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ESP For MIDWIFERY English For Specific P

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This textbook come out because midwives in Indonesia often found obstacles when
serving foreign citizens. Midwifery are required to have the ability to communicate with other
people especially patients who using Foreign language. In this case, to understand the concept,
good English language skills are needed in midwifery. Therefore, textbook English for
Midwifery is exist. This textbook presents the significant material that relate to midwifery. This
paper is primarily addressed to educators that the goals in the future will be a professional
midwifery. This textbook will used in six meeting in two months. The meeting will be held once
a week, and each one meeting just 45 minutes. The estimation of learning will use one unit for
one meeting.
English for Specific Purposes for Midwifery consists of 6 units that introduce the student
to the basic foundation in midwife English. Unit One is a brief introduction of midwifery consists
the introduction basic to learn English in midwifery. Unit Two presents the Midwifery
terminology. Unit Three presents basic structures in English for midwifery. Unit four presents
abbreviations. Unit five consist of mMale and female reproductive system materials and the last
unit is understanding sign and symptoms.
This textbook gives students more opportunities to learn and practice English. Author
expected this book will help students improve their English. Author think students will enjoy
using this textbook and hope them become better, more confident learners of English.

Bengkulu, 17 December 2019

Table of content
Table of content...................................................................................................................
Maps of the book.................................................................................................................
Table of content for midwifery materials............................................................................
Materials design...................................................................................................................
Unit 1 Introduction of Midwifery........................................................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Activity 3.............................................................................................................................
Unit 2 Midwifery Terminology...........................................................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Activity 3.............................................................................................................................
Unit 3 Basic Structures In English For Midwifery..............................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Activity 3.............................................................................................................................
Unit 4 Abbreviations...........................................................................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Activity 3.............................................................................................................................
Unit 5 Male and Female reproductive systems....................................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Activity 3.............................................................................................................................
Unit 6 Understanding Sign symptoms.................................................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Activity 3.............................................................................................................................

Midwifery is the health science and health profession that deals with pregnancy, childbirth,
and the postpartum period (including care of the newborn). Besides sexual and reproductive
health of women throughout their lives. In many countries, midwifery is a medical profession
(special for its independent and direct specialized educztion, should not be confused with the
medical specialty, which depends on a previous general training). A professional in midwifery is
known as a midwife.
Nowadays, In the era of globalization, English is a compulsory learning material for
midwifery students. This is important, because midwives in Indonesia often found obstacles
when serving foreign citizens. Midwifery are required to have the ability to communicate with
other people especially patients who using Foreign language it because They are quite difficult to
make a conversation with tourists, even though our country is increasingly visited by foreigners
with various travel destinations, sometimes there is a woman from a foreign country who gives
birth in Indonesia or just needs a check-up. In addition, in the case of Education, English can be
very helpful in terms of finding sources of knowledge about midwifery, which mostly come from
international journals that use English. In addition, most instructions for the use of medical
equipment and medicines use English. In this case, to understand the concept, good English
language skills are needed in midwifery. Therefore, textbook English for Midwifery is exist.
English for midwifery prepared for the demands of midwifery English competence that support
them in order to know English in their job approprietly. So it can be use to give instruction or
treatment to their patient, and this textbook can help the midwifery to make job easier in
communicate in English language with the patients.
The students want to understand various English texts related to their midwifery field by
materials that related with midwifery. In this textbook students need to keep in mind vocabulary
concerned with midwifery, read articles that enlarge their knowledge in their field of studies,
speaking use English language naturally in pair work, write certain health terms, and master
listening section.
This course teaches the English that Midwives need to communicate affectively in all essential
situation work including. Students learning needs for this field is to understand vocabulary that
concerned with their field study, able to communicate well also know the names of tools and
drugs in English, in this course will learn midwifery vocabulary, asking question, reading and
listening skills.
In lesson one, the student will be able to understand the use of language function how to
offering services, persuading, and giving directions and know the introduction of midwifery. In
lesson two the student will be able to understand the terminology in clinical setting and how to
consoling or soothing patient and motivating. In lesson three students will be able to know the
basic structures like pronoun and know how to complaining. In unit four students will be able to
know and mastery Abbreviation and symbols commonly used by health pracitioners and able to
use reprimanding and praising expression . In unit five student will be able to know the part and
functions of male and female reproductive systems and how to explaining and describing
expression. In the last unit students expected to understand the sign and syimptoms and know
how to asking questions and apologizing.

