Experimental Study On Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete

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8 V May 2020

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

Experimental Study on Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting

L. Arun Raja1, Dr. M. Shahul Hameed2
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, P.S.R. Engineering College, Sivakasi, TamilNadu, India.
Dean (Research) & Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, P.S.R. Engineering College, Sivakasi, TamilNadu, India.

Abstract: Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is one of the most important developments in the building industry. It provides
solution to the problems occurring in normal concrete such as inadequate compaction which affects the strength and durability
of structures. This project is taken up with the objective to evaluate the performance of self compacting concrete for M25 grade
using Recron fibers and by adding suitable superplasticizer and Viscosity Modifying Agent (VMA). Basic tests for fine
aggregate, coarse aggregate, cement, freshly prepared SCC tests such as slump flow test , J-ring , V-funnel, U-box tests were
done and checked against the specifications given by EFNARC guidelines. Then mechanical properties such as compressive
strength, tensile strength and impact strength were studied and the results were compared with normal SCC mix.
Keywords: SCC, Recron fibers, Super plasticizer, VMA, EFNARC guidelines.

Self compacting concrete (SCC) is a recently developed concept in which the ingredients of the concrete mix are proportioned in
such a way that the concrete is compacted by its own weight without any vibration effort assuring complete filling of formwork
even when access is hindered by narrow gaps between reinforcing bar. The term self-compacting concrete describes a property of
fresh concrete that can be achieved in a variety of ways with different concrete constituent materials. It is used to facilitate and
ensure proper filling and good structural performance of restricted areas and heavily reinforced structural members.SCC was
developed in Japan in the late 1980 to be mainly used for congested reinforced structures in seismic region .Recently this concrete
has gained wide use in many countries for different applications and structural configuration.SCC can also provide a better working
environment by eliminating the vibration noise. One of significant limitations in the ready adoption of SCC also called self
consolidating concrete .India is in lack of availability of appropriate mixture proportioning method. The principle and method of
mixture proportioning of SCC as developed by different investigators.


A. Cement
OPC 53 grade with brand name Ultra Tech is utilized for all SCC mixes. Specific gravity is 3.14, fineness and consistency are
3.45% and 32% respectively. The initial setting time was 30 minutes.

B. Fine Aggregate
These are passing through IS sieve 4.75mm were used. The specific gravity is 2.65, fineness modulus is 4.4 having a bulk density of
1790 kg/m3.

C. Coarse Aggregate
The coarse aggregate was sieved through 12.5mm sieve. Coarse aggregate with specific gravity of 2.68, fineness modulus of 8.3 and
having a bulk density of 1652 kg/m3.

D. Recron Fibers
Recron 3s are Engineered Micro-fibers with a unique “Triangular” cross section, used for Secondary Reinforcement of Concrete.
These fibers with cut length of 12mm, effective diameter of 0.04mm and aspect ratio of 300 are used.

E. Super Plasticizer
Ceraplast-300 is a high grade super plasticizer based on Nathphthalene. It reduces water-cement ratio while optimizing cement
content to cost savings. It provides considerably high early strength by improving eater tightness , thereby improving concrete
properties with improved durability and lower permeability.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 2905

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

F. Viscosity Modifying Agent

The sequence of addition of VMA and super plasticizer into the concrete mixture is important. If VMA is added before the super
plasticizer, it swells in water and it becomes difficult to produce flowing concrete.VMA should be added after the super plasticizer
has come into contact with the cement particles to avoid this swells in concrete. In this project, we use Ceraplast WU as an viscosity
modifying agent.


A. Mix Design
The mix design of self-compacting concrete is a trial and error method. Many references available for mix proportioning of SCC.
Here we use mix proportioning based on previous investigation strength data using Japanese method and also based EFNARC
guidelines. In our investigation we incorporate the procedures of EFNARC guidelines. These guidelines gives the range for coarse
aggregate and fine aggregate content based on the limit the approximate mix design for M25 grade of concrete is obtained.

Cement F.A C.A Water

(kg) (kg) (kg) (lit)
503.97 898.29 809.36 178.4
1 1.78 1.61 0.4
Table – 1 Mix proportions

B. Workability Test on Fresh SCC

1) Slump flow test: The slump flow test aims at investigating the filling ability of SCC. This is a simple rapid test procedure. The
slump flow test gives a good assessment of filling ability.

