(Harrison & Cornell, 2008) Toward A Better Understanding of The Regional Causes of Local Community Richness
(Harrison & Cornell, 2008) Toward A Better Understanding of The Regional Causes of Local Community Richness
(Harrison & Cornell, 2008) Toward A Better Understanding of The Regional Causes of Local Community Richness
SYNTHESIS Toward a better understanding of the regional causes
of local community richness
Susan Harrison* and Howard Despite widespread acknowledgement that local ecological communities are profoundly
Cornell shaped by regional-scale influences, including evolutionary and biogeographic processes,
Department of Environmental this perspective has yet to be widely incorporated into ecological research. Drawing on
Science and Policy, University of recent research, we propose four steps towards making regional influences a stronger
California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
part of research on the richness of local communities: (1) identifying the regional-scale
*Correspondence: E-mail:
causes of variation in species richness in the systems ecologists study; (2) testing for
[email protected]
effects of regional richness on local richness, using improved observational and
experimental analyses to overcome earlier problems; (3) simultaneously analysing
environmental influences on regional and local species richness as well as the influence
of regional richness on local richness and (4) considering the potential reciprocal effects
of local processes on regional richness. In conclusion, we suggest some ways that similar
approaches could be applied to other aspects of community structure beyond species
Biogeography, history, large-scale ecology, local richness, regional richness, species
diversity, species richness.
Here we draw upon recent research to try to provide a including rates of diversification, niche conservatism and
series of suggestions for improving our understanding of differential dispersal (for a more detailed overview, see
regional influences on local communities. The proposed Harrison & Cornell 2007).
steps include: first, advancing our understanding of the To test whether regions differ in species richness because
regional-scale causes of variation in species richness; second, of different rates of diversification, i.e. speciation minus
using improved techniques to test the effects of regional extinction, the simplest approach is a sister clade compar-
richness on local richness; third, integrating external ison, in which one asks (for example) whether clades at
environmental influences on local and regional richness lower latitudes are consistently larger than their sister taxa at
into analyses of the local and regional richness relationship higher latitudes. A more complex approach is to analyse
and, fourth, considering the reciprocal effects of local lineage-through-time plots to compare rates of diversifica-
processes upon regional richness. In conclusion, we tion among clades. Using these and related phylogeny-based
consider how to extend similar regionally oriented methods, some recent studies have found evidence that
approaches to studying other aspects of community higher diversification rates can explain the greater species
structure beyond species richness. richness of regions at lower latitudes, as well as differences
among other types of regions and among taxa within the
same region (e.g. Mittelbach et al. 2007; Ricklefs 2007;
Wiens 2007).
Alternatively, some regions may have higher species
Under a strictly ecological worldview, in which local richness due to niche conservatism (Wiens & Donoghue
interactions and local abiotic conditions are of prime 2004), i.e. intrinsic and extrinsic limitations on the ability to
importance, the properties of regions – such as their species adapt and disperse, which tend to confine some taxa to the
richness, or the relationship of productivity to richness geographic or climatic zones in which they originated. As
across multiple regions – can seemingly only be built up applied to the latitudinal richness gradient or the produc-
from the properties of the localities they contain. How is it tivity–richness relationship, for example, the niche conser-
possible, then, to define a Ôregional species poolÕ or a vatism hypothesis suggests that there are more species in
Ôregional influenceÕ on local richness or other community warm and mesic regions because the majority of modern
patterns? One answer is that a region has some attributes higher taxa originated in warm and mesic environments, and
that are largely independent of its localities, such as its total many of these taxa cannot adapt fully to cooler or drier
area, internal environmental heterogeneity and biogeo- conditions (Wiens & Donoghue 2004; Harrison & Grace
graphic history (as, for example, an old region can contain 2007; Hawkins et al. 2007; Wiens 2007).
