Quantification of Whole Ultra High Temperature UHT Milk Waste As A

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Journal of Cleaner Production 153 (2017) 483e490

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Quantification of whole ultra high temperature UHT milk waste as a

function of packages type and design
Igor Rosa Meurer a, *, Carla Christine Lange b, Humberto Moreira Hungaro a,
 Valenzuela Bell d, Virgilio de Carvalho dos Anjos d,
Maria Jose
Cleuber Antonio de Sa  Silva c, Miriam Aparecida de Oliveira Pinto a
Faculty of Pharmacy, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, 36036-330 Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Embrapa Dairy Cattle, 36038-330 Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Federal Institute of Southeastern Minas Gerais, Campus Rio Pomba, 36180-000 Rio Pomba, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Laboratory of Materials Spectroscopy, Department of Physics, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, 36036-330 Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The food waste during consumption should be decreased to assure environmental sustainability and food
Received 6 August 2015 safety. Packages play an important role in the preservation of quality and safety of food, but their design
Received in revised form is related with food waste. The Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milk residue remaining inside the pack-
22 September 2016
ages after consumption is an example of this condition. The purpose of this work was to quantify and
Accepted 27 October 2016
Available online 1 November 2016
analyze the factors influencing the whole UHT milk waste, as a function of its packages. Ten different
types of one liter packages were analyzed, and a descriptive study of their characteristics has been
developed according to package material, type of opening, and their dimensions. A method for quanti-
fication of UHT milk waste in the analyzed packages was developed. The waste was quantified by means
Package of gravimetric analysis and volume conversion under two conditions: WITHOUT and WITH packages
Environment stirring after their deflation. A large variation in the wasted volume of milk was observed for the different
UHT milk types of package under both tested conditions. The package stirring process has significantly influenced
Food safety the waste decrease in five different types of package. It was observed that the package design directly
influences the UHT milk waste, mainly due to folding at package bottom, corrugations in its internal wall
and kind of opening of the packages. The values of wasted milk ranged from (0.43 ± 0.03) to
(7.7 ± 0.4) ml and (0.51 ± 0.04) to (14.7 ± 0.4) ml for the WITH and WITHOUT stirring, respectively. Thus,
the choice of packaging showing suitable design for complete emptying of the content may reduce the
UHT milk waste contributing to the food safety and environmental protection.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction It has been estimated that the world population achieves 9.5
billion of persons in 2075, according to “Global Food - Waste Not,
Packages play an important role in the preservation of integrity, Want Not” reported by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
decrease of losses, and maintenance of quality and safety of food (IMechE, 2013). Therefore, one needs to assure the existence of
supplied to consumers (Bertoluci et al., 2014). However, the pack- available food resources, and be aware that wasting food does not
ages design could contribute for the food waste, particularly under mean only to lose food for nutrition, but also lose finite natural
conditions that hinder their complete content deflation (Williams resources such as ground, water, and energy.
and Wikstro€m, 2011). The higher impact of this problem has been Approximately, a third of all food produced for human con-
observed in packages of liquid foods, including fruit juices and UHT sumption (1.3 billion of tons) is lost or wasted, totalizing yearly 750
milk, which represent an expressive market share for the food and billion dollars. The major part of these food losses occurs in the
beverages industry. post-production phases, such as harvest, transportation, storage
and consumption. In the developing countries, these post-
production losses exist mainly due to inadequate infrastructure
* Corresponding author.
for storage and transport and climatic conditions favourable to food
E-mail address: [email protected] (I.R. Meurer). spoilage. In developed countries, the problem takes place during

0959-6526/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
484 I.R. Meurer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 153 (2017) 483e490

