Fabrication and Property of Auxetic Warp-Knitted Spacer Structures With Mesh
Fabrication and Property of Auxetic Warp-Knitted Spacer Structures With Mesh
Fabrication and Property of Auxetic Warp-Knitted Spacer Structures With Mesh
For the purpose of reconstructing a three-dimensional auxetic structure adopting spacer warp-knitting techniques, a
simple mathematical model based on the structure of auxetic warp-knitted spacer hexagonal meshes was established and
several samples were produced using an E22 RD7/2-12EN warp-knitting machine. It is predicted from synthesizing the
results of both mathematical modeling and experimental sampling that auxetic performance of this structure mainly
depends on the contraction distortion before stretching in three directions, especially in the y-axis. When it comes to
knitting parameters, yarn fineness, machine gauge, fabric density, movement of guide bars, and inclination angle of wales
all matter for the auxetic performance, which is also affected by the stiffness of materials and the lodging of spacer yarns.
It is also concluded that successive inlaying in the same direction of the spacer guide bar favors contraction distortion in
the y-axis, which means auxetic performances can be more easily achieved in this way.
negative Poisson’s ratio, warp-knitted spacer fabric, mathematical modeling, performance
Auxetic fabrics, namely fabrics with negative Poisson’s nodule and fibril models, chiral models, liquid crystal-
ratio, are gaining greater attention, having been line models, helical models, and rod models have been
studied and developed rapidly over the past 20 years. constructed so far; the most commonly adopted are
Compared to conventional materials, many properties re-entrant models and rotating models. Ugbolue and
of auxetic fabrics – such as mechanical properties, colleagues6 developed a kind of warp-knitted structure
indentation resistance, breaking tenacity,1 and energy composed of pillar open stitches, which are knitted
absorbance2 – are enhanced due to the correspondence from thicker and softer filaments, and inlay yarns
of deformation in the directions along and perpendicu- that are stiffer. The problem is that the wales are still
lar to loading, which means these fabrics could expand not able to be connected with each other to form a
or shrink in both directions at the same time. Warp- complete sheet. Ugbolue and colleagues also developed
knitted spacer fabrics, namely sandwich fabrics, are an auxetic warp-knitted inlay structure adopting two
composed of two independent face layers and spacer guide bars, one of which is fully threaded to knit
yarns or filaments connecting face layers and support- pillar chain and the other one of which is partially
ing the space in between. Double-bed raschel knitting threaded to inlay yarns. Based on the structure of
machines are usually used to produce spacer fabrics, warp-knitted hexagonal meshes, Ugbolue and collea-
during which guide bars are assigned to knit the front gues7 developed another auxetic structure of re-entrant
and back pieces separately, and one or two bars in the
middle are used to knit on two beds alternately to con-
nect and support two face pieces. Warp-knitted spacer
fabrics possess many superior properties, such as good Engineering Research Center for Knitting Technology, Ministry of
air and moisture permeability, cushioning performance, Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi China
rebound resilience as well as excellent shock resistance,
Corresponding author:
filtration, and sound insulation. Pibo Ma, Engineering Research Center for Knitting Technology, Ministry
A series of structural models exhibiting auxetic prop- of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China.
erties including re-entrant models,3,4 rotating models,5 Email: [email protected].
Chang and Ma 2207
Theoretical analysis
Mathematical analysis on the geometric model of auxe-
tic spacer warp-knitted hexagonal meshes were con-
ducted defining the weft direction as the x-direction
or horizontal direction, the warp direction as the
y-direction or longitudinal direction, and the vertical
spacer direction as the z-direction. As shown in the Figure 2. Distortion model in the x–y plane.
geometric model in Figure 1, the structure consists of
red ribs and blue ribs that denote different deforma-
tions of the ribs under stretch in the x–y plane, and in The y-direction length of a repeating unit in its natural
the z-direction the structure is formed with two face state and after deformation are represented by L1 and
layers and a spacer layer in between. Before stretch, L2, respectively, given by:
the hexagon structure is inclined and shrunk; after
stretch it shows a certain degree of expansion in at L1 ¼ 2ðh0 þ a sin þ b sin Þ
least two directions. Deformations on both the x–y ð1Þ
2ðh0 þ a sin þ b sin Þ
plane and the x–z plane were modeled and analyzed,
considering the whole structure as perfectly rigid in L2 ¼ 2ðh0 þ a sin þ bÞ ð2Þ
order to simplify the calculations.
In the x–y plane the hexagonal mesh structure where h0 is the intrinsic width of the ribs, a is the length
formed by loops in the fabric was simulated as a rigid of shorter ribs named AB of the normal hexagon, b is
hexagon taking a repeating unit as the object. As shown the length of longer ribs named BC of the normal hexa-
in Figure 2, wales of loops are simplified as red and blue gon, is the acute angle between ribs of BC and
ribs, the shaded areas represent loops, and the blank x-direction naturally, is the acute angle between ribs
space inside represents the mesh area of the structure. of AB and x-direction naturally, which approximates
2208 Textile Research Journal 88(19)
angle when the structure is fully shrunk, and is the If ¼ 90 , then can be represented by:
acute angle between ribs of AB and x-direction after
deformation. The x-direction length of a repeating unit h0 1 sin
¼ ð9Þ
at natural state and after deformation are represented 2½h0 þ aðn þ 1Þ cos
by H1 and H2, respectively, given by:
Since 0 <90 , the value of is constantly positive
H1 ¼ h0 þ xðx ! 0Þ ð3Þ under this condition.