young localities). It is possible for such attributes to affect A third class of explanations for variation in regional
regional species richness, and, through dispersal, for regional richness is the differential dispersal of taxa among geo-
richness to influence local richness. In one early example, graphic regions. Dispersal among regions takes place at time
Cornell (1985) found that the geographic range sizes of oaks scales intermediate between those of speciation and
predicted the regional (whole oak species) richness of their extinction on one hand and competition and predation on
gall wasp faunas, and that regional richness in turn predicted the other, and thus may form a critical link between the
local (per-tree) richness of gall wasp communities on evolutionary and ecological determinants of community
different oak species. The effect of regional area upon local structure (Ricklefs 2004). While it is a difficult class of
richness has recently been termed the Ôecho patternÕ of processes to study, Roy & Goldberg (2007) have devised a
large-scale species–area relationships (Rosenzweig & Ziv model-fitting approach for testing the role of differential
1999). More recently, Partel (2002) showed that the dispersal in explaining regional patterns in the richness and
relationship of soil pH to local plant richness was positive age distributions of taxa, and Moore & Donoghue (2007)
in large geographic regions within which soil pH was have recently developed a rigorous method for identifying
generally alkaline, but negative in regions within which pH key dispersal events in lineages.
was generally acidic, and attributed this difference to the A few studies have attempted to use evolutionary
larger pool of species adapted to the prevailing pH in each methods to explain patterns in local as well as regional
region. richness. For example, McPeek and colleagues (e.g. McPeek
The recent rapid growth in phylogeny-based techniques, & Brown 2000) concluded that there were more species of
combined with the increasing interest of ecologists in Enallagma damselflies in lakes with than without fish because
evolutionary influences, has offered hope for a more explicit of the particular history of diversification and post-glacial
understanding of the causes of regional-scale species colonization of this group in the eastern USA, which has
richness. We briefly review some major evolutionary and produced a regional species pool with fewer dragonfly-
historical explanations for variation in regional richness, adapted than fish-adapted Enallagma. Dragonflies are top
predators in fishless lakes, and only some lineages within interest (Cornell & Lawton 1992; Srivastava 1999). Curvi-
Enallagma have evolved the behaviours necessary to resist linearity may also occur if the locality is defined at the
dragonfly predation; Other phylogenetic analyses of local excessively small scale of a few individuals, where the
assembly patterns within clades are reviewed by Brooks & numbers of individuals set an upper limit on richness
McLennan (2002). regardless of increases in regional richness (Loreau 2000). At
Narrow taxonomic scope is a major limitation on these the other extreme, linear relationships at very large local
approaches to understanding regional species richness. In scales may occur because large localities subsume multiple
general, it has not yet been possible to reconcile the rigor of habitats, substantial beta diversity and therefore a large
phylogenetic evidence with the taxonomic breadth of proportion of regional diversity, producing autocorrelation
complete ecological communities; in other words, all at the two scales (Huston 1999; Loreau 2000; Hillebrand &
potentially interacting species as opposed to only the Blenckner 2002).
members of a single clade. Clearly, ecologists will continue Underestimation can be corrected by the use of indices
to need a broad array of approaches to understanding such as FisherÕs alpha or the Chao estimator (Gotelli &
regional influences, including correlative studies and Colwell 2001), which use the frequency of rare species to
descriptive biogeography as well as phylogenetic analyses estimate true local richness. Overestimates of regional
(e.g. Qian et al. 2007). richness can be avoided if accurate natural history informa-
tion makes it possible to include in the species pool only
those species that are able to occupy the habitat of interest
(e.g. Zobel et al. 1998). Autocorrelation can be avoided
when truly independent datasets are available to measure
The majority of attempts to understand regional contribu- local and regional richness (Srivastava 1999), and ⁄ or by
tions to local richness in natural communities have used choosing scales for sampling local richness that are small
regressions of local on regional richness, or local and enough to minimize internal environmental heterogeneity.
