ME8391 IQ 03 - by LearnEngineering - in
ME8391 IQ 03 - by LearnEngineering - in
ME8391 IQ 03 - by LearnEngineering - in
e eri
Regulation – 2017
law of thermodynamics – concept of temperature and thermal equilibrium– relationship between temperature
scales –new temperature scales. First law of thermodynamics –application to closed and open systems – steady and
unsteady flow processes.
PART - A (2Marks)
1 Express flow Energy. BT-2 Understanding
2 Give the conditions of steady flow process. BT-2 Understanding
3 Summarize thermodynamic equilibrium. BT-2 Understanding
Differentiate between point function and path function. BT-3 Applying
5 Using Knudsen number define continuum. BT-1 Remembering
6 What is meant by control volume and control surface? BT-1 Remembering
7 Should the automobile radiator be analyzed as a closed system or as an
BT-1 Remembering
open system?
8 Enlist the similarities between heat and work BT-1 Remembering
9 What is microscopic approach in thermodynamics? BT-1 Remembering
13 Prove that the difference in specific heat capacities equal to Cp - Cv = R. BT-5 Evaluating
14 Compare homogeneous and heterogeneous system. BT-4 Analysing
Differentiate quasi static and non quasi static process. BT-3 Applying
17 Generalize the term State and Process. BT-6
18 Prove that for an isolated system, there is no change in internal energy. BT-5 Evaluating
19 Indicate the practical application of steady flow energy equation. BT-6 Creating
20 Illustrate reversible and irreversible process. BT-3 Applying
(i) Derive the expression for the displacement work. (5)
(ii) Determine the work transfer and heat transfer a system in which a
perfect gas having molecular weight of 16Kg/Kmol i
2 s compressed from 101.3KPa. 20˚C to a pressure of 600 KPa. following
BT-1 Remembering
the law PV1.3=constant. Take specific heat at constant pressure of gas as
1.7 kJ/kg K (8)
A mass of 8 kg gas expands within a flexible container so that the p–v
relationship is of the from pvl.2 = constant. The initial pressure is 1000
kPa and the initial volume is 1 m3. The final pressure is 5 kPa. If specific BT-6
3 Creating
internal energy of the gas decreases by 40 kJ/kg, find the heat transfer in
magnitude and direction. (13)
4 the pressure remaining constant during the process. There is a transfer of Remembering
37.6 kJ of heat from the gas during the process. How much does the BT-1
(i) Process 1-2: constant pressure P1=1.4 bar, V1= 0.028m3,
(ii) Process 2-3: compression with PV=C, U3=U2
(iii) Process 3-1: constant volume, U1-U3 = -26.4kJ.
There are no significant changes in the KE and PE. BT-5 Evaluating
6 turbine is turbine is; pressure 0.35 bar, specific volume 4.37m3/kg, Remembering
internal energy 2360 kJ/kg, velocity 90 m/s. Heat is lost to the BT-1
surroundings at the rate of 0.25 kJ/s. If the rate of steam flow is 0.38 kg/s,
what is the power developed by the turbine? (13)
A thermodynamic system operates under steady flow conditions, the fluid
entering at 2 bar and leaving at 10 bar. The entry velocity is 30 m/s and
the exit velocity is 10m/s. During the process 25 MJ/hr of heat from an
7 external source is supplied and the increase in enthalpy is 5kJ/kg. The exit
point is 20m above the entry point. Estimate flow work from the system if
BT-2 Understanding
the fluid flow rate is 15 kg/min. (13)
A vessel of constant volume 0.3m3 contains air at 1.5 bar and is connected
via a valve to a large main carrying air at a temperature of 38○C and high
8 pressure. The valve is opened allowing air to enter the vessel and raising Understanding
the pressure therein to 7.5 bar. Assuming the vessel and valve to be
thermally insulated, predict the mass of the air entering the vessel. (13)
The gas expanding in the combustion space of a reciprocating engine has
(ii) heat transfer in the expansion process. Take R=270 J/kg.K and
Cv= 800 J/kg.K (13)
(i) Write the steady flow energy equation of the boiler (6)
(ii) Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.04 kg/s through an air compressor,
10 entering at 6m/s with a pressure of 1 bar and specific volume of 0.85
m3/Kg and leaving at 4.5 m/s with a pressure of 6.9 bar and a specific Evaluating
volume of 0.16 m3/Kg. The internal energy of the air leaving is 88 kJ/Kg
greater than that of the entering air. Cooling water surrounding the
cylinder absorbs heat from the air at the rate of 59 W. Calculate the power
required to drive the compressor and the inlet and outlet cross sectional
areas. (7)
The power output of an adiabatic steam turbine is 5 MW and the state of
steam entering the turbine is pressure 2 MPa; Temperature 400˚C;
velocity 50 m/s; elevation 10 m. The state of the steam leaving the turbine
is: pressure 15 kPa; dryness fraction 0.9; velocity 180 m/s; elevation 6m.
