Weekly Current Affairs (1-7 May 2020)
Weekly Current Affairs (1-7 May 2020)
Weekly Current Affairs (1-7 May 2020)
1st May - 7th May
Targeted Examinations:
CSE, ESE, PSUs, State Exams,
SSC and Banking Exams
Current Affairs MADE EASY
(1st May to 7th May 2020)
Yash Programme
• The Department of Science and Technology (DST) recently launched a programme
YASH (Year of Awareness on Science and Health), which aims at encouraging public
engagement and enables communities to increase their sense of awareness against
Under the initiative, the DST has planned to work out academic, media, research and
voluntary organizations to prepare for emergency and also to address challenges.
• The programme will include health, science and risk communication software, audio-
visual, folk performances, digital platforms and communicators to address the
challenges. The programme is to be launched in regional languages as well.
spores and other Eukaryotic organisms such as Plasmodium are eliminated, killed,
removed or deactivated. The main methods used in sterilization include dry heat,
pressure, gas vapor, ultraviolet radiation, chlorine dioxide gas, etc.
Research (CSIR) has launched Kisan Sabha application to connect farmers to freight
transportation and supply chain.
• The application minimizes interference of middle men and connects with the
institutional buyers directly. Thus, the farmers are able to get best market rates for
their crops. The rates are easily obtained well than the nearby mandi.
• It also helps service providers, mandi dealers and other customers like online stores,
retail outlets and institutional buyers. Apart from farmers and transporters, the
application is also helpful for dealers who are involved in pesticides and fertilizer
• PAHAL scheme is a joint initiative of United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) and IPE Global, with main objective to provide quality and
affordable health care solutions to urban poor. This will help reduce out of pocket
expenditure of the underserved urban communities by 30%.
• PAHAL is an acronym for Partnerships for Affordable Healthcare Access and
• Context: Recently, USAID announced that it will provide 3 million USD for India’s
PAHAL project. Till now, USAID has provided 5.9 million USD. The funds that have
been allocated recently are to be used to disseminate public health messages to the
public, to provide care to the affected and to strengthen surveillance and case finding.
• National Agriculture Market (eNAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which
networks the existing Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMC) mandis to
create a unified national market for agricultural commodities. It was launched in
Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is the lead agency for implementing
eNAM under the aegis of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government
of India.
• It has vision to promote uniformity in agriculture marketing by streamlining of
procedures across the integrated markets, removing information asymmetry between
buyers and sellers and promoting real time price discovery based on actual demand
and supply.
• Context: Recently, around 200 Mandis were added to the eNAM platform from the
states of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh.
These addends have brought the number of e-Nam mandis in the country to 785.
For the first time, a mandi from the state of Karnataka has been added to the e-NAM
third of the state legislative council members expire every two years.
• After bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir, 6 out of 28 states of India presently have
State Legislative Council, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra,
Telangana and Uttar Pradesh.
• Context:
▪ The Election Commission of India announced that it is to conduct biennial
election for 9 vacant seats for the members of Legislative Council of the
Maharashtra State Legislature.
▪ Uddhav Thackeray, the CM of Maharashtra, must get elected in this election
as he is currently not a member of any house of state legislature. Constitution
of India mandates a member of Union Cabinet or State Cabinet must be
elected within 6 months of taking oath.
▪ Article 324 of Constitution gives powers to the Election Commission of India
to conduct parliamentary and state legislature elections.
• The All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) organized AYURAKSHA Programme
under the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy).
The main objective of the programme is to fight against simple and time tested
Ayurveda immunity boosting measures.
The programme which was a joint venture of AIIA and Delhi Police, was titled
AYURAKSHA “Corona Se Jung-Delhi Police Ke Sang”.
• The programme recommends Chyawanaprash, which has Amla as main ingredient. It
also recommends other major formulations such as Sanshamani Vati and anu Taila.
• EA
Under the programme, the proposal is to be implemented in phased manner. In phase-
I, the quarantined officials are to be covered. In Phase-II, police officers in
containment zones are to be covered. In phase-III, the officers in quarantine zones are
to be covered. Finally in Phase-IV, the police men working in front line of the
COVID-19 combat are to be covered.
launched “IDEAthon”, which focuses to explore how the COVID-19 crisis will
change the river management strategies.