regional richness analyses, although a minority have used Random placement null models are another useful way to
manipulative experiments. Positive local and regional deal with the autocorrelation and underestimation problems
richness relationships have been found widely (Cornell & (Belmaker et al. 2008). One way to avoid arbitrary defini-
Lawton 1992; Shurin & Srivastava 2005), including in tions of local and regional scales is to examine the
hyperdiverse communities (Karlson et al. 2004; Witman et al. consistency of the relationship across different spatial scales
2004) and across a broad range of spatial scales (Hillebrand (Cornell & Karlson 1997; Hillebrand & Blenckner 2002;
& Blenckner 2002; Shurin & Srivastava 2005; Freestone & Shurin & Srivastava 2005). Such an approach increases the
Harrison 2006; Cornell et al. 2008). It was originally argued power to detect curvilinear patterns, which are often missed
that positive linear local and regional richness relationships when the local scale is too large relative to the regional scale
implied regional control over local richness, whereas (Shurin & Srivastava 2005).
asymptotic relationships implied that local richness was These solutions to sampling bias were employed in a
constrained by local ecological interactions (Ricklefs 1987). field study of coral species assemblages along a regional
However, local and regional richness analyses have been biodiversity gradient in the west-central Pacific Ocean
much criticized, in part because of sampling and statistical (Karlson et al. 2004; Cornell et al. 2008). Data were
artefacts, and in part because of theoretical problems with collected on species-relative abundances, and separate
their interpretation. We consider each of the most critical regional richness estimates for flat, crest and slope habitats
problems and discuss possible solutions and limitations, and were used. Five regions were sampled (large, widely spaced
then discuss the advantages and disadvantages of experi- island groups) along the gradient, at three local scales,
mental approaches. comprising 10 m transects 100–2 m apart, sites 103–4 m
One statistical issue is pseudosaturation, or the tendency apart on 15 islands and islands 104–6 m apart within each
for curvilinear local and regional richness relationships to region. Slopes of the regressions of log-LSR on log-RSR
arise if local richness is underestimated or the regional pool showed a weak tendency to decrease with decreasing scale
is overestimated. Underestimation of local richness results using the raw data, suggesting a slight but non-significant
from disproportionate under-sampling of rare species in tendency towards curvilinearity at the smallest (single
species-rich regions (Caley & Schluter 1997). Overestimates transect) spatial scale (Fig. 1). However, when the Chao-1
of the regional pool occur because local richness is usually estimator was substituted for raw richness, the trend
measured in a single habitat, whereas regional richness is disappeared, suggesting that it may have been caused by
often taken from taxonomic compendia that combine all undersampling; all slopes were linear, suggesting local
habitats within a biogeographic region. The supposed pool communities in this case are open to enrichment from the
thus includes species that do not occur in the habitat of regional species pool.
scale processes of speciation and (global) extinction on the may arise even in the presence of strong competition,
one hand, and the local-scale processes of competition and depending on the relative rates of dispersal (Caswell &
predation on the other. Cohen 1993; Mouquet & Loreau 2003; Fukami 2004a),
Metacommunity theory, in which regions are portrayed disturbance (Caswell & Cohen 1993; Mouquet et al. 2003;
as collections of local communities linked by dispersal, Tilman 2004; Hillebrand 2005) and ⁄ or predation (Shurin &
provide an important framework for considering the Allen 2001). It has also been suggested that curvilinear
potential reciprocal interactions between local and regional relationships can arise even without competition (He et al.
richness and other aspects of community structure. One of 2005; Fox & Srivastava 2006). However, by providing the
the fundamental questions asked by metacommunity basis for improved null models, metacommunity theory may
models, for example, is under what conditions locally be useful in refining local and regional richness analyses just
incompatible competitors can coexist at the regional scale. as it has been in identifying their weaknesses (e.g. Mouquet
In a synthesis, Leibold et al. (2004) identified four types of & Loreau 2003; Cadotte 2006; Hugueny et al. 2007).
