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Service Experience 2011

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Service Experience

Two-stroke Engines

Introduction.................................................................................................. 5
Quality of ME Electronics (Hardware and Software)........................................ 5
Time Between Overhaul (TBO) for ME-Engines.............................................. 8
Optimised Low-load Operation for ME Engines............................................ 10
Operation on Low-sulphur Fuels.................................................................. 12
Second Order Moment Compensator Bracket Crack Case........................... 13
Cylinder Condition Update – Small Bore Engines......................................... 16
Cylinder Condition Update – Large Bore S-type Engines.............................. 19
Case Story: Jumping Fuel Injectors on S50ME-C with
300-bar Hydraulic System........................................................................... 22
Case Story: Breakage of High-pressure Fuel Pipes on 6S80ME-C Mk 9....... 23
Design – Production – In-service Cycle for MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines... 25
Conclusion.................................................................................................. 27
Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

Introduction Quality of ME Electronics (Hardware new or updated electronic parts, the

This paper outlines the status on the and Software) so-called highly accelerated life test-
service experience gained from MAN Since the introduction of MAN B&W ing (HALT) is now being widely used on
B&W two-stroke engines of the electro- two-stroke ME engines in regular serv- the electronic ME products. HALT is a
hydraulically controlled ME/ME-C types, ice some 7-8 years ago, the electronic test in which the electronic parts are
and gives an update of the service hardware and software of the engine exposed to extreme vibration levels in
experience on MC/MC-C types with control system (ECS) have seen sub- combination with extreme heat cycling.
camshaft control. 2011 saw a remark- stantial quality improvements. In many
able shift towards ME engines after the cases, the initial versions of electronic The test continues until the failure of an
introduction of the IMO Tier II rules. To- hardware for the ME engines experi- electronic component on the part. In
day, nearly 50% of all MAN B&W two- enced too high failure rates. This has this way, the weakest point of the elec-
stroke engines ordered are of the ME led to changes to various sensor types, tronic part is indentified, and this may
type. control valve electronics, main operat- then form basis for a design review.
ing panels (MOPs), multi-purpose con-
In the large-bore segment (80, 90 and trollers (MPCs) as well as cabling and For new or modified electronic parts
98-cm bore), close to 100% of new or- connectors. Historically, there are a and for new suppliers of electronic
ders are for ME versions. It is therefore number of different reasons for these parts, the following tests are carried out
of extreme importance that the ME en- changes, and some of them can be before release to production:
gine has reached a matured develop- listed as follows:
ment status, and this paper confirms „„ Functional tests
that this is indeed the case. 1. Stronger vibrations/shocks than ini-
tially specified „„ Type approval tests
Today, the ME engine concept is widely –– on hydraulic cylinder units
accepted among major shipowners, (HCUs) and exhaust valves „„ Extended vibration tests
and the benefits of electronic control
are increasingly being acknowledged 2. Higher temperatures than initially „„ Service tests.
as the concept is enhanced with fea- specified
tures such as auto-tuning, integrated –– on fuel boosters We have introduced quality checks by
control of exhaust bypass, variable tur- way of highly accelerated stress audit
bine area turbochargers, turbocharger 3. Many failures caused by bad cable- (HASA) tests in the current production
cut-out and, in the near future (Tier III connectors of electronics parts. HASA tests will cy-
era), integrated control of exhaust gas –– on sensors and control valves cle vibration and temperature during a
recirculation, water-in-fuel emulsion and predetermined period (e.g. 24 hours) at
SCR. 4. Some cases of installation failures realistic, but somewhat elevated, heat
–– electro-static discharge (ESD) and vibration loads in order to sort out
Optimisation of operation at low load is and bad cabling weak electronic parts before they are
also dealt with. Both fuel consumption used in the engine production. In addi-
and cylinder oil consumption can be 5. Many “no failures” cases tion, for MPCs, a burn-in test of the full
improved by various retrofit packages. –– on returned product. production volume has been introduced
in order to connect and run the MPC at
Also, so-called classic operational is- Various corrective actions have been various temperatures. In this way, also
sues, which are naturally still of utmost taken for sensors and control valves, weak MPC’s are sorted out. This test will
importance, are described in the two and improved approval procedures for typically run over a 14-hour period, see
case stories. new products/suppliers have been in- Fig. 1.
troduced. During the design phase of

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 5

For sensors and control valves, we
have integrated the cables to get rid of
cable connectors. Instead, we use the
simple and much more reliable conven-
tional junction boxes to join cables and
electronic parts.

