Business Process Procedure: Icons
Business Process Procedure: Icons
Business Process Procedure: Icons
Icon Meaning
Typographic Conventions
Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the
system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these
words and characters with appropriate entries.
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Business Process Procedure
R Required entry field
(used in the end-user procedures)
O Optional entry field
(used in the end-user procedures)
C Conditional field
(used in the end-user procedures)
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Business Process Procedure
Sl No Description Page No
1 Purpose 4
2 Create Sales Order 4
3 MRP – Single Level 5
4 Create Stock Transport Order with reference to PR 6
5 MRP – Multi Level 7
6 Create Delivery by Editing the Delivery List (In) 8
7 Picking and Post Goods Issue 10
8 Goods Receipt 10
9 Create Inter-Company Billing 10
10 Invoice Verification 12
11 Performing an Availability Check 13
12 Create Delivery Picking and Post Goods Issue 13
13 Create Billing 14
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SAP R/3 menu Logistics Sales and distribution Sales Order Create
Transaction code VA01
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Sales Organization R
Distribution R 01
Division R 01
Sold-to Party R
PO number O Reference PO number of the customer
Order Quantity R
3. The Standard Order: Availability control screen is then displayed. Because the material is not available in
the plant, a schedule line (quantity/date) cannot be confirmed for the requested delivery date.
6. Save your standard order. A message is displayed indicating that the standard order <number> has been
Sales order has been created.
1. Access the transaction by using:
SAP R/3 menu Logistics Production MRP Planning Single-Item,
Single–Level Planning
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2. Maintain the Single-Item, Single-Level screen in accordance with the following table:
The system tells you that planning has been carried out.
The purchase requisition was generate
1. Access the transaction by using:
SAP R/3 menu Logistics Material Management Purchasing Purchase
Order Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known
Transaction code ME21N
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2. In the Create Purchase Orde, enter the values shown in the following table:
The stock transport order was generated.
5. MRP – Multi-Level
The requirements from the stock transfer order are transferred automatically to plant PM01
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1. Access the transaction by using:
SAP R/3 menu Logistics Production Process MRP Planning Single-
Item, Multi-level Planning
Transaction code MD02
2. Maintain the Single-Item, Multi-Level screen in accordance with the following table:
3. Confirm your entries and the messages output by the system. Push Enter button for the warning
message ‘Please check input parameters’.
A statistical overview of the MRP run is then displayed.
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In this scenario, production is not taken into account. Planned orders are normally
converted to a production order.
The goods receipt for this production order is the concluding operation for production. These
steps are not shown here. Please ensure that sufficient stock is available for the delivery. If
this is not the case, carry out the following steps:
1. Call up transaction MB1C: Movement type: 561; plant: PM01; storage location: FGP,
Confirm your entries.
2. In the Enter Other Goods Receipts: New Items screen, enter: Material:; quantity: 100.
Save your entries and go back to the SAP Easy Access Screen.
The starting point for this step is as follows: the goods have been manufactured in the
delivering plant PM01 and are ready for delivery. The delivery list has to be processed for
the outbound delivery. The goods are transferred from Plant to the receiving plant .
1. Access the transaction by using:
SAP R/3 menu Logistics Logistics Execution Outbound Process Good
Issue for Outbound Delivery Outbound Delivery Create
Collective Processing of Documents Due for Delivery
Purchase Orders
Transaction code VL10B
2. Maintain the Purchase Orders, Fast Display screen in accordance with the following table:
If no delivery items are found for the current date, extend the delivery
creation/selection date (but not by more than 30 days, as this will exceed the
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Business Process Procedure
maximum interval for selecting the delivery creation date) to display the next
delivery. Choose Execute again.
5. In the Activities Due for Shipping: "Purchase Orders, Fast Display" screen, select the relevant
purchase order.
When the delivery for the stock transport order is created, the parallel processing
popup appears (this popup is the standard system response). Choose All or
Cancel; this does not have any effect on the creation of the delivery. The delivery
is created each time.
7. A delivery is created. The system generates a log to create the delivery. To display the log,
choose the Log for delivery creation pushbutton, a new screen Delivery Creation Log will popup.
8. Select the relevant entry in the Log for delivery creation screen and then choose the Documents
pushbutton. The delivery note number is then displayed. Make a note of this number.
SAP R/3 menu Logistics Sales and distribution Shipping and Transportation
Outbound delivery Change Single Document
Transaction code VL02N
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The goods was issued out byPM01
SAP R/3 menu Logistics -> Material Management -> Inventory Management ->
Goods Movement -> Goods Receipt -> For Purchase Order ->
GR for Purchase Order (MIGO)
Transaction code MIGO
The goods were received from Plant .
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SAP R/3 menu Logistics Sales and distribution Billing Billing Document
Transaction code VF01
2. On the Enter Company Code dialog box, make the following entries:
Field name Description R/ O/ C User action and values Comment
Company Code R
Button R Enter
The company code must be entered only with the first call of the transaction "MIRO"
within a log-on. Afterwards you can modify the accounting area by choosing the
Company code change button at any time.
If incoming invoices are entered predominantly or exclusively to one company code, then
it is recommendable, to pre-allocate the company code over the user parameter
“company code “in the user master data. The input of the company code with call of the
transaction is then no longer necessary.
3. On the Enter Incoming Invoice: Company Code screen, make the following entries:
Field name Description R/ O/ C User action and values Comment
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Transaction O Invoice 1
Invoice date O Today’s date
Post date R Today’s date If not defaulted
Tax code O V3
Amount R
Purchase R PO number generated in
Order/Sched the step Create Stock
uling Transport Order with PR
Agreement reference
Baseline date On Payment tab R
Button O Simulate
Button R Post
Please note
Before post the invoice, consider the traffic light function of the balance. If the invoice
amount corresponds with the value of the position, then a green traffic light is displayed.
Change now the proposed value of the amount in the item summary and press ENTER.
The value is now no longer correct and the traffic light wraps around on red. The voucher
cannot be posted; only a pre- entry is possible. Correct afterwards the amount.
If the amount of the invoice corresponds with the amount of the position, but deviates e.g.
the calculated quantities of the good receipts amount, then you receive a warning and the
traffic light displays yellow. The voucher can be posted, in the following one however it is
closed for payment. With the help of the Buttons "Messages" can be able to be displayed
you further details of occurred "errors".
In order to see, which general ledgers are posted, please press the Button "Simulating".
1. Access the transaction by using:
SAP R/3 menu Logistics Sales and distribution Sales Order Change
Transaction code VA02
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2. Maintain the Change Sales Order: Initial Screen in accordance with the following table.
4. In the Change Standard Order XX: Overview screen, select the relevant item.
6. To take a look at the confirmed schedule, choose Goto Item Schedule lines
SAP R/3 menu Logistics Sales and distribution Shipping and Transportation
Outbound delivery Create Single Document with
Reference to Sales Order
Transaction code VL01N
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SAP R/3 menu Logistics Sales and distribution Billing Billing Document
Transaction code VF01
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