Morphology Topics To Be Covered
Morphology Topics To Be Covered
Morphology Topics To Be Covered
A. Morphology:
- Introduction to morphology
- Basic concepts in morphology: morpheme, types of morpheme (free & bound),
the difference between morpheme and allomorph
- Allomorphy/allophony: Phonological and morphological conditioning of
B. Morphology:
- Inflection and Derivation
- Differences between inflection and derivation,
- Morphological analysis of words: prefixes, suffixes and infixes
C. Morphology:
- Word formation processes (roots, bases, stems, prefixes, infixes, suffixes,
circumfixes, etc.) lexical gaps, acronyms, blends, clippings, eponyms, back-
formations, lexical gaps, neologism…etc.
D. Syntax of English - Lexical Categories
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Determiners
- Pronouns
- Conjunctions
E. Syntax: English basic Sentence Types
- Simple
- Coordinate
- Complex
F. Syntax: Basic Concepts
- well-formedness,
- grammaticality,
- discreteness and creativity,
- constituent,
- categories,
- Syntax: Types of syntactic analysis
- Parsing (Traditional Grammar).
- Immediate Constituent Analysis (IC) at word and construction levels
- Ambiguity (Deep and surface structure)
G. Syntax: Phrase Structure Grammar
- Phrase structure rules
- Tree diagrams and phrase markers
- Criticism of Phrase Structure grammar
H. Syntax: Introduction to Transformational Grammar
- Introduction to Transformational-Generative Grammar,
- Transformational rules,
- Difference between PS rules and Transformation rules,
- Components of TGG.