7 CSR To Better Finance
7 CSR To Better Finance
7 CSR To Better Finance
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Keywords: corporate social responsibility, sustainability, capital constraints, ESG (environmental, social,
governance) performance, stakeholder engagement, disclosure
Beiting Cheng is a doctoral candidate at Harvard Business School, Ioannis Ioannou is an Assistant Professor at
London Business School, and George Serafeim is an Assistant Professor at Harvard Business School. George
Serafeim acknowledges the support of the Division of Faculty Research and Development of the Harvard Business
School. We are grateful to Robert Eccles, Philipp Kruger, Costas Markides, and seminar participants at the annual
United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment conference in Sweden, Academy of Management, and
Warwick University. Contact emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
a considerable amount of time and resources to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies
– i.e. the voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns in their companies’
operations and in their interaction with stakeholders (European Commission, 2001). According
to the latest UN Global Compact – Accenture CEO study (2010), 93 percent of the 766
participant CEOs from all over the world declared CSR as an “important” or “very important”
factor for their organizations’ future success. 1 Despite this large amount of attention, a
fundamental question still remaining unanswered is whether CSR leads to value creation, and if
so, in what ways? The extant research so far has failed to give a definitive answer (Margolis,
Elfenbein and Walsh, 2007). In this paper, we argue for and provide empirical evidence for one
specific mechanism through which CSR may generate value in the long-run: by lowering the
idiosyncratic constraints that a firm faces in financing operations and strategic projects and
In this study, by “capital constraints” we refer to those market frictions that may prevent
a firm from funding all desired (i.e. NPV-positive) investments. This inability to obtain finance
may be “due to credit constraints or inability to borrow, inability to issue equity, dependence on
bank loans, or illiquidity of assets” (Lamont et al., 2001). Prior studies found that capital
constraints play an important role in strategic decision-making by directly affecting the firm’s
ability to undertake major investment decisions (Stein, 2003) and also, by influencing the firm’s
capital structure choices (e.g., Hennessy and Whited, 2007). Moreover, capital constraints are
associated with a firm’s subsequent stock market performance (e.g. Lamont et al., 2001).
“A New Era of Sustainability. UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study 2010” last accessed July 28 th, 2010 at:
constraints. This is due to several reasons. First, superior CSR performance is linked to better
and Tirole, 2010; Eccles et al., 2012) and as a result reducing overall contracting costs (Jones,
2005). Second, firms with better CSR performance are more likely to disclose their CSR
activities to the market (Dhaliwal et al., 2011) to signal their long-term focus and differentiate
themselves (Spence, 1973; Benabou and Tirole, 2010). CSR reporting creates a positive
feedback loop: a) increases transparency around the social and environmental impact of
companies, and their governance structure and b) may change the internal control system that
further improves the compliance with regulations and the reliability of reporting. Therefore, the
increased availability and quality of data about the firm reduces the informational asymmetry
between the firm and investors (e.g. Botosan, 1997; Khurana and Raman, 2004; Hail and Leuz,
2006; Chen et al., 2009; El Ghoul et al., 2011), leading to lower capital constraints (Hubbard,
1998). In sum, because of lower agency costs through stakeholder engagement and increased
transparency through CSR reporting, we hypothesize that a firm with superior CSR performance
To investigate the impact of CSR on capital constraints, we use a panel data set from
Thompson Reuters ASSET4 for 2,439 publicly listed firms during the period 2002 to 2009.
Thompson Reuters ASSET4 rates firms’ performance on three dimensions (“pillars”) of CSR:
social, environmental and corporate governance. The main dependent variable of interest is the
“KZ index”, first advocated by Kaplan and Zingales (1997) and subsequently used extensively in
the corporate finance literature (e.g. Lamont et al., 2001; Baker et al., 2003; Almeida et al., 2004;
Bakke and Whited, 2010; Hong et al., 2011) as a measure of capital constraints.
constraints. We test and confirm the robustness of the results in several ways. First, we substitute
the KZ index with several other measures of capital constraints including an indicator variable
for stock repurchase activity, an equal-weighted KZ index, the SA Index (Hadlock and Pierce,
2010), and the WW Index (Whitted and Wu, 2006). Moreover, we construct measures and test
empirically for the two hypothesized mechanisms – stakeholder engagement and CSR disclosure
- and we find that both variables are significantly related to capital constraints in the predicted
direction. Furthermore, in subsample analysis, we find that the link between CSR performance
and capital constraints is economically larger and highly significant for the subsample of firms
that are most capital constrained contradicting, as we explain, the argument that CSR is a “luxury
good”. Importantly, the results remain unchanged when we use the introduction of ESG ratings
as a shock to CSR performance (Chatterji and Toffel, 2010) and subsequently investigate
changes in the CSR Index and capital constraints for a paired sample of firms. We also
and a three-stage least squares simultaneous equations model with validity-tested instruments,
mitigating potential endogeneity concerns or correlated omitted variables issues and increasing
confidence in the directionality of our results. Finally, we explore the impact of the three
components of CSR individually and find that the impact on capital constraints is driven by both
social and environmental performance, suggesting that both social and environmental issues are
Numerous studies have investigated the link between CSR and financial performance through a
argued that CSR unnecessarily raises a firm’s costs, putting the firm in a position of competitive
disadvantage vis-à-vis its competitors (Friedman, 1970; Aupperle et al., 1985; McWilliams and
Siegel, 1997; Jensen, 2002). Predominantly based on agency theory, some studies have argued
that employing valuable firm resources to engage in CSR results in significant managerial
benefits rather than financial benefits to the firm’s shareholders (Brammer and Millington, 2008).
In contrast, other scholars have argued that CSR can have a positive impact by providing
better access to valuable resources (Cochran and Wood, 1984; Waddock and Graves, 1997),
attracting and retaining higher quality employees (Turban and Greening, 1997; Greening and
Turban, 2000), allowing for better marketing of products and services (Moskowitz, 1972;
Fombrun, 1996), creating unforeseen opportunities (Fombrun et al., 2000), and contributing
towards gaining social legitimacy (Hawn et al., 2011). Furthermore, CSR may function in similar
ways as advertising does, increasing demand for products and services and/or reducing consumer
price sensitivity (Dorfman and Steiner, 1954; Navarro, 1988; Sen and Bhattacharya, 2001;
Milgrom and Roberts, 1986) and even enabling firms to develop intangible assets (Gardberg and
Fomburn, 2006; Hull and Rothernberg, 2008; Waddock and Graves, 1997). From a stakeholder
theory perspective (Freeman, 1984; Freeman et al., 2007; Freeman et al., 2010), which suggests
that CSR includes managing multiple stakeholder ties concurrently, scholars have argued that
CSR can mitigate the likelihood of negative regulatory, legislative or fiscal action (Freeman,
1984; Berman et al., 1999; Hillman and Keim, 2001), attract socially conscious consumers
(Hillman and Keim, 2001), or attract financial resources from socially responsible investors
(Kapstein, 2001).