• The event finalized that more attention is required towards river management. Also, it
highlighted the interconnectivity of cities with the river.
• The Namai Gange Programme is to bring out a policy based on the suggestions
provided by IDEAthon.
provided the basic amenities.
• Context: The Ministry of Development of the North Eastern Region has directed
Arunachal Pradesh Government to include Chakma and Hajong communities in the
COVID-19 relief programme.
The saffron cultivated in the Kashmir Valley has recently received Geographical
Indication (GI) Tag.
• This type of saffron has long, thick and has natural deep red colour. Also, it has high
aroma and processed without adding any chemicals.
• The colour of the saffron is unique due to the high quantity of crocin. It has a rich
flavour because of safranal and the bitterness is due to the presence of picrocrocin.
Chak-Hao or Black rice (Manipur)
This rice variety has a deep black colour and is higher by weight than that of other
coloured rice varieties like brown rice, etc.
• The rice is black in colour mainly due to the anthocyanin agent.
Kovilpatti Kadalai Mittai is a peanut candy made in southern parts of Tamil Nadu. The candy
is prepared from ground nut and jaggery. The water in making this is exclusively used from
the river Thamirabarani, originates in the Western Ghats and flows into the Gulf of Mannar.
The terracotta of Gorakhpur is centuries old. The potters of the town make animal figures like
elephants, horses, etc. Every piece of arts created has more toil and has earned less
remuneration so far.
Central Vista Redevelopment Project
Context: The Expert Appraisal Committee has cleared the proposal to new
Parliament at Rs 922 crores. The Central Vista committee has also approved the new
One Nation One Ration Card
• Under the One Nation One Ration Card scheme, eligible beneficiaries would be able
to avail their entitled food grains under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) from
any Fair Price Shop in the country using the same ration card.
The aim of the scheme is inter-state portability of ration cards. The scheme benefits
people taking food grains under public distribution system (PDS). The system is
highly useful to the migrant workers. In India around 37% of the population are
migrant labourers.
• Context: The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution approved
the integration of some states and Union Territories under One Nation One Ration
Card scheme. These states include Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Dadra and Nagar
Haveli, Daman and Diu and Himachal Pradesh.
▪ On May 3, 2020, the Assam Government confirmed that more than 2,500 pigs in
306 villages were killed due to African Swine Flu in Assam.
▪ Though the Union Government has passed order to cull the pigs and declared
them vermin, the state government is looking for alternative measures to save the
pigs before use option to culling them.
▪ Vermin: When an animal is classified as “vermin” by the Central Government,
the protection over the animal under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 is removed.
Vermin are wild animals that are believed to be harmful. When a species is
declared vermin, it can be culled or hunted without restriction.
• The scientists at National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB), Hyderabad have
developed a biosensor called the eCovSens, which will be used to detect COVID-19
virus in saliva samples.
• The electrode of the device is coated with the antibody of COVID-19 virus. When the
saliva sample of the infected person is put in the device, it gets applied to the
electrode. A reaction then occurs between the antibody in the electrode and the
antigen in the saliva. The reaction creates an electric flow that confirms the presence
of the virus.
Bharat Market
• The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) has launched a national e-commerce
market place, named Bharat Market, which will integrate the capabilities of
technology companies in order to provide end to end services.
• The portal will include participation of retailers and aims to bring 95% of retail
traders into the platform. It will mainly focus on technology companies to provide end
to end services.
The initiative is to be guided and supported by the Ministry of Commerce and
• It is highly helpful for disinfecting high tech surfaces such as computers, electronic
equipment and other gadgets.
• UV Blaster is helpful in offices where chemical methods may not be suitable. It can
be operated through mobile phone or laptop remotely. There are six lamps each of 43
watts. The lamps emit Ultraviolet light of wavelength 254 nm in 360 degrees of
illumination. The tower will switch off during human intervention or accidental
Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito and Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser.
▪ The main aim of the summit is to build aspiration towards collective security,
terminating dominance of one country over other and expansion of freedom.
▪ The five major principles of NAM include mutual respect, mutual non-aggression,
equality and mutual benefit, mutual non-interference in domestic affairs and
peaceful coexistence.
