2018 - 1 - Advertisement No. 2-2018 (Various Posts)

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Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission

Advertisement No. 2/2018

Dated: 9th January, 2018

Online Recruitment Applications (ORA*) are invited from desirous and eligible candidates for
recruitment to various posts in different departments of Himachal Pradesh Government through ORA, which
shall be available on the Commission‟s website www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc up to 29th January, 2018 till
11:59 P.M. (IST), thereafter link will be disabled.
(*by using official website www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc).


1. Date for determining eligibility of all candidates in respect of essential qualification(s) and experience,
if any, etc., shall be the prescribed closing date for submission of online recruitment applications
(ORA) i.e. 29th January, 2018.
2. The candidates must read instructions carefully, which are available on website of the Commission
before filling up Online Recruitment Application Forms (ORA) for the post(s) concerned.
3. The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and essential
qualification(s) etc. as mentioned against concerned post in the advertisement to avoid rejection at
later stage.
4. Incomplete Online Recruitment Applications submitted without requisite examination fee, scanned
photograph & scanned signatures of prescribed size, will be rejected straightway.
5. The benefit of reservation for various post(s) will be admissible only to the candidates, who are
bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh in respect of categories, viz., S.C., S.T., O.B.C., Ex-
Servicemen, WFF and Persons with disabilities (Loco motor Disabled / Visually Impaired/ Hearing
Impaired) etc.
6. The reserved category candidates belonging to other States will be treated as GENERAL
CATEGORY CANDIDATES and the benefit of reservation and fee concession will not be admissible
to such candidates.
7. Number of post(s) is/are tentative and may increase or decrease from time to time.
8. In service (regular service) candidates may apply to the Commission along with requisite fee with
information to their Head of Departments/ Employer for issuing NOC. No in service (regular service)
candidate will be interviewed unless he / she brings NOC from the concerned employer.
9. Examination fees once paid will not be refunded.
10. Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.
Detail of post(s) and eligibility conditions are given as under:-

Item No. I (A): Department of Medical Education, H.P.

Sr. Name of the post/ discipline No. of post(s) Extract of Part-

No. A of Annexure-II
1. Professor (Neurology) Class-I 01 (UR) D.M. Neurology 2/3 years course as
(Gazetted) (IGMC, Shimla) recognized by the M.C.I. after M.D.
(Backlog post) Medicine, or MBBS and 5 years direct
course leading to D.M. Neurology.
2. Associate Professor (Paediatric 01 (UR) M.Ch. Paediatric Surgery 2/3 years course
Surgery) Class-I (Gazetted) (IGMC, Shimla) as recognized by MCI after M.S. Surgery,
(Backlog post) or MBBS and 5 years direct course leading
to M.Ch. Paediatric Surgery.
3. Associate Professor (Plastic 01 (UR) M.Ch. Plastic Surgery 2/3 years courses as
Surgery) Class-I (Gazetted) (IGMC, Shimla) recognized by MCI after MS Surgery, or
(Backlog post) MBBS and 5 years direct course leading to
M.Ch. Plastic Surgery.
4. Associate Professor 01 (UR) D.M. Nephrology 2/3 years course as
(Nephrology) Class-I (Gazetted) (IGMC, Shimla) recognized by M.C.I. after M.D. Medicine,
(Backlog post) or MBBS and 5 years direct course leading
to D.M. Nephrology.
5. Assistant Professor (Plastic 01 (UR) M.Ch. Plastic Surgery 2/3 years courses as
Surgery) Class-I (Gazetted) (IGMC, Shimla) recognized by MCI after MS Surgery, or
(Backlog post) MBBS and 5 years direct course leading to
M.Ch. Plastic Surgery.