Empirical work investigating the link between CSR and corporate financial performance,
measured by various accounting or stock market measures, has resulted in contradictory findings,
ranging from a positive to a negative relation, to a U-shaped or even to an inverse-U shaped
relation (Margolis and Walsh, 2003; Margolis, Elfenbein and Walsh, 2007). According to
McWilliams and Siegel (2000), such conflicting results were due to “several important
theoretical and empirical limitations” (p.603) of prior studies; some have argued that prior work
suffered from “stakeholder mismatching” (Wood and Jones, 1995), the neglect of “contingency
factors” (e.g. Ullmann, 1985), “measurement errors” (e.g. Waddock and Graves, 1997) and,
omitted variable bias (Aupperle et al., 1985; Cochran and Wood, 1984; Ullman, 1985).
More recent work focuses on understanding the role of capital markets as an intermediate
mechanism though which CSR can create long-term value. For example, Lee and Faff (2009)
show that firms with high CSR scores have lower idiosyncratic risk, while Goss (2009) shows
that firms with low CSR scores are more likely to experience financial distress. Moreover,
Ioannou and Serafeim (2010a) show a positive impact of CSR on sell-side analysts’
recommendations while Goss and Roberts (2011) find that firms with the worst CSR scores pay
between 7 and 18 basis points more on their bank debt compared to firms with higher scores.
Relatedly, Dhaliwal et al. (2011) find that the voluntary disclosure of CSR activities leads to a
reduction in the firm’s cost of capital, while attracting dedicated institutional investors and
analyst coverage. El Ghoul et al. (2011) focus on a sample of US firms and find that firms with
In this paper, we contribute to this emerging literature that investigates the relation
between capital markets and socially responsible firms by focusing on the critical impact that
CSR has on idiosyncratic firm capital constraints. Unlike prior studies that mainly focused on US
firms only, our findings are based on a broad sample of firms originating from 49 countries.
Moreover our study adds to prior work by considering other forms of capital constrains beyond
the cost of equity or debt, including the inability to borrow, the inability to issue equity, the
dependence on bank loans, or the illiquidity of assets (Lamont et al., 2001). More importantly,
this paper identifies the mechanisms through which better CSR performance contributes to lower
capital constraints. As we explain in the following section, understanding the impact of CSR on
capital constraints is important given that prior literature has documented the key role of capital
Capital Constraints
Companies undertake profitable (i.e. NPV-positive) investments with the goal of achieving
superior performance and competitive advantage. The ability to finance such strategic
investments though is directly linked to the idiosyncratic capital constraints that each firm faces.
The investment function is derived from the firm's profit-maximizing optimization and postulates
that investment depends on the marginal productivity of capital, interest rate, and tax rules
(Summers et. al., 1981; Mankiw, 2009). As Stein (2003) notes, according to this paradigm
“nothing else should matter: not the firm’s mix of debt and equity financing, nor its reserves of
cash and securities, nor financial market ‘conditions’, however defined” (p.125). Yet subsequent
studies that examine equity and debt markets show that cash flow (i.e. a firm’s internal funds)
also plays a key role in determining the firm’s level of investment (Blundell et. al., 1992; Whited,
1992; Hubbard and Kashyap 1992). Importantly, some studies show that financially constrained
firms are more likely to diminish investments in a wide range of strategic activities (Hubbard,
1998; Campello et al., 2010), including investments in inventory (Carpenter et al., 1998) as well
as investments in R&D activities (Himmelberg and Petersen, 1994; Hall and Lerner, 2010), in
pricing for market share (Chevalier, 1995) and in labor hoarding during recessions (Sharpe,
1994), thus significantly and adversely the capacity of the firm to grow over time.
In terms of firm survival and performance moreover, it is critical to understand that
capital constrained firms are forced to forgo investments that they would otherwise make. In
other words, these are investment opportunities that are profitable (i.e. NPV-positive) yet they
are not pursued due to financing frictions. It follows then that, all else equal, the relaxation of
capital constraints for such firms would enable them to undertake otherwise profitable
investments and, in expectation at least, to improve their performance. Recently for example,
Faulkender and Petersen (2012) use the American Jobs Creation Act (AJCA) of 2004 as a
temporary shock to the cost of internal financing, and find that indeed AJCA resulted in large
increases in investment but only among the subset of firms which were capital constrained (p. 2).
A second set of studies has explored how capital constraints affect the firm’s entry and
exit decisions into markets or industries. More specifically, using personal tax-return data on
entrepreneurs, Holtz-Eakin, Joulfaian, and Rosen (1994a) find that the size of an individual’s
inheritance – regarded as an exogenous shock to one’s wealth – had a significant positive effect
Rosen 1994b) shows that firms founded by entrepreneurs with a larger inheritance (thus, lower
capital constraints) are also more likely to survive. Aghion, Fally and Scarpetta (2007) document
a similar mechanism using firm-level data from 16 economies, comparing new firm entry and
A third stream of literature accounting for both incumbents and new entrants (see
Levine (2005) for a comprehensive review) argues that capital constraints affect smaller, newer
and riskier firms relatively more, channeling capital to where the marginal return is highest. As a
result, countries with better-functioning financial systems that can ease such constraints,
experience faster industrial growth. Given the idiosyncratic levels of constraints faced by
companies of various sizes, scholars turned to capital constraints as an explanation for why small
companies pay lower dividends, become more highly levered and grow more slowly (Cooley and
Quadrini 2001; Cabral and Mata 2003). For example, Carpenter and Petersen (2002) show that
the asset growth of small U.S. firms is constrained by their internal capital, and that firms who
are able to raise additional external funds enjoy a higher growth rate. Becchetti and Trovato
(2002) find qualitatively similar results using a sample of Indian firms, and Desai, Foley and
Forbes (2008) confirm the same relation in a currency crisis setting. Finally, Beck et al. (2005),
using survey data from global companies, document that firm performance is vulnerable to
various financial constraints and that small companies are disproportionately affected due to
tighter limitations. In sum, the literature to date has revealed that seeking ways to relax capital
constraints is crucial to the firm-level survival and growth, industry-level expansion and even
country-level development.
