Gujarat Public Service Commission: Final Result

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Public Service Commission

Final Result

RCT‐2018‐1362‐R1 Date :‐ 27‐11‐2019

Final Result for the recruitment to the posts of Industrial Promotion Officer, Class‐
II, Advt. No. 43/2018‐19, for which interviews were held on 21 & 22nd November,
2019, is declared as under :

Cut‐off Marks :‐
General:- 39.91 Marks General Female :- 35.74 Marks
SEBC :- 35.42 Marks
S.T. :- 40.25 Marks


Weighted Total
Merit Weighted
Name of Candidate Code E.No. M/F. Category
Marks- Weighted
Interview Marks

1 Shri Narendrasinh Abhesinh Herma AMG 10 SEBC 18.04 29.00 47.04

2 Shri Yogeshkumar Hotchand Waswani AMR 16 18.48 27.50 45.98

3 Shri Harshil Rashmikantbhai Gothi ALT 8 18.58 26.00 44.58

4 Shri Jitendrakumar Suryanarayan Pandey AML 22 18.53 24.00 42.53

5 Shri Ashishkumar Edwinbhai Asari AMP 21 S.T. 11.75 28.50 40.25

6 Shri Hiren Haribhai Patel ALW 3 15.91 24.00 39.91

7 Shri Sunilkumar Revabhai Prajapati AMI 18 SEBC 13.21 26.00 39.21

8 Shri Vikramsinh Arjunsinh Gadhvi AMA 13 SEBC 10.29 27.00 37.29

9 Kum. Viral Rajivkumar Pandya AMM 25 Fem. 09.74 26.00 35.74

10 Shri Hardikbhai Mahendrabhai Vaghela AMS 27 SEBC 12.42 23.00 35.42

To be kept on waiting list for General Category :

Weighted Total
Sr. Weighted
Name of Candidate Code E.No. M/F. Category
Marks- Weighted
Interview Marks

1 Shri Darshit Nikhil Bhai Bhatt ALZ 9 14.86 23.50 38.36

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2 Shri Trupesh Chhaganbhai Patel ALV 1 16.33 22.00 38.33

To be kept on waiting list for SEBC Category :

Weighted Total
Sr. Weighted
Name of Candidate Code E.No. M/F. Category
Marks- Weighted
Interview Marks

1 Shri Krushnkumar Babulal Kataria AMN 20 SEBC 14.32 20.00 34.32

2 Shri Maheshkumar Somabhai Patel AMK 28 SEBC 16.69 17.50 34.19

To be kept on waiting list for S.T. Category :

Weighted Total
Sr. Weighted
Name of Candidate Code E.No. M/F. Category
Marks- Weighted
No. Interview Marks

1 Shri Satishkumar Jogabhai Gamar AMU 29 S.T. 08.43 24.50 32.93

2 Shri Vishal Samatbhai Kalotara AMO 19 S.T. 10.51 21.00 31.51

Marks obtained by the unsuccessful candidates are as under :-

Weighted Total
Sr. Weighted
Name of Candidate Code E.No. M/F. Category
Marks- Weighted
Interview Marks

1 Shri Dharmesh Jagdishbhai Vaghela ALY 2 SEBC 11.10 17.50 28.60

2 Shri Sandipkumar Hemantbhai Patel AMB 5 SEBC 09.87 20.00 29.87

3 Shri Hiteshkumar Prasidhdhamuni Pathak ALU 6 15.22 20.00 35.22

4 Shri Ajay Kandubhai Rathwa AMC 11 S.T. 08.83 19.50 28.33

5 Shri Ajaykumar Amrutlal Prajapati AMD 12 SEBC 10.22 18.00 28.22

6 Kum. Shruti Analkumar Bhatt ALX 14 Fem. 10.24 21.50 31.74

7 Shri Vikaschandra Jayantilal Patel ALS 15 15.53 17.50 33.03

8 Shri Akhilesh Rajnarayan Bajpai AMQ 17 16.87 19.50 36.37

9 Shri Kunal Ramsing Tadvi AMH 23 S.T. 09.57 21.50 31.07

10 Shri Ashish Adyalkar AMV 26 14.82 20.00 34.82
Note :‐
(1) The SEBC category candidate at Merit No. 01 is to be recommended for appointment on
unreserved post as per Government circular, GAD No. PVS-1099-MM-13-G4 dated 29-1-
2000 and PVS-2010-03-900-G4, dated 23/07/2004, as he has not availed any relaxation
in Cut-off Marks in Preliminary Test or in age.

Final Result : 43/2018‐19

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(2) The S.T. category candidate at Merit No. 05, though secured his place in the merit of
general category, however he is to be recommended for appointment against the post
reserved for S.T. category, as per Government circular, GAD No. PVS-1099-MM-13-G4
dated 29-1-2000, PVS-2010-03-900-G4, dated 23/07/2004, as he has availed the
benefit of relaxation in Cut-Off Marks in the preliminary test.
(3) The required No. of women candidates of General category could not be selected even
after relaxing 10 % of the Cut-off Marks prescribed for the candidates of General
Category, while no woman candidate of SEBC category was available for interview.
(4) The Weighted Marks of Preliminary Test & Interview are calculated as follows :‐
[Marks obtained in P.T. X 50/300 = Weighted Marks of Preliminary Test] + [Marks
obtained in Interview X 50/100 = Weighted Marks of Interview] = Total Weighted

Place-Gandhinagar. (Tejas Soni)

Date-27-11-2019 Joint Secretary
Gujarat Public Service Commission

Final Result : 43/2018‐19

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