Teaching learning about Midwifery will be held in classroom by theories and practicing
activities. The learning process in English for Midwifery is by communication skills. Mastery of
vocabulary, speaking, and listening most needed skills for midwives. Learning material will be
taught in this textbook are English in reading, vocabulary, speaking, and listening. The contents
of this textbook will help them to acquire the ability to perform their job in hospital where
English is used and needed. This course will held in six weeks or two months, at once meeting in
a week get 45 minutes. The learning media will be used is powerpoint, online media, whiteboard,
and audio-visual such as Pictures, videos, speakers and etc. Learning method that will be used is
small group discussion or group work, in each meeting there always be theory and practice and in
the last of class there will be task that will given to students.
The English language skills that have been developed in this learning can be used to apply
for jobs as professional midwifery in the future, make work easier and be able to communicate
well with patients, especially foreigns citizens. This textbook will be learned by students that in
the future will be a midwife.
Students will learn the materials in lesson one, the student will introduced with midwifery
and the student will be able to understand the use of language function.In lesson one consists
Basic communication, the conversation that will help students to make an good communication
with patient who use English language, in the basic communication consitst such as, offering
services ,giving directions, and persuading. Offering services one of the midwife’s role is
encouraging patient to offer care to the patient, giving directions one of competence that midwife
must be posses. Persuading purposes to persuade patient to obey all regulations. The words that
commonly used in persuading are probably, would be, likely etc.
In unit two, After completion of this course, the student will be able to understand the
terminology in clinical setting, will learn midwifery terminology and sign and symptoms of
pregnancy and learn expression of consoling/soothing and motivating. Consoling purposes to
consul patient to be calm down or relax. Encouraging is used by midwife to encourage patient to
have a positive thinking about her/his disease In unit three presents basic structure in English for
midwifery consist pronoun and learn expression of complaining. Complaining is used to express
the complain of patient. In unit four presents Abreviation and symbols commonly used by health
pracitioners and reprimanding and praising expression. Reprimanding purposes to reprimand
patient politely. Praising is used to praise patient. In unit five presents the part and fucntions of
male and female reproductive systems and learn explaining and describing expression.
Explaining to explain something about information questions. You need to use some conjunction
wards such as: and, but, or, then, after that, because, for example etc.Describing focused on
describing something, such as instruments, part of the body, diseases, and procedures of
intervention. In the last unit consists of understanding sign and syimptoms and expression of
asking questions and apologizing. Asking questions is an important part to identify patient’s
problem. Apologizing is used to ask apologizing caused you may make mistakes.


UNIT 1 Student will learn the introduction of midwifery and

the use of language function such as how to offering
services, persuading and giving directions

Studenst will learn the terminology in UNIT 2

clinical setting and how to consoling or
soothing and motivating patient.

UNIT 3 Students will learn the basic structures like

pronoun and complaining expression

Students will learn abreviation and symbols UNIT 4

commonly used by health pracitioners and
how to use reprimanding and praising

UNIT 5 Student will learn part and functions of male

and female reproductive systems and how to
explaining and describing expression

Students learn the sign and syimptoms and

how to asking questions and apologizing. UNIT 6

UNIT 1 Introduction of Midwifery.....................................................................................

Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Activity 3.............................................................................................................................
UNIT 2 Midwifery Terminology.........................................................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Actvity 3..............................................................................................................................
UNIT 3 Basic Structures In English For Midwifery...........................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Actvity 3..............................................................................................................................
UNIT 4 Abbreviations.........................................................................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Actvity 3..............................................................................................................................
UNIT 5 Male and Female reproductive systems.................................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Actvity 3..............................................................................................................................
UNIT 6 Understanding Sign symptoms..............................................................................
Activity 1.............................................................................................................................
Activity 2.............................................................................................................................
Actvity 3..............................................................................................................................

Listen to the teacher explanation about the pictures below and give your opinion about the
pictures above
Read the text bellow and then answer the questions in the activity 1
A midwife is a person who, having been regularly admitted to a midwifery educational
programme, duly recognised in the country in which it is located, has successfully completed the
prescribed course of studies in midwifery and has acquired the requisite qualifications to be
registered and/or legally licensed to practise midwifery.
The simplest definition of midwifery is 'with woman', but truly, midwifery means different
things to different people. For many, the Midwifery Model is
an attitude about women and how pregnancy and birth occur,
and view that pregnancy and birth are normal events until
proven otherwise. It is an altitude of giving and sharing
information, of empowerment, and of respecting the right of a
Woman and her family to deterınine their own care.

Activity 1

After read the text above, retell the main ide of each paragraph
1. Paragraph 1.....................................................................................................................
2. Paragraph 2.....................................................................................................................
2.2. Match the left side words to the right meaning correctly, pulling an arrow to the correct
1. Matron  a. Juru rawat
2. Flannel  b. Kain
3. Cancer  c. Kanker
4. Medical d. Kartu catatan medis
Chart  e. Kasur rumah sakit
5. Hospital

1.3. Look up the words in the dictionary

a. Amputation :
b. Appendiciti :
c. Arthritis :
d. Asthma  :
e. Backache  :

Listen to the audio about offering services and giving directions and make a small group
discussion and practice those expressions in front of the classroom with your friend

Offering services
What can I do for you?
Do you need any help?
Do you want me to help you?
If you need anything, let me know.
Is there anything I can do?

Giving directions
You’d better sit down, madam
After that, you need to do the pre admission
Before the test you must be fasting
When you get the results, please come back
The laboratory is down the hallway

Activity 2
2.1. After read the expressions above. Make your own conversation of expressions in the tables
Jane :Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the operation room?
Mike : It’s this way. Go straight ahead at the dermatologist room. Turn right. Go along the
Walk past the park, and keep going straight until you see the sign for the operation room.
Jane : Great! Thanks for your help.
Mike : You’re welcome.