Pay band, age and Essential Qualification(s) for the post of Professor (Neurology) mentioned at
Sr. No. 1:-

Pay band: ` 37400-67000/- + ` 10,000/- (Grade Pay)

AGE: 50 years and below.
Essential Qualifications:-
(i) A recognized medical qualification included in the first or second schedule or part-II of the third
schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of
educational qualification(s) included in part-II of the third schedule should also fulfill the
conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of section-13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
(ii) A Post-Graduate degree in the concerned specialty mentioned in Part-A of Annexure-II or its
equivalent qualifications.
(iii) At least 4 years teaching experience as Associate Professor in the concerned specialty failing
which an Associate Professor having 7 years teaching experience as Associate Professor and
Assistant Professor combined in the concerned specialty. However, in all cases, the incumbent
shall have minimum ten years teaching experience after post graduation.
Note-I: All Medical Teachers must possess a basic University or equivalent qualifications included in the
Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. They should also be registered under the State
/ Central Medical Registration Act.
Desirable qualifications:-
(i) Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment
in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
(ii) Minimum of four Research Publications indexed in Index Medicus / National Journal and one
Research Publication in International Journal.
Pay band, age and Essential Qualification(s) for the posts of Associate Professors in Paediatric
Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Nephrology mentioned at Sr. No. 2-4:

Pay band: ` 37400-67000/- + ` 8900/- (Grade Pay) + ` 400/- (Special Pay)

AGE: 50 years and below.
Essential Qualifications:-
(i) A recognized medical qualification included in the first or second schedule or part-II of the third
schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act-1956. Holders of
educational qualification(s) included in part-II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions
stipulated in sub-section (3) of section-13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
(ii) A Post-Graduate degree in the concerned specialty as mentioned in Part-A of Annexure-II or its
equivalent qualifications.
(iii) At least five years teaching experience as Assistant Professor in the concerned specialty, failing which
an Assistant Professor having six years teaching experience as Assistant Professor and Lecturer
combined which shall include four years teaching experience as Assistant Professor in the concerned
specialty after Post Graduation:
Provided that in all cases, the incumbent must possess at least five years teaching experience after
Post Graduation in the concerned specialty.
Desirable qualifications:-
(i) Knowledge of customs / manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in
the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
(ii) Minimum of four Research Publications indexed in Index Medicus / National Journal and one Research
Publication in International Journal.

Pay band, age and Essential Qualification(s) for the post of Assistant Professor (Plastic Surgery)
mentioned at Sr. No. 5:-

Pay band: ` 37400-67000/- + ` 8900/- (Grade Pay)

AGE: 45 years and below.
Essential Qualifications:-
(i) A recognized medical qualification included in the first or second schedule or part-II of the third
schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act-1956. Holders of
educational qualification(s) included in part-II of the third schedule should also fulfil the conditions
stipulated in sub-section (3) of section-13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
(ii) Post-graduate and post-doctoral degrees as mentioned in Part-A of Annexure-II or its equivalent
qualifications in the concerned Super-specialty.
(iii) At least 3 years teaching experience as Lecturer / Registrar / Demonstrator/ Resident after doing
post-graduation in the concerned specialty in any recognized Medical College.
Note-I: All Medical Teachers must possess a basic University or equivalent qualifications included in the
Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. They should also be registered under the State
Central Medical Registration Act.
Note-II: Two/ three years degree course while doing D.M. / M.Ch. shall be counted as teaching experience
for the purpose of appointment as Assistant Professor (Super Specialty).
Desirable qualifications:-
(a) Knowledge of customs / manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in
the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
(b) Publication of research papers in Index Journals.
Item No. I (B):

Name of the post: Medical Physicist, No. of posts: 02 (UR) (one each for IGMC, Shimla & RPGMC,
Class-I (Gazetted) Tanda)
Pay band:- ` 10,300-34800/- + ` 5400/- (Grade Pay)
Age: 45 years and below.
(a) Essential Qualification:-
(i) A Bachelor‟s Degree in Science with Physics as one of the subject or Master‟s Degree in Science
from a recognized University; and

(ii) A post graduate diploma in Radiological Physics or its equivalent duly recognized and approved by
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai (AERB), Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
Master Degree in Medical Physics or Radiation Physics from a recognized University and approved
by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai (AERB), Government of India.

