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Durgaprasad Navulla
National Institute of Technology, Warangal


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Durgaprasad Navulla1, Dr. G. Sunitha2
Research Scholar, 2Asst. Professor, School of Management,
National Institute of Technology Warangal,Telangana (India)

Corporate company’s failure is major problem of developed countries as well as developing counties in the
world. Failures are increasing day by day because of growing competition and the changing economic,
political, social, cultural, legal and global environment. The companies’ number is increasing in India every
year. With the increasing number of companies, sickness in industries also flowed by it. In this paper we tried to
mention the thing to combat sickness problem in India. It includes the concept of types of sickness, reasons,
adverse effect of sickness along with preventives measure which is provided by the Government in India.

Key words: Sickness, Revival, Rehabilitation, Innovations, Analysis


Sickness in Industries has become very sensitive problem in India. It is creating adverse problem to industrial
health and the economy as well. Rapid industrialization gives positive as well as negative impact on the
economy. Sickness covers all types of units in small, medium and large sectors in all over the world. It is a
matter of crores of rupees concern directly and indirectly to the nations. It is also a phenomenon shows adverse
effect on employment, availability of goods and services and the price of those things soaring up. The investors
lose their earning and creditors lose their future returns and the business become weak. The Government,
Financial Institutions and Management should focus on prevention of sickness, to save the business world.
However, before discussing the remedial measures of industrial sickness we should know the concept of


“Industrial sickness is defined in India as an industrial company (being a company registered for not less than
five years) which has, at the end of any financial year, accumulated losses equal to, or exceeding, its entire net
worth and has also suffered cash losses in such financial year and the financial year immediately preceding such
financial year”.
The Reserve Bank of India has defined a sick unit as one “which has incurred a cash loss for one year and is
likely to continue incurring losses for the current year as well as in the following year and the unit has an
imbalance in its financial structure, such as, current ratio is less than 1:1 and there is worsening trend in debt-
equity ratio.”
The State Bank of India has defined a sick unit as one “which fails to generate an internal surplus on a
continuous basis and depends for its survival upon frequent infusion of funds.”

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According to Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002
Sick Industrial Company means an industrial company which has
i) The Accumulated losses in any financial year equal to 50 per cent or more of its average net worth during four
years immediately preceding such financial year or
ii) Failed to repay its debts within any three consecutive quarters on demand made in writing for its repayment
by a creditor or creditors of such company.


Here we can find types of sick companies based on the circumstances. They are as follows.

Sources: Dr. Navaneeta Singh, Industrial Sickness: Causes & Remedies (Lucknow 2011). PP. 15-17
1. Born Sick:
Sickness is not always a post-implementation feature. Some of the industrial projects are born sick from the very
beginning because owing to ill-conceived projects, bad planning and poor appraisal, wrong choice of location
and product selection, inadequate market surveys, false fixed investment decisions and one customer-one
product type situation etc. Mostly the units established by the government under social welfare scheme come in
this category.
2. Become Sick
Some projects become sick due to internal causes. They are based on some circumstances i.e., poor
management, poor deliberate diversion of funds, wrong recruitment and faulty management policies are
responsible for the sickness.
3. Made Sick
Sickness is the push upon because of external causes that beyond the control of the management. They may be
sudden changes in government policies, technological changes and macro, social, political and economical
problems. One more reason for made sick is that entrepreneur’s inefficient management policy.