2.2. Make a small group discussion and practice the

dialogue in front of the classroom
[In the patient room]
M: What can I do for you?
P: Can I have breast pump?
M: Sure, it is important for you. Wait a minute.
Here you are
P: Thank you.
M: You’re welcome

2.3. Read and identify the type of the following expression offering services or giving directions
[In the laboratory]
P: Good morning, I’m Caca Marica. This is the note from the registration office
M : Thank you Mrs. You take this note to the gentleman in that room
P: I see
M: You will have a urine test. When it’s done, you’ll go to the lady in the opposite room.
P: Alright. What did I do there?
M: She will do the blood test
P: Thank you
M: You’re welcome

Listen to the audio about persuading and make a small group discussion and practice
those expressions in front of the classroom with your friend
Persuading purposes to persuade patient to obey all regulations. The words that commonly used
in persuading are probably, would be, likely etc.
I would say that you need a doctor
It is a likely that you need medication
We really need your supports
Could you consider the proposals?
Staying in the hospital is not bad idea

Activity 3
3.1. Practice the dialogue with your friend in front of the classroom
Persuading to see the operate
M: Doctor Joni, can I ask you something?
P: Sure, what is it?
M: May I watch you perform the operation today?
P: But you’re a ward nurse.
M: I know, but I want to be in the theatre once a while. O doesn’t dare ask the other doctors.
P: Wouldn’t you be on duty this afternoon?
M: No, I’ll be free after lunch. Is okay doctor?
P: Not a problem. I’ll let the theatre people know.
M: Thank you very much, doctor. I really appreciate that.
P: Don’t mention it. See you there. N: see you, doctor.

3.2. Make a small group discussion and practice the dialogue in front the class room with your
P: What do you think?
M: It looks like you’ve been putting on weight, madam
P: Really? Wow
M: You’re supposed to loose some/ it’s extremely important
P: Is it?
N: Sure it is
P: But I’ve tried to eat less and sometimes I skip dinner
M: well, you need to consider both quantity and quality. You consider the carbohydrate and fat
P: That is not easy, isn’t it?

3.3. Make a sentences from the following expression below!

1. We really need your supports
2. I would say that you need a doctor

Listen the teacher explanation about midwifery terminology and then discuss with your friend
and retell the meanings of those picture above in front of the classroom
Read the midwifery terminology and sign & symptoms of pregnancy below


Striae gravidarum Appear to the breast, abdomen and thighs
caused by stretching rupture
Morning sickness Nausea or vomiting occurs usually in the
Quickening Sensations of fetal
Hagar’s sign Lower uterine segment softens 6 to 8 weeks
after the onset of LMP
Chadwick’s sign Bluish or purplish discoloration of cervix and
vaginal wall
Goodell’s sign Softening of the cervix, may occur as early as
4 weeks
Braxton Hicks Intermittent contraction of the uterus
Ballottement A sinking and rebounding of the fetus in its
surrounding amniotic fluid
Leucorrhea Increase in vaginal discharge
LMP Last Menstrual Period
Menarche First of menses
Cessation Pregnancy or maternal condition of having a
developing fetus in the body
Embryo Developing organism duting first 8 weeks
Fetus Human concepts from 8 weeks until delivery
Viability Capability of living
Gravid A woman who is or has been pregnant,
regardless of pregnancy outcome
Primigravida A woman pregnant for the first semester
Multigravida A woman who has been pregnant more than
Para Refers to past pregnancies that have reached
Nullipara A woman who has never completed a
pregnancy to the period of viability
Primipara Refers to woman who had completed one
pregnancy to the period of viability
Multipara Refers to a woman who has completed two or
more preganncies to the stage of viability

Activity 1

1.1. Make a group discussion and find the others terminology in midwife that useful for you

1.2.Fill in the blanks:

1. Blepharo and cilio means _____________ 2. The combining forms for head are ________ and
_________ 3. Give a combining forms for hair _____________ 4. A combining forms for lip is
_____________ 5. Rhino and naso both refer to _____________ 6. Two combining forms for
breast are _____________ and _____________ 7. Cervico and trachelo mean _____________ 8.
A combining form for mouth is _____________ 9. Ophtalmo and _____________ are combining
forms for eye 10. Stetho and _____________ are combining forms for chest

1.3. Match the left side words to the right word until create a correct word by placing the letter
of the right side into the left side.
1. carpo- A. tongue
2. derma-, dermo-, dermato- B. pupil of eye
3. brachio- C. ear
4 glosso- D. back of head
5. ventri-, ventro- E. foot
6. oto- F. cheek
7. core-, coro- G. wrist
8. occipito- H. arm
9. podo- I. Skin
10. bucco- J. front of body, belly

Listen to the conversation between midwife and patient. Then, Practice the dialogue with
your friend in front of the classroom
[Patient need comfortable and relaxing]
M: Good morning… How are you?
P : Well… not very good, I’m afraid
M : I can see that, just calm down. Now… shall I try something to make you relaxed?
P : Do you think it will work?
M: It usually does. Just relax… Take this seat and put your head down here…
P: Okay
Take it easy
Calm down
Don not worry
Take a deep breath
You’re in pain. Aren’t you ?