(b) Desirable Qualification:-

Knowledge of customs / manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in
the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

Item No. II: Department of Industries, H.P.

Name of the post: Manager/ Project Manager No. of post(s): 01 (General)

(DIC), Class-II (Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
Pay band: ` 10300-34800/- + ` 4400/- (G.P.)
(Fixed contractual amount: ` 18,000/- p.m.)
AGE: 45 years and below.
a) Essential Qualification:-
Bachelor‟s Degree in Engineering or its equivalent from a University / Institution recognized by H.P.
Master‟s Degree in Science or Commerce or Economics or Mathematics or Statistics or Business
Administration or Operational Research or its equivalent from a University / Institution recognized by
H.P. Govt.
b) Desirable Qualification:-
(i) At least two years experience in any Industrial Undertaking/ Industrial Organization/ Department of
Central / State Government in the field of Industrial Development.
(ii) Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in
the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

Item No. III: Department of Language, Art and Culture, H.P.

Name of the post: Research Assistant / No. of posts: 04 posts (General=03 and ST=01)
District Language Officer, Class-II (Non-
Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
Pay band: ` 10300-34800/- + ` 4200/- (G.P.)
(Fixed contractual amount: ` 14,500/- p.m.)
AGE: 18 to 45 years.
a) Essential Qualification(s):-

M.A. second class in Hindi / Sanskrit or M.A. second class in any subject after graduation with Honours
in Hindi / Sanskrit from a recognized university or its equivalent.
b) Desirable Qualification(s):-
(i) One year‟s post M.A. experience in Translation, terminology lexicography or editing.
(ii) Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in
the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

Item No. IV: Department of Public Works, H.P.

Name of the post: Head Draughtsman, Class- No. of posts: 05 posts (General=03, SC=01 and OBC=01)
II (Non-Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
Pay band: ` 10300-34800/- + ` 4400/- (G.P.)
(Fixed contractual amount: ` 14,700/- p.m.)
AGE: Between 18 and 45 years.
Essential Qualification(s):-

Bachelor degree in Architecture of a recognized Institution or its equivalent.

Intermediate Examination in Architecture from a recognized Institution with 03 years experience under a
qualified Architect after qualifying Intermediate Examination.
Diploma course in Architectural Assistantship awarded by the State Board with 03 years experience under
a qualified Architect after qualifying Diploma course.

Desirable Qualification:-
Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the
peculiar conditions prevailing in Himachal Pradesh.

Item No. V: Department of Home Guards and Civil Defence under the Department of Home, H.P.

Name of the post:- Commandant / No. of post(s): 04 posts {General= 03 and ST=01 (backlog post)}
Junior Staff Officer, Class-I (Gazetted)
(on Contract basis)
Pay band: ` 15600-39100/- + ` 6600/- (G.P.)
(Fixed contractual emoluments: ` 22,200/- per month).
Age: 45 years and below.
(a) Essential Qualification(s):-

(i) Retired / released Army Officer of the Indian Armed Force of the rank of Captain or above, who has
served as Commissioned Officer (other than honorary) for a period of at least 3 years.
(i) Graduate of a recognized University.

(ii) Five years regular service as Company Commander in the Department of Home Guards & Civil Defence
(b) Desirable Qualification(s):-
Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the
peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

Item No. VI: Department of Economics and Statistics, H.P.

Name of the post: Research Officer, No. of post(s): 01 (General)

Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
Pay band: ` 10300-34800/- + ` 5000/- (G.P.)
(Contractual emoluments: ` 15,300/- per month)
Age: 18 to 45 years.

Essential Qualification:-
Master‟s Degree in Economics/ Statistics/ Mathematics/ Commerce (with Statistics) from a recognized
Desirable Qualification:-
Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the
peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

Item No. VII: Department of Town & Country Planning, H.P.