commercialization and consumption phases (FAO, 2013). different types of packages, which are found in several countries,
In a qualitative and quantitative work developed in Sweden by such as United States, Canada, Sweden, Portugal, France, China, and
Williams et al. (2012), the reasons for waste of food were evaluated Japan among others. The main characteristics of the packages fa-
in households, especially how and to what extent the packages voring waste were indicated. The present work also furnishes new
influenced the amount of food wasted. These authors have shown information to estimate environmental impacts of waste in UHT
that about 20e25% of food waste of every family was related with milk.
the expiration of validity term and the package design, especially its
easiness of emptying and size. However, they stress that is scarce 2. Materials and methods
the information about the attributes of packages that contribute for
the waste. Regarding milk, acidified milk and yogurt packages, the 2.1. UHT milk packages
majority of families reported their dislike of packages with a screw
cap, due to their emptying difficulty. The authors reinforce the Ten different types of one liter packages of whole UHT milk
necessity to evaluate the attributes of packages that are related to (packages 1 to 10) were analyzed. A descriptive study of the pack-
food waste in the consumption. ages characteristics has been done, according to the material, type
Milk and its derivatives are part of a food group of great nutri- of opening, and dimensions. Seven out of these packages are done
tional importance because they are sources of vitamins, minerals, with carton material, being commercialized by two different
and mainly proteins. The frequent consumption of these foods is manufacturers (X and Y); one package is done with carton material,
indicated, mainly, to achieve the daily calcium adequacy, a nutrient but having a PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) bottleneck and being
essential for the formation and maintenance of bone structure, commercialized by manufacturer X; and finally, the remaining two
besides other important functions in the organism (Muniz et al., packages are done in PET material, coming from two different
2013). manufacturers (Z and W). The packages manufacturer X is
Looking for ways to minimize the problems of milk supply, it responsible for the manufacturing of six types of packages, manu-
was created in 1961 by Tetra Pak Company the ‘long life’ type facturer Y for two types, and manufacturers Z and W for one type
package, which unifies the concepts of Ultra High Temperature and each.
aseptic package protecting the milk without the necessity of con- Nineteen different trademarks of one liter of whole UHT milk
servatives or refrigeration (Zanola, 2009). This package possesses a were found in the market, named from “A” to “S”. The major part of
multilayer structure composed of three materials: paper, plastic, these trademarks utilizes only one type of package to commer-
and aluminum, distributed in six layers. The paper represents 75% cialize their milk; however, it was possible to find two trademarks
of its mass, aluminum 5%, and plastic 20% (Nascimento et al., 2007). utilizing more than one particular type of package to commercialize
This type of package varies in size, format, and opening manner, the milk distributed by them.
depending on the product to be filled. Figs. 1 and 2 present an image of every type of package, with the
The UHT system is a technique utilized for conservation of liquid respective approximate dimensions and characteristics such as the
food products, which are exposed to fast and intense warming. This package raw material, its type of opening, and manufacturer. Fig. 2
treatment destroys the microorganisms, promoting a commercial exhibits only packages bottle-shaped. The numeration of these
sterilization under normal conditions of storage and unrefrigerated packages has followed the chronological order in which they were
distribution (Ferreira et al., 2005). bought in the market. The packages were painted to maintain the
The current trend of market, which is more and more compet- confidentiality of their respective trademarks.
itive and demanding in terms of products quality, having longer
shelf life and practicality to consumer, has induced many Brazilian 2.2. Method for quantification of the UHT milk waste in the
dairies to produce and commercialize UHT milk as it does not analyzed packages
require refrigeration during the distribution and commercialization
(Lima et al., 2009). According to data from the Brazilian Association A method for quantification of UHT milk waste in the analyzed
of Long Life Milk Industry (ABLV, 2014), in the year of 2012, 6.125 packages was developed based on preliminary tests. The waste
billion liters of UHT milk were commercialized in Brazil, within the quantification was conducted in two different manners: one for the
most variable types of package; this amount corresponded to waste WITHOUT final stirring; and other for the waste WITH final
18.89% of Brazilian milk production in the same year (32.424 billion stirring simulating the consumers’ behavior, which is done by
liters). means of gravimetric analysis and volume conversion; therefore,
The Brazilian legislation about packages, such as the Normative two different procedures have been created (2.2.1 and 2.2.2).
Instruction nº 22, from the ‘Agriculture, Livestock, and Supplying
Ministry’ (Brazil, 2009), the Resolution RDC1 nº 91, from the ‘Na- 2.2.1. Waste WITHOUT final stirring
tional Agency of Health Surveillance’ (ANVISA, 2001), the Resolu- It is the waste that the package has presented without the
tion RDC nº 259, from the ‘National Agency of Health Surveillance’ occurrence of stirring during the milk removal. The milk itself and
(ANVISA, 2002), and the Ordinance nº 157, from the National the environment in which the experiment was conducted were
Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO, 2002) both maintained at 18  C, in order to avoid temperature variation
and even, according our knowledge, the legislation of other coun- between the samples. Every package was stirred for six times e the
tries, do not make any mention to waste of food retained in the package was held by its center and inverted in an angle of 180 for
package during its consumption, that is, there is not a maximum six times e before being opened. Then, the milk package was
limit allowed for this waste. Moreover, there are no methods opened following its opening instructions, if any, and it was
available for its determination in the literature. maintained inverted on a measuring cylinder for 2 min, with its
Hence, this work has quantified and evaluated, by means of a opening in parallel position to the measuring cylinder mouth. In
standardized method, the waste of whole UHT milk between case of existence of information about how the milk package should
be opened, such instructions from the manufacturer were followed.
The milk remaining in the package after these procedures was the
1 ~o da Diretoria Colegiada or Resolution from the Board of
RDC ¼ Resoluça milk wasted WITHOUT final stirring. The milk wasted was weighed
Directors. in an analytical balance (Bioscale FA2204, Brazil), calibrated and
I.R. Meurer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 153 (2017) 483e490 485

