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Dynavclctor: Ever Hear Ruby?

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Class-H circuitry not only

saves energy but also

reduces dissipation within
the amplifier substantially.

power sound reinforcement amplification), I would have no res-

ervations in recommending it or its less expensive first cousin,
the PA5001 A, for use in any high-quality home music system.
Soundqaftsmen makes an interesting point in calling this amp
(and others in their line) "digital/PCM ready." What they mean,
very simply, is that the future PCM/digital program sources are
going to have so much dynamic range that you are going to
need more powerful amplifiers, or at least amplifiers that offer a
great deal of headroom (the RA 7502 has ample power and
ample headroom), if you hope to be able to reproduce such
wide dynamic range program sources without compression or
clipping. Indeed, I played all manner of demanding source mate-
rial through this amplifier and it just refused to quit. Furthermore,
Fig. 5-Spectrum analysis even at peak levels which caused the O-dB LEOs to light repeat-
(see text) shows 1M edly, the RA7502 remained unusually cool, confirming Sound-
components near high end craftsmen's contention that their Class-H circuitry eliminates the
01 audio spectrum. Sweep need for any cooling fan, even for amplifiers with such high-
is linear from d.c. to 20 power ratings used under the most difficult conditions. If you
kHz, 2 kHz per linear need a full horsepower of audio power (at 4 ohms it actually puts
division. 1M percentage out a bit more than 1 ·HP) and don't want to give up accurate
equivalent works out to be sound reproduction and ultra low TIM, THO and 1M of all forms to
O.Ot?percent. get it, I would urge you to audition this rugged amplifier. Don't let
its "industrial" look fool you; it's a true high fidelity product in
every good sense of that much abused pair of words.
Leonard Feldman
Enter No. 91 on Reader Service Card

Ever hear a Ruby?

It takes more than a ruby cantilever to make a short and as hard as possible.
moving coil cartridge capable of excellent sound As a result, a solid laser cut
reproduction. Ittekes imagination, engineering synthetic ruby cantilever only
knowledge and dedication to perfection. 2.5mm in length with a
The Dynavector DV/Karat series is the diamond contact tip is utilized.
culmination of these efforts. Another benefit of the
short/hard ruby cantilever is the
CB=affn{[l-~.B~ + l01211f)2+··l .. ·!2l
high resonance frequency
=;;:;. (3=pcr'
(IE + Gr) . p2ra'
0= EG
above 50 kHz. Therefore, the
elimination of rubber damping.
Dr. Noboru Tominari, the creative Without the "creeping time
genius and founder of Dynavector, effects of rubber" (temperature
developed a radical new technology changes and age deterioration), the
taking into account wave dispersion DV/Karat's ability to produce sound with
and cantilever vibration theories. stunning realism, brilliant tonal balance
Dr. Tominari reasons that the and exquisite detail is maintained over the life
"soft" sound of most cartridges of the cartridge.
was due to the various delays of The truth is in the listening. Call or write for the
frequencies along the length of name of a Dynavector audio specialist near you.
the cantilever.
The role of the cantilever as a
sound dispersing medium has Dynavector Systems U.S.A, 7042 Owensmouth
been mitigated by making it as Ave., Canoga Park, CA 91303. (213) 702-8025.

Enter No. 14 on Reader Service Card

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