Name of the post: Planning Officer, No. of posts: 02 (Ex-Serviceman=01 and OBC=01)
Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
Pay band: ` 10300-34800/- + ` 5000/- (G.P.)
(Contractual emoluments: ` 15,300/- per month)
Age: 45 years & below.
Essential Qualification:-
B. Tech. Degree in Urban/ City/ Town/ Regional Planning from a University or Institute duly recognized
by All India Institute of Town Planners, India.
Bachelor of Planning or Bachelor of Technology in Planning from a University or an Institute duly
recognized by All India Institute of Town Planners, India:
Provided that preference will be given to the candidates possessing at least 3 years experience in
Urban/ City/ Town/ Regional Planning‟s work under any authority constituted under Town & Country
Planning Laws or in the Town & Country Planning Department after acquiring the above qualification.
Desirable Qualification:-
Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the
peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.


Detailed instructions for filling up Online Recruitment Applications are available on the above
mentioned website.
a) Desirous/ eligible candidates should apply online through official website of the Commission.
Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted.
b) The candidates, who wish to apply for more than one post, should apply separately for each post and will
have to pay the requisite examination fees for each post in the prescribed manner.
c) After submitting the Online Recruitment Application(s) (ORA), the candidates are required to
take a printout of the finally submitted Online Recruitment Application and submit the same along with
requisite self attested/ attested documents / certificates in support of their eligibility to the Commission on
the day of Screening Test for the concerned post.
d) In case the candidate has applied against more than one post published in the advertisement, the candidate
is required to submit separate copies of requisite self attested/ attested documents/ certificates along with
the printout of the Online Recruitment Application of each post on the day of Screening Test for the
respective posts.

The detail of fee for respective categories is as under:-

Sr. Category Examination

No. Fees

1. General Category ` 400/-

{including General Physically Disabled, i.e. Orthopedically disabled, Deaf & Dumb,
Hearing impaired/ W.F.F. of HP/ Ex-Servicemen of HP relieved from Defence Services on
their own request before completion of normal tenure, General wards of Ex-SM of H.P., i.e.
Dependent sons, daughters and wives of Ex-SM of H.P. and candidates of other states
(including reserved category candidates of other states)}

2. S.C. of H.P. /S.T. of H.P. /O.B.C. of H.P. ` 100/-

(including S.C. /S.T. /O.B.C. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. relieved from Defence
Services on their own requests before completion of normal tenure and SC/ ST/
OBC wards of Ex-SM of H.P., i.e. Dependent sons, daughters and wives of Ex-

3. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex-Servicemen, who are relieved from Defence Services No Fee
after completion of normal tenure)/ Visually Impaired of H.P.

Mode of Payment:-
Candidates can pay requisite Examination Fee either through „e-Challan‟ or through „e-Payment‟
1. The candidates can deposit the requisite examination fees at any branch of Punjab National Bank
through an „e-Challan‟ generated through the website of the Commission. Thereafter, candidates are
required to visit again the above mentioned website to access the home page of the “ONLINE
APPLICATION FILING SYSTEM” by entering User ID and password earlier created by the
candidates on or before the last date. Click on “FEE DETAILS” and enter the details of “Branch
Code/ Name, Transaction Number and Date of deposit” & then click on “Update Fee Details.”

2. The candidates can also pay requisite examination fees through Debit or Credit Card of any Bank.
Before applying online, all candidates are advised to go through detailed instructions given on the
above mentioned website.

In case of any guidance/ information/ clarification regarding their Online Recruitment Applications,
candidature etc.; candidates can contact HPPSC‟s Reception Counter in person or on Toll Free No. 1800-180-
8004 or Phone No. 0177-2624313 and 2629739 on any working day between 10:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M. For
queries related to submission of Online Recruitment Application(s), candidates can also contact on Ph. No.
0177-2629738 on any working day between 10:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M.


