PHPR 1000 Syllabus Fall 2010

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PHPR 1000: College of Pharmacy Orientation

Beginning the Academic Journey

Fall 2010

Course coordinator: Gayle Kamm, Pharm.D., BCPS

Office: HEB135C on Health Science Campus , 419-383-1932
Office hours will be held in the Student Affairs office on
main campus (WO1227) - Office hours: M & T 8:30 – 8:50,
and 11:00 – 11:30 or email for appointment at
[email protected]

Advisor: Deb Sobczak

Office: WO1227 on main campus, 419-530-2010
Appointment hours:   Monday – Friday
                                        8:15 a.m. – noon
                                        1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
                                         (Closed daily from noon – 1:00 p.m.)

Walk-in hours: Mondays                      1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

                                                           Wednesdays                 8:30 – noon, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
                                                           Fridays                         1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
                                                           (Any changes to these walk-in times will be posted next to
the WO1227 door.)
Advising Appointments can also be made online 24/7:

Peer Mentors: Peer mentors are professional-division pharmacy students from both the
Doctor of Pharmacy program and the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Science
programs. They have valuable experiences, information and insight to share. Please use them
as valuable resource both academically and socially. Refer to the list of peer mentors posted
on the course site on Blackboard 9 for contact information.

Course Details: 1 credit hour course

8/23/09 to 12/10/09
Last day to drop course: 9/7; last day to withdrawal: 10/29
Class times: Section 1: Mon 9 - 9:50 in WO 1205
Section 2: Mon 10 - 10:50 in WO 1205
Section 3: Tues 9 - 9:50 in WO 1205
Section 4: Tues 10 - 10:50 in WO 1205

Course Description: PHPR 1000 is a course designed to introduce students to various concepts
related to academic and personal success and satisfaction within the University community. It offers
strategies for successful transition to the University environment by examining University resources,
procedures, academic programs, self-resposibility, study strategies, and advising. In addition, it
introduces students to the profession of pharmacy and elements of pharmacy professional culture, as
well as providing networking opportunities through interactions with upper-class peer mentors.
The BAJ Connection – This course has been “hybridized” or developed as a blended
learning course in which students meet both face-to-face and online.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, a student will be able to:

 describe and discuss various study skills and how they apply to their discipline
 apply study skills appropriate for assignments in class, i.e., reading, note taking,
 demonstrate the ability to engage in critical thinking in reading comprehension, oral
and written communication, and alternative kinds of presentations
 reflect, critique, and complete personal assessment of time management and goal
setting strategies
 describe the functions and services of various campus offices and resources and
understand how they may impact their academic journey
 describe their own strengths, weaknesses, interests and skills and demonstrate an
understanding of how they align with their academic journey and career goals
 define "diversity" and provide examples that illustrate an understanding of how
diversity may positively or negatively impact the university and/or global communities.
 recognize, analyze and evaluate academic integrity as a core principle that underpins
how we live and learn in a community of inquiry
 identify academic standards, conventions of documentation, course requirements, and
UT institutional policies

Required Textbook:
No required textbook; an optional textbook will be available

Optional reading:
University of Toledo First Read Program: Dead Man Walking by Sister Helen Prejean  

Required Equipment: Turning Technologies Audience Response Card (clicker)

Methods for evaluating student performance / Grading:

 Attendance/Class participation: Each scheduled class period will involve questions and data
collection through the audience response system (ARS). Attendance at each class is worth 3
points. Missed class participation points may only be made-up if the missed class was
excused (see below).
Assignments: Assignments are posted on the course schedule in this syllabus. Look at the
specific instructions for assignments in the “assignment details” section on Blackboard for due
dates and requirements. Assignments will either occur online (BAJ modules) or be submitted
to Blackboard. Assignments that are not online BAJ modules are due on the date indicated
and are to be submitted in the assignment dropbox on Blackboard as instructed . Late
assignments will not be accepted and there will be no make-up opportunities for late
assignments unless approved by Dr.Kamm. Each assignment is worth 5 points unless
otherwise specified.
 Activities: There are several activities that are common experiences for every first year
student at UT, and are a requirement for the class. Details are posted on Blackboard.
Attendance at each activity is verified by your obtaining a voucher. An additional short
reflection assignment is required for each activity, as defined on Blackboard. To receive credit
for the activity, both the voucher and the reflection assignment must be turned-in at the
same time. Missed activities cannot be made-up, and no points will be given for missed
activities. Each activity is worth 5 points unless otherwise specified.
 Bonus: There are opportunities for bonus points during the semester as listed.

To receive the maximum number of points, you must attend every class, participate in classroom
activities as well as activities outside of the classroom and complete assignments as instructed by
the course instructor, peer mentors, guest speakers and the syllabus.

Summary of final grade determination:

Attendance/ class participation……….. 27 points
Assignments……………………………. 80 points
Activities…………………....................... 40 points

TOTAL: 152 points

Grading Scale:
Letter Grade Numerical Average (%)
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 65-69
F <65

ACADEMIC POLICIES: The student is responsible for following all academic policies at the
University. The student handbook is available at:
Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory. Any student who misses class or
consistently arrives late / leaves early can lose attendance points. Whether or not a student is
excused will be determined by the UT missed class policy. Any unexpected student absences
should be communicated to Dr. Kamm either by e-mail or phone/voicemail prior to class.
Students are responsible for complying with the missed class policies of their instructors.
Students bear the responsibility of notifying the instructor of a planned absence by one of the
methods mentioned above. In the event of an emergency or an unavoidably short notice of
absence, the student must present the instructor with an approved written excuse upon the
student’s return to class. Approved written excuses will be at the instructor’s discretion,
including, but not limited to, doctor’s notice, funeral programs, etc. as stated in the UT policy
below. It is strongly recommended that the student use two of the three aforementioned
methods (email, writing, or voicemail) to insure that the instructor is properly notified of the
planned absence.
****** To be considered an excused absence, you must meet the criteria
below for the UT missed class policy. ******
UT Missed Class Policy:
This policy provides for basic protections and reasonable accommodations for students who
miss class with excused absences. Students are expected to attend every class meeting of
courses in which they are registered. Only in specific, unavoidable situations does the
University excuse absences from class: 1) personal emergencies, including, but not limited to,
illness of the student or of a dependent of the student [as defined by the Board of Trustees’
Policy on Family and Medical Leave], or death in the family; 2) religious observances that
prevent the student from attending class; 3) participation in University-sponsored activities,
approved by the appropriate University authority, such as intercollegiate athletic competitions,
activities approved by academic units, including artistic performances, R.O.T.C. functions,
academic field trips, and special events connected with coursework; 4) government-required
activities, such as military assignments, jury duty, or court appearances; and 5) any other
absence that the professor approves.  
Students are responsible for all material covered in classes they miss, even when their
absences are excused as defined above. Students must make arrangements with instructors
to complete missed assignments, labs, examinations or other course requirements. 

Make-up Assignments: Unexcused absences resulting in a missed assignment will result

in a grade of zero for that assignment. Excused absences will be handled on an individual

Missed Activities: Since most of the required activities are run through the University, I have
no way to offer make-ups for these. If you have an excused absence that prevents you from
attending all of the sessions for an activity, contact Dr. Kamm and these will be handled on an
individual basis.

Academic Dishonesty:
It is the policy of this department and this course coordinator that for any student, who admits
to or is proven to have committed an act of academic dishonesty on any assignment, quiz, or
examination, that a grade of zero (0) will be assigned, and that the student will automatically
fail the course. Dishonesty is clearly defined in the University of Toledo General Catalog, and
includes plagiarizing or representing the words, ideas, or information of another person as
one’s own. Cheating and plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. Sharing clickers is cheating.
Students guilty of cheating or plagiarism will be prosecuted according to College of Pharmacy
and University policies.