As mentioned above, the MPC is one of

the components for which too high re-
turn rates have been reported. Reports
from one Asian electronics manufac-
turing services (EMS) provider indicate
that these return rates are now under
control, see Fig. 2. L1, L2 and L3 are
three different engine builders.

The same EMS provider has analysed

the returned MPCs and found that Fig. 1: Burn-in test of MPCs

nearly half of them had no failures, see

Fig. 3. Also, we have often received „„ Commissioning screen for the. „„ Data loggers for HCUs and HPS
back electronic and electro-hydrau- hydraulic cylinder units (HCU)
lic parts that had no failures when „„ Export of HCUs and HPS data logger
checked in our laboratory. The reason „„ Commissioning screen for the tacho data to Excel
for this is often a poor possibility of do- system
ing qualified troubleshooting when a „„ ECS isolation monitoring and alarms
failure has been experienced on board „„ Commissioning screen for the.
a vessel with an ME engine. The initial hydraulic power supply (HPS) „„ Electrical noise monitoring and alarm
versions of the ECS software did not
give the crew on board many possibili- „„ Troubleshooting screens for HCUs „„ Alarm improvements, grouping of re-
ties for locating the failing electronic or and HPS lated alarms.
electro-hydraulic part. In many cases,
this has resulted in the return of parts
which had no failures.

We have now released new ESC soft- L1
ware with much improved trouble-
shooting possibilities available on the L2
Main Operating Panel (MOP). The im- L3
provements can be summarised as fol-
lows: 5.0%
2008 2009 2010 2011

Fig. 2: Return rates of MPCs from our EMS provider

6 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

Fig. 3: Analysis of returned parts

Examples of troubleshooting screens

and data-logger screens are seen in
Figs. 4 and 5. Fig. 4 shows the trouble-
shooting screen for the hydraulic cylin-
der unit (HCU), and Fig. 5 shows the
data-logger screen for the HCU, the so-
called “HCU Events”. The data-logger
continuously records predetermined Fig. 4: HCU troubleshooting screen

signals related to each HCU at high fre-

quency (2 kHz), and storage is trigged
by an event, typically an alarm. Data
from just before the event and from just
after the event can then be analysed on
board, exported to Excel and further
analysed on board or ashore.

We are presently installing the new im-

proved ECS software on all vessels in
service with ME engines. All new ME
engines will, of course, also have the
new improved ECS software.

Fig. 5: HCU event data logger

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 7

Time Between Overhaul (TBO) for ME- haul interval of 32,000 hours is pos- Recent experience with the main hy-
Engines sible. After this time of operation, the draulic pumps indicates that more than
In April 2009, we issued new updated pump bearings must be exchanged 32,000 hours between major overhaul
guiding overhaul intervals for all our and, in some cases, also other interior can be obtained. This will require in-
MAN B&W two-stroke MC and ME en- parts of the pumps may need renewal. spection on board to evaluate the wear
gines. For the first time, we included the The overhaul can either be carried out condition of one of the pumps and then
hydraulic and electronic components on board the vessel or in workshops set up a sequential overhaul of the
for the ME engines on these lists. We ashore. pumps one by one. Fig. 6 shows the
could do this as the ME engine design
had been matured sufficiently to predict Costs [EUR]
overhaul intervals for the new compo-
repair on board (pump set)
nents on these engines. This initiative
repair on board (pump set)
also indicates that ME engines as such wear parts
have reached a matured design status. exchange pump set
The guiding overhaul intervals for the
exchange step by step
hydraulic components are shown in Ta-
ble 1.

A very central part of the ME system

is the main hydraulic pumps in the hy- 0 5 10 15 20 Lifetime [years]
draulic power supply (HPS). For these
pumps, we can confirm that an over- Fig. 6: Alternative overhaul strategies for main hydraulic pumps for ME engines

ME-B engines – guiding overhaul intervals and expected service life

Component Overhaul interval (hours) Expected service life (hours) Remarks

Main hydraulic pump 32,000 Engine lifetime Check and replace hydrostatic bear-
ings at overhaul. Check and replace
cylinder set and piston if required.
Proportional valve for 20,000 Replace valve after 20,000 hours
main hydraulic pump
Pressure relief valve for 40,000 Engine lifetime Replace sealings at overhaul
main hydraulic pumps
Exhaust valve actuator 32,000 Engine lifetime Replace static sealing rings at over-
ELFI valve 32,000 64,000 Check and replace if required
Fuel valve 8,000 Valve nozzle 16,000 Check and replace if required
- depending on fuel quality Spindle guide 16,000
Fuel oil pressure booster 32,000 64,000 Change piston rings on hydraulic
- based on engine observations Replace or recondition piston and suction valve at overhaul.