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Dr. Navneeta Singh reviews in his article entitled “Industrial Sickness and Causes & Remedies”, sickness is an
organic process, the process of sickness may take several years, but the seeds of sickness can be visualized at a
very early stage in the life cycle of an industrial unit.
Dr. M. K. Rastogi, Prakash Yadava has explained in this paper “Analysis of Remedies for Revival of Sick
Small Units in Indian Economy” prioritization of the factors that influence the revival sick small units in India.
This may help the Organisations and other players to take steps to enhance the measures of the factors, enabling
these organizations to thrive. In order to combat the problem of industrial sickness, a comprehensive assessment
of the magnitude of industrial sickness and an analysis of the main factors which bring about sickness are
Dr. K.A. Goyal explained in his article about the industrial sickness, i.e. sickness is increased in small scales
sector day by day. And investment is blocked has also increased year after year resulting locking of funds of the
lending institutions, loss of scarce material sources and loss of employment. When the problems arise, the
diagnosis and treatment would be easier. However, when sickness reaches an advanced stage, it becomes
difficult and takes longer time to diagnose the reason and makes it more costly and expensive to bring the units
back to normal, so there is a need to identify sickness in initial stages and initiate remedial measures before the
sickness takes place.
Deepak Goswami opined that Industrial sickness is one of the primary causes that slow down overall economic
development of a state in particular and a country in general. Generally, industrial sickness is identified using
some traditional techniques which rely upon a range of manual monitoring and compilation of financial records.
It makes the process tedious, time consuming and at times are susceptible to manipulation. The model may also
be used to predict a certain microscopic picture within a macroscopic scenario showing distinct parametric
association with the overall economic state of an industrial belt of a state or a country. Mathematical approach
with statistics framework will give help for decision makers and policy planner a better way to deal with
Dr. R.N. Misra Most of the sick units established in India are confronted with the delay in supply of raw-
materials, delay by bankers in sanctioning working capital and poor selection of entrepreneurs. As the incidence
of sickness has been persistently increasing, the Government felt the necessity to set-up an agency which could
monitor the case of sick units.
Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Maitlo found out that the root causes of sickness in small industries are lack of good
management, short fall of working capital, inadequate feasibility reports and marketing problems.
K.Srinivas and V.Apparao said that sickness of a company is mainly based on internal causes which are
controllable and external causes which are not controllable. The management has to identify it initially for
taking corrective measures to control it.
A.K.M Solayman Hoque said that identify the causes of industrial sickness and to show how far the application
of the theories and principles of Production and Operations Management and Technology management play a
role in the prevention of industries becoming sick.

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Dr.Sardar Gugloth discussed that the various causes of industrial sickness are classified into external and
internal causes. While small scale units fall prey to external factors like lack of infrastructure, lack of finance,
problems of marketing, etc., large and medium scale units fall sick mainly due to internal factors like
mismanagement. Whatever may be the causes of sickness, the main consequences of sickness on an economy
have been locking up the country’s financial resources, wastage of scarce capital assets, loss of production and
increase in unemployment.
Garry Pursell explained sickness in two ways. They are primary sickness and secondary sickness. In the
primary sickness government policies and secondary sickness, demand and supply with price levels leads to
industrial sickness. Welfare consequences, fully traded goods and production costs are reasons for industrial
sickness in India.


Small scale sector companies play a major role in the development of economy. It will help the economy to
create employment, development of entrepreneurial skills for gaining export earnings. The small scale sector
produced 48.86 million tons of production in 2013.14. It creates 111.43 millions employment opportunities to
the rural and urban areas of the country in 2013-14. SSI exported 8495.73 Billion Rupees in 2014-15. The
below tables shows number of sick small scale and media scale enterprises in India and the amount of
outstanding against them in the books of commercial banks as at the end of 2015
(Amount in Rs. Billions)
Year Sick (SSI/MSE) Sick Non-SSI Weak Non-SSI Sick /Weak Total
Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount
Out Stan. Out Stan. Out Stan. Out Stan.
1993 238176 34.43 1867 79.01 657 17.90 240700 131.34
1994 256452 36.80 1909 81.52 591 18.64 258952 136.96
1995 268815 35.47 1915 87.40 476 14.52 271206 137.39
1996 262376 37.22 1956 88.23 418 12.03 264750 137.48
1997 235032 36.09 1948 86.14 420 15.64 237400 137.87
1998 221536 38.57 2030 98.62 446 19.64 224012 156.82
1999 306221 43.13 2357 131.14 435 20.37 309013 194.64
2000 304235 46.08 2742 167.48 422 22.99 307399 236.56
2001 249630 45.06 2928 184.78 389 27.92 252947 257.76
2002 177336 48.19 2880 175.91 381 36.55 180597 260.65
2003 167980 57.06 2999 215.18 397 75.91 171376 348.16
2004 138811 52.85 5054 311.66 567 45.31 144432 409.82
2005 138041 53.80 4478 296.44 774 47.83 143293 398.07
2006 126824 49.81 3408 260.13 1132 69.76 131364 379.70
2007 114132 52.67 - - - - - -
2008 85187 30.82 - - - - - -
2009 103996 36.19 - - - - - -

