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TOIM 2020 03 12 Page 4 Cropped
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The Times Of India - Mumbai,
APP STORE 3/12/2020
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Malathy Iyer & Richa Pinto TNN Some steps state has taken ronavirus at Mumbai, Pune Mumb
Do fever and cough mean Desi students delay foreign univ plans
sion of
lature h
week o
H p
Mumbai: An admit from
Stanford calls for celebra-
arvard University, Stanford, MIT and University of
Washington have asked students to not return after the
spring break. Campuses are moving to virtual instructions.
ple admits from campuses sp-
anning three countries: Spa- postpon
in, USA and the UK. “I have rence to
tion. A call from Cambridge Syracuse University and New York University have closed their asked the universities to ex- Kolhap
GET YOUR DOUBTS CLEARED is seen as a passport to suc-
cess. But infected with fears
Florence campuses. Stanford’s on-campus housing was vacated.
University of Melbourne offered support of up to AUS$7,500 for
tend the deadline for pay- ple wer
ment of enrolment fees. They this wa
➤ There is no ➤ Disease is primarily reported over the Covid-19 spread, stu- students who incurred extra expenses due to travel curbs. have offered an extension till the con
community transmission in individuals with travel history dents are postponing confir- the end of March,” he said. lic mee
of novel coronavirus as to affected countries or those mation of their admissions. ay for educational institutes who wish to study abroad. Campuses are going qui- R Amb
yet, says Indian Council coming in close contact of India provides the second seeking information on wh- In a new survey of 2,000- et. Most have moved online.
of Medical Research infected people largest number of students
to countries around the
ether a campus is temporari-
ly shut or instructions are be-
plus students from Africa,
Asia, and Australasia by QS,
Travel advisories have been
issued and conferences, athl-
Who Should Go for Tests world. But admits for a blue- ing given at an alternative ca- nearly 3 in 10 (27%) said their etic meets, immersion trips
No H
chip MBA or a cutting-edge mpus or have moved online. plans had changed due to the and industry experiences ca-
➤ If you have had direct/close physical
contact with a Covid-19 patient, isolate
programme on quantum
computing mean nothing as
“There is tremendous un-
certainty among students.
virus while a much greater
proportion (61%) said their
lled off. Many Chinese stude-
nts may be unable to apply as fo
yourself at home for 14 days
candidates are unclear if Indian students have admits plans were not affected as yet. GMAT centres shut in China. arl
➤ If symptoms develop, testing may be campuses will open for the but they are not paying their As many as 37% said their “Students are mostly de- Pa
required new academic year. Requests enrolment deposits. In most plans had changed and the laying taking visas till June,” Ho
are going out from India see- cases, they are non-refundab- outbreaks have made them said Pratibha Jain, a counsel- after a
king extension of fee pay- le and may be as high as decide to defer their entry un- lor. Students said unofficial ministe
Don’t Visit Any Hospital Directly ment deadlines. US$5,000. Students are unsu- til next year while 33% said messages from universities it was
Meanwhile, USA has ask- re about whether the city they will now choose an alter- state entry may be delayed by would n
➤ District surveillance officer ➤ After taking samples, doctors
ed its schools to exercise flex- they are flying to will be safe nate destination. Just over a month. Some schools have rs. The
will visit you and may get you at nodal hospitals will assess your
Call health ibility with international st- or not. First it was Singapore, 11% of those whose plans had said if enrolment deposit is studen
transported to a designated condition. If hospitalisation is not
ministry’s 24X7 udents. The Student and Exc- now Europe and the USA,” changed said they no longer paid, it would be refunded or serve p
hospital for tests if chances of required, you may be advised to hange Visitor Programme re- said Karan Gupta, a counsel- wished to study abroad. admission could be deferred 10 minu
helpline number: infection are high stay isolated at home leased an advisory on Tuesd- lor who works with students Param Jain, who passed by a semester or a year. naviru
011-23978046 ➤ Separate ambulances are there ➤ If test results are positive, you
ho should get tested pan, Italy and Iran — in the health ministry’s helpline — st city schools have already Sick students, teachers, staff The body has also and ap
for the novel corona- past 14 days need to first qua- 011-23978046 — and the surve- begun to follow the Unicef ad- should stay away from school and end of school day discouraged perfect attend- functio
virus is a question rantine themselves for two illance team will get in touch visory on Covid-19 care in sc- Schools should Cancel assemblies, sports ance awards and incentives. ble info
that has left several people weeks. If there are no symp- with them,” said an official. hools. The UN body recently enforce regular City schools have already ities an
Wherever possible, place
anxious. Anyone and everyo- toms —fever, dry cough and In Delhi, Ram Manohar issued an advisory to prevent washing of hands begun taking steps. R N Po- trust in
desks at least 1m apart
ne with flu symptoms are see- shortness of breath — during Lohia and Lady Hardinge Me- and control the virus thro- with soap, alcohol dar School principal Avnita
Use e-learning, home study
king to test themselves for Co-
vid-19. To check the panic, In-
this period, tests are not requ-
ired, the guidelines clarified.
dical College hospitals can
collect samples, while testing
ugh instructions, including
social distancing and explo-
sanitizer or chlorine solution
and disinfect surfaces daily
Bir recently participated in a
webinar on online learning Tour
dia’s top health research bo-
dy, Indian Council of Medical
If someone hasn’t travel-
led to the high-risk nations
facilities are available at AI-
IMS and National Centre for
ring the use of online educa-
tion in case of a shutdown. Schools should provide
tips for school closures. “We
are working on it. We will use in M
water, sanitation, waste mgmt
Research (ICMR), has come but has had contact with an Disease Control. In Mumbai, Listed as part of social up with Google Hangouts/Meets, pre- nad
up with a guideline on who infected individual, even all suspected cases are hand- distancing, the Unicef has re- To promote social distancing students recorded content, Google Cl- conc
should get the test done and then ICMR suggested such led at Kasturba Hospital. If commended that schools can- assroom, Zoom,” said Bir. nati
who shouldn’t. It stated that persons should first home qu- confirmation is required, cel morning assemblies, sp- underway. Most state board said, “Precautions are neces- HVB Global Academy, Mari- heritag
there was currently no com- arantine themselves for two samples are sent to NIV, Pune. orts events and any other ac- schools and junior colleges sary to prevent the potential ne Drive, which does not have have w
munity transmission of the weeks. If they develop symp- There are 51 labs across tivities involving mass gathe- are centres for HSC and SSC spread of Covid-19 in school a break coming up, is equip- cline i
virus in the country. toms during this period, then the country equipped to test ring. The timing, though, has board exams and are calling settings; however, care must ped to use a flipped classroom foreign
“The disease is primarily tests for Covid-19 may be re- for Covid-19. Fifty-six Virus helped most city schools. “In- in younger students only for also be taken to avoid stigma- to teach students remotely. said on
reported in individuals with quired. If a person requires Research and Diagnostic La- ternal exams are over and so half a day. Annual exams for tizing students and staff who A teachers’ union has de- eign tou
travel history to affected co- testing, the ICMR officials sa- boratories (VRDLs) and one are our classes. School will lower classes soon after will may have been exposed to the manded the education depar- sites su
untries or close contacts with id directly visiting a designa- facility at Leh have been de- resume in April,” said Jose require them to come to scho- virus. It is important to re- tment cancel the innovation in Aura
positive cases. Therefore, all ted hospital was not advisab- signated to facilitate sample Kurien, principal, DAV Pub- ol just for a few hours a day. member that Covid-19 does exhibition on March 16 and Raigad