Product Information Sheet: For Safety at All Levels

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§ “3D” zone to give extended protection into the landing

§ 40 parallel or 194 criss-cross beams offer protection up to a height of 1.8m
Selectable modes of 3D operation to suit various installation sites
INFORMATION § Advanced 3D diagnostic self-check
§ Standard and Slimline profiles available
SHEET § Greatly reduces the chances of passenger injury by the landing door
§ Damage to landing doors from trolleys and hospital beds is essentially
§ No increase in installation time compared with conventional infra-red
detection systems
§ Patented 3D and Power Reduction Features

The Pana40 Plus-3D safety system has two independent detection systems (see Fig 1)
• Light Curtain – infra-red beams operating directly between the doors.
• “3D” Detection – infra-red proximity detection operating in the landing zone.

Car Doors

Direct Beams
Transmit Diode Receive Diode

‘3D’ Detection

Infra-red light reflected by

approaching passenger

Fig 1 - The operating principle of the Pana40 Plus-3D showing the sensitive zone projected
into the landing

Any object causing interruption of the needs. For example the “3D Timeout” mode
direct beams or reflections within the 3D is ideal for hospitals because the doors will
detection zone will trigger the system only start to close if the 3D detection zone
and re-open the lift doors. is clear.

The Light Curtain beams operate at heights The Pana40 Plus-3D detectors are
from 25mm to 1800mm above floor level. manufactured in various profiles to suit a
The 3D Detection Zone covers from just wide variety of doors – including both
above floor level to 1550mm. The 3D centre-opening and side-opening doors.
detection range is equal to approximately (See Fig 2 to Fig 6).
half the door separation. As the doors close
the 3D detection zone moves inwards The detectors can be used with all 3D
giving increasingly sensitive protection to versions of the Pana40 Plus controller.
the door aperture. These are available in 40 or 194 beam
pattern versions and for various supply
The system can be configured for different voltages (AC or DC). See the ordering table
operating modes to suit particular installation for details.
There are three different Pana40 Plus-3D detector profiles – Standard, Slimline and
Ultraslim. These come with appropriate fixing kits to fit the detectors in one of five types
of installation. Please specify the required installation type using the Part Numbers shown.

Standard: Part No 770 000

The Standard detectors are designed to
fit on the side of the door flush with the
door edge. They are fixed using self-
tapping screws, through height-adjustable
brackets and covered by a vandal-resistant
finger guard (see Fig 2). These detectors
are particularly suitable for centre-opening
doors with a wide running clearance where
the detector also doubles as a sightguard.
The cable may be routed from the top of
the detector or down inside the housing
and out the middle of the back. The cable Fig 2
can be secured with the P-clips provided.

Leading Edge: Part No 770 010

The Leading Edge detectors are designed
to fit on the leading edge of the door or on
the slampost. These detectors are particularly
suitable for side-opening doors, but can
be used on centre-opening doors. The
door or slampost is drilled in four places
and the detectors fitted by means of cap
tive bolts, sliding in a track on the back of
the detectors. Alternatively the detectors
may be secured through the detector
housing on the door edge, using the
Fig 3
screws provided (see Fig 3). Fixings for
both methods are included in the fixing

Mixed Set (Standard and Leading

Edge): Part No. 770 020
The Mixed Set is convenient for side-opening
doors where it is desirable to have a
Standard TX detector on the door and a
Leading Edge RX detector on the
slampost (see Fig 4). If the door opens in
the opposite direction it will be necessary
to swap the plastic lenses so that the TX
is kept on the left-hand side.
Fig 4
Slimline: Part No. 771 000
The Slimline detectors are only 15.5mm
wide and designed to fit on the side of
close-coupled doors. The detectors are
mounted to the side of the car doors using
the self-tapping screws provided in the fixing
kit. Optional PVC finger guards (Part Nos.
007 137 and 007 138) are available to fill
the 30mm gap found on some door types
(see Fig 5).

Fig 5
Ultraslim: Part No 774 000
The Ultraslim detectors are only 9.8mm
wide which allows them to be fitted to
virtually all lifts. They are particularly
suited to lifts with narrow running clearances.
The detectors are mounted to the side of
the car doors using self-tapping screws
provided in the fixing kit (see Fig 6).