Based on neoclassical economic assumptions that postulate a flat supply curve for funds in the
capital market at the level of the risk-adjusted real interest rate, Hennessy and Whited (2007)
argue that “a CFO can neither create nor destroy value through his financing decisions in a world
without frictions”. However, in reality, the supply curve for funds is effectively upward sloping
rather than horizontal - at levels of capital that exceed the firm’s net worth –because of market
imperfections such as informational asymmetries (Greenwald, Stiglitz and Weiss 1984; Myers
and Majluf 1984) and agency costs (Bernanke and Gertler 1989, 1990). In other words, when the
likelihood of agency costs is high and the amount of capital that the firm requires for
investments exceeds its net worth (and it is therefore uncollateralized), capital providers are
compensated for their information (and/or monitoring) costs through pricing capital a higher
interest rate.2 Consequently, the greater these market frictions are, the steeper the supply curve
It follows then, that the adoption and implementation of firm strategies that reduce
informational asymmetries or reduce the likelihood of agency costs make the supply curve for
funds effectively less steep. Therefore, better access to funds lowers the idiosyncratic capital
constraints the firm is facing, favorably impacting its strategic objectives by allowing it to
undertake major investments that would not otherwise have been profitable, and/or by
influencing the capital structure choices of the firm (e.g., Hennessy and Whited, 2007).
We argue that the adoption and implementation of CSR strategies that lead to superior
CSR performance result in lower idiosyncratic capital constraints for the firm because of two
complementary mechanisms. First, superior CSR performance captures the firm’s commitment
to and engagement with stakeholders on the basis of mutual trust and cooperation (Jones, 1995;
Andriof and Waddock, 2002). Consequently, as Jones (1995) argues, “because ethical solutions
to commitment problems are more efficient than mechanisms designed to curb opportunism, it
follows that firms that contract with their stakeholders on the basis of mutual trust and
cooperation […] will experience reduced agency costs, transaction costs and costs associated
with team production”. Such agency and transaction costs according to Jones (2005) would
include “monitoring costs, bonding costs, search costs, warranty costs and residual losses.”
Moreover, superior engagement with stakeholders can enhance a firm’s revenue or profit
generation – also contributing towards the persistence of superior profitability (Choi and Wang,
2009) – through higher quality of relationship with customers, business partners and among
employees; which in turn improves interaction with customers and new product development.3 In
For a full exposition of the model, based on neoclassical assumptions, see Hubbard (1998), p. 195-198.
We thank an anonymous referee for suggesting this point.
other words, superior stakeholder engagement may directly limit the likelihood of short-term
opportunistic behavior (Benabou and Tirole, 2010; Eccles et al., 2012), and it also represents a
more efficient form of contracting with key stakeholders (Jones, 1995) that could lead to
Secondly, prior studies have shown that firms with superior CSR performance are more
likely to publicly disclose their CSR strategies by issuing sustainability reports (Dhaliwal et al.,
2011) and are also more likely to provide assurance of such reports by third parties, therefore
increasing the credibility of such reports (Simnett et al., 2009). Consequently, CSR reporting: a)
increases transparency with regards to the social and environmental impact of companies, and
their governance structure and b) may lead to changes in internal control system that further
improves the compliance with regulations and the reliability of reporting. As a result, the
extended availability of credible data about the firm’s CSR strategies, in addition to its financial
disclosures, further reduces informational asymmetry and results in lower capital constraints
(Hubbard, 1998). Moreover, the resulting changes in internal managerial practices (Ioannou and
Serafeim, 2011) may also reduce the likelihood of agency costs in the form of short-termism.
To summarize, we postulate that firms with superior CSR performance will face lower
idiosyncratic capital constraints because of two mechanisms: a) reduced agency costs and
revenue/profit generating potential resulting from more effective stakeholder engagement and b)
reduced informational asymmetry resulting from more extended and more credible CSR
We follow the extant literature in corporate finance (e.g. Lamont et al. 2001; Almeida et al.,
2004; Bakke and Whited, 2010) in measuring the level of capital constraints by constructing the
KZ index for every firm-year pair in our sample utilizing estimates from Kaplan and Zingales
(1997). As reported in Lamont et al. (2001), Kaplan and Zingales (1997) classified firms into
discrete categories of capital constraints and then employed an ordered logit specification to
relate their classifications to accounting variables. Consistent with prior literature, in our
empirical approach, we use their regression coefficients to construct the KZ index in every year
and for each firm, consisting of a linear combination of five accounting ratios: a) cash flow to
total capital, b) the market to book ratio, c) debt to total capital, d) dividends to total capital, and
e) cash holdings to capital. Higher values of the KZ index imply that the firm is more capital
accounting variables still enter the specification linearly, but they are assigned equal weights (as
opposed to being weighted with the Kaplan and Zingales (1997) estimates). Furthermore, and in
light of recent criticism of the KZ Index in the corporate finance literature (e.g. Hadlock and
Pierce, 2010) we use three alternative measures of capital constraints as follows: a) an indicator
variable for the absence of stock repurchase activity (Hong et al. 2011), b) the SA Index
suggested by Hadlock and Pierce (2010), and c) the WW Index suggested by Whitted and Wu
(2006). All of our firm-level data were collected from Worldscope. We winsorize each of the
five elements of the KZ index at the 99 percentile to avoid extreme ratios. We follow the same
Independent Variables: Measuring CSR and the Thomson Reuters ASSET4 Dataset4
This section draws extensively from various public documents found at the firm’s website (www.asset4.com) as
well as personal communication with our contacts at the firm.
Prior studies have suggested a number of measures for CSR performance: forced-choice survey
instruments (Aupperle, 1991; Aupperle et al., 1985), the Fortune reputational and social
responsibility index or Moskowitz’ reputational scales (Bowman and Haire, 1975; McGuire et al.,
1988; Preston and O'Bannon, 1997), content analysis of corporate documents (Wolfe, 1991),
behavioral and perceptual measures (Wokutch and McKinney, 1991), and case study
For our empirical analysis, and to measure CSR performance, we use a panel dataset with
environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance scores obtained from Thomson
auditable and systematic ESG information and investment analysis tools to professional investors
who built their portfolios by integrating ESG (non-financial) data into their traditional
investment analysis. It is estimated that investors representing more than €2.5trillion assets under
management use the ASSET4 data, including prominent investment houses such as BlackRock.