metacommunity models according to the roles played by For example, Hugueny et al. (2007) adapted a simple
dispersal and environmental heterogeneity: species-sorting, metacommunity model by Hastings (1987) to create a null
mass-effect, neutral and patch dynamics models. These model for the system of three Daphnia species in rockpools
models generally predict that the regional coexistence of on Baltic Sea islands, where colonization and extinction had
strong competitors is possible at low-to-intermediate been measured in hundreds of rockpools for multiple years
dispersal rates, whereas when dispersal is sufficiently high, (Bengtsson 1989; Pajunen & Pajunen 2003). The observed
local competitive exclusion may propagate to the regional relationship of local (rockpool) to regional (island) Daphnia
scale and reduce regional richness (e.g. Caswell & Cohen species richness was asymptotic. The model by Hugueny
1993; Mouquet & Loreau 2003). The species-sorting and et al. (2007) assumed that all Daphnia and all rockpools were
mass-effects metacommunity models provide an additional identical, Daphnia were either present or absent in rock-
reason why regional richness may be relatively resistant to pools, and competition among the three species would cause
local processes; these models emphasize regional environ- a linear increase in local extinction with the number of
mental heterogeneity and niche differences, which expand species per pool. Colonization of pools by each species was
the possibilities for locally incompatible species to coexist modelled in two ways: as a function of the frequency of
stably at the regional scale (e.g. Mouquet & Loreau 2003). occupied pools, or as a constant rate, reflecting uncertainty
When competition or other interactions are strong, rates about whether this system shows Levins-like (all popula-
of dispersal among localities are high and spatial refuges are tions small and transient) or mainland-island (some popu-
absent, metacommunity theory predicts that local dynamics lations large and permanent) structure. The model was
can feed back to reduce regional (metacommunity) richness. parameterized and tested with independent datasets. The
Empirical studies have demonstrated the interacting effects empirical local and regional richness relationship could only
of local community dynamics, among-community dispersal be fit by the model with competition and a Levins-like
and regional species composition in aquatic microcosms and metacommunity structure (Fig. 4); this model also fits the
mesocosms; when connectivity among patches is manipu- observed average local species richness per island better
lated, the results generally support the predictions that local than either a no-competition model or a mainland–island
and regional richness are maximized at low-to-intermediate model (Hugueny et al. 2007).
dispersal (e.g. Holyoak & Lawler 1996; Forbes & Chase Extending metacommunity ideas to large-scale natural
2002; Cadotte 2006). In systems with unmanipulated spatial systems remains a major empirical challenge. The studies by
structure, such as zooplankton in natural ponds or inquilines Shurin & Allen (2001) and Hugueny et al. (2007) illustrate
in pitcher plants, it has usually been easier to test the local- the utility of making predictions about local and regional
scale than regional-scale predictions of metacommunity richness based on detailed metacommunity models, as a
models (e.g. Shurin & Allen 2001; Cottenie et al. 2003; Miller basis for improved inferences about underlying processes.
& Kneitel 2005). However, Shurin & Allen (2001) showed However, it must be acknowledged that relevant parameters
that patterns of predator and prey zooplankton richness such as the rates of extinction and colonization of localities
across multiple natural ponds met the predictions of a will be very difficult to measure in most systems, especially
system-specific metacommunity model. when species have cryptic life-history stages.
Metacommunity models have led to an important Finally, we reiterate that in the absence of the detailed
conceptual critique of local and regional richness analyses, information required to test metacommunity theory, the
by showing that it is possible for either linear or curvilinear question of whether regional richness is strongly affected
local and regional richness relationships to arise under a by local processes could be treated as a statistical problem.
variety of assumptions (Shurin & Srivastava 2005). Most One possible approach is to test whether local richness
significantly, linear local and regional richness relationships predicts residual variation in regional richness or vice versa,
their species composition vary significantly among discrete
regions, suggesting species pool effects; third, how do
1.0 environmental influences relate to the species composition
and impacts of predators at both regional and local scales
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anonymous referees for insights that greatly improved an Fox, J.W., McGrady-Steed, J. & Petchey, O.L. (2000). Testing for
earlier version of the manuscript. local species saturation with nonindependent regional species
pools. Ecol. Lett., 3, 198–206.
Freestone, A.L. & Harrison, S. (2006). Regional enrichment of
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