Table 1: Guiding overhaul intervals for hydraulic ME components

8 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

Sandwich filter on MDT FIVA-II

Fig. 7: MDT FIVA valve with sandwich filter mounted

original overhaul regime (black) com- shipyard. These filters will be disman-
pared with the latest “step-by-step” tled before vessel delivery. In this way,
approach (red). we will be able to obtain 32,000 hours
between exchange of the pilot valve.
Another central part of the ME sys- The pilot valve can be exchanged on
tem is the fuel injection valve actuation board by the ship’s crew. Fig. 7 shows
(FIVA). For the FIVA valve, we also state the FIVA valve with a sandwich filter
32,000 hours between overhauls. In or- installed. The main valve is green, the
der to reach this interval, we need to sandwich filter is red and the pilot valve
protect the pilot valve from dirt in the is dark grey.
hydraulic oil during commissioning. We
are presently testing so-called sand-
wich filters installed during commis-
sioning at the engine builder and at the

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 9

Optimised Low-load Operation for ME operation down to 40% load and, in ning surfaced. This can be supported
Engines May 2009, we were ready to officially in two ways on MAN B&W two-stroke
Since the worldwide financial crisis support continuous low-load operation engines:
developed in the second half of 2008, down to 10% load. Since then, nearly
low-load operation or slow steaming all service experience with continuous 1. Increase the scavenge air pressure
has been the standard of the day for low-load operation has been positive. at low and part load
many owners operating MAN B&W The application of fuel injection valves 2. Reduce the cylinder oil feed rate at
two-stroke engines. In the early days of of the slide type has been very impor- low load.
slow steaming, mainly container vessel tant to this success. Slide-type fuel .
operators requested to operate at low valves significantly reduce fouling of the Most elegantly, this is supported on
load. Today, also operators of tankers, exhaust gas ways, especially when op- the electro-hydraulically controlled ME-
bulkers, etc. are beginning to operate erating at low loads. engines. The ME engine control system
continuously at low loads. (ECS) is designed to control the vari-
Soon after, it became normal to oper- able turbine area (VTA) turbocharger,
In late 2008, we issued a service let- ate engines at extremely low loads, and exhaust gas bypass (EGB) and flexible
ter dealing with continuous low-load the request to optimise low-load run- turbocharger cut-out systems.

T/C cut-out valve (compressor side)

Fig. 8: Swing gate valve for flexible T/C cut-out

Fig. 9: T/C cut-out MOP screens

10 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

tested this on several engines with very
good results, running load-proportional
lubrication reduction of the cylinder oil
feed rate all the way down to 10% load.
In this way, it is possible to save half the
cylinder oil at loads in the range of 10-
15%. This is illustrated in Fig. 11.

For ME engines, this changed adjust-

ment can be accomplished simply by
making parameter changes in the ME
ECS software. For mechanical engines
with Alpha Lubricators, rebuilding of
the lubricators is required.

Fig. 10: Carbon deposits on the swing gate valve on the turbine side

For engines in service, the flexible tur- from 25% and down to 10%. Service
bocharger cut-out system with control experience on this issue is dealt with
of the so-called swing gate valves has in our latest service letter on low load
become a retrofit solution often applied operation from June 2011. We have
on engines with two, three or four tur-
bochargers. Fig. 8 illustrates this de-
injection corresponding
Breakpoint at 15 rpm/

Reduction factor
to ~35% engine load

sign, in principle and in reality, on the 1.4

compressor side of a K98ME engine. 1.3
Fig. 9 indicates how the T/C cut-out 1.2
25% load

mode is implemented with a separate 1.1

20% load
15% load

view on the MOP. 1.0

13% load

0.9 al c
10% load

rtio ro
po nt
0.8 pro co
For the swing gate valve on the turbine rpm al


0.7 rti

side, accumulation of combustion de- op



0.6 ad

posits has been seen as shown in Fig. Lo



10. Cleaning instructions have there-



fore been included in the service man-

ual to ensure the correct functioning of 0.2
the valve. 0.1
Today, optimisation of the cylinder oil 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
rpm, % of MCR
feed rate is also requested for extreme
low-load operation in the load range Fig. 11: Cylinder oil feed rate reduction with breakpoint at various loads