The information in respect of provisionally admitted candidates on claim basis and rejected candidates
(for want of requisite fees) will be uploaded on website of the Commission before the conduct of Screening
Test/ Examination for the concerned post(s).
The candidates are required to submit their requisite documents in support of their eligibility for the
concerned post(s) on the day of Screening Test as per essential qualification(s) for the concerned post(s). The
requisite documents submitted by the candidates, will be scrutinized and list of proposed rejected candidates
will be uploaded on the website of the Commission for information of all concerned. Besides, concerned
candidates will be informed through e-mail(s) and SMSes. No separate intimation in this regard will be sent
by post.
Seven days‟ time will be given to file representation(s) along with supporting documents against the
proposed rejections, if any, from the date of uploading the list of rejected candidates on the website of the
Commission for the concerned post(s), failing which, no representation(s) will be entertained thereafter.

Candidates are advised to visit the Commission’s website from time to time for updates in their
own interest.
e- Admission Certificate(s):
No Admission Certificate(s) will be sent by post and provisionally admitted candidates will have to
download their respective e-Admission Certificate along with instructions for the concerned post(s) from the
official website of the Commission. Therefore, the candidates are advised to remember their User ID(s) and
password(s) earlier created by the candidates to log in to download their respective e-Admission
Certificate(s). The provisionally admitted candidates will have to paste a passport size photograph duly self
attested / attested by a Gazetted Officer on the space provided on the downloaded e-Admission Certificate(s),
failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear in the Screening Test/ Examination, in any condition/
circumstances, whatsoever.
 Furnishing of false information or suppression of any material fact(s) in the Online Recruitment
Application form(s) would entail disqualification of the candidate and he / she will be disqualified from
appearing for recruitment to any post to be advertised by this Commission for a period of three years from
the date of submission of application by such candidate(s).
 The detailed particulars of such candidates will be uploaded on the website of the Commission to blacklist
such debarred candidates.
Note: Original certificates will have to be produced at the time of interview/ personality test. If any of
their claims is found to be incorrect; besides rejection they may render themselves liable to
disciplinary action by the Commission.
The category once claimed by the candidate(s) will not be allowed to change after the conduct of
Screening Test for the concerned post(s). Where the direct interview(s) will be conducted, candidates can
apply for change of his/ her category seven days prior to the commencement of interview(s).
The S.C. of Himachal Pradesh / S.T. of Himachal Pradesh / O.B.C. of Himachal Pradesh/ WFF of
Himachal Pradesh / Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh and Physically Disabled of Himachal Pradesh
candidates must possess such certificates(s) in support of their claims made in the Online Recruitment
Application(s) (ORA) while applying for the concerned post(s). The benefit of reservation will be
admissible on parental basis only. All the candidates belonging to reserved categories are also required
to go through the relevant instructions of the Government of Himachal Pradesh issued from time to time
in order to ensure that they are eligible under a particular category.
The candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh will have to furnish Discharge
Certificate and full detail in respect of their P.P.O. No., Rank, and date of retirement from the Defence
Services to claim the benefit of reservation for the category of Ex-Serviceman of Himachal Pradesh.
Dependent sons, daughters & wives of Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh (Wards of Ex-Servicemen of
Himachal Pradesh) may apply against the posts specifically reserved for Wards of Ex-Servicemen
category (i.e. Dependent sons, daughters and wives) and not against the posts reserved for Ex-Servicemen
of H.P. in order to avoid rejection of their candidature at any later stage for the concerned post(s).
The candidates belonging to OBC of H.P. category must produce OBC certificate(s) on the prescribed
format valid till the relevant term of the Financial Year (i.e. 1st April to 31st March) as notified by the
Government of Himachal Pradesh (in the Department of Revenue) in Rajpatra dated 09th January, 2012.
Candidates must have a valid OBC Certificate covering the entire period from last date of submission of
online applications till date of interview along with an undertaking that his / her status as OBC has not
been changed and he / she has not been excluded from the category of O.B.C. of H.P. on account of being
covered under creamy layer.
For the posts reserved for Wards of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh (WFF of H.P.), sons/
grandsons/ daughters/ grand daughters of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh, who have been
appointed on regular basis as well as married daughters/ grand daughters shall not be entitled for the
benefits of reservation provided to the wards of Freedom fighters in Government services, against the
identical posts in the same scale. The employed children/ grand children and married daughters/ grand
daughters of Freedom Fighters will be deemed to have been excluded from the definition of Ward of
Freedom Fighter for the purpose to this extent. The children/ grand children of Freedom fighters of
Himachal Pradesh, who have been appointed in Govt. / Semi Govt. or Private Sector etc. services against
the post(s) reserved for the wards of Freedom Fighters on regular basis will remain entitled to compete for
higher rank/ grade posts/ services on the basis of reservation earmarked to the wards of Freedom Fighters
of Himachal Pradesh. The un-married daughters/ grand daughters will have to submit an affidavit being
spinster (un-married) in support of their claim(s) issued by the authority authorized under the Indian Oath
Act. Otherwise such candidates will be rejected straightway.

