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Reaction Paper IN Sted 2: Inocencio, Donita Rose M. Bsed Iii - English

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It was said that authentic assessment covers a lot of aspects of student’s knowledge
and understanding, skills and also their attitudes. This assessment was also used to
evaluate student’s learning, achievement, motivationand attitudes on relevant
activities given to them. Aside from those mentioned above, assessment also brings
out meaningful application of students’ knowledge and skills. The assessment’s
covered aspects, its use, and purpose are important in determing the level of
knowledge and skills of the students.

As a future teacher, I think that assessment will be my lifeline in order for me to make
the knowledge, skills, values, lessons, etc. be imparted to my students. I also believe
that it has to be carried out in every teaching lesson so that the teaching-learning
process will be successful.

This topic posits that authentic assessment has varied forms. It can be in the form of:
1. Journals
2. Portfolios
3. Rubrics

It was said that journals are used by teachers to make students write reflections on
their learning. I think It was a good form of assessment because not only the teachers
will be able to know how much the students have learner from a certain topic but also
teachers can use this assessment to know things the students are struggling with so
that the teacher could fill in the gap of student’s learning.

Portfolios are also used as a collection of studen’s work that represents their best
work. For me, It was also a good form of assessment that lets teachers record students

Rubrics are also a form of assessment that teachers used oftentimes to assess students
learning. It was an another assessment that helps teachers identify what the students
have achieved and what are the things they are lacking.

In this topic, those three forms assessment are usually what the teachers used to assess
the students but other types of assessment the teachers also used were given. These
assessmenst are:
1. Story or text retelling
2. Writing samples
3. Projects/exhibitions
4. Constructed-Response Items
5. Teacher Observations
6. Oral Interviews

These assessments are essential because not only teachers can use any of these to
assess, they can also use these to measure, and also to evaluate students learning.
These assessments can be used to measure students learning because it gives teachers
the extent of what the students have learned. These can also be used to evaluate
because this way teachers can put their final judgement or grades based on the results
of the assessment.

“Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.”

-Josef Albers

Quite a lot of students is having a hard time answering teachers questions due to a
number of reasons. If I am going to based the answer on my experience, the reasons
might be because students simply don’t know the answer, they might not be sure if
their answer is correct or they are embarassed to give wrong answer. These are all
valid reasons for not giving correct answer to the teacher giving questions but if we
are going to look for the other factor affecting the success of elliciting right answer
from the students, teachers play an important role.

In this topic, the success of teaching and learning process relies on the quality of the
question that teachers give to their students. I agree to this because teacher should
plan the right questions to ask so that the students will be able answer them with ease.
Based on my own experience planning the right question to ask helps getting the right
response from the students. If at the first try the students did not try to answer or tried
to answer but it was not specifically correct then as a teacher, we have to find a way
on how to make them feel engaged and give the right answer. One way to make it
happen is to rephrase the questions into simpler form because it might be too vague
for the students understanding, another way is to make an analogy of the topic that
your are discussing so that the context of it will be easier to understand for them that
when you ask the same questions they would give the right response.

This topic also pointed out two types of questioning that the teachers used inside the
classroom and these are lower order thinking skills and higher order thinking

When I was in high school, the lower order thinking skills was the commonly used
types of questioning inside the classroom. It was mostly the type of questions that
would ellicit answer that is based on the topic discussed and also often times, requires
the answer yes or no. It is said that the the quality of teacher’s question affects the
quality of thinking in the classroom. I agree to this, because most of the time, I was
under the predicament of not being able to form a coherent answer when asked a
higher order thinking skills. And it got me into thinking that this was probably due to
my exposure to lower order questioning my teacher used when I was in highschool
that I was not able to practice critical thinking skills.

Transformative Education or transformative learning is said to be about change,

dramatic, fundamental change in the way we see ourselves and the world. It was
explained in the way that learning in transformative education is more on accepting to
any ideas, concepts, or any changes that would benefit the system of education.

In this topic transformative education is built on two types of transformational

learning theory. These are:
1. Instrumental learning
2. Communicative learning

In instrumental learning the focus would be on learning through task-oriented

problem solving and determination of cause and effect relationship. I suppose this is a
valid explanation on the way or the process on how the teacher was able to make
students learn. We always experience this when we are inside the classsroom and as a
future teacher we are going to be using this instrumental learning to make students
learn. From making them answer the questions asked in a lesson, to having them
participate in activities to making them answer their homework with the promise of
rewards after, intrumental learning is being practiced a lot.

