Modified Peek Formula For Calculating Positive DC Corona Inception Voltage On Polluted Insulator
Modified Peek Formula For Calculating Positive DC Corona Inception Voltage On Polluted Insulator
Modified Peek Formula For Calculating Positive DC Corona Inception Voltage On Polluted Insulator
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Abstract: In this contribution, a mathematical model is proposed to predict the discharge inception voltage on polluted
insulators under non‐uniform field of a high voltage DC system. The present study is derived from the modified Peek's law
used for predicting the threshold voltage of a typical corona discharge. An onset criterion useful for practical electrode
geometries was experimentally validated by considering insulators’ level of pollution along with the electro‐geometric
parameters including inter‐electrode distance, HV electrode radius, and width of ground electrode. It was observed that, the
proposed mathematical model is much precise for smaller electrode radii and inter‐electrode distances with higher
conductivity of the pollution layer. Since prediction of the electrical onset on a polluted surface is of general interest for
designing HV equipment suitable for heavily polluted regions in the world, it is hoped that the results presented can be view
as a benchmark and a challenge for further research.
Keywords: outdoor insulation, polluted insulators, electric discharge, corona inception
circuit parameters along with the thermal characteristics of
1. Introduction the discharge. Different values are proposed from various
The electrical power network aims at delivering a authors. The fundamental shortcoming is related to the large
reliable power to the end users while transmitting bulk array between these values when comes the time to select
quantity of power from various power plants. With the values for a specific application.
increasing demand for high-level voltages, knowledge on From the investigation reported in this contribution explicit
design and performance improvement of conductors and information onto the role of the electric field in the
insulators for high voltage transmission is seen as an degradation mechanisms of the polluted insulators is derived.
interesting area of research. As transmission lines are
crossing several hundreds of kilometres, they are subjected to 2. Background
various climatic conditions [1]. These climatic conditions The electric field distribution along insulators is
also play a significant role in selecting the insulator and attributable to several factors and is non-uniformly
towers performance. distributed. When the intensity of the electric field exceeds a
Indeed, the presence of humidified pollution [2, 3] or threshold value, a discharge is initiated. If the propagation
icing [4, 5] on insulators and conductors may lead to an conditions of the arc are satisfied, electric discharge persists
outage of the line or introduce heavy damage in the power and propagates up to flashover [21]. Despite the large number
grid. Among these climatic conditions, deposition of of investigations in this field, there is a need to analyse and
pollution and accumulation of ice on insulators are major understand the root causes of arc initiation and propagation
factors that are to be considered and analysed [6, 7]. up to the insulator’s flashover. Such knowledge will be
The flashover of polluted insulator is an extremely helpful for predicting the behaviour of insulators and gather
complex phenomenon resulting from the interaction between: useful information to maintenance planners.
the electric field, conductivity of pollution layer and The study of the initiation and propagation of the
environmental conditions. It starts with corona discharges in electric discharge on polluted insulators are still not well
a region where the local electrical stress is high and evolves understood [23-33, 34 - 37]. Little investigations have been
into partial arcs [4, 5]. carried out with the aim of defining precise formulation to
The study of the electric arc evolution and its physical predict the arc initiation on polluted insulators.
phenomenon has been the subject of several contributions [8- Volat and Farzaneh [38] proposed an experimental
21]. Most of these models are empirical, semi-empirical or formula of the inception voltage corresponding to the
analytical. They are based on equations formulated from the minimum voltage required for the air gap breakdown, which
arc (n and N) parameters. The values of these parameters n depends on the initial length of the air gap and also on the
and N depend on the environment in which the discharge nature of the applied voltage. This propagation model also
develops. depends on the arc’s parameters (n and N).
Slama et al [2, 22] showed that the arc parameters, n Several researchers have also worked on defining a
and N are not static but depend on the equivalent electrical precise criterion for the air discharge inception in a point-
plane arrangement [39 - 41]. Most of the research has been value using a conductivity meter of Yokogawa type by adding
emphasized on the stochastic nature of the discharge. sodium chloride (NaCl) to distilled water.
Farzaneh [34] and Fofana [35] experimentally researched on
the insulators covered with snow and proposed an empirical 3.1. Discharge Inception
threshold field expression while considering the tip radius A photomultiplier was used simultaneously with voltage and
and the ice/snow conductivity. It is inferred that the threshold current measurements to detect early stage discharge
field decreases with increasing conductivity and the radius of phenomena. These signals were recorded from three
the tip. However, the authors have not considered the effect programs developed in Matlab :
of electrode distance and climatic conditions in the i. receives, visualizes (in real time), and records various
expression. signals like voltage, current, and electric arc as shown in
F.W. Peek was the first to study the corona effect, Figure 3.
although from a very descriptive point of view. An empirical ii. Allows reading the recorded file, reconstructing various
law has been reported, which is still universally accepted, to signals and viewing the data.
determine the critical field of a cylindrical conductor [42]. iii. Eases the determination of the inception time of the first
In the present contribution an analytical approach of discharge and consequently the threshold voltage applied
the discharge inception voltage for a polluted system, to the study system based on the PMT signal.
considering the electro-geometrical and climatic parameters
is reported. This expression is inspired by the corona effect
and is based on the initial discharge that occurs when the
electric field exceeds the threshold value. The proposed
relationship also exploits the Peek's law while considering the
climatic conditions, nature of electrodes, inter-electrode gap,
radius and width of circular electrode, type of applied voltage,
and pollution state. An experimental investigation into the
electrical discharge initiation based on Claverie and
Porcheron’s model using a photomultiplier is reported.