CONTROLLERS (840 Series 3D) Fig 6

The Pana40 Plus-3D Controllers operate
the Pana40-Plus 3D detectors. They are • 3D Self Test
housed in a black steel box which is When the doors are closed the controller
extremely durable and normally fitted on performs a test of the 3D system sensitivity.
top of the lift car using self-tapping screws. This ensures safe and reliable 3D operation.
The controllers are available in several The installer can set a jumper to select whether
versions. Please see the ordering table a 3D self-test failure should open the doors or
for version details. simply be reported on the diagnostics screen.

Model 840/841/843 3D Controllers • 3D Configuration Switches

All controllers have the following standard The controllers are fitted with a small plug-
features. in board with 4 DIP switches. Switches 1
and 2 set the 3D Operating Mode while
• Power Reduction Software switches 3 and 4 set the 3D sensitivity.
This patented software feature is designed
to put the system into a less active state • ‘3D Timeout – 20 seconds’ – In this
when the lift is not in use and prolong the life mode the 3D detection is activated when
span of the detectors. When the detectors the doors have reached their fully opened
stop very close to each other, the Power position. The system will allow a continu
Reduction mode is operated after a delay ous 3D trigger to hold the door open for 20
of 10 secs. In this mode the scan speed seconds. If the 20 second timer expires
is reduced to once every 2 secs. If the then the doors are allowed to close with a
doors start to open, or an obstruction is warning beep. (This beep will occur regardless
detected, then the normal scanning and of the ‘Tone’ switch position.) If the 3D zone
trigger mode is resumed. The Power becomes clear before the 20 second timer
Reduction software will not function if the expires then the timer is reset and the doors
detectors are fitted in a static position. are allowed to close. If the light curtain is
broken then the timer is reset and the doors
• ‘Trigger’ Tone re-opened.
An audible ‘Trigger’ tone will inform users
they are preventing the doors closing. A • ‘3D Timeout – 10 seconds’ – This
‘Tone’ switch is available to disable this mode is identical to ‘3D Timeout – 20 sec-
feature. onds’ except that the 3D timeout period is
now fixed at 10 seconds.
• Test Diagnostics
Special test diagnostics allows the installer • ‘As Doors Close’ – In this mode the
to quickly check for system faults. Simply 3D detection is activated as the doors be-
turn the ‘Mode’ switch to ‘Test’ and the gin to close. The system will allow up to
system will report any faults on a diagnostics three consecutive 3D triggers, after which
display (e.g. ‘cable disconnected’). the 3D detection is turned off leaving only
the light curtain detection. If the light curtain is
• Light Curtain Timeout broken then 3D detection is enabled again.
Setting the ‘Timeout’ switch on will allow This mode is recommended for door open-
a partially damaged detector to continue ings exceeding 1200mm.• ‘At 800mm’ –
working safely until it can be replaced. It In this mode the 3D detection is activated
does this by ignoring a permanent trigger as the doors are closing and have
on up to 5 non-adjacent beams (e.g. due to reached a separation of 800mm (32”). This
vandalism). The timeout period is adjustable mode can be used on wider doors to re-
from 10 seconds to 70 seconds. On 194- strict the range of 3D detection into the
beam controllers only 4 non-adjacent landing. As previously the system will al-
beams are allowed to timeout. low up to 3 consecutive 3D triggers, after which
the 3D
detection is turned off leaving only the light
3D Operating Mode Switch 1 Switch 2
curtain detection. If the light curtain is broken
then 3D detection is enabled again. ‘As Doors Close’ down down
‘At 800mm’ down up
• ‘At 800mm’ – In this mode the 3D ‘3D Timeout – 20 seconds’ up down
detection is activated as the doors are
closing and have reached a separation of ‘3D Timeout – 10 seconds’ up up
800mm (32”). This mode can be used on Table 1 - 3D Operating Mode
wider doors to restrict the range of 3D
detection into the landing. As previously 3D Sensitivity Switch 3 Switch 4
the system will allow up to 3 consecutive Highest up up
3D triggers, after which the 3D detection
Intermediate down up
is turned off leaving only the light curtain
detection. If the light curtain is broken then Lowest up down
3D detection is enabled again. 3D detection off down down
Table 2 - 3D Sensitivity
The Pana40 Plus-3D system consists of remains active regardless of whether the
a Transmitter Detector (TX), a Receiver De- 3D detection is active or not.
tector (RX) and a Controller.
Installation Notes
The light curtain is achieved by infra-red When installing a Pana40 Plus-3D system
light beams travelling directly between TX the following precautions must be observed
and RX detectors. The TX has 40 transmit for trouble free operation:-
diodes, while the RX has 40 receive di-
• The landing doors must not lead the
odes. The system generates 40 beams
car doors by more than the suggested
with a Pana40 Plus Controller or 194 beams
permissible amount as shown in Fig 7.
with a Pana194 Plus Controller. Interrupting
Note: The maximum permissible landing
any beam triggers the doors to re-open.
door lead is further reduced if the
detectors are set back from the leading
The 3D detection is achieved by infra-red
edge of the car doors.
light beams reflecting from objects in the
3D zone. These beams operate upwards • Always mount the detectors as close
downwards or straight out from the detectors to the door edge as possible.
at an angle of approximately 45º to the • Sightguards should not be used with
plane of the doors. The TX has 15 transmit Pana40 Plus-3D detectors.
diodes while the RX has 19 receive diodes. • For openings exceeding 1200mm it is
recommended that ‘As Doors Close’
Note - the detectors must always be mode is used.
mounted with the TX on the left and the RX • The detectors must be set no more than
on the right so that the 3D detection looks 10mm apart when the doors are fully
out to the landing and not in towards the closed. The detectors must be aligned
lift car (see Fig 1). to within ±5mm of the detector centre-
line for Ultraslim detectors and within
The 3D detection range is approximately ±8mm for all other detectors.
half the door separation (e.g. at a separation
of 800mm the 3D range is approximately
Fig 7: 3D detector position
400mm from the light curtain.). So as the LANDING DOOR