Fig-1. Slump flow test

2) J-ring test: J-ring consists of a ring of 500mm diameter with vertical bars attached to it. In this test, the time taken to reach
500mm and the height difference between the concrete inside the bars and outside the bars was measured.

Fig-2. J-ring test

3) V-funnel test and V-funnel at T5 Minutes: Segregation resistance is the resistance of the components of SCC to migration or
separation. This can be done by V-funnel.

Fig-3. V-funnel test

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

4) L-box Test: Passing ability is required to guarantee a homogenous distribution of the components of SCC in the vicinity of
obstacles. This can be tested by L-box. The vertical section of the apparatus was filled with the concrete sample. After 1
minute, the sliding gate was lifted and the concrete was allowed to flow out into the horizontal section. The time taken for the
concrete to reach the 200mm and 400mm marks was noted.

C. Workability test results for SCC

Table-2 Workability test results

Slump J-ring V-funnel L-box
S.No SCC Flow
T500 h1~h2 T(0) T(5) T200 T400 h2/h1
type mm
sec mm sec sec sec sec
1 SCC -C 700 1 3 8 10 0.9 1 1.9
2 RFSCC1 670 1.21 5 8.6 11.2 0.89 1.1 2.1
3 RFSCC2 655 1.3 5.6 9.15 11.65 0.86 1.25 2.2
4 RFSCC3 630 1.8 6.1 10 12.58 0.81 1.32 2.39
5 EFNARC 600 to <2 <10 8 to <T+3 >=0.8 1±0.5 2±0.5
limits 800 12

D. Compressive Strength Results

Table-3 Compression test results
Compressive strength
S.No Type 7 DAYS 28 DAYS Remarks
1 SCC - C 29 36 Conventional self- compacting concrete
2 RFSCC1 31.5 37.5 SCC with addition of 0.1% recron fibers
SCC with addition of 0.2% recron fibers
3 RFSCC2 32.2 38
SCC with addition of 0.3% recron fibers
4 RFSCC3 32.7 40



20 7 DAYS
15 28 DAYS

Chart 1- Comparison of compressive strength with addition of fibers in SCC

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 2907

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

E. Split Tensile strength Results

Split tensile strength
S.No Type 7 DAYS 28 DAYS
MPa MPa Remarks
1 SCC - C 2.618 3.52 Conventional self- compacting concrete
2 RFSCC1 2.724 3.6 SCC with addition of 0.1% recron fibers
3 RFSCC2 3 3.73 SCC with addition of 0.2% recron fibers
4 RFSCC3 3.2 3.9 SCC with addition of 0.3% recron fibers
Table-4 Split tensile test results


2 7 DAYS
1 28 DAYS

Chart 2 – Comparison of split tensile strength with addition of fibers in SCC

F. Impact Test Results
Table-5 Impact test results
No. of blows Impact strength
Age of kn-m
S.No Type Curing First Failure First Failure
crack crack crack crack
7 days 54 56 1.141 1.183
1 SCC – C 28 days 79 81 1.669 1.712
7 days 61 65 1.289 1.374
2 RFSCC1 28 days 81 83 1.712 1.754
7 days 67 72 1.416 1.521
3 RFSCC2 28 days 82 85 1.733 1.796
7 days 67 74 1.42 1.564
4 RFSCC3 28 days 84 87 1.755 1.838

(kNm) in 7 dyas



Chart 3- Comparison of Impact Energy in 7 days with the addition of fibers in SCC

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 2908

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

Chart 4 - Comparison of Impact Energy in 28 days with the addition of fibers in SCC


The basic properties of materials were tested and results tabulated. In this project the used two admixtures are super plasticizers and
viscosity modifying agent. The fresh concrete tests were conducted to find out the workability. The fresh concrete tests like L-box,
V-funnel, J-ring and slump flow tests were conducted and results were tabulated.
The casted cube, cylinder and discs were tested and the mechanical properties were found out, such as compressive strength, spilt
tensile strength and impact strength on various self compacting concrete mixes with Recron fibers (0.1%. 0.2% & 0.3%) at 7 and
28days. The test results were compared by using chart.
In this work, the test results show that compressive strength increased slightly and split tensile strength shows a gradual increase
when compared to compressive strength with the addition of fibers. The impact strength showed a great increase in 28 days than 7
days. Further addition in fiber content may result in improve the mechanical properties. Recron3S are mostly used in conventional
concrete. These fibers are nowadays used in self compacting which is now proved to be enhancing the properties of SCC.

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