Fig. 1. Types of whole UHT milk packages of one liter. i) Package 1: Carton, opening with lid, manufacturer X; ii) Package 2: Carton, opening with lid, manufacturer X; iii) Package 3:
Carton, opening without lid, manufacturer X; iv) Package 4: Carton, opening with lid, manufacturer X; v) Package 5: Carton, opening with lid, manufacturer X; vi) Package 6: Carton,
opening with lid, manufacturer Y; vii) Package 7: Carton, opening without lid, manufacturer Y.

Fig. 2. Types of packages of whole UHT milk of one liter, presenting bottle shape: i) Package 8: PET, opening with lid, manufacturer Z; ii) Package 9: PET, opening with lid,
manufacturer W; iii) Package 10: Carton with PET bottleneck, opening with lid, manufacturer X.

certified. For such, the package was cut in the middle and the milk The volume (v) of wasted milk was calculated utilizing the
present inside was transferred to a beaker of 50 ml with the help of values of mass (m) and density (d), previously obtained by means of
an automatic pipette. After discounted the beaker weight, the mass the formula d ¼ m/v.
indicated in the balance was noted. The milk density and temper- Package 5 samples were the single ones that were not obtained
ature reading was developed with the help of a thermolacto- with the package opening in parallel with the measuring cylinder
densimeter at 15  C, according to Quevenne (Incoterm, Brazil), duly mouth, as there was a clear indication on their package, about how
calibrated and certified (Incoterm, Brazil). The milk samples pre- the milk should be served and, thanks to it, their packages’ opening
senting temperature different than 15  C had their respective was inclined in approximately 45 with respect to the measuring
density values corrected for 15  C (D15), according to orientations cylinder.
described in the document “Official Analytical Methods for the
Control of Products of Animal Origin and their Ingredients” (Brazil, 2.2.2. Waste WITH final stirring
1981). It is the waste presented by packages that have been submitted
486 I.R. Meurer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 153 (2017) 483e490

to stirring to simulate the action from consumers, trying to remove milk: package 4, package 8, package 9, and package 10. The ten
completely the milk inside them, in the moment of consumption. types of package came from only four manufacturers (X, Y, W and
The procedure was similar to that described at item 2.2.1, but Z). Seven packages are done with carton material, commercialized
having an alteration: after being maintained inverted on a by two different manufacturers (X and Y); one package is done with
measuring cylinder during 2 min, with the opening in parallel carton material, but having a bottleneck done with PET and being
position respecting the measuring cylinder, the package was also commercialized by manufacturer X; and the two remaining pack-
maintained inverted, but with its opening in parallel position ages are done with PET material, coming from two different man-
respecting to work bench, and then, during 6 s, ten movements of ufacturers (Z and W). The manufacturer of package X is responsible
the packaging meeting the other hand, which was free. The milk for the manufacturing of six types of package, the manufacturer Y
that remained within the package after such procedure was the for two types, and manufacturers Z and W for only one type each.
milk wasted WITH final stirring.
3.2. Information contained in the packages, about the manner of
2.3. Time of package inversion opening and serves the milk