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 11

Operation on Low-sulphur Fuels Experience with operation on distillates can only repeat our recommendations
Lately, more experience has been gained has mainly been gained in the SECA already given in our service letters:
on operating on low-sulphur fuels in two area on the American West Coast.
different areas: Various statistics on the impact of op- 1. Before entering congested areas
eration on distillates in this area have where fuel switching is required, it
1. Low-sulphur heavy fuel oils (HFO) been published. An office under the is highly recommended to test start
California Air Resource Board (CARB), and reversing performance outside
2. Low-sulphur distillates. the Office of Spill Prevention and Re- the congested area.
sponse (OSPR), has presented data on
For low-sulphur HFOs, the most im- so-called loss of propulsion (LOP) inci- 2. Performance checks must be con-
portant issue is the increased number dents. Fig. 13 shows a recently pub- ducted in order to verify the wear
of catalytic fines seen in average when lished statistic on LOP incidents at the condition of the fuel pumps. If the
bunkering HFOs with a low sulphur Californian ports from January 2004 to fuel index has increased by 10% or
content, see Fig. 12. This fact will put August 2011. This statistic shows an more compared with the test bed
even more focus on optimal fuel treat- increase of yearly LOPs at the same condition, the fuel pumps must be
ment on board vessels with efficient time as the fuel sulphur content was overhauled to ensure correct per-
use of the purifiers installed. decreased in California. It is stated that formance on distillate fuel.
this increase is caused by so-called fuel
Furthermore, correct design of fuel tank switching LOPs. There is a lot of debate 3. In case very low viscosity distillates
systems is important. We are currently on whether this statistic reflects the use are used, a fuel oil cooler needs to
updating our recommendations on this of lower sulphur fuel, or if it is also relat- be considered in order to ensure a
issue, which in future will also be in- ed to a changed way of counting LOP viscosity of min. 2 cSt at the engine
cluded in the project guides. incidents over the years. However, from inlet.
an engine designer’s point of view, we



AL + Si (nig/kg)




0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00
Sulphur %

Fig. 12: Cat fines in bunker fuel (source: DNVPS)

12 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

Second Order Moment Compensator
Bracket Crack Case
The biggest single guarantee case ever
in relation to MAN B&W two-stroke
engines is the second order moment
compensator bracket crack case. Fig. 14
shows a typical crack. When this case
was discovered for 60/70ME-C/MC-C
engines in late summer 2010, we im-
mediately communicated this to all
licensees involved. We also took im-
mediate initiative to perform a design
review, and based on this review, we
subsequently updated the design with
an action code covering all engines not
yet delivered. In cooperation with all li-
censees involved, and with the assist-
ance of especially PrimeServ-Korea,
we managed to avoid putting further
vessels in service without the updated
design. The previous and updated de-
signs are shown in Fig. 15.

Fig. 13: Loss of propulsion incidents – California Ports. In 2009, a cap on fuel sulphur content was intro- In parallel with the design review, we is-
duced in California waters
sued a Circular Letter to owners with
the critical design in service. The aim of
It should be mentioned that not one this Circular Letter was:
single incident of fuel switching LOP
has been recorded with our ME engines 1. To ensure that engines with cracks
whereas other types of electronically were identified so that the planning
controlled engines are represented. for rectification could be initiated
in cooperation with the operators.
Many of the vessels affected are
tankers and postponement until
scheduled docking is preferable.

2. To get more statistics on the

number of cracks and, thereby,
evaluate the criticality of the design

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 13

Fig.14: Example of crack in bracket carrying a second order moment compensator

Design detail S60MC-C FWD and AFT S70MC-C FWD and AFT

Original design

Upgraded design

Fig. 15: Modification of bracket design

14 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

Design changes introduced to robust
the design:

„„ Avoid discontinuous weld seams

with open ends (red arrows)

„„ Fillet welds substituted with butt


„„ Increased butt weld dimensions.

Fig. 16: Design variants in service

At the end of 2011, we were ready to

slightly modify our plan of action for the
update of engines in service. In another
Circular Letter, the designs were cat-
egorised in four variants, see Fig. 16.