11 Determine, Understanding
1. the change in enthalpy, kinetic energy and potential energy.
2. the work done per unit mass of the steam flowing through the
the mass flow rate of the steam. (13)
(i) Write the steady flow energy equation and simplify it to be applicable
for a gas turbine and a compressor. (5)
(ii)In a gas turbine installation air is heated inside the heat exchanger up to
750○C from the ambient temperature of 27○C. hot air then enters into the
gas turbine with a velocity of 50 m/s and leaves at 600○C. Air leaving the
turbine enters a nozzle at 60m/s velocity and leaves the nozzle at the
12 BT-3 Applying
temperature of 500○C. for unit mass of the flow rate of air, Examine the
following assuming the adiabatic expansion in the turbine and nozzle.
fluid. In flowing through this apparatus, does the internal energy increase
or decrease and how much? (13)
PART-C (15 Marks)
Apply the first law of thermodynamics in human bodies, I.C engines and
1 BT6 Create
also compare with them.
Apply and explain the steady flow energy equation concept for any two
2 BT6 Create
heat transfer devices.
An imaginary engine receives heat and does work on a slowly moving
piston at such rate that the cycle of operation of 1 kg of working fluid can
be represented as a circle 10 cm in diameter on a p-v diagram on which 1
3 of operation?
BT5 Evaluating
done and heat input in a cycle. If the heat rejected by the engine in
a cycle is 1000kJ per kg of working fluid, what would be its
thermal efficiency?
relationship p = a + bV, where a and b are constants. The initial and final
pressures are 1000 kPa and 200 kPa respectively and the corresponding
volumes are 0.20 m3 and 1.20 m3. The specific internal energy of the gas
4 is given by the relation
BT5 Evaluating
u = l.5 pv – 85 kJ/kg
where p is the kPa and v is in m3/kg. Calculate the net heat transfer and the
maximum internal energy of the gas attained during expansion
A reversible heat engine operate between a source at 800˚C and sink at
1 30˚C. What is the least rate of heat rejection per KW network output of BT-3 Applying
the engine?
2 Define heat reservoir and source. BT-6 Creating
3 What is Helmholtz free enginery function? BT-1 Remembering
State Clausius statement of II law of thermodynamics. BT-2 Understanding
5 Draw a schematic of a heat pump. BT-3 Applying
6 State kelvin Planck’s second law statement. BT-3 Applying
7 Compare difference between adiabatic and isentropic process. BT-1 Remembering
A turbine gets a supply of 5kg /s of steam at 7 bar, 250○C and discharges BT-3
14 BT-2 Understanding
it at 1 bar. Solve the availability.
the heat absorbed by refrigerator Q2.
ii. the efficiency of carnot engine and COP of carnot refrigerator. (13)
i. Show that the efficiency of the reversible heat engine depends only on
the maximum and minimum absolute temperature in the cycle. (8)
2 Remembering
ii. State and prove carnot theorem. (5) BT-1
600○C and 40○C. the engine drives a reversible refrigerator which operates
between the reservoirs at temperatures of 40○C and -20○C. the heat
5 transfer to the heat engine is 2000 KJ and the network output for the
BT-5 Evaluating
(i) Describe the Carnot cycle and examine the Carnot principles, idealized
Carnot heat engine, refrigerators and heat pumps. (8)
(ii) Determine the expression for the thermal efficiencies and coefficient BT-3
6 Applying
of performance for reversible heat engines, heat pump and refrigerators.