Activity 2

2.1. Look up the words in the dictionary

a. Ill :
b. Itchy :
c. Easy :
d. Hurt :
e. Nutritious :

2.2. Group work

Find the antonym for the adjectives below
a. Sweet
b. Cheap
c. Difficult
d. Short
e. Stupid

2.3. Match the left side words to the correct antonym at the right side by giving an arrow from
the letter of the right side into the left side.
a. Sweet 1. Bitter
b. Cheap 2. Smart
c. Difficult 3. Expensive
d. Short 4. Easy
e. Stupid 5. Long

Listen to the audio about motivating below and answer the questions in activity 3
Encouraging is used by midwife to encourage patient to have a positive thinking about her/his
I’m sure you will make it.
Have faith and everything will work out well
Be brave and you’ll be okay
You need to see the bright side of it.
Just does it, you’ve got nothing to loose.

Activity 3

3.1. Practice the dialogue with your friend in front of the classroom
A patient gets loss of her leg and doubt to go home.
P: I don’t know what to do…
M: You may not know what to do now, Sir. But once you’re out there…There’s so much to do.
P: I feel so useless
M: I understand the feelings. Some people think this is the end of the world. But many
handicapped people do useful things, Things they never thought of before.
P: Like what?
M: One of our patients last year… You know, he writes now. He says he can’t be happier.
P: Really? I should think of hobby now.
M: Why not. Everyone has potentials.
P: That’s true. Thanks. N: Welcome.

3.2. Match the left side words to the right word until create a correct word by placing the
letter of the right side into the left side.
1. Give birth a. Melahirkan
2. Fetus b. Janin
3. Baby c. Bayi
4. Misbirth d. Keguguran
5. Swollen e. Bengkak

3.3. Look up the words in the dictionary

a. Sanitary :
b. Shape :
c. Sleep :
d. Soothe :
e. Sports :

Make a small group discussion and listen to the teacher explanation about basic structures in
English for midwifery and retell the explanation using your own words

Read and discuss the following text carefully and retell the text above in front of the class
room and use your own word

Traditional Midwives

In Indonesia, where a large percentage of the population lives in niral areas, the traditional
nidwife or dukun is essential in the field of obstetrices, Means to further her knowledge and
improve her skills so that the population at
large may benefit are discussed. Indonesia
consists of more than 3000 islands. The
population is 136.6 milion with an annual
growth rate of 2.4g. The birth rate is
between 30-40/1000; 51.5% of the
population is under 20. Average life
expectancy is 50 years; the infant mortality rate
is 137/1000. 196 of the population is urban;
809% is rural, There are 11,000 people per
There are 14,500 midwives and 150,000
traditional midwives called "dukuns Of the
traditional midwives, 130,000 have
completed a course in sepsis and asepsis,
which gave the technical knowledge to handle certain complications in pregnancy during labor
and the puerperium. Kits are supplied by UNICEF to the dukun who has completed the course.
Most births are home deliveries. In Jakarta, 40% deliveries are by dukuns 20% are by midwives
or auxiliary midwives. The art of communication is better managed by traditional midwives who
live in the same region with the people they serve. There are about 7000 Maternity and Child
Health centers where antenatad care is carried out by midwives. Normal deliveries are attended
by the midwives. The duties and tasks of the midwives were outlied by the 7th National Congress
of the Indonesian Midwives Association in June, 1975 which recommended that midwives should
supervise care of lactating mothers and children up to age 5.

Activity 1

1.1. Find the main idea of the text above

Main idea

1.2. Choose the best answer by giving the cross mark in the letter T if the statement is true
and the letter F if the statement is false.
X Ray  : sinar x (T/F)
Sore throat  : Sakit tenggorokan (T/F)
Specialist  : ilmuan (T/F)
Stiches  : Jahitan (T/F)
Stomachache  : radang perut (T/F)
Stress  : gila (T/F)
Surgery  : Pembedahan, operasi (T/F)
Nurse  : Suster (T/F)
Swollen  : Bengkak (T/F)
Symptom  : Gejala (T/F)

1.3. Complete the paragraph with the word's given

The first 24 hours after (1)…… are the most important, although (2)……effects may appear
much later. (3)…..important that a responsible person (4) …….the patient every 2 hours (5)
…..the first 24 hours and watches for the following symptoms. If any of these occurs, call
your doctor or returm to the emergency department .

It is
a head injury
Listen to the teacher explanation about pronoun and after understand about the explanation
from teacher you should do the task of the activity 2 below
Pronoun is a word which takes the place of noun in a sentence. Personal pronouns are used
instead of repeating the names of people.
Subjecttive Possessive Adjective
Singular Plural Singular Plural
First person I We My Our
Second person You You Your Your
Third person He They His their
She Her
It It

Subject Object Poss. Adjective Poss. noun Reflexive

I Me My Mine Myself
They Them Their Them Themselves
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
You You Your Yours Yourself/selves
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself

Activity 2

2.1. Change the underlined words into a correct object pronoun

Example: ___ often reads books. (Lisa)
Answer: She often reads books.