Specially trained research analysts collect 900 evaluation points per firm, where all the primary
data used must be objective and publically available. After gathering the ESG data every year –
that lacks fully accepted reporting standards worldwide – the analysts transform it into consistent
units to enable quantitative analysis of this qualitative data. Indicatively, we note that: a) for
environmental factors the data would typically include information on energy used, water
recycled, carbon emissions, waste recycled, and spills and pollution controversies and b) for
social factors the data would typically include employee turnover, injury rate, accidents, training
The data points that are collected are categorized as “drivers” or “outcomes”. Drivers
“track policies that cover issues such as emission reduction, human rights, and shareholder rights”
whereas outcomes “track quantitative results such as greenhouse gas emissions, personnel
turnover and highest remuneration package”. Based on these data points, Thomson Reuters
sector, country etc) for the assessment of corporate performance. Annually, these 900 data points
are used as inputs to a default equal-weighted framework to calculate 250 key performance
indicators (KPIs), to be further organized into 18 categories within four pillars: a) environmental
performance score, b) social performance score c) corporate governance score and d) economic
performance score5. In year t, a firm receives a z-score for each of the pillars, benchmarking its
performance against the rest of the firms based on all the information available in fiscal t-1;
therefore, by construction, our independent variable is lagged by one year. So, our final sample is
an unbalanced panel dataset where the unit of observation is the firm-year dyad and where every
For our analysis, we use the annual environmental, social and corporate governance
scores to construct a composite CSR index for every year and each focal firm. In the absence of
theoretical guidance about how to weight each measure in constructing an aggregated CSR score,
we follow the convention established by Waddock and Graves (1997) and Sharfman (1996),
followed by Hillman and Keim (2001) and Waldman, Siegel and Javidan (2006) among others,
in constructing a composite CSR index by assigning equal importance (and thus, equal weights)
to each of the three pillars.6 In particular, the variable CSR Index is the equally weighted average
of the social, the environmental and the governance score for the focal firm for every year in our
panel dataset.
An online appendix with a detailed description of the Thomson Reuters ASSET4 dataset is available online from
the authors at: http://ioannou.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/OnlineApp.docx
We note that the papers cited here used the KLD database instead, but the concept of assigning equal weights to
the various aspects of corporate social responsibility, is the same.
We use two additional variables to test for the two theoretical mechanisms of how CSR
impacts capital constraints. First, in order to capture Stakeholder Engagement we use a score
directly from the ASSET4 dataset that measures the degree to which a focal company explains
the formal processes in place for engagement with its stakeholders. Second, we measure ESG
disclosure by identifying in our dataset all the metrics (i.e. data points) for which the focal
company failed to provide information. Therefore, the variable CSR Disclosure is equal to the
average of indicator variables that measure whether a company has disclosed an information
item or not in any given year, and as a result it ranges from zero to one.
Summary statistics
Table 1 provides descriptive statistics for the entire sample. Panel A presents descriptive
statistics for the multiple measures we use to capture the extent to which a focal firm is capital
constrained, starting with the KZ index, but also the SA index, the WW index, the No Repurchase
Indicator an as well as for the independent variables of interest. The sample includes firm-year
pairs from a total of 49 countries across the world and a large number of unique firms: 486 firms
in 2002, 495 firms in 2003, 1,049 firms in 2004, 1,376 firms in 2005, 1,400 firms in 2006, 1,537
firms in 2007, 1,544 firms in 2008 and 2,191 firms in 2009. Panel B presents the distribution of
observations across sectors. Three sectors – light and heavy manufacturing (2, 3) and
transportation, communications, electric, gas and sanitary services (4) – represent a large portion
of the total number of observations, although the remaining sectors are also populated. Panel C
presents the distribution of observations across years and panel D across countries.
Approximately 50 percent of the sample originates from Japan, the USA and the UK.
Approximately 500 observations are firms from East and Southeast Asian countries such as
China, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Hong Kong and Singapore, and about 100 observations are
firms from Latin America. Most of the remaining observations are firms from Continental
European countries.
The mean value of the KZ index is 0.07 and the standard deviation is 1.46 suggesting that
significant variation exists across firms regarding the idiosyncratic capital constraints they face.
About half of the firms in our sample have repurchased their own stock (mean of No Repurchase
indicator is 0.48) during the period of the study. The mean value of the SA index is -1.17 and the
standard deviation is 0.92 implying significant variation for this index as well. The table also
suggests that relatively less variation exists for the WW index. The average CSR Index in the
sample is 0.52 and firms seem to perform slightly better on the Environmental and the Social,
compared to the Corporate Governance dimension. The average Stakeholder Engagement in our
sample varies significantly since the mean score is 46.12 and the standard deviation is 27.35. The
mean CSR Disclosure score is 0.47. We present univariate correlations for all the variables of
Baseline models
Panel A of Table 2 presents our baseline linear specifications that examine the relation between
capital constraints and CSR performance. In column (1), the coefficient on CSR Index is negative
and highly significant (-1.034, p-value<0.01), suggesting that on average firms with better CSR
performance face lower capital constraints. Since larger firms have better CSR performance
(Ioannou and Serafeim, 2010b) and lower capital constraints (Hadlock and Pierce, 2010), the
model controls for firm size as well country, industry, and year fixed effects. We measure firm
size as the natural logarithm of total assets.7 The estimated relation suggests that firms that score
We have alternatively used the natural logarithm of sales or market capitalization with no meaningful impact on
our findings.
on the 75th percentile of the CSR Index have a KZ Index that is lower by 0.40 compared to firms
that score on the 25th percentile of the CSR Index. This estimate is economically significant as it
is equal to approximately 28% of the standard deviation of the KZ index. In column (2), we use a
No Repurchase Indicator variable for the absence of stock repurchases as an alternative, albeit
less coarse proxy for idiosyncratic firm capital constraints. We follow Hong et al., (2011) in
calculating this indicator by deducting preferred stock reduction from expenditure on the
purchase of common and preferred stocks. Again, the coefficient on CSR Index is negative and
whether our results are sensitive to the empirically derived weights assigned to each of its five
components in past literature. Specifically, in constructing the equal-weighted KZ Index, all five
ratios are first standardized to have a normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard
deviation of one, therefore eliminate differences in scale across them. The equal-weighted KZ
Index exhibits a high positive correlation with the weighted KZ Index (0.77, p-value<0.01),
suggesting that the measure of capital constraints is only moderately affected by changing the
weights on each component. The results in column (3) are consistent with the results in columns
(1) and (2). and confirm that firms with better CSR performance have lower capital constraints (-
0.204, p-value<0.01).