Two Carnot engines A and B are operated in series. The first one receives
heat at 870○C and rejects to a reservoir at T. B receives heat rejected by
the first engine and in turn rejects to a sink 300 K. calculate the
7 temperature T for Applying
(i) Equal work output of both engines (4)
(ii) Same efficiencies (4)
(iii) Mention Clausius inequality for open, closed and isolated systems. (5)
Air expands through a turbine from 500KPa, 520˚C to 100KPa, 300˚C.
During expansion 10KJ/Kg of heat is lost to the surroundings which is at
98KPa, 20˚C. Neglecting the kinetic and potential energy changes,
8 determine per kg of air, Analysing
i. the decrease in availability
9 0.08 m3 according to the law pv1.25 = C. Determine the change in enthalpy BT-1 Remembering
are 100KPa and 310 K, and the exit conditions are 700 kPa and 560K.
10 Consider T0 to be 298K. Determine the change of availability and
BT-1 Remembering
irreversibility. (13)
Two kg of air at 500 kPa, 80○C expands adiabatically in a closed system
until its volume is doubled and its temperature becomes equal to that of
the surroundings which is at 100 kPa, 5○C. for this process determine:
11 (i) The maximum work BT-4
13 the surroundings at 100kPa and 10○C. calculate the maximum work, Applying
change in availability and irreversibility (8)
(ii) Briefly discuss about the concept of entropy (5)
5 m3 of air at 2 bar, 27○C is compressed up to 6 bar pressure following
PV1.3=C. it is subsequently expanded adiabatically to 2 bar. Considering
14 the two processes to be reversible determine the network, net heat transfer,
BT-1 Remembering
and change in entropy. Also plot the process on PV and TS diagram. (13)
1 initially at 28˚C, determine how long it will take for the refrigerator to BT-6 Creating
cool them. The watermelons can be treated as water whose specific heat is
4.2kJ/kg. Is your answer realistic or optimistic? Explain.
2 BT-6 Creating
a result of malfunction of the switch. If the refrigerator has a coefficient of
performance of 1.3 and the cost of electricity is Rs. 5 per kWh, determine
the increase in the energy consumption of the refrigerator and its cost per
year if the switch is not fixed. Assume the refrigerator is opened 20 times
a day for an avenge of 30 s.
An air preheater is used to cool the products of combustion from a furnace
while heating the air to be used for combustion. The rate of flow of
3 products is 12.5kg/s and the products are cooled from 300°C and 200°C
BT-6 Creating
and for the products at this temperature Cp=1.09kJ/kg K. The rate of air
flow is 1.15kg/s. the initial temperature is 40°C and the air Cp=1.005kJ/kg
(i) Estimate the initial and final availability of the products.
(ii) What is the irreversibility for the products?
If the heat transfer from the product occurs reversibly through heat engine,
what is the power developed by the heat engine? Take To=300K and
neglect pressure drop both the fluids and heat transfer to the surroundings.
A pressure vessel has a volume of 1 m3 and contains air at 1.4 MPa,
175°C. The air is cooled to 25°C by heat transfer to the surroundings at
4 BT-5 Evaluating
25°C. Calculate the availability in the initial and final states and the
irreversibility of this process. Take P0 = 100 kPa.
e eri
1 Write a short note on Mollier Chart. BT-1 Remembering
3 What is critical condition of steam? BT-6 Creating
4 What is meant by dead state? BT-2 Understanding
Superheated steam at 30 bar and 300○C enters a turbine and expanded to
5 bar and quality 0.974 dryness, compute the loss in availability for the
e ○
BT-3 Applying
adiabatic process if the atmospheric temperature is 270 C.
8 Explain the terms, Degree of super heat, degree of sub-cooling. BT-6 Creating
9 Discuss latent heat of vaporization. BT-6 Creating
15 Draw the standard Rankine cycle on P-V and T-S coordinates BT-3 Applying
16 Analysis the effects of condenser pressure on the Rankine Cycle. BT-4 Analyzing
2 BT-1 Remembering
dry. Determine the pressure and temperature of the steam at the new state.
