and Selections, Balance Options ..................... 4–25
Definitions, Leak Check ................................................ 8–10
Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults, Analysis Method Menu .. 4–34
Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults, System Options ........... 4–20
Definitions, Ranges, and Defaults, Transmit Options ......... 4–22
Definitions, Statistics ................................................... 5–46
Delete........................................................................ 5–59
Delete a Sample .......................................................... 5–73
Delete Selected Results ................................................ 5–44
Delete Weight ............................................................. 5–15
Delete Weight, Analyze Menu ........................................ 5–15
Delimiters .................................................................. 4–66
Deskjet (Inkjet) Printer ................................................ 3–11
Diagnostics for DSP ....................................................... 8–1
Diagnostics for Windows ............................................... 8–16
Diagnostics Menu ........................................................ 5–63
Diagnostics Procedure, DSP ............................................ 8–3
Diagnostics, Comport ................................................... 8–27
Diagnostics, Solenoid Valves ......................................... 8–26
Display ...................................................................... 5–62
Dot Matrix Printer .......................................................... 3–7
Drift .......................................................................... 5–60
Drift Correction ........................................................... 5–83

DSP Analyze Menu ....................................................... 5–13
DSP Diagnostics ............................................................ 8–1
DSP Operation .............................................................. 5–1
DSP Screen Description ................................................ 5–13
DSP Software Upgrade Procedure ................................ 10–26
DSP System Setup......................................................... 4–1
Dust Removal Kit......................................................... 3–12

Edit Blank, Calibration Menu ......................................... 5–37
Edit Calibration ........................................................... 5–34
Edit Menu ................................................................... 5–55
Enter Sample Weight ................................................... 5–25
Enter Standards .......................................................... 4–57
Error Messages ......................................................... 10–24
Errors ...................................................................... 10–24
Exit ........................................................................... 5–54

Facility Requirements ..................................................... 2–6
Facility Voltage Selection .............................................. 2–10
Fields......................................................................... 4–64
File Menu ................................................................... 5–54
Fill............................................................................. 5–55
Fill Selected Cells with the Same Values.......................... 5–86
Filter, Cellulose ........................................................... 6–13
Filter, Lance Assembly.................................................. 6–19
First Row.................................................................... 5–56
Flow Controller Adjustment ........................................... 10–5
Format Results............................................................ 5–42
Furnace Closed 1 Valve State, Gas Flow Analysis............ 10–13
Furnace Closed 2 Valve State, Gas Flow Analysis............ 10–13
Furnace Closed 3 Valve State, Gas Flow Analysis............ 10–13
Furnace Open 1 Valve State, Gas Flow Analysis ............. 10–12
Furnace Open 2 Valve State, Gas Flow Analysis ............. 10–13
Furnace Open 3 Valve State, Gas Flow Analysis ............. 10–13

Index C230 13–5

Gas Connections.......................................................... 2–21
Gas Flow Diagram .............................................. 7–6, 10–17
Gas Flow States ........................................................ 10–12
Gas Flow with Autocleaner Diagram ...................... 7–7, 10–18
General Information, Theory of Operation ......................... 7–3
Gudelines Before an Analysis........................................... 5–8
Guidelines After an Analysis ............................................ 5–9
Guidelines for Operation ................................................. 5–7

Hardware Calibration ................................................... 4–63
Hardware Calibrations .................................................. 5–62

Illustrations List ............................................................ 1–8
Incoming Reagent Tube....................................... 2–16, 6–17
Induction Power Control Card Adjustment ......................... 9–7
Infrared Radiation, Absorption, and Detection.................... 7–4
Insert ........................................................................ 5–55
Insert a Sample Out-of-Sequence .................................. 5–86
Insert Data into the Spreadsheet ................................... 5–85
Insert Weight.............................................................. 5–16
Insert Weight, Analyze Menu......................................... 5–16
Installation of Optional Kits for the Autocleaner................ 3–12
Instrument Installation................................................... 2–3
Interference to Other Devices........................................ 1–14
International Installation ................................................ 2–7
IR Cell Adjustment....................................................... 9–11

Keypad ...................................................................... 4–11

Lance and Filter Assembly............................................. 6–19
Language .......................................................... 4–73, 5–62
Last Row .................................................................... 5–56
Leak Check................................................................. 5–63
Leak Check Definitions ........................................ 8–10, 8–20
Leak Check Gas Flow Diagram..................................... 10–19