doors close the 3D zone moves inwards and DETECTOR

concentrates close to the landing doors. CAR DOOR Note: this graph is indicative
only and relies on the
accuracy of installation and
The system knows the door separation by the reflective properties of the
measuring the direct beam intensity. To landing doors and the lift
Door spacing 'a' (mm)

ensure reliable operation it automatically

disables 3D detection when separation is
less than 250mm. The installer can
configure the system to close in certain
circumstances to prevent the doors being
held open indefinitely by someone standing Fig 8: Maximum permissible
near the doors(see the 3D Configuration Landing door lead 'b' (mm)
landing door lead 'b' versus
section for details). The light curtain door spacing distance 'a'
Pana40 Plus-3D Detectors Model 770

Size 43.5 (111/16") x 62.5 (21/2") x 2100mm (6ft 1011/16") standard version
40.0 (19/16") x 14 (9/16") x 2100mm (6ft 1011/16") leading edge version
Cable Length 725mm + 4m extension
Distance between bottom beam
& bottom of housing 20mm for light curtain
Distance between top beam
& bottom of housing 1800mm for light curtain
Range - 2D 6.0m max
Range - 3D typically half door separation, to max of 1.2m
Number of diodes per detector 55 TX Detector 59 RX Detector
Number of beams between detectors 40 or 194 depending on Controller
Packed Weight 5.6kg
Maximum Voltage in Detectors 5.6V DC
Alignment Requirements 10mm max separation and aligned within ±8mm of the detector’s centre lines (when doors are
fully closed)
Maximum power consumption 0.3W
Fixing Kit for 770 000 2 kits, each including 5 plastic brackets, 1 end plate, 1 earthing screen, 25 self-tapping screws,
5 P-Clips, 1 drilling template, 1 grommet, 1 earthing bracket, 5 spring washers.
for 770 010 2 kits, each including 4 fixing bolts/nuts/washers, 5 P-Clips, 15 self-tapping screws.
for 770 020 2 kits, one consisting of 5 plastic brackets, 1 end plate, 1 earthing screen, 25 self-tapping screws,
5 P-Clips, 1 drilling template, 1 grommet, 1 earthing bracket, 5 spring washers, the other
consisting of 4 fixing bolts/nuts/washers, 5 P-Clips, 15 self-tapping screws
Pana40 Plus-3D Detectors Model 771

Size 15.5 ( /8"))x 33.5 (16/16") x 2000mm (6ft 63/4")


Cable Length 665mm + 4m extension

Distance between bottom beam
& bottom of housing 17mm for light curtain
Distance between top beam
& bottom of housing 1800mm for light curtain
Range - 2D 6.0m max
Range - 3D typically half door separation, to max of 1.2m
Number of diodes per detector 55 TX Detector 59 RX Detector
Number of beams between detectors 40 or 194 depending on Controller
Packed Weight 3.3g
Maximum Voltage in Detectors 5.6V DC
Alignment Requirements 10mm max separation and aligned within ±8mm of the detector’s centre lines (when doors are
fully closed)
Maximum power consumption 0.3W
Fixing Kit 10 P-Clips, 10 No.8x12 self-tapping screws, 10 No.8x32 self-tapping screws
Pana40 Plus-3D Detectors Model 774