A large insulated vessel is divided into two chambers, one containing 5Kg
of dry saturated steam at 0.2 MPa and other 10kg of steam 0.8 quality at
0.5MPa. If the partition between the chambers is removed and the steam is BT-4
3 Analysing
mixed thoroughly and allowed to settle, find the final pressure, steam
quality and entropy change in the process. (13) e
(i) Explain the process of formation of steam with T-s diagram. (5)
(ii) 3 kg of steam at 18 bar occupy a volume of 0.2550 m3. During a
4 constant volume process, the heat rejected is 1320 kJ. Determine final Applying
internal energy also find initial dryness and work done. (8) BT-3
Draw the schematic diagram of Rankine cycle and explain its working
with the help of h-s diagram. Also discuss Rankine cycle improvements.
5 BT-3 Applying
The steam conditions at inlet to the turbine are 42 bar and 500˚C, and the
condenser pressure is 0.035bar. Assume that the steam is just dry saturated
(i) Why is Carnot cycle not practicable for a steam power plant? (5)
(ii) In a steam power plant the condition of steam at inlet to the steam
7 Understanding
turbine is 20 bar and 300˚C and the condenser pressure is 0.1 bar. Two BT-2
feed water heaters operate at optimum temperatures. Determine (1) The
quality of steam at turbine exhaust (2) Network per kg of steam (3) Cycle
efficiency (4) The steam rate. Neglect pump work. (8)
Steam at 480○C, 90 bar is supplied to a Rankine cycle. It is reheated to 12
bar and 480○C. the minimum pressure is 0.07 bar. Calculate the work
8 Understanding
output and the cycle efficiency using steam tables with and without
considering the pump work. (13) BT-2
i. The pump work (3)
ii. The turbine work (3)
9 iii. The condenser heat flow (3) BT-2 Understanding
iv. The dryness at the end of expansion. Assume flow rate of 9.5kg/s.
A steam power plant operates on a theoretical reheat cycle. Steam at 25
bar pressure and 400○C is supplied to a high pressure turbine. After its
expansion to dry state the steam is reheated to a constant pressure to its
original temperature. Subsequent expansion occurs in the low pressure
10 Evaluating
turbine to a condenser pressure of 0.04 bar. Considering feed pump work, BT-5
11 Understanding
i. Quality of the steam at the turbine exhaust.(4)
12 surroundings are 25○C and 100kPa respectively. Determine the maximum Creating
work that can be obtained from this process per kg of steam. Also find the BT-6
maximum useful work. (8)
(ii) Write the aid of T-v diagram explain various phases of conversion of
ice at -20○C to steam at 125○C. (5)
(i) With the help of the schematic diagram, explain the regenerative
Rankine cycle and derive the expression for its efficiency. Also represent
the process in p-v and T-s diagrams.(7)
(ii) Steam at 50 bar and 400○C expands in a Rankine cycle to 0.34 bar. For
13 Remembering
a mass flow rate of 150 kg/s of steam, determine
Power developed (2)
Thermal efficiency (2)
Specific steam consumption (2)
Consider a steam power plant that operates on a reheat Rankine cycle and
has a net power output of 80MW. Steam enters the high pressure turbine
at 10 MPa and 500˚C and the low pressure turbine at 1 MPa and 500˚C.
Steam leaves the condenser as a saturated liquid at a pressure of 10 kPa.
The isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 80 percent, and that of the pump
14 is 95 percent. Show the cycle on a T-s diagram with respect to saturation Evaluating
lines, and determine,
(i) The quality (or temperature, if superheated) of the steam at the turbine BT-5
1 condenser pressure of 0.005 MPa and reheating occurring up leaves HP
2 pressure of 200 KPa. The tank is heated until the steam become dry BT-6 Creating
saturated. Determine the final pressure and the heat transfer to the tank.
A simple steam power cycle uses solar energy for the heat input. Water in
3 the cycle enters the pump as a saturated liquid at 40°C, and is pumped to 2 BT-6 Creating
bar. It then evaporates in the boiler at this pressure, and enters the turbine
as saturated vapour. At the turbine exhaust the conditions are 40°C and
10% moisture. The flow rate is 150 kg/h. Determine (a) the turbine
isentropic efficiency, (b) the net work output (c) the cycle efficiency, and
(d) the area of solar collector needed if the collectors pick up 0.58 kW/m2 .
