Grade 6 DLL ENGLISH 6 Q4 Week 2
Grade 6 DLL ENGLISH 6 Q4 Week 2
Grade 6 DLL ENGLISH 6 Q4 Week 2
GRADES 1 to 12
Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: WEEK 2 Quarter: 4TH Quarter
4. Additional Reference
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Give the word that each Give the word that each Pronunciation Drill: /m/ What is your ambition in life? Checking of assignment
or presenting the new underlined adverb scribes. What underlined adverb scribes. What Tongue Twister
lesson part of speech is it? part of speech is it? Mrs. Master
The food was quite delicious. The food was quite delicious. Mrs. Master mixed a mess of
The carpenters finally finished The carpenters finally finished messy mustard. A mess of messy
their jobs. their jobs. mustard Mrs. Master mixed. If
The dog behave badly. The dog behave badly. Mrs. Master mixed a mess of
messy mustard. Where the mess
of messy mustard Mrs. Master
B. Establishing a purpose for Present/ read to the class the Present/ read to the class the What would you like to be when What would you like to be when Short review
the lesson selection entitled LEADERSHIP” selection entitled LEADERSHIP” you grow up? you grow up? Giving of instructions
Pls listen carefully and try to Pls listen carefully and try to
take not.e of the words which take note of the words which are
are used as adjective or adverbs. used as adjective or adverbs.
Remember that adverbs are Remember that adverbs are
words that describe verbs, words that describe verbs,
adjectives, and other adverbs. adjectives, and other adverbs.
Adjectives are words that Adjectives are words that
describe a noun or a pronoun. describe a noun or a pronoun.
C. Presenting Have the pupils listen as you Have the pupils listen as you Make a survey of the profession Work w/ a partner. Use the data Test Proper
examples/instances of the read the selection “LEADERSHIP” read the selection “LEADERSHIP” the pupils would like to take. on 4P’s member (refer to
new lesson Use The Chart below downloaded LP, p.179)in
Profession # of completing the bar graph
Respondents NO. OF 4P’s member
Engineer 2
Doctor 0
Priest 1
Nun 8
Teacher 1
Soldier 6
Policeman 1
Nurse 4
Lawyer 1
0 I
Write sentences stating your
findings and conclusions
D. Discussing new concepts Did you enjoy listening? Did you enjoy listening? What did most pupils choose to What did most pupils choose to
and practicing new skill #1 Do you love the traits of the Do you love the traits of the be? be?
character in the selection? character in the selection? What profession did they choose What profession did they choose
next? next?
What professions had the same What professions had the same
number of respondents? number of respondents?
How many choose to become a How many choose to become a
teacher? teacher?
E. Discussing new concepts Now, can you tell us the words Now, can you tell us the words Give 3 other professions that Give 3 other professions that
and practicing new skill #2 that have been used as that have been used as nobody chooses. nobody chooses.
adjectives and adverbs? adjectives and adverbs? What profession got the least What profession got the least
(write on the board their (write on the board their number of respondents? number of respondents?
answers) answers)
F. Developing mastery Some words are used both as Tell whether the underlined What conclusion can you give as What conclusion can you give as
(Leads to Formative adjectives and adverbs. words is used as adjective or an a result of the survey? a result of the survey?
Assessment) Study these sentences adverb
1. Jolina is a hard worker. (Write the sentences on the
2. Jolina works hard. board, refer to p.158 of
3. The fast runner won the downloaded LP)
4. The boy ran very fast
G. Finding practical In what sentence is hard used as Let the pupils give their Let the pupils give their
applications of concepts adjective? As adverb? conclusions based from the conclusions based from the given
and skills in daily living What can you say about the use given data (refer to downloaded data (refer to downloaded LP,
of fast in the above sentences? LP, p.179) p.179 or you may create new
H. Making generalizations Hard in the first sentence is an ADVERBS are words that How did you come up with your How did you come up with your
and abstractions about adjective. What noun does it describe verbs, adjectives, and conclusions? conclusions?
the lesson describe? Hard is an adverb in other adverbs.
the second sentence. What verb ADJECTIVES are words that
does it modify? describe a noun or a pronoun
Fast in the third sentence is used
as adjective.
Fast in the fourth sentence is
used as adverb.
I. Evaluating learning think, fair, share Let them answer each Work w/ a partner. Use the data Post on the board the Passing of papers, answering the
Pupils are divided In pairs .Each underlined words as an adjective on dropouts (refer to selection,p.170 of downloaded test questions, checking the
pair has a flap. Have them or an adverb? downloaded LP, p.179)in LP, then let them answer the answers and recording the data
construct a sentence using each 1.Try not to come late to church. completing the bar graph questions that follow.
of the given words (on the 2.The late pupils missed part of NO. OF DROPOUTS
board)-w/ reference as to how the recitation.
they are used, whether as an 3. Acer reads the best of all
adjective or adverb. contestants
4.He is the best reader of them
Write sentences stating your
findings and conclusions
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
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