The standardization of the time during which the package The data presented in the following refer to the information
should remain inverted on the measuring cylinder, was based on collected in ten package’s types corresponding to the trademarks D,
the preliminary test in which the package was maintained inverted B, N, F, S, C, L, H, M, and Q, bought and used in the waste quanti-
during 6 min, and the number of drops falling per minute was fication. Standardized informations were not found between the
observed. In the first minute, the initial outflow of milk occurred UHT milk trademarks in the same type of package.
quickly and continuously, impeding the drops counting. From The package 1, represented by UHT milk trademark “D”, has only
minute two on, it was possible to count the number of drops falling one orientation on the surface of the package, about how to open
per minute, and this number became lower along the time. It was and close it: Opens (/). Closes ()). There is no orientation about
possible to conclude that 2 min are sufficient for the package how the milk should be served.
inversion, as the milk was no longer dropping continuously, but as The package 2, represented by UHT milk trademark “B”, has the
drops after this time, and the consumer scarcely would remain following information on the package surface: 1) rotate the lid up to
more than 2 min with the package inverted. Then, the time for open and close it; 2) Shake well and serve it. There is no orientation
package inversion of 2 min on the measuring cylinder was about how the milk should be served.
standardized. The package 3, represented by UHT milk trademark “N”, in-
dicates with dotted lines in the package edge, the place where
2.4. Sampling and experimental delineation should be done its opening with the following information: “Lift
Up, Tear, or Cut it”. There is no orientation about how the milk
Every package of whole UHT milk was considered as a sample. A should be served.
convenience sampling was performed. The milk samples of every The package 4, represented by UHT milk trademark “F”, shows
type of package were bought in the market, taking care that they the following information on the package surface: Rotate the lid in
were from the same whole UHT milk trademark, presented the this sense up to break the seal ()). Then, rotate in this sense to
same lot number and the same manufacturing date. open the package (/). In the lateral and lower part of the package,
The preliminary tests results were submitted to Variance Anal- there are three small images of the procedures to be done with the
ysis (ANOVA) followed by the Tukey's range test. A coefficient of package, but without any written information about the procedure.
variation (CV) of 24.28% has been obtained. Based on the CV and in So, in this case, only the information presented in the higher part of
the grades of liberty, from the number of treatments it was esti- the package were followed.
mated a number of six repetitions for the determination of waste The package 5, represented by UHT milk trademark “S”, shows
WITHOUT final stirring and six repetitions for the determination of in the lateral and higher part of the package information how to
waste WITH final stirring, for every type of package to be tested. open, serve, and close the package, with images and written in-
The experiment was developed with an Entirely Randomized formation: To open (Hold the higher part of the package without
Delineation in a 10  2 factorial scheme. The final results were also press it and rise the seal up to the end); To serve (Close the package
submitted to Analysis of Variance followed by Tukey's range test. to recipient and turn it slowly); To close it (Press the lid with a
Analyzes and graphics were developed in the statistical software R finger up to hear the “click”).
(R Core Team, 2013). The package 6, represented by UHT milk trademark “C”, has the
following information on the package surface: Turn the lid to open
3. Results and discussion it (/). There is no orientation about how the milk should be
Results and discussion of the obtained waste in all different The package 7, represented by UHT milk trademark “L”, has in
selected packages are presented below. the lateral and superior part of the package, information about how
to open it with images and written content, together: Easy-Opening
3.1. Distribution of whole UHT milk trademarks as a function of with the Hands (Rise the perforated edge. Fold the extremity to
their type of package both sides. Tear to open it). There is no orientation about how the
milk should be served.
Between the 19 trademarks of whole UHT milk found in the The package 8, represented by UHT milk trademark “H”; pack-
market, named from “A” to “S”, two trademarks of whole UHT milk age 9, represented by UHT milk trademark “M”; and package 10,
were found utilizing different types of package. This is the case of represented by UHT milk trademark “Q”, do not present informa-
trademark “Q” (packages 3, 5, and 10) and trademark “F” (packages tion neither about their opening form, nor about how the milk
3 and 4). The conventional package, without lid and with lateral should be served.
edge (package 3), was the most utilized between the whole UHT Based on these observations, we suggest to the manufacturers of
milk trademarks. Six trademarks utilize this type of package. Four UHT milk trademarks to add in the packages, in a clear and stan-
types of package were utilized by only one trademark of whole UHT dardized manner, information relevant about the mode of opening
I.R. Meurer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 153 (2017) 483e490 487