A textile factory requires 10,000 kg/h of steam for process heating at 3 bar
saturated and 1000 kW of power, for which a back pressure turbine of
4 70% internal efficiency is to be used. Find the steam condition required at
BT-6 Creating
e eri
PART - A (2Marks)
1 State the principle of corresponding states BT-1 Remembering
2 Identify the application of Clasuius - Clapeyron equation BT-1 Remembering
State the assumptions made in deriving ideal gas equation using the
3 BT-3 Applying
kinetic theory of gases.
4 What is Joule-Thomson coefficient? Why is it zero for an ideal gas? BT-1 Remembering
○ ○
One Kg of ideal gas is heated from 18 C to 93 C. Taking R=269Nm/Kg -
5 BT-1 Remembering
K and ˠ=1.2 for the gas. Calculate the change in internal energy
Using Clausius-Clapeyron equation, estimate the enthalpy of vaporization
6 BT-1 Remembering
at 200○C. Vg=0.1274 m3/Kg; Vf= 0.01157 m3/Kg; dp/dt= 32KPa/K.
7 How does the Vander Waal’s equation differ from the ideal gas equation BT-2 Understanding
of state?
Determine the molecular volume of any perfect gas at 600 N/m2 and
10 30○C. Universal gas constant may be taken as 8314 J/Kg mole- K. BT-2 Understanding
(ii) Write the Berthelot and Dieterici equations (3)
Derive an expression for Clausius Clapeyron equation applicable to fusion
2 and Vaporization.
BT-5 Evaluating
i. Calculate pressure and the specific volume of the gas.
ii. If the ratio specific heats is 1.4, evaluate the values of Cp and Cv
iii. e
Subsequently, the gas cools to the atmospheric temperature of
3 BT-5 Evaluating
20˚C, then evaluate the final pressure of gas.
iv. Evaluate the increase in specific internal energy, the increase in
4 increase in entropy. Neglect changes in velocity and elevation. If the mass BT-1 Remembering
flow rate is 6.5 kg/min, evaluate the hat transfer rate from the gas and the
6 ii. Explain Joule-Thomson experiment and deduce the expression for Understanding
Joule-Thomson coefficient. (8) BT-2
The gas neon has a molecular weight of 20.183 and its critical temperature
pressure and volume are 44.5 K, 2.73 MPa and 0.0416 m3/kg mol.
8 Reading from a compressibility chart for a reduced pressure of 1.3, the BT-2 Understanding
compressibility factor Z is 0.7. What are the corresponding specific
volume, pressure, temperature and reduced volume? (13)
Determine the pressure of nitrogen gas at T=175 K and v = 0.00375m3/kg
on the basis of
a. The ideal gas equation of state. (7)
9 b. The van der Walls equation of state.(6) BT-6 Creating
gas until the temperature is 100°C. Find the work done, heat transferred
and the changes in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy. (13)
(i) Under what conditions, a real gas behaves like an ideal gas? why? (6)
13 (ii) Can you use the relation ΔH = m Cp (T2 – T1 ) to calculate the change Remembering
in total internal energy of an ideal and real gas? if yes, for which process?
14 disturbance the state of gas changes to 304 K and 0.87m3/Kg. Estimate the BT-5 Evaluating
change in pressure of the gas as the result of this disturbance. (13)
temperature 50˚C, contents 0.5 kg mole and vessel B has pressure 0.6
1 MPa, temperature 20˚C, contents 2.5kg mole. Compute the final BT-6
equilibrium pressure, and the amount of heat transferred to the
surroundings. If the vessel is perfectly insulated, calculate the final
temperature and pressure which would have been reached. Take Ƴ=1.4.
A tank of capacity 0.45 m3 is insulated and is divided into two sections
through a partition. One section initially contains H2 at 3bar and 130˚C
and has a volume of 0.3 m3 and the other section initially holds N2 at 6 bar
and 30˚C. The gases are then allowed to mix after removing the adiabatic
Show that slope of the sublimation curve at the triple point is greater than
3 that of vaporization curve on P-T diagram, using (i) latent heat and (ii) Applying
entropy change
A vessel is divided into three compartments (a), (b), and (c) by two
partitions. Part (a) contains oxygen and has a volume of 0.1 m3, (b) has a
volume of 0.2 m3 and contains nitrogen, while (c) is 0.05 m3 and holds
CO2. All three parts are at a pressure of 2 bar and a temperature of 13°C.