Saras Collection
Recently, the Indian Government launched the Saras Collection on the Government
eMarketplace (GeM) portal.
• It is a unique initiative by the GeM, Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural
Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) and Ministry of Rural Development.
• The on-boarding of the self-help groups (SHGs) has been initially piloted in the
states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
• The Saras Collection will provide SHGs with direct access to Government
buyers which will do away with intermediaries in the supply chain, thus ensuring
better prices for SHGs and spurring employment opportunities at the local level.
• It was launched in partnership with the Tech Mahindra, Tata Group and Swasth,
among others, which will provide video consultation with doctors.
• The Arogya Setu Mitr is to perform as an individual site. It cannot access data from
the application Arogya Setu. It was initiated with the advice of NITI Aayog and
Principal and Scientific Advisor of the Prime Minister.
• The Arogya Setu application was launched to achieve contact tracing of COVID-19.
The application helps to track people infected by the virus. It uses GPS and Bluetooth
features in smart phones in order to achieve this. It was developed by the National
Informatics Centre (NIC).
5th May 2020
COVID-19: Israel isolated a key Antibody
• In a major breakthrough, the Israel Institute of Biological Research has isolated the
key COVID-19 antibody, which will neutralize COVID-19 virus inside the infected
• Antibodies are proteins naturally produced in human bodies in order to respond the
foreign particles that invade human bodies. The antibodies are specific to the invader.
This concept is used to test COVID-19 as well.
• The scientists believe that the antibody can possibly be the antidote that can be used
in the treatment of COVID-19. The antibody is called monoclonal as it was isolated
from a single recovered cell. The monoclonal antibodies have greater potent values in
treating the disease.
The Global Report on Food Crisis 2020 has been released by the Global Network
against Food Crisis, which says that around 135 million people are living under food
The Global Network against Food Crisis is an initiative that was launched by
European Union, World Food Programme, and Food and Agriculture Organization.
• Key Highlights:
▪ According to the report, the number of people living under food crisis has
increased which were 113 million in 2019.
▪ The top 10 countries that were under food crisis contributed to 65% of the world
population. These countries were Yemen, DR Congo, Afghanistan, Venezuela,
Ethiopia, South Sudan, Syria, Sudan, Northern Nigeria and Haiti.
through ancient practices Ayurveda and Yoga. The application aims to boost the
immunity of the people through Ayurveda medicines.
• The application provides information about natural resources that help boost
immunity. The application was developed by the AYUSH Department of Uttar
• Earlier, the Ministry of AYUSH had introduced several measures to increase the
immunity against COVID-19 in specific. One such government approved practices is
the “Kabasura Kudineer” which is usually recommended for respiratory ailments such
as cold and flu. It consists of 15 ingredients including ginger, Clove, ajwain, etc.
Lost at Home Report
• UNICEF has released its report called ‘Lost at Home’, which enforces the risks and
challenges of internally displaced children and the need to protect them.
• Key Highlights:
▪ According to the report, at the end of 2019, around 46 million people were
internally displaced due to conflict and violence. Among them, every four out of
10 were children.
▪ The regions where the displacement of children were high includes west and
central Africa, eastern and southern Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, Eastern
Europe and Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia and Pacific and Western Europe.
▪ The three major countries that accounted to more than half of persons displaced
due to conflict and violence are Syria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Yemen.
▪ In India, according to the report, the displacements were mainly due to disasters.
Around 5 million were displaced in India in 2019 due to natural disasters. This
mainly includes floods and storms.
Nigah Programme
The Himachal Pradesh Government is to launch a new programme called ‘Nigah’
which aims at educating family members that are coming from other parts of the
country due to COVID-19 crisis.
• The Nigah Programme is to deploy Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA),
anganwadi and health workers to create awareness about maintaining social
distancing during home quarantine.
• Nigah will help to keep the family members of these migrated workers till they are
tested for the infection. Also, these measures will help save the family members from
possible infections.
of Rs 50,000 after three years. Meanwhile, during the plantation and growing phase,
the MNREGA would support them.
• Nilamber-Pitamber Jal Samridhi Yojana: The aim of the scheme is to increase
ground water level. It intends to create 5 lakh crore litres of ground water reserve.
This will help in cultivation of waste lands.