the packages and to serve the content, aiming to decrease the waste Average, is presented in Table 1.
of milk. A large variation was observed in the waste between the
different types of package. The package 6 was the one with higher
3.3. Results of the whole UHT milk waste in every type of package average volume of milk waste after the final stirring, with an
average of (7.7 ± 0.4) ml of milk retained in it. This value corre-
3.3.1. Waste WITHOUT final stirring sponds to 0.77% of the milk bought. These values are very expres-
The intention to evaluate the milk waste, in the packages sive, mainly considering that the consumption of this type of milk is
WITHOUT final stirring, was to obtain a result independent from progressively growing from year to year. On the other side, Package
the motion that the consumer could do to remove completely the 7, was the one with lower average volume of waste after the final
milk from the package, that is, a result that is not related with such stirring, with an average of (0.43 ± 0.03) ml of milk retained. This
motion. The average between the wasted milk volumes in the six value corresponds to 0.04% of the milk bought.
samples tested for every type of package, respecting to waste Table 1 also presents the types of packages that are statically
WITHOUT final stirring, taking into account the calculation of similar, but different in respect to their average volumes of waste
Standard Deviation from the Average (Rabinovich, 2005), is pre- WITH final stirring, where the types of packages classified by
sented in Table 1. different minuscule are statically different between each other, by
It was observed a large variation in the waste values between the Tukey's range test, at the level of 5% of significance. There was
the different types of packages. The package 6 was the one with no significant difference between the averages of wasted volumes
higher average volume of milk waste, with an average of WITH final stirring by Packages 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10, and also between
(14.7 ± 0.4) ml of milk retained, after the 2 min of package inver- the averages of volumes wasted WITH final stirring, by Packages 4
sion. This value corresponds to 1.47% of the milk bought. On the and 5.
other side, Package 7, was the one with lower average volume of
waste, with an average of (0.51 ± 0.4) ml of milk retained. This value 3.3.3. Comparison of results found between the waste WITHOUT
corresponds to 0.05% of the milk bought. final stirring and the waste WITH final stirring
At Table 1 are also presented the types of packages that are The results presented in Table 1 show that packages 3, 7, 8, 9,
statically similar, but different in respect to their average volumes and 10 were statistically similar between each other in the waste
of waste WITHOUT final stirring, where the types of packages WITHOUT and WITH final stirring, that is, independent on the
classified by different minuscule are statically different between stirring, they continued similar, being the types of packages having
each other, by the Tukey's range test, at the level of 5% of signifi- the lower value of waste. Taking into account that the milk con-
cance. There was no significant difference between the averages of sumption is done, normally, in a temperature lower than the
volumes wasted WITHOUT final stirring by packages 3, 7, 8, 9, and temperature in which the samples of this experiment were main-
10, and also between the averages of volumes wasted WITHOUT tained (18  C), and considering that, after opened, the UHT milk
final stirring by packages 4 and 5. should be maintained refrigerated, the waste values presented in
this work trend to be higher, as a result of the increase of milk
3.3.2. Waste WITH final stirring viscosity, with the decrease of temperature, which favors the
The waste evaluation of whole UHT milk in its package WITH retention of milk inside the packages.
final stirring had as purpose to try to simulate the motion that some At Table 1, the difference between the average of waste volumes
consumers do, with the purpose to remove all the milk from the WITHOUT final stirring, and the average of waste volumes WITH
package. As the motion to remove this milk from the package de- final stirring, indicates the average of how many milk retained in
pends on the consumer, it was standardized a motion (stirring) that the package before the final stirring, was effectively removed after
would be possible to be done equally for all the samples of milk this stirring. Then, with the purpose to know in which types of
tested for the waste WITH final stirring. The average between the package the final stirring influenced statistically the removal of
volumes of wasted milk by the six samples tested for every type of milk, it was done an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) between the
package, respecting to waste WITH final stirring, taking into results of waste WITH and WITHOUT final stirring, for every type of
consideration the calculation of the Standard Deviation from the package. The result of this analysis of variance was presented at