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2010 77723 52.33 - - - - - -
2011 90141 52.11 - - - - - -
2012 85591 67.90 - - - - - -
2013 220492 124.42 - - - - - -
2014 465492 263.31 - - - - - -
2015 528300 253.88 - - - - - -
Source: RBI handbook of statistics on the Indian Economy
State-wise position of Sick micro and Small Enterprises as at the end of March 2011, 2012, 2013
(Amount in Rs. Crores)
States/ 2011 2012 2013
Total Sick Units under Total Sick Units Units under Total Sick Units Units under
Units nursing nursing nursing
A.N. Islands 8 0.25 0 0 8 0.26 0 0 68 1.59 22 0.24
Arunachal 109 3.57 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 5.13 25 2.89
Assam 506 122.71 3 0.35 598 104.81 124 1 1292 123.35 357 80.12
Bihar 4872 67.81 449 8.68 5633 85.52 40 0.47 5652 289.67 804 21.45
Jharkhand 1476 70.65 76 14.82 2201 138.05 459 20.85 5017 137.77 208 13.46
Manipur 23 0.35 1 0.01 143 1.67 0 0 148 1.7 1 0.01
Meghalaya 276 3.56 0 0 18 13.09 4 0.13 69 2.07 36 0.4
Mizoram 7 0.80 0 0 38 61 0 0 159 5.44 7 2.08
Nagaland 23 1.87 0 0 8 3.15 0 0 147 11.13 40 5.32
Orissa 4967 101.58 177 10.53 5899 129.73 163 3.69 11751 378.34 814 27.99
Sikkim 21 2.56 0 0 38 1.10 0 0 63 4.09 0 0
Tripura 13 1 1 0 12 5 0 0 16 0.15 2 0.03
West 7904 721.42 149 22.24 8816 624.66 855 49.87 11243 877.85 1740 120.69
Chandigarh 147 33 1 11 55 22 0 0 624 124.7 70 26.25
Delhi 4250 297.81 98 31.89 1150 393.94 115 24.12 2702 792.97 662 122.46
Haryana 344 21 27 4 2976 172 31 2 3327 371.56 1719 63.89
Himachal P. 575 65 69 34 516 27 26 1 1934 158.29 422 18.48
J&K 1631 37.14 22 1.81 1202 82.70 46 3.59 1321 70.38 99 18.14
Punjab 1478 141.13 175 21.76 1597 472.18 167 12.63 3715 607.08 849 156.65
Rajasthan 1743 52.74 61 0.32 5188 99.93 213 7.80 20336 276.74 6824 107.61
UP 4674 244.30 521 39.68 5366 263.09 1467 36.18 19049 1330.08 1444 173.63
Uttaranchal 352 9.15 5 0.07 305 8.14 19 0.04 4568 150.74 2579 64.62
Chattisgarh 1052 36.43 50 7.54 594 26.66 38 7.02 2988 63.77 121 3.89
D&N Haveli 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 22 1.82 3 1.43
Daman & 0 0 0 0 17 0.21 0 0 25 3.74 9 3.57

