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Experiment # 4

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Experiment 4 Lab Manual

American International University- Bangladesh

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EEE 1202: Introduction to Electrical Circuits Laboratory


To be familiar with the operations of an oscilloscope and measuring corresponding AC quantities from the
waveforms obtained from the oscilloscope.


The purpose of the experiment is:

• To become familiar with the Function Generator and Oscilloscope.
• To measure peak value, peak-to-peak value, average value, rms value, time period,
frequency and phase difference using oscilloscope.

Theory and Methodology:

i) Function Generator: A function generator is usually a piece of electronic test equipment used
to generate different types of electrical waveforms over a wide range of frequencies. Some of the
most common waveforms produced by the function generator are the sine, square, triangular and
sawtooth shapes. These waveforms can be either repetitive or single-shot (which requires an
internal or external trigger source). Integrated circuits used to generate waveforms may also be
described as function generator ICs. Function generators cover both audio and RF frequencies.

Figure-1: Typical Function Generator and Different Wave shapes

ii) Oscilloscope: The oscilloscope is a device for observing and taking measurements of
electrical signals and waveforms. The analog oscilloscope consists of a cathode ray tube (CRT)
which displays a graph, primarily voltage versus time. It also has one or more amplifiers to
© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 1
Experiment 4 Lab Manual

supply voltage signals to the CRT and a time base system for generating the time scale.
Some of the modern digital oscilloscopes use liquid crystal display screen for the same purpose.
There are three controls for the screen, which are focus, intensity, and beam finder knobs.
Besides the screen, there is also a vertical section and a horizontal section.
This device allows real time graphs of voltage versus time to be drawn on the screen. This
allows studying and comparing various voltage waveforms in circuits. Usually two waveforms
can be displayed simultaneously. There are two channels for taking input voltage waveform. The
oscilloscope shows amplitude of voltage waveform along Y axis and time along X axis.

Figure-2: An Oscilloscope

Figure-3: Different Parts of an Oscilloscope

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Experiment 4 Lab Manual

Figure-4: Functional Diagram of Oscilloscope

iii) Oscilloscope Probe: An oscilloscope probe is a high quality connector cable that has been
carefully designed not to pick up stray signals originating from radio frequency (RF) or
power lines. They are especially useful when working with low voltage signals or high
frequency signals which are susceptible to noise pick up.

Figure-5: Oscilloscope Probe

iv) Basic Operations of an Oscilloscope:

The Trace: The trace is one of the most basic operations of an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope
draws a trace, which is a horizontal line, across the screen. The time base control determines how
quickly the trace (also called a sweep) is drawn. When the voltage becomes negative or positive,
the viewer displays a correspondingly positive or negative jump in the trace on screen.

Vertical and Horizontal Sensitivity Controls: These controls allow the user to determine
manually the sensitivity, both vertically and horizontally. This allows oscilloscopes to
accommodate a wide range of input amplitudes.

Focus Control: This allows users to adjust the sharpness of the trace. New flat panel models do
this automatically.

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Experiment 4 Lab Manual

Beam Finder: This control prevents the trace from deflecting off screen or otherwise being
blocked. Because the beam finder prevents the trace from deflecting off screen, it may
temporarily distort the trace.

Time base Control: This control determines how quickly the oscilloscope draws the trace. This
control allows users to manually select the sweep speed, which is in seconds per unit on the
square grids (graticule) seen on the oscilloscope display.

Intensity Control: The intensity control determines how intensely the trace is drawn. For CRT
models, a high intensity is desirable for fast traces, and for low speed lower intensity. Speed is
unimportant for LCD models.

Types of Sweeps: There are four types of sweeps: triggered, recurrent, single and delayed.
Triggered sweeps reset the screen every time the trace reaches the right end of the screen, and are
useful for periodic signals like sine waves. Recurrent and single sweeps are more common on
older models, and are less useful for qualitatively observing signals. Delayed sweeps allow users
to get a very detailed look at voltage.

AC Fundamentals:

Wave shape: The shape of the curve is obtained by plotting the instantaneous values of voltage
or current as the ordinate against time as an abscissa (X-axis value) is called waveform or wave
shape [1].

Cycle: One complete set of positive and negative values of an alternating quantity is called a
cycle. One complete cycle is 2π or 3600 [1].

Time Period: The time required to complete one cycle of the alternating quantity is called a
period, expressed by the symbol T [1].