Based on feedback from service, we

now concentrated preventive rectifica-
tion on variant No. 1, support on open
triangle. The 2011 Circular Letter also
specified an inspection scheme for the
first 18,000 hours of operation. There
is no need for rectification (also for de-
sign variant No. 1) after 18,000 hours of
operation without crack formation. We
also specify inspections during the first
18,000 hours after a welding rectifica-
tion in order to ensure that the rectifica-
tion has been successful. Fig. 17: S50MC-C: crack in second order moment compensator bracket

At the beginning of 2012, we discov- weak action code, and at most engine in order to determine the final and prop-
ered cracks in the second order mo- builders it had not taken effect in the er countermeasure in each case.
ment compensator bracket on an production at the beginning of 2012.
S50MC-C engine type. Fig. 17 shows
an example of these. The designs of Therefore, a new design update note
the S50MC-C and S46MC-C engines (DUN) with a harder action code has
had already been updated in June been released, specifying modification
2011 based on experience gained in instructions for all S46/50MC-C/ME-C
the meantime with 60 and 70-cm bore under production. At the time of writing,
engines. However, this was done on a vessels in service are being inspected

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 15

Cylinder Condition Update – Small
Bore Engines
Double S-Lock Milled Passage
For some years, small bore engines
have been specified with our well-prov-
en alu-coated CPR piston ring pack,
see Fig. 18. However, in some cases
on small bore engines, this has resulted
in limiting overhaul intervals by wearing Fig. 19: Port-on-plane (POP) top piston ring design

out the CL-grooves of the top piston

If complete wear out of the CL-grooves sure drop will often be so large that ad-
on the top piston ring occurs, the pres- hesive wear between liner and ring will
be the result, and the risk of damage to
the liner surface will be a consequence.
The CPR (controlled pressure relief) ring pack with CL-grooves (controlled leakage
grooves) was introduced on all MAN B&W engines at the turn of the century. This The port-on-plane (POP) top piston
design change resulted in a significantly improved overall cylinder condition resulting in
ring, Fig. 19, will have the opposite
increased TBO.
characteristics. As the top ring wears,
Main advantages include better distribution of the pressures across each ring and elimi- the relief ports will increase the leak-
nation of the problem with overheating and collapse of the second ring.
age area and, thereby, the pressure
drop across the top ring will decrease.
This will reduce the contact pressure
1998 between the top piston ring and the
Alu-coat cylinder liner, and also reduce piston
ring wear. The POP top piston ring has
a stabilising influence on piston ring
wear. This is opposite to the conven-
1st ring: CPR
tional CPR ring, which is basically un-
Base material: Vermicular cast CV1
stable. For small bore engines, this is
Run-in coating: 0.3 mm alu-coating
6Cl groove, Pos. 45, 90, 135 deg. an important difference giving the new
2.0 mm wide, 5.5 mm deep POP piston ring pack a longer lifetime.

2nd ring: Left cut The introduction of the POP ring pack is
Base material: Grey cast CF5
based on the service experience gained
Run-in coating: 0.3 mm alu-coat
on the 6S40ME-B prototype engine. At
3rd ring: Right cut first glance, the cylinder condition looks
Base material: Grey cast CF5 very satisfactory after 10,000 hours of
Run-in coating: 0.3 mm alu-coat operation, see Fig. 20. Also, the cylin-
. der liner wear is very satisfactory, see
4th ring: Left cut
Fig. 21. All liners inspected have wear
Base material: Grey cast CF5
rates below 0.05 mm per 1,000 hours.
Run-in coating: 0.3 mm alu-coat

Fig. 18: Alu-coated CPR piston ring pack

16 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

However, when looking more closely We now specify the POP ring pack for 6S46MC-C engine. After 6,735 hours,
on the wear condition of the top piston this engine type. We have accumu- the width of the port opening had in-
ring, it can be seen that unit No. 1 is lated more than 230,000 service hours creased by 1.1 mm, corresponding to
very near the wear limit due to the CL- on various engine types with the POP a top piston ring wear of 0.55 mm, see
groove depth reduction, see Fig. 22. rings. One of the service tests has Fig. 23. With a wear potential of 2.7
been carried out on all cylinders on a mm, wear-out is estimated to happen
after approx. 33,000 hours. Due to the
self-stabilising nature of the POP ring,
as described above, the estimated
lifetime of 33,000 hours is conserva-
tive. We can expect even more running
hours before wear-out occurs.

Fig. 20: Scavenge port inspection of prototype 6S40ME-B at 10,000 hours

Max liner diameter (mm) hours (mm)
Liner wear engine type S40ME-B
400.60 Cyl. No. 2
Cyl. No. 3

400.50 Cyl. No. 4

Cyl. No. 5
Cyl. No. 6
Cyl. No. 5
Cyl. No. 6
400.30 Cyl. No. 1




0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000
Engine hours

Fig. 21: Cylinder liner wear: 6S40ME-B at 10,000 hours

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 17

Fig. 22: Piston rings indicating rather high wear rates, 6S40ME-B

Fig. 23: 6S46MC-C unit with POP ring pack

18 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

Cylinder Condition Update – Large
Bore S-type Engines
The present market trend for many ship
types is to reduce the full-load propeller
revolutions using engines with a super-
long stroke. For large container ves-
sels, and within a rather short time, this
trend has meant that orders for 8,000-
13,000 teu vessels, where the tradi-
tional choice of engine used to be K98,
are now specified with the super-long
stroke S90 Mk 8 or 9 engines. Further-
more, nearly all large bore engines are
now ordered as electronically control-
led ME/ME-C versions.

