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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Calibungan, Victoria, Tarlac

Name: ________________________________ Score: ________________________

Year and Section: _______________________ Date: _________________________
Test I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Avoid Erasures.
1. It is a phenomenon of atmospheric, hydrological, or oceanographic nature that may cause loss if life, injury
or other health impacts, property damage, social and economic disruption.
a. Hydrometeorological Hazards c. Geological Hazards
b. Biological Hazards d. Human-Induced Hazards
2. Thunderstorms, coastal storm surges, tropical cyclones and heat waves are examples of what type of
a. Technological hazards c. Hydrometeorological hazards
b. Astronomical hazards d. Geological hazards
3. Which two natural hazards have caused the most damage both in terms of loss of life and monetary losses
over the past 50 years on a global scale?
a. Typhoons and volcanoes c. Typhoons and tornadoes
b. Typhoons and floods d. Typhoons and earthquakes
4. What type of hazard is associated with having no rain, with consequently dried-up fields and low water
levels in dams and reservoirs for domestics, agricultural and industrial uses.
a. La Niña b. El Niño c. La Niño d. El Niña
5. This hazard is a translation from a Spanish word which means “the boy child”.
a. La Niña b. El Niño c. La Niño d. El Niña
6. What is the common term to describe the warming of the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean?
a. La Niña b. El Niño c. La Niño d. El Niña
7. What hazard is associated with heavy rainfall and hazards such as flood?
a. La Niña b. El Niño c. La Niño d. El Niña
8. This hazard is a translation from a Spanish word which means the “the girl child” and the opposite of ENSO
a. La Niña b. El Niño c. La Niño d. El Niña
9. ENSO Stands for____________________________________________.
a. El Niño-Southern Oscillation c. El-Niña-Southern Oscillation
b. El-Niño-South Oscillating d. El-Niño- Southern Oscillating
10. It is an intense low-pressure system with a minimum sustained wind velocity of 35 kilometer per hour (KPH).
a. Tropical cyclone b. Flood c. Storm Surge d. Thunderstorm
11. The appropriate name of climatic disturbances is tropical cyclone, but Filipinos usually call it as
a. Flood b. Storm Surgec. Typhoons d. Thunderstorms
12. It is part of the tropical cyclone where the precipitation is heaviest, and the wind is strongest.
a. Eye b. Eyewall c. Eyepiece d. None of the above
13. Which of the following Is not a secondary hazard brought by Tropical cyclone?
a. Floods b. Storm Surges c. Strong Winds d. Drought
1. The Philippines is very vulnerable to climate-related hazards because of its location.
2. The climatic disturbances such as tropical cyclones, thunderstorms, tornados, and droughts are hazardous
and can bring other disaster.

Prepared by: Emerson M. Galano

Teacher II Noted by: Bambino L. Galutera
Prinicipal I

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