(i) The date of determining the eligibility of all candidates in terms of essential qualification(s), experience
etc., if any, shall be reckoned as on the closing date, 29th January, 2018 for submission of Online
Recruitment Applications (ORA) on Commission‟s website.
(ii) If no post is reserved for a particular reserved category falling under vertical reservation, then such
candidates can be considered against General / UR category, provided such candidates will have to
fulfill the criteria, i.e. age limit, experience, qualification etc., which are applicable to General category
candidates. In other words, when a relaxed standard is applied in selecting SC/ ST/ OBC
candidate, for example in the age limit, experience, qualification etc. then such candidates would be
deemed as unavailable for consideration against unreserved vacancies in accordance with the
instructions of the Government (in the Department of Personnel) issued vide letter No. PER (AP)-C-F
(1)-2/2001 dated 12th November, 2014.
(iii) For recruitment to the post(s) to be filled up on the basis of experience, it will be necessary for the
candidates to have the required experience for determining his/ her eligibility after acquiring the
requisite essential educational qualification(s).
(iv) The decision of the Commission regarding eligibility etc. of a candidate for admission to Personality
Test/ interview or selection will be final and no correspondence / personal enquiries will be entertained.
(v) Onus of proving that a candidate has acquired requisite degree/ essential qualification by the stipulated
date, shall be on the candidate and in the absence of proof to the contrary, the date as mentioned on the
face of certificate/ degree or the date of issue of certificate / degree shall be taken as date of acquiring
essential educational qualification. No extra opportunity shall be provided to the candidates to produce
appropriate certificates at the time of interview.
(vi) In respect of equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular
qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, then the candidate is
required to produce order/ letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under
which it has been so treated otherwise the Online Recruitment Application is liable to be rejected.

AGE:- As mentioned against each post.


(i) Five years relaxation in upper age limit is admissible only to the bonafide SC of H.P. / ST of H.P. /
OBC of H.P. /WFF of H.P. / Persons with disabilities of Himachal Pradesh. For H.P. Govt. employees
and Ex-Servicemen of H.P.; age relaxation is as per Government‟s instructions issued from time to time.
(ii) Age of a candidate shall be reckoned as on 01.01.2018.