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Goa 155 49.02 21 40.07 109 17.22 13 12.53 194 30.63 27 1.59
Gujarat 4321 270.34 519 40.70 6257 351.94 348 51.04 20452 667.68 816 50.14
MP 8124 107.47 141 1.70 3331 225.25 399 9.68 11254 370.32 1040 40.65
Maharastra 8815 876.87 714 63.14 10136 1135.02 424 125.02 32200 2540.75 2994 171.72
AP 11305 390.43 232 24.77 3848 371.27 79 6.65 12231 633.81 3431 116.04
Karnataka 7034 467.84 210 23.79 5655 330.77 1300 17.08 15627 724.03 2852 107.66
Kerala 5363 241.40 288 31.46 5425 177.29 48 23.65 8663 199.33 1998 66.44
Pondicherry 1457 8.54 2 0.48 150 6.32 1 0 188 7.44 38 0.14
Tamil Nadu 7106 764.72 686 82.59 8301 1439.24 269 51.85 23373 1478 3168 178.15
Source: GOI, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
As per the above table, total sick industries are more in Andhra Pradesh during 2011(11305), Maharastra in
2012(10,136) and 2013(32,200) also. Sick industrial units are low in D & N Haveli and Daman & Diu during
2011, Arunachal Pradesh in 2012 and Tripura in 2013. The outstanding amount in small sick units is high at
Maharastra in 2011(876.84 cr), Tamilnadu in 2012(1439.24 cr.) and Maharastra in 2013(2540.75 cr.). The
number of sick units nursing high in Maharastra in 2011(714), Uttar Pradesh in 2012 (1467) and Rajastan in
2013 (6824).
State wise Viability position of Sick Medium Enterprises as at the end of March, 2011 & March,
2012 (Scheduled Commercial Banks)
2011 2012
State / UTs
Total Sick units Total Sick Units
Units O/S Units O/S
Eastern Region
A.N. Islands 0 0.00 0 0.00
Arunachal Pradesh 0 0.00 0 0.00
Assam 1 2.35 6 2.20
Bihar 28 48.47 112 111.84
Jharkand 7 8.29 15 46.70
Manipur 0 0.00 0 0.00
Meghalaya 10 56.71 0 0.00
Mizoram 3 66.47 0 0.00
Nagaland 0 0.00 0 0.00
Orissa 18 38.18 33 59.47
Sikkim 0 0.00 0 0.00
Tripura 19 32.73 0 0.00
West Bengal 459 1056.12 297 1169.93
Sub Total 545 1309.32 463 1390.14
Northern Region

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Chandigarh 4 2.53 17 20.10
Delhi 82 64.71 660 1476.62
Haryana 123 23.47 41 678.47
Himachal Pradesh 231 15.51 27 4.60
J&K 1489 12.04 62 19.26
Punjab 230 49.82 186 170.09
Rajasthan 3 0.03 167 433.16
Uttar Pradesh 19 45.95 122 123.48
Uttaranchal 6 21.13 9 17.69
Sub Total 846 235.19 1291 2946.47
Western Region
Chhattisgarh 3 5.69 168 64.99
D & N Haveli 0 0.00 0 0.00
Daman & Diu 0 0.00 1 7.51
Goa 3 0.31 0 0.00
Gujarat 130 301.54 117 1222.48
Madhya Pradesh 50 93.99 430 218.26
Maharastra 168 837.71 144 1182.50
Sub Total 354 1239.54 860 2725.74
Southern Region
Andhra Pradesh 86 217.14 136 749.69
Karnataka 154 341.41 116 382.47
Kerala 19 49.00 36 15.06
Pondicherry 0 0.00 0 0.00
Tamil Nadu 113 332.03 142 494.82
Sub Total 372 939.58 430 1642.04
Total 2117 3723.63 3044 8704.39
Source: GOI, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
As per the above table total Medium Scale Sick Industries are more in West Bengal in 2011 (459)and low in
A.N. Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Skkim, D & N Haveli, Daman Diu. Medium Scale Sick
Industries are high in Pondicherry and Delhi in 2012 (660). The amount of outstanding is high in Karnataka in
2011 (341.41) and Delhi in 2012 (1476.62).