1) ___ is dreaming. (George)

2) ___ is green. (the blackboard)
3) ___ are on the wall. (the posters)
4) ___ is running. (the dog)
5) ___ are watching TV. (my mother and I)
6) ___ are in the garden. (the flowers)
7) ___ is riding his bike. (Tom)
8) ___ is from Bristol. (Victoria)
9) ___ has got a brother. (Diana)
10) ___Have got a computer, Mandy?

2.2. Change the underlined words into a correct object pronoun

1) The teacher always gives the students homework.

2) I am reading the book to my little sister.
3) The boys are riding their bikes.
4) My father is writing a letter to John.
5) I don’t know the answer.
6) Sally is going to Anne.
7) Open the window, please.
8) Can you tell the people the way to the airport, please?
9) The books are for Peter.
10) Can you help my sister and me, please?

2.3. Complete each sentence by choosing the correct pronoun. Scratch the wrong answers.
• We come to Annisa’s birthday party and bring (hers / her / she) a present.
• Dino and (he / him / his) friends will go to the beach soon.
1. Don’t you think that (us / ourselves / everyone) should pay a bit towards it?
2. I have not spoken to (somebody / nobody / anybody) all day.
3. I was (some / none / nothing) too pleased by his behavious that day.
4. It is up to (you / yours / yourself) to decide.
5. Is she really as innocent as (she / her / you) pretends to be?

Listen to the audio about complaining below and practice the dialogue with your friend
Complaining is used to express the complain of patient
Is this what you call ‘first class hospital’?
How come he did that to us?
Oh…..not again……
How could you do this to me?
What kind of service is this?

M: Good afternoon, can I help you?

P: I hope so. I have been waiting in line to receive treatment but until now I have not been called
M: what is your queue number?
P: 192, How could you do this to me?
M: I am very sorry mam. After this number, it's your turn.
P: Good

Activity 3

3.1. Make a small group discussion and practice the dialogue in front of the classroom with your
Condition at the hospital
M: Look at this mess… Is this what you call ’first class
P: Well. That’s what it is
M: Why on earth don’t they hire more cleaners around
P: Efficiency, I guess.
M: That doesn’t make sense
P: It does to them
M: It’s always about money, right?
P: What can I say?
M: Right…who cares…

3.2 Looks up the words in the dictionary

a. Bandage :
b. Ward  :
c. Surgery  :
d. Bruise :
e. Bump :

3.3. Make a conversation using the words in the following table


Make a small group discussion and listen to the teacher explanation about abbreviations and
give your opinion about the pictures above

Listen to the audio about Reprimanding below and practice the dialogue with your friend
Reprimanding purposes to reprimand patient politely
That’s not right thing to do
This is not good for your digestion
As far as I know, you’re not supposed to smoke
STOP it, will you?
I’m sorry, but you have deliberately broken the rule.

M : Excuse me, ladies. I’m sorry to tell you that no more than 4 persons are allowed
P : But… we came all the way from central java
M : I see. But… that’s the rule here
P : Are you saying that we came here in vain?
M : Alright. Let me tell you what I’ll do. I’ll take four people at time. So, you’ll take
turns. The rest please stay here
P : Oh…no
M : I’m so sorry

Activity 1


1.1. Fill in the sentences using the words above

1. Some women suffer from .......(a).....depression, feeling down after giving birth 2. My dad
always told me not to ......(b).... when something feels right. 3. After her surgery, Jane could not
walk far without experiencing ....(c)... from the effort. 4. While taking part in the science
experiment, students will ....(d)... answers about why bacteria grows quicker in damp areas. 5. It
is easy to ....(e)..... a friendship with someone, but very difficult to take that friendship to the next
level of love.

1.2. Match to the correct words Match the left side words to the right meaning correctly,
pulling an arrow to the correct answer
1. Attack a. Datang
2. Avoid b. Berbicara
3. Come c. Mengizinkan
4. Say d. Menyerang
5. Tell e. Menghindari
6. Allow f. Tetap
7. Stay g. Mengambil
8. Rule h. Disini
9. Take i. Aturan
10. Here j. Memberitahu

1.4. Look these words up in dictionary

a. innate immunity : imun bawaan / kekebalan bawaan
b. phicental inflamation : ...................................
c. anti-phospholopid : ...................................
d. antibody syndrome : ...................................
e. complement activation : ...................................
f. maternal circulation : ...................................
g. anaphytatoxins : ...................................
h. gestational age : usia kehamilan

Read and discuss the midwifery terminology below and give your opinion about the following
Abbreviation and symbols commonly used by health pracitioners