In columns (4) and (5) we use alternative measures of capital constraints to provide
further validity to our findings and address recent criticisms of the KZ Index. In particular, we
follow Hadlock and Pierce (2010) in constructing the SA Index, and Whitted and Wu (2006) in
constructing the WW Index (see part II of the appendix). Columns (4) and (5) do not include Size
as a control since size is used in the derivation of the dependent variable. The results suggest that
the main findings are robust to these alternative measures of capital constraints; the coefficient
on the CSR Index obtains a negative sign and it is highly significant (p-value<0.01) across all
In Panel B of Table 2, we introduce firm fixed effects for all the specifications of Panel A
to mitigate concerns that the results are driven by an unidentified time-invariant firm
characteristic that is correlated with both the CSR index and proxies for capital constraints. For
these specifications the coefficient of interest is estimated through changes over time within a
focal firm. Moreover, for a particular firm to be included in this analysis, we require that we have
complete data for all eight years (i.e. we generate a balanced panel of observations).8 We impose
this criterion to ensure that there is enough variation in both dependent and independent variables
within a firm. Consistent with columns (1) to (5), we find that firms with better CSR
performance face lower capital constraints as measured by the KZ Index (-0.457, p-value<0.05).9
The estimated relation suggests that firms that score on the 75th percentile of the CSR Index have
a KZ index that is lower by 0.18 compared to firms that score on the 25th percentile of the CSR
Index, with this estimate being approximately 12% of the standard deviation of the KZ Index, for
this subsample. Moreover, our results are confirmed when using the equal-weighted KZ Index
and the WW Index as alternative measures of performance; the coefficient on CSR Index is
negative and highly significant at -0.183 (p-value<0.01) and -0.017 (p-value<0.01), respectively.
The findings are also confirmed when we use the No Repurchase Indicator, and the SA Index but
the estimated coefficient is not significant. We note however, that in the case of the SA Index,
introducing firm fixed effects substantially reduces the power of our test given the high
We obtain similar results when we include all firms in our sample.
Because the KZ index was developed and tested primarily within the US setting, we also performed our analysis
only with US data. The results were very similar when we restricted the sample only to US firms.
In unreported results, we estimated the specifications of Panel A Table 2 by including
controls for lagged dependent variables three years prior to the focal year of measurement of the
dependent variable. The use of the lagged dependent variable effectively controls for all
historical factors that may have influenced the firm’s capital constraints in the past. Our findings
remain robust to these specifications as well. The coefficient on CSR index was negative and
Relation between CSR and capital constraints for different levels of capital constraints
One potential concern with the findings presented so far is reverse causality and as a result,
possible endogeneity of our CSR variable. Specifically, firms that are less capital constrained
might invest in more CSR initiatives and achieve better CSR performance (Hong et al., 2011).
This argument would suggest that engagement with CSR initiatives is a form of a “luxury good”
that firms can afford only when they face no or very low capital constraints. If this is the case
then CSR is correlated with the error term and the coefficient on the CSR Index is biased and
the luxury good argument holds, one would expect the relation between CSR and capital
constraints to be stronger for firms facing the lowest capital constraints. This is because for such
firms a higher proportion of an additional dollar of financing will be deployed to CSR strategies
compared to a firm that faces high capital constraints and which is likely to deploy that
additional source of financing to other projects that are not luxury goods. We categorize the
firms in our sample into three groups based on the level of capital constraints that they face (i.e.
the KZ Index) compared to their sector peers’ located in the same country and year, and run the
same baseline model as in Table 2 (column 1) interacting the CSR Index with indicator variables
for each of the three groups; the Medium Constrained group constitutes the baseline category.
The results in Table 3 show that contrary to what one would predict based on the luxury good
argument, for the subgroup of firms that are least capital constrained, the coefficient of interest is
positive and significant suggesting that for this group of firms the relation between CSR and
capital constraints is the weakest. In contrast, for the most constrained firms the relation is the
strongest. We conclude from this test that the results presented so far are unlikely to be driven
To test the robustness of our results to potentially yet unidentified endogeneity problems we
follow Chatterji and Toffel (2010) in identifying a shock to the CSR performance of a company.
More specifically, Chatterji and Toffel (2010) argue and empirically confirm that when a rating
agency starts rating a firm (that it had not previously rated), it will generate a response from the
firm. According to their hypothesis 1: “Firms that will receive a poor environmental rating will
subsequently improve their environmental performance more than other firms will.” This
improvement in environmental performance, and in our case CSR performance more generally,
is driven by the initiation of the rating process and it is a reaction by the company to protect its
We design and implement the follow test: within the pool of companies that ASSET4
initiates coverage and within each industry-country pair, we select the company with the lowest
CSR rating and we match it with another company - that ASSET4 initiated coverage on the same
year and belongs in the same industry-country pair - that has the closest KZ Index. Essentially
with this process we are matching firms on the coverage initiation decision, country, industry and
initial capital constraints. Then, we track the KZ Index and CSR performance of these (paired)
firms over the next three years. We construct the next pair of firms by selecting the firm with the
second lowest CSR rating and so on until there is no more firms that we can match within the
same industry-country pair that ASSET4 initiates coverage. Consistent with Chatterji and Toffel
(2010), we find that firms with originally poor CSR ratings do exhibit an improvement in their
subsequent ratings more so than their better rated counterparts. Importantly, and in accordance
with our argument stating that improvements in CSR ratings drive a decrease in capital
constraints, we find that, on average, firms with poor CSR ratings decrease their capital
constraints more than their better rated (paired) firms, as they improve their CSR ratings. The
results of this analysis are presented in Table 4: both the change in CSR and the KZ Index for the
two groups are shown as well as the statistical significance of the differences-in-differences
We complement the above analysis with two additional approaches: a) an instrumental variables
approach is that the estimated coefficients are more likely to be consistent (Wooldridge, 2002).
However, the estimates from an instrumental variables approach are less efficient because the
standard errors are large (Wooldridge, 2002). The advantage of the simultaneous regressions
model is that it is a more efficient estimation procedure because it uses the errors from two or
more equations. But the estimates are less likely to be consistent because the instruments used in
both equations need to be exogenous, compared to the instrumental variables approach that
requires exogenous instruments only for the endogenous variable (Wooldridge, 2002). We note
that an additional issue with our data is the presence of heteroskedasticity, which we detected
through a test proposed by Pagan and Hall (1983) for panel data. In the presence of
heteroskedasticity or clustered errors, although the standard IV coefficient estimates remain
consistent, their standard errors and the usual forms of the diagnostic tests are not (Baum,
Schaffer and Stillman, 2003). To address this issue, we specify a GMM option in our
implementation to make efficient estimation, valid inference and diagnostic testing, allowing for
We generate two instruments by calculating the average CSR Index (excluding the
contribution of the focal firm) for each country-sector pair and country-year pair.10 The rationale
behind these two instruments is that the firm’s CSR performance is influenced by a time-
invariant component that is associated with its membership in the country-industry pair, and a
time-varying component at the country level. The intuition is that a focal firm’s CSR
performance is systematically influenced by the CSR performance of other firms within the same
industry-country pair, and by the CSR performance of other firms in the same country over time.