If ¼ 60 , then can be represented by:
H2 ¼ h0 þ 2a cos ð4Þ pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
h0 2 sin þ ð2 3Þn 3
¼ pffiffiffi ð10Þ
2 2h0 þ aðn þ 1Þ 3 cos
where x is the natural width of the space between the
ribs of BC and B1C1, which is infinitesimally close to Since 0 < 90 , then
zero when it is fully shrunk in the x-direction.
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
This structure deforms in two processes when ð 3 2Þn þ 3
tensile force is exerted in the x-direction. Step 1: the when sin 4 , 5 0;
angle increases to 90 and the zig-zag shape becomes pffiffiffi 2 pffiffiffi
ð 3 2Þn þ 3
straight. Step 2: the angle starts to decrease from 90 when sin , 0
gradually. In the process of step 1, extension in the 2
y-direction dominates, with the height increasing to pffiffi
At this
time, when n > 2p3 ffiffi3, the inequality of
its maximum of 2(a + b). In the process of step 2, ð 32Þnþ 3
< 0 is constant. Since 0 sin < 1, the
2 pffiffi pffiffi
extension in the x-direction dominates, with the width
inequality of sin > ð 32Þnþ
is constant and the
increasing from its minimum of h0 and the height
decreasing slightly at the same time. The y-direction value of is constantly negative.
strain and x-direction strain of the structure after If ¼ 45 , then can be represented by:
experiencing the aforementioned two processes could
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
be represented by "L and "H respectively, given by: h0 2 sin þ ð2 2Þn 2
¼ pffiffiffi
2 2h0 þ aðn þ 1Þ 2 cos
L2 L1 aðsin sin Þ þ bð1 sin Þ
"L ¼ ¼ ð5Þ ð11Þ
L1 h0 þ ða þ bÞ sin
Considering that the values of h0, a, and n are all Since 0 < 90 , then
positive, we are going to discuss the effects of angle
and angle , and find out under what conditions 1n
Poisson’s ratio could be negative. To simplify the ana- when sin 4 , 5 0;
lysis, specific angles are selected to discuss the auxetic 1n
when sin , 0:
performance under specific conditions. 2
Chang and Ma 2209
At this time, when n > 1, the inequality of 1n 2 < 0 is Experimental details
constant. Since 0 sin < 1, the inequality of sin > 1n
is constant and the value of is constantly negative.
2 Sample preparation
If the value of is infinitesimally close to zero, the value Samples with four different structures of GB4 were
of tends to negative infinity. fabricated using the RD7/2-12EN type of raschel
It can be seen from the mathematical analysis men- warp-knitting machine (German Karl Mayer, supplied
tioned above that auxetic performance of this structure by Huayu Knitting Co. Ltd. in Jinjiang, China).
in the x–y plane is significantly influenced by angle Material specifications are listed in Table 1, in which
and ratio n with constant intrinsic width of ribs and D stands for the common unit of denier used to char-
constant length of diagonals. If ¼ 90 , apparently acterize yarn fineness. Chain notations are listed in
there is no y-direction shrinkage in the natural state Table 2 and structural changes of GB4 are shown
and thus no auxetic properties. If 0 < < 90 , this in Table 3. Chain notations represent the movement
structure is auxetic only when n > ncri where ncri is the of yarn guide bars in front of needle hooks. Draw-off
critical ratio. The smaller is, the smaller ncri is, and the density of the samples is set as 11 cpc (courses per
auxetic property is more easily obtained. If tends to centimeter) and the interval between the front and
be infinitesimally close to zero, this structure is con- back bed of the machine is set as 4 mm. Let-off para-
stantly auxetic, having nothing to do with ratio n, meters are listed in Table 4, in which sectional multi-
and its Poisson’s ratio tends to be infinitesimally nega- velocity letting-off is adopted in GB3 and GB5. The
tive, implying that its auxetic performance is optimal. meaning of one rack is millimeter length of 480
In the x–z plane (Figure 3), T represents the length courses and the sectional multivelocity letting-off of
of spacer yarns connecting two face layers in three- GB3 and GB5 in Table 4 is a segmentation of a 12-
dimensional warp-knitted structures and represents course unit into two courses with 860 racks, two
its lodging degree. The thicknesses between two face courses with 290 racks, four courses with 860 racks,
layers in the natural state and after deformation are two courses with 290 racks, and two courses with 860
represented by T1 and T2, respectively, given by: racks. Partial magnification of the fabric sample is
shown in Figure 4.