AMB Ambulatory
BRP Bathroom privileges
CBR Complete bed rest
OOB Out of bed Up ad lib Up as
desired Assessment Data
Abd Abdomen
BP Blood pressure bx biopsy
C Celsius (centigrade)
Cc chief complaint c/o
complains of do diagnosis
F Fahrenheit
GI gastrointestinal
GU genitourinary h/o history of
HPI history of present illness
Imp Impressions
It or left
NAD no apparent distress neg
P pulse
PE physical examination
PMH past medical history
R respirations
R/O rule out
ROS review of system rt or ® right
RX treatment
Sx symptoms
T temperature
WNL within normal limits
(+) positive
(- ) negative
ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease
ASCVD arteriosclerotic cardiovascular
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
CA cancer
CAD coronary artery disease
C congestive heart failure
HF chronic obstructive pulmonary
COPD cerebrovascular accident
CVA diabetes mellitus
HTN (BP) hypertension
MI myocardial infarction
PVD peripheral vascular disease
STD sexually transmitted disease
Diagnostic Studies
ABG arterial blood gases
BE barium enema
CBC complete blood count
CO2 carbon dioxide
C&S culture and sensitivity
CXR chest x-ray
ECG (EKG) cardiogram
Lytes electrolytes
RBC red blood cells
UA urinalysis
UGI upper
WBC white blood cells Symbols
AMA against medical orders
BM bowel movement
BP blood pressure
ċ (C) with CPR cardiopulmonary
dc (disc) discontinue do diagnosis
DNR (no code) do not resuscitate hs
hour of sleep
I&O intake and output
IV intravenous noc night
NPO nothing by mouth NS (NIS)
normal saline
O2 oxygen od daily p after
O.T. occupational therapy post
op postoperative
pre op preoperative
Prep preparation
PRN as needed
P.T. physical therapy
pt patient

Activity 2
2.1. Match the left side words to the right meaning correctly, pulling an arrow to the correct
1. Avoid a. Mengindikansikan
2. Contraindicated b. Contraindicated
3. Indicated C. Bidai
4. Suggest d. Sarankan
5. Pus e. Nanah
6. Suture f. Hindari & Jahitan
7. Sponge h. Ruam
8. Splint i. Spons
9. Swollen j. Yang bengkak
10. Numb k. Mati rasa
11. Paralysis 1. Keketatan
12. Convulsion m. Kelumpuhan
13. Patch n. Tambalan
14. Hazardous o. Gangguan hebat
equipment p. Berminyak/Manis mulut
15. Rub q. Gosokan
16. Greasy r. Peralatan pcnuh resiko
17. Rash
18. Tightness

2.2. Circle what you can do the write the sentence

See the example :
I can speak English and French but I can not speak Spanish
1. Speak 2. Make 3. Write
English Coffee A letter
Spanish An omelet A poem
French A pie A song
4. Play 5. Operate 6. Drive
Tennis A type writer A car
Football A calculator A bus
Baseball A camera A truck
7. Ride 8. Fix 9. Cook
A horse A flat tires Chicken
A bicycle A faucet Fish
A softboard A toaster steak
2.4. Match the left side words to the right meaning correctly, pulling an arrow to the correct
1. Disease a. Genital
2. Pregnant b. Hamil
3. Vaccine c. Ketidaksuburan/Kemandulan
4. Death d. Vaksin
5. Infectious c. Penyakit
6. Genital f. symptomps
7. Infertility g. Kematian
8. symptomps h. Cepat menyebar

Listen to the audio about praising below and practice the dialogue with your friend
Aren’t you looking great this morning?
You’ve made a lot of progress
You look stunning!
That’s excellent!
You’ve been very helpful

John: Hi! How are you james?
James: I’m good, thanks.
John: How’s your wife, I heard that you’ve been a papa
James: Yeah… it’s so amazing
John: What a wonderful life james ! that’s excellent!
James: Thanks.

Activity 3

3.1. Practice the dialogue with your friend in front of the classroom
Praising the doctor after operating
M: Well Ira, it’s over
P: Doctor, I can’t help saying that you just did miracle
M: Thanks Ira, but I think it was just my lucky day
M: Lucky day? That’s not good enough to describe the situation. You’re genius. I can’t imagine
what they do without you
P: Thanks. I’m flattered
M: You need a break, I’m afraid
P: I think so. I’ll out to lunch Are you coming with me?
M: Well…why not
P: Let’s go N: Let’s

3.2. Discuss and describe the pictures below with your friends

a. b.

3.3. Match the left side words to the right meaning correctly, pulling an arrow to the correct

1. Abortion  a. Alat pengobatan

2. Acne b. Alergi
3. Surgeon c. Aborsi
4. Drip  d. Jerawat
5. Allergy e. Ahli bedah

Listen to the teacher explanation about part and function of male and female reproductive
systems and answer the questions in activity 1
Activity 1

1.1. Give the terms to the reproductive part below

1.2. Complete the paragraph with words provided correctly
a. glands b. cervix c. ovum d. scrotum e. sperm

How reproductive systems work

The male reproductive system consists of two major parts: the testes, where .........(1)... are
produced, and the penis, according to Merck Manuals. The penis and urethra belong to both the urinary
and reproductive systems in males. The testes are carried in an external pouch known as the ..........(2).....,
where they normally remain slightly cooler than body temperature to facilitate sperm production.

