Gujarat Public Service Commission: Final Result
Gujarat Public Service Commission: Final Result
Gujarat Public Service Commission: Final Result
Final Result for the recruitment to the posts of Industrial Promotion Officer, Class‐
II, Advt. No. 43/2018‐19, for which interviews were held on 21 & 22nd November,
2019, is declared as under :
Cut‐off Marks :‐
General:- 39.91 Marks General Female :- 35.74 Marks
SEBC :- 35.42 Marks
S.T. :- 40.25 Marks
(2) The S.T. category candidate at Merit No. 05, though secured his place in the merit of
general category, however he is to be recommended for appointment against the post
reserved for S.T. category, as per Government circular, GAD No. PVS-1099-MM-13-G4
dated 29-1-2000, PVS-2010-03-900-G4, dated 23/07/2004, as he has availed the
benefit of relaxation in Cut-Off Marks in the preliminary test.
(3) The required No. of women candidates of General category could not be selected even
after relaxing 10 % of the Cut-off Marks prescribed for the candidates of General
Category, while no woman candidate of SEBC category was available for interview.
(4) The Weighted Marks of Preliminary Test & Interview are calculated as follows :‐
[Marks obtained in P.T. X 50/300 = Weighted Marks of Preliminary Test] + [Marks
obtained in Interview X 50/100 = Weighted Marks of Interview] = Total Weighted