T1 ¼ T sin ð13Þ
face layers and is the acute angle between rigid con- height ¼ 50
180 mm were cut out for testing along
nections and the x-direction. the x-direction and y-direction. The extension test
When stretched in the z-direction the strain can be with fixed elongation was conducted using a
represent by "T, given by: HD026N + fabric strength tester. The value of fixed
elongation was set as 10 mm, stretching velocity was
1 sin set as 200 mm/min, and initial clamping distance was
"T ¼ ð15Þ
sin set as 100 mm. When starting the stretching test, three
pictures per second were taken at the same time to
Apparently, strain in the z-direction is determined by record the deforming process of the samples under
the inclination of rigid connections, and the smaller stretch. Every sample was recorded with nine pictures,
angle is, the larger is strain "T. after which picture processing was conducted to mea-
sure the length and medial width of the sample using
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended in order to calculate
the Poisson’s ratio. Photos of samples before and after
GB1, GB2,
Guide bar GB6, GB7 GB3, GB5 GB4
GB1 (2-3-2-2/2-1-2-2)
3// 1 in 1 empty
GB2 (1-0-1-1/1-2-1-1)
3// 1 in 1 empty
GB3 1-0-0-0/0-1-0-0/0-0-0-0/0-0-0-0/0-1-1-1/1-0-0-0/ Full
GB4 Adjusting Full
GB5 1-1-1-0/0-0-0-1/1-1-0-0/0-0-0-0/0-0-0-1/1-1-1-0/ Full
GB6 (1-1-1-0/1-1-1-2)
3// 1 in 1 empty
GB7 (2-2-2-3/2-2-2-1)
3// 1 in 1 empty
1# 0-1-0-1/1-0-1-0//
2# 1-0-1-0/0-1-0-1//
3# (0-1-0-1)
4# (1-0-1-0)
Figure 5. Actual fabrics under stretch. 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1: Samples under y-direction stretch; 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2: Samples under
x-direction stretch. (a) At natural state; (b) under stretch.
2212 Textile Research Journal 88(19)
1.6 2-1
1.2 0.8
Poisson's ratio
Poisson's ratio
0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain/% Strain/%
(c) (d)
0.8 4-1
1.6 4-2
0.8 0.0
Poisson's ratio
0 2 4 6 8 10
Poisson's ratio
0.4 Strain/%
0 2 4 6 8 10
Strain/% -0.8
-0.8 -1.2
Figure 6. Diagrams of Poisson’s ratio and uniaxial strain. (a) Structure 1#; (b) Structure 2#; (c) Structure 3#; (d) Structure 4#.
The GB4 structures of samples are one-needle expansion of the structure under tensile forces and thus
chains, which means that the spacer yarns stay vertical the value of is mainly determined by tensile force. Thus
theoretically, but lodging in practice due to the pressure with fixed yarn materials, machine gauge, longitudinal
of draw-off rollers and winding rollers. It is predicted density, and face layer structures, Poisson’s ratio of fab-
that the irregular lodging of spacer yarns is to some rics mainly relates to the initial value of under compres-
extent responsible for the instability of auxetic perfor- sion, which signifies the degree of deflection of wales in
mances of the fabric. the natural state. By comparison, fabrics with structure
Combining geometrical models and knitted samples, 3# and structure 4# can achieve better deflecting defor-
the value of h0 approximates the width of two wales, mation, thus exhibiting better auxetic performances
which is mainly determined by the fineness of yarn under x-direction tension. It is obvious that homodro-
materials and the gauge of the warp-knitting machine; mous lapping movement of GB4 has a positive effect
the value of l0 approximates the height of a loop which on the achievement of predicted structure, thus the lap-
is mainly determined by letting-off values; the value of a ping movement of other guide bars could be further
approximates the length of two courses which is also researched in future studies.
mainly determined by letting-off values; the value of n The limitation of the work proposed here is that the
approximates 2 in this experiment, which is usually geometric model is totally rigid, while fabric materials
determined by the structure of face layers. With fixed are flexible. Subtle deformation of flexible yarns in
variables of h0, l0, a, and n, the Poisson’s ratio of fabrics fabric is ignored in the simulations, while in practice
only relates to and . The value decreases with its flexible deformation matters during the knitting
Chang and Ma 2213
process. For the purpose of weakening the effect of is feasible to use stiffer yarn materials or increase
minor deformation and better fitting the geometric fabric density properly to reduce the difference
model, the stiffness of fabric structures could be between practice and theory.
improved by selecting stiffer yarn materials or increas-
ing the density of the fabric.
Declaration of conflicts of interest
Conclusion The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
The reconstruction of a three-dimensional auxetic this article.
structure using spacer warp-knitting techniques is one
of the most important research directions in industrial
fabrics. Warp-knitted spacer fabrics with negative Funding
Poisson’s ratio are endowed with fantastic shape-fitting The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support
abilities, energy-absorbing abilities, along with posses- for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article:
sing lightweight and low-density properties. There is The authors acknowledge the financial support from the China
great potential in macroscopic materials such as rein- Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2016M591767), the
forcement in composites with complex curves, coating Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
(JUSRP51625B), the Applied Foundation Research Funds of
materials, arthrosis or head-protecting equipment,
China Textile Industry Association (J201604), and the Natural
smart filters and smart medical textiles, etc. We estab- Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. BK20151129).
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