1.3.Make a small group discussion and circle part of male reproductive

Testis, vagina, ovary, uterus, urethra, penis, prostate

Look at the table of function of male and female reproductive below and then answer the
questions in activity 2
Activity 2

2.1. Draw male and female reproductive systems, then give the terms to the parts and also
mention its function
2.2. Complete the folowing group words based on the tables above !
No Female reproductive system parts Male reproductive system parts

2.3. Group work

Write the function of these reproductive systems
1. Testes (male)
2. Vagina and uterus (female)
Look and discuss about the table after discuss about two tables above, do the task in the
activity below

Explaining Describing
Let me tell you this… How is she?
Generally speaking, smoking is harmful She doesn’t look very good (seriously ill)
However, they should maintain balanced diet. How was it? (How was the operation?)
This will give you a lot of energy It went very well
Because milk contains a lot of energy. The theatre was very cold though.

Activity 3

1.1. Practice the dialogue with your friend in front of the classroom
[Patient afraid will be examined by midwife]
P: Mrs, what’s going to happen there?
M: First, I will ask you detailed questions.
P: About what?
M: About your womb condition
P: Then?
M: I will physically examine you.
P: Oh Okay.

1.2. Listen this dialogue, write down on your note

and practice it with your friend
M : Good morning Susan, how are doing today?
P : Not very well, I 've been some stomach pain
M : Well, we'll take a look. Lie on the bed
please..............That's good.
P : (after being examined) How does it look ?
M : You'll be alright....
P : Is there anything wrong with the baby ?
M : No, it's just common symtomp. You are too tired recently, so your stomach has much
P : What should I do then, doctor ?
M : You should be in bed and get lot of rest..I'll give some prescription for you.

3.3. Look the words up in dictionary

1. the childbirth : ...............................................
2. dramatically : secara dramatis
3. medical practices : ...............................................
4. occur : ...............................................
5. home-like environment : ...............................................
6. comfortable maternity suites : ...............................................
7. delivery rooms : ...............................................
Listen to the teacher explanation about sign and symptoms and give your opinion about the
following pictures below

Listen the text carefully and retell the text using your own words
What Is an Obstetrician?
An obstetrician is a doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's
reproductive system. Although other doctors can deliver babies, many women see an obstetrician.
Your obstetrician can take care of you throughout your pregnancy, and give you follow-up care
such as annual Pap tests for years to come.
What Your Obsterician Does
During your pregnancy:
 Monitor your health and your developing babies' health, including doing routine
ultrasounds, measurements, and tests
 Check for health conditions that could cause problems during your pregnancy or affect
your babies' health, such as high blood
pressure, diabetes, infections, and genetic
 Advise you about diet, exercise, medications,
and staying healthy
 Help you cope with morning sickness, back
and leg pain, heartburn, and other common
pregnancy complaints
 Answer your questions about pregnancy and
your growing baby
 Explain what will happen during labor and delivery

Activity 1

1.1. Prepare some slides about obstetrician job description and present it in front of the class
1.2. Find some words related to the obstetrician
a. Morning sickness
b. Pregnancy
c. Childbirth
d. .................................................................
e. .................................................................
f. .................................................................
g. ..................................................................
h. ..................................................................
i. ..................................................................
j. ...................................................................

1.3. Group Work

Write sentences using the words above
a. Morning sickness is nausea in pregnancy, typically occurring in the first few months
b. Pregnancy is the condition of being pregnant or the period of time during which a female is
c. Childbirth is....................................................................................................................
d ..........................................................................................................................................
tikanlah kata-kata di bawah
ini ke dalam
bahasa Indonesia:
a. Midwife
b. Disease
c. Treatment
d. Recover
e. Pregnanc
tikanlah kata-kata di bawah
ini ke dalam
bahasa Indonesia:
a. Midwife
b. Disease
c. Treatment
d. Recover
e. Pregnanc
Listen to the audio about asking questions and then practice the dialogue
Asking questions
Excuse me, can I ask you something?
What symptoms do you have?
Do you have pains here?
Are you covered by any health insurance?
Are you allergic to any antibiotics?

[Asking questions]
A: What can I help you with today?
B: When can I see doctor Gina?
A: Doctor will come at six o'clock.
B: Okay. Thank you very much.
A: Do you need anything else?
B: No, that's all. Thanks.

Activity 2

1.1. Practice the dialogue with your friend in front of the classroom
M: Good morning, Mr. Joni. How are you today?
P : Fine thanks
M: Have you been fasting since last night?
P : Yes I have
M: Good. Are you ready for the urine and blood test now?
P: Of course,
M: Do you want anything for your breakfast afterwards?
P: Yes please. Something light.
M: You mean fruit…cereal…or…
P: Just one apple and banana, thanks.
M: Not a problem.

1.2. Complete the dialogue below

Lukman : Excuse me. _______________________ ?
Ikhsan : Sure. It's in front of the language laboratory.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....
A. Can you tell me where the library is
B. Can you play the guitar
C. Can you show me your car
D. Can you read the book for me
E. Can I borrow your book

2.3. Look up the words in the dictionary

1. effort : ....................
2. maternity : ....................
3. breastfeeding : ....................
4. policy : ....................
5. infants : ....................
6. roaming-in : ....................
7. demand : ....................
8. teat : ....................
9. pacifier : ....................
10. foster : ....................

