Lesson Plan Week 3

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Bulaong Subdivision, Barangay West, General Santos City 9500

Tel No.: (083) 302-3507, Telefax No.: (083) 552-9793

Date/s: November 26-27, 2018 Schedule/Time: Mon-Tue/ 8:00-10:00; 10:15-12:15; 12:45-2:45
Subject: Research in Daily Life 2 Grade Level/Section: 12/ Hawking, Curie, Copernicus

Day 1 Day 2
1.Objective/s 1. designs a research useful in daily life (CS_RS12-Id-e-1) 1. designs a research useful in daily life (CS_RS12-Id-e-1)
2. describes background of research (CS_RS12-Id-e-3) 2. describes background of research (CS_RS12-Id-e-3)
3. Indicates scope and delimitation of study (CS_RS12-Id-e-5) 3. Indicates scope and delimitation of study (CS_RS12-Id-e-5)
4. Cites benefits and beneficiaries of study (CS_RS12-Id-e-6) 4. Cites benefits and beneficiaries of study (CS_RS12-Id-e-6)
2. Subject Matter Topic: Significance of the Study Topic: Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Reference: Reference:
 Baraceros, Esther L. Practical Research 2. Rex Book Store. 2016  Baraceros, Esther L. Practical Research 2. Rex Book Store. 2016
Materials: Laptop, Projector, Activity Sheets
Materials: Laptop, Projector

3.Learning 3.1.Preliminary Activities: 3.1.Preliminary Activities:

Procedure  Prayer  Prayer
 Greetings  Greetings
 Checking of Attendance  Checking of Attendance
 Asking the students what they have learned on previous lesson.  Asking the students what they have learned on previous lesson.
 Activity:  Activity:
Group Work. The teacher will ask the students if they are still Let them arrange the scramble letter to form a meaningful phrase.
familiar with the computer game “hangaroo”. For this activity, the POECS & NIIIOEATTMDL
objective of the game is to guess the word before committing three Review the scope and delimitation of the study discuss during their
(3) mistakes or giving wrong letters. research in Grade 11.

Let the learners go to their respective group research ask them to

solicit ideas about the meaning of scope and delimitation then share
it to the class.
3.2.Analysis(List questions to be asked)
 What is the meaning of scope and delimitation of the study?
 How scope and delimitation of the study can help the research?
 What is the meaning of scope and delimitation of the study in a
quantitative research?
 How will scope and delimitation of the study help the researcher?
 Why do we need to include the scope and delimitation of the study
3.2.Analysis(List questions to be asked) in research?
 What is the significance of the study? 3.4. Application:
 Why we need to know the significance of the study? Group Activity
 Why we need to know the benefits and the beneficiaries of a Instruction: Analyze the research title, statement of the problem and the
research? significance of the study of your own group. After that, construct the scope
3.3.Abstraction: and delimitation of your research. Present your formulated scope and
 How significance of the study help in improving the researcg? delimitation to the teacher for conference.
 How do we able to recognize if the significance of the study is
relevant with the research?
3.4. Application:
Group Work (Research Group)
Instruction: Write down the beneficiaries of your study and what will they receive
from the results of your study. Cite at least two benefits for each beneficiary.

Beneficiaries Benefits
4. Evaluation Direction: Identify the beneficiaries and benefits in a given titles. Individual Work
Title beneficiaries benefits Instruction: Answer the following questions in ½ sheet of paper.
1. Higher Order Thinking Skills in 1. Why we need to have the scope and delimitation of the research?
Reading of Freshmen in
University of Northern
Philippines, Academic Year
2. Level of Acceptability of
Worksheets for Film-Clipping
by the Teachers of English in
University of Mindanao,
Academic Year 2016-2017
3. Awareness on Traffic Rules
and Regulations of Tricycle
Operators and Drivers
Association in Brgy. Culiat,
Quezon City
5. Assignment As a group, formulate the significance of the study of your own research. As a group, rephrase and finalize the scope and delimitation of the study
according the teacher’s recommendation. (To be submitted within the day.)
6. Reflection Students learn the importance of the significance of the study. They will The students learn the meaning of scope and delimitation of the study.
know who can benefit the research they will be conducting. They will be able to construct scope and delimitation of their own research.
They students will display cooperation within their group in writing the
scope and limit of the study.

Prepared by: Reviewed & Approved by:

Gian Jane B. Quiñones, LPT Date: November 22, 2018 Monina M. Duqueza,Ph.D. Date:____________
Teacher SHS Principal/Consultant

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