Traditionally, the S90 engine type has

been very successful as prime mover Fig. 24: S90ME-C8 in container vessel application. Scavenge port inspection after 1,800 hours revealed
excellent condition
for VLCCs. The cylinder condition for
this engine type has been very stable,
with long times between piston over-
hauls at very low cylinder oil feed rates. On the first series of the S80ME-C Mk 9 face, see Fig. 26. The countermeasure
Now, this engine type has entered serv- type engine, we have experienced initial chosen to deal with this problem was a
ice as prime mover for large container cylinder condition problems due to the re-design of the cylinder liner to achieve
vessels with a rather different load large variation in scavenge air pressure a higher liner surface temperature com-
profile and many more harbour visits. in the whole load range of the engine. bined with an increase in the jacket
Therefore, we are following early cylin- cooling outlet temperature.
der condition feedbacks in this relation. An example from one of the first
A scavenge port inspection after a little S80ME-C Mk 9 engines is described in In a later period (4th quarter of 2011),
more than 1,800 hours showed excel- the following. CoCoS EDS data showed much lower
lent condition, see Fig. 24. scavenge air pressures, between 0.6
In the first period of operation, the en- bar to 1.5 bar in the load range from
We will of course follow up on these in- gine was operated with a rather high 40% to 70%, see Fig. 27.
spections on both the S90 Mk 8 and scavenge air pressure between 1.1 bar
S90 Mk 9. to 2.4 bar in the load range from 40% In the later period, the engine suffered
to 70%. Fig. 25 shows the CoCoS EDS from collapsed and broken piston
Lately, we have been faced with a new data logged during this time period. rings, see Fig. 28. The reason for this
challenge arising from the large varia- The reason for the high scavenge air was a high usage of WHR, rather low
tion in scavenge air pressure, which is pressure was low usage of WHR and compression pressure and still maxi-
possible on the modern ME engines closed EGB. mum pressure according to the mod-
equipped with a waste heat recovery el curves. This resulted in a very high
(WHR) system, exhaust gas bypass In this period, the cylinder liners suf- pressure rise and high load on the pis-
(EGB) and auto-tuning. fered from cold corrosion due to the ton ring pack, especially the top piston
rather low liner temperature and exces- rings.
sive acid condensation on the liner sur-

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 19

Load vs p(scav) histogram
3.6 1.40% -1.50%

3.4 1.30% -1.40%

3.2 1.20% -1.30%

3 1.10% -1.20%
2.8 1.00% -1.10%
2.6 0.90% -1.00%
2.4 0.80% -0.90%
2.2 0.70% -0.80%

p(scav) [bar]
2 0.60% -0.70%
1.8 0.50% -0.60%
1.6 0.40% -0.50%
1.4 0.30% -0.40%
1.2 0.20% -0.30%
1 0.10% -0.20%
0.8 0.00% -0.10%
Load [%]

Fig. 25: CoCoS-EDS data, scavenge air pressure in one period on S80ME-C9

To avoid this, improved control via the

ME-ESC system is necessary to pro-
tect the engine against this situation
and stabilise the cylinder condition.

Tests in this respect are currently in

progress. Initial results, see Fig. 29, indi-
cate that our countermeasures work well.

Fig. 26: Cold corrosion in the top of the cylinder liner

20 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

Load vs p(scav) histogram
3.00% -3.10%
3.75 2.90% -3.00%
3.5 2.80% -2.90%
2.70% -2.80%
3.25 2.60% -2.70%
3 2.50% -2.60%
2.40% -2.50%
2.75 2.30% -2.40%
2.5 2.20% -2.30%
2.10% -2.20%
2.25 2.00% -2.10%

p(scav) [bar]
2 1.90% -2.00%
1.80% -1.90%
1.75 1.70% -1.80%
1.5 1.60% -1.70%
1.50% -1.60%
1.40% -1.50%
1 1.30% -1.40%
1.20% -1.30%
1.10% -1.20%
0.5 1.00% -1.10%
0.90% -1.00%
0.80% -0.90%
0 0.70% -0.80%