While in communicative learning, it is involved with how others communicate their

feeling, needs and desire with another person. It helps the learners become critical,
autonomous, and responsible thinkers.
As a future educator, we are going to make use of this theory in order to teach
students on how to examine their own thinking, come to new assunmption, beliefs,
reflections and a transformative way of thinking.
These two types of learning theory are both essential foundation of transformative of
education because it helps the learning to be open to a lot of new posibilities of way
of learning.

This topic also tackles about the process of perspective transformation which
1. Psychological
2. Convictional
3. Behavioral

Aside from perspective transfromation, elements of frame of reference was discussed

in which poses an argment that said learning occurs in one of the four ways;
a. By elaborating existing frames of reference
b. By learning new frames of reference
c. By transforming point of view
d. By transforming habits of mind

This topic also has key points to apply transformational learning in practice.
1. Ideal learning condition
2. Effective instructional method
3. Sensitive relationship with the students
I would say that these 3 key points make valid points and I agree that these will be
very essential to students learning. These three are important because, firstly, effective
and successful learning will and can only happen if the environmen or the learning
condition is conducive. Secondly, if the method of teaching was well planned,
organized, meaningful, the teaching instruction will be very effective and would
contribute to the success of students learning. And thirdly, establishing a healthy
relationship to the students will help them be at ease and comfortable in learning the
lessons because they will not feel intimidated and fear answering question and engage
in the lesson.

PBL- PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING is both a teaching method and and an

approach to curriculum which consists of carefully-designed problems that challenge
students to use problem solving techniques, self-directed learning strategies, team
participation skills and disciplinary knowledge.

In this topic, PBL is developed to help students be more active, hands on and engaged
inside the clasroom. In this method students will be motivated to use their critical
thinking skills, problem solving skills that will develope students higher order
thinking skills. I think this approach is very helpful to the students because it will
make them think outside the box. It will trigger their curious mind and help them
make a habit of seeking answers to everything they are curious about.

As for the steps in PBL by Drake and Burns both teachers and students will work on
slecting the topics based on the interest of the students, the curriculum standards and
local resources. The teacher will guide students in finding answer to a problem and
come up with outputs to be evaluated after.

In this topic PBL will serve as a stepping stone for the students to find the knowledge
on their own.


The idea of having or using portfolio is to monitor students learning. As what is
pointed out in this topic, postfolion is an indispensable tool to demonstrate student’s
learning and at the same time develop and improve critical thinking skills. Another
good thing about portfolio is that it helps students gain self-awareness in learning.
They will be able to know their strength and weaknesses in documented form that
they can use to improve themselves.

Success in the teaching-learning process is always attributed to the creativity of the

teachers. I suppose this is true because students have varied ways on how to learn.
Some students get bored in a certain teaching style, while others enjoy it. If this is the
case wherein not all students are engaged in lesson then the the teaching-learning
process might not be successful. In this scenario, the teacher must take into
consideration the students who are not interested to the lesson and find ways on how
to make the it interesting to all the students.

This topic gave three several ways to sustain learner’s interest.:

1. Use diverse learning activities or experiences
2. Relate clearly to individual learning modes
3. Recognize groups success through appreciative remarks and rewards.

For the first one, as a student and as a future teacher, these three ways to make
students engage in a lesson is very relatable. Based on my experience as a student, I
tend to enjoy or take interest in lessons that has differen learning activities. When I
was in high school I get bored easily if the activities that we do inside the classroom
are always the same. The same with my experience as an educator student observing
in my cooperative school while completing my field study requirements, I can see and
tell that students are more excited, engaged, and motivated if they get to experience
varied activities inside the classroom.

For the second one, As a future teacher we have to be aware that students learn
differently with each other. A student could learn better using visuals, while other
students learn better if information is heard or spoken, while other might learn better
if lesson is written and other students might learn better if they can use tactile
experiences and carry out physical activity to practice applying the new information.
Knowing all these different types of learning helps us as a teacher to make the lesson
effective and the teaching learnin-process successful.

For the third one, as a student we experienced that we are motivated to learn if we
received appreciative remarks and rewards from the teachers. This was what I feel
when I was in high school. I get inspired if I hear my works are being appreciated and
because of it I am motivated to learn more.

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