(i) In cases where the number of eligible candidates for recruitment to the post(s) advertised by the
Commission is inordinately large, the Commission may limit / shortlist the number of eligible
candidates to be called for interviews by subjecting them to a screening test (objective-type /
descriptive) of two hours duration. Marks obtained in the Screening Test are only meant to short list the
number of candidates for interviews/ personality tests and are in no way to be presumed by the
candidates as being their merit for final selection. Any correlation drawn by the candidates between
their score in the Screening Test and final merit at a later stage is completely unwarranted. No
representation(s) shall be entertained in this regard. Final selection of a candidate will be made solely on
the basis of his/ her performance in the interview/ Personality Test, which will be of maximum 100
marks. The minimum pass marks in interview are 45 for the candidates of general category and 35
marks for the candidates of reserved categories.
(ii) Where selection is to be made on the basis of performance of the candidates having qualified the
screening test, before the interview board, a candidate scoring more marks in the interview shall be
placed above the candidates scoring lesser marks in the interview. If the candidates will score equal
marks in an interview, then a candidate securing more marks in the screening test will be placed above
the candidate securing lesser marks in the screening test. In case the marks of screening test are also
equal then the candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age. Where
selection is to be made purely on the basis of performance of the candidates before the interview board,
a candidate scoring more marks in the interview shall be placed above the candidates scoring lesser
marks in the interview. If the candidates score equal marks in an interview, then a candidate who is
senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age.
(iii) The key of each screening test (objective type) will be uploaded on Commission‟s website immediately
after the conduct of Screening Test(s) for the concerned post(s) for calling objections from the
candidates. Seven days‟ time shall be given for inviting objections, if any, against the key from the
date of display on Commission‟s website. The objection(s) will be got verified from the concerned
subject expert and, if found correct, a revised key of that screening test will be uploaded on
Commission‟s website immediately after declaration of result of screening test for the concerned post
and no objection(s) will be entertained thereafter.
(iv) There will be negative marking for incorrect answer for every question and one fourth (0.25) of the
marks assigned to that question, will be deducted as penalty.
(v) The marks / merit list of appeared / admitted candidates will be displayed on Commission‟s website
after final recommendation for appointment to the Government of H.P. (in the concerned Department).
(vi) For more information of candidates, HPPSC (Procedure & Transaction of Business and Procedure for
the Conduct of Examinations, Screening Tests & Interviews etc.) Rules, 2007 (as amended up to 20th
April, 2017) pertaining to selection procedure etc. is available on Commission‟s website.
(vii) The eligibility of candidate(s) called for the interview will be determined on the basis of original
documents produced on the day of interview and the Commission will not be responsible if the
candidature of any candidate is rejected at that stage or at the time of verification by the appointing
authority. As such, admission to the screening test/ examination/ interview/ personality test shall be
purely provisional.
(viii) Summoning of the candidate(s) for interview/ Personality Test; conveys no assurance whatsoever that
they will be selected or recommended. Appointment orders to the selected candidate(s) will be issued by
the appropriate appointing authority.
(ix) If any visually impaired candidate requires scribe, he / she has to request for the same in writing to the
Commission at least seven days prior to the screening test for the concerned post. Such applications will
be entertained on merit and as per the rules.
(x) Re-checking/ re-evaluation, for the written examination(s)/ Screening Tests will not be allowed in any
(xi) Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.