Table 1
Average volume of wasted milk per type of package in milliliter (ml), for the waste WITHOUT final stirring and the waste WITH final stirring, and the difference between both

Packages Average of waste volumes (ml) Average of waste volumes (ml) Difference between the average waste volumes (ml) Percent of difference respecting to
WITHOUT Final Stirring* WITH Final Stirring* WITH and WITHOUT Final Stirring* Waste WITHOUT Final Stirring

1 (12.7 ± 0.5)b (4.7 ± 0.3)c (8.0 ± 0.8)** 62.99%

2 (10.6 ± 0.3)c (6.0 ± 0.3)b (4.6 ± 0.6)** 43.39%
3 (1.24 ± 0.04)e (1.01 ± 0.03)e (0.23 ± 0.07)*** 18.54%
4 (5.3 ± 0.3)d (3.3 ± 0.3)d (2.0 ± 0.6)** 37.73%
5 (5.1 ± 0.2)d (2.4 ± 0.2)d (2.7 ± 0.4)** 52.94%
6 (14.7 ± 0.4)a (7.7 ± 0.4)a (7.0 ± 0.8)** 47.61%
7 (0.51 ± 0.04)e (0.43 ± 0.03)e (0.08 ± 0.07)*** 15.68%
8 (0.87 ± 0.05)e (0.73 ± 0.03)e (0.14 ± 0.08)*** 16.09%
9 (0.91 ± 0.04)e (0.80 ± 0.03)e (0.11 ± 0.07)*** 12.08%
10 (1.08 ± 0.03)e (0.95 ± 0.02)e (0.13 ± 0.05)*** 12.03%

Packages classified by different letters are statistically different between each other, by the Tukey's range test, at level of 5% of significance.
Considering the Standard Deviation from the Average.
The stirring influenced significantly the removal of milk retained inside the packages, with (p < 0.05) between the average volumes of wasted milk WITH and WITHOUT
The stirring has not influenced significantly the removal of milk retained inside the packages, with (p > 0.05) between the average volumes of wasted milk WITH and
WITHOUT stirring.
488 I.R. Meurer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 153 (2017) 483e490

Table 1. At package 1, the inclined surface has favored the milk retention
This analysis has demonstrated the existence of significant dif- inside it. If there was an indication about how that milk should be
ference (p < 0.05) between the average volumes of milk wasted served, and if this indication was followed, this milk retention
WITH and WITHOUT final stirring, in the types of packages 1, 2, 4, 5, would be lower. The package opening label is removed pulling it
and 6, proving that stirring has influenced significantly the removal away, with no remaining part turned to inside, which contributes
of milk retained inside these packages. On the other side, for the milk removal. The same thing occurs with the label of
respecting to packages 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10, there was no significant packages 9 and 10.
difference (p > 0.05) between the average volumes of milk wasted At packages 2, 4, and 6, the lack of indication about how the milk
WITH and WITHOUT final stirring, proving that stirring has not should be served, summed to the manner of break the label of the
significantly influenced for the decrease of waste in these packages. opening lid (rotating the lid, a structure fixed to it penetrates the
Williams et al. (2012) and Johansson (2002) say in their reports package and tears the opening seal, making both, this structure and
that the average amount of food generally wasted inside packages, the seal, to be turned to inner part of the package, which compli-
considered empty by the consumers, varies between 3 and 10% of cates the milk removal, Fig. 3), contributing for milk retention.
the total content. The opening of packages 3 and 7 is done by a lateral edge, which
In the present study, the waste inside the packages of whole facilitates the milk removal, decreasing the waste (Fig. 4).
UHT milk presented a maximum value of 1.5% of total content. It is Package 5 presents dimensions and format similar to that of
necessary to emphasize that these results are specific for whole packages 3 and 7; however, instead of its opening being done
UHT milk at conditions standardized in this study. cutting the lateral edge, it is done by means of an “easy-opening”
The waste presented in this work can also be analyzed from the lid, placed on the surface, which contributes for the milk retention,
point of view of the consumer. Taking into account the fact that the and presenting an average volume of milk waste quite larger than
consumer has the right to consume all of the bought milk, and that these other two packages, with opening in a lateral edge.
the packages retains part of this milk, the consumer is being At packages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10, it was observed the presence of a
defrauded, as it is not possible to him/her to consume the totality of small amount of milk retained in the bottom folding of the pack-
bought product. ages (Fig. 3). On the other hand, at packages 6 and 7, it was observed
These results emphasize also the influence of packages design in that the bottom folding of these packages, practically, does not
their respective waste value, and that there is space for improve- retain milk (Fig. 4).
ments. In this sense, the estimated waste presented in Table 1 (in At packages 8 and 9, both of PET material, the format of bottle
the case WITH stirring) can be considered as the “intrinsic” waste, has favored the milk outflow; however, these two packages present
attributed exclusively to the package design. So, it would be inde- corrugations in their internal wall, which complicates the removal
pendent of the consumer. of all the milk inside them (Fig. 3).
Package 10, by its time, presents also a bottle format; however, it
3.4. Observations referring to packages structure that are related to is done of carton material with its bottleneck done in PET material;
their waste potential there are no corrugations inside (Fig. 4), but it presents folding in
the package bottom, which retains small amount of milk.
During and after the execution of the experiment, the structure Package 6 presented the higher milk waste among all packages
of every package was analyzed to establish the major and minor analyzed, the elevated waste verified in this package is related,
causes of UHT milk waste, between the different types of packages. mainly, to a difference in level in its internal surface, the way of