Leak Check Gas Flow with Autocleaner Diagram............. 10–20
Leak Check Procedure, DSP ............................................ 8–9
Leak Check Procedure, Windows .................................... 8–18
Linearization with DSP................................................ 10–30
Linearization with Windows ......................................... 10–32
Linearizations.............................................................. 5–61
Log File ...................................................................... 5–64
Log File, View ............................................................. 6–25
Login ................................................................ 5–57, 5–64
Login a Sample ........................................................... 5–65
Login Periodic Maintenance ........................................... 6–24
Login using a Sample Template ..................................... 5–69
Login, Balance ............................................................ 5–68

Main Menu Overview .................................................... 4–15
Maintenance ................................................................. 6–3
Maintenance Counters, Reset ........................................ 6–26
Maintenance Menu....................................................... 5–64
Maintenance Schedule.................................................... 6–3
Major Equipment ......................................................... 1–17
Memory, Reset............................................................ 8–15
Menu Organization Chart ................................................ 4–8
Menu,Calibrate DSP ..................................................... 5–29
Menus............................................................... 4–10, 5–54
Mesh Filter, Autocleaner ................................................. 6–9
Method ...................................................................... 4–53
Method Development ................................................... 4–53
Method Parameter Definitions........................................ 4–55
Methods ..................................................................... 5–61

Notice, Operator.......................................................... 1–11
Notices .................................................................... 10–22
Notices and Errors ....................................................... 4–13
Notices, Errors, and Warnings ..................................... 10–22

Index C230 13–7

Operation for DSP.......................................................... 5–1
Operation for Windows ................................................. 5–49
Operation Guidelines...................................................... 5–7
Operation, Quick Access Menu....................................... 4–29
Optional Equipment ..................................................... 1–35
Options ...................................................................... 1–35
O-rings, Autocleaner .................................................... 6–10
O-rings, Combustion .................................................... 6–16
Oscillator Tube ............................................................ 2–12
Oven Heater Control Card Adjustment ............................ 9–10

Packing, Anhydrone Tube ...................................... 2–14, 6–4
Packing, Cellulose Filter ................................................ 6–13
Packing, Incoming Reagent Tube .......................... 2–16, 6–17
Paste ................................................................ 5–55, 5–99
Pedestal Installation..................................................... 2–26
Periodic Maintenance Schedule ........................................ 6–3
Periodic Maintenance, Login .......................................... 6–24
Pinch Valve Assembly, Illustration .................................. 6–22
Pinch Valve Tubing ...................................................... 6–21
Plot Buffer .................................................................. 8–12
Plot Configuration ...................................................... 5–100
Points, Statistics.......................................................... 5–46
Post-Analyze Valve State, Gas Flow Analysis.................. 10–14
Power Adjustment, Induction .......................................... 9–7
Power-Up ................................................................... 4–10
Prepare the Sample for Analysis .................................... 5–12
Preview Transmitted Data ............................................. 4–71
Print .......................................................................... 5–54
Print Buffer................................................................. 8–11
Print Preview .............................................................. 5–54
Print Sample Results .................................................... 5–74
Print Selected Results .................................................. 5–47
Print Setup ................................................................. 5–54
Print System Parameters .............................................. 8–14

Print Weights .............................................................. 5–17
Print Weights, Analyze Menu ......................................... 5–17
Printer ......................................................................... 3–7
Printer, Settings .......................................................... 3–10

Quick Access Menu ...................................................... 4–29

Reagent Tube Screen Filter ........................................... 6–23
Reagent Tube, Incoming............................................... 6–17
Recalculate ................................................................. 5–58
Recalculate Result ....................................................... 5–77
Recalculate Results, Calibration Menu ............................. 5–38
Relative Standard Deviation, Statistics............................ 5–46
Removal, Anhydrone Tube ..................................... 2–14, 6–4
Removal, Cellulose Filter .............................................. 6–13
Removal, Incoming Reagent Tube ......................... 2–16, 6–17
Reset Maintenance Counters ......................................... 6–26
Reset Memory............................................................. 8–15
Resetting the Balance .................................................... 3–4
Result Plot Menu ....................................................... 5–100
Result, Recalculate ...................................................... 5–77
Results Format Selection .............................................. 5–42
Results Menu .............................................................. 5–40
Results, Transmit ........................................................ 5–76