Frequency: The no. of cycle per second is called the frequency of the alternating quantity. Unit
is Hertz (Hz). Frequency, f = (1/T) Hz [1].

Peak Value: The maximum instantaneous value of a function or waveform is called the peak
amplitude [2].

Peak to Peak Value: It is the sum of the magnitude of the positive peak and negative peak of a
given wave form [2]. For a voltage waveform it is denoted by VP-P = |Vm| + |-Vm| = 2Vm.

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Experiment 4 Lab Manual

Figure-6: Characterization of sinusoidal time varying signal

Average Value: The steady current that transfers across any circuit the same charge as is
transferred by that alternating current during the same time expresses the average value of a
sinusoid [3]. Vavg = 0.636Vm, where Vm is the maximum value of the sinusoid.

RMS Value: The Root Mean Square (RMS) value is the DC equivalent value of an alternating
quantity which is given by that steady current which when flowing through a given circuit for a
given time produces the same heat as produced by the alternating current when flowing through
the same circuit for the same time [3]. Vrms = 0.707Vm, where Vm is the maximum value of the
The digital multimeter (DMM) is used to measure DC currents and voltages. The DMM in the
AC Mode can also be used to measure the RMS value of an AC waveform.

Phase Difference: Phase difference is the difference of phases corresponding to similar point of
two alternating wave (provided that frequency of both waves must be same).

Leading & Lagging Waves: In figure-7, there are two waves, Wave I1 and Wave I2. Wave I1
leads Wave I2 by angle α or Wave I2 lags Wave I1 by angle α.

Figure-7: The phase difference between two waves

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Experiment 4 Lab Manual

Measurements from Oscilloscope:

(a) (b)
Figure-8: Waveform(s) in oscilloscope in: (a) single mode and (b) dual mode

In figure-8 (a), Vertical: 2Volts/Div and Horizontal: 0.2ms/Div. 4 divisions peak to peak times
2V/Div. Peak to Peak Value, VP-P = (4Div) x (2V/Div) = 8V. Peak Value, VP =4V. Average
Value, Vavg= 0.636 x (4V) = 2.544V. RMS Value, Vrms = 0.707 x (4V) = 2.828V. 5 divisions
between "zero crossing". Time Period, T = (5Div) x (0.2ms/Div) = 1ms. Frequency, f = (1/T) =
(1/1ms) = 1kHz.

In figure-8 (b), there are two waves, Wave A and Wave B. The phase difference can be
calculated by the equation, θ = [{Phase Shift (no. of div.)/T (no. of div.)} x 360˚].
1 division = 5 small divisions, Phase Shift = 1 small division and T = 25 small divisions.
θ = [{(1 small div.)/(25 small div.)} x 360˚] = 14.4˚. Wave B leads Wave A by 14.4˚ or Wave A
lags Wave B by 14.4˚.


1. Function Generator
2. Oscilloscope
3. Probes and Connecting Wires


The oscilloscope must be calibrated correctly before the start of the experiment. The frequency
and waveform mode of the function generator must be set as per requirement of the experiment.

Experimental Procedure:

1. Connect the output of the function generator directly to the channel 1 of the oscilloscope. Set
the amplitude of the wave 10V peak to peak and the frequency at 1kHz. Select sinusoidal wave

© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 6

Experiment 4 Lab Manual

2. Sketch the wave shape observed in the oscilloscope. Determine the time period of the wave
and calculate the frequency.
3. Change the frequency to 2.5kHz and note what happens to the display of the wave. Repeat
when frequency is increased 10kHz. Draw the wave shapes for both cases.
4. Measure the peak value, peak-to-peak value, average value, rms value for all the five
frequencies. Fill the following table with necessary calculations.

Data Table:


Frequency Time Period VP-P VP Vavg Vrms

(KHz) (ms) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts)


1. Show necessary calculation.

2. Comment on the result as a whole.


Discuss the steps used to obtain the desired outputs. State some practical applications of the
equipments (function generator and oscilloscope) used in this experiment.


Summarize the experiment here and discuss whether the objectives were fulfilled or not within a
short paragraph.


[1] Russell M. Kerchner, George F. Corcoran, ″Alternating Current Circuits″, 4th Edition, Wiley,
New York, 1960, pp. 48-50.

[2] Robert L. Boylestad, ″Introductory Circuit Analysis″, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall, New York,
2005-2006, p. 524.

[3] Er. R.K. Rajput, ″Alternating Current Machines″, 3rd Edition, Laxmi Publications, New
Delhi, 2002, p. (xi).

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