Fig. 3. Factors observed in the design of packages, which favor the retention of milk: i) Opening of Package 4, internal and frontal vision; ii) Bottom of Package 3, seen internally
from above; iii) Corrugations present at internal part of Package 9.
I.R. Meurer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 153 (2017) 483e490 489

Fig. 4. Factors observed in the design of packages, which favor the milk removal: i) Opening of Package 3, seen internally and from above; ii) Bottom of Package 7, seen internally
from above; iii) Absence of corrugations in the internal part of the Package 10.

breaking the package seal, and the lack of indication about how the (14.7 ± 0.4) ml and (7.7 ± 0.4) ml, respectively, while package 7 was
milk should be served. the one presenting the lower average volume of waste for both
Packages 3 and 7, presented structures very similar, and both are conditions, (0.51 ± 0.04) ml and (0.43 ± 0.03) ml, respectively.
opened cutting the lateral edge, but are manufactured by different The presence of folding at package bottom and corrugations in
companies. Package 3 presents bottom folding (Fig. 3), which favors its internal wall, the use of opening with lid when the package does
the milk retention, by its time, package 7 presents a bottom with not present bottle shape, the form of breaking the opening seal, and
less folding (Fig. 4), which justifies its lower waste, respecting to the lack of information about how the milk should be served, favor
that of package 3. A package whose bottom folding is released al- the milk retention inside the package and, therefore, the waste.
lows the accumulation of milk under this folding. The developed figures and the generic approach to investigate
Based on these evaluations and in the found results, it is possible emptying behavior and food waste of UHT packages add relevant
to state that packages whose opening is done cutting the lateral information to understand and quantify the amount of milk finally
edge, and packages presenting bottom shape, are the ones pre- consumed and may also suggest areas for improvement for
senting lower waste value. On the other hand, packages presenting manufacturers.
opening with lid and diverse shapes were the ones wasting more
milk. Acknowledgements
It should be stressed, according to our knowledge, the absence
of publications similar to this work, for possible comparisons with To the Master's Grade coordination in ‘Science and Technology
their obtained results. of Milk and Derivatives’ of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, and
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assessment calculations of several dairy products (raw milk, UHT versity of Juiz de Fora, for their total support to the development of
milk, yoghurt, cream, butter, cheese), performed to identify and this work. To the partners Cristiano Am^ ancio Vieira Borges and
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perspective covering three subsystems: ‘dairy farm’, ‘dairy plant’ tical part of this work. The Brazilian support agencies FAPEMIG,
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