Safety Pressure Adjustments......................................... 10–6
Sample ...................................................................... 5–70
Sample Analysis ................................................. 5–27, 5–70
Sample Login .............................................................. 5–65
Sample Login Definitions .............................................. 5–67
Sample Preparation ..................................................... 5–12
Sample Results, Print ................................................... 5–74
Sample Size................................................................ 5–12
Sample Template, Login ............................................... 5–69
Sample Templates .............................................. 4–56, 5–61

Index C230 13–9

Sample Weight Entry ................................................... 5–25
Samples Menu ............................................................ 5–57
Screen Description, Analyze Menu.................................. 5–13
Screen Filter ............................................................... 6–23
Select First Row in the Spreadsheet ............................... 5–87
Select Language................................................. 4–73, 5–62
Select Last Row in the Spreadsheet................................ 5–87
Select Method ............................................................. 5–24
Select Method, Analyze Menu ........................................ 5–24
Select the Analysis Row in the Spreadsheet..................... 5–87
Set Barometer ............................................................ 4–27
Setting the Data Characters Parameter, Balance ................ 3–5
Setting the Data Output Parameter, Balance ..................... 3–5
Shutdown After Use ....................................................... 5–9
Software Upgrade Procedure ....................................... 10–26
Solenoid Valve Control States...................................... 10–16
Solenoid Valve States..................................................... 8–8
Solenoid Valves, .......................................................... 8–26
Solenoids ................................................................... 5–63
Specifications.............................................................. 1–36
Standard Calibration .................................................... 5–80
Standard Calibration Definitions..................................... 5–82
Standard Deviation, Statistics........................................ 5–46
Standards ......................................................... 4–57, 5–61
Standards Definitions ................................................... 4–58
Statistics .................................................................... 5–45
Statistics Definitions .................................................... 5–46
Statistics, Results Menu................................................ 5–45
Status Bar ......................................................... 4–50, 5–56
Switch States................................................................ 8–7
Switches ........................................................... 5–63, 8–25
Symbols..................................................................... 1–12
System ...................................................................... 5–61
System Check ............................................................. 4–16
System Clock .............................................................. 4–26
System Configuration................................................... 4–59

System Configuration Definitions ................................... 4–60
System Controls .......................................................... 5–18
System Controls, Analyze Menu ..................................... 5–18
System Options........................................................... 4–19
System Overview ........................................................ 4–15
System Print ............................................................... 8–14
System Setup ............................................................. 4–18
System Setup for DSP .................................................... 4–1
System Setup for Windows ........................................... 4–38
System Tab ................................................................ 4–60

Theory of Operation ....................................................... 7–3
Tool Bar ............................................................ 4–50, 5–56
Transmission Formats ......................................... 4–64, 5–62
Transmit .................................................................... 5–58
Transmit Last.............................................................. 5–23
Transmit Last, Analyze Menu......................................... 5–23
Transmit Options ......................................................... 4–21
Transmit Results ......................................................... 5–76
Transmit Selected Results............................................. 5–48
Transmitted Data ........................................................ 4–71
Tubing, Pinch Valve ..................................................... 6–21

Users................................................................ 4–74, 5–62
Using the Keypad ........................................................ 4–12

Vacuum Cleaner Kit ..................................................... 3–12
Valve Control States .................................................. 10–16
Valve States ................................................................. 8–8
Vertical Crucible Alignment ........................................... 10–8
View Log File ..................................................... 5–64, 6–25
View Menu.................................................................. 5–56

Warnings.................................................................. 10–23
Warranty.................................................................... 1–10

Index C230 13–11

Windows Diagnostics.................................................... 8–16
Windows Operation...................................................... 5–49
Windows Sample Analysis ............................................. 5–70
Windows Software Menus ............................................. 5–54
Windows System Configuration...................................... 4–59
Windows System Configuration Definitions ...................... 4–60
Windows System Setup ................................................ 4–38
Windows® Software Upgrade Procedure ........................ 10–29
With Autocleaner, Pedestal Installation ........................... 2–27
Without Autocleaner, Pedestal Installation....................... 2–26


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