Listen to the audio about apologizing and answer the questions in the activity 3
Apologizing is used to ask apologizing caused you may make mistakes
Excuse me… May I get through?
Sorry, I was on your way
I’m sorry for being so late
Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to hurt you
I owe you an apology.
Sorry about that
I would like a apologize
I feel really bad about it
I am so sorry
Do forgive me please

Activity 3

3.1. Make a small group discussion and practice the dialogue with your friend in front of the
Feeling guilty
M: Doctor Aji, I have to apologize I failed to keep the record. I’m sorry
P: Your apology is accepted Please don’t forget again next time
M: It won’t, doctor I promise
P: Very good. Do your best

3.2. Match the left side words to the right meaning correctly, pulling an arrow to the correct
1.Maternal a. Pengguguran
2. Maternity b. Maternas
3. Gynaccology c. Berdarah
4. Transfusion d. Operasi sesar
5. Parity e. Orang buta huruf
6. Cacsarean f. Gynecology
7. Illiterate g. Kesulitan
8. Abortion h. Kesamaan
9. Complication i. Transfusi
10. Bleed j. Maternal

1.3. Choose the best answer by giving the cross mark in the letter T if the statement is true
and the letter F if the statement is false.
1. Fever  : Ayan (T/F)
2. Physiotherapy  : Fisioterapi (T/F)
3. Flu  : Flu, influenza (T/F)
4. Fracture  : Retak, patah tulang (T/F)
5. Kidney Failure  : Gagal tulang (T/F)
6. Liver Failure  : Gagal hati (T/F)
7. Heart Failure  : Gagal ginjal (T/F)
8. Give birth  : Melahirkan (T/F)
9. Pregnant  : Menyusui (T/F)
10. Headache  : Sakit kepala (T/F)

Name :
Duration : 60 Minutes

Read the text carefully and answer the questions for number 1-2
Karina Richanu
BACKGROUND : The complement system, a major component of innate immunity, has recently
been implicated in the mechanisms of fetal loss and placental inflammation in the anti-
phospholipid antibody syndrome. Inhibition of complement has been proposed as an absolute
requirement for normal pregnancy. Yet, pregnancy is characterized by a generalized activation of
the innate immune system. This study was conducted to determine whether normal pregnancy is
associated with complement activation in the maternal circulation.
CONCLUSION : 1) Normal human pregnancy is
associated with evidence of complement activation, as
determined by increased concentrations of the
anaphylatoxins C3a, C4a and C5a in the maternal
circulation; and 2) We propose that physiologic
activation of the complement system during pregnancy
is a compensatory mechanism aimed to protect the host
against infection.
Answer the questions based on the text above
1. “We propose that physiologic activation.........” (paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word refer to ?
2. “ This study was conducted to determine whether normal pregnancy....”
What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?

3. Make a short conversation about giving directions consists of three people

4. Write the meaning of the following terminologies below

Terminology Meaning
Morning sickness

5. Find and underline the correct consoling expression of the following sentence below

[Patient need comfortable and relaxing]

M: Good morning… How are you?
P : Well… not very good, I’m afraid
M : I can see that, just calm down. Now… shall I try something to make you relaxed?
P : Do you think it will work?
M: It usually does. Just relax… Take this seat and put your head down here…
P: Okay

6. Answer each of the following multiple choice questions by circle for the correct pronoun
He loves______so much, because I am very kind

They love______, because I never hurt them


I am so proud with______, she is so kind with me


My book is so expensive, _______ needs much money


7. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective

1) Joanie is (John and Nancy) ______ daughter.
2) Is this Jane’s dog? Yes it is ______ dog.
3) The dog is chasing ______ own tail.
4) Pedro and Isabel are Spanish. ______ family is from Spain.
5) Juan is not at school. ______ father took him to the doctor.
6) Beatriz is married. She showed us ______ ring today.
7) Jose and Maria are dancers. ______ older brother is a singer.
8) Pepe and I have an English class together. ______ teacher is Ms. Smith.
9) My family has a dog. ______ dog’s name is Lady.
10) he teacher told me not to bring ______ cell phone to school.

8. Write the meaning of abbreviation below correctly

COPD ........................................................
CVA ...........................................................
MI ..............................................................
PVD ...........................................................

9. Write the function of each terms in the following figure

10. Choose one expression and make a dialogue about apologizing

Sorry about that

I would like a apologize
I feel really bad about it
I am so sorry
Fanany, Sophian., Shintha Silaswati, Siamet Basuk, dkk. 2018. Basic communication for
midwifery students. Kota Tangerang : Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia dan sastra
Indonesia FKIP universitas Muhammadiyah tangerang
Helida, vina. 2013. English for midwifery. Universitas Bengkulu.
Nursalam. 2009. English In Nursing – Midwifery Sciences And Technology. School Of Nursing.
Faculty Of Nursing Airlangga University.

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