• Veer Shahid Poto Ho Khel Vikas Yojana: Under the scheme, playgrounds at
panchayat levels are to be constructed to promote sports and reserve jobs under sports
Surakshit Dada-Dadi and Nana-Nani Abhiyan
• NITI Aayog along with Primal Foundation has launched Surakshit Dada-Dadi and
Nana-Nani Abhiyan. The scheme focuses to ensure the wellbeing of the senior
citizens amid COVID-19 pandemic.
• The campaign targets to reach senior citizens in Aspirational Districts (Those districts
in the country that are affected by poor socio-economic factors.). These districts are
spread in Jharkhand, Bihar, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
• The scheme is aimed to create awareness about several aspects of senior citizens
including their lifestyle and health.
GARUD Portal
• The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) operating under Ministry of Civil
Aviation has launched GARUD Portal.
• GARUD is acronym of Government Authorisation for Relief Using Drones.
• The portal will assist state entities to obtain exemptions from Central Government to
operate drones for COVID-19 mitigation purposes. The portal is important as several
state entities are deploying drones to disinfect public places.
of proper dosage of nutrients to improve soil fertility. As per a study, Soil Health Card
Programme has decreased the application of fertilizer by 8-10%.
• Context: The Union Minister of Agriculture Shri Narendra Singh Tomar has called
for farmers’ movement to integrate soil nutrient management. The announcement was
made during progress review of Soil Health Programme.
Farmer’s movement will include soil testing and campaigns addressing the
importance of application of fertilizers based on reports of soil testing. The movement
will cover more than 1 lakh villages. It is to be launched and implemented in 2020-21.
It also aims at promotion of Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Padhati (BPKP).
• Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Padhati: The scheme aims to promote natural farming.
It plans to cover 12 lakh hectares of land. It is a centrally-sponsored scheme.
▪ According to the Iranian Government, one Toman is 10,000 Rials.
▪ Gheran is another new denomination. 100 Gheran makes a Toman.
▪ The new system was authorized by the Iranian Parliament recently to manage high
inflation in the country.
▪ In order to make Toman, the four zeros in the older currency notes are alone
removed. Rial will still remain legal.
elderly people are to be given priority. Also, the mission is to conduct medical
screening before the flights. Among them, only asymptomatic patients are alone
allowed to board the flight.
• The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has begun to include Jammu and
Miscellaneous This Week
➢ Russia is to launch first Arktika-M satellite by December 2020 from Baikonur space.
The satellite is to be used to monitor Arctic climate and environment.
➢ Every year, on May 5, World Asthma Day is organized by Global Initiative for
Asthma. The day is observed on first Tuesday of May every year. The World Asthma
Day is observed under the theme ‘Enough Asthma Deaths’.
➢ The 2021 Commonwealth Youth Games is being postponed to 2023 as it faced clash
of dates with the Tokyo Olympics. The Tokyo Olympics that was scheduled to be
held from July 23 to August 8, 2020, was postponed by a year.
➢ The National Science and Technology Management Information (NSTMIS) has
conducted a survey on Research and Development Statistics and Indicators 2019-
20.The report says that India ranks 3rd globally in the scientific publication. The first
two ranks were occupied by USA and China.
➢ Every year, International Astronomy Day is celebrated twice a year. Once on
September 26 and other on May 2. On this day, astronomical institutions,
planetariums, museums organize fun filled activities and spread awareness about the
world of astronomy.
➢ Every year, World Tuna Day is observed on May 2 by the United Nations to spread
the importance of conservation of the Tuna Fish species. The tuna like species are
economically important for both developing and developed countries.
➢ The 1985 Indian Foreign Officer T S Trimurti has succeeded Syed Akbaruddin as the
permanent representative of the United Nations..
➢ Germany has classified the organization Hezbollah as a terrorist organization in its
➢ The United States of America has placed India on the “Priority Watch List” due to
lack of measurable improvements in intellectual property framework.
➢ According to the Open Budget Survey conducted by the International Budget
Partnership, India ranked 53rd among 117 countries in budget transparency and
➢ Recently, around 40 countries took part on an online summit called Global Response
International Pledging Conference which was initiated by European Union. The main
aim of the conference was to raise funds for research of COVID-19, especially
vaccine development.