In fact, previous research has shown that CSR performance is determined by both country and
industry characteristics (Ioannou and Serafeim, 2012). Moreover, CSR performance might
systematically vary over time within countries as a result of laws and regulations that mandate
CSR disclosure (Ioannou and Serafeim, 2011). Because for both instruments the contribution to
the CSR Index by the focal firm is excluded, the instruments vary across firms even within the
same country-industry and country-year pairs. More importantly, since we are using two
instruments we are able to perform a number of tests to assess their validity and their relevance.
Columns (1) and (2) of Table 5 present the results from the first and second stage of the
instrumental variables regression, respectively. We report results for three post-estimation tests.
First, the under-identification test is essentially an LM test of whether our equation is identified.
Previous papers have also used as instruments the industry or country mean of the independent variable (Lev and
Sougiannis, 1996; Nevo, 2000; Friedberg, 2003; Hanlon, Rajgopal, and Shevlin, 2003).
In the presence of heteroskedaticity, the more traditional Anderson LM and Cragg-Donald Wald
statistics are no longer valid. Instead, table 5 presents the LM and Wald versions of the
Kleibergen-Paap (2006) rk statistic, which is a generalization of the more traditional tests. For
our data, the model is always identified. Second, the weak identification test estimates how
relevant and how strong our instruments are. In the presence of heteroskedasticity, the traditional
Walk rk F-statistic. For our sample, the F-statistic is at least 20, warranting that our instruments
are relevant and strong. Finally, we report on the over-identification test. For this test, the null
hypothesis is that the instruments are exogenous (uncorrelated with the error term), so if the
statistic is significant and the p-value is small enough, this suggests that the instruments are not
exogenous. Since the traditional Sagan test is no longer valid, we report in table 5 a Hansen’s J
statistic (1982), which remains consistent when the error is heteroskedastic. For our specification,
the test statistics are insignificant and the p-value is very high. Therefore the null hypothesis is
not rejected.
These tests show that the instruments satisfy the conditions of exogeneity and relevance
and as a result they are valid. The coefficient on the CSR Index is negative and significant (-
2.348, p-value<0.01), suggesting that the exogenous component of the CSR performance
negatively impacts capital constraints. As a robustness check, we run the same specification on a
balanced panel which allowed us to include firm fixed effects in our specifications. Despite the
reduction of observations to 2,616 in unreported results the coefficient on CSR Index remains
negative and highly significant. We also note that in the construction of our instruments, some
bias may have been introduced by the fact that some country-sector or country-year pairs were
those observations for which the instruments were generated in a country-sector or country-year
cell with fewer than 10 observations. Our results remain virtually unchanged.
In order to eliminate any remaining endogeneity problem resulting from simultaneity bias
(i.e. if the causal effects obtain in both directions), we endogenize both the CSR Index as well as
the KZ Index by implementing a simultaneous equations estimation method (one for each
plausible causal direction). In doing so, we use the constructed instruments as explained above
for the CSR Index, and by constructing similar instruments for the KZ Index (i.e. the average KZ
Index for each country-sector pair and country-year pair). More specifically, we use a three-stage
least squares (3SLS) estimation method where we first use an instrumental variables approach to
produce consistent estimates and subsequently use generalized least squares (GLS) to account for
correlated error terms across our two equations (Wooldridge, 2002). 11 For this system of
equation (Wooldridge, 2002). This condition is satisfied in our system of equations, where there
is only one right-hand-side endogenous variable in each equation, and two exogenous variables
Columns (3) and (4) of Table 5 show that implementing this simultaneous equations
methodology produces similar results as our baseline specifications.12 The coefficient on the CSR
Index is negative and significant (-1.545, p-value<0.01). The coefficient on the KZ Index is also
negative and significant (-0.048, p-value=0.01). These results suggest that superior CSR
performance leads to lower capital constraints but also that lower capital constraints lead to an
To be more specific, we implement this technique using the reg3 command in the statistical package STATA.
In unreported results, we utilized a transformed (logarithmic) version of the KZ Index to account for the fact that
CSR performance could potentially be more important for the firms that are least capital constrained (i.e. a non-
linear relation). Our findings were robust to this specification as well, and therefore we do not report them here.
improvement in CSR performance. However, closer inspection of the estimated coefficients
reveals that CSR performance has a much higher economic effect compared to capital constraints.
Firms that score on the 75th percentile of the CSR Index have a KZ Index that is lower by 0.60
compared to firms that score on the 25th percentile of the CSR Index, an estimate that is equal to
41% of the standard deviation of the KZ index. In contrast, firms that score on the 75th percentile
of the KZ Index have a CSR Index that is lower by 0.059 compared to firms that score on the 25th
percentile of the KZ Index, an estimate that is equal to 24% of the standard deviation of the CSR
In table 6 we explore at a more fine-grained level the mechanisms through which CSR
performance impacts capital constraints. In particular, we provide evidence that both Stakeholder
Engagement and CSR Disclosure have a significant impact. Since firms with better stakeholder
engagement also tend to have better CSR disclosure, we include the two variables individually
and simultaneously in our model. Column (1) shows the estimated association between
negative and significant (-0.005, p-value<0.01); firms with better stakeholder engagement face
lower capital constraints. Column (2) shows that the estimated coefficient on CSR Disclosure is
also negative and significant (-4.264, p-value<0.01); firms with better CSR disclosure face lower
capital constraints. Column (3) shows the estimated coefficients on Stakeholder Engagement and
CSR Disclosure when both variables are included simultaneously. Both coefficients are negative
and significant, suggesting that even when we hold stakeholder engagement constant, CSR
disclosure has a significant association with capital constraints. Similarly, holding CSR
disclosure constant, stakeholder engagement has a significant association with capital constraints.