0.60% -0.70%

Load [%] 0.50% -0.60%

0.40% -0.50%

Fig. 27: CoCoS-EDS data, scavenge air pressure in another period

Paper No. 14 – Licence Days 2012

Fig. 28: S80ME-C9: Collapsed/broken piston rings

Fig. 29: S80ME-C9: Good cylinder condition

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 21

Case Story: Jumping Fuel Injectors
on S50ME-C with 300-bar Hydraulic
System Broken studs

At the end of 2011, we received a

number of reports of fuel injector mal- Damaged seat
function on the first S50ME-C engines
with the 300-bar hydraulic system. The
incidents occurred after less than 1,000 Carbon in cut
hours of operation and, in a few cases, off shaft
the jumping fuel injectors led to bro-
ken fuel valve studs and gas leakage
between the fuel injector and cylinder Gas blow by
cover. The damaged parts, i.e. broken
studs, carbon deposits in the cut-off Fig. 30: Damaged parts of fuel valve

shaft, damaged valve seat and gas

blow-by, are shown in Fig. 30. 1000 5.6 Position of cut
900 4.8 off shaft (black)
800 4
The sequence of events can be sum- Pressure in
700 3.2 atomiser (red)
marised as follows:
600 2.4
500 1.6 pressure
„„ Fuel oil pressure disappears too fast 400 0.8 (turquoise)

from the fuel injector (before the cut- 300 0 Atomiser

200 -0.8 pressure <
off shaft can close) → combustion
100 -1.6 pressure →
0 -2.4 problems
„„ Combustion gas enters fuel valve → -100 -3.2
-200 -4
-300 -4.8
-400 -5.6
„„ Closing speed of cut-off shaft in- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 MS
creases →
Fig. 31: Initial closing parameters
„„ Hard impact between cut-off shaft
800 5
and spindle guide → Position of cut
700 4 off shaft (black)

600 3 Pressure in
„„ Plastic deformation of seat between
atomiser (red)
fuel valve and cylinder cover → 500 2
400 1 pressure
„„ Correct pre-tension of fuel valve 300 0
studs is lost → Atomiser pressure.
200 -1 cylinder pressure
100 -2
„„ Cylinder gas acts on the O-ring di-
0 -3
ameter of fuel valve →
-100 -4

„„ Valve starts jumping and, in some -200 -5

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 deg crank angle
cases, the valve stud breaks.
Fig. 32: Softer closing parameters

22 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

This sequence of events is supported Case Story: Breakage of High-pressure inspection of the parts on pipes with
by pressure measurements in the fuel Fuel Pipes on 6S80ME-C Mk 9 cracks revealed seizures on both the
valve itself. The initial closing parame- The S80ME-C9 high-pressure fuel pipe pipe union and on the bore in the dis-
ters for the fuel valve pressure, see Fig. design comprises one hose-type pipe tributor block, see Fig. 35.
31, drop faster than the cylinder pres- from the fuel booster to a distributor
sure, thereby, enabling combustion block and short double-bended fuel When creating the seizures, a torque is
gases to enter the fuel valve. pipes from the distributor block to the required and this torque will reduce the
three fuel valves. Fig. 33 gives an out- clamping force and risk of fretting and
The solution is to apply softer clos- line of the design. wear, and thereby the risk of crack for-
ing parameters for the fuel valve (fuel mation is increased.
booster). This can be done by a pa- We have experienced some cases of
rameter change in the ME-ECS. Fig. cracks in the central hose-type high- The original design of the high-pressure
32 shows pressure measurements with pressure fuel pipe from the fuel booster pipe from booster to distributor block
softer closing parameters. The cylinder to the distributor block, see Fig. 34. An includes “uneven” angles and, further-
pressure is below the pressure in the more, it is rather stiff and requires very
fuel valve at all the times. precise manufacturing and assembling
to avoid the above-mentioned seizures.
Tests in service with the new softer
parameters have confirmed that this is Therefore, we have re-designed this
the solution to the issues experienced. high-pressure pipe introducing a more
Therefore, we have performed calcula- flexible pipe with parallel pipe ends.
tions and tests on all ME engines with Fig. 36 shows the original pipe design
300-bar hydraulic pressure to verify and the new so-called sigma-pipe. The
that this issue has been solved. sigma-pipe will be introduced on all
S80ME-C9 engines including those al-
ready in service.

On the S80ME-C9 engine type, we have

also introduced softer closing parame-
ters and design changes to reduce the
shock load on the high-pressure pipe
as well as on the fuel injectors.