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List of Number of Large Scale Companies register under BIFR to declare Sick:
S.No Year No of Companies
1 1991 155
2 1992 177
3 1993 152
4 1994 193
5 1995 115
6 1996 97
7 1997 233
8 1998 370
9 1999 413
10 2000 429
11 2001 463
12 2002 559
13 2003 430
14 2004 399
15 2005 180
16 2006 118
17 2007 78
18 2008 57
19 2009 64
20 2010 72
21 2011 73
22 2012 80
23 2013 92
24 2014 91
25 2015 175
Source: BIFR Website
From 1991 to 2006 the large scale companies were more in sickness. But from 2007 to 2011 the number came
down. But in 2012 to 2015 again it is in increasing way. If we observe in three segments like small, medium and
large scale sectors the sickness India is vast in size and it shows adverse effect on country economy. For this we
need to take preventive measures as well as restart of sick units in terms of revival and rehabilitation of these
sick units.
Need for the Study:
Growth rate of India economy is dependent of industrial development. All types of industries play vital role in
the economic expansion of the country and have vast approaching for employment generation. Increasing small
scale, medium scale and large scale sector also results in decentralized industrial development, better

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distribution of wealth and investment with entrepreneurial excellence. But the main problem arises here is
sickness of companies. It is a dangerous problem to the growth of the nation. The major thrust of this study is to
explore the reasons of sickness in industrial sector. This paper may give accurate reasons behind the sickness of
companies in India.

Objectives of the Study:

 To present the industrial sickness position in India
 To illustrate the causes of industrial sickness in India
 To suggest preventive measures for industrial sickness.
Methodology of the Study:
This paper is completely based on secondary date source like Indian economy reports, RBI Annual Reports,
different kinds of text books and news papers and journals. Different kinds of websites are taken as the reference
for this paper.
Reasons for Sickness in Companies:
There are different factors as a reason for industrial sickness. It will be possible to prevent industrial sickness in
the first instance, and if unfortunately, sickness does affect some industrial units, a proper and correct diagnosis
would help the policy-makers to successfully tackle the problem of industrial sickness. Industrial units may
become sick due to various reasons. According to V.N Nadkarni, “….some industrial units are born sick, some
achieve sickness and-some have sickness thrust upon them”. Causes of industrial sickness are usually divided
into two categories. They are internal causes and external causes. The external factors which originate outside
the unit and therefore, are not under the control of the unit such as power cuts, demand, recession, erratic
availability of inputs, government policies, etc. the internal factors include which originate within the unit and
can therefore be said to be under the control of the unit such as production, management, marketing and finance.


Entrepreneurial Incompetence
Many entrepreneurs are setting up business units with limited knowledge regarding production, accounting and
marketing etc. This is not enough to survive in the competitive world. The entrepreneur requires vast

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knowledge on strategic functional areas of the business. Lack of complete knowledge on business leads to
increase in cost of the business.
Financial Problems:
Many companies face acute financial problems from the initial state of planning and construction of the
business. The investment base of many small scale units is very weak and a slight disturbance in the market put
them under acute financial strain. Often small scale units borrow from banks and financial institutions but they
are unable to meet the repayment schedules. The burden of unpaid debt accumulates and they turn sick. In some
cases lack of support from banks causes a failure of small scale units as the banks insist on proven performance
either to restore working capital limits or to enhance existing limits.
Management Problems:
The most important internal cause of sickness is management problems. Wrong managerial decisions in the
fields of production, marketing, finance, personnel management etc. can spoil the business. Inadequate attention
towards the maintenance management leading to frequent breakdown and consequent lower capacity utilization,
insufficient sales promotion activities, inefficient management of working capital includes cash, receivables,
inventory and improper wage, increment and bad industrial relation make the companies become sick.
Gestation Period:
Often the gestation period becomes for too long than anticipated especially in the case of large scale industrial
unit. This might be due to delay in supply of capital expenditure goods to be imported. Such delays cause cost
escalations, leading to capital shortages, liquidity problems, hike in production costs, and rise in prices and
hence smaller than anticipated demand for the product of the industrial unit. It adversely affects its profits.
Demand Forecasting:
The company production schedule is completely based on demand forecasting. Sudden appearance of competing
substitutes in the market, radical and sudden change in the tastes of people as production of a commodity is
being taken down may all cause industrial sickness.
Defective Plant & Machinery:
Many entrepreneurs in the small scale sector do not seek professional and technical guidance from competent
authorities in choosing correct machinery. If the plant and machinery finally selected and installed by them turns
out to be defective, their units are bound to suffer losses and will in all probability, turn sick.
Labour Problems:
In some cases acute labour problem have resulted in strikes, lock outs and even closure of industrial units. These
problems may originate from differences with management over the issue of wages, bonus, suspensions and
retrenchment, inter-union rivalry etc. if not tackled in time satisfactorily such problems can causes sickness.


