Barrons Words
Barrons Words
Barrons Words
Just make aloof ulta : foola : fool : A fool is apart and reserved just like Gorakh gaikwad
loft - Our house's loft which is upward
If you alter(shrink/make small) the cat, you will have a heated dispute/ noisy quarrel with the cat
Truis (true) A true perso is concerned for others, unselfish and generous
remember Dr Levin -- He didn't want to amalgamate the 2 high BP medicines.
To mass something is to collect sthg
Just imagine lara croft in Tomb Raider --> amazon
valence bond ---> the 2 nuclii have contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes
Imagine a horse running slowly (ambling) with you riding on it.
Poet is anonymous
Imagine an ant ---a huge ant who is going and suddenly it becomes hostile and gives you an active
ante - root word which means before mhanje which precedes
estors or early background ante means before---so events that have taken place before which will influence the com
before--mhanje very ancient and antiquated
Jana Gana Mana our National Anthem is our song of praise and patriotism
logy means word , study, reasoning stg so basically related to books and it is a book of literary selection by various author
anthrop means-----man
anthrop means man and logy means study so anthropologist means tha study of the history and science of humankind
anthrop means man so anthropomorphic means having human forms or characteristics
When you are watching a movie which you feel would be a happy ending and suddenly the story ends in a shocking sad end
anti means against ----> medicine which is given to counteract against poison
When you are walking against the path, the tiles of the path make a face saying that they dislike you and would like to avae
You know this
A substance that is against infection
Figute of sppech…You have studied
Imagine the picture of the anvil in DYPCOE where you hammered the hot metal.
a red footpath which does not take care of people walking on the path is apathy --indifferent from the white footpath, lack o
Imagine a chimpanzee who is aping you --is mimicing you and imitating you
aperture - vagina of a woman is an aperture isn't it --It is an opening, a hole
What can be an apex ? A tip , a summit, a climax? A tall mountain peak
asia is a continent which has lost its speech due to the population explosion
Phori (Imagine a pori a porgi) on whose breast is written an aphorism [A pithy maxim or saying]
You know this
lomb kalta ahe kay AP (Andhra Pradesh) ap but it is still with great poise and assurance
It I basically related to doom, predictions of doom or some calamity
Tou cry because the situation is made up and untrue and targetting you
apoghee - Imagine a lot of ghee and the highest point of the ghee would be in the sup the highest point/ level of ghee
A person who dislikes polictics, does not have any interest in polictics is apolitical
Logist is related to logy which means related to work or study apologist is working in a polo coaching institue and he write
state - state of apo means apostae eg Daniel is a Buddhist who ia actually an apostate he has abandoned his religious beliefs
pot carrying drugs/medicines..So apothecary is a druggist
Rajnikant --People consider him God in South ..Just imagine Rajnikant bathing with milk..Now that is real apotheosis
I saw a pal (Apall) in my food and I was dismayed/shocked
When you are at pease (peace) you are soothed, relieved, pacified
Imagine an apple jyacha ver tuZa nav lihila ahe …PRASAD MARATHE
You know this
Appo (the elephent chya) site varti astana you get an appropriate/ fitting apposite name of the elephant which should be Ap
AP la praise karuya---That means when you praise ap 9appraise ap you estimate the value of AP in terms of its richness in m
Rand appreciate zala
criminla la pakadne mhanje apprehend, dread, perceive
the hen is afraid, fearful, discerning and is apprehensive
To prise / prize someone mean to inform someone by imforming him ki boss I have to apprise/inform you that you have wo
When an emplyee is on probation means that he would be assessed for his performance and then will be inducted approbati
er type, throwback
…of a tree ..imagine that the point is a drug that relieves pain, opitaes when it dines
re which will influence the coming events OR people who have lived before you..your ancestors
se and patriotism
rary selection by various authors like Leo Tolstoy, Macbeth etc
nd science of humankind
story ends in a shocking sad ending, then you have a let down in thought or emotion
like you and would like to avaert you cause you are walking with dirty feet.