Size 9.8 ( /8") x 37.3 (115/32") x 2000mm (6' 63/4")


Cable Length 725mm plus 4m extension

Distance between bottom beam
& bottom of housing 26mm for light curtain
Distance between top beam
& bottom of housing 1808mm for light curtain
Range - 2D 5.0m max
Range - 3D typically half door separation, to max of 1.2m
Number of diodes per detector 55 TX Detector 59 RX Detector
Number of beams between detectors 40 or 194 depending on Controller
Packed Weight 2.7kg (3.4kg Export)
Maximum Voltage in Detectors 5.6V DC
Alignment Requirements 10mm max separation and aligned within ±8mm of the detector’s centre lines (when doors are
fully closed)
Maximum power consumption 0.3W
Fixing Kit 10 P-Clips, 10 No.6x20 self-tapping screws, 10 No.6x16 self-tapping screws,
12 No 8 self-tapping screws, 10 M3.5 shakeproof washers, 2 M4 shakeproof washers
Sleep Software Patent Nos UK 9822359.7 3D Patent Nos Europe EP0699 619
Germany 29918009.3 USA 5,698,824
Japan 291527/1999 Japan 3088936
USA 09/416,585
Pana40 Plus-3D Model 840/841/843
Size 202mm(8") x 186mm(75/16") x 52mm (21/16")
Weight 1150g
Packed Weight including Cables 1750g
Extension Cable (2 per set) Length 4m (13ft 1½")
Voltage Requirements All versions will also operate from 11-25VDC
3D Model 841 comes with voltage selection switch
Power Consumption 5VA maximum with detectors fitted
Door Operator Relay 240V AC, 10A (2nd programmable relay provided in Model 843)
Case Material Steel-sprayed satin black
Indicators 13mm (½") single character 8 segment LED display showing controller status or
fault code depending on Mode switch position
Mode Switched NORMAL/TEST
Trigger Duration 250ms typical
Time-Out Switchable ON/OFF, 10-70s adjustable by control
Beeper Switched ON/OFF
Pana40 Plus-3D typical scan time 65ms (40 beams) at 800mm separation
Pana194 Plus-3D typical scan time 250ms (194 beams) at 800mm separation
Operating Temperature Range -10ºC to 65ºC as per BS2011 Pt.2.1 Ab and BS2011 Pt.2.2 Bb
Operating Temperature/Humidity Cycle +55ºC 6x24hr cycles as per BS2011 Pt 2 Db:1981 variant 2
Vibration 20-500Hz 1.0g rms 4hrs 3 axis as per BS2011 Pt.2.1 Fd
EMC compliance to Emissions to EN50081 Part 1. Immunity to EN50082 Part 2

Ordering Information
When ordering a system note that one set of detectors and one controller are needed.

Part Nos. Description

Detectors 770 000 Set of 2 Standard Pana40 Plus-3D Detectors with fixing kits
770 010 Set of 2 Leading Edge Pana40 Plus-3D Detectors with fixing kits
770 020 Set of Mixed Pana40 Plus-3D Detectors with fixing kit
(consisting of 1 Leading Edge and 1 Standard detector)
771 000 Set of 2 Slimline Pana40 Plus-3D Detectors with fixing kit
774 000 Set of 2 Ultraslim Pana40 Plus-3D Detectors with fixing kits
Controllers 840 022 Model 840 Pana40 Plus-3D Controller - 240V AC, DC, 40 beams
840 023 Model 840 Pana40 Plus-3D Controller - 110V AC, DC, 40 beams
840 024 Model 840 Pana194 Plus-3D Controller - 240V AC, DC, 194 beams
840 025 Model 840 Pana194 Plus-3D Controller - 110V AC, DC, 194 beams
841 008 Model 841 Pana40 Plus-3D Controller - 240/110V AC, DC, 40 beams
841 009 Model 841 Pana194 Plus-3D Controller - 240/110V AC, DC, 194 beams
843 022 Model 843 Pana40 Plus-3D Controller - 240V AC, DC, 40 beams
843 023 Model 843 Pana40 Plus-3D Controller - 110V AC, DC, 40 beams
Spares and Accessories
Finger Guards 007 137 PVC Finger Guard for RX Slimline Detector – right hand side
007 138 PVC Finger Guard for TX Slimline Detector – left hand side
Extension Cable 015 199 4m travelling cable for TX or RX Pana40 Plus-3D Detector


TELEPHONE: +44 1628 770734
FACSIMILE: +44 1628 621947

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