A change of one standard deviation in stakeholder engagement (disclosure) is associated with a
change in the KZ index of 0.10 (0.35) suggesting that disclosure has a larger effect on capital
constraints. Column (4) shows coefficient estimates when we control for the quality of financial
disclosures. We include this control to mitigate concerns that the CSR Disclosure variable is
capturing the effect of financial disclosures on capital constraints. We use an earnings quality
measure constructed by McNichols (2002), who estimate total current accruals as a function of
lag, current, and previous cash flow from operations, changes in revenues, and gross value of
property plant and equipment separately for each industry-year pair. We find that, as expected,
better earnings quality (lower volatility of accounting accruals) is associated with lower capital
constraints. Importantly, the coefficient on CSR Disclosure remains negative and significant.
Finally, we note that CSR comprises of three pillars: the environmental, the social, and the
pillars on capital constraints, we estimate separate models for each one. Table 8, columns (1), (2),
and (3) show that the coefficients on environmental (-0.770, p-value<0.01), social (-0.727, p-
value<0.01) and governance (-0.397, p-value<0.01) performance are negative and highly
significant. In column (4) we consider the effect of all three pillars simultaneously and we find
that both social and environmental performances are negatively and significantly related to
constraints after we control for the social and environmental performance of a corporation. An
explanation for the weaker effect of corporate governance is that corporate governance is
primarily driven by variation in nation-level institutional structures and as a result it is likely that
the relation between corporate governance and capital constraints is stronger across countries
rather than within a country. Indeed, when we remove country fixed effects from the model, the
coefficient on corporate governance becomes negative and significant across all specifications.
In this paper, we investigate whether CSR strategies affect the firm’s ability to access
finance in capital markets. Although it has been argued in the past that CSR may impose
unnecessary costs to a firm (e.g. Galaskiewicz, 1997; Clotfelter, 1985:190; Navarro, 1988) and
thus hinder its ability to access capital, here we provide evidence that in fact the reverse is true:
firms with better CSR performance face lower capital constraints. We argue that this negative
relation between CSR performance and capital constraints materializes via two distinct
mechanisms. First, better CSR performance is associated with superior stakeholder engagement
(Choi and Wang, 2009) that in turn significantly reduces the likelihood of opportunistic behavior
and introduces a more efficient form of contracting with key constituents (Jones, 1995). In other
words, stakeholder engagement based on mutual trust and cooperation reduces potential agency
costs by pushing managers to adopt a long-term rather than a short-term orientation (Eccles, et
al., 2012). Moreover, superior stakeholder engagement enhances the revenue or profit generating
potential of the firm through the higher quality of relationships with customers, business partners
and among employees. Secondly, firms with better CSR performance are more likely to publicly
disclose their CSR activities (Dhaliwal et al., 2011) and consequently become more transparent
and accountable. Higher levels of transparency reduce informational asymmetries between the
firm and investors, thus mitigating perceived risk. Since the literature to date has argued that
market frictions such as informational asymmetries and agency costs are the main reasons why
firms face upward sloping supply curves in the capital markets, our results show that firms with
better CSR performance face a capital supply curve that is effectively less steep.
These results have implications for the current debate on whether, and importantly in
what ways, CSR initiatives lead to value creation. Here, we document that firms with better
CSR performance are better positioned to obtain financing in the capital markets. In turn,
relaxation of capital constrains positively impacts the ability of firms to undertake profitable
strategic investments that otherwise they would not, and stock market performance (e.g., Lamont
et al., 2001).
With this study we contribute to an emerging literature within CSR that highlights the
important role that capital markets play in evaluating the potential for long-run value creation by
firms that adopt CSR strategies (e.g. Lee and Faff, 2009; El Ghoul et al., 2010; Goss and Roberts,
2011). Allocating scarce financial capital to their most productive uses is the fundamental role
that financial markets play and in this paper we show that CSR has a significant impact on this
capital allocation process: market participants are more willing to allocate scarce capital
resources to firms with better CSR performance. Moreover, by disaggregating the CSR
performance into its components, we are able to show at a more fine-grained level that both the
social and the environmental aspect of CSR activities reduce capital constraints.
With our work we also contribute to the extant literature on capital constraints. Prior
studies in this area typically consider a portfolio of financially constrained versus a portfolio of
financially unconstrained firms and investigate how the two portfolios exhibit different
sensitivities of investment to either cash flow (Fazzari, Hubbard and Petersen, 1988; Kaplan and
Zingales, 1997; Hubbard, 1998; Cleary, 1999; Alti, 2003; Gatchev, Pulvino and Tarhan 2010) or
to non-fundamental movements in stock prices (Baker, Stein and Wurgler, 2003). However, few
studies (e.g. Lamont et al., 2001) have investigated which firms are more likely to be financially
unconstrained and what characteristics, if any, the firms in each portfolio share. Our paper
contributes to this literature by showing that firms that engage in CSR activities face lower
capital constraints, thus identifying tangible firm characteristics that are linked to the capital
CSR ratings so as to gain access to the increasingly available SRI funds. This is surely plausible
but unlikely due to a number of reasons. First, company-reported data is all but one of the many
sources that are being used by Thompson Reuters ASSET4 to gather information. The list of
sources would also include NGOs (and NGO websites), stock exchange filings, and independent
news sources. As much as the company could ‘game’ their own reporting, it is unlikely that it
would be able to influence to the same degree all of these third-party sources. Therefore, there is
Second, the Thompson Reuters ASSET4 data have been used extensively for investment
purposes by professionals and thus have been ‘verified’, to an extent, by the capital markets. In
fact, it is estimated that investors representing more than €2.5trillion assets under management
use the ASSET4 data, including major investment houses. Furthermore, according to Thomson
Reuters, “every answer to every data point question goes through a multi-step verification and
process control, which includes a series of data entry checks, automated quality rules and
historical comparisons, in order to ensure a high level of accuracy, timeliness and quality”. This
later issue also relates to a second potential limitation of this study: the quality of our data.
Whereas a comprehensive validity test of this new dataset falls outside the scope of this paper,
this is surely one possible avenue through which our work could be extended in the future.
Especially when compared to existing studies and datasets, and accounting for our own extensive
conversations with Thompson Reuters, we maintain a sufficient amount of confidence in the data.