The comparison of the computed initiation with
measured data indicates the feasibility of predicting the
discharge inception using the proposed model.
3. Experimental investigations
The experimental circuit adopted for the present study
consists of a high voltage transformer (110 kV, 5 kVA)
associated with a rectifier. The measuring systems (resistive
1. High voltage DC 5. Study system
divider), current measuring systems (shunt resistor) and a 2. Resistive divider DAQ: Data acquisition system
photomultiplier (PMT) (R928P Hamamatsu Photonics) and a 3. Bushing, PMT: photomultiplier
data acquisition system allowed collecting the data. The 4. Shunt resistance (RSH)
physical model was tested in darkness to ease acquisition with
the PMT. The applied voltage is increased at 1 kV/s using a
HIGH VOLT WSM3 regulator. The intensity of the light Fig. 1. Experimental setup of the DC breakdown test.
emission is recorded with the PMTR928P aligned towards the
laboratory physical model. The photomultiplier is designed to
detect any light emission of wavelength ranging from (185 to U Circular Electrode
900) nm with a maximum of efficiency at a wavelength of
400 nm [43]. The results of the measurements (current,
voltage, and PMT signals have been recorded through a
National Instrument data acquisition system (DAQ) (NI PCI
6251). The experimental circuit along with the laboratory
physical model are presented in Figure 1 and Figure 2
The laboratory model presented in Figure 2 is based
on Claverie and Porcheron’s plane model [3, 44, 45]. It
consists of a glass insulating plate, which disposes by
spraying a uniform pollution (salty distilled water) layer
having conductivity ‘γ’. This plate is provided with a circular
electrode of radius (Rp) subjected to a high voltage (U) and a L
Rectangular Electrode
rectangular ground electrode of length (L) and width (a). The a
distance between the circular and rectangular electrodes is
(D). It is also assumed that distance between the center of the
circular electrode and the end of the plane electrode is ‘X’.
The conductivity of pollution layer was adjusted to a desired
distance (D) between electrodes and that the latter is at the
reference potential. The expression of the electric field on the
radius of the circular electrode (R) is calculated using the
image method. That is, a charge + Q (at potential U) placed
at a distance (D) from the zero potential infinite plane will be
equal to two charges + Q (at potential U) and -Q (at potential
-U) separated by a distance 2D.
Discharge inception
derived from the photomultiplier, including applied voltage 0.04
and the current measurement from the shunt resistance. The 0.035
time to first discharge is obtained from the PMT signal and 0.03
the corresponding onset voltage deduced from the voltage
wave shape (Figure 3b).
For the third system, the variation of three units of the 0.015
4. Mathematical model of the Threshold voltage To determine electric field distribution, Gauss's
and influence of various factors theorem and field-voltage relationships are used:
Where, 150
Eai = 30 kV/cm;
K = 0.308
Rp is radius of circular electrode in cm;
m1: geometric correction coefficient (between 0 and 1).
Considering efficiency area [49, 50, 44], m1 represents a 50
defined distance X:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
𝐿 Inter-electrode distance(cm)
𝑚 𝑋 𝑅𝑝 𝐷 6
With X [m]: distance between the centre of the circular Fig. 4. Simulated threshold voltage vs inter-electrode
electrode and the edge of the plane electrode. distance for different pollution levels (Rp=1.5cm, L=25.5cm).
m2 is correction coefficient of the conductors pollution, From the above results, it is observed that the
between 0.3 and 0.9 [48] inception voltage decreases with increasing pollution layer
m2 = 0.9 for clean insulator surface, conductivity. It can also be seen that with increasing inter-
= 0.7 slightly polluted insulator surface, electrodes distance and electrode radius, the inception voltage
= 0.5 moderately polluted insulator surface, of the first discharge increases regardless the electro-
= 0.3 highly polluted insulator surface. geometrical parameters.
. This is due to the fact that the electric field decreases with
and, 𝛿 7
increase in these parameters, thus requiring a higher voltage
p is air pressure in cm Hg, for the discharge (arc initiation). Importantly, it is noticed that
t is temperature in °C, with increase in the inter-electrode distance the inception
From equation (4) and equation (5), the threshold voltage is voltage of the Claverie and Porcheron’s system increases.
written as: The plane electrode width also influences the inception
voltage. However, its effect is less important than that of the
𝐾 𝑙𝑛 radius and the inter-electrodes distance. The inception
𝑈𝑐 𝐸 𝛿 1 𝑚 𝑚 8 voltage is much higher when the conductivity is low.