Common Courtesy: Please be on time to class, and stay the entire 50 minutes. Take care
of bathroom needs prior to class. Turn off cell phones and pagers so that you are not
distracted, and do not distract others. Participate in class discussion, but be quiet and pay
attention when the instructor is talking. If you have a comment or question, please raise your
hand and wait to be identified. Introduce yourself to others around you; try meeting one or two
new people every week.

Blackboard 9
Please check website regularly. It will be used to post various assignments and announcements and
also to take quizzes.
To access: 1) go to 2) use your UTAD username and password (same as
UT email) to log in 3) click on the link for this course. For support on any blackboard or email issues
visit the Learning Ventures site

Beginning the Academic Journey (BAJ) Modules

There is a Blackboard BAJ site that houses many online modules. Some of these are required and
are listed on your assignments list. You are welcome to work through as many as you like beyond
what is required. Peer mentors will be going into the modules and evaluating your participation for
determining if you earned credit for the module. You may be asked to repeat the module if your work
is not considered satisfactory. You should have a link to the BAJ modules when you sign on to
Blackboard – it is listed as a separate course.
PHPR 1000 Course Schedule Fall 2010
Week Date Class Topics Assignments due Activities this week
1 1) Course Overview / Register clicker 8/25 student activities fair
Review of Syllabus numbers (link on (extra credit)
Aug 23/24 2) Blackboard Blackboard) – due Fri
3) student affairs 8/27 8/25 job fair (optional – no
introductions & credit)
pledge Online BAJ module: (part 1 8/25 & 8/26 BAJ module &
due Mon 8/30) Blackboard training
(optional – no credit)
Picture assignment –
due 8/31
2 1)Time management / online BAJ module: 9/2 Blackboard training
study habits / notetaking Prioritizing and (optional – no credit)
Aug 30/31 Planning at 212°
2) student organizations due Fri 9/3

3 No class – Labor Day MAP – Works survey 9/8 Blackboard training

#1 (will receive email (optional – no credit)
Sept 6/7 with details – do not
delete – need to link
through email)

4 online BAJ module: 9/13 – 9/17: Life at College

Sep 13/14 No class Rocket Resources I (mandatory)
- due Fri 9/17

5 online BAJ module: 9/20 – 9/23

Advising: curriculum / the complete student’s Learning Enhancement
Sep 20/21 plan of study guide to UT – due Fri Center Olympiad
9/24 (mandatory to attend 2
sessions of choice)
6 Plan of study must be
No class submitted online 9/30 First Year Fall Fest
before you can (extra credit)
Sep 27/28 register for Spring

Online module:
Pharmacy GPA
calculator (on
PHPR1000 site, not
BAJ module site) –
due Fri 10/1

Oct 4/5 Advising: policies / online BAJ module: 10/5 66 things every
degree audits (part 2 college student should
due 10/8) know before they graduate
(extra credit)

8 No classes - FALL
Oct 11/12 BREAK

9 Pharmacists: Unsung online BAJ module: 10/18 – 10/22 Life at

Oct 18/19 Heroes I’m NOT a cheater – College II (mandatory)
due Fri 10/22

10 Advising & professional MAP – Works survey

Oct 25/26 division admissions #2 (will receive email
with details – do not
delete – need to link
through email)

11 No class online BAJ module:

Nov 1/2 building a culture of
diversity: UT and you
– due Fri 11/5

12 PharmD Degree Pharmacy current

Nov 8/9 Careers news assignment –
due Fri 11/12

13 BSPS Degree Careers online BAJ module:

Nov 15/16 how good is Wikipedia
– due Fri 11/19

14 Nov 22/23 No class

15 1) Communication / 2 online BAJ modules

Nov Professionalism of choice – due Fri
29 /30 2) Advising 12/3

16 Dec 6/7 No class

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