1. All candidates, whether in Government Service or Government owned Industrial or Public Enterprises
or other similar organizations or in private employment should submit their applications online directly
to the Commission. Persons already in regular Government service, whether in a permanent or
temporary capacity are required to submit a declaration that they have informed in writing to their Head
of Office/ Department that they have applied for a particular post. In case, a communication is received
from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to any candidate applying for/
appearing for the examination, his/her application(s) will be liable to be rejected.
2. Casual/ adhoc / daily rated/ work charged employees do not need to produce NOC from the concerned
3. In Government service (regular service) candidates may apply to the Commission along with requisite
examination fees with information to their Head of Departments / Employer for issuing NOC. Any
candidates, who are in regular Government Service or Government owned Industrial service, will not be
interviewed unless he/she produces NOC from the concerned employer.
4. It may be ensured by the candidates before submitting the applications that furnishing of false
information and documents or suppression of any factual information in the application form would
entail disqualification. If the fact that false information / document(s) has been furnished or that there
has been suppression of any factual information in the application; comes to the notice at any time
during the service of a person, his service would be liable to be terminated.
5. The candidates applying for the post(s) should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for
admission to the examination. Their admission at all stages of screening test/ examination for which
they are admitted by the Commission, viz., written examination and interview/ Personality Test will be
purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification at
any time before or after the written examination or interview test, it is found that they do not fulfill any
of the eligibility conditions; their candidature for the concerned examination will be cancelled by the
6. Candidate, who is or has been declared by the Commission to be guilty of:-
(a) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by the following means, namely:-
 offering illegal gratification to, or
 applying pressure on, or
 blackmailing, or threatening to blackmail any person connected with the conduct of the
examination, or
(b) impersonating, or
(c) procuring impersonation by any person, or
(d) submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with, or
(e) making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information, or
(f) resorting to the following means in connection with his/her candidature for the examination,
 obtaining copy of question paper through improper means,
 finding out the particulars of the persons connected with secret work relating to the
 influencing the examiners, or
(g) using unfair means during the examination, or
(h) writing obscene matter or drawing obscene sketches in the scripts, or
(i) misbehaving in the examination hall including tearing of the scripts, provoking fellow
examinees to boycott examination, creating disorderly scene and the like, or
(j) harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct of
their examinations, or
(k) being in possession of or using mobile phone, pager or any electronic equipment or device or
any other equipment capable of being used as a communication device during the examination;
(l) violating any of the instructions issued to candidates along with their admission certificates
permitting them to take the examination, or
(m) attempting to commit or as the case may be abetting the commission of all or any of the acts
specified in the foregoing clauses; may in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to
criminal prosecution, be liable:-
to be disqualified by the Commission from the examination for which he/she is a candidate
(n) to be debarred either permanently or for as specified period:-
 by the Commission from any examination or selection held by them.
 by the Central Government from any employment under them, and
(o) if he/she is already in service under Government to disciplinary action under the appropriate
Rules. Provided that no penalty under these Rules shall be imposed except after:-
 giving the candidate an opportunity of making such representation, in writing as he/she may
wish to make in that behalf; and
 taking the representation, if any, submitted by the candidate within the period allowed to
him/her into consideration.

7. The centres of holding the examination(s) are liable to be changed at the discretion of the Commission.
However, every effort will be made to allot the examination centre(s) of their choice to the candidates.
But, the Commission may, at its discretion, allot a different centre to a candidate when circumstances so

a) That no column is wrongly filled or kept blank as the information furnished therein would be used to
determine the eligibility of candidates to be called for interviews.
b) In order to ascertain the eligibility for the concerned post(s), a printout of the finally submitted Online
Recruitment Application (ORA) has to be submitted along with all requisite attested copies of
certificates/ documents to the Commission on the day of Screening Test for the concerned post(s).
c) That copies of only following documents/certificates are provided in support of claims made/
information given in the Online Recruitment Application:-
i) Degree/Diploma certificates along with Marks Sheets of all years in support of Educational
Qualifications. The provisional certificate(s) along with marks sheets of all semesters/ years.
ii) Matriculation certificate for age proof.
iii) Experience certificate(s) wherever required.
iv) Order/ letter in respect of equivalent Educational Qualifications claimed, indicating the authority (with
number & date) under which it has been so treated.
No candidate will be eligible for admission to the examination:-
a. If he/ she has been dismissed from any previous Govt./ Semi Govt. service;
b. If he/ she has been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude or has been permanently debarred
/ disqualified from appearing in any examination or selection;
c. If he / she is found either directly or indirectly influencing the selection process in any manner; or
d. If he / she is an un-discharged insolvent.
H.P: Himachal Pradesh, PSC: Public Service Commission, UR: Unreserved, SC: Scheduled Castes of H.P,
ST: Scheduled Tribes of H.P, OBC: Other Backward Classes of H.P as declared by the Govt. of H.P from
time to time, Ex-SM: Ex-Servicemen of H.P., WFF: Wards of Freedom Fighters of H.P, Wards of Ex-SM:
Dependent sons, daughters and wives of Ex-SM of H.P., PWDs: Persons with disabilities of H.P., VI:
Visually impaired, HI: Hearing Impaired and EQ: Essential qualification(s).

(Sanjeev Pathania) IAS,
H.P. Public Service Commission
Ph. No. 0177-2623786

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