CLIL Science Water World: Webquest

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CLIL Science  Webquest

Water world
1 Pre-reading
Do the quiz. Then check your answers by doing an Internet search for oceans.
You can visit these websites to help you:
Ocean facts quick quiz
1 Most people say there are ... oceans on Earth. a  ten b  three c  five
2 The Pacific Ocean is the ... ocean. a  largest b  widest c  smallest
3 The Atlantic Ocean is the ... largest ocean. a  third b  second c  fourth
4 In ..., the Southern Ocean was officially recognised. a  2000 b  1693 c  1201
5 The largest tsunami ever recorded was … metres high. a  23 b  102 c  64
6 Over ... % of the world’s population lives within 60 miles of the coast. a  90 b  50 c  10

2 Reading
Read the text and complete the top five facts.

Water covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface and our oceans are an
important source of protein, minerals and energy. The oceans also provide us
with oxygen, regulate the climate and transport water masses that maintain life
on our planet. Surprisingly, experts say that less than 5% of the Earth’s oceans
have been explored! Until the year 2000, only four oceans were recognised
FACT FILE officially. Nowadays, we talk about five oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic,
Indian, and Southern Oceans. However, all these oceans flow into each other
and are sometimes called a world ocean.
Our oceans are home to a great number of underwater creatures. Some of
these include whales, sharks, sea turtles and a variety of other marine life.
Unfortunately, human activity such as industrial fishing has had serious negative
impacts on our oceans and the creatures that live in them. Global warming is
also a constant threat to many underwater animals and other life forms.
Without our oceans, life on Earth would be impossible. We must do our best to
protect and preserve our oceans and the underwater creatures that live in them.


1 Oceans give us protein, minerals and energy .
2 Nobody has been to % of the Earth’s oceans.
3 The names of the five oceans are: , ,
, , .
4 Industrial fishing and are very dangerous for
underwater creatures.

5 Humans wouldn’t be able to survive without our .

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CLIL Science  Webquest Water world 7
3 Vocabulary
Read the clues and write the words. Find the secret word by putting the grey letters in the right order.

1 Water covers more than 70% of the Earth’s ... 4 Oceans flow into one another and are sometimes
S U called a ... ocean.

2 Oceans provide ... and regulate the climate.


3 Generally, we talk about ... oceans.


4 Reading
Find out about these underwater creatures by searching for each one on the Internet. Then choose the correct
words to complete the factfiles. You can visit these websites to help you:

Five facts: tiger sharks Five facts: octupu

 Tiger sharks are predators that  An octopus has
feed mostly (6) at night / in the (11) three / two
hearts and ue
morning and close to the ocean  They can chbl blood.
ange the
sea turtle s floor. (12) colour / thic
Five facts: green  Their diet consists of small texture of the
kness and
sea turtles are  They can releairseskin.
 When greenoft en only eat
(7) plants / fish, crustaceans
adults, they and squid. (13) bubbles / in
k so their
(1) plants / fish.  They get their name because predators can’t se
and algae they e or smell
 The sea grasirs bo dies (2) grey /
they have dark (8) spots / them.
eat turn the stripes on their body when they  Octopuses live
in all of the
green. are young. (14) oceans / riv
gs on the same ers of the
 They lay theirroegck where they
 Their sharp teeth and strong world.
(3) beac h / mouths can break a sea turtle’s  They have not go
t internal
were born. (9) shell / neck. or external (15)
about (4) 115 / skel
organs so they ca etons /
 They usually lay ch nest.
 They go to the (10) surface /
n get into very
45 eg gs in ea ocean floor to take gulps of air small places!
een sea turtle
 The largest gr (5) 152 cm /
– no other shark does this.
ever found was
85 cm in length.

5 Project
You can visit these websites the help you:
Work in small groups. Prepare a presentation with
five facts about an underwater creature. Find out
about these things:
• the creature’s habitat
• its size
• its diet
• its appearance
• any other interesting information

or not!
Believe it ys losing teeth and or not!
s are alwa
Shark shark can Believe it mmals and they
ew ones. A a
growing n ! Whales are m f it!
much o
th in its life ut not very
30,0 0 0 tee e h a ir, b
grow up to ha v

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