Fig. 33: High-pressure fuel pipe design on


Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 23

Fig. 34: Cracked central high-pressure fuel pipe of the hose type

Seizure Seizure

Fig. 35: Seizures on distributor block and pipe union

Original design New design

Parallel pipe

Fig. 36: Original and new pipe designs

24 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

Design – Production – In-service matured by advanced calculations and follows up on production related issues
Cycle for MAN B&W Two-stroke tests (including often service tests), they and feeds back information for produc-
Engines are entered in specific new designs in tion optimisation, etc., to both the R&D
The above two case stories, one for the existing engine programme or on and Design departments.
fuel injection parameters and one for newly introduced engines. This is done
high-pressure fuel pipes, illustrate the by the design offices in the Engineering When the commissioning phase starts,
rapid response to feedback from serv- department. The detailed design work with shop test of the engine, the Opera-
ice that our two-stroke organisation on a new engine is typically initiated tion department assists, and feedback
must be able to produce in order to be by an order for this engine. Feedback from the commissioning phase (shop
successful. during the detailed design work phase test, quay trial and sea trial) is given to
is given from the design offices to the the R&D and Design departments. This
Fig. 37 illustrates the cycles that all R&D departments. feedback typically continues through-
new designs/engines go through. In out the guarantee period, and often
principle, new technologies/designs In the next phase, the licensee pro- also somewhat longer depending on
are constantly being prepared in our duces the engine based on the design the agreements with the shipowner in
R&D departments. When the new tech- specification delivered. In this phase, question.
nologies/designs have been sufficiently the Production Support department

The organisation of Low Speed Technical Support

R&D Engineering Licensed Guarantee Af ter Sales

Manuf acturing Period Service

LEO Test in Service

New Design Design Specifi cation Production Support Commission Support Technical Service
New Technologies Technical Support Quality Assurance Trouble Shooting Spare Parts

Design Feedback
Production Feedback Service Feedback

Fig. 37: MAN B&W two-stroke feedback cycle

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 25

Fig. 38 shows the development of a 7,000
number of vessels powered by MAN Ships
B&W two-stroke engines in the age

group from 0 to 3 years. A strongly in- 5,000
5,000 MISC

creasing population can be seen dur- VLCC
4,000 CRUD
ing the last years, and we can look for- CRUD
ward to a further increase in the years 3,000
3,000 LPGC
to come. This gives us an outstanding LNGC
2,000 GENC
possibility of receiving efficient feed- GENC
back and further optimise the MAN 1,000
1,000 BULK
B&W two-stroke concept.
2000 2002
2002 2004
2004 2006
2006 2008
2008 2010
2010 2012
After the guarantee period, our serv-
ice organisation, PrimeServ, takes over
and continues feeding back information
throughout the lifetime of the vessel/ 6,000
5,000 MISC


4,000 TANK
3,000 LNGC
2,000 CONT

2000 2002
2002 2004
2004 2006
2006 2008
2008 2010
2010 2012


5,000 MISC
3,000 LNGC
2,000 CONT

2007 2008
2007 2008 2009
2008 2009 2010
2009 2010 2011**
2010 2011** 2012
2011** 2012 2013
2012 2013 2014
2013 2014

Fig. 38: Number of ships powered by MAN B&W two-stroke engines in the age group 0 to 3 years

26 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines

A service experience update has been
given. Today, electronically controlled
versions of MAN B&W two-stroke en-
gines, the ME engines, now account for
the major part of new engines ordered.
This paper has demonstrated that this
coincides with the fact that the reliability
of both electronic and hydraulic com-
ponents has improved significantly.

However, it is still important to note

that the classic topics for two-stroke
engines, such as cylinder condition,
bearing performance, fuel equipment
reliability, etc. still call for attention so
as to safeguard the continued success
of the MAN B&W two-stroke brand.

The worldwide situation in shipping

continues to put focus on extreme low-
load operation. We can still say that
experience with low-load operation on
MAN B&W two-stroke engines is nearly
100% positive.

In the future, we will continue to con-

centrate on maintaining a high reliability
with the up-coming focus on EEDI and,
not least, Tier III technology.

Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 27

28 Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines
Service Experience – Two-stroke Engines 29
All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way.
Depending on the subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and will be assessed and determined
individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially specific site and operational
conditions · Copyright © MAN Diesel & Turbo · Subject to modification in the interest of technical progress. 5510-0116-00ppr Jun 2012 .
Printed in Denmark
2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark

[email protected]
Phone +45 33 85 11 00
Fax +45 33 85 10 30
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Teglholmsgade 41

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