4 When the partitions are removed and the gases mix, determine the change
BT-5 Evaluating
of entropy of each constituent, the final pressure in the vessel and the
partial pressure of each gas. The vessel may be taken as being completely
isolated from its surroundings.
2 What do you meant by evaporative cooling and adiabatic mixing? BT-2 Understanding
Identify the relationship between the partial pressures of the constituents
3 in gas mixtures. BT-1 Remembering
5 What is meant by partial volume? BT-1 Remembering
6 Define adiabatic saturation temperature. BT-1 Remembering
7 e
Summarize why humidification of air is necessary. BT-2 Understanding
8 How the wet bulb temperature does differ from the dry bulb temperature? BT-2 Understanding
A gas mixture consists of 7kg nitrogen and 2kg oxygen, at 4 bar and 27˚C.
2 Calculate the mole fraction, partial pressure, molar mass, gas constant, Understanding
volume and density. (13) BT-2
i. Explain the mile of fraction and mass fraction and the relationship
between them. (5)
ii. The exhaust gas of an internal combustion engine is found to have
9.8% CO2, 0.3% CO, 10.6% H2O, 4.5% O2 and 74.8% N2 by BT-2 Understanding
volume. Calculate molar mass and gas constant of the exhaust gas.
If the volume flow rate of exhaust gas is 2m3/hr at 100KPa and
573K, calculate its mass flow rate. (8)
4 and allowed to mix. The heat lost during mixing is 50 kJ. Determine the Evaluating
final pressure, final temperature of the mixture and net entropy change BT-5
5 mass. Find (i) the analysis by volume and the number of moles of each Understanding
○ BT-2
constituent (ii) the volume of mixture at 3.5 bar pressure and 20 C. (13)
6 ii. One kg of air at 40˚C dry bulb temperature and 50% RH is mixed BT-6 Creating
with 2kg of air at 20˚C DBT and 20˚C dew point temperature.
Calculate the temperature and specific humidity of the mixture (8)
Atmospheric air at 1.0132 bar has a DBT of 30˚C and WBT of 25˚C.
7 Compute:
BT-4 Analysing
viii. the enthalpy of the mixture. Use the thermodynamic tables only.
Atmospheric air at 38˚C and 25% relative humidity passes through an
8 evaporator cooler. If the final temperature of air is 18˚C, how much water Understanding
is added per kg of dry air and what is the final relative humidity? (13)
(i) Briefly discuss about evaporative cooling process.(7)
9 BT-6 Creating
(ii) Explain adiabatic saturation process with a schematic.(6)
Explain the following Air Conditioning Process.
a) Sensible cooling and Sensible heating process.
10 BT-5 Evaluating
(i) Derive the sensible heat factor for cooling and dehumidification
process. Also explain the process.(6)
12 (ii) One kg of air at 40○C DBT and 50% RH is mixed with Applying
○ ○
2Kg of air at 20 C DBT and 20 C dew point temperature. Calculate the
temperature and specific humidity of the mixture.(7)
It is required to design an air conditioning system for an industrial process
for the following hot and wet summer conditions
13 Outdoor conditions : 32○C DBT and 65% RH
BT-5 Evaluating
(i) An air water vapour mixture enters an air conditioning unit at pressure
of 1.0 bar 38 ○C DBT, and a relative humidity of 75%. The mass of dry air
14 entering is 1Kg/s. The air-vapour mixture leaves the air conditioning unit BT-3 Applying
at 1 bar, 18 C, 85% relative humidity. The moisture condensed leaves at
18○. Determine the heat transfer rate for the process. (13)
1 BT-6 Creating
at 1.0 bar, 18˚C, 85% relative humidity. The moisture condensed leaves at
18˚C. Sketch the process in the Psychrometric chart and determine the
2 Psychrometric chart determine, specific humidity, enthalpy, WBT, DPT, BT-6 Creating
specific volume of the air.
Discuss the practical application of the adiabatic mixing of two streams