Another potential issue with our work relates to the emergence of the SRI market and
how such funds may influence the capital markets and CSR ratings. First we note that despite the
impressive growth of SRI funds in recent years, when compared to total assets under
management globally, the level of SRI funds is still relatively small. As an additional robustness
check, we constructed a country-level indicator variable capturing the existence (or lack thereof)
of an SRI stock index in every country of our sample. We used this control variable as a proxy
for the availability of SRI funds, and across all specifications, the coefficient remained
insignificant. As SRI funds grow over time and in importance, future work adopting a more
dynamic approach could seek to understand their potential impact on both the functioning of
Moreover, with regards to a potential link between SRIs and our independent variable,
the CSR Index, we argue that although plausible, it is unlikely that investor behavior may be
driving managerial decision-making. Since stakeholder relations and CSR actions more broadly
take several years to build, and materialize in terms of profitability, the probability of a large
enough SRI base retaining ownership for a sufficiently long amount of time to originate an
organizational shift towards CSR strategies is relatively low. This would also require SRIs
themselves to engage with the company over a long period of time in such a way as to actively
push the corporation towards better CSR practices. In other words, it appears more likely that
SRI funds will be attracted to organizations that score high on the CSR dimensions rather than
SRI funds directly influencing firm practices, directing them towards being more socially
While we show that superior CSR performance may relax idiosyncratic capital
constraints for firms, several issues remain open for future research. First, using data at the level
of strategic projects, it would be interesting to explore whether, and in what ways, increased
access to capital affects the type of strategic investments that firms decide to undertake. For
example, do firms with better CSR performance pursue strategic projects that are more long-term
oriented and more likely to incorporate environmental and social issues in their objectives?
Second, whereas capital constraints is one important aspect of capital markets, more research
needs to be undertaken in this domain for a better understanding of how capital markets perceive,
evaluate and reward or punish firms that voluntarily engage in CSR initiatives. Moreover, since
we do find some evidence that capital constraints may in fact affect CSR performance, future
research could adopt a more dynamic approach, and investigate over a longer time frame how the
causal relationship evolves in the long-run, particularly so for firms that are most constrained
with low CSR performance, after they decide to undertake such investments in CSR initiatives.
be strategically critical, and where the general public increasingly appreciates or even demands
transparent, honest and ethical business practices, our results have important managerial
implications. We suggest that managers that are able to develop successful CSR strategies and,
by extension, engage productively with key stakeholders can generate tangible benefits for their
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Table 1: Descriptive Statistics
Panel B: Sample Distribution across Sectors Panel D: Sample Distribution across Countries
For a detailed list of SIC codes and what they
represent, please see
Table 2
Panel A Panel B
No KZ Index No KZ Index
Dependent KZ Index Repurchase Equal- SA Index WW Index KZ Index Repurchase Equal- SA Index WW Index
Variable Indicator weighted Indicator weighted
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
CSR Index -1.034*** -0.401*** -0.204*** -2.025*** -0.155*** -0.457** -0.587 -0.183*** -0.084 -0.017***
(0.120) (0.109) (0.035) (0.065) (0.005) (0.204) (0.368) (0.059) (0.061) (0.006)
Constant -0.973*** 0.445 -0.244 -0.354* -0.265 -0.921 -1.631 0.344 -2.658*** -0.296***
(0.166) (0.770) (0.187) (0.197) (0.000) (1.313) (1.562) (0.409) (0.066) (0.002)
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10, based on two-tailed tests, robust standard errors, clustered at the firm level in parentheses. (1): OLS regression with full
sample, (2): Probit Regression with full sample, (3), (4), (5): OLS regression with full sample. (6): OLS regression with balanced sample, (7): Probit
Regression with balanced sample, (8), (9), (10): OLS regression with balanced sample.
Table 3: Capital Constraints and CSR Performance: Table 4: Capital Constraints and CSR Performance: Rating as a
Sub-Groups analysis shock to CSR performance
Country FE Yes
Industry FE Yes
Year FE Yes
Observations 10,078
R-squared 0.534
Table 5: Capital Constraints and CSR Performance:
Instrumental Variables and Simultaneous Equations Specifications
Table 6: Capital Constraints and CSR Performance: Stakeholder Engagement and Disclosure
Engagement and Engagement and
Engagement Disclosure
Independent Variables Disclosure Disclosure
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
Stakeholder Engagement -0.005*** -0.003*** -0.002**
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
We calculate the KZ index following Baker, Stein and Wurgler (2003) as follows:
KZ index = -1.002 CFit/Ait-1 -39.368 DIVit/Ait-1 - 1.315 Cit/Ait-1 + 3.139 LEVit + 0.283 Qit,
where CFit/Ait-1 is cash flow over lagged assets; DIVit/Ait-1 is cash dividends over lagged assets;
Cit/Ait-1 is cash balances over assets; LEVit is leverage and Qit is the market value of equity (price
times shares outstanding plus assets minus the book value of equity over assets. The original
ordered logit regression and full exposition of the index may be found in Kaplan and Zingales
(1997). Higher values of the KZ index imply that the firm is more capital constrained. The
intuition behind these variables is that firms with high cash flows and large cash balances have
more internal funds to deploy for new projects and as a result they are less capital constrained
(Baker et al., 2003). Firms with high dividend payments and low market-to-book have fewer
growth options and investment opportunities and as a result they do not need as much new
financing (Lamont et al, 2001). Finally, firms with high leverage are less capable of obtaining
more debt financing because the probability of default is already high and as a result the cost of
We derive the SA Index based on Hadlock and Pierce (2010) using the following equation:
where Size is measured as the logged value of inflation adjusted (to 2004) book assets.
Moreover, the WW Index is based on Whitted and Wu (2006) and derived as follows:
WW Index = (-0.091 * CF) - (0.062 * DIVPOS) + (0.021 * TLTD) - (0.044 * LNTA) + (0.102 * ISG) - (0.035 * SG),
where CF is the ratio of cash flow to total assets; DIVPOS is an indicator that takes the value of
one if the firm pays cash dividends; TLTD is the ratio of the long-term debt to total assets;
LNTA is the natural log of total assets, ISG is the firm’s 3-digit industry sales growth; SG is
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 KZ index 1.00
2 No Repurchase Indicator 1.00
-0.18 0.09
3 SA Index 1.00
(0.00) (0.00)
0.01 0.11 0.91
4 WW Index 1.00
(0.40) (0.00) (0.00)
-0.05 -0.04 -0.43 -0.42
5 CSR Index 1.00
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
-0.07 0.00 -0.35 -0.36 0.50
6 Stakeholder Engagement 1.00
(0.00) (0.70) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
-0.12 -0.04 -0.24 -0.25 0.68 0.39
7 CSR Disclosure
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
-0.02 -0.06 0.47 -0.50 0.81 0.44
8 Environmental
(0.03) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
-0.07 -0.03 -0.44 -0.46 0.89 0.49
9 Social
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
-0.01 -0.01 -0.09 -0.02 0.63 0.25
10 Corporate Governance
(0.23) (0.21) (0.00) (0.06) (0.00) (0.00)
0.18 -0.09 -1.00 -0.92 0.43 0.36
11 Size
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Variable 7 8 9 10 11