Threshold voltage for discharge inception(kV)
Highly polluted
80 Moderately polluted
Slightly polluted
70 Clean plate
The final expression of the threshold voltage of the corona
effect may be written as 60
𝐾 𝑙𝑛 𝑙 50
𝑈𝑐 𝐸 𝛿 1 𝑅𝑝 𝐷 𝑚 9
𝛿𝑅𝑝 2 40
electrode geometry, conductivity and potential distribution
highly polluted
moderately polluted
along this pollution.
60 slightly polluted The phenomena that occur on a polluted insulator are
clean plate fundamentally related to the presence of charged-particles,
50 and electric field distribution.
By increasing the conductivity, for a fixed inter-
electrode distance and radius, we increase the number of free
electrons thus reducing the electric field necessary for the
initiation of the discharge. The threshold voltage is thus
reduced. For a given conductivity, increasing of both inter-
electrode distance and the radius of circular electrode reduces
20 the electric field. For these reasons, the threshold applied
voltage should increase to initiate the corona discharge. The
10 electric field is obviously the determining factor in initiating
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
the discharge on a polluted insulator.
Plane width(cm)
Fig. 7. Simulated threshold voltage vs plane width for
different pollution levels (Rp=1.5 cm, D=20 cm) with the 5. Validation of the results
simulated model. To validate the proposed model, the simulation (SIMU)
results are compared with the experimental (EXP) data. The
comparison results are illustrated in Figures 10 to 15.
Threshold voltage for discharge inception(kV)
120 D=90cm
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Electrode radius (cm)
Fig. 8. Simulated threshold voltage vs electrode radius for
different inter-electrode distance (highly polluted plate, Fig. 10. Threshold voltage vs pollution layer conductivity
L=25.5 cm) with the simulated model. Simulation and experimental results (Rp=1.5 cm L 25.5 cm).
R 1.5 cm - L 25.5 cm EXP
10 5
5 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Pollution layer conductivity (µS /cm) Inter-electrodes distance
Fig. 11. Threshold voltage vs pollution layer conductivity Fig. 14. Threshold voltage vs inter-electrode distance
Simulation and experimental results (Rp=2.5 cm L 25.5 cm). Simulation and experimental results (γ=900 µ S/cm.)
20 25
15 20
0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Inter-électrode Distance D (cm)
Pollution layer conductivity (µS /cm) Fig. 15. Threshold voltage vs inter-electrode distance
Fig. 12. Threshold voltage vs pollution layer conductivity Simulation and experimental results (γ=400 µ S/cm.)
Simulation and experimental results (Rp=1.5 cm L 15.5 cm).
It is noticed that, the threshold voltage increases with
increasing distance between electrodes and this, regardless
the radius of circular electrode and width of the plane
electrode. The inception voltage decreases with increase in
conductivity and decrease in radius. For a given radius and
inter-electrodes distance, it is noticed that the measured data
have the same dimension as those predicted with the
analytical expression.
- The discharge inception conditions might have been Fig. 18.The error between the experimental and theoretical
affected by residual/space charges from previous results of Threshold (γ=400 µ S/cm).
Clearly, the complexity of an electrical discharge 6. Conclusions
increases as it takes place on a polluted surface. The pollution
Since corona inception is an important phase of the
layer not only influences the inception/propagation of a
flashover over a polluted surface, it is no wonder that a great
surface discharge, but is itself influenced by this discharge.
deal of effort must be devoted to mathematical modeling or
The difference between the simulation and
computer simulation. A mathematical model was proposed to
experimental results is reduced when the radius of circular
predict the initiation of the corona discharge on a polluted
electrode decreases and when the width of the plane electrode
insulating surface, based essentially on the calculation of the
electric field distribution in the studied system and the Peek’s
law. This model takes into account some macroscopic
electro-geometrical parameters that influence the discharge
inception and development on the polluted insulating surface.
The model was validated against experiments results carried
out on a polluted insulating surface. During the tests, the
applied voltage, the leakage current and a photomultiplier
signals were recorded.
From the investigations, it is reported that the
threshold voltage increases with increasing inter-electrodes
distance and high voltage electrode radius. It decreases with
increasing conductivity. This is because discharge inception
(due to ionization processes) is highly pollution layer
conductivity and electrical field intensity dependant. The
obtained results make it possible to quantify the influence of
electro-geometrical and climatic parameters on the initiation
Fig. 16. The error between the experimental and theoretical of a discharge on the polluted insulator.
results of Threshold voltage (Rp=1.5 cm L 25.5 cm). Since prediction of the electrical onset on a polluted
surface is of general interest for designing HV equipment
suitable for heavily polluted regions, it is hoped that the
results presented can be view as a benchmark and a challenge
for further research. It is also likely to have an impact on
further modelling/simulation of corona inception on polluted
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