Demand and Credit Restrains
At times, recession in the market causes a steep decline in the demand resulting in unsold stocks and losses to
individual units. Products with towering prices for example tractors, trucks, busses, cars etc. depends for their
sustained demand on easy availability of credit to buyers. If credit restraints are imposed so that the buyers are
not able to arrange finance, the demand for these products is bound to suffer. This is likely to leave the
manufacturers with unsold stocks inflicting losses on them. If this situation perseveres for quite sometimes, the

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producing units are prone to turn sick. This problem can emerge in a serious way for auxiliary units. If the
demand of the principal buyer of the output of ancillary units falls due to any reason whatsoever, these units are
put in unstable position, they are bound to turn sick and may even face closure.
Erratic Supply of Inputs:
Some units depend on scare raw material whose supply is irregular. This results in disturbing the production
schedule causing losses to the unit. This often happens in the case of units depending upon the supply of
imported inputs. Insufficient availability of transport facilities can also upset the supply schedule of inputs.
Power Cuts:
A large number of industrial units face power cuts from time to time. These power cuts are imposed by the state
government as the generation of power is considerably below its actual requirements. Drought situation during
some years in a number of states further annoyed the problem and acute power shortage resulted in frequent
power cuts.
Government Policy:
Sudden changes in the government policy relating to imports, exports, industrial licensing, and taxation etc. can
make viable units sick overnight. For instance, liberal import policy for a particular product can inflict severe
damage on the domestic units producing similar products. The very existence of these domestic units is likely to
be threatened particularly if the imported product is cheaper and is of a better quality as compared to their


Effect on Banks and Financial Institutions:
The companies are taking help from the different banks and financial institution for raising funds for their
operations. If companies become sick the funds are blocking and as a result of Non-performing Assets. It gives
adverse effect on financial institutions and banks. The banks and financial institutions get losses, which provides
financial support to the different companies for set up their plant and machinery and commence business.
Blocking funds in sick companies shows adverse effect on future of lending programmes of banks and financial
institutions as shortage of resources emerges.
Wastages of Scarce Resources:
India is a developing country and the resources are already in scare. If these limited resources are blocked up in
the sick companies, it becomes the non performing asset and the yielding capacity is totally abolished. It is a
loss to the economy.
Effect on Employment Opportunities:
The first and foremost effect of industrial sickness is loss of employment in the country. It is most dangerous
socio economic problem of the nation. According to estimation, nearly 30 lakhs of workers are likely to be
effected by the closure of sick and weak unit in the country. In relative terms, about 6% of total employment in
industrial sector is likely to be affected by industrial sickness. Out of total 30 lakh workers likely to be affected
by closure of sick units, even more than two-thirds (68%) of total will be rendered jobless in small sector alone.
This presents a severe prospect in the employment scenario of the country.

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Adverse Effect on Prospective Investors and Entrepreneurs:
Closure or liquidation of large sick units creates a psychology of despair amongst investors. The share price of
that unit will tumble down and the prevalence of gloomy market conditions can adversely affect the entire stock
market. Not only this, failure of a unit acts as discouragement to other entrepreneurs who were planning to
launch production in the same lines. Such industrial climate is not advantageous for industrial development.
Wastages of Scarce Resources:
In an under-developed economy like ours, the resources are already scarce. If these scarce resources are locked
up in sick units, it becomes the wastage of scarce resources which otherwise invested would have yielded
substantial returns to the economy.
Loss of Revenue to the Government:
The central, state and local government raises substantial revenue from industrial units by way of various levies.
Therefore sickness in industrial units results in loss of revenue to the government.
Emergence of Industrial Unrest:
The closure of sick units causes not only unemployment, but leads to industrial unrest also. Whenever the
workers are retrenched and rendered out of jobs, the trade unions oppose it and resort to industrial strikes. Such
disturbances threaten the peace and harmony of the industrial environment. This results in setback to industrial
Adverse impact on related units:
Industrial units generally linked up with a number of other industrial units through backward and forward
linkage. Therefore sickness in one unit is likely to affect adversely a number of other units. For example iron
and steel industry is linked up with a number of other industries via backward and forward linkages.
Accordingly sickness in a large unit manufacturing iron and steel is likely to have adverse consequences on a
number of other units.
Preventive Measures:
“Prevention is better than Cure”. This proverb is suitable in case of Sick companies. The company must be very
careful when it shows any kind of symptoms regarding sickness. The preventive measures are as follows:
 Strict monitoring of sick companies is required in every stage of its functions.
 Adoptions of Modern equipments, technology, production-process and infrastructure development are
around the existing unit. Adequate supervision input cost and adopting economy of scale and keen
observation of new market trends required.
 Introducing of proper work culture and ethics with professionalism and making accountable to concern
authority in the organization is required based on circumstances
 Find innovative methods and changing patterns of existing methods before others do
 Try to be more practical about market demand of your product rather than depending upon research totally
 Try to maintain own distribution center and price competitiveness with on time delivery of the products.
 Be a master in innovation in terms of product and process. Product innovation means introducing new
products or launching of new products. Process innovation means finding better and more efficient ways of
producing the existing products.
 Focus much on incorporate innovative ideas to expand business rather than focusing on adoption of new
technology into business
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 Handling of employees problems in apt way is another important element here. Rationalization of wage
structure, salary administration and recruitment of highly trained personnel is required.
 Appropriate financial management system is required to fill the gap of working capital and prohibit its
unconstitutional application
 Optimum mobilization of resources with proper financial planning and dividend distribution policy
 R & D activities are essential part of any organization but the expenditure should be under control.
 Adequate system is required for proper check, balance and timely diversification.
 For promoting the companies and its products the management should adopt marketing techniques and
marketing strategies with the help of audio, video and print media etc.


In terms of the Sick Industrial companies Act 1985, the Government of India set up the Board for Industrial and
Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) in January 1987 for determining remedial and other measures which are
required to be taken in respect of sick industrial companies and for expeditious enforcement of the measures
determined. The companies whose net worth has been eroded completely and those which have new worth
eroded by 50% or more were required to make a reference to the BIFR under section 15-23 of the act
respectively. While references received under Section 15 were required to ne enquired into, there were no such
requirements in respect of references received under section 23. Public sector enterprises were brought within
the purview of BIFR through an amendment of the sick Industrial Companies Act in 1991.
This Board could, if it deemed necessary, require by order, an operating agency to enquire into and make a
report with respect to such matters as may be specified in the order. The Board or as the case may make a report
with respect to such matters as may be specified in the order. The Board or as the case may be the operating
agency, was to complete its enquiry as expeditiously as possible and endeavour was to be made to complete the
enquiry within 60 days from the commencement of the enquiry. In case where sickness was confirmed BIFR
required to determine the course of action to be followed with regard to the company.
a) Allowing the company time on its own
b) Having a scheme prepared through the operating agency in respect of the company (Revival means
improvement in the company condition. The revival measures include restructuring of capital, change in
management, sale of surplus assets, sales/ lease of the unit, mergers and amalgamation with another healthy
unit. Such other preventive, ameliorative and remedial measures as may be appropriate)
c) Deciding on the winding up of the company.


Industrial sick is easy to understand but difficult to control it. Many countries are facing problem with the
industrial sickness. If gives a lot of pressure to the Governments to overcome it. Recognisation of sickness
symptoms gives way to solve the problem of the nations. Banks, business people, government and other
financial